public function content() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; $version_info = main::latest_version(); $current_version = $version_info['THT']; $new_version_download = $version_info['THT_DL']; $running_version = $dbh->config('version'); $install_check = $this->checkDir(INC . "../install/"); $conf_check = $this->checkPerms(INC . "/"); if ($current_version == $running_version) { $updatemsg = "<span style='color:green'>Up-To-Date</span>"; $upgrademsg = ""; } else { $updatemsg = "<span style='color:red'>Upgrade Avaliable</span>"; $upgrademsg = "<div class='warn'><img src='../themes/icons/error.png' alt='' /> There is a new version ({$current_version}) avaliable! <a href = '" . $new_version_download . "' target = '_blank'>Please download it here</a> and upgrade!</div>"; } unset($current_version); unset($running_version); $stats['VERSION'] = $dbh->config('version'); $stats['THEME'] = $dbh->config('theme'); $stats['CENABLED'] = main::cleaninteger($dbh->config('cenabled')); $stats['SVID'] = main::cleaninteger($dbh->config('show_version_id')); $stats['SENABLED'] = main::cleaninteger($dbh->config('senabled')); $stats['DEFAULT'] = $dbh->config('default_page'); $stats['EMETHOD'] = $dbh->config('emailmethod'); $stats['SIGNENABLE'] = main::cleaninteger($dbh->config('general')); $stats['MULTI'] = main::cleaninteger($dbh->config('multiple')); $stats['UPDATE'] = $updatemsg; $stats['UPG_BOX'] = $upgrademsg; $stats_box = style::replaceVar('tpl/admin/home/stats.tpl', $stats); $content = '<strong>Welcome to your Admin Dashboard!</strong><br />Welcome to the dashboard of your Admin Control Panel. In this area you can do the tasks that you need to complete such as manage servers, create packages, manage users.<br /> Here, you can also change the look and feel of your THT Installation. If you require any help, be sure to ask at the <a href="" title="THT Community is the official stop for THT Support, THT Modules, Developer Center and more! Visit our growing community now!" class="tooltip">THT Community</a><br /><br />' . $stats_box . '<br />' . $install_check . $conf_check . '</div></div>'; echo $content; if ($_POST) { $dbh->update("admin_notes", array("notes" => $postvar['admin_notes']), array("id", "=", "1")); main::errors("Settings Updated!"); main::done(); } $notes_data = $dbh->select("admin_notes", array("id", "=", "1")); $notepad_array['NOTEPAD'] = $notes_data['notes']; $content_notepad = style::replaceVar('tpl/admin/home/notepad.tpl', $notepad_array); echo '<br />'; echo main::table('Admin Notepad', $content_notepad, 'auto', 'auto'); $news = main::sub("<strong>Add the THT RSS Feed!</strong>", '<a href="" target="_blank" class="tooltip" title="Add the THT RSS Feed!"><img src="<URL>themes/icons/feed.png" /></a>'); $rss_feed = @file_get_contents(""); if ($rss_feed !== false) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($rss_feed); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { $newsitem_array['title'] = $item->title; $newsitem_array['author'] = "THT"; $newsitem_array['link'] = $item->link; $newsitem_array['TIME'] = main::convertdate("n/d/Y", strtotime($item->pubDate)); $newsitem_array['SUMMARY'] = $item->description; $news .= style::replaceVar('tpl/admin/home/news-item.tpl', $newsitem_array); } } echo "<br />"; echo main::table('THT News & Updates', $news); }
private function TerminateClient($client) { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; if (!$postvar['submitreason']) { $client_uname = main::uname($client['id']); $reason_array['WARNTEXT'] = 'CAUTION: If you proceed, the account "' . $client_uname . '" will be completely and irrevocably removed from the server and THT.<br><br>Why are you terminating this account? Leave blank if you just feel like terminating them.'; $reason_array['ACTION'] = 'terminating'; $reason_array['ACTIONBUTT'] = 'Terminate Client'; $clientview_array['BOX'] = ""; $clientview_array['CONTENT'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/clients/reason.tpl", $reason_array); return $clientview_array; } else { $command = server::terminate($client['id'], $postvar['reason']); if ($command == true) { //Terminated main::done(); } else { main::errors($command); } } }
public function content() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; switch ($getvar['sub']) { default: if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(); foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { $broke = explode("_", $key); if ($broke[0] == "pages") { $postvar['perms'][$broke[1]] = $value; } } if (!main::errors()) { $staff_query = $dbh->select("staff", array("user", "=", $postvar['user']), 0, "1", 1); if (!check::email($postvar['email'])) { main::errors("Your email is the wrong format or is already in use by another staff member or client."); } elseif ($postvar['pass'] != $postvar['conpass']) { main::errors("Passwords don't match!"); } elseif ($dbh->num_rows($staff_query) >= 1) { main::errors("That account already exists!"); } else { if ($postvar['perms']) { foreach ($postvar['perms'] as $key => $value) { if ($n) { $perms .= ","; } if ($value == "1") { $perms .= $key; } $n++; } } $salt = crypto::salt(); $password = crypto::passhash($postvar['pass'], $salt); $staff_insert = array("user" => $postvar['user'], "name" => $postvar['name'], "email" => $postvar['email'], "password" => $password, "salt" => $salt, "perms" => $perms, "tzadjust" => $postvar['tzones']); $dbh->insert("staff", $staff_insert); main::errors("Account added!"); } } } $acpnav_query = $dbh->select("acpnav", array("link", "!