/** * Set the default order on the portfolio posts page to display by * menu order and not date * * @param obj $query The original query object * @return void */ function set_portfolio_post_type_admin_order($query) { if (is_admin()) { $post_type = $query->query['post_type']; if ($post_type == 'portfolio' && empty($_GET['orderby'])) { $query->set('orderby', 'menu_order'); $query->set('order', 'ASC'); } } }
/** * Order posts. * * @since 1.3 * @param obj $query The WP_Query object * @return void */ function mdjm_quote_post_order($query) { if (!is_admin() || 'mdjm-quotes' != $query->get('post_type')) { return; } switch ($query->get('orderby')) { case 'quote_view_date': $query->set('meta_key', '_mdjm_quote_viewed_date'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value'); break; case 'quote_value': // TO DO break; } }
/** * Order posts. * * @since 1.3 * @param obj $query The WP_Query object * @return void */ function mdjm_venue_post_order($query) { if (!is_admin() || 'mdjm-venue' != $query->get('post_type')) { return; } switch ($query->get('orderby')) { case 'town': $query->set('meta_key', '_venue_town'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value'); break; case 'county': $query->set('meta_key', '_venue_county'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value'); break; } }
/** * Exclude pages from search * * @param obj $query the query object * @return obj the modified object */ function tz_exclude_pages($query) { if ($query->is_search) { $query->set('post_type', 'post'); } return $query; }
/** * Order posts. * * @since 1.3 * @param obj $query The WP_Query object * @return void */ function mdjm_transaction_post_order($query) { if (!is_admin() || 'mdjm-transaction' != $query->get('post_type')) { return; } switch ($query->get('orderby')) { case 'txn_date': default: $query->set('orderby', 'post_date'); break; case 'txn_status': $query->set('orderby', '_mdjm_txn_status'); break; case 'event': $query->set('orderby', 'post_parent'); break; case 'txn_value': $query->set('meta_key', '_mdjm_txn_total'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num'); break; } }
/** * Process the image edit form posted * @param obj $image Image object * @param type $index Index of the image if within the images list or 0 if single image edit * @param boolean $massedit Whether editing single image (false) or multiple images at once (true). Note: to determine whether to process additional fields in single image edit mode. */ function processImageEdit($image, $index, $massedit = true) { $notify = ''; if (isset($_POST[$index . '-MoveCopyRename'])) { $movecopyrename_action = sanitize($_POST[$index . '-MoveCopyRename'], 3); } else { $movecopyrename_action = ''; } if ($movecopyrename_action == 'delete') { $image->remove(); } else { if ($thumbnail = sanitize($_POST['album_thumb-' . $index])) { //selected as an album thumb $talbum = newAlbum($thumbnail); if ($image->imagefolder == $thumbnail) { $talbum->setThumb($image->filename); } else { $talbum->setThumb('/' . $image->imagefolder . '/' . $image->filename); } $talbum->save(); } if (isset($_POST[$index . '-reset_rating'])) { $image->set('total_value', 0); $image->set('total_votes', 0); $image->set('used_ips', 0); } $image->setPublishDate(sanitize($_POST['publishdate-' . $index])); $image->setExpireDate(sanitize($_POST['expirationdate-' . $index])); $image->setTitle(process_language_string_save("{$index}-title", 2)); $image->setDesc(process_language_string_save("{$index}-desc", EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL)); if (isset($_POST[$index . '-oldrotation']) && isset($_POST[$index . '-rotation'])) { $oldrotation = (int) $_POST[$index . '-oldrotation']; $rotation = (int) $_POST[$index . '-rotation']; if ($rotation != $oldrotation) { $image->set('EXIFOrientation', $rotation); $image->updateDimensions(); $album = $image->getAlbum(); Gallery::clearCache(SERVERCACHE . '/' . $album->name); } } if (!