Exemplo n.º 1

/* initialize database and libraries */
define("INIT_COMMON", true);
define("INIT_PAGE", true);
define("INIT_AJAX", true);
define("INIT_SESSION", true);
include_once 'initialize.php';
require_once PATH_PHP . 'classes/newswire.class.php';
$nwObj = new newswire($db);
/* begin building the page */
$page->pkgStyles(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/paging.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/newsroom.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/tabs.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/columns.css'));
$page->pkgScripts(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/common.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/newswire.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/publishWire.js'));
$page->addToHeader($common->buildHeader() . $common->buildNavigation('Blogs'));
$page->addRSSFeed(URL_HOME . '?p=rss');
$code = '';
$code .= '<div id="pageBody">';
$code .= '<div id="pageContent"><div id="theFilter"></div>';
$code .= '<div id="storyList">';
// fetch the blog list
// fetch stories from each blog
$cols = $nwObj->fetchNewswireMatrix();
$code .= $common->equalCols(3, 'ecRow', 'col1', $cols[0], '', $cols[1], '', $cols[2]);
$code .= '</div><!-- end storyList -->';
$code .= '</div><!-- end pageContent -->';
$code .= '</div><!-- end pageBody -->';