Exemplo n.º 1
 public function index()
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array('`n`.`active`=1'), 'join_items' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring(config::item('news_per_page', 'news'), $params['max']);
     // Get news
     $news = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $news = $this->news_model->getEntries('in_list', $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('news?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'max_items' => $params['max'], 'items_per_page' => config::item('news_per_page', 'news'), 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('news' => $news, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set meta tags
     $this->metatags_model->set('news', 'news_index');
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__(config::item('news_blog', 'news') ? 'blog' : 'news', 'system_navigation'), false);
     // Assign actions
     if (session::permission('news_search', 'news') && ($params['total'] || input::post_get('do_search'))) {
         view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#news-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function browse()
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array(), 'join_items' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Actions
     $actions = array(0 => __('select', 'system'), 'approve' => __('approve', 'system'), 'decline' => __('decline', 'system'), 'delete' => __('delete', 'system'));
     // Check form action
     if (input::post('do_action')) {
         // Delete selected blogs
         if (input::post('action') && isset($actions[input::post('action')]) && input::post('blog_id') && is_array(input::post('blog_id'))) {
             foreach (input::post('blog_id') as $blogID) {
                 $blogID = (int) $blogID;
                 if ($blogID && $blogID > 0) {
                     $this->action(input::post('action'), $blogID);
         // Success
         view::setInfo(__('action_applied', 'system'));
         router::redirect('cp/plugins/blogs?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page']);
     // Get blogs
     $blogs = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $blogs = $this->blogs_model->getBlogs('in_list', $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Create table grid
     $grid = array('uri' => 'cp/plugins/blogs', 'keyword' => 'blogs', 'header' => array('check' => array('html' => 'blog_id', 'class' => 'check'), 'data_title' => array('html' => __('name', 'system'), 'class' => 'name', 'sortable' => true), 'user' => array('html' => __('user', 'system'), 'class' => 'user'), 'post_date' => array('html' => __('post_date', 'system'), 'class' => 'date', 'sortable' => true), 'status' => array('html' => __('status', 'system'), 'class' => 'status'), 'actions' => array('html' => __('actions', 'system'), 'class' => 'actions')), 'content' => array());
     // Create grid content
     foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
         if ($blog['active'] == 1) {
             $status = html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/blogs/decline/' . $blog['blog_id'] . '?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('active', 'system'), array('class' => 'label small success'));
         } else {
             $status = html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/blogs/approve/' . $blog['blog_id'] . '?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], $blog['active'] ? __('pending', 'system') : __('inactive', 'system'), array('class' => 'label small ' . ($blog['active'] ? 'info' : 'important')));
         $grid['content'][] = array('check' => array('html' => $blog['blog_id']), 'data_title' => array('html' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/blogs/edit/' . $blog['blog_id'], text_helper::truncate($blog['data_title'], 64))), 'user' => array('html' => users_helper::anchor($blog['user'])), 'post_date' => array('html' => date_helper::formatDate($blog['post_date'])), 'status' => array('html' => $status), 'actions' => array('html' => array('edit' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/blogs/edit/' . $blog['blog_id'], __('edit', 'system'), array('class' => 'edit')), 'delete' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/blogs/delete/' . $blog['blog_id'] . '?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('delete', 'system'), array('data-html' => __('blog_delete?', 'blogs'), 'data-role' => 'confirm', 'class' => 'delete')))));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('cp/plugins/blogs?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => $this->blogsPerPage, 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Filter hooks
     hook::filter('cp/plugins/blogs/browse/grid', $grid);
     hook::filter('cp/plugins/blogs/browse/actions', $actions);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('grid' => $grid, 'actions' => $actions, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('blogs_manage', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     if ($qstring['search_id']) {
         view::setTrail('cp/plugins/blogs?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('search_results', 'system'));
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#blogs-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function invoices()
     // Get page
     $page = is_numeric(input::get('page')) && input::get('page') > 0 ? input::get('page') : 1;
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array('`t`.`user_id`=' . session::item('user_id')));
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring(config::item('invoices_per_page', 'billing'), session::item('total_transactions'));
     // Get invoices
     $invoices = array();
     if (session::item('total_transactions')) {