=", "home"), array("id", "ASC"), 0, 1); $add_staff_member_array['PAGES'] = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">'; while ($acpnav_data = $dbh->fetch_array($acpnav_query)) { $add_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">' . $acpnav_data['visual'] . ':</td><td><input name="pages_' . $acpnav_data['id'] . '" id="pages_' . $acpnav_data['id'] . '" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td></tr>'; } $add_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">Paid Configuration:</td><td><input name="pages_paid" id="pages_paid" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td></tr>'; $add_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">P2H Forums:</td><td><input name="pages_p2h" id="pages_p2h" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td></tr>'; $add_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= "</table>"; $add_staff_member_array['TZADJUST'] = main::tzlist(); echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/staff/add-staff-member.tpl", $add_staff_member_array); break; case "edit": if (isset($getvar['do'])) { $staff_data = $dbh->select("staff", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); if (!$staff_data["user"]) { echo "That account doesn't exist!"; } else { if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(); foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { $broke = explode("_", $key); if ($broke[0] == "pages") { $postvar['perms'][$broke[1]] = $value; } } if (!main::errors()) { if (!check::email($postvar['email'], $getvar['do'], "staff")) { main::errors("Your email is the wrong format or is already in use by another staff member or client."); } else { if ($postvar['perms']) { foreach ($postvar['perms'] as $key => $value) { if ($n) { $perms .= ","; } if ($value == "1") { $perms .= $key; } $n++; } } $staff_update = array("email" => $postvar['email'], "name" => $postvar['name'], "perms" => $perms, "tzadjust" => $postvar['tzones'], "user" => $postvar['user']); $dbh->update("staff", $staff_update, array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); //Staff account edit complete main::done(); } } } $edit_staff_member_array['USER'] = $staff_data['user']; $edit_staff_member_array['EMAIL'] = $staff_data['email']; $edit_staff_member_array['NAME'] = $staff_data['name']; $edit_staff_member_array['TZADJUST'] = main::tzlist($staff_data['tzadjust']); $acpnav_query = $dbh->select("acpnav", array("link", "!=", "home"), array("id", "ASC"), 0, 1); $edit_staff_member_array['PAGES'] = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">'; while ($acpnav_data = $dbh->fetch_array($acpnav_query)) { if (!main::checkPerms($acpnav_data['id'], $staff_data['id'])) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $edit_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">' . $acpnav_data['visual'] . ':</td><td><input name="pages_' . $acpnav_data['id'] . '" id="pages_' . $acpnav_data['id'] . '" type="checkbox" value="1" ' . $checked . '/></td></tr>' . "\n"; $checked = NULL; } if (substr_count($staff_data['perms'], "paid") == '1') { $paid_check = 'checked="checked"'; } if (substr_count($staff_data['perms'], "p2h") == '1') { $p2h_check = 'checked="checked"'; } $edit_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">Paid Configuration:</td><td><input name="pages_paid" id="pages_paid" type="checkbox" value="1" ' . $paid_check . '/></td></tr>' . "\n"; $edit_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= '<tr><td width="30%" align="left">P2H Forums:</td><td><input name="pages_p2h" id="pages_p2h" type="checkbox" value="1" ' . $p2h_check . '/></td></tr>' . "\n"; $edit_staff_member_array['PAGES'] .= "</table>"; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/staff/edit-staff-member.tpl", $edit_staff_member_array); } } else { $staff_query = $dbh->select("staff"); if ($dbh->num_rows($staff_query) == 0) { echo "There are no staff accounts to edit!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($staff_data = $dbh->fetch_array($staff_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $staff_data['user'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=staff&sub=edit&do=' . $staff_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/pencil.png"></a>'); } } } break; case "delete": $staff_query = $dbh->select("staff"); if ($getvar['do'] && $dbh->num_rows($staff_query) > 1) { $dbh->delete("staff", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); main::errors("Staff Account Deleted!"); } elseif ($getvar['do']) { main::errors("Theres only one staff account!"); } if ($dbh->num_rows($staff_query) == 0) { echo "There are no staff accounts to edit!"; } else { $staff_query = $dbh->select("staff"); //This pulls the current staff list after deletion. echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($staff_data = $dbh->fetch_array($staff_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $staff_data['user'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=staff&sub=delete&do=' . $staff_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/delete.png"></a>'); } } break; } }
