Exemplo n.º 1
	private function compute_salary_item2_19($writ_rec) {
		//param1 : حقوق مبنا + افزايش سنواتي + فوق العاده شغل + حداقل دريافتي + فوق العاده شغل برجسته
		//param2 : ضريب فوق العاده جذب ويژه
		//param3 : نمره ارزشيابي
		//در صورتي که شخص جانباز باشد از ضريب يک مقطع بالاتر استفاده مي کند.
		// بنا به درخواست آقای دلکلاله برای همه افراد دیده می شود .
		// if($writ_rec['person_type'] != HR_CONTRACT &&  $writ_rec['person_type'] != HR_WORKER ) {



		$qry = " SELECT pd.personid
                             FROM   person_devotions pd
                             WHERE  (pd.devotion_type IN (" . DEVOTION_TYPE_WOUNDED . "," . DEVOTION_TYPE_PRISONER . ") OR
                                    (pd.devotion_type = " . BEHOLDER_FAMILY_DEVOTION . " AND
                                    (pd.personel_relation = " . BOY . " OR pd.personel_relation = " . DAUGHTER . "))) AND
                                     pd.PersonID = " . $writ_rec['personID'];
		$resDev = parent::runquery($qry);

		if (count($resDev) > 0)
			$personDev = true;
			$personDev = false;

		// }
		// else
		// {
		// $personDev = false ;
		//چون فرمول براي قبل از سال 85 و بعد از آن متفاوت است کد به صورت زير اصلاح شد.
		$jexecute_date = DateModules::Miladi_to_Shamsi($writ_rec['execute_date']);
		list($year, $month, $day) = explode('/', $jexecute_date);
		$education_level = $writ_rec['education_level'];
		if ($year <= 1384) {
			//در صورتي که شخص جانباز باشد از ضريب يک مقطع بالاتر استفاده مي کند.
			//$person_devotions = manage_person_devotion::get_person_devotions($writ_rec["PersonID"],
			//حقوق مبنا + افزايش سنواتي + حداقل دريافتي + فوق العاده شغل + فوق العاده شغل برجسته
			$this->param1 = manage_writ_item::compute_writ_items_sum($writ_rec["writ_id"], $writ_rec["writ_ver"], $writ_rec["staff_id"], '( ' . SIT_STAFF_BASE_SALARY . ' , ' . SIT_STAFF_ANNUAL_INC . ' , ' . SIT_STAFF_JOB_EXTRA . ' , ' .

			//در صورتي که مجموع اقلام فوق کمتر از حداقل دريافتي شود
			//حداقل دريافتي براي محاسبات ملاک خواهد بود.
			$min_salary = manage_salary_params::get_salaryParam_value("", $writ_rec["person_type"].",101", SPT_MIN_SALARY, $writ_rec['execute_date']);
			if ($this->param1 < $min_salary)
				$this->param1 = $min_salary;

			if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_SEVENTH_GRADE &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$this->param2 = 0.40;
			} else if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_SEVENTH_GRADE &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL)) {
				$this->param2 = 0.35;
			} else if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_THIRTH_HONARESTAN &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$this->param2 = 0.50;
			} else if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_THIRTH_HONARESTAN &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL)) {
				$this->param2 = 0.40;
			} else if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_ALL_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$this->param2 = 0.65;
			} else if ($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_ALL_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) {
				$this->param2 = 0.50;
			} else if (($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HIGH_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_HIGH_DIPLOMA) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$this->param2 = 0.85;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HIGH_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_HIGH_DIPLOMA) {
				$this->param2 = 0.65;
			} else if (($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_BS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_BS) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$this->param2 = 1;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_BS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_BS) {
				$this->param2 = 0.85;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_MS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_MS) {
				$this->param2 = 1;

			$writ_year = substr(DateModules::Miladi_to_Shamsi($writ_rec['execute_date']), 0, 4);
			$this->param3 = manage_writ_item::get_evaluation_scores_sum($writ_year, $writ_rec['staff_id']);

			$multiplicant = $this->param2 * ($this->param3 / 100) + 0.0000001;
			$multiplicant = round($multiplicant, 2);
			$value = $this->param1 * $multiplicant;

			if (!($value > 0)) {
				return false;
		} else if ($year >= 1385 && $year < 1388) {
			$date = DateModules::Shamsi_to_Miladi('1384/12/29');
			$last_writ_obj = manage_writ::get_last_writ_by_date($writ_rec['staff_id'], $date);
			if (!empty($last_writ_obj->writ_id)) {
				$value = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($last_writ_obj->writ_id, $last_writ_obj->writ_ver, $last_writ_obj->staff_id, SIT_STAFF_HEIAT_OMANA_SPECIAL_EXTRA);

