Exemplo n.º 1
        return '';
    if (substr($clan_url, 0, 7) != 'http://' and substr($clan_url, 0, 8) != 'https://') {
        $clan_url = "http://" . $clan_url;
    return '<a href="' . $clan_url . '" target="_blank">' . $clan_url . '</a>';
switch ($_GET['step']) {
        include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
        $ms2 = new mastersearch2('clanmgr');
        $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%clan AS c\n        LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON c.clanid = u.clanid";
        $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 20;
        #$ms2->AddBGColor('c.clanid', array($auth['clanid'] => 'ff0000'));
        $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Clanname'), array('c.name' => '1337', 'c.url' => 'like'));
        $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Mitglieder'), 'COUNT(u.clanid)', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Ohne Mitglieder'), '>1' => t('Mit Mitglieder')));
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Clanname'), 'c.name');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Webseite'), 'c.url', 'link_to_clan');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Mitglieder'), 'COUNT(u.clanid) AS members');
        $ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=clanmgr&step=2&clanid=', t('Clan-Details'));
        if ($auth['type'] >= 2) {
            $ms2->AddIconField('change_pw', 'index.php?mod=clanmgr&step=10&clanid=', t('Passwort ändern'));
        if ($auth['type'] >= 2) {
            $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=clanmgr&step=30&clanid=', t('Editieren'));
        if ($auth['type'] >= 3) {
            $ms2->AddIconField('delete', 'index.php?mod=clanmgr&step=20&clanid=', t('Löschen'));
        if ($auth['type'] >= 3) {
            $ms2->AddMultiSelectAction(t('Löschen'), 'index.php?mod=clanmgr&step=20', 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
     $ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=install&action=translation', 'file');
 case 2:
     $dsp->NewContent(t('Übersetzen'), t('Es müssen nur Einträge eingetragen werden, die sich in der Zielsprache vom Orginal unterscheiden'));
     include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
     $ms2 = new mastersearch2('install');
     $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%translation";
     $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 50;
     $selections = array('' => t('Alle'));
     $res = $db->qry("SELECT file FROM %prefix%translation GROUP BY file");
     while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
         $selections[$row['file']] = $row['file'];
     $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Fundstelle'), 'file', $selections);
     $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Englisch'), 'en', array('' => t('Egal'), '>0' => t('Vorhanden')));
     $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Veraltet'), 'obsolete', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Nur neue'), '1' => t('Nur veraltete')));
     $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Text'), array('org' => 'like'));
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('Text'), 'org');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('Fundstelle'), 'file');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('De'), 'de', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('En'), 'en', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('Es'), 'es', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('Nl'), 'nl', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('Fr'), 'fr', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddResultField(t('It'), 'it', 'YesNo');
     $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=install&action=translation&step=3&tid=', t('Edit'));
     $ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=install&action=translation&step=2', 'tid');
 case 3:
Exemplo n.º 3
        if ($line['available'] == 1) {
            return "<div class=\"tbl_green\">Online</div>";
        } elseif ($line['available'] == 2) {
            return "<div class=\"tbl_red\">Port Offline</div>";
        } else {
            return "<div class=\"tbl_red\">IP Offline</div>";
    } else {
        return "-";
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%server AS s LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON s.owner = u.userid";
$ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 30;
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Name'), array('s.caption' => 'like', 's.ip' => 'like'));
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Besitzer'), array('u.username' => '1337', 'u.name' => 'like', 'u.firstname' => 'like'));
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Servertyp'), 's.type', array('' => t('Alle'), 'gameserver' => 'Game', 'ftp' => 'FTP', 'irc' => 'IRC', 'web' => 'Web', 'proxy' => 'Proxy', 'misc' => 'Misc'));
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('PW', 's.pw', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Nein'), '1' => t('Ja')));
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Name'), 's.caption');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Servertyp'), 's.type', 'ServerType');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('IP-Adresse / Domain'), 's.ip');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Port'), 's.port');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Besitzer'), 'u.username', 'UserNameAndIcon');
$ms2->AddResultField('PW', 's.pw', 'PWIcon');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Status'), 's.available', 'ServerStatus');
$ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=server&action=show_details&serverid=', t('Details'));
if ($auth['type'] >= 2) {
    $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=server&action=change&step=2&serverid=', t('Editieren'));
if ($auth['type'] >= 3) {
    $ms2->AddIconField('delete', 'index.php?mod=server&action=delete&step=2&serverid=', t('Löschen'));
Exemplo n.º 4
 $ms2->quicklinks[] = $quicklink;
 $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%bugtracker AS b\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS r ON b.reporter = r.userid\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS a ON b.agent = a.userid\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%comments AS c ON (c.relatedto_id = b.bugid AND c.relatedto_item = 'BugEintrag')\n    ";
 $ms2->query['where'] = '(!private OR ' . (int) $auth['type'] . ' >= 2)';
 #  $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'FIND_IN_SET(state, \'0,7,1,2,3,4,5,6\'), date DESC';
 $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'changedate DESC, FIND_IN_SET(state, \'0,7,1,2,3,4,5,6\'), date DESC';
 $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 50;
 $ms2->AddBGColor('state', $colors);
 $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Überschrift'), array('b.caption' => 'like'));
 $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Text'), array('b.text' => 'fulltext', 'c.text' => 'fulltext'));
 $list = array('' => 'Alle');
 $row = $db->qry('SELECT b.reporter, u.username FROM %prefix%bugtracker AS b LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON b.reporter = u.userid WHERE b.reporter > 0 ORDER BY u.username');
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     $list[$res['reporter']] = $res['username'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Reporter', 'b.reporter', $list);
 $list = array('' => 'Alle');
 $row = $db->qry('SELECT module FROM %prefix%bugtracker WHERE module != "" GROUP BY module ORDER BY module');
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     $list[$res['module']] = $res['module'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Modul', 'module', $list);
 $list = array('' => 'Alle');
 $row = $db->qry('SELECT b.agent, u.username FROM %prefix%bugtracker AS b LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON b.agent = u.userid WHERE b.agent > 0 ORDER BY u.username');
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     $list[$res['agent']] = $res['username'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Bearbeiter', 'b.agent', $list);
 $list = array('' => 'Alle');
Exemplo n.º 5
    $ms2->query['where'] .= ' AND b.bid IS NOT NULL';
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 't.sticky DESC, LastPost DESC';
$ms2->AddBGColor('label', $colors);
#$ms2->AddBGColor('sticky', array('', 'red'));
if ($_GET['fid'] == '') {
    $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Titel'), array('t.caption' => 'like'));
    $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Text'), array('p.comment' => 'fulltext'));
    $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Autor'), array('u.username' => '1337', 'u.name' => 'like', 'u.firstname' => 'like'));
    $list = array();
    $list[''] = t('Alle');
    $res = $db->qry("SELECT fid, name FROM %prefix%board_forums");
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
        $list[$row['fid']] = $row['name'];
    $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Forum'), 'f.fid', $list);
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Status'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r.date) AS date', 'NewPosts');
if ($_GET['fid'] != '') {
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Thread'), 't.caption', 'FormatTitle');
} else {
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Thread'), 'CONCAT(\'<b>\', f.name, \'</b><br />\', t.caption) AS ThreadName', 'FormatTitle');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Aufrufe'), 't.views');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Antworten'), '(COUNT(p.pid) - 1) AS posts');
//$ms2->AddResultField(t('Erster Beitrag'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(p.date)) AS FirstPost', 'LastPostDetails');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Letzter Beitrag'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(p.date)) AS LastPost', 'LastPostDetails');
if ($_GET['action'] == 'bookmark') {
Exemplo n.º 6
 include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
 $ms2 = new mastersearch2();
 $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%log AS l\n      LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON u.userid = l.userid";
 $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'l.date DESC';
 $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 50;
 $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Meldung'), array('l.description' => 'like'));
 $ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('IP'), array('ip' => 'aton'));
 $list = array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('System'));
 $res = $db->qry("SELECT l.userid, u.username FROM %prefix%log AS l\n      LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON u.userid = l.userid\n      GROUP BY l.userid");
 while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
     if ($row['userid']) {
         $list[$row['userid']] = $row['username'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Auslöser'), 'l.userid', $list);
 $list = array('' => t('Alle'));
 $row = $db->qry("SELECT sort_tag FROM %prefix%log GROUP BY sort_tag");
