Exemplo n.º 1
function navigate_property_layout_field($property, $object = "", $website_id = "")
    global $website;
    global $layout;
    global $theme;
    global $user;
    global $DB;
    $ws = $website;
    $ws_theme = $theme;
    if (!empty($website_id) && $website_id != $website->id) {
        $ws = new website();
        $ws_theme = new theme();
    // object used for translations (theme or extension)
    if (empty($object)) {
        $object = $ws_theme;
    $naviforms = new naviforms();
    $langs = $ws->languages_list;
    $field = array();
    if (!isset($property->value)) {
        $property->value = $property->dvalue;
    if (!isset($property->multilanguage)) {
        $property->multilanguage = 'false';
    $property_name = $property->name;
    if (!empty($object)) {
        $property_name = $object->t($property_name);
    if (in_array($property->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea", "link")) || $property->multilanguage == 'true') {
        if (!isset($property->multilanguage) || $property->multilanguage !== false || $property->multilanguage == "false") {
            $property->multilanguage = 'true';
        } else {
            $property->multilanguage = 'false';
        if (is_object($property->value)) {
            $property->value = (array) $property->value;
        if (!is_array($property->value)) {
            $property->value = array();
        foreach ($langs as $lang) {
            if (!isset($property->value[$lang]) && isset($property->dvalue)) {
                $property->value[$lang] = $property->dvalue;
    // auto show/hide properties by other properties values --> "conditional": [ { "source_property_id" : [value1,"value2"] } ]
    if (!empty($property->conditional)) {
        foreach ($property->conditional as $conditional) {
            foreach ($conditional as $conditional_property => $conditional_values) {
                if (!is_array($conditional_values)) {
                    $conditional_values = array($conditional_values);
                $conditional_values = '["' . implode('", "', $conditional_values) . '"]';
                    navigate_tabform_conditional_property("' . $property->id . '", "' . $conditional_property . '", ' . $conditional_values . ');
    switch ($property->type) {
        case 'value':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id, $property->value);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'decimal':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->decimalfield("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, $property->precision, $user->decimal_separator, $user->thousands_separator, @$property->prefix, @$property->suffix);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'rating':
            $default = explode('#', $property->dvalue);
            $stars = $default[1];
            if (empty($stars)) {
                $stars = 5;
            $inputs = $stars * 2;
            // half stars ALWAYS enabled
            if ($property->value == $property->dvalue) {
                $property->value = intval($default[0]) * 2;
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" style=" height: 18px; ">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $inputs; $i++) {
                $checked = '';
                if ($property->value == $i) {
                    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
                $field[] = '<input type="radio" name="property-' . $property->id . '" class="star {split:2}" value="' . $i . '" ' . $checked . ' />';
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'boolean':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->checkbox("property-" . $property->id, $property->value == '1');
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'option':
            $options = $property->options;
            if (is_string($options)) {
                $options = mb_unserialize($options);
            } else {
                if (is_object($options)) {
                    $options = (array) $options;
            // translate each option text
            if (!empty($object) && !empty($options)) {
                foreach ($options as $value => $text) {
                    $options[$value] = $object->t($text);
            if (!isset($property->option_html)) {
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id, array_keys($options), array_values($options), $property->value);
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
            } else {
                // each option formatted in a specific html fragment
                if (isset($property->stylesheet)) {
                    $custom_stylesheet = $property->stylesheet;
                    if (strpos($custom_stylesheet, 'http') === false) {
                        $custom_stylesheet = NAVIGATE_URL . '/themes/' . $ws->theme . '/' . $custom_stylesheet . '?bogus=' . time();
                    $layout->add_style_tag($custom_stylesheet, false);
                    if (empty($options)) {
                        $custom_stylesheet_contents = file_get_contents(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $ws->theme . '/' . $property->stylesheet);
                        $custom_stylesheet_contents = stylesheet_parse($custom_stylesheet_contents);
                        $options = array();
                        if (is_array($custom_stylesheet_contents)) {
                            foreach ($custom_stylesheet_contents as $rule => $rule_content) {
                                if (in_array(substr($rule, 0, 1), array('.', '#'))) {
                                    $rule = str_replace(array('.', '#', ':before', ':after', ':focus', ':visited'), '', $rule);
                                    $options[$rule] = $rule;
                                    if (!empty($object)) {
                                        $options[$rule] = $object->t($rule);
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id, array_keys($options), array_values($options), $property->value, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, false, false);
					$("#property-' . $property->id . '").select2(
				            selectOnBlur: true,
				            minimumResultsForSearch: 6,
							escapeMarkup: function (markup)
					            return markup; // let our custom formatter work
					        templateSelection: function(row)
					            var option_html = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $property->option_html) . '";
					            option_html = option_html.replace(/{{VALUE}}/g, row.id);
					            option_html = option_html.replace(/{{TEXT}}/g, row.text);
					                return option_html;
					                return "("  + navigate_t(581, "None") + ")";
					        templateResult: function(data)
					            var option_html = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $property->option_html) . '";
					            option_html = option_html.replace(/{{VALUE}}/g, data.id);
					            option_html = option_html.replace(/{{TEXT}}/g, data.text);
					                return option_html;
					                return "("  + navigate_t(581, "None") + ")";
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'moption':
            $options = $property->options;
            if (is_string($options)) {
                $options = mb_unserialize($options);
