Exemplo n.º 1
 * Saves admin custom data
 * Called when an admin is saved
 * @param string $updated true if there has been an update to the user
 * @param object $userobj admin user object
 * @param string $i prefix for the admin
 * @param bool $alter will be true if critical admin data may be altered
 * @return bool
function user_groups_save_admin($updated, $userobj, $i, $alter)
    global $_zp_authority;
    if ($alter) {
        $administrators = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators('all');
        if (isset($_POST[$i . 'group'])) {
            $groupname = sanitize($_POST[$i . 'group']);
            $oldgroup = $userobj->getGroup();
            if (empty($groupname)) {
                if (!empty($oldgroup)) {
                    $group = $_zp_authority->newAdministrator($oldgroup, 0);
            } else {
                $group = $_zp_authority->newAdministrator($groupname, 0);
                if ($group->getName() == 'template') {
                    $groupname = '';
            if ($groupname != $oldgroup) {
                $updated = true;
    return $updated;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Merges rights for multiple group memebership or templates
  * @param object $userobj
  * @param array $groups
 static function merge_rights($userobj, $groups, $primeObjects)
     global $_zp_authority;
     $templates = false;
     $objects = $primeObjects;
     $custom = array();
     $oldgroups = $userobj->getGroup();
     $oldrights = $userobj->getRights();
     $oldobjects = $userobj->getObjects();
     $rights = 0;
     foreach ($groups as $key => $groupname) {
         if (empty($groupname)) {
             //	force the first template to happen
             $group = new Zenphoto_Administrator('', 0);
         } else {
             $group = Zenphoto_Authority::newAdministrator($groupname, 0, false);
         if ($group->loaded) {
             if ($group->getName() == 'template') {
                 if ($userobj->getID() > 0 && !$templates) {
                     //	fetch the existing rights and objects
                     $templates = true;
                     //	but only once!
                     $rights = $userobj->getRights();
                     $objects = $userobj->getObjects();
             $rights = $group->getRights() | $rights;
             $objects = array_merge($group->getObjects(), $objects);
             $custom[] = $group->getCustomData();
         } else {
     //	for now it is first come, first served.
     // unique objects
     $newobjects = array();
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $key = serialize(array('type' => $object['type'], 'data' => $object['data']));
         if (array_key_exists($key, $newobjects)) {
             if (array_key_exists('edit', $object)) {
                 $newobjects[$key]['edit'] = @$newobjects[$key]['edit'] | $object['edit'];
         } else {
             $newobjects[$key] = $object;
     $objects = array();
     foreach ($newobjects as $object) {
         $objects[] = $object;
     $userobj->setGroup($newgroups = implode(',', $groups));
     $updated = $newgroups != $oldgroups || $oldobjects != $objects || empty($newgroups) && $rights != $oldrights;
     return $updated;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Finalize & send mail to peple
  * @param Codendi_Mail_Interface $mail
  * @param String                 $subject
  * @param Array                  $to
 function sendMail(Codendi_Mail_Interface $mail, $subject, array $to)
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Project", $this->ArtifactType->getGroup()->getUnixName());
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Artifact", $this->ArtifactType->getItemName());
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Artifact-ID", $this->getID());
     $mail->setTo(join(',', $to));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * When saving an element, it may need to be added to other Fabrik lists
  * If those lists point to the same database table.
