public function checkRules() { $DocID = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['id'] : 0; $rules = $this->getOptions("rules", array()); $flag = empty($rules); if (!$flag && $DocID && $this->loadModClass("modResource")) { $DOC = new modResource($this->_modx); $data = $DOC->edit($DocID)->toArray(); $flag = true; foreach ($rules as $item => $value) { switch ($item) { case 'id': if ($DOC->getID() != $value) { $flag = false; } break; default: if (!isset($data[$item]) || $data[$item] != $value) { $flag = false; } break; } } } return $flag; }
/** * @param \modResource $originalParent */ protected function handleOriginalParent($originalParent) { $originalGreatParent = $originalParent->Parent; if ($originalGreatParent && $originalGreatParent->class_key == 'CollectionContainer' && $originalParent->hasChildren() == 0) { $originalParent->set('show_in_tree', 0); $originalParent->save(); } }
public function process() { if (!$this->validate()) { return $this->failure(); } $this->resource->fromArray($this->getProperties()); if ($this->resource->save() === false) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('resource_err_save')); } return $this->success(); }
/** * @return array|string */ public function process() { if (!($data = $this->handleFile())) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ms2gallery_err_gallery_ns')); } $properties = $this->mediaSource->getProperties(); $tmp = explode('.', $data['name']); $extension = strtolower(end($tmp)); $image_extensions = $allowed_extensions = array(); if (!empty($properties['imageExtensions']['value'])) { $image_extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', strtolower($properties['imageExtensions']['value']))); } if (!empty($properties['allowedFileTypes']['value'])) { $allowed_extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', strtolower($properties['allowedFileTypes']['value']))); } if (!empty($allowed_extensions) && !in_array($extension, $allowed_extensions)) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ms2gallery_err_gallery_ext')); } else { if (in_array($extension, $image_extensions)) { $type = 'image'; } else { $type = $extension; } } $hash = sha1($data['stream']); if ($this->modx->getCount('msResourceFile', array('resource_id' => $this->resource->id, 'hash' => $hash, 'parent' => 0))) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ms2gallery_err_gallery_exists')); } $filename = !empty($properties['imageNameType']) && $properties['imageNameType']['value'] == 'friendly' ? $this->resource->cleanAlias($data['name']) : $hash . '.' . $extension; $rank = isset($properties['imageUploadDir']) && empty($properties['imageUploadDir']['value']) ? 0 : $this->modx->getCount('msResourceFile', array('parent' => 0, 'resource_id' => $this->resource->id)); /* @var msResourceFile $product_file */ $product_file = $this->modx->newObject('msResourceFile', array('resource_id' => $this->resource->id, 'parent' => 0, 'name' => $data['name'], 'file' => $filename, 'path' => $this->resource->id . '/', 'source' => $this->mediaSource->get('id'), 'type' => $type, 'rank' => $rank, 'createdon' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'createdby' => $this->modx->user->id, 'active' => 1, 'hash' => $hash, 'properties' => $data['properties'])); $this->mediaSource->createContainer($product_file->path, '/'); $file = $this->mediaSource->createObject($product_file->get('path'), $product_file->get('file'), $data['stream']); if ($file) { $url = $this->mediaSource->getObjectUrl($product_file->get('path') . $product_file->get('file')); $product_file->set('url', $url); $product_file->save(); if (empty($rank)) { $imagesTable = $this->modx->getTableName('msResourceFile'); $sql = "UPDATE {$imagesTable} SET rank = rank + 1 WHERE resource_id ='" . $this->resource->id . "' AND id !='" . $product_file->get('id') . "'"; $this->modx->exec($sql); } $generate = $product_file->generateThumbnails($this->mediaSource); if ($generate !== true) { $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not generate thumbnails for image with id = ' . $product_file->get('id') . '. ' . $generate); return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ms2gallery_err_gallery_thumb')); } else { return $this->success(); } } else { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ms2gallery_err_gallery_save') . ': ' . print_r($this->mediaSource->getErrors(), 1)); } }
