Exemplo n.º 1
    public function external_hook($hook)
        switch ($hook) {
            case 'view':
                $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false;
                $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false;
                if ($file_id && $hash) {
                    $correct_hash = $this->link_public($file_id, true);
                    if ($correct_hash == $hash) {
                        // all good to print a receipt for this payment.
                        $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false);
                        if ($file_data && $file_data['file_id'] == $file_id) {
                            if (isset($_POST['save_file_comments'])) {
                                if (isset($_POST['file_approve']) && isset($_POST['file_approve_go']) && isset($_POST['file_approve_name']) && strlen($_POST['file_approve_name']) > 0) {
                                    update_insert('file_id', $file_id, 'file', array('approved_time' => time(), 'approved_by' => $_POST['file_approve_name']));
                                    // send email, same 'updated' email as before.
                                    $this->send_file_changed_notice($file_id, false, true);
                                    $_REQUEST['new_comment_text'] = _l('File was approved at %s by %s', print_date(time(), true), htmlspecialchars($_POST['file_approve_name']));
                                if (isset($_POST['pointers'])) {
                                    update_insert('file_id', $file_id, 'file', array('pointers' => $_POST['pointers']));
                            module_template::init_template('file_approval_view', '<h2>File Details</h2>
    File Name: <strong>{FILE_NAME}</strong> <br/>
    Download: <strong><a href="{FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL}">Click Here</a></strong> <br/>
    Status: <strong>{STATUS}</strong> <br/>
    Customer: <strong>{CUSTOMER_NAME}</strong> <br/>
    {if:JOB_NAME}Job: <strong>{JOB_NAME}</strong> <br/>{endif:JOB_NAME}
    <h2>File Approval Pending</h2>
    <p>If you would like to approve this file please complete the form below:</p>
    <p>Your Name: <input type="text" name="file_approve_name"> </p>
    <p><input type="checkbox" name="file_approve_go" value="yes"> Yes, I approve this file. </p>
    <p><input type="submit" name="file_approve" value="Approve File" class="submit_button save_button"></p>
    <h2>File Has Been Approved</h2>
    <p>Thank you, the file was approved by <strong>{APPROVED_BY}</strong> on <strong>{APPROVED_TIME}</strong>.</p>
    <h2>File Comments</h2>
    <p>Please feel free to add comments to this file using the form below.</p>
    <h2>File Preview</h2>
    <div style="overflow:scroll;">{FILE_PREVIEW}</div>
    ', 'Used when displaying the file to a customer for approval.', 'code');
                            $template = module_template::get_template_by_key('file_approval_view');
                            // generate the html for the task output
                            $job_data = $file_data['job_id'] ? module_job::get_replace_fields($file_data['job_id']) : array();
                            if (class_exists('module_quote', false)) {
                                $quote_data = $file_data['quote_id'] ? module_quote::get_replace_fields($file_data['quote_id']) : array();
                            $customer_data = $file_data['customer_id'] ? module_customer::get_replace_fields($file_data['customer_id']) : array();
                            $file_data['file_preview'] = module_file::generate_preview($file_id, $file_data['file_name'], $file_data);
                            $file_data['FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = module_file::link_public_view($file_id);
                            if (isset($file_data['approved_time'])) {
                                switch ($file_data['approved_time']) {
                                    case -1:
                                        $file_data['FILE_APPROVAL_PENDING'] = 1;
                                    case 0:
                                        $file_data['FILE_APPROVED'] = 1;
                                        $file_data['APPROVED_TIME'] = print_date($file_data['approved_time'], true);
                            if (class_exists('module_extra', false) && module_extra::is_plugin_enabled()) {
                                $all_extra_fields = module_extra::get_defaults('file');
                                foreach ($all_extra_fields as $e) {
                                    $file_data[$e['key']] = _l('N/A');
                                // and find the ones with values:
                                $extras = module_extra::get_extras(array('owner_table' => 'file', 'owner_id' => $file_id));
                                foreach ($extras as $e) {
                                    $file_data[$e['extra_key']] = $e['extra'];