  * @param   object $elementModel element
  * @param   object $row          item
  * @return  void
 private function addElementToOtherDbTables($elementModel, $row)
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo(true);
     $list = $elementModel->getListModel()->getTable();
     $origElid = $row->id;
     $tmpgroupModel = $elementModel->getGroup();
     $config = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     if ($tmpgroupModel->isJoin()) {
         $dbname = $tmpgroupModel->getJoinModel()->getJoin()->table_join;
     } else {
         $dbname = $list->db_table_name;
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select("DISTINCT(l.id) AS id, db_table_name, l.label, l.form_id, l.label AS form_label, g.id AS group_id");
     $query->from("#__{package}_lists AS l");
     $query->join('INNER', '#__{package}_forms AS f ON l.form_id = f.id');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__{package}_formgroup AS fg ON f.id = fg.form_id');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__{package}_groups AS g ON fg.group_id = g.id');
     $query->where("db_table_name = " . $db->quote($dbname) . " AND l.id !=" . (int) $list->id . " AND is_join = 0");
     $otherTables = $db->loadObjectList('id');
      * $$$ rob 20/02/2012 if you have 2 lists, counters, regions and then you join regions to countries to get a new group "countries - [regions]"
      * Then add elements to the regions list, the above query wont find the group "countries - [regions]" to add the elements into
     $query->select('DISTINCT(l.id) AS id, l.db_table_name, l.label, l.form_id, l.label AS form_label, fg.group_id AS group_id')->from('#__{package}_joins AS j')->join('LEFT', '#__{package}_formgroup AS fg ON fg.group_id = j.group_id')->join('LEFT', '#__{package}_forms AS f ON fg.form_id = f.id')->join('LEFT', '#__{package}_lists AS l ON l.form_id = f.id')->where('j.table_join = ' . $db->quote($dbname) . ' AND j.list_id <> 0 AND j.element_id = 0 AND list_id <> ' . (int) $list->id);
     $joinedLists = $db->loadObjectList('id');
     $otherTables = array_merge($joinedLists, $otherTables);
     if (!empty($otherTables)) {
          * $$$ hugh - we use $row after this, so we need to work on a copy, otherwise
          * (for instance) we redirect to the wrong copy of the element
         $rowCopy = clone $row;
         foreach ($otherTables as $listid => $t) {
             $rowCopy->id = 0;
             $rowCopy->parent_id = $origElid;
             $rowCopy->group_id = $t->group_id;
             $rowCopy->name = str_replace('`', '', $rowCopy->name);
             if ($config->get('unpublish_clones', false)) {
                 $rowCopy->published = 0;
             // Copy join records
             $join = $this->getTable('join');
             if ($join->load(array('element_id' => $origElid))) {
                 $join->id = 0;
                 $join->element_id = $rowCopy->id;
                 $join->list_id = $listid;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * called at the end of saving an element
  * if a new element it will run the sql to add to field,
  * if existing element and name changed will create query to be used later
  * @param object $elementModel
  * @param string $origColName
  * @return array($update, $q, $oldName, $newdesc, $origDesc, $dropKey)
 public function shouldUpdateElement(&$elementModel, $origColName = null)
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $return = array(false, '', '', '', '', false);
     $element =& $elementModel->getElement();
     $pluginManager =& $this->getPluginManager();
     $basePlugIn =& $pluginManager->getPlugIn($element->plugin, 'element');
     $fbConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     $fabrikDb = $this->getDb();
     $group =& $elementModel->getGroup();
     $dropKey = false;
     //$$$ rob - replaced this with getting the table from the group as if we moved the element
     //from one group to another $this->getTable gives you the old group's table, where as we want
     // the new group's table
     //$table 			=& $this->getTable();
     $table =& $group->getlistModel()->getTable();
     // $$$ rob - if we are saving an element that wasn't attached to a group then we should
     // get the table id from the group's table
     if ($table->id == '') {
         $table =& $group->getlistModel()->getTable();
     // $$$ hugh - if this is a table-less form ... not much point going any
     // further 'cos things will go BANG
     if (empty($table->id)) {
         return $return;
     if ($this->isView()) {
         return $return;
     if ($group->isJoin()) {
         $tableName = $group->getJoinModel()->getJoin()->table_join;
         $keydata = $keydata[0];
         $primaryKey = $keydata['colname'];
     } else {
         $tableName = $table->db_table_name;
         $primaryKey = $table->db_primary_key;
     $keydata = $this->getPrimaryKeyAndExtra($tableName);
     // $$$ rob base plugin needs to know group info for date fields in non-join repeat groups
     $basePlugIn->_group =& $elementModel->_group;