public function beforeSave() { /** @var modResource $parent */ $parent = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $this->object->parent); if ($parent && $parent->class_key == 'CollectionContainer') { $this->object->set('show_in_tree', 0); } else { $this->object->set('show_in_tree', 1); } return parent::beforeSave(); }
public function process() { /* @var modResourceGroupResource $resourceGroupResource */ $resourceGroupResource = $this->modx->getObject('modResourceGroupResource', array('document_group' => $this->resourceGroup->get('id'), 'document' => $this->resource->get('id'))); if (empty($resourceGroupResource)) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('resource_group_resource_err_nf')); } if ($resourceGroupResource->remove() == false) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('resource_group_resource_err_remove')); } else { $this->fireAfterRemove(); } return $this->success('', $resourceGroupResource); }
/** * Process this page, load the resource, and present its values * @return void */ public function process() { $data = $this->processInput($this->config['gpc']); /* @var modProcessorResponse $response */ $response = $this->modx->runProcessor('resource/update', $data); if (!$response->isError()) { $tempRes = $response->getObject(); $this->resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $tempRes['id']); $this->setPlaceholders(array('message' => $this->modx->lexicon('updated'), 'resid' => $this->resource->get('id'), 'ctx' => $this->resource->get('context_key'))); } else { $error = $response->getAllErrors(); $this->setPlaceholder('message', 'Something went wrong updating the Resource: ' . implode(', ', $error)); } }
/** * @param \modResource $parent * @param \modResource $resource * @param \modResource $originalParent */ protected function handleOriginalParent($parent, $resource, $originalParent) { if ($originalParent->class_key == 'CollectionContainer') { if ($parent->class_key != 'CollectionContainer') { $resource->set('show_in_tree', 1); } } else { /** @var \modResource $originalGreatParent */ $originalGreatParent = $originalParent->Parent; if ($originalGreatParent && $originalGreatParent->class_key == 'CollectionContainer') { $resource->set('show_in_tree', 1); } } }
public function process() { $action = $this->resource->get('deleted') ? 'undelete' : 'delete'; $return = $this->hm->runProcessor(array('action' => 'resource/' . $action, 'id' => $this->resource->get('id'))); if ($return['success'] == 1) { if ($action == 'undelete') { $message = 'Successfully undeleted resource ' . $this->resource->get('pagetitle') . '.'; } else { $message = 'Successfully deleted resource ' . $this->resource->get('pagetitle') . '.'; } } else { $message = 'Something went wrong. ' . $return['message']; } $this->setPlaceholder('message', $message); }
public function getResourceGroups() { $parentGroups = array(); if ($this->resource->get('id') == 0) { $parent = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $this->resource->get('parent')); /** @var modResource $parent */ if ($parent) { $parentResourceGroups = $parent->getMany('ResourceGroupResources'); /** @var modResourceGroupResource $parentResourceGroup */ foreach ($parentResourceGroups as $parentResourceGroup) { $parentGroups[] = $parentResourceGroup->get('document_group'); } $parentGroups = array_unique($parentGroups); } } $this->resourceArray['resourceGroups'] = array(); $resourceGroups = $this->resource->getGroupsList(array('name' => 'ASC'), 0, 0); /** @var modResourceGroup $resourceGroup */ foreach ($resourceGroups['collection'] as $resourceGroup) { $access = (bool) $resourceGroup->get('access'); if (!empty($parent) && $this->resource->get('id') == 0) { $access = in_array($resourceGroup->get('id'), $parentGroups) ? true : false; } $resourceGroupArray = array($resourceGroup->get('id'), $resourceGroup->get('name'), $access); $this->resourceArray['resourceGroups'][] = $resourceGroupArray; } return $this->resourceArray['resourceGroups']; }
function modresource_populate_children(\Teleport\Action\Extract &$extract, modResource &$object, $criteria, $graph, $graphCriteria, $vehicle, &$vehicleCount) { unset($criteria['parent']); $children = $object->getMany('Children', null, false); if ($children) { foreach ($children as &$child) { /** @var modResource $child */ if ($graph !== null) { $child->getGraph($graph, $graphCriteria); } if ($extract->package->put($child, $vehicle['attributes'])) { $vehicleCount++; } modresource_populate_children($extract, $child, $criteria, $graph, $graphCriteria, $vehicle, $vehicleCount); } } }