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     if ($res['sort_tag']) {
         $list[$res['sort_tag']] = $res['sort_tag'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Gruppe'), 'l.sort_tag', $list);
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Prioritat'), 'l.type', array('' => 'Alle', '1' => 'Niedrig', '2' => 'Normal', '3' => 'Hoch'));
 $ms2->AddResultField(t('Meldung'), 'l.description', '', 140);
 $ms2->AddResultField(t('IP'), 'INET_NTOA(l.ip) AS ip');
 $ms2->AddResultField(t('Gruppe'), 'l.sort_tag');
 $ms2->AddResultField(t('Datum'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.date) AS date', 'MS2GetDate');
Exemplo n.º 7
        return '';
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%user AS u\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%clan AS c ON u.clanid = c.clanid\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%party_user AS p ON u.userid = p.user_id\n    LEFT JOIN %prefix%party_prices AS i ON i.party_id = p.party_id AND i.price_id = p.price_id";
if ($party->party_id) {
    $ms2->query['where'] = 'p.party_id = ' . (int) $party->party_id;
} else {
    $ms2->query['where'] = '1 = 1';
$cfg['guestlist_showorga'] ? $ms2->query['where'] .= ' AND u.type >= 1' : ($ms2->query['where'] .= ' AND u.type = 1');
$ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 20;
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Benutzername'), array('u.username' => '1337'));
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Userid'), array('u.userid' => 'exact'));
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Name'), array('u.name' => 'like', 'u.firstname' => 'like'));
if ($party->party_id) {
    $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Bezahlt'), 'p.paid', array('' => 'Alle', '0' => 'Nicht bezahlt', '>1' => 'Bezahlt'));
    if (!$cfg['sys_internet']) {
        $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Eingecheckt'), 'p.checkin', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Nicht Eingecheckt'), '>1' => t('Eingecheckt')));
        $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Ausgecheckt'), 'p.checkout', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Nicht Ausgecheckt'), '>1' => t('Ausgecheckt')));
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Clan'), array('c.name' => 'like'));
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Benutzername'), 'u.username');
if ($auth['type'] >= 2 or !$cfg['sys_internet'] or $cfg['guestlist_shownames']) {
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Vorname'), 'u.firstname');
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Nachname'), 'u.name');
$ms2->AddSelect('c.url AS clanurl');
$ms2->AddSelect('c.clanid AS clanid');
$ms2->AddResultField('Clan', 'c.name AS clan', 'ClanURLLink');
if ($party->party_id) {
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Created on 12.02.2009
 * Gibt zufällig ausgewählte Benutzer aus. Nützlich für Gewinnspiele etc.
 * @package lansuite_core
 * @author Maztah
include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
$ms2 = new mastersearch2('random_user');
//Anzeige User
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%user AS u\n   \t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%clan AS c ON u.clanid = c.clanid\n    \tLEFT JOIN %prefix%party_user AS p ON u.userid = p.user_id\n   \t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%party_prices AS i ON i.party_id = p.party_id AND i.price_id = p.price_id";
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = "RAND()";
$ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 20;
$party_list = array('' => 'Alle', 'NULL' => 'Zu keiner Party angemeldet');
$row = $db->qry("SELECT party_id, name FROM %prefix%partys");
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    $party_list[$res['party_id']] = $res['name'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Party'), 'p.party_id', $party_list, $party->party_id);
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Eingecheckt'), 'p.checkin', array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('Nicht eingecheckt'), '>1' => t('Eingecheckt')));
$ms2->AddResultField(t('LS ID'), 'u.userid');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Benutzername'), 'u.username');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Vorname'), 'u.firstname');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Nachname'), 'u.name');
$ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=usrmgr&action=details&userid=', t('Details'));
$ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=guestlist&action=random_user', 'u.userid');
Exemplo n.º 9
function get_modullink($modul)
    return "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=mod_cfg&step=10&module=" . $modul . "\">" . $modul . "</a>";
$dsp->NewContent('Suche Configschl&uuml;ssel', 'Zum bearbeiten auf den Modullink klicken');
// Init Mastersearch
include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
$ms2 = new mastersearch2();
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%config l";
// Add Searchfields
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Alle Felder'), array('l.cfg_key' => 'like', 'l.cfg_value' => 'like', 'l.cfg_desc' => 'like', 'l.cfg_module' => 'like'));
$list = array('' => 'Alle');
$row = $db->qry('SELECT cfg_module FROM %prefix%config WHERE cfg_module != "" GROUP BY cfg_module ORDER BY cfg_module');
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    $list[$res['cfg_module']] = $res['cfg_module'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Modul', 'l.cfg_module', $list);
// Which columns should be displayed?