            } else {
                if (is_object($options)) {
                    $options = (array) $options;
            // translate each option text
            if (!empty($object)) {
                foreach ($options as $value => $text) {
                    $options[$value] = $object->t($text);
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id, array_keys($options), array_values($options), explode(',', $property->value), "", true);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'country':
            $options = property::countries();
            $country_codes = array_keys($options);
            $country_names = array_values($options);
            // include "country not defined" item
            array_unshift($country_codes, '');
            array_unshift($country_names, '(' . t(307, "Unspecified") . ')');
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id, $country_codes, $country_names, strtoupper($property->value));
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'coordinates':
            $coordinates = explode('#', $property->value);
            $latitude = @$coordinates[0];
            $longitude = @$coordinates[1];
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id . '-latitude', $latitude, '182px');
            $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id . '-longitude', $longitude, '182px');
            $field[] = '<img src="img/icons/silk/map_magnify.png" align="absmiddle" hspace="3px" id="property-' . $property->id . '-show" />';
            $field[] = '<div id="property-' . $property->id . '-map-container" style=" display: none; ">';
            $field[] = '	<div class="navigate-form-row" id="property-' . $property->id . '-search" style=" width: 278px; height: 24px; margin-top: 9px; margin-left: 40px; position: absolute; z-index: 1000; opacity: 0.95; ">';
            $field[] = '		<input type="text" name="property-' . $property->id . '-search-text" style=" width: 240px; " /> ';
            $field[] = '		<img class="ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" sprite="false" style=" cursor: pointer; padding: 3px; " src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/zoom.png" align="right" />';
            $field[] = '	</div>';
            $field[] = '	<div id="property-' . $property->id . '-map" style=" width: 400px; height: 200px; "></div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
                // auto parse standard Google Maps URLs when pasting them in the latitude field
                $("#property-' . $property->id . '-latitude").on("keyup", function()
                    var value = $(this).val();                                        
                        // locate the @ symbol
                        value = value.substr(value.indexOf("@")+1);
                        value = value.substr(0, value.indexOf("z"));
                        value = value.split(",");
                        if(value.length == 3) // parsed values seem fine
                            $("#property-' . $property->id . '-latitude").val(value[0]);                            
                            $("#property-' . $property->id . '-longitude").val(value[1]);                            
				var property_' . $property->id . '_lmap = null;
			    var marker = null;
			    L.Icon.Default.imagePath = "' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/lib/external/leaflet/images";
			    // initialize leaflet map
                property_' . $property->id . '_lmap = L.map(
                    "property-' . $property->id . '-map",
                        doubleClickZoom: false
                // create the tile layer with correct attribution
                var osmUrl = "http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
                var osmAttrib = "Map data © <a href=\\"http://openstreetmap.org\\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors";
                var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 19, attribution: osmAttrib });
                property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.addLayer(osm);
				$("#property-' . $property->id . '-search input").on("keyup", function(e)
				{	if(e.keyCode == 13)	property' . $property->id . 'search();	});
				$("#property-' . $property->id . '-search img").on("click", property' . $property->id . 'search);
				$("#property-' . $property->id . '-show").on("click", function()
					var myLatlng = new L.LatLng(
					    $("#property-' . $property->id . '-latitude").val(),
					    $("#property-' . $property->id . '-longitude").val()
                    property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.setView(myLatlng, 17);
	                marker = L.marker(myLatlng).addTo(property_' . $property->id . '_lmap);
	                property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.on("dblclick", function(e)
                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '-latitude").val(e.latlng.lat);
						$("#property-' . $property->id . '-longitude").val(e.latlng.lng)
	                    marker = L.marker(e.latlng).addTo(property_' . $property->id . '_lmap);                        
					$("#property-' . $property->id . '-map-container").dialog(
						width: 600,
						height: 400,
						title: "' . t(300, 'Map') . ': ' . t(301, 'Double click a place to set the coordinates') . '",
						resize: property' . $property->id . 'resize,
						open: function()
						    $(this).css("padding", 0);
						    property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.invalidateSize();
						maximizable: true,
						"maximize" : property' . $property->id . 'resize,
						"restore" : property' . $property->id . 'resize
					property' . $property->id . 'resize();

				}).css("cursor", "pointer");	
				function property' . $property->id . 'resize()
					$("#property-' . $property->id . '-map").width($("#property-' . $property->id . '-map-container").width()); 
					$("#property-' . $property->id . '-map").height($("#property-' . $property->id . '-map-container").height());	
					property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.invalidateSize();
				function property' . $property->id . 'search()
					var address = $("#property-' . $property->id . '-search input").val();

                    $.getJSON("http://services.gisgraphy.com/geocoding/geocode?format=json&callback=?&address="+address, function(data)
                        if(!data.result || data.result.length < 1)
                            alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
                            property_' . $property->id . '_lmap.setView([data.result[0].lat, data.result[0].lng], 19);

					return false;
        case 'text':
            foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                    $ovalue = $property->value;
                    $property->value = array();
                    foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                        $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang]);
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'textarea':
            foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                    $ovalue = $property->value;
                    $property->value = array();