/** * Empty site cache if specified to do so * @return void */ public function clearCache() { $syncSite = $this->getProperty('syncsite', false); $clearCache = $this->getProperty('clearCache', false); if (!empty($syncSite) || !empty($clearCache)) { $this->modx->cacheManager->refresh(array('db' => array(), 'auto_publish' => array('contexts' => array($this->object->get('context_key'))), 'context_settings' => array('contexts' => array($this->object->get('context_key'))), 'resource' => array('contexts' => array($this->object->get('context_key'))))); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @return array */ public static function loadCollection(xPDO &$xpdo, $className, $criteria = null, $cacheFlag = true) { if (!is_object($criteria)) { $criteria = $xpdo->getCriteria($className, $criteria, $cacheFlag); } $xpdo->addDerivativeCriteria($className, $criteria); return parent::loadCollection($xpdo, $className, $criteria, $cacheFlag); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public function prepareResourceNode(modResource $resource) { $qtipField = $this->getProperty('qtipField'); $nodeField = $this->getProperty('nodeField'); $hasChildren = (int) $resource->get('childrenCount') > 0 && $resource->get('hide_children_in_tree') == 0 ? true : false; // Assign an icon class based on the class_key $class = $iconCls = array(); $classKey = strtolower($resource->get('class_key')); if (substr($classKey, 0, 3) == 'mod') { $classKey = substr($classKey, 3); } $classKeyIcon = $this->modx->getOption('mgr_tree_icon_' . $classKey, null, 'tree-resource'); $iconCls[] = $classKeyIcon; $class[] = 'icon-' . strtolower(str_replace('mod', '', $resource->get('class_key'))); if (!$resource->isfolder) { $class[] = 'x-tree-node-leaf icon-resource'; } if (!$resource->get('published')) { $class[] = 'unpublished'; } if ($resource->get('deleted')) { $class[] = 'deleted'; } if ($resource->get('hidemenu')) { $class[] = 'hidemenu'; } if ($hasChildren) { $class[] = 'haschildren'; $iconCls[] = $this->modx->getOption('mgr_tree_icon_folder', null, 'tree-folder'); $iconCls[] = 'parent-resource'; } $qtip = ''; if (!empty($qtipField)) { $qtip = '<b>' . strip_tags($resource->{$qtipField}) . '</b>'; } else { if ($resource->longtitle != '') { $qtip = '<b>' . strip_tags($resource->longtitle) . '</b><br />'; } if ($resource->description != '') { $qtip = '<i>' . strip_tags($resource->description) . '</i>'; } } $idNote = $this->modx->hasPermission('tree_show_resource_ids') ? ' <span dir="ltr">(' . $resource->id . ')</span>' : ''; $itemArray = array('text' => strip_tags($resource->{$nodeField}) . $idNote, 'id' => $resource->context_key . '_' . $resource->id, 'pk' => $resource->id, 'cls' => implode(' ', $class), 'iconCls' => implode(' ', $iconCls), 'type' => 'modResource', 'classKey' => $resource->class_key, 'ctx' => $resource->context_key, 'hide_children_in_tree' => $resource->hide_children_in_tree, 'qtip' => $qtip, 'checked' => !empty($resource->member) || $resource->id == $this->parent_id ? true : false, 'disabled' => $resource->id == $this->parent_id ? true : false); if (!$hasChildren) { $itemArray['hasChildren'] = false; $itemArray['children'] = array(); $itemArray['expanded'] = true; } else { $itemArray['hasChildren'] = true; } if ($itemArray['classKey'] != 'msCategory') { unset($itemArray['checked']); } return $itemArray; }
public function getChanges(array $resourceArray) { $emptyDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $resourceArray['pub_date'] = !empty($resourceArray['pub_date']) && $resourceArray['pub_date'] != $emptyDate ? $resourceArray['pub_date'] : $this->modx->lexicon('none'); $resourceArray['unpub_date'] = !empty($resourceArray['unpub_date']) && $resourceArray['unpub_date'] != $emptyDate ? $resourceArray['unpub_date'] : $this->modx->lexicon('none'); $resourceArray['status'] = $resourceArray['published'] ? $this->modx->lexicon('resource_published') : $this->modx->lexicon('resource_unpublished'); $server_offset_time = intval($this->modx->getOption('server_offset_time', null, 0)); $resourceArray['createdon_adjusted'] = strftime('%c', strtotime($this->resource->get('createdon')) + $server_offset_time); $resourceArray['createdon_by'] = $this->resource->get('creator'); if (!empty($resourceArray['editedon']) && $resourceArray['editedon'] != $emptyDate) { $resourceArray['editedon_adjusted'] = strftime('%c', strtotime($this->resource->get('editedon')) + $server_offset_time); $resourceArray['editedon_by'] = $this->resource->get('editor'); } else { $resourceArray['editedon_adjusted'] = $this->modx->lexicon('none'); $resourceArray['editedon_by'] = $this->modx->lexicon('none'); } if (!empty($resourceArray['publishedon']) && $resourceArray['publishedon'] != $emptyDate) { $resourceArray['publishedon_adjusted'] = strftime('%c', strtotime($this->resource->get('editedon')) + $server_offset_time); $resourceArray['publishedon_by'] = $this->resource->get('publisher'); } else { $resourceArray['publishedon_adjusted'] = $this->modx->lexicon('none'); $resourceArray['publishedon_by'] = $this->modx->lexicon('none'); } return $resourceArray; }
function get($k, $format = NULL, $formatTemplate = NULL) { switch ($k) { case 'url': return $this->makeUrl(); break; } return parent::get($k, $format, $formatTemplate); }
/** * Quick check to make sure it's not site_start, if so, publish if not published to prevent site error * * @return boolean */ public function checkIfSiteStart() { $saved = false; if ($this->object->get('id') == $this->workingContext->getOption('site_start') && !$this->object->get('published')) { $this->object->set('published', true); $saved = $this->object->save(); } return $saved; }
/** * Fire the TV Form Render event * @return mixed */ public function fireOnTVFormRender() { $onResourceTVFormPrerender = $this->modx->invokeEvent('OnResourceTVFormPrerender', array('resource' => $this->resource->get('id'))); if (is_array($onResourceTVFormPrerender)) { $onResourceTVFormPrerender = implode('', $onResourceTVFormPrerender); } $this->setPlaceholder('OnResourceTVFormPrerender', $onResourceTVFormPrerender); return $onResourceTVFormPrerender; }
/** * Get the Resource associated * * @return modResource|string */ public function getResource() { $resourceId = $this->getProperty('resource', 0); if (empty($resourceId)) { $this->resource = $this->modx->newObject('modResource'); $this->resource->set('id', 0); } else { $this->resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $resourceId); if (empty($this->resource)) { return $this->modx->lexicon('resource_err_nfs', array('id' => $resourceId)); } /* check access */ if (!$this->resource->checkPolicy('view')) { return $this->modx->lexicon('permission_denied'); } } return $this->resource; }
/** * Override the parent function to get our special properties. * @param string $namespace * @return array */ public function getProperties($namespace = 'core') { $properties = parent::getProperties($namespace); //$this->xpdo->log(1, print_r($properties,true)); if (!empty($properties)) { return $properties; } // Properties defaults $properties = array('product_type' => 'regular', 'product_template' => $this->xpdo->getOption('moxycart.default_product_template', '', $this->xpdo->getOption('default_template')), 'sort_order' => 'name', 'qty_alert' => 0, 'track_inventory' => 0, 'specs' => array(), 'variations' => array(), 'taxonomies' => array()); return $properties; }
public static function getTemplateVarCollection(modResource &$resource) { $c = $resource->xpdo->newQuery('modTemplateVar'); $c->query['distinct'] = 'DISTINCT'; $c->select($resource->xpdo->getSelectColumns('modTemplateVar', 'modTemplateVar')); if ($resource->isNew()) { $c->select(array( "modTemplateVar.default_text AS value", "0 AS resourceId" )); } else { $c->select(array( "ISNULL(tvc.value,modTemplateVar.default_text) AS value", "{$resource->get('id')} AS resourceId" )); } $c->select($resource->xpdo->getSelectColumns('modTemplateVarTemplate', 'tvtpl', '', array('rank'))); $c->innerJoin('modTemplateVarTemplate','tvtpl',array( 'tvtpl.tmplvarid =', 'tvtpl.templateid' => $resource->get('template'), )); if (!$resource->isNew()) { $c->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource','tvc',array( 'tvc.tmplvarid =', 'tvc.contentid' => $resource->get('id'), )); } $c->sortby('tvtpl.rank,modTemplateVar.rank'); return $resource->xpdo->getCollection('modTemplateVar', $c); }
