
if (!defined('sugarEntry')) {
    define('sugarEntry', true);
require_once 'include/entryPoint.php';
require_once 'modules/oqc_Product/oqc_Product.php';
$p = new oqc_Product();
$field = "oqc_product.packaged_product_ids";
$where = "{$field} IS NOT NULL AND NOT {$field} = ''";
$all = $p->get_list("", $where);
$all = $all['list'];
$url = 'https://' . $sugar_conf['host_name'] . '/index.php?module=oqc_Product&action=DetailView&record=';
foreach ($all as $packet) {
    if ("oqc_Product" === get_class($packet)) {
        // now we can be sure we look on a product instance..
        echo "Paket {$packet->name} <br />";
        $pairs = explode(' ', $packet->packaged_product_ids);
        $newPackagedProductValue = "";
        foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
            list($count, $id) = explode(':', $pair);
            $referencedProduct = new oqc_Product();
            if ($referencedProduct->retrieve($id)) {
                $unique = $referencedProduct->price > 0;
                $recurring = $referencedProduct->price_recurring > 0;
                $append = '';
                if ($unique && $recurring) {
                    $packetUrl = $url . $packet->id;
                    echo "Paket {$packet->name} muss nochmals angefasst werden, da bereits laufende und einmalige Kosten festgelegt sind, siehe {$packetUrl} <br />";
if (array_key_exists('id', $_REQUEST)) {
    if (!defined('sugarEntry')) {
        define('sugarEntry', true);
    require_once 'include/entryPoint.php';
    require_once 'modules/oqc_Product/oqc_Product.php';
    $originatingProduct = new oqc_Product();
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    // the product id that we search in the packages
    if ($originatingProduct->retrieve($id, true, true)) {
        //Do not proceed for deleted products
        //  $previousVersions = $originatingProduct->getAllPreviousVersions();
        //  $interestingProductIds = array_merge(array($id), $previousVersions);
        $p = new oqc_Product();
        $products = $p->get_list('', 'is_latest = "1"');
        $products = $products['list'];
        // foreach ($interestingProductIds as $productId) {
        // iterate over all products. add those to the jsonArray that are packages containing the product specified by $id
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) {
            if ($products[$i]->containsProductWithId($id)) {
                // package contains the product with given id
                // add its name and id to the packages array
                $jsonArray[] = array("Name" => $products[$i]->name, "Id" => $products[$i]->id);
        //   }
require_once 'include/utils.php';
$json = getJSONobj();