$massedit) { $image->setLocation(process_language_string_save("{$index}-location", 3)); $image->setCity(process_language_string_save("{$index}-city", 3)); $image->setState(process_language_string_save("{$index}-state", 3)); $image->setCountry(process_language_string_save("{$index}-country", 3)); $image->setCredit(process_language_string_save("{$index}-credit", 1)); $image->setCopyright(process_language_string_save("{$index}-copyright", 1)); $tagsprefix = 'tags_' . $index . '-'; $tags = array(); $l = strlen($tagsprefix); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $key = postIndexDecode($key); if (substr($key, 0, $l) == $tagsprefix) { if ($value) { $tags[] = sanitize(substr($key, $l)); } } } $tags = array_unique($tags); $image->setTags($tags); if (zp_loggedin(CODEBLOCK_RIGHTS)) { $image->setCodeblock(processCodeblockSave($index)); } $custom = process_language_string_save("{$index}-custom_data", 1); $image->setCustomData(zp_apply_filter('save_image_custom_data', $custom, $index)); } $image->setDateTime(sanitize($_POST["{$index}-date"])); $image->setShow(isset($_POST["{$index}-Visible"])); $image->setCommentsAllowed(isset($_POST["{$index}-allowcomments"])); if (isset($_POST["reset_hitcounter{$index}"])) { $image->set('hitcounter', 0); } $wmt = sanitize($_POST["{$index}-image_watermark"], 3); $image->setWatermark($wmt); $wmuse = 0; if (isset($_POST['wm_image-' . $index])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_IMAGE; } if (isset($_POST['wm_thumb-' . $index])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_THUMB; } if (isset($_POST['wm_full-' . $index])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_FULL; } $image->setWMUse($wmuse); if (isset($_POST[$index . '-owner'])) { $image->setOwner(sanitize($_POST[$index . '-owner'])); } $image->set('filesize', filesize($image->localpath)); zp_apply_filter('save_image_utilities_data', $image, $index); $image->save(); // Process move/copy/rename $folder = $image->getAlbumName(); if ($movecopyrename_action == 'move') { $dest = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-albumselect']); if ($dest && $dest != $folder) { if ($e = $image->move($dest)) { $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e; } } else { // Cannot move image to same album. $notify = "&mcrerr=2"; } } else { if ($movecopyrename_action == 'copy') { $dest = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-albumselect']); if ($dest && $dest != $folder) { if ($e = $image->copy($dest)) { $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e; } } else { // Cannot copy image to existing album. // Or, copy with rename? $notify = "&mcrerr=2"; } } else { if ($movecopyrename_action == 'rename') { $renameto = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-renameto']); if ($e = $image->rename($renameto)) { $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e; } } } } } return $notify; }
/** * Order addon posts. * * @since 1.4 * @param obj $query The WP_Query object * @return void */ function mdjm_addon_post_order($query) { if (!is_admin() || 'mdjm-addon' != $query->get('post_type')) { return; } $orderby = $query->get('orderby'); $order = $query->get('order'); switch ($orderby) { case 'ID': $query->set('orderby', 'ID'); $query->set('order', $order); break; case 'price': $query->set('meta_key', '_addon_price'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num'); $query->set('order', $order); break; } }
/** * Set the order for portfolio type taxonomy archives * * @param obj $query the query object * @return void */ function zilla_set_archive_order($query) { if ($query->is_tax('portfolio-type') && $query->is_main_query()) { $query->set('orderby', 'menu_order'); $query->set('order', 'ASC'); } }
/** * Hide inactive events from the 'all' events list. * * @since 1.0 * @param obj $query The WP_Query. * @return void */ function mdjm_hide_inactive_events($query) { if (!is_admin() || !$query->is_main_query() || 'mdjm-event' != $query->get('post_type')) { return; } $active_statuses = mdjm_active_event_statuses(); if (isset($_GET['post_status']) && in_array($_GET['post_status'], $active_statuses)) { return; } if (!mdjm_get_option('show_active_only', false)) { return; } $active_ids = mdjm_get_events(array('post_status' => $active_statuses, 'fields' => 'ids')); if ($active_ids) { $query->set('post__in', $active_ids); } }