/** /* Function to redirect the clicks to the correct url and add 1 click */ function clickbanner($bid) { global $database, $mainframe; require_once $mainframe->getPath('class'); $row = new mosBanner($database); $row->load($bid); $row->clicks(); $pat = "http.*://"; if (!eregi($pat, $row->clickurl)) { $clickurl = "http://{$row->clickurl}"; } else { $clickurl = $row->clickurl; } mosRedirect($clickurl); }
function publishBanner($cid, $publish = 1) { global $database, $my; if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) { $action = $publish ? T_('publish') : T_('unpublish'); echo "<script> alert('" . sprintf(T_('Select an item to %s'), $action) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n"; exit; } $cids = implode(',', $cid); $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__banner SET showBanner='{$publish}'" . "\nWHERE bid IN ({$cids}) AND (checked_out=0 OR (checked_out='{$my->id}'))"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } if (count($cid) == 1) { $row = new mosBanner($database); $row->checkin($cid[0]); } mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_banners'); }
function publishBanner($cid, $publish = 1) { global $database, $my; josSpoofCheck(); if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) { $action = $publish ? 'publish' : 'unpublish'; echo "<script> alert('Selecione um item para {$action}'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n"; exit; } mosArrayToInts($cid); $cids = 'bid=' . implode(' OR bid=', $cid); $query = "UPDATE #__banner" . "\n SET showBanner = " . (int) $publish . "\n WHERE ( {$cids} )" . "\n AND ( checked_out = 0 OR ( checked_out = " . (int) $my->id . " ) )"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } if (count($cid) == 1) { $row = new mosBanner($database); $row->checkin($cid[0]); } mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_banners'); }
function publishBanner($cid, $publish = 1, $option) { global $database, $my, $adminLanguage; if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) { $action = $publish ? 'publish' : 'unpublish'; echo "<script> alert('" . $adminLanguage->A_COMP_SEL_ITEM . " " . $action . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n"; exit; } $cids = implode(',', $cid); $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__banner SET showBanner='{$publish}'" . "\nWHERE bid IN ({$cids}) AND (checked_out=0 OR (checked_out='{$my->id}'))"); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } if (count($cid) == 1) { $row = new mosBanner($database); $row->checkin($cid[0]); } mosRedirect("index2.php?option={$option}"); }