Exemplo n.º 1
  * This is the format of newValues that is passed to this edit downtime. JM - 20/06/2014
  * Array ( 
  *       [DOWNTIME] => Array ( 
  *          [SEVERITY] => WARNING 
  *          [DESCRIPTION] => Edit Test 
  *          [START_TIMESTAMP] => 20/06/2014 17:46 
  *          [END_TIMESTAMP] => 22/06/2014 17:46 ) 
  *          [Impacted_Endpoints] => Array ( [0] => 5746 ) 
  *          [Impacted_Services] => Array ( [0] => 4588 [1] => 4455 [2] => 4495 ) 
  *          ) 
  * @param \Downtime $dt Existing downtime to edit 
  * @param array New Values defined above
  * @param \User $user
 public function editDowntime(\Downtime $dt, $newValues, \User $user = null)
     //throw new \Exception('@DAVE - This is the point at which I left you. The function is receiving the correct values for the edit
     // contained in the newValues variable and the $dt variable is the existing downtime we want to edit. <br>
     //<br>The id of the downtime we are editting:'.$dt->getId().'<br>'.var_dump($newValues));
     //Check the portal is not in read only mode, throws exception if it is
     require_once __DIR__ . '/ServiceService.php';
     $serviceService = new \org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     // Get the services that are **ALREADY LINKED** to this downtime
     // Check that the user has adequate permissions over these services. This
     // is necessary if the user wants to either edit or *remove* the existing
     // service(s) associated with this downtime.
     $downtimesExistingSEs = array();
     foreach ($dt->getEndpointLocations() as $els) {
         $downtimesExistingSEs[] = $els->getService();
     $this->authorization($downtimesExistingSEs, $user);
     // Get the **NEWLY SELECTED** services and endpoints to be linked to this dt
     // Check that at least one Service was actually selected to be associated
     // with the downtime - these can be the same as the exising services and/or
     // new services entirley.
     if (!isset($newValues['Impacted_Services'])) {
         throw new \Exception('Error, this downtime affects no service - 
            at least one service must be selected');
     $newServices = array();
     foreach ($newValues['Impacted_Services'] as $id) {
         $newServices[] = $serviceService->getService($id);
     $newEndpoints = array();
     foreach ($newValues['Impacted_Endpoints'] as $id) {
         $newEndpoints[] = $serviceService->getEndpoint($id);
     if (count($newServices) == 0) {
         throw new \Exception('Error, this downtime affects no service - 
            at least one service must be selected');
     // Check that the user has permissions over the list of (potentially different)
     // services affected by this downtime.
     $this->authorization($newServices, $user);
     // Check that each newEndpoint belongs to one of the newServices.
     // It is an error if a newEndpoint does not belong to one
     // of the newServices.
     foreach ($newEndpoints as $checkNewEndpoint) {
         $newEndpointBelongsToNewService = false;
         foreach ($newServices as $newService) {
             if (in_array($checkNewEndpoint, $newService->getEndpointLocations()->toArray())) {
                 $newEndpointBelongsToNewService = true;
         if (!$newEndpointBelongsToNewService) {
             throw new \Exception('Error, affected endpoint is not owned by an affected service');
     // Validate the submitted downtime properties against regex in gocdb_schema
     // Check only one site is affected (don't support multiple site selection yet)
     // get the affected sites
     $newSites = array();
     foreach ($newServices as $se) {
         $site = $se->getParentSite();
         if (!in_array($site, $newSites)) {
             $newSites[] = $site;
     if (count($newSites) != 1) {
         // if there are multiple affected services from multiple sites,
         // the gui must either enforce single site selection
         // or prevent selecting 'define DT in site timezone' if selecting
         // multiple sites (i.e. utc only when selecting services from multiple sites).
         throw new \Exception("Downtime editing for multiple sites not supported yet");
     $newStartStr = $newValues['DOWNTIME']['START_TIMESTAMP'];
     $newEndStr = $newValues['DOWNTIME']['END_TIMESTAMP'];
     //echo($newStartStr. ' '.$newEndStr); // 14/05/2015 16:16      14/05/2015 16:17   d/m/Y H:i
     // did the user specify the downtime info in utc (default) or in site's local timezone?
     /*$requestUtcOrSiteTimezone = $newValues['DOWNTIME']['DEFINE_TZ_BY_UTC_OR_SITE'];
             $tzStr = 'UTC'; // the timezone label specified by the user (e.g. 'UTC' or 'Europe/London') 
             if($requestUtcOrSiteTimezone == 'site'){
                 // if there are multiple affected services from multiple sites, 
                 // we assume utc - the gui must therefore either enforce single site selection 
                 // or prevent selecting 'define DT in site timezone' if selecting 
                 // multiple sites (i.e. utc only when selecting services from multiple sites). 