                            <div id="file_notes">
                            <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;">
                                <textarea name="new_comment_text" style="width:100%;" class="no_permissions"></textarea>
                                <div style="text-align: right;">
                                <input type="submit" name="butt_save_note" id="butt_save_note" value="<?php 
                            echo _l('Add Comment');
" class="submit_button no_permissions">
                            foreach (module_file::get_file_comments($file_id) as $item) {
                                $note_text = forum_text($item['comment']);
                                if (preg_match_all('/#(\\d+)/', $note_text, $matches)) {
                                    foreach ($matches[1] as $digit) {
                                        $note_text = preg_replace('/#' . $digit . '([^\\d]*)/', '<span node_id=' . $digit . ' class="pointer-ids pointer-id-' . $digit . '">#' . $digit . '</span>$1', $note_text);

                                <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;">
                                echo $note_text;

                                    <div style="font-size:10px; text-align:right; color:#CCCCCC;">From <?php 
                                echo $item['create_user_id'] ? module_user::link_open($item['create_user_id'], true) : _l('Customer');
 on <?php 
                                echo print_date($item['date_created'], true);



                            $file_data['file_comments'] = ob_get_clean();
                            if (class_exists('module_quote', false)) {
                                $quote_data['quote_approved_by'] = $quote_data['approved_by'];
                                $quote_data['quote_date_approved'] = $quote_data['date_approved'];
                            $template->page_title = $file_data['file_name'];
                            $template->content = '<form action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="save_file_comments" value="1">' . $template->content . '</form>';
                            echo $template->render('pretty_html');
            case 'download_bucket':
                $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false;
                $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false;
                if ($file_id && $hash) {
                    $correct_hash = $this->link_public_download_bucket($file_id, true);
                    if ($correct_hash == $hash) {
                        // all good to print a receipt for this payment.
                        $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false);
                        $search = array();
                        $search['bucket_parent_file_id'] = $file_id;
                        $files = module_file::get_files($search);
                        //Create ZIP
                        $zip = new ZipArchive();
                        $zipName = "bucket-" . $file_id . "-" . md5($file_id . _UCM_SECRET) . ".zip";
                        if ($zip->open(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
                            echo 'Failed to create bucket zip file';
                        foreach ($files as $file) {
                            if (is_file($file['file_path'])) {
                                $zip->addFromString($file['file_name'], file_get_contents($file['file_path']));
                        //Set headers
                        header("Pragma: public");
                        header("Expires: 0");
                        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                        header("Cache-Control: public");
                        header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
                        header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
                        //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='" . $zipName . "'");
                        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#", "-", $file_data['file_name']) . ".zip\";");
                        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                        header("Content-Length: " . filesize(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName));
                        //Make sure the file size isn't cached
                        $size = @readfile(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName);
                        if (!$size) {
                            echo file_get_contents(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName);
                        @unlink(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName);
            case 'download':
                $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false;
                $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false;
                if ($file_id && $hash) {
                    $correct_hash = $this->link_public_view($file_id, true);
                    if ($correct_hash == $hash) {
                        // all good to print a receipt for this payment.
                        $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false);
                        if (isset($file_data['file_url']) && strlen($file_data['file_url'])) {
                        } else {
                            if (is_file($file_data['file_path'])) {
                                header("Pragma: public");
                                header("Expires: 0");
                                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                                header("Cache-Control: private", false);
                                header("Content-type: " . dtbaker_mime_type($file_data['file_name'], $file_data['file_path']));
                                if (!isset($_REQUEST['embed'])) {
                                    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $file_data['file_name'] . "\";");
                                    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                                header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file_data['file_path']));
                                $size = @readfile($file_data['file_path']);
                                if (!$size) {
                                    echo file_get_contents($file_data['file_path']);
                            } else {
                                echo 'Not found';