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Key'), 'l.cfg_key');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Modul'), 'l.cfg_module', 'get_modullink');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Value'), 'l.cfg_value');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Beschreibung'), 'l.cfg_desc');
// Functionbuttons
// Einzeledit muss noch integriert werden.
//if ($auth['type'] >= 2) $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=install&action=mod_cfg&step=10&cfg_key=', t('Editieren'));
// Final Output
$ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=install&action=search_cfg', 'l.cfg_key');
Exemplo n.º 10
    $return = "";
    $return .= "<a href='index.php?mod=foodcenter&headermenuitem=" . $data[cat_id] . "&info=" . $id . "'><b>" . $data[caption] . "</b>";
    $return .= " <br />" . $data[p_desc] . "</a>";
    return $return;
$product_list = new product_list();
$dsp->NewContent(t('Produktsuche'), t('Hier findest du alles was das Herz begehrt'));
$ms2 = new mastersearch2();
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%food_product AS p\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%food_option AS o ON o.parentid = p.id";
$cat_list = array('' => 'Alle');
$row = $db->qry("SELECT * FROM %prefix%food_cat");
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    $cat_list[$res['cat_id']] = $res['name'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Produktkategorie', 'p.cat_id', $cat_list);
$ms2->AddTextSearchField('Produktsuche', array('p.caption' => 'like', 'p.p_desc' => 'like'));
$ms2->AddResultField('Titel', 'p.id', 'GetTitelName');
//$ms2->AddIconField('basket', 'index.php?mod=foodcenter&headermenuitem='=', t('Details'));
switch ($_POST['search_dd_input'][0]) {
    case 1:
        $ms2->NoItemsText = t('Keine aktuellen Bestellungen vorhanden.');
    case 2:
        $ms2->NoItemsText = t('Es müssen keine Produkte bestellt werden.');
    case 3:
        $ms2->NoItemsText = t('Es wird auf keine Lieferung gewartet.');
    case 4:
Exemplo n.º 11
        $mf->SendForm('index.php?mod=boxes&amp;step=20', 'boxes', 'boxid', $_GET['boxid']);
        // Delete
    // Delete
    case 30:
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
        $md = new masterdelete();
        $md->Delete('boxes', 'boxid', $_GET['boxid']);
$dsp->NewContent(t('Box-Manager'), t('Hier kannst du die Anzeige und Position der Boxen verwalten'));
include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
$ms2 = new mastersearch2('');
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%boxes AS b";
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'place ASC, pos ASC, name ASC';
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Internet-Modus'), 'b.internet', array('' => t('Egal'), '1' => t('Nur im Intranet-Modus'), '2' => t('Nur im Internet-Modus')));
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Login'), 'b.login', array('' => t('Egal'), '1' => t('Nur für ausgeloggte'), '2' => t('Nur für eingeloggte'), '3' => t('Nur für Admins + Superadminen'), '4' => t('Nur für Superadminen')));
function PlaceName($place)
    if ($place == 0) {
        return t('Linke Seite');
    } elseif ($place == 1) {
        return t('Rechte Seite');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Titel'), 'b.name');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Boxid'), 'boxid');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Seite'), 'b.place', 'PlaceName');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Position'), 'b.pos');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Aktiv'), 'b.active', 'TrueFalse');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Quelldatei'), 'b.source');
Exemplo n.º 12
$ms2 = new mastersearch2();
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%food_ordering AS a\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%food_status AS s ON a.status = s.id \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%food_product AS p ON a.productid = p.id \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN %prefix%food_option AS o ON a.opts = o.id";
$ms2->query['where'] = 'userid=' . (int) $auth['userid'];
$status_list = array('' => 'Alle');
$row = $db->qry("SELECT * FROM %prefix%food_status");
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    $status_list[$res['id']] = $res['statusname'];
$party_list = array('' => 'Alle');
$row = $db->qry("SELECT party_id, name FROM %prefix%partys");