                    foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                        $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                $style = "";
                if (!empty($property->width)) {
                    $style = ' width: ' . $property->width . 'px; ';
                $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
                    $language_info = '';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->textarea("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang], 4, 48, $style);
                $field[] = '<button class="navigate-form-row-property-action" data-field="property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '" data-action="copy-from" title="' . t(189, 'Copy from') . '…"><img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" align="absmiddle"></button>';
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
        case 'rich_textarea':
            foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                    $ovalue = $property->value;
                    $property->value = array();
                    foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                        $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
                    $language_info = '';
                $width = NULL;
                if (!empty($property->width)) {
                    $width = $property->width . 'px';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->editorfield("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang], $width, NULL, $website_id);
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                // additional control buttons
                $translate_menu = '';
                if (!empty($translate_extensions)) {
                    $translate_extensions_titles = array();
                    $translate_extensions_actions = array();
                    foreach ($translate_extensions as $te) {
                        if ($te['enabled'] == '0') {
                        $translate_extensions_titles[] = $te['title'];
                        $translate_extensions_actions[] = 'javascript: navigate_tinymce_translate_' . $te['code'] . '(\'property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $lang . '\');';
                    if (!empty($translate_extensions_actions)) {
                        $translate_menu = $naviforms->splitbutton('translate_' . $lang, '<img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(188, 'Translate'), $translate_extensions_actions, $translate_extensions_titles);
                $field[] = '<div style="clear:both; margin-top:5px; float:left; margin-bottom: 10px;">';
                $field[] = '<label>&nbsp;</label>';
                $field[] = $translate_menu;
                $field[] = '<button class="navigate-form-row-property-action" data-field="property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '" data-action="copy-from"><img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" align="absmiddle">' . t(189, 'Copy from') . '...</button> ';
                $field[] = !empty($theme->content_samples) ? '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples(\'property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $property->id . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'tinymce\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/rainbow.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(553, 'Fragments') . ' | ' . $theme->title . '</button> ' : '';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                // divformrow
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
        case 'color':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->colorfield("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, @$property->options);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'date':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->datefield("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, false);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'datetime':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->datefield("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, true);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'source_code':
            if ($property->multilanguage != 'true' && $property->multilanguage != '1') {
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->scriptarea("property-" . $property->id, $property->value);
                $field[] = '&nbsp;<button class="navigate-form-row-property-action" data-field="property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '" data-action="copy-from" title="' . t(189, 'Copy from') . '…"><img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" align="absmiddle"></button>';
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
            } else {
                foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                    if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                        $ovalue = $property->value;
                        $property->value = array();
                        foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                            $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                    $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                    $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '">';
                    $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                    $field[] = $naviforms->scriptarea("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang]);
                    $field[] = '&nbsp;<button class="navigate-form-row-property-action" data-field="property-' . $property->id . '-' . $lang . '" data-action="copy-from" title="' . t(189, 'Copy from') . '…"><img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" align="absmiddle"></button>';
                    if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                        $helper_text = $property->helper;
                        if (!empty($object)) {
                            $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                        $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                    $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'link':
            foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                    $ovalue = $property->value;
                    $property->value = array();
                    foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                        $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                $link = explode('##', $property->value[$lang]);
                if (is_array($link)) {
                    $target = @$link[2];
                    $title = @$link[1];
                    $link = $link[0];
                    if (empty($title)) {
                        $title = $link;
                } else {
                    $title = $property->value[$lang];
                    $link = $property->value[$lang];
                    $target = '_self';
                $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
                    $language_info = '';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang . "-title", $title);