     $objtype = $elementModel->getFieldDescription();
     //the element type AFTER saving
     $dbdescriptions = $this->getDBFields($tableName, 'Field');
     if (!$this->canAlterFields()) {
         $objtype = $dbdescriptions[$origColName]->Type;
     if (is_null($objtype)) {
         return $return;
     $existingfields = array_keys($dbdescriptions);
     $lastfield = $existingfields[count($existingfields) - 1];
     $tableName = FabrikString::safeColName($tableName);
     $lastfield = FabrikString::safeColName($lastfield);
     $altered = false;
     if (!array_key_exists($element->name, $dbdescriptions)) {
         if ($origColName == '') {
             $fabrikDb->setQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tableName} ADD COLUMN " . FabrikString::safeColName($element->name) . " {$objtype} AFTER {$lastfield}");
             if (!$fabrikDb->query()) {
                 return JError::raiseError(500, 'alter structure: ' . $fabrikDb->getErrorMsg());
             $altered = true;
         // commented out as it stops the update when changing an element name
         //return $return;
     $thisFieldDesc = JArrayHelper::getValue($dbdescriptions, $origColName, new stdClass());
     // $$$ rob the Default property for timestamps when they are set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
     // doesn't show up from getDBFields()  - so presuming a timestamp field will always default
     // to the current timestamp (update of the field's data controller in the Extra property (on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
     $existingDef = '';
     if (isset($thisFieldDesc->Type)) {
         $existingDef = $thisFieldDesc->Type;
         if ($thisFieldDesc->Type == 'timestamp') {
             $existingDef .= $thisFieldDesc->Null = 'YES' ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL';
             $existingDef .= ' DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
             $existingDef .= ' ' . $thisFieldDesc->Extra;
     //if its the primary 3.0
     for ($k = 0; $k < count($keydata); $k++) {
         if ($keydata[$k]['colname'] == $origColName) {
             $existingDef .= " " . $keydata[$k]['extra'];
     if (!is_null($objtype)) {
         $lowerobjtype = strtolower(trim($objtype));
         $lowerobjtype = str_replace(' not null', '', $lowerobjtype);
         if ($element->name == $origColName && strtolower(trim($existingDef)) == $lowerobjtype) {
             //no chanages to the element name or field type
             return $return;
         $return[4] = $existingDef;
         $existingfields = array_keys($dbdescriptions);
         $lastfield = $existingfields[count($existingfields) - 1];
         $element->name = FabrikString::safeColName($element->name);
         $tableName = FabrikString::safeColName($tableName);
         $lastfield = FabrikString::safeColName($lastfield);
         // $$$ rob this causes issues when renaming an element with the same name but different upper/lower case
         //if (empty($origColName) || !in_array(strtolower($origColName ), $existingfields)) {
         if (empty($origColName) || !in_array($origColName, $existingfields)) {
             if (!$altered) {
                 $fabrikDb->setQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tableName} ADD COLUMN {$element->name} {$objtype} AFTER {$lastfield}");
                 if (!$fabrikDb->query()) {
                     return JError::raiseError(500, 'alter structure: ' . $fabrikDb->getErrorMsg());
         } else {
             // $$$ rob don't alter it yet - lets defer this and give the user the choice if they
             // really want to do this
             if ($this->canAlterFields()) {
                 if ($origColName == null) {
                     $origColName = $element->name;
                 } else {
                     $origColName = $fabrikDb->nameQuote($origColName);
                 if (strtolower($objtype) == 'blob') {
                     $dropKey = true;
                 $q = "ALTER TABLE {$tableName} CHANGE {$origColName} {$element->name} {$objtype} ";
                 if ($primaryKey == $fabrikDb->NameQuote($tableName) . "." . $element->name && $table->auto_inc) {
                     if (!strstr($q, 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT')) {
                         $q .= " NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ";
                 $origColName = FabrikString::safeColName($origColName);
                 $return[0] = true;
                 $return[1] = $q;
                 $return[2] = $origColName;
                 $return[3] = $objtype;
                 $return[5] = $dropKey;
                 return $return;
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 6
  *	update - update the fields in this artifact.
  *	@param	int		The artifact priority.
  *	@param	int		The artifact status ID.
  *	@param	int		The person to which this artifact is to be assigned.
  *	@param	string	The artifact summary.
  *	@param	int		The canned response.
  *	@param	string	Attaching another comment.
  *	@param	int		Allows you to move an artifact to another type.