         $invoices = $this->transactions_model->getTransactions($params['join_columns'], '', $qstring['limit']);
     } else {
         view::setInfo(__('no_invoices_user', 'billing_transactions'));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('billing/invoices?'), 'total_items' => session::item('total_transactions'), 'items_per_page' => config::item('invoices_per_page', 'billing'), 'current_page' => $page, 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('invoices' => $invoices, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('invoices', 'billing_transactions'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct($config = array())
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->config['driver'] = 'recaptcha';
     loader::library('captcha', $this->config);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function manage()
     // Assign user from session to variable
     $user = session::section('session');
     // Get fields
     $fields = array();
     foreach (config::item('usertypes', 'core', 'keywords') as $categoryID => $keyword) {
         $fields[$categoryID] = $this->fields_model->getFields('users', $categoryID, 'view', 'in_list');
     // Parameters
     $params = array('total' => $user['total_blocked'], 'profiles' => true);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Get blocked users
     $users = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $users = $this->users_blocked_model->getUsers(session::item('user_id'), $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit'], $params);
     } else {
         view::setInfo(__('no_blocked_users', 'users_blocked'));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('users/blocked/manage?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => config::item('blocked_per_page', 'users'), 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('user' => $user, 'users' => $users, 'fields' => $fields, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('blacklist', 'users'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function results()
     if (!input::get('search_id')) {
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array('`u`.`verified`=1', '`u`.`active`=1', '`u`.`group_id` IN (' . implode(',', session::permission('users_groups_browse', 'users')) . ')', '`u`.`type_id` IN (' . implode(',', session::permission('users_types_browse', 'users')) . ')'), 'join_items' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['max']);
     // Get users
     $users = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $users = $this->users_model->getUsers('in_list', isset($params['values']['type_id']) ? $params['values']['type_id'] : 0, $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Get fields
     $fields = $this->fields_model->getFields('users', isset($params['values']['type_id']) ? $params['values']['type_id'] : 0, 'view', 'in_list');
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('users/results?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'max_items' => config::item('max_search_results', 'system'), 'items_per_page' => config::item('users_per_page', 'users'), 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('users' => $users, 'fields' => $fields, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set meta tags
     $this->metatags_model->set('users', 'users_search_results');
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('search_results', 'system'), false);
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('users?' . substr($qstring['url'], 0, -1), __('search_modify', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-users-search-edit'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function deleteType($typeID, $type)
     $this->dbforge->dropTable(':prefix:users_data_' . $type['keyword']);
     // Delete user type
     if ($retval = $this->db->delete('users_types', array('type_id' => $typeID), 1)) {
         // Update order IDs
         $this->db->query("UPDATE `:prefix:users_types` SET `order_id`=`order_id`-1 WHERE `order_id`>?", array($type['order_id']));
         // Select fields IDs
         $fieldIDs = array();
         foreach ($this->db->query("SELECT `field_id`, `category_id`, `keyword` FROM `:prefix:core_fields` WHERE `category_id`=?", array($typeID))->result() as $field) {
             $fieldIDs[] = $field['field_id'];
         // Do we have any field IDs?
         if ($fieldIDs) {
             // Delete field items
             $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `:prefix:core_fields_items` WHERE `field_id` IN (" . implode(',', $fieldIDs) . ")");
         // Delete fields
         $this->db->delete('core_fields', array('category_id' => $typeID));
         // Action hook
         hook::action('users/types/delete', $typeID, $type);
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function browse()
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array(), 'join_items' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Actions
     $actions = array(0 => __('select', 'system'), 'delete' => __('delete', 'system'));
     // Check form action
     if (input::post('do_action')) {
         // Delete selected news
         if (input::post('action') == 'delete') {
             if (input::post('news_id') && is_array(input::post('news_id'))) {
                 foreach (input::post('news_id') as $newsID) {
                     $newsID = (int) $newsID;
                     if ($newsID && $newsID > 0) {
         // Success
         view::setInfo(__('action_applied', 'system'));
         router::redirect('cp/content/news?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page']);
     // Get news
