Exemplo n.º 1
function populate_row($row)
    $row["view"] = "display";
    $row["folder"] = 0;
    if ($pos = strpos($row["url"], "?")) {
        $url = array();
        parse_str(substr($row["url"], $pos + 1), $url);
        $row = array_merge($row, $url);
    $row["path"] = modify::getpath($row["folder"]);
    return $row;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static function _html_vertical()
     $url = self::_url_folder();
     $path = modify::getpath($GLOBALS["sel_folder"]["id"]);
     $output = "<html><head>\n  <title>Simple Groupware &amp; CMS - " . $path . "</title>\n  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n  <link rel='alternate' type='application/atom+xml' title='Atom-Feed' href='" . $url . "&export=rss'>\n  <meta name='generator' content='Simple Groupware' />\n  <style>\n\th2, pre, img, p, div {margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px; border-spacing:0px;}\n    body,table {font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; width:99%;}\n    table {border-top:1px solid #666; border-left:1px solid #666;}\n    td {border-right:1px solid #666; border-bottom:1px solid #666; vertical-align:top;}\n\ta {text-decoration:none;}\n\ta:hover {text-decoration:underline;}\n\t.show .hide_field {visibility:visible; text-decoration:none;}\n\t.hide .hide_field {visibility:hidden;}\n  </style>\n  <script>\n\tfunction hide_column(id) {\n\t  var objs = document.getElementsByClassName('col'+id);\n\t  for (var i=0; i<objs.length; i++) objs[i].style.display='none';\n\t}\n  </script>\n  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n  </head>\n  <body class='hide'>\n  ";
     $data = self::_build_data(true);
     $output .= "<a href='" . $url . "' target='_blank'>" . $path . "</a><br/><br/>";
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         foreach ($data as $asset) {
             $output .= "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' class='sgs_table'>";
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($asset as $aval) {
                 if (!isset($aval["filter"]) or $aval["filter"] == "") {
                 $output .= "<tr class='col" . $i . "'>";
                 $output .= "<td style='width:20%;' onmouseover='document.body.className=\"show\";' onmouseout='document.body.className=\"hide\";'>";
                 $output .= "<b>" . q($aval["name"]) . "</b>";
                 $output .= "&nbsp;<a title='{t}Hide{/t}' class='hide_field' href='javascript:hide_column(" . $i . ");'>&ndash;</a></td>";
                 $data = self::_html_quote($aval["filter"], $aval["type"]);
                 if (trim($data) == "") {
                     $data = "&nbsp;";
                 } else {
                     $data = self::_html_link($data, $aval);
                 $output .= "<td>" . $data . "</td>";
                 $output .= "</tr>";
             $output .= "</table><br>";
     return $output . "</body></html>";
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function delete($folder)
     $row = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", array("id", "rgt", "lft", "ftitle", "parent"), "id=@id@", "", array("id" => $folder));
     $rows = array();
     if (!empty($row["id"])) {
         $rows = db_select("simple_sys_tree", array("id", "ftype"), "lft between @left@ and @right@", "lft asc", "", array("left" => $row["lft"], "right" => $row["rgt"]));
     if (!is_array($rows) or count($rows) == 0) {
         return "";
     if (!folder_in_trash($folder)) {
         $trash = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "id", "anchor=@anchor@", array("anchor" => "trash"));
         if (empty($trash)) {
             exit("{t}Error{/t}: {t}Trash folder not found.{/t}");
         $id = self::create(sys_date("{t}m/d/Y{/t}"), "blank", "", $trash, true);
         $old_path = modify::getpath($folder);
         if (!self::move($row["id"], $id, true)) {
             exit("{t}The folder cannot be deleted.{/t}");
         $data = array("rread_users" => "", "rread_groups" => "", "rwrite_users" => "", "rwrite_groups" => "", "radmin_users" => "", "radmin_groups" => "", "rexception_users" => "", "rexception_groups" => "", "anchor" => "");
         $data["history"] = sprintf("{t}Item deleted by %s at %s{/t}\n", $_SESSION["username"], sys_date("{t}m/d/y g:i:s a{/t}"));
         foreach ($rows as $folder) {
             db_update("simple_sys_tree", $data, array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $folder["id"]));
         db_update("simple_sys_tree", array("history" => "{t}Origin{/t}: " . $old_path . "\n"), array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $rows[0]["id"]));
         sys_log_stat("deleted_folders", count($rows));
     } else {
         foreach ($rows as $folder) {
             if ($folder["ftype"] != "sys_tree") {
                 $schema_data = db_get_schema(sys_find_module($folder["ftype"]));
                 $tname = $schema_data["att"]["NAME"];
                 if (!strpos($tname, "_nodb_")) {
                     $delete_fields = array();
                     foreach ($schema_data["fields"] as $key => $field) {
                         if ($field["SIMPLE_TYPE"] == "files") {
                             $delete_fields[] = $key;
                     if (count($delete_fields) > 0) {
                         $data = db_select($tname, $delete_fields, "folder=@folder@", "created asc", "", array("folder" => $folder["id"]));
                         if (is_array($data) and count($data) > 0) {
                             foreach ($data as $ditem) {
                                 foreach ($delete_fields as $field) {
                                     $files = explode("|", $ditem[$field]);
                     db_delete($tname, array("folder=@folder@"), array("folder" => $folder["id"]));
             db_search_delete("simple_sys_tree", $folder["id"], $folder["id"]);
             db_delete("simple_sys_tree", array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $folder["id"]));
     $folder = $row["id"];
     if (isset($_SESSION["folder_states"][$folder])) {
         foreach ($_SESSION["folder_states"][$folder] as $child) {
     return $row["parent"];
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function folder_get_category($type, $folder, $folders)
     $where = array("ftype=@type@", "id!=@id@", $_SESSION["permission_sql_read"]);
     $vars = array("type" => $type, "id" => $folder);
     $rows = db_select("simple_sys_tree", "id", $where, "lft asc", "200", $vars);
     if (is_array($rows) and count($rows) > 0) {
         foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
             $rows[$key]["path"] = modify::getpath($row["id"]);
     $tpl = new template();
     $tpl->items = $rows;
     $tpl->folder = $folder;
     $tpl->folders = $folders;
     $tpl->style = $_SESSION["theme"];
     return $tpl->render("templates/ajax_folder_categories.php");
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function runxml($id, $data, $params)
     list($file, $parent_anchor) = $params;
     $home = folder_from_path("^" . $parent_anchor);
     if (!empty($home) and file_exists(sys_custom($file))) {
         sys_notification(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", $file));
         $folder = folders::create_default_folders($file, $home, false, $data);
         sys_notification(sprintf("{t}Folder structure created.{/t} (%s)", modify::getpath($folder) . " / "));
     return "";