Exemplo n.º 1
  * Gather plugins, controllers and actions
  * Given the URI /example/main/index/p1/p2/p3/p4:1
  * We would be passing 4 GET parameters (where p4 is a named key to value
  * pair and p1 - p3 would be assigned numeric keys) into the index action of
  * the main controller of the example plugin.
  * The name of the plugin should also be that plugins namespace.
  * We will predefine 3 possible paths for autoloading:
  * 1. Core, the core path will look for a Plugins directory in the core
  * library, this will mostly be used for building examples.
  * 2. Main, This will check the main plugin path.
  * 3. App, This will check the Plugin path inside App. This directory will
  * ship empty by default. I'm assuming this is where you will build your
  * application.
  * An autoloader will figure out which path to pull from.
  * Finally we will istanitate the classes based on the PSR-4 autoloading
  * statndards. This might look something like:
  * $class = '\\Example\\Controller\\MainController';
  * $controller = new $class();
  * $controller->index();
  * Sample URI /tinker_plugin/tinker_plugin/execute/e1/e2/e3/e4:1
  * @param object $loader
  * @param object $router
  * @param object $theme
  * @param object $view
  * @param boolean $render (set to false for unit testing)
  * @return void
 public function __construct($loader, $router, $theme, $view, $render = true)
     $this->Loader = $loader;
     $this->Router = $router;
     $this->Theme = $theme;
     $this->View = $view;
     $plugin = $this->Router->getPlugin(true);
     $model = $this->Router->getPlugin(true);
     $controller = $this->Router->getController(true) . 'Controller';
     $action = $this->Router->getAction();
     //Autoload all plugins
     $this->Loader->addNamespace($plugin, 'plugin' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'src');
     $this->Loader->addNamespace($plugin, APP . DS . 'plugin' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'src');
     $this->Loader->addNamespace('App', APP . DS . 'src');
     if ($render) {
         if (!empty($this->Router->checkAsset($loader))) {
         } else {
             //Load the MVC stack, if a specific plugin has not been defined as
             //a container MVC conventions will be used to load the MVC stack
             if (\Tinker\Di\IoCRegistry::registered($controller)) {
                 $controller = \Tinker\Di\IoCRegistry::resolve($controller);
             } else {
                 $class = "\\{$plugin}\\Controller\\{$controller}";
                 $model = "\\{$plugin}\\Model\\{$model}";
                 $controller = new $class($this->Theme, $this->View);
                 $controller->inject(new $model());
  * Constructeur
  * @param object $router Objet router.
 public function __construct($router)
     // Contrôle de la connexion
     try {
         // Utilisateur connecté ?
         $auth = AuthManager::getInstance();
         $this->authInfos = AuthHtml::afficherFormulaireConnexion('index.php?t=auth&a=connexion');
         if ($auth->estConnecte()) {
             $this->authInfos = AuthHtml::afficherInformationsConnexion();
         $this->controllerClass = $router->getControllerClass();
         $this->action = $router->getAction();
         // La classe à instancier existe-t-elle ?
         if (!class_exists($this->controllerClass)) {
             throw new \Exception("La classe {$this->controllerClass} n'existe pas.");
         // Y a-t-il une action demandée ?
         if ($this->action == 'defaut') {
             throw new \Exception("Aucune action demandée dans l'URL");
         // L'action demandée existe-t-elle ?