                $field[] = '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(67, 'Title') . '</span>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" lang="' . $lang . '" style="margin-bottom: 0px;" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" >';
                $field[] = '<label>&nbsp;</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang . "-link", $link);
                $field[] = '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(197, 'Link') . '</span>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" lang="' . $lang . '" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" >';
                $field[] = '<label>&nbsp;</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang . "-target", array('_self', '_blank'), array(t(173, "Follow URL"), t(174, "Open URL (new window)")), $target);
                $field[] = '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(172, 'Action') . '</span>';
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
                if ($property->multilanguage == 'false') {
        case 'image':
            if ($property->multilanguage != 'true' && $property->multilanguage != '1') {
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->dropbox("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, "image", false, @$property->dvalue, @$property->options, $website_id);
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
            } else {
                foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                    if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                        $ovalue = $property->value;
                        $property->value = array();
                        foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                            $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                    $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                    $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '" lang="' . $lang . '">';
                    $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                    $field[] = $naviforms->dropbox("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang], "image", false, @$property->dvalue, $website_id);
                    if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                        $helper_text = $property->helper;
                        if (!empty($object)) {
                            $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                        $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                    $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'video':
            if ($property->multilanguage != 'true' && $property->multilanguage != '1') {
                $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
                $field[] = $naviforms->dropbox("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, "video", false, $property->dvalue, $website_id);
                if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                    $helper_text = $property->helper;
                    if (!empty($object)) {
                        $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                    $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                $field[] = '</div>';
            } else {
                foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                    if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                        $ovalue = $property->value;
                        $property->value = array();
                        foreach ($langs as $lang_value) {
                            $property->value[$lang_value] = $ovalue;
                    $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
                    $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
                    $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>';
                    $field[] = $naviforms->dropbox("property-" . $property->id . "-" . $lang, $property->value[$lang], "video", false, $property->dvalue, $website_id);
                    if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                        $helper_text = $property->helper;
                        if (!empty($object)) {
                            $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                        $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
                    $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'file':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->dropbox("property-" . $property->id, $property->value, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $website_id);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'comment':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $comment_text = $property->value;
            if (!empty($object)) {
                $comment_text = $object->t($property->value);
            $field[] = '<div class="subcomment" style="clear: none;">' . $comment_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'category':
            $hierarchy = structure::hierarchy(0, $website_id);
            $categories_list = structure::hierarchyList($hierarchy, $property->value);
            if (empty($categories_list)) {
                $categories_list = '<ul><li value="0">' . t(428, '(no category)') . '</li></ul>';
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->dropdown_tree("property-" . $property->id, $categories_list, $property->value);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'categories':
            $hierarchy = structure::hierarchy(0, $website_id);
            $selected = explode(',', $property->value);
            if (!is_array($selected)) {
                $selected = array($property->value);
            $categories_list = structure::hierarchyList($hierarchy, $selected);
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = '<div class="category_tree" id="categories-tree-property-' . $property->id . '">
                            <img src="img/icons/silk/world.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . $ws->name . '<div class="tree_ul">' . $categories_list . '</div>' . '</div>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->hidden('property-' . $property->id, $property->value);
            $field[] = '<label>&nbsp;</label>';
            $field[] = '<button id="categories_tree_select_all_categories-property-' . $property->id . '">' . t(481, 'Select all') . '</button>';
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
                $("#categories-tree-property-' . $property->id . ' .tree_ul").jstree({
                    plugins: ["changed", "types", "checkbox"],
                    "types" :
                        "default":  {   "icon": "img/icons/silk/folder.png"    },
                        "leaf":     {   "icon": "img/icons/silk/page_white.png"      }
                        three_state: false,
                        cascade: "undetermined"
                        dblclick_toggle: false
                .on("dblclick.jstree", function(e)
                    var li = $(e.target).closest("li");
                    $("#categories-tree-property-' . $property->id . ' .tree_ul").jstree("open_node", "#" + li[0].id);
                    var children_nodes = new Array();
                    $(li).find("li").each(function() {
                        children_nodes.push("#" + $(this)[0].id);