  *	@param	array	Array of extra fields like: array(15=>'foobar',22=>'1');
  *	@return	boolean	success.
 function update($priority, $status_id, $assigned_to, $summary, $canned_response, $details, $new_artifact_type_id, $extra_fields = array())
     	Field-level permission checking
     if ($this->ArtifactType->userIsAdmin()) {
         //admin can do everything
     } else {
         //everyone else cannot modify these fields
         $priority = $this->getPriority();
         $summary = addslashes($this->getSummary());
         $canned_response = 100;
         $new_artifact_type_id = $this->ArtifactType->getID();
         $assigned_to = $this->getAssignedTo();
         if ($this->ArtifactType->userIsTechnician()) {
             //technician can update only certain fields
             //which were not overridden above
         } else {
             //submitter can no longer call this function
             return false;
     //	They may be using an extra field "status" box so we have to remap
     //	the status_id based on the extra field - this keeps the counters
     //	accurate
     if (count($extra_fields) > 0) {
         $status_id = $this->ArtifactType->remapStatus($status_id, $extra_fields);
     if (!$this->getID() || !$assigned_to || !$status_id || !$canned_response || !$new_artifact_type_id) {
         return false;
     // Array to record which properties were changed
     $changes = array();
     $update = false;
     //	Get a lock on this row in the database
     $lock = db_query("SELECT * FROM artifact WHERE artifact_id='" . $this->getID() . "' FOR UPDATE");
     $artifact_type_id = $this->ArtifactType->getID();
     //	Attempt to move this Artifact to a new ArtifactType
     //	need to instantiate new ArtifactType obj and test perms
     if ($new_artifact_type_id != $artifact_type_id) {
         $newArtifactType = new ArtifactType($this->ArtifactType->getGroup(), $new_artifact_type_id);
         if (!is_object($newArtifactType) || $newArtifactType->isError()) {
             $this->setError('Artifact: Could not move to new ArtifactType' . $newArtifactType->getErrorMessage());
             return false;
         //	do they have perms for new ArtifactType?
         if (!$newArtifactType->userIsAdmin()) {
             return false;
         //	Now set Assigned to 100 in the new ArtifactType
         $status_id = 1;
         $assigned_to = '100';
         //can't send a canned response when changing ArtifactType
         $canned_response = 100;
         $this->ArtifactType =& $newArtifactType;
         $update = true;
         //	This is a major problem - the extra fields
         //	are completely different IDs, and may not even
         //	exist in the new tracker. All extra_fields will be deleted and
         //	then set to 100 in the new tracker.
         $res = db_query("DELETE FROM artifact_extra_field_data WHERE artifact_id='" . $this->getID() . "'");
         $extra_fields = array();
     $sqlu = '';
     //	handle audit trail & build SQL statement
     if ($this->getStatusID() != $status_id) {
         $this->addHistory('status_id', $this->getStatusID());
         $sqlu .= " status_id='{$status_id}', ";
         $changes['status'] = 1;
         $update = true;
         // Reset the close_date if bug is re-opened
         // (otherwise stat reports will be wrong).
         if ($status_id == 1) {
             $sqlu .= " close_date='0', ";
             $this->addHistory('close_date', 0);
     if ($this->getPriority() != $priority) {
         $this->addHistory('priority', $this->getPriority());
         $sqlu .= " priority='{$priority}', ";
         $changes['priority'] = 1;
         $update = true;
     if ($this->getAssignedTo() != $assigned_to) {
         $this->addHistory('assigned_to', $this->getAssignedTo());
         $sqlu .= " assigned_to='{$assigned_to}', ";
         $changes['assigned_to'] = 1;
         $update = true;
     if ($summary && addslashes($this->getSummary()) != htmlspecialchars($summary)) {
         $this->addHistory('summary', addslashes($this->getSummary()));
         $sqlu .= " summary='" . htmlspecialchars($summary) . "', ";
         $changes['summary'] = 1;
         $update = true;
     if ($details) {
         $this->addMessage($details, '', 0);
         $changes['details'] = 1;
         $send_message = true;
     //	Enter the timestamp if we are changing to closed
     if ($status_id != 1) {
         $now = time();
         $sqlu .= " close_date='{$now}', ";
         $this->addHistory('close_date', $now);
         $update = true;
     	Finally, update the artifact itself
     if ($update) {
         $sql = "UPDATE artifact \n\t\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\t{$sqlu}\n\t\t\t\tgroup_artifact_id='{$new_artifact_type_id}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\tartifact_id='" . $this->getID() . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND group_artifact_id='{$artifact_type_id}'";