         if (!method_exists($this->controllerClass, $this->action)) {
             throw new \Exception("L'action {$this->action} n'existe pas.");
     } catch (AuthException $e) {
         $html = $e->getMessage();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the path for from which we are to render a view
  * @return type
 public function setViewPath()
     $plugin = $this->Router->getPlugin(true);
     $controller = $this->Router->getController();
     $action = $this->Router->getAction();
     $paths = $this->Loader->getPrefixes();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($paths["{$plugin}\\"]); $i++) {
         $check = $paths["{$plugin}\\"][$i] . 'View' . DS . $controller . DS . $action . '.php';
         if (is_file($check)) {
             $file = $check;
         } else {
             //If the literal path does not resolve, check against the include
             $iPaths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path());
             foreach ($iPaths as $path) {
                 if (file_exists($path . DS . $check)) {
                     $file = $path . DS . $check;
     return $file;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * copy all properties and create duplicate payment
  * @param object $payment
  * @return boolean
 protected function moptDuplicatePayment($payment)
     $duplicatedPayment = new \Shopware\Models\Payment\Payment();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded 
  * @param boolean $userRequired   true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field        
  * @access public
  * @static
 function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded, $useRequired, $search = false, $label = null)
     $field =& new CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(true)) {
         /* FIXME: failure! */
         return null;
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
      * This was split into a different function before. however thanx to php4's bug with references,
      * it was not working, so i munged it back into one big function - lobo
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), $field->attributes);
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_to', ts('To'), $field->attributes);
             } else {
                 $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'TextArea':
             $attributes = '';
             if ($field->note_rows) {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=' . $field->note_rows;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=4';
             if ($field->note_columns) {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=' . $field->note_columns;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=60';
             $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $attributes, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Select Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName . '_to', $label . ' ' . ts('To'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
             } else {
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName, $label, CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             if ($field->data_type != 'Boolean') {
                 $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
                 foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                     $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', $v['label'], $v['value'], $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             } else {
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('Yes'), '1', $field->attributes);
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('No'), '0', $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $selectOption = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $selectOption[$v['value']] = $v['label'];
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
             //added for select multiple
         //added for select multiple
         case 'Multi-Select':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $selectOption = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $selectOption[$v['value']] = $v['label'];
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, array("size" => "5", "multiple"));
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'CheckBox':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->createElement('checkbox', $v['value'], null, $v['label']);
             $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select State/Province':
             //Add State
             if ($qf->getAction() & (CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW | CRM_CORE_ACTION_BROWSE)) {
                 $stateOption = array('' => '') + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             } else {
                 $stateOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Select Country':
             //Add Country
             if ($qf->getAction() & (CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW | CRM_CORE_ACTION_BROWSE)) {
                 $countryOption = array('' => '') + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             } else {
                 $countryOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
     switch ($field->data_type) {
         case 'Int':
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
         case 'Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
         case 'Float':
         case 'Money':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
  * @param object $entity entity
  * @param string $method method
  * @return string
 protected function resolveAction($entity, $method)
     if ($entity instanceof ActionInterface) {
         return $entity;
     } elseif ($entity instanceof TimelineInterface) {
         return $entity->getAction();
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Method "%s" accepts only a ActionInterface or a TimelineInterface', $method));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Affiche le resultat de la recherche
  * @param object $grid objet de type Grid
  * @param boolean $pager : pagination
  * @param array or object $filter
  * @param array $order
  * @param string $title titre de la page
  * @param array $JSRequirements
  * @param string $addContent Contenu html à ajouter avant ou apres le Grid
  * de la forme: array('beforeForm' => '...', // avant le SearchForm
  *                       'between' => '...',  // entre le SearchForm et le Grid...
  *                       'afterGrid' => '...')
  * @return string
 public function displayResult($grid, $pager = false, $filter = array(), $order = array(), $title = '', $JSRequirements = array(), $addContent = array(), $renderFunc = 'page')
     // Si on ne passe pas une Collection directemt au Grid::render()
     if ($this->getItemsCollection() === false) {
         $mapper = Mapper::singleton($this->entity);
         if (!$grid->getMapper() instanceof Mapper) {
     if ($grid->isPendingAction()) {
         $dispatchResult = $grid->dispatchAction($this->getItemsCollection());
         if (Tools::isException($dispatchResult)) {
             $urlVarArray = array();
             // On passe ds l'url les valeurs des hidden s'il y en a
             $hiddenFields = $this->getHiddenFields();
             foreach ($hiddenFields as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key == 'formSubmitted') {
                 $urlVarArray[] = $key . '=' . $value;
             $urlComplement = empty($urlVarArray) ? '' : '?' . implode('&', $urlVarArray);
             // L'action est-elle de type Popup:
             $triggeredAction = $grid->getAction($_REQUEST['actionId']);
             if ($triggeredAction->targetPopup === true) {
                 $tpl = BASE_POPUP_TEMPLATE;
                 $returnURL = 'javascript:window.close()';
             } else {
                 $tpl = BASE_TEMPLATE;
                 $returnURL = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . $urlComplement;
             Template::errorDialog($dispatchResult->getMessage(), $returnURL, $tpl);
     } else {
         if ($this->getItemsCollection() !== false) {
             $mapper = $this->getItemsCollection();
         $result = $grid->render($mapper, $pager, $filter, $order);
         $addContent['beforeForm'] = isset($addContent['beforeForm']) ? $addContent['beforeForm'] : '';
         $addContent['between'] = isset($addContent['between']) ? $addContent['between'] : '';
         $addContent['afterGrid'] = isset($addContent['afterGrid']) ? $addContent['afterGrid'] : '';
         $pageContent = $addContent['beforeForm'] . $this->render() . $addContent['between'] . $result . $addContent['afterGrid'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['formSubmitted'])) {
         Template::$renderFunc($title, $pageContent . '</form>', $JSRequirements);