public function acpPage() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; switch ($getvar['do']) { default: if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(array("prefix")); if (!main::errors()) { $forumcon = $dbh->connect($postvar['hostname'], $postvar['username'], $postvar['password'], $postvar['database']); if (is_string($forumcon)) { main::errors($forumcon); } else { $forums_params = $this->forumdata($postvar['forumname']); if ($forums_params['id']) { main::errors("This forum name has already been used! Please choose a new one.<br>"); } else { $p2h_insert = array("forumname" => $postvar['forumname'], "username" => $postvar['username'], "password" => $postvar['password'], "forumdb" => $postvar['database'], "hostname" => $postvar['hostname'], "prefix" => $postvar['prefix'], "forumtype" => $postvar['forum'], "url" => $postvar['url']); $dbh->insert("p2h", $p2h_insert); main::errors("Your forum has been added!<br>"); } } } } $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/p2h/add-forum.tpl"); break; case "edit": $forums_params = $this->forumdata(); if ($dbh->num_rows($forums_params) == 0) { $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] = "There are no forums to edit!<br>"; } else { if ($getvar['id']) { if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(array("password")); if (!main::errors()) { $forumcon = $dbh->connect($postvar['hostname'], $postvar['username'], $postvar['password'], $postvar['database']); if (is_string($forumcon)) { main::errors($forumcon); } else { $forums_params = $this->forumdata($getvar['id']); if (!$forums_params['id']) { main::errors("This forum name does not exist.<br>"); } else { $p2h_update = array("forumname" => $postvar['forumname'], "username" => $postvar['username'], "forumdb" => $postvar['database'], "hostname" => $postvar['hostname'], "prefix" => $postvar['prefix'], "url" => $postvar['url']); $dbh->update("p2h", $p2h_update, array("id", "=", $getvar['id'])); if ($postvar['password']) { $dbh->update("p2h", array("password" => $postvar['password']), array("id", "=", $getvar['id'])); } main::errors("Forum Edited!<br>"); } } } } $forumdata = $this->forumdata($getvar['id']); if (!$forumdata['id']) { main::done(); } $edit_forum_array['HOST'] = $forumdata['hostname']; $edit_forum_array['NAME'] = $forumdata['forumname']; $edit_forum_array['URL'] = $forumdata['url']; $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/p2h/edit-forum.tpl", $edit_forum_array); } else { $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] .= "<ERRORS>"; while ($forums_params_data = $dbh->fetch_array($forums_params)) { $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] .= main::sub("<strong>" . $forums_params_data['forumname'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=type&type=p2h&sub=forums&do=edit&id=' . $forums_params_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/pencil.png"></a>'); } } } break; case "delete": $forums_params = $this->forumdata(); if ($dbh->num_rows($forums_params) == 0) { $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] = "There are no forums to delete!<br>"; } else { if ($getvar['id']) { $dbh->delete("p2h", array("id", "=", $getvar['id'])); main::errors("Forum deleted!<br>"); $forums_params = $this->forumdata(); } $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] .= "<ERRORS>"; while ($forums_params_data = $dbh->fetch_array($forums_params)) { $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] .= main::sub("<strong>" . $forums_params_data['forumname'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=type&type=p2h&sub=forums&do=delete&id=' . $forums_params_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/delete.png"></a>'); } } break; case "config": if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(array("password")); if (!main::errors()) { if (!is_numeric($postvar['p2hwarndate']) || !($postvar['p2hwarndate'] < 28)) { main::errors("The P2H Warn date must be a number less than 28.<br>"); } else { $dbh->updateConfig("p2hwarndate", $postvar['p2hwarndate']); main::errors("Configuration updated.<br>"); } } } $forum_config_array['WARNDATE'] = $dbh->config("p2hwarndate"); $manage_forums_array['CONTENT'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/p2h/forum-config.tpl", $forum_config_array); break; } echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/p2h/manage-forums.tpl", $manage_forums_array); }
public function content() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; switch ($getvar['sub']) { default: if ($_POST['add']) { $no_check_array = array("resellerport", "welcome", "nstmp", "passtoo", "resellerid"); check::empty_fields($no_check_array); if (!main::errors()) { $servers_insert = array("ip" => $postvar['ip'], "resellerport" => $postvar['resellerport'], "port" => $postvar['port'], "nameservers" => $postvar['nameservers'], "name" => $postvar['name'], "host" => $postvar['host'], "user" => $postvar['user'], "accesshash" => $postvar['hash'], "type" => $postvar['type'], "dnstemplate" => $postvar['nstmp'], "welcome" => $postvar['welcome'], "pass" => $postvar['pass'], "reseller_id" => $postvar['resellerid'], "https" => $postvar['https'], "apiport" => $postvar['apiport']); $dbh->insert("servers", $servers_insert); main::errors("Server has been added!"); } } if ($_POST['addtype'] || $_POST['add']) { $serverfile = server::createServer(0, $postvar['type']); $server_fields = $serverfile->acp_form(); $add_server_array['SERVER_FIELDS'] = $server_fields; $add_server_array['TYPE'] = $postvar['type']; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/servers/add-server.tpl", $add_server_array); break; } $files = main::folderFiles(INC . "/servers/"); foreach ($files as $value) { include INC . "/servers/" . $value; $fname = explode(".", $value); $stype = new $fname[0](); $values[] = array($stype->name, $fname[0]); } $server_type_array['TYPE'] = main::dropDown("type", $values, 0); echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/servers/server-type.tpl", $server_type_array); break; case "view": if (isset($getvar['do'])) { $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers", array("id", "=", $getvar['do']), 0, 0, 1); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "That server doesn't exist!"; } else { if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(); if (!main::errors()) { $servers_update = array("name" => $postvar['name'], "host" => $postvar['host'], "reseller_id" => $postvar['resellerid'], "user" => $postvar['user'], "pass" => $postvar['pass'], "accesshash" => $postvar['hash'], "port" => $postvar['port'], "resellerport" => $postvar['resellerport'], "nameservers" => $postvar['nameservers'], "ip" => $postvar['ip'], "dnstemplate" => $postvar['nstmp'], "welcome" => $postvar['welcome'], "https" => $postvar['https'], "apiport" => $postvar['apiport']); $dbh->update("servers", $servers_update, array("id", "=", $getvar['do']), 1); //Server edit complete main::done(); } } $servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query); $serverfile = server::createServer(0, $servers_data['type']); $server_fields = $serverfile->acp_form($getvar['do']); $edit_server_array['NAME'] = $servers_data['name']; $edit_server_array['HOST'] = $servers_data['host']; $edit_server_array['SERVERIP'] = $servers_data['ip']; $edit_server_array['RESELLERPORT'] = $servers_data['resellerport']; $edit_server_array['PORT'] = $servers_data['port']; $edit_server_array['NAMESERVERS'] = $servers_data['nameservers']; $edit_server_array['SERVER_FIELDS'] = $server_fields; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/servers/edit-server.tpl", $edit_server_array); } } else { $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "There are no servers to view!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $servers_data['name'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=servers&sub=view&do=' . $servers_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/magnifier.png"></a>'); } } } break; case "delete": if ($getvar['do']) { $dbh->delete("servers", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); main::errors("Server Deleted!"); } $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "There are no servers to delete!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $servers_data['name'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=servers&sub=delete&do=' . $servers_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/delete.png"></a>'); } } break; case "test": if (isset($getvar["do"])) { $result = server::testConnection($getvar["do"]); if ($result === true) { echo '<div style="text-align:center;padding-top:10px;">' . style::notice(true, "Connected to the server successfully!") . "</div>"; } else { echo '<div style="text-align:center;">' . style::notice(false, "Couldn't connect to the server...") . "</div>"; echo '<strong>Error:</strong><pre>' . (string) $result . '</pre>'; } } else { $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "There are no servers to view!"; } else { echo "Caution: Some servers are set to automatically ban the IP address of this server (" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ") after a certain number of failed logins.<br />"; while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $servers_data['name'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=servers&sub=test&do=' . $servers_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/server_chart.png"></a>'); } } } break; case "status": $server_status_array['EXTRA'] = ''; if (!main::canRun('shell_exec')) { $server_status_array['EXTRA'] = 'Some statistics could not be provided because shell_exec has been disabled.<br>'; } $server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $server_status_array['OS'] = php_uname(); $server_status_array['DISTRO'] = ''; if (php_uname('s') == 'Linux') { $distro = main::getLinuxDistro(); if ($distro) { $server_status_array['DISTRO'] = '<tr><td><strong>Linux Distro:</strong></td><td> ' . $distro . ' </td></tr>'; } } $server_status_array['SOFTWARE'] = getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'); $server_status_array['PHP_VERSION'] = phpversion(); $server_status_array['MYSQL_VERSION'] = ''; $mysqlVersion = $dbh->version(); if ($mysqlVersion) { $server_status_array['MYSQL_VERSION'] = '<tr><td><strong>MySQL Version:</strong><br><br></td><td> ' . $mysqlVersion . ' <br><br></td></tr>'; } $server_status_array['SERVER'] = $server; echo style::replaceVar('tpl/admin/servers/server-status.tpl', $server_status_array); break; case "phpinfo": echo server::show_phpinfo(); break; } }