         $result = db_query($sql);
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) {
             $this->setError('Error - update failed!' . db_error());
             return false;
         } else {
             if (!$this->fetchData($this->getID())) {
                 return false;
     //extra field handling
     $update = true;
     if (!$this->updateExtraFields($extra_fields, $changes)) {
         //TODO - see if anything actually did change
         return false;
     	handle canned responses
     	Instantiate ArtifactCanned and get the body of the message
     if ($canned_response != 100) {
         //don't care if this response is for this group - could be hacked
         $acr = new ArtifactCanned($this->ArtifactType, $canned_response);
         if (!$acr || !is_object($acr)) {
             $this->setError('Artifact: Could Not Create Canned Response Object');
         } elseif ($acr->isError()) {
             $this->setError('Artifact: ' . $acr->getErrorMessage());
         } else {
             $body = addslashes($acr->getBody());
             if ($body) {
                 if (!$this->addMessage(util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars($body), '', 0)) {
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $send_message = true;
             } else {
                 $this->setError('Artifact: Unable to Use Canned Response');
                 return false;
     if ($update || $send_message) {
         	now send the email
         $this->mailFollowup(2, false, $changes);
         return true;
     } else {
         //nothing changed, so cancel the transaction
         $this->setError(_('Nothing Changed - Update Cancelled'));
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
  *	update - update this ProjectTask in the database.
  *	@param	string	The summary of this task.
  *	@param	string	The detailed description of this task.
  *	@param	int	The Priority of this task.
  *	@param	int	The Hours estimated to complete this task.
  *	@param	int	The (unix) start date of this task.
  *	@param	int	The (unix) end date of this task.
  *	@param	int	The status_id of this task.
  *	@param	int	The category_id of this task.
  *	@param	int	The percentage of completion in integer format of this task.
  *	@param	array	An array of user_id's that are assigned this task.
  *	@param	array	An array of project_task_id's that this task depends on.
  *	@param	int	The GroupProjectID of a new subproject that you want to move this Task to.
  *	@param	int	The duration of the task in days.
  *	@param	int	The id of the parent task, if any.
  *	@return	boolean success.
 function update($summary, $details, $priority, $hours, $start_date, $end_date, $status_id, $category_id, $percent_complete, &$assigned_arr, &$depend_arr, $new_group_project_id, $duration = 0, $parent_id = 0)
     $has_changes = false;
     // if any of the values passed is different from
     $v = new Validator();
     $v->check($summary, "summary");
     $v->check($priority, "priority");
     $v->check($hours, "hours");
     $v->check($start_date, "start date");
     $v->check($end_date, "end date");
     $v->check($status_id, "status");
     $v->check($category_id, "category");
     if (!$v->isClean()) {
         $this->setError($v->formErrorMsg("Must include "));
         return false;
     if (!$parent_id) {
         $parent_id = 0;
     if ($this->getParentID() != $parent_id) {
         $has_changes = true;
     if (!$duration) {
         $duration = 0;
     if ($this->getDuration() != $duration) {
         $has_changes = true;
     if (!$this->ProjectGroup->userIsAdmin()) {
         return false;
     /*if ( ($this->getSummary() != $summary) || ($this->getDetails() != $details) ||
     			 ($this->getPriority() != $priority) || ($this->getHours() != $hours) ||
     			 ($this->getStartDate() != $start_date) || ($this->getEndDate() != $end_date) ||
     			 ($this->getStatusID() != $status_id) || ($this->getCategoryID() != $category_id) ||
     			 ($this->getPercentComplete() != $percent_complete) ) {
     			 $has_changes = true;
     //  Attempt to move this Task to a new Subproject
     //  need to instantiate new ProjectGroup obj and test if it works
     $group_project_id = $this->ProjectGroup->getID();
     if ($new_group_project_id != $group_project_id) {
         $newProjectGroup = new ProjectGroup($this->ProjectGroup->getGroup(), $new_group_project_id);
         if (!is_object($newProjectGroup) || $newProjectGroup->isError()) {
             $this->setError('ProjectTask: Could not move to new ProjectGroup' . $newProjectGroup->getErrorMessage());
             return false;
         /*  do they have perms for new ArtifactType?