     $news = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $news = $this->news_model->getEntries('in_list', $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Create table grid
     $grid = array('uri' => 'cp/content/news', 'keyword' => 'news', 'header' => array('check' => array('html' => 'news_id', 'class' => 'check'), 'data_title_' . session::item('language') => array('html' => __('name', 'system'), 'class' => 'name', 'sortable' => true), 'post_date' => array('html' => __('post_date', 'system'), 'class' => 'date', 'sortable' => true), 'status' => array('html' => __('status', 'system'), 'class' => 'status'), 'actions' => array('html' => __('actions', 'system'), 'class' => 'actions')), 'content' => array());
     // Create grid content
     foreach ($news as $entry) {
         $grid['content'][] = array('check' => array('html' => $entry['news_id']), 'data_title_' . session::item('language') => array('html' => html_helper::anchor('cp/content/news/edit/' . $entry['news_id'], text_helper::truncate($entry['data_title'], 64))), 'post_date' => array('html' => date_helper::formatDate($entry['post_date'])), 'status' => array('html' => $entry['active'] ? '<span class="label success small">' . __('yes', 'system') . '</span>' : '<span class="label important small">' . __('no', 'system') . '</span>'), 'actions' => array('html' => array('edit' => html_helper::anchor('cp/content/news/edit/' . $entry['news_id'], __('edit', 'system'), array('class' => 'edit')), 'delete' => html_helper::anchor('cp/content/news/delete/' . $entry['news_id'] . '?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('delete', 'system'), array('data-html' => __('entry_delete?', 'news'), 'data-role' => 'confirm', 'class' => 'delete')))));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('cp/content/news?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => $this->newsPerPage, 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Filter hooks
     hook::filter('cp/content/news/browse/grid', $grid);
     hook::filter('cp/content/news/browse/actions', $actions);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('grid' => $grid, 'actions' => $actions, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('news_manage', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     if ($qstring['search_id']) {
         view::setTrail('cp/content/news?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('search_results', 'system'));
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('cp/content/news/edit/', __('entry_new', 'news'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-news-new'));
     view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#news-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function browse($resource = '', $itemID = 0, $total = false, $page = false, $post = true, $info = true, $static = false)
     // Get vars
     if (input::isAjaxRequest() && !$static) {
         $resource = input::post_get('resource');
         $itemID = (int) input::post_get('item_id');
         $post = (bool) input::post_get('post');
         $info = (bool) input::post_get('info');
     $split = (int) input::post_get('split') && (int) input::post_get('split') <= config::item('comments_per_page', 'comments') ? (int) input::post_get('split') : config::item('comments_per_page', 'comments');
     // Get resource ID
     $resourceID = config::item('resources', 'core', $resource, 'resource_id');
     if (!$resourceID || !$itemID) {
         return false;
     // Do we have the number of comments?
     if ($total === false) {
         // Count comments
         $total = $this->comments_model->countComments(array(), array(), array('resource' => $resource, 'item_id' => $itemID));
     // Post comment
     if (input::post('do_save_comment') && session::permission('comments_post', 'comments')) {
         if ($this->_saveComment($resource, $itemID)) {
     } elseif (input::post('delete') && session::permission('comments_delete', 'comments')) {
         if ($this->_deleteComment($resource, $itemID, (int) input::post('delete'))) {
     // Current page
     $page = $page ? $page : (int) input::post_get('page', 1);
     $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1;
     // Limit
     $limit = ($page - 1) * $split . ', ' . $split;
     // Get comments
     $comments = $this->comments_model->getComments($resource, $itemID, array(), '`c`.`post_date` desc', $limit);
     // If no comments were found, try to fetch from from the previous page
     if (!$comments && $page > 1) {
         // Limit
         $from = ($page - 1) * $split;
         $limit = $from . ', ' . $split;
         $comments = $this->comments_model->getComments($resource, $itemID, array(), '`c`.`post_date` desc', $limit);
     // Pagination config
     $config = array('base_url' => 'comments/browse?', 'total_items' => $total, 'items_per_page' => $split, 'current_page' => $page, 'uri_segment' => 'page', 'link_attr' => array('onclick' => "runAjax(this.href,{'resource':'" . $resource . "','item_id':" . $itemID . ",'split':" . $split . ",'post':" . ($post ? 1 : 0) . ",'info':" . ($info ? 1 : 0) . "},'replaceContent','comments-container-" . $resource . "-" . $itemID . "','pagination-" . $resource . "-" . $itemID . "');return false;"));
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('resource' => $resource, 'itemID' => $itemID, 'comments' => $comments, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'split' => $split, 'post' => users_helper::isLoggedin() && $post ? true : false, 'info' => $info), '', 'comments/index');
     if (input::isAjaxRequest() && !$static) {
         $output = view::load('comments/index', array(), true);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function captcha($name, $value = '')
     $service = config::item('default_captcha', 'security');