public function getContent(array $options = array()) { $content = '<div class="postBody">' . parent::getContent($options) . '</div>'; $conversation = $this->class_key . '-' . $this->id; $properties = $this->getProperties('modxtalks'); $properties = array_merge(array('conversation' => $conversation), $properties); $out = ''; foreach ($properties as $key => $property) { $out .= "&{$key}=`{$property}`"; } $content .= '[[$chankModxTalksStreak]][[!modxTalks?' . $out . ']]'; return $content; }
/** * @param modManagerController $controller * @param modResource $resource */ public function loadManagerFiles(modManagerController $controller, modResource $resource) { $modx23 = (int) $this->systemVersion(); $cssUrl = $this->config['cssUrl'] . 'mgr/'; $jsUrl = $this->config['jsUrl'] . 'mgr/'; $properties = $resource->getProperties('modupdater'); $controller->addLexiconTopic('modupdater:default'); $controller->addJavascript($jsUrl . 'modupdater.js'); $controller->addLastJavascript($jsUrl . 'misc/utils.js'); $controller->addCss($cssUrl . 'main.css'); if (!$modx23) { $controller->addCss($cssUrl . 'font-awesome.min.css'); } $controller->addHtml(' <script type="text/javascript"> MODx.modx23 = ' . $modx23 . '; modUpdater.config = ' . $this->modx->toJSON($this->config) . '; modUpdater.config.resID = ' . $resource->id . '; modUpdater.config.connector_url = "' . $this->config['connectorUrl'] . '"; </script>', true); $controller->addLastJavascript($jsUrl . 'widgets/'); }
private function saveMarkdown() { $resourceArray = $this->resource->toArray(); $mode = $this->sp['mode']; $deleteUnused = (int) $this->md->getOption('upload.delete_unused', null, 1); $underResource = (int) $this->md->getOption('upload.under_resource', null, 1); if ($mode == \modSystemEvent::MODE_UPD) { if ($deleteUnused && $underResource) { $this->uploadedFiles(); } } foreach ($resourceArray as $field => $value) { if (!strpos($field, '_markdown')) { continue; } $fieldName = str_replace('_markdown', '', $field); $markdown = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->resource->getProperty('markdown', 'markdowneditor', '[]')); if ($mode == \modSystemEvent::MODE_NEW) { if ($underResource) { $this->moveFilesUnderCorrectResource($value, $fieldName); } } if ($mode == \modSystemEvent::MODE_UPD) { if ($deleteUnused && $underResource) { $this->unsetUnusedFiles($value); } } $markdown[$fieldName] = $value; $this->resource->setProperty('markdown', $this->modx->toJSON($markdown), 'markdowneditor'); $this->resource->save(); $this->resource->{$field} = ''; } if ($mode == \modSystemEvent::MODE_UPD) { if ($deleteUnused && $underResource) { $this->deleteUnusedFiles(); } } }
public function beforeSave() { /* format data */ $resourceId = substr(strrchr($this->getProperty('resource', ''), '_'), 1); $resourceGroupId = substr(strrchr($this->getProperty('resourceGroup', ''), '_'), 1); if (empty($resourceId) || empty($resourceGroupId)) { return $this->modx->lexicon('invalid_data'); } $this->resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $resourceId); if (!$this->resource) { return $this->modx->lexicon('resource_err_nfs', array('id' => $resourceId)); } $this->resourceGroup = $this->modx->getObject('modResourceGroup', $resourceGroupId); if (!$this->resourceGroup) { return $this->modx->lexicon('resource_group_err_nf'); } if ($this->doesAlreadyExist(array('document' => $this->resource->get('id'), 'document_group' => $this->resourceGroup->get('id')))) { return $this->modx->lexicon($this->objectType . '_err_ae'); } $this->object->set('document', $this->resource->get('id')); $this->object->set('document_group', $this->resourceGroup->get('id')); return parent::beforeSave(); }
function process() { $this->_content = ''; $this->_output = ''; $this->xpdo->getParser(); /** @var modTemplate $baseElement */ if ($baseElement = $this->getOne('Template') and $baseElement->process()) { $this->_content = $baseElement->_output; $this->_processed = true; } else { return parent::process(); } return $this->_content; }