                    $("#categories-tree-property-' . $property->id . ' .tree_ul").jstree("select_node", children_nodes);
                    return false;
                .on("changed.jstree", function(e, data)
                    var i, j, r = [];
                    var categories = new Array();
                    $("#property-' . $property->id . '").val("");       
                    for(i = 0, j = data.selected.length; i < j; i++)
                        var id = data.instance.get_node(data.selected[i]).data.nodeId;
                    if(categories.length > 0)
                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '").val(categories);                                                                

                $("#categories_tree_select_all_categories-property-' . $property->id . '").on("click", function(e)
                    $("#categories-tree-property-' . $property->id . ' .tree_ul").jstree("select_all");
                    return false;
        case 'element':
        case 'item':
            $property_item_title = '';
            $property_item_id = '';
            if (!empty($property->value)) {
                $property_item_title = $DB->query_single('text', 'nv_webdictionary', '   node_type = "item" AND
                        website = "' . $ws->id . '" AND
                        node_id = "' . $property->value . '" AND
                        subtype = "title" AND
                        lang = "' . $ws->languages_published[0] . '"');
                $property_item_title = array($property_item_title);
                $property_item_id = array($property->value);
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->selectfield("property-" . $property->id, $property_item_id, $property_item_title, $property->value, null, false, null, null, false);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
            $template_filter = @$property->element_template;
            if (empty($template_filter)) {
                $template_filter = $property->item_template;
                $("#property-' . $property->id . '").select2(
                    placeholder: "' . t(533, "Find element by title") . '",
                    minimumInputLength: 1,
                    ajax: {
                        url: "' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/' . NAVIGATE_MAIN . '?fid=items&act=json_find_item",
                        dataType: "json",
                        delay: 100,
                        data: function(params)
	                        return {
				                title: params.term,
				                template: "' . $template_filter . '",
				                nd: new Date().getTime(),
				                page_limit: 30, // page size
				                page: params.page // page number
                        processResults: function (data, params)
				            params.page = params.page || 1;
				            return {
								results: data.items,
								pagination: { more: (params.page * 30) < data.total_count }
                    templateSelection: function(row)
							return row.text + " <helper style=\'opacity: .5;\'>#" + row.id + "</helper>";
							return row.text;
					escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
                    triggerChange: true,
                    allowClear: true
        case 'elements':
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->textfield("property-" . $property->id);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
            $template_filter = @$property->element_template;
            if (empty($template_filter)) {
                $template_filter = $property->item_template;
                $("#property-' . $property->id . '").tagit({
                    removeConfirmation: true,
                    allowSpaces: true,
                    singleField: true,
                    singleFieldDelimiter: ",",
                    placeholderText: "+",
                    autocompleteOnly: true,
                    autocomplete: {
                        delay: 0, 
                        minLength: 1,
                        source: "' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/' . NAVIGATE_MAIN . '?fid=items&act=json_find_item&format=tagit&page_limit=10&template=' . $template_filter . '"
                    afterTagAdded: function(event, ui)
                        var tags = $(this).tagit("assignedValues");
                        if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(",");
                        else                tags = "";
                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '").val(tags).trigger("change");
                    afterTagRemoved: function(event, ui)
                        var tags = $(this).tagit("assignedValues");
                        if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(",");
                        else                tags = "";

                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '").val(tags).trigger("change");
                $("#property-' . $property->id . '").next().sortable(
                    items: ">li:not(.tagit-new)",
                    update: function(ui, event)
                        var tags = $("#property-' . $property->id . '").tagit("assignedValues");
                        if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(",");
                        else                tags = "";

                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '").val(tags).trigger("change");
            if (!empty($property->value)) {
                $values = explode(",", $property->value);
                $values = array_filter($values);
                foreach ($values as $cid) {
                    $content_title = $DB->query_single('text', 'nv_webdictionary', '   node_type = "item" AND
                        website = "' . $ws->id . '" AND
                        node_id = ' . protect($cid) . ' AND
                        subtype = "title" AND
                        lang = "' . $ws->languages_published[0] . '"');
                        $("#property-' . $property->id . '").tagit("createTag", "' . $content_title . '", "", "", "' . $cid . '");                
                    $("#property-' . $property->id . '").trigger("change");
        case 'webuser_groups':
            $webuser_groups = webuser_group::all_in_array();
            // to get the array of groups first we remove the "g" character
            $property->value = str_replace('g', '', $property->value);
            $property->value = explode(',', $property->value);
            $field[] = '<div class="navigate-form-row" nv_property="' . $property->id . '">';
            $field[] = '<label>' . $property_name . '</label>';
            $field[] = $naviforms->multiselect('property-' . $property->id, array_keys($webuser_groups), array_values($webuser_groups), $property->value);
            if (!empty($property->helper)) {
                $helper_text = $property->helper;
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $helper_text = $object->t($helper_text);
                $field[] = '<div class="subcomment">' . $helper_text . '</div>';
            $field[] = '</div>';
        case 'product':
            // TO DO (when navigate has products!)
    return implode("\n", $field);