         			if (!$newArtifactType->userIsAdmin()) {
         				return false;
         //  Now set ProjectGroup, Category, and Assigned to 100 in the new ProjectGroup
         $status_id = 1;
         $category_id = '100';
         $assigned_to = array('100');
         $this->ProjectGroup =& $newProjectGroup;
         $this->addHistory('group_project_id', $group_project_id);
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($details) {
         $has_changes = true;
         if (!$this->addMessage($details)) {
             return false;
     if ($this->getStatusID() != $status_id) {
         $this->addHistory('status_id', $this->getStatusID());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getCategoryID() != $category_id) {
         $this->addHistory('category_id', $this->getCategoryID());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getPriority() != $priority) {
         $this->addHistory('priority', $this->getPriority());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getSummary() != htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($summary))) {
         $this->addHistory('summary', addslashes($this->getSummary()));
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getPercentComplete() != $percent_complete) {
         $this->addHistory('percent_complete', $this->getPercentComplete());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getHours() != $hours) {
         $this->addHistory('hours', $this->getHours());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getStartDate() != $start_date) {
         $this->addHistory('start_date', $this->getStartDate());
         $has_changes = true;
     if ($this->getEndDate() != $end_date) {
         $this->addHistory('end_date', $this->getEndDate());
         $has_changes = true;
     $old_assigned =& $this->getAssignedTo();
     $diff_assigned_array = array_diff($old_assigned, $assigned_arr);
     if (count($diff_assigned_array) > 0) {
         for ($tmp = 0; $tmp < count($old_assigned); $tmp++) {
             $this->addHistory('assigned_to_id', $old_assigned[$tmp]);
         $has_changes = true;
     $old_array =& array_keys($this->getDependentOn());
     $diff_array = array_diff($old_array, array_keys($depend_arr));
     if (count($diff_array) > 0) {
         for ($tmp = 0; $tmp < count($old_array); $tmp++) {
             $this->addHistory('dependent_on_id', $old_array[$tmp]);
         $has_changes = true;
     if (!$this->setDependentOn($depend_arr)) {
         return false;
     } elseif (!$this->setAssignedTo($assigned_arr)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE project_task SET\n\t\t\t\tsummary='" . htmlspecialchars($summary) . "',\n\t\t\t\tpriority='{$priority}',\n\t\t\t\thours='{$hours}',\n\t\t\t\tstart_date='{$start_date}',\n\t\t\t\tend_date='{$end_date}',\n\t\t\t\tstatus_id='{$status_id}',\n\t\t\t\tpercent_complete='{$percent_complete}',\n\t\t\t\tcategory_id='{$category_id}',\n\t\t\t\tgroup_project_id='{$new_group_project_id}',\n\t\t\t\tduration='{$duration}',\n\t\t\t\tparent_id='{$parent_id}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE group_project_id='{$group_project_id}'\n\t\t\t\tAND project_task_id='" . $this->getID() . "'";
         $res = db_query($sql);
         if (!$res) {
             $this->setError('Error On ProjectTask::update-5: ' . db_error() . $sql);
             return false;
         } else {
             if (!$this->fetchData($this->getID())) {
                 $this->setError('Error On ProjectTask::update-6: ' . db_error());
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if ($has_changes) {
                     //only send email if there was any change
                 return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @since 2.1.1
  * when inserting into a repeat element's table, we need to fake/create the element models
  * as they are not stored/shown in fabrik's admin interface
  * @param object $elementModel
  * @param object $joinGroup
  * @param object $oJoin
 protected function fakeRepeatElementsInGroup($elementModel, &$joinGroup, $oJoin)
     $joinGroup->publishedElements[] = $elementModel;
     $idElementModel = JModel::getInstance('Element', 'FabrikModel');
     $idElementModel->getElement()->name = 'id';
     $idElementModel->getElement()->group_id = $elementModel->getGroup()->getId();