public function content() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; switch ($getvar['sub']) { default: if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(); if (!main::errors()) { $subdomains_insert = array("domain" => $postvar['domain'], "server" => $postvar['server']); $dbh->insert("subdomains", $subdomains_insert); main::errors("Subdomain domain has been added!"); } } $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "There are no servers, you need to add a server first!"; return; } while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { $values[] = array($servers_data['name'], $servers_data['id']); } $add_subdomain_array['SERVER'] = main::dropDown("server", $values); echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/subdomains/add-subdomain.tpl", $add_subdomain_array); break; case "edit": if (isset($getvar['do'])) { $subdomains_data = $dbh->select("subdomains", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); if (!$subdomains_data['id']) { echo "That subdomain domain doesn't exist!"; } else { if ($_POST) { check::empty_fields(); if (!main::errors()) { $subdomains_update = array("domain" => $postvar['domain'], "server" => $postvar['server']); $dbh->update("subdomains", $subdomains_update, array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); //Subdomain added main::done(); } } $edit_subdomain_array['DOMAIN'] = $subdomains_data['domain']; $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { $values[] = array($servers_data['name'], $servers_data['id']); } $edit_subdomain_array['SERVER'] = main::dropDown("server", $values, $servers_data['server']); echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/subdomains/edit-subdomain.tpl", $edit_subdomain_array); } } else { $subdomains_query = $dbh->select("subdomains"); if ($dbh->num_rows($subdomains_query) == 0) { echo "There are no subdomain domains to edit!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($subdomains_data = $dbh->fetch_array($subdomains_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $subdomains_data['domain'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=sub&sub=edit&do=' . $subdomains_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/pencil.png"></a>'); } } } break; case "delete": if (isset($getvar['do'])) { $dbh->delete("subdomains", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); main::errors("Subdomain Deleted!"); } $subdomains_query = $dbh->select("subdomains"); if ($dbh->num_rows($subdomains_query) == 0) { echo "There are no subdomain domains to delete!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($subdomains_data = $dbh->fetch_array($subdomains_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $subdomains_data['domain'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=sub&sub=delete&do=' . $subdomains_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/delete.png"></a>'); } } break; } }
public function content() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; switch ($getvar['sub']) { default: if ($_POST['add']) { $no_check_array = array("admin", "groupid", "sendwelcome", "welcomesubject", "welcomebody"); check::empty_fields($no_check_array); $ZserverID = $postvar['server']; unset($where); $where[] = array("id", "=", $ZserverID, "AND"); $where[] = array("type", "=", "zpanel"); $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers", $where, 0, 0, 1); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 1) { $zpanel_srv = 1; } //Hack to make sure the Group ID isn't 0 on ZPanel if ($zpanel_srv && ($postvar["groupid"] == 0 || $postvar["backend"] == 0)) { main::errors(" ZPanel server packages must include a Group ID for the package and the a backend package ID that's greater than 0. See the info bubbles for help."); } if ($postvar["monthly"] && !is_numeric($postvar["monthly"]) || $postvar["signup"] && !is_numeric($postvar["signup"])) { main::errors("Please enter a positive number for the cost or posts fields."); } if (!main::errors()) { $not_additional_array = array("add", "name", "backend", "description", "type", "server", "admin", "groupid", "sendwelcome", "welcomesubject", "welcomebody", $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name']); foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $not_additional_array)) { if ($n) { $additional .= ","; } $additional .= $key . "=" . str_replace(array(" ", ","), array("", "."), $value); $n++; } } $packages_insert = array("name" => $postvar['name'], "backend" => $postvar['backend'], "description" => $postvar['description'], "type" => $postvar['type'], "server" => $postvar['server'], "admin" => $postvar['admin'], "is_hidden" => $postvar['hidden'], "is_disabled" => $postvar['disabled'], "additional" => $additional, "reseller" => $postvar['reseller'], "groupid" => $postvar['groupid'], "send_email" => $postvar['sendwelcome'], "email_subject" => $postvar['welcomesubject'], "email_body" => $postvar['welcomebody']); $dbh->insert("packages", $packages_insert); main::errors("Package has been added!<br>"); } } if ($_POST['packserver'] || $_POST['add']) { $servers_data = $dbh->select("servers", array("id", "=", $postvar['server']), 0, "1"); $serverfile = server::createServer(0, $servers_data['type']); $package_fields = $serverfile->acp_packages_form(); $add_package_array['TYPE_FORM'] = type::acpPadd($postvar['type']); $add_package_array['TYPE'] = $postvar['type']; $add_package_array['PACKAGES_FIELDS'] = $package_fields; $add_package_array['SERVER'] = $postvar['server']; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/packages/add-package.tpl", $add_package_array); break; } $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 0) { echo "There are no servers, you need to add a server first!"; return; } while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { $values[] = array($servers_data['name'], $servers_data['id']); } $p2h_query = $dbh->select("p2h"); $p2h_data = $dbh->num_rows($p2h_query); if ($p2h_data != "0") { $package_server_array['P2HOPTION'] = '<option value="p2h">Post 2 Host</option>'; } else { $package_server_array['P2HOPTION'] == ""; } $package_server_array['SERVER'] = main::dropDown("server", $values); echo "This will only add the package to THT, not create the package on the backend for you.