Exemplo n.º 1
 if (!$ProdPic) {
     $ProdPic = "ext_inc/noc/switch.gif";
 // Set the manufacturer Picture
 $smarty->assign('image', $ProdPic);
 //Mac-Addressen auslesen
 $noc->getMacAddress($row["ip"], $row["readcommunity"], $row["id"], $row["sysDescr"]);
 // Get the Ports and display 'em
 $db->qry("SELECT name FROM %prefix%noc_devices WHERE id = %int%", $_GET["deviceid"]);
 $row = $db->fetch_array();
 // Ports are all saved into 1 template variable
 $ports = "<tr align=\"center\">";
 $port_query = $db->qry("SELECT portnr, portid, linkstatus, adminstatus, speed, type, indexname FROM %prefix%noc_ports WHERE deviceid = %int% AND type != 'system' ORDER BY portnr ASC", $_GET["deviceid"]);
 $Portcount = 1;
 while ($row = $db->fetch_array($port_query)) {
     $Port["LinkStatus"] = $noc->getSNMPValue($device_ip, $readcommunity, "." . $row["portnr"]);
     $Port["AdminStatus"] = $noc->getSNMPValue($device_ip, $readcommunity, "." . $row["portnr"]);
     if ($Port["LinkStatus"] != $row["linkstatus"]) {
         $db->qry_first("UPDATE %prefix%noc_ports SET linkstatus=%string% WHERE portid=%int%", $Port["LinkStatus"], $row["portid"]);
         $row["linkstatus"] = $Port["LinkStatus"];
     if ($Port["AdminStatus"] != $row["adminstatus"]) {
         $db->qry_first("UPDATE %prefix%noc_ports SET adminstatus=%string% WHERE portid=%int%", $Port["AdminStatus"], $row["portid"]);
         $row["adminstatus"] = $Port["AdminStatus"];
     // LWL Ports are as double as wide as rj45 ports
     if ($row["type"] == "lwl") {
         $colspan = "2";
     if ($row["type"] == "rj45") {
         $colspan = "1";
Exemplo n.º 2
     //port exists
 case 2:
     $func->question(t('Bist du sicher, dass du den Status dieses Ports &auml;ndern willst?'), "index.php?mod=noc&action=port_details&portid={$_GET["portid"]}&step=3", "index.php?mod=noc&action=port_details&portid={$_GET["portid"]}");
     // 3 stands for change the port "status" (deactivate it, regulate the speed, and so on)
 // 3 stands for change the port "status" (deactivate it, regulate the speed, and so on)
 case 3:
     $port = $db->qry_first("SELECT portid, deviceid, portnr, adminstatus FROM %prefix%noc_ports WHERE portid = %int%", $_GET["portid"]);
     if ($port["portid"] == "") {
         $func->error(t('Dieser Port existiert nicht'));
     } else {
         $device = $db->qry_first("SELECT name, readcommunity, writecommunity, ip FROM %prefix%noc_devices WHERE id = %int%", $port['deviceid']);
         $status = $noc->getSNMPValue($device["ip"], $device["readcommunity"], ".{$port["portnr"]}");
         switch ($status) {
             case "1":
             case "up":
             case "up(1)":
                 $newstatus = "2";
                 $statusdescr = "<font color=\"red\">" . t('deaktiviert') . "</font>";
                 $statusdb = "down(2)";
             case "2":
             case "down":
             case "down(2)":
                 $newstatus = "1";
                 $statusdescr = "<font color=\"green\">" . t('aktiviert') . "</font>";
                 $statusdb = "up(1)";
Exemplo n.º 3
    case 2:
        if ($noc->checkSNMPDevice($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"]) != 1) {
            $func->error(t('HTML_NEWLINEDas Device konnte nicht erreicht werden. M&ouml;gl. Ursachen:HTML_NEWLINEHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Das Device hat keinen StromHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Das Device hat noch keine IP-AdresseHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Das Device unterst&uuml;tzt kein SNMPHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Du hast eine falsche Read-Community angegebenHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Du hast eine falsche IP-Adresse angegebenHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Du hast vergessen, SNMP am device einzuschaltenHTML_NEWLINE
				      				- Dieses PHP unterst&uuml;tzt kein SNMP, kompilieren sie es mit SNMPHTML_NEWLINE
				      				&nbsp; &nbsp;oder laden sie sich ein vorkompiliertes PHP mit SNMP vonHTML_NEWLINE
				      				&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="http://de.php.net">Der Deutschen PHP Seite</a> herunterHTML_NEWLINE, '), "index.php?mod=noc&action=add_device&step=1");
        // Fetched Vars from SNMP from tha device
        $sysDescr = $noc->getSNMPValue($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $sysContact = $noc->getSNMPValue($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $sysUpTime = $noc->getSNMPValue($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $sysLocation = $noc->getSNMPValue($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $sysName = $noc->getSNMPValue($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $ports = $noc->getSNMPwalk($_POST["device_ip"], $_POST["device_read"], ".");
        $numport = count($ports);
        // Store the device into a SQL table
        $add_query = $db->qry("INSERT INTO %prefix%noc_devices SET\n     name   = %string%,\n     ip   = %string%,\n     readcommunity = %string%,\n     writecommunity = %string%,\n     sysDescr  = %string%,\n     sysContact  = %string%,\n     sysUpTime  = %string%,\n     sysLocation  = %string%,\n     sysName  = %string%,\n     ports  = %string%\n     ", $_POST['device_caption'], $_POST['device_ip'], $_POST['device_read'], $_POST['device_write'], $sysDescr, $sysContact, $sysUpTime, $sysLocation, $sysName, $numport);
        $db->qry("SELECT id, ip, readcommunity FROM %prefix%noc_devices WHERE name=%string%", $_POST["device_caption"]);
        $row = $db->fetch_array();
        for ($ActualPort = 0; $ActualPort < count($ports); $ActualPort++) {
            $Port[$ActualPort]["deviceid"] = $row["id"];
            $Port[$ActualPort]["PortNr"] = $noc->getSNMPValue($row["ip"], $row["readcommunity"], "." . $ports[$ActualPort]);
            $Port[$ActualPort]["BytesIn"] = $noc->getSNMPValue($row["ip"], $row["readcommunity"], "." . $ports[$ActualPort]);
            $Port[$ActualPort]["BytesOut"] = $noc->getSNMPValue($row["ip"], $row["readcommunity"], "." . $ports[$ActualPort]);