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    $party_list[$res['party_id']] = $res['name'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Status', 'a.status', $status_list);
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Party', 'a.partyid', $party_list, $party->party_id);
$ms2->AddResultField('Titel', 'p.caption');
$ms2->AddResultField('Einheit', 'o.unit');
$ms2->AddResultField('Anzahl', 'a.pice');
$ms2->AddResultField('Preis', 'o.price', 'GetPriceFormat');
$ms2->AddResultField('Bestellt', 'a.ordertime', 'MS2GetDate');
$ms2->AddResultField('Letzte änderung', 'a.lastchange', 'MS2GetDate');
$ms2->AddResultField('Geliefert', 'a.supplytime', 'MS2GetDate');
$ms2->AddResultField('Status', 's.statusname');
//$ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=foodcenter&action=ordered&step=2&id=', t('Details'));
switch ($_POST['search_dd_input'][0]) {
    case 1:
        $ms2->NoItemsText = t('Keine aktuellen Bestellungen vorhanden.');
    case 2:
Exemplo n.º 13
if (!$_GET['act'] or $_GET['act'] and $_GET['step'] == 2) {
    if ($userid == null) {
        $userid = $auth['userid'];
    $dsp->NewContent(t('Buchhaltung'), t('Übersicht aller meiner Ein- und Ausgaben'));
    include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
    $ms2 = new mastersearch2('accounting');
    $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%cashmgr_accounting AS a\r\n                            LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS fu ON a.fromUserid = fu.userid\r\n                            LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS tu ON a.toUserid = tu.userid";
    $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'actiontime DESC';
    $ms2->query['where'] = "a.toUserid = {$userid} OR a.fromUserid = {$userid}";
    $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 20;
    $party_list = array('' => 'Alle');
    $row = $db->qry("SELECT party_id, name FROM %prefix%partys");
    while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
        $party_list[$res['party_id']] = $res['name'];
    $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Party', 'a.partyid', $party_list, $party->party_id);
    $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Zahlungsart', 'a.cash', array('' => 'Alle', 0 => 'Nur Online', '1' => 'Nur Bar'));
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Datum'), 'a.actiontime', 'MS2GetDate');
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Modul'), 'a.modul');
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Kommentar'), 'a.comment');
    $ms2->AddSelect("IF(a.fromUserid = {$userid},'1','0') AS my");
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Bearbeiter'), 'fu.username', 'UserNameAndIcon');
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Betrag'), 'a.movement', 'getColor');
    $ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=cashmgr&action=myaccounting', 'a.id');
Exemplo n.º 14
switch ($_GET["step"]) {
        include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
        $ms2 = new mastersearch2('install');
        $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%stats_auth AS a\n      LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON a.userid = u.userid";
        $ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 50;
        $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'a.lasthit DESC';
        $list = array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('System'));
        $res = $db->qry("SELECT l.userid, u.username FROM %prefix%log AS l\n      LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON u.userid = l.userid\n      GROUP BY l.userid");
        while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
            if ($row['userid']) {
                $list[$row['userid']] = $row['username'];
        $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Benutzer'), 'a.userid', $list);
        $list = array('' => t('Alle'));
        $res = $db->qry('SELECT ip FROM %prefix%stats_auth GROUP BY ip ORDER BY ip');
        while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
            if ($row['ip']) {
                $list[$row['ip']] = $row['ip'];
        $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('IP'), 'a.ip', $list);
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Session-ID'), 'a.sessid');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Benutzername'), 'u.username', 'UserNameAndIcon');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('IP'), 'a.ip');
        #$ms2->AddResultField(t('Login?'), 'a.login');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Hits'), 'a.hits');