			if (!($value > 0)) {
				return false;
		} else if ($year >= 1390) {

			if ($education_level < EDUCATION_LEVEL_DIPLOMA &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$education_level = DIPLOMA_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level < EDUCATION_LEVEL_DIPLOMA &&
					$education_level != EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) {
				$education_level = UNDER_DIPLOMA_LEVEL;
			} else if (($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_ALL_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_THREE_YEAR_HIGH_SCHOOL ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$education_level = HIGH_DIPLOMA_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level <= EDUCATION_LEVEL_ALL_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_THREE_YEAR_HIGH_SCHOOL ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_NEW_END_HIGH_SCHOOL) {
				$education_level = DIPLOMA_LEVEL;
			} else if (($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HIGH_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_HIGH_DIPLOMA) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$education_level = BS_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HIGH_DIPLOMA ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_HIGH_DIPLOMA) {
				$education_level = HIGH_DIPLOMA_LEVEL;
			} else if (($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_BS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_BS) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$education_level = MS_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_BS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_BS) {
				$education_level = BS_LEVEL;
			} else if (($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_MS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HOZE_LEVEL3_EQUAL_MS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_MS) &&
					$personDev == true) {
				$education_level = PHD_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_MS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_HOZE_LEVEL3_EQUAL_MS ||
					$education_level == EDUCATION_LEVEL_EQUAL_MS) {
				$education_level = MS_LEVEL;
			} else if ($education_level >= EDUCATION_LEVEL_DOCTORATE) {
				$education_level = PHD_LEVEL;

			switch ($education_level) {
				case PHD_LEVEL :
					$this->param1 = 'دکتری';
				case MS_LEVEL :
					$this->param1 = 'کارشناسی ارشد';
				case BS_LEVEL :
					$this->param1 = 'کارشناسی';
					$this->param1 = 'فوق دیپلم';
				case DIPLOMA_LEVEL :
					$this->param1 = 'دیپلم';
					$this->param1 = 'زیر دیپلم';

			$this->param4 = $writ_rec['onduty_year'] . ' سال و ' . $writ_rec['onduty_month'] . ' ماه و ' . $writ_rec['onduty_day'] . ' روز';

			//بررسی سنوات خدمت و اختلاف آن با سنوات خدمت در حکم.
			$duty_duration_year = 0;
			$duty_duration_month = 0;
			$duty_duration_day = 0;

			$duty_qry = " SELECT s.work_start_date,
	    				 FROM    staff s
	    				 		INNER JOIN persons p
	    				 			  ON (s.PersonID = p.PersonID)
	    				 WHERE s.staff_id = " . $writ_rec['staff_id'];

			$duty_res = parent::runquery($duty_qry);

			if ($duty_res[0]['work_start_date']) {

				$duty_duration = DateModules::GDateMinusGDate($writ_rec['execute_date'], $duty_res[0]['work_start_date']) +
						(floor($duty_res[0]['military_duration'] * 30.4375 + $duty_res[0]['military_duration_day'])) + 1;
				$duty_duration_year = floor($duty_duration / 366.25);
				$duty_duration_month = floor(($duty_duration - ($duty_duration_year * 366.25)) / 30);
				$duty_duration_day = floor($duty_duration - ($duty_duration_year * 366.25) - floor($duty_duration_month * 30));

			$emp_qry = " SELECT SUM(pe.retired_duration_year) retired_duration_year,
	    						SUM(pe.retired_duration_month) retired_duration_month,
	    						SUM(pe.retired_duration_day) retired_duration_day
	    				  FROM   person_employments pe
                                 WHERE pe.PersonID = " . $writ_rec['PersonID'];

			$emp_res = parent::runquery($emp_qry);

			$duty_duration_year += $emp_res[0]['retired_duration_year'];
			$duty_duration_month += $emp_res[0]['retired_duration_month'];
			$duty_duration_day += $emp_res[0]['retired_duration_day'];

			if ($duty_duration_day >= 30) {
				$duty_duration_month += floor($duty_duration_day / 30);
				$duty_duration_day -= floor(floor($duty_duration_day / 30) * 30);

			if ($duty_duration_month >= 12) {
				$duty_duration_year += floor($duty_duration_month / 12);
				$duty_duration_month -= floor($duty_duration_month / 12) * 12;

			$this->param2 = $duty_duration_year . ' سال و ' . $duty_duration_month . ' ماه و ' . $duty_duration_day . ' روز';

			$pqry = " SELECT value
        				 FROM  salary_params sp
        				 WHERE sp.param_type = " . SPT_HEIAT_OMANA_ABSORBTION_VALUE . " AND
					       sp.person_type = ".$writ_rec['person_type']." AND 	
        				       sp.from_date <= '" . $writ_rec['execute_date'] . "' AND
        				       sp.to_date >= '" . $writ_rec['execute_date'] . "' AND 
        				       sp.dim1_id = " . $education_level . " AND
        				       sp.dim2_id > " . $writ_rec['onduty_year'] . "
        				 ORDER BY sp.from_date DESC,sp.to_date DESC, dim2_id
        				 LIMIT 1 ";

			$pres = parent::runquery($pqry);
			if (count($pres) < 1) {
				return false;
			$value = $pres[0]['value'];
			$this->param3 = $value;
		return $value;