     $idElementModel->_group =& $elementModel->getGroup();
     $idElementModel->_aFullNames['id1_1__1_'] = $oJoin->table_join . '___id';
     $joinGroup->publishedElements[] = $idElementModel;
     $parentElement = JModel::getInstance('Element', 'FabrikModel');
     $parentElement->getElement()->name = 'parent_id';
     $parentElement->getElement()->group_id = $elementModel->getGroup()->getId();
     $parentElement->_group =& $elementModel->getGroup();
     $parentElement->_aFullNames['parent_id1_1__1_'] = $oJoin->table_join . '___parent_id';
     $joinGroup->publishedElements[] = $parentElement;
     $repeatElement = JModel::getInstance('Element', 'FabrikModel');
     $repeatElement->getElement()->name = 'repeatnum';
     $repeatElement->getElement()->group_id = $elementModel->getGroup()->getId();
     $repeatElement->_group =& $elementModel->getGroup();
     $repeatElement->_aFullNames['parent_id1_1__1_'] = $oJoin->table_join . '___repeatnum';
     $joinGroup->publishedElements[] = $repeatElement;
     $paramsElement = JModel::getInstance('Element', 'FabrikModel');
     $paramsElement->getElement()->name = 'params';
     $paramsElement->getElement()->group_id = $elementModel->getGroup()->getId();
     $paramsElement->_group =& $elementModel->getGroup();
     $paramsElement->_aFullNames['parent_id1_1__1_'] = $oJoin->table_join . '___params';
     $joinGroup->publishedElements[] = $paramsElement;
Exemplo n.º 9
     *  showEditForm - Prints the form to edit a message
     *	@param 		int		The Message
     *	@return		The HTML output echoed
    function showEditForm(&$msg)
        $thread_id = $msg->getThreadID();
        $msg_id = $msg->getID();
        $posted_by = $msg->getPosterID();
        $subject = $msg->getSubject();
        $body = $msg->getBody();
        $post_date = $msg->getPostDate();
        $is_followup_to = $msg->getParentID();
        $has_followups = $msg->hasFollowups();
        $most_recent_date = $msg->getMostRecentDate();
        $g =& $this->Forum->getGroup();
        $group_id = $g->getID();
        if ($this->Forum->userCanPost()) {
            // minor control, but anyways it should be an admin at this point
            echo notepad_func();
<div align="center">
	 <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
            echo util_make_url('/forum/admin/index.php');
            $objid = $this->Forum->getID();
	type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="<?php 
            echo $thread_id;
" /> <input
	type="hidden" name="forum_id" value="<?php 
            echo $objid;
" /> <input
	type="hidden" name="editmsg" value="<?php 
            echo $msg_id;
" /> <input
	type="hidden" name="is_followup_to"
            echo $is_followup_to;
" /> <input type="hidden"
	name="form_key" value="<?php 
            echo form_generate_key();
"> <input
	type="hidden" name="posted_by" value="<?php 
            echo $posted_by;
"> <input
	type="hidden" name="post_date" value="<?php 
            echo $post_date;
"> <input
	type="hidden" name="has_followups" value="<?php 
            echo $has_followups;
<input type="hidden" name="most_recent_date"
            echo $most_recent_date;
"> <input type="hidden"
	name="group_id" value="<?php 
            echo $group_id;
<fieldset class="fieldset">
		<td valign="top"></td>
		<td valign="top"><br>
            echo _('Subject:');
            echo utils_requiredField();
<br />
		<input type="text" name="subject" value="<?php 
            echo $subject;
			size="45" maxlength="45" /> <br>
            echo _('Message:');
            echo notepad_button('document.forms[1].body');
            echo utils_requiredField();
<br />
            $GLOBALS['editor_was_set_up'] = false;
            $params = array();
            $params['body'] = $body;
            $params['width'] = "800";
            $params['height'] = "500";
            $params['group'] = $group_id;
            plugin_hook("text_editor", $params);
            if (!$GLOBALS['editor_was_set_up']) {
                //if we don't have any plugin for text editor, display a simple textarea edit box
                echo '<textarea name="body"  rows="10" cols="50">' . $body . '</textarea>';

 <br />
		<center><input type="submit" name="ok"
            echo _('Update');
" /> <input type="submit"
			name="cancel" value="<?php 
            echo _('Cancel');
" /></center>