                 // get the site timezone label 
                 if(count($newSites) > 1){
                     $tzStr = 'UTC'; // if many sites are affected (not implemented yet), assume UTC 
                 } else {
                     $siteTzOrNull = $newSites[0]->getTimezoneId();  
                     if( !empty($siteTzOrNull)){
                         $tzStr = $siteTzOrNull;  
                     } else {
                         $tzStr = 'UTC'; 
             // convert start and end into UTC 
             $UTC = new \DateTimeZone("UTC");
             if($tzStr != 'UTC'){
                 // specify dateTime in source TZ
                 $sourceTZ = new \DateTimeZone($tzStr);
                 $newStart = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newStartStr, $sourceTZ);
                 $newEnd = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newEndStr, $sourceTZ);
                 // reset the TZ to UTC
             } else {
                 $newStart = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newStartStr, $UTC);
                 $newEnd = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newEndStr, $UTC); 
     $newStart = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newStartStr, new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $newEnd = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this::FORMAT, $newEndStr, new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     // check the new start/end times of the downtime are valid according
     // to GOCDB business rules
     $this->editValidation($dt, $newStart, $newEnd);
     $this->validateDates($newStart, $newEnd);
     // recalculate classification
     $nowPlus1Day = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $oneDay = \DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 days');
     if ($newStart > $nowPlus1Day->add($oneDay)) {
         $class = "SCHEDULED";
     } else {
         $class = "UNSCHEDULED";
     try {
         // First unlink all the previous els from the downtime
         foreach ($dt->getEndpointLocations() as $linkedEl) {
         // Second unlink all the previous services from the downtime
         foreach ($dt->getServices() as $linkedServ) {
             //echo $linkedServ->getHostName();
         //Now relink all services and endpoints selected in the edit
         //Create a link to the service
         foreach ($newServices as $service) {
         //Create a link to the effected endpoints
         foreach ($newEndpoints as $endpoint) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $dt;
  * Persist some seed data - roletypes, user, Project, NGI, sites and SEs and 
  * assert that the user has the expected number of roles that grant specific 
  * actions over the owned objects. For example, assert that the user has 'n' 
  * number of roles that allow a particular site to be edited, or 'n' number 
  * of roles that allow an NGI certification status change.  
 public function testAuthorizeAction1()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // Create roletypes
     $siteAdminRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN);
     $ngiManRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN);
     $rodRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD);
     $codRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN);
     // edit site1 (but not cert status)
     // edit owned site1/site2 and cert status
     // edit owned sites 1and2 (but not cert status)
     // edit all sites cert status only
     // Create a user
     $u = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
     // Create a linked object graph
     // NGI->Site1->SE
     //   |->Site2
     $ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
     $site1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME");
     $se1 = TestUtil::createSampleService('somelabel');
     $site2_userHasNoDirectRole = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME_2");
     // Create ngiManagerRole, ngiUserRole, siteAdminRole and link user and owned entities
     $ngiManagerRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $ngiManRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $rodUserRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $rodRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $siteAdminRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $siteAdminRT, $site1, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // ********MUST******** start a new connection to test transactional
     // isolation of RoleService methods.
     $em = $this->createEntityManager();
     $siteService = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     // Assert user can edit site using 3 enabling roles
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can only edit cert status through his NGI_OPS_MAN role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Add a new project and link ngi and give user COD_ADMIN Project role (use $this->em to isolate)
     // Project->NGI->Site1->SE
     //            |->Site2
     $proj = new Project('EGI project');
     //$ngi->addProject($proj); // not strictly needed
     $codRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $codRT, $proj, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // Assert user now has 2 roles that enable SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS change action
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can edit SE using SITE_ADMIN, NGI_OPS_MAN, REG_STAFF_ROD roles (but not COD role)
     $seService = new org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     $enablingRoles = $seService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $se1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert User can only edit Site2 through his 2 indirect ngi roles
     // (user don't have any direct site level roles on this site and COD don't give edit perm)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's Project COD role
     // Assert user can only SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS through 1 role for both sites
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI manager role
     // Assert user can't edit site2 cert status
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit site via his ROD role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI ROD role
     // User can't edit site2
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit SITE1 through his direct site level role (this role has not been deleted)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete user's remaining Site role
     // User can't edit site1
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testServiceMoves()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     //Insert initial data
     $S1 = TestUtil::createSamplesite("Site1");
     $S2 = TestUtil::createSamplesite("Site2");
     $SE1 = TestUtil::createSampleService("SEP1");
     $SE2 = TestUtil::createSampleService("SEP2");
     $SE3 = TestUtil::createSampleService("SEP3");
     $dummy_user = TestUtil::createSampleUser('Test', 'User', '/Some/string');
     //Make dummy user a GOCDB admin so it can perfirm site moves etc.