<br><br>"; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/packages/package-server.tpl", $package_server_array); break; case "edit": if (isset($getvar['do'])) { $packages_query = $dbh->select("packages", array("id", "=", $getvar['do']), 0, 0, 1); if ($dbh->num_rows($packages_query) == 0) { echo "That package doesn't exist!"; } else { if ($_POST) { $no_check_array = array("admin", "groupid", "sendwelcome", "welcomesubject", "welcomebody"); check::empty_fields($no_check_array); $ZserverID = $postvar['server']; unset($where); $where[] = array("id", "=", $ZserverID, "AND"); $where[] = array("type", "=", "zpanel"); $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers", $where, 0, 0, 1); if ($dbh->num_rows($servers_query) == 1) { $zpanel_srv = 1; } //Hack to make sure the Group ID isn't 0 on ZPanel if ($zpanel_srv && ($postvar["groupid"] == 0 || $postvar["backend"] == 0)) { main::errors(" ZPanel server packages must include a Group ID for the package and the a backend package ID that's greater than 0. See the info bubbles for help."); } if ($postvar["monthly"] && !is_numeric($postvar["monthly"]) || $postvar["signup"] && !is_numeric($postvar["signup"])) { main::errors("Please enter a positive number for the cost or posts fields."); } if (!main::errors()) { $not_additional_array = array("edit", "name", "backend", "description", "type", "server", "admin", "groupid", "sendwelcome", "welcomesubject", "welcomebody", $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name']); foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $not_additional_array)) { if ($n) { $additional .= ","; } $additional .= $key . "=" . str_replace(array(" ", ","), array("", "."), $value); $n++; } } if ($postvar['sendwelcome'] && (!$postvar['welcomesubject'] || !$postvar['welcomebody'])) { $serverid = $postvar['server']; $server_type_data = $dbh->select("servers", array("id", "=", $serverid)); $server_type = $server_type_data['type']; if ($server_type == "zpanel") { include INC . "/servers/" . $server_type . ".php"; $server = new $server_type(); $server_subject_def = server::email_subject; $server_body_def = server::email_body; if (!$postvar['welcomesubject']) { $postvar['welcomesubject'] = $server_subject_def; } if (!$postvar['welcomebody']) { $postvar['welcomebody'] = $server_body_def; } } } $packages_update = array("name" => $postvar['name'], "backend" => $postvar['backend'], "description" => $postvar['description'], "server" => $postvar['server'], "admin" => $postvar['admin'], "additional" => $additional, "reseller" => $postvar['reseller'], "is_hidden" => $postvar['hidden'], "is_disabled" => $postvar['disabled'], "type" => $postvar['type'], "groupid" => $postvar['groupid'], "send_email" => $postvar['sendwelcome'], "email_subject" => $postvar['welcomesubject'], "email_body" => $postvar['welcomebody']); $dbh->update("packages", $packages_update, array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); //Package edit complete. main::done(); } } $packages_data = $dbh->fetch_array($packages_query); $edit_package_array['BACKEND'] = $packages_data['backend']; $edit_package_array['DESCRIPTION'] = $packages_data['description']; $edit_package_array['NAME'] = $packages_data['name']; $edit_package_array['URL'] = $dbh->config("url"); $edit_package_array['ID'] = $packages_data['id']; if ($packages_data['admin'] == 1) { $edit_package_array['ADMIN_CHECKED'] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $edit_package_array['ADMIN_CHECKED'] = ""; } if ($packages_data['reseller'] == 1) { $edit_package_array['RESELLER_CHECKED'] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $edit_package_array['RESELLER_CHECKED'] = ""; } if ($packages_data['is_hidden'] == 1) { $edit_package_array['HIDDEN_CHECKED'] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $edit_package_array['HIDDEN_CHECKED'] = ""; } if ($packages_data['is_disabled'] == 1) { $edit_package_array['DISABLED_CHECKED'] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $edit_package_array['DISABLED_CHECKED'] = ""; } $serverfile = server::createServer($getvar['do']); $package_fields = $serverfile->acp_packages_form($getvar['do']); $edit_package_array['PACKAGES_FIELDS'] = $package_fields; $p2h_query = $dbh->select("p2h"); $p2h_data = $dbh->num_rows($p2h_query); $edit_package_array['TYPE'] = $packages_data['type']; $additional = $packages_data['additional']; $edit_package_array['TYPE_FORM'] = type::acpPedit($packages_data['type'], $additional, $packages_data['type']); if ($packages_data['type'] == "p2h" && $p2h_data == "0") { $edit_package_array['TYPE_FORM'] = ""; } $servers_query = $dbh->select("servers"); while ($servers_data = $dbh->fetch_array($servers_query)) { $values[] = array($servers_data['name'], $servers_data['id']); } $edit_package_array['SERVER'] = $packages_data['server']; echo "This will only edit the package on THT, not edit the package on the backend for you.<br><br>"; echo style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/packages/edit-package.tpl", $edit_package_array); } } else { $packages_query = $dbh->select("packages"); if ($dbh->num_rows($packages_query) == 0) { echo "There are no packages to edit!"; } else { echo "<ERRORS>"; while ($packages_data = $dbh->fetch_array($packages_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $packages_data['name'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=packages&sub=edit&do=' . $packages_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/pencil.png"></a>'); $n++; } } } break; case "delete": if ($getvar['do']) { $dbh->delete("packages", array("id", "=", $getvar['do'])); main::errors("Package has been Deleted.