public function Lists() { $out = ''; $this->_modx->documentIdentifier = $this->_modx->getConfig('site_start'); $this->_modx->config['site_url'] = MODX_MANAGER_URL; $method = $this->getParam('method', $_GET, ''); $addWhere = array(); switch ($method) { case 'doc': $docID = (int) $this->getParam('doc', $_GET, 0); $addWhere[] = '`page`=' . $docID; break; case 'active': $addWhere[] = '`active`=1'; break; case 'deactive': $addWhere[] = '`active`=0'; break; } /** * По какому полю вести сортировку */ $key = $this->getParam('by', $_GET, 'page'); $modSeo = Action::getClassTable(); if (!$modSeo->issetField($key)) { $key = 'uri'; } $data = array('orderBy' => '`' . $key . '` ' . $this->getParam('order', $_GET, 'ASC'), 'addWhereList' => implode(" AND ", $addWhere)); /** * Хакаем URL пагинатора */ parse_str(parse_url(MODX_SITE_URL . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY), $URL); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $this->_modx->getManagerPath() . "?" . http_build_query(array_merge($URL, array('q' => null, 'action' => null))); if (!empty($data)) { $out = $this->_modx->runSnippet('DocLister', array_merge(array('controller' => 'onetable', 'table' => Action::TABLE(), 'tpl' => '@CODE: ' . $this->showBody('table/body'), 'ownerTPL' => '@CODE: ' . $this->showBody('table/wrap'), 'altItemClass' => 'gridAltItem', 'itemClass' => 'gridItem', 'display' => self::getParam('display', $this->_modx->event->params), 'id' => 'dl', 'pageInfoTpl' => '@CODE: ' . $this->showBody('table/pageInfo'), 'pageInfoEmptyTpl' => '@CODE: ' . $this->showBody('table/pageInfoEmpty'), 'debug' => 0, 'noneTPL' => '@CODE: Нет данных', 'noneWrapOuter' => 0, 'paginate' => 'pages', 'prepare' => function (array $data = array(), \DocumentParser $modx, \onetableDocLister $_DocLister) { if (!empty($data['page'])) { include_once MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/lib/MODxAPI/modResource.php"; $DOC = new \modResource($modx); $DOC->edit($data['page']); $data['doc_pagetitle'] = $DOC->getID() ? $DOC->get('pagetitle') : ''; $data['doc_parent'] = $DOC->getID() ? $DOC->get('parent') : '0'; $tpl = 'pageInfoTpl'; } else { $tpl = 'pageInfoEmptyTpl'; } $data['pageInfo'] = $_DocLister->parseChunk($_DocLister->getCFGDef($tpl), $data); $data['saveGet'] = $data['save_get'] ? 'save' : 'exclamation'; $data['fullRequest'] = $data['full_request'] ? 'page_white_copy' : 'page_white_magnify'; $data['active'] = $data['active'] ? 'stop' : 'add'; $data['class'] = isset($data['dl.iteration']) && $data['dl.iteration'] % 2 ? $_DocLister->getCFGDef('itemClass') : $_DocLister->getCFGDef('altItemClass'); return $data; }, 'idType' => 'documents', 'ignoreEmpty' => 1), $data)); $out .= $this->_modx->getPlaceholder('dl.pages'); } return $out; }
/** * Get the Resource associated * * @return modResource|string */ public function getResource() { $resource_id = $this->getProperty('resource'); if (empty($resource_id)) { return $this->modx->lexicon('resource_err_ns'); } $this->resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $resource_id); if (empty($resourcegroup)) { return $this->modx->lexicon('resource_err_nf'); } /* check access */ if (!$this->resource->checkPolicy('save')) { return $this->modx->lexicon('permission_denied'); } return $this->resource; }
/** * Check for locks on the Resource * * @return bool */ public function checkForLocks() { $lockedBy = $this->resource->addLock($this->modx->user->get('id')); $this->canSave = $this->modx->hasPermission('save_document') ? 1 : 0; $this->locked = false; $this->lockedText = ''; if (!empty($lockedBy) && $lockedBy !== true) { $this->canSave = false; $this->locked = true; $locker = $this->modx->getObject('modUser', $lockedBy); if ($locker) { $lockedBy = $locker->get('username'); } $this->lockedText = $this->modx->lexicon('resource_locked_by', array('user' => $lockedBy, 'id' => $this->resource->get('id'))); } return $this->locked; }
/** * Used in MODX < 2.1 where the modResource::getTemplateVarCollection method is not yet available. * Collects modTemplateVar objects with their value for the current resource. * * @return array An array with TV objects. */ private function _getTemplateVars() { $c = $this->modx->newQuery('modTemplateVar'); $c->query['distinct'] = 'DISTINCT'; $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('modTemplateVar', 'modTemplateVar')); if ($this->resource->isNew()) { $c->select(array('modTemplateVar.default_text AS value', '0 AS resourceId')); } else { $c->select(array('IF(ISNULL(tvc.value),modTemplateVar.default_text,tvc.value) AS value', $this->resource->get('id') . ' AS resourceId')); } $c->innerJoin('modTemplateVarTemplate', 'tvtpl', array('tvtpl.tmplvarid =', 'tvtpl.templateid' => $this->resource->get('template'))); if (!$this->resource->isNew()) { $c->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'tvc', array('tvc.tmplvarid =', 'tvc.contentid' => $this->resource->get('id'))); } $c->sortby('tvtpl.rank,modTemplateVar.rank'); return $this->modx->getCollection('modTemplateVar', $c); }