function include_partial($url) { $url_exp = explode(":", $url); $context = odContext::getInstance(); if (strtolower($url_exp[0]) == "tpl") { $view = new odView($context->get_view("view.0")->get_datas(), $context->get_view("view.0")->get_args()); $view->set_template_name("templates/" . $url_exp[1] . ".tpl"); $view->show(); } if (strtolower($url_exp[0]) == "url") { $url = explode('/', $url_exp[1]); if ($url[0] == "") { $url[0] = "/"; } else { $url[1] = $url[0]; $url[0] = "/"; } $request_initial = $context->get_request("request.initial"); $referer = $request_initial->get_referer(); $request_count = $context->get_request_count(); $request_name = "partial.request." . $request_count; // lancement de forward du controller $controller = $context->get_current_controller(); $controller->forward($url, $request_name, $referer); } }
function image_tag($source, $options = array(), $html = false) { $url_path = odContext::getInstance()->get_request("request.initial")->get_referer(); $url_path .= "/images/" . $source; if (!is_array($options)) { $options_tab = __transform_string_into_tab($options); } else { $options_tab = $options; } $options_tab = array_merge(array("src" => $url_path), $options_tab); if (array_key_exists("size", $options_tab)) { $size_exploded = explode("x", $options_tab["size"]); unset($options_tab["size"]); if (isset($size_exploded[0])) { $options_tab = array_merge($options_tab, array("width" => $size_exploded[0])); } if (isset($size_exploded[1])) { $options_tab = array_merge($options_tab, array("height" => $size_exploded[1])); } } if ($html) { return html_simple_tag("img", $options_tab); } else { simple_tag("img", $options_tab); } }
public static function initialize($application_path) { if (!isset(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new odContext($application_path); return self::$_instance; } }
public function activate($args) { $modelresult = $this->getModel()->load($this->module, $this->method, $args); $viewclass = $this->module . $this->method . "View"; $viewclass = trim($viewclass, "/"); if (class_exists($viewclass) && !isset($_POST['form'])) { $this->view = new $viewclass($modelresult, $args); $context = odContext::getInstance(); $context->add_view("view." . $context->get_views_count(), $this->view); $this->view->show(); } }
public function __construct($name, $rule) { $this->rule = $rule; $this->name = $name; $this->_rules = odContext::getInstance()->get_routing_rules(); $this->_modules = odContext::getInstance()->get_modules(); foreach ($this->_rules as $r_key => $r_val) { if (in_array($r_val["module"], array_keys($this->_modules))) { $this->_rules[$r_key]["module"] = $this->_modules[$this->_rules[$r_key]["module"]]; } } }
public function load($module, $method, $args) { $app_name = odContext::getInstance()->get_application_name(); $orchid_path = odContext::getInstance()->get_orchid_path(); if (isset($_POST["form"])) { if (method_exists($this, "perform")) { ${$this->get_model_name()} = $this->perform($args); } else { throw new odException("You have to define the method perform in " . $method . " model class"); } } else { ${$this->get_model_name()} = $this->action($args); } return ${$this->get_model_name()}; }
public function find_controller($url) { // get the application config $appcontext = odContext::getInstance()->get_app_config(); $controller = null; $controller_found = false; foreach ($appcontext["controllers"] as $app_key => $app_val) { if ($url[0] == $app_key) { // we have found a known controller $controller = $app_val; $controller_found = true; break; } } if (!$controller_found) { // we don't found any controller so we take the default controller $controller = $appcontext["controllers"]["default"]; } $this->controller = $controller; return $controller_found; }
public function trigger_route($url, $request_name, $referer) { // construction de la requête $request = new odRequest(); $request->set_referer($referer); //recherche du controller $controller_found = $request->find_controller($url); // mémorisation de la requête dans le contexte odContext::getInstance()->add_request($request_name, $request); // suppression du controller dans l'uri if ($controller_found) { array_shift($url); } if (count($url) == 1) { $url[1] = $url[0]; $url[0] = "/"; } $rule = $request->decode_url($url); // rule is ok, so we call the good action $action = new odAction($rule[0]); $action->activate($rule[1]); }
public function __construct($filename) { if (isset($_SESSION["lang"])) { $lang = $_SESSION["lang"]; } else { if (isset($_GET["lang"])) { $lang = $_GET["lang"]; } else { if (isset($_POST["lang"])) { $lang = $_POST["lang"]; } else { $lang = "fr_FR"; } } } $context = odContext::getInstance(); $app_path = $context->get_application_path(); $nameoffile = $app_path . "/ressources/" . $filename . "_" . $lang . ".prop"; if (file_exists($nameoffile)) { $fileContent = file($nameoffile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); foreach ($fileContent as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "##") { continue; } $lineexp = explode("=", $line); if (count($lineexp) < 2) { throw new Exception("odLang constructor : property '" . $line . "' doesnt complete"); } $messtab = array_slice($lineexp, 1); $message = implode("=", $messtab); $this->_langFileContent[$lineexp[0]] = $message; } unset($fileContent); } else { throw new Exception("odLang constructor : file '" . $nameoffile . "' doesnt exists"); } }
public function staticRedirect($route) { $request_referer = odContext::getInstance()->get_request("request.initial")->get_referer(); header("Location:" . $request_referer . "/" . $route); }
function staticUrl($uri) { $request_referer = odContext::getInstance()->get_request("request.initial")->get_referer(); return $request_referer . "/" . $uri; }
public function get_cookie_hash() { return odContext::getInstance()->get_cookie_hash(); }
public function getInsertId() { return mysqli_insert_id(odContext::getInstance()->get_dblink()); }