<br>"); } $packages_query = $dbh->select("packages"); if ($dbh->num_rows($packages_query) == 0) { echo "There are no packages to delete."; } else { echo "<ERRORS>This will only delete the package on THT, not delete the package on the backend for you.<br><br>"; while ($packages_data = $dbh->fetch_array($packages_query)) { echo main::sub("<strong>" . $packages_data['name'] . "</strong>", '<a href="?page=packages&sub=delete&do=' . $packages_data['id'] . '"><img src="' . URL . 'themes/icons/delete.png"></a>'); $n++; } } break; } }
function acp() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; ob_start(); if ($_SESSION['clogged'] || $_SESSION['cuser']) { session_destroy(); main::redirect("?page=home"); } if (!$getvar['page']) { $getvar['page'] = "home"; } $page = $dbh->select("acpnav", array("link", "=", $getvar['page'])); // "Hack" to get the credits and tickets page looking nicer switch ($getvar["page"]) { case "credits": $header = "Credits"; break; default: if ($page['visual'] == "Tickets" && $getvar['mode'] == 'ticketsall') { $header = "All Tickets"; } else { $header = $page['visual']; } break; } $link = "pages/" . $getvar['page'] . ".php"; $staff_data = $dbh->select("staff", array("id", "=", $_SESSION['user'])); $user_perms = $staff_data['perms']; if (substr_count($user_perms, "paid") == '1') { $nopaid = '1'; } if (substr_count($user_perms, "p2h") == '1') { $nop2h = '1'; } if (!file_exists($link)) { $html = "<strong>THT Fatal Error:</strong> That page doesn't exist."; } elseif (!main::checkPerms($page['id']) && !$nopaid && !$nop2h && $user_perms) { $html = "You don't have access to this page."; } elseif ($getvar['page'] == "type" && $getvar['type'] == "paid" && $nopaid) { $html = "You don't have access to this page."; } elseif ($getvar['page'] == "type" && $getvar['type'] == "p2h" && $nop2h) { $html = "You don't have access to this page."; } else { include $link; $content = new page(); // Main Side Bar HTML $nav = "Sidebar Menu"; $sub = $dbh->select("acpnav", 0, array("id", "ASC")); while ($row = $dbh->fetch_array($sub)) { if (main::checkPerms($row['id'])) { $sidebarlink_array['IMGURL'] = $row['icon']; $sidebarlink_array['LINK'] = "?page=" . $row['link']; $sidebarlink_array['VISUAL'] = $row['visual']; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebarlink_array); } } // Types Navbar /* * When Working on the navbar, to make a spacer use this: * $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/spacer.tpl"); */ foreach ($instance->packtypes as $key => $value) { if ($key == "paid" && $nopaid != "1" || $key == "p2h" && $nop2h != "1" || $key != "paid" && $key != "p2h") { if ($instance->packtypes[$key]->acpNav) { foreach ($instance->packtypes[$key]->acpNav as $key2 => $value) { $sidebarlink_array['IMGURL'] = $value[2]; $sidebarlink_array['LINK'] = "?page=type&type=" . $key . "&sub=" . $value[1]; $sidebarlink_array['VISUAL'] = $value[0]; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebarlink_array); if ($getvar['page'] == "type" && $getvar['type'] == $key && $getvar['sub'] == $value[1]) { define("SUB", $value[3]); $header = $value[3]; $getvar['myheader'] = $value[3]; } } } } } $sidebarlink_array['IMGURL'] = "information.png"; $sidebarlink_array['LINK'] = "?page=credits"; $sidebarlink_array['VISUAL'] = "Credits"; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebarlink_array); $sidebarlink_array['IMGURL'] = "delete.png"; $sidebarlink_array['LINK'] = "?page=logout"; $sidebarlink_array['VISUAL'] = "Logout"; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebarlink_array); $sidebar = style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar.tpl", $sidebar_array); //Page Sidebar if ($content->navtitle) { $subnav = $content->navtitle; foreach ($content->navlist as $key => $value) { $sub_sidebarlink_array['IMGURL'] = $value[1]; $sub_sidebarlink_array['LINK'] = "?page=" . $getvar['page'] . "&sub=" . $value[2]; $sub_sidebarlink_array['VISUAL'] = $value[0]; $sub_sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sub_sidebarlink_array); } $subsidebar = style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar.tpl", $sub_sidebar_array); } if ($getvar['sub'] && $getvar['page'] != "type") { foreach ($content->navlist as $key => $value) { if ($value[2] == $getvar['sub']) { if (!$value[0]) { define("SUB", $getvar['page']); $header = $getvar['page']; } else { define("SUB", $value[0]); $header = $value[0]; } } } } if ($getvar['sub'] == "delete" && isset($getvar['do']) && !$_POST && !$getvar['confirm']) { foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { $warning_array['HIDDEN'] .= '<input name="' . $key . '" type="hidden" value="' . $value . '" />'; } $warning_array['HIDDEN'] .= " "; $html = style::replaceVar("tpl/warning.tpl", $warning_array); } elseif ($getvar['sub'] == "delete" && isset($getvar['do']) && $_POST && !$getvar['confirm']) { if ($postvar['yes']) { foreach ($getvar as $key => $value) { if ($i) { $i = "&"; } else { $i = "?"; } $url .= $i . $key . "=" . $value; } $url .= "&confirm=1"; main::redirect($url); } elseif ($postvar['no']) { main::done(); } } else { if (isset($getvar['sub'])) { ob_start(); $content->content(); $html = ob_get_contents(); // Retrieve the HTML ob_clean(); // Flush the HTML } elseif ($content->navlist) { $html .