     // Assign the service end points to the sites
     //Persist initial data
     //Use DB connection to check data
     $con = $this->getConnection();
      * Check both that each Site is present and that the ID matches the doctrine one
     $S1_ID = $S1->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site1' AND ID = '{$S1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $S2_ID = $S2->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site2' AND ID = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
      * Check each service endpoint is: present, has the right ID & parent Site
     $SE1_id = $SE1->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP1' AND ID = '{$SE1_id}' AND PARENTSITE_ID = '{$S1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $SE2_id = $SE2->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP2' AND ID = '{$SE2_id}' AND PARENTSITE_ID = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $SE3_id = $SE3->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP3' AND ID = '{$SE3_id}' AND PARENTSITE_ID = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Move service endpoints
     $serv = new org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     $serv->moveService($SE1, $S2, $dummy_user);
     $serv->moveService($SE2, $S1, $dummy_user);
     $serv->moveService($SE3, $S2, $dummy_user);
     //No change
     //flush movement
     //Use doctrine to check movement
     //Check correct Site for each service endpoint
     $this->assertEquals($S2, $SE1->getParentSite());
     $this->assertEquals($S1, $SE2->getParentSite());
     $this->assertEquals($S2, $SE3->getParentSite());
     //Check correct service endpoints for each Site
     $SiteSEPs = $S1->getServices();
     foreach ($SiteSEPs as $SEP) {
         $this->assertEquals($SE2, $SEP);
     $SiteSEPs = $S2->getServices();
     foreach ($SiteSEPs as $SEP) {
         $this->assertTrue($SEP == $SE1 or $SEP == $SE3);
     //Use database connection to check movememrnt
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     //Check Sites are still present and their ID is unchanged
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site1' AND ID = '{$S1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site2' AND ID = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Check each Site has the correct number of service endpoints
     //Site 1
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE parentsite_id = '{$S1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Site 2
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE parentsite_id = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result->getRowCount());
     //check Site IDs are unchanged and they are assigned to the correct NGI
     //Site 1
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP1' AND id = '{$SE1_id}' AND parentsite_id = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Site 2
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP2' AND id = '{$SE2_id}' AND parentsite_id = '{$S1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Site 3
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP3' AND id = '{$SE3_id}' AND parentsite_id = '{$S2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Show the creation of an endpoint and properties and that 
  * all data is removed on deletion of an endpoint or property
 public function testEndpointPropertyDeletions()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     $service = TestUtil::createSampleService("TestService");
     $ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("TestNGI");
     $site = TestUtil::createSampleSite("TestSite");
     $endpoint = TestUtil::createSampleEndpointLocation();
     //Join service to site, and site to NGI.
     //Create properties
     $prop1 = TestUtil::createSampleEndpointProperty("VO", "Atlas");
     $prop2 = TestUtil::createSampleEndpointProperty("VO", "CMS");
     $prop3 = TestUtil::createSampleEndpointProperty("VO", "Alice");
     //Persist in the entity manager
     //Commit to the database
     //Check endpoint has 3 properties associated with it
     $properties = $endpoint->getEndpointProperties();
     $this->assertTrue(count($properties) == 3);
     //Create an admin user that can delete a property
     $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('my', 'admin', '/my/admin');
     //Delete the property from the service
     $serviceService = new org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     $serviceService->deleteEndpointProperty($adminUser, $prop1);
     //Check that the service now only has 2 properties
     $properties = $endpoint->getEndpointProperties();
     $this->assertTrue(count($properties) == 2);
     //Print names of properties
     foreach ($properties as $prop) {
         print $prop->getKeyName() . "-";
         print $prop->getKeyValue() . "\n";
     //Check this via the database
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     //Get service id to use in sql statements
     $endpointId = $endpoint->getId();
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM endpoint_properties WHERE PARENTENDPOINT_ID = '{$endpointId}'");
     //Assert that only 2 service properties exist in the database for this service
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result->getRowCount());
     //Now delete the endpont and check that it cascade deletes
     //the endpoint's associated properties
     $serviceService->deleteEndpoint($endpoint, $adminUser);
     //Check endpoint is gone
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations WHERE ID = '{$endpointId}'");
     $this->assertEquals(0, $result->getRowCount());
     //Check properties are gone
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM endpoint_properties WHERE PARENTENDPOINT_ID = '{$endpointId}'");
     $this->assertEquals(0, $result->getRowCount());