     $settings = config::item('default_captcha_settings', 'security');
     // Load library
     loader::library('captchas/' . $service, $settings, 'captcha_' . $service);
     $str = codebreeder::instance()->{'captcha_' . $service}->getCaptcha($name);
     return $str;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function __construct($manifest = array())
     $this->manifest = $manifest;
     $engines = $this->dbforge->getEngines();
     $this->dbEngine = in_array('InnoDB', $engines) ? 'InnoDB' : 'MyISAM';
     //$this->dbEngine = 'MyISAM';
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function browse()
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Actions
     $actions = array(0 => __('select', 'system'), 'delete' => __('delete', 'system'));
     // Check form action
     if (input::post('do_action')) {
         // Delete selected messages
         if (input::post('action') == 'delete') {
             if (input::post('message_id') && is_array(input::post('message_id'))) {
                 foreach (input::post('message_id') as $messageID) {
                     $messageID = (int) $messageID;
                     if ($messageID && $messageID > 0) {
         // Success
         view::setInfo(__('action_applied', 'system'));
         router::redirect('cp/plugins/messages?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page']);
     // Get messages
     $messages = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $messages = $this->messages_model->getMessages($params['join_columns'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Create table grid
     $grid = array('uri' => 'cp/plugins/messages', 'keyword' => 'messages', 'header' => array('check' => array('html' => 'message_id', 'class' => 'check'), 'message' => array('html' => __('message', 'messages'), 'class' => 'name'), 'user' => array('html' => __('user', 'system'), 'class' => 'user'), 'post_date' => array('html' => __('post_date', 'system'), 'class' => 'date', 'sortable' => true), 'actions' => array('html' => __('actions', 'system'), 'class' => 'actions')), 'content' => array());
     // Create grid content
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
         $grid['content'][] = array('check' => array('html' => $message['message_id']), 'message' => array('html' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/messages/edit/' . $message['message_id'], text_helper::truncate($message['message'], 64))), 'user' => array('html' => users_helper::anchor($message['user'])), 'post_date' => array('html' => date_helper::formatDate($message['post_date'])), 'actions' => array('html' => array('edit' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/messages/edit/' . $message['message_id'], __('edit', 'system'), array('class' => 'edit')), 'delete' => html_helper::anchor('cp/plugins/messages/delete/' . $message['message_id'] . '?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('delete', 'system'), array('data-html' => __('message_delete?', 'messages'), 'data-role' => 'confirm', 'class' => 'delete')))));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('cp/plugins/messages?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => $this->messagesPerPage, 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Filter hooks
     hook::filter('cp/plugins/messages/browse/grid', $grid);
     hook::filter('cp/plugins/messages/browse/actions', $actions);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('grid' => $grid, 'actions' => $actions, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('messages_manage', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     if ($qstring['search_id']) {
         view::setTrail('cp/plugins/messages?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('search_results', 'system'));
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#messages-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function confirm()
     $class = uri::segment(4);
     $action = uri::segment(5) == 'signup' ? 'signup' : 'login';
     $service = $this->users_authentication_model->getService($class);
     if ($service) {
         loader::library('authentication/' . uri::segment(4), $service['settings'], 'users_authentication_' . $class . '_model');
         $this->{'users_authentication_' . $class . '_model'}->confirm($action);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function sendFeedback($email, $subject, $message)
     $retval = $this->email->sendEmail(config::item('feedback_email', 'feedback'), $subject, $message);
     if ($retval) {
         // Action hook
         hook::action('feedback/send/post', $email, $subject, $message);
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function index()
     $service = config::item('default_captcha', 'security');
     $settings = config::item('default_captcha_settings', 'security');
     // Load library
     $captcha = loader::library('captcha', $settings, null);
     if (uri::segment(3) == 'reload') {
     echo $captcha->render();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function getManifest($keyword)
     $manifest = array();
     // Load captcha
     $captcha = loader::library('captchas/' . $keyword, array(), null);
     // Does captcha exist?
     if ($captcha) {
         $params = $captcha->getManifest();
         $manifest = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'name' => $params['name'], 'description' => $params['description'], 'settings' => isset($params['settings']) && is_array($params['settings']) ? $params['settings'] : array(), 'values' => array(), 'default' => 0);
     return $manifest;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function getManifest($keyword)
     $manifest = array();
     // Load gateway
     $gateway = loader::library('payments/' . $keyword, array(), null);
     