= $content->description(); // First, we gotta get the page description. $html .= "<br /><br />"; // Break it up // Now we should prepend some stuff here $subsidebar2 .= "<strong>Page Submenu</strong><div class='break'></div>"; $subsidebar2 .= $subsidebar; // Done, now output it in a sub() table $html .= main::sub($subsidebar2, NULL); // Initial implementation, add the SubSidebar(var) into the description, basically append it } else { ob_start(); $content->content(); $html = ob_get_contents(); // Retrieve the HTML ob_clean(); // Flush the HTML } } } $staffuser = $dbh->staff($_SESSION['user']); define("SUB", $header); define("INFO", '<b>Welcome back, ' . strip_tags($staffuser['name']) . '</b><br />' . SUB); echo '<div id="left">'; echo main::table($nav, $sidebar); if ($content->navtitle) { echo "<br />"; echo main::table($subnav, $subsidebar); } echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="right">'; echo main::table($header, $html); echo '</div>'; $html_buff = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); return $html_buff; }
function client() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; ob_start(); // Stop the output buffer if (!$getvar['page']) { $getvar['page'] = "home"; } $page = $dbh->select("clientnav", array("link", "=", $getvar['page']), array("id", "ASC")); $header = $page['visual']; $link = "pages/" . $getvar['page'] . ".php"; if (!file_exists($link)) { $html = "That page doesn't exist."; } else { if (preg_match("/[\\.*]/", $getvar['page']) == 0) { include $link; $content = new page(); // Main Side Bar HTML $nav = "Sidebar"; if (!$dbh->config("delacc")) { $clientnav_query = $dbh->select("clientnav", array("link", "!=", "delete"), array("id", "ASC"), 0, 1); } else { $clientnav_query = $dbh->select("clientnav", 0, array("id", "ASC"), 0, 1); } while ($clientnav_data = $dbh->fetch_array($clientnav_query)) { $sidebar_link_array['IMGURL'] = $clientnav_data['icon']; $sidebar_link_array['LINK'] = "?page=" . $clientnav_data['link']; $sidebar_link_array['VISUAL'] = $clientnav_data['visual']; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebar_link_array); } // Types Navbar $client = $dbh->client($_SESSION['cuser']); $packtype = $instance->packtypes[type::packagetype($client['pid'])]; if ($packtype->clientNav) { foreach ($packtype->clientNav as $key2 => $value) { $sidebar_link_array['IMGURL'] = $value[2]; $sidebar_link_array['LINK'] = "?page=type&type=" . type::packagetype($client['pid']) . "&sub=" . $value[1]; $sidebar_link_array['VISUAL'] = $value[0]; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebar_link_array); if ($getvar['page'] == "type" && $getvar['type'] == type::packagetype($client['pid']) && $getvar['sub'] == $value[1]) { define("SUB", $value[3]); $header = $value[3]; $getvar['myheader'] = $value[3]; } } } $sidebar_link_array['IMGURL'] = "delete.png"; $sidebar_link_array['LINK'] = "?page=logout"; $sidebar_link_array['VISUAL'] = "Logout"; $sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebar_link_array); $sidebar = style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar.tpl", $sidebar_array); //Page Sidebar if ($content->navtitle) { $subnav = $content->navtitle; foreach ($content->navlist as $key => $value) { $sidebar_link_array['IMGURL'] = $value[1]; $sidebar_link_array['LINK'] = "?page=" . $getvar['page'] . "&sub=" . $value[2]; $sidebar_link_array['VISUAL'] = $value[0]; $sub_sidebar_array['LINKS'] .= style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar-link.tpl", $sidebar_link_array); } $subsidebar = style::replaceVar("tpl/sidebar.tpl", $sub_sidebar_array); } if ($getvar['sub'] == "delete" && isset($getvar['do']) && !$_POST && !$getvar['confirm']) { foreach ($postvar as $key => $value) { $warning_array['HIDDEN'] .= '<input name="' . $key . '" type="hidden" value="' . $value . '" />'; } $warning_array['HIDDEN'] .= " "; $html = style::replaceVar("tpl/warning.tpl", $warning_array); } elseif ($getvar['sub'] == "delete" && isset($getvar['do']) && $_POST && !$getvar['confirm']) { if ($postvar['yes']) { foreach ($getvar as $key => $value) { if ($i) { $i = "&"; } else { $i = "?"; } $url .= $i . $key . "=" . $value; } $url .= "&confirm=1"; main::redirect($url); } elseif ($postvar['no']) { main::done(); } } else { if (isset($getvar['sub'])) { ob_start(); $content->content(); $html = ob_get_contents(); // Retrieve the HTML ob_clean(); // Flush the HTML } elseif ($content->navlist) { if ($content->description()) { $html = $content->description() . "<br><br>"; } $html .= "Select a sub-page from the sidebar."; } else { ob_start(); $content->content(); $html = ob_get_contents(); // Retrieve the HTML ob_clean(); // Flush the HTML } } } } if ($getvar['sub'] && $getvar['page'] != "type") { foreach ($content->navlist as $key => $value) { if ($value[2] == $getvar['sub']) { define("SUB", $value[0]); $header = $value[0]; } } } $staffuser = $dbh->client($_SESSION['cuser']); define("SUB", $header); define("INFO", '<b>Welcome back, ' . $staffuser['user'] . '</b><br />' . SUB); echo '<div id="left">'; echo main::table($nav, $sidebar); if ($content->navtitle) { echo "<br />"; echo main::table($subnav, $subsidebar); } echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="right">'; echo main::table($header, $html); echo '</div>'; $html_buff = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); return $html_buff; }