Exemplo n.º 15

$dsp->NewContent(t('Suchmaschinen'), t('Hier siehst du, &uuml;ber welche Suchbegriffe Besucher &uuml;ber Suchmaschinenen auf deiner Seite gelandet sind'));
include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
$ms2 = new mastersearch2();
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%stats_se";
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'hits DESC';
$ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 50;
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Suchbegriff'), array('term' => 'like'));
$list = array('' => 'Alle');
$res = $db->qry('SELECT se FROM %prefix%stats_se GROUP BY se ORDER BY se');
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
    $list[$row['se']] = $row['se'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Suchmaschiene', 'se', $list);
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Suchbegriff'), 'term', '', 80);
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Anzahl'), 'hits');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Erstmalig'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(first) AS first', 'MS2GetDate');
$ms2->AddResultField(t('Zuletzt'), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last) AS last', 'MS2GetDate');
#$ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=news&action=comment&newsid=', t('Details'));
#if ($auth['type'] >= 2) $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=news&action=change&step=2&newsid=', t('Editieren'));
#if ($auth['type'] >= 3) $ms2->AddIconField('delete', 'index.php?mod=news&action=delete&step=2&newsid=', t('Löschen'));
$ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=stats&action=search_engines', '1');
$dsp->AddBackButton("index.php?mod=stats", "stats/se");
Exemplo n.º 16
     $status_list[$res['id']] = $res['statusname'];
 $supp_list = array('' => 'Alle');
 $row = $db->qry("SELECT * FROM %prefix%food_supp");
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     $supp_list[$res['supp_id']] = $res['name'];
 $party_list = array('' => 'Alle');
 $row = $db->qry("SELECT party_id, name FROM %prefix%partys");
 while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
     $party_list[$res['party_id']] = $res['name'];
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Status', 'a.status', $status_list, '1');
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Lieferant', 's.supp_id', $supp_list);
 $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Party', 'a.partyid', $party_list, $party->party_id);
   	$userquery = $db->qry("SELECT * FROM %prefix%food_ordering AS a LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON a.userid=u.userid");
   	$user_array[''] = t('');
   	while ($userrows = $db->fetch_array($userquery)) {
   		$user_array[$userrows['userid']] = $userrows['username'];
     $ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown('Besteller', 'a.userid', $user_array);
 $ms2->AddResultField('Titel', 'p.caption');
 //$ms2->AddResultField('Option', 'o.caption');
 $ms2->AddResultField('Einheit', 'o.unit');
 $ms2->AddResultField('Anzahl', 'a.pice');
Exemplo n.º 17
$ms2 = new mastersearch2();
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%comments AS c\n  LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON u.userid = c.creatorid";
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'c.date DESC';
$ms2->config['EntriesPerPage'] = 30;
$ms2->AddTextSearchField(t('Kommentar'), array('c.text' => 'like'));
$list = array('' => t('Alle'), '0' => t('System'));
$res = $db->qry('SELECT u.userid, u.username FROM %prefix%comments AS c
  LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON u.userid = c.creatorid
  GROUP BY c.creatorid');
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
    if ($row['userid']) {
        $list[$row['userid']] = $row['username'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Auslöser'), 'c.creatorid', $list);
$list = array('' => t('Alle'));
$row = $db->qry('SELECT relatedto_item FROM %prefix%comments GROUP BY relatedto_item');
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    if ($res['relatedto_item']) {
        $list[$res['relatedto_item']] = $res['relatedto_item'];
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Modul'), 'c.relatedto_item', $list);
$list = array('' => t('Alle'));
$row = $db->qry('SELECT relatedto_id FROM %prefix%comments GROUP BY relatedto_id');
while ($res = $db->fetch_array($row)) {
    if ($res['relatedto_id']) {
        $list[$res['relatedto_id']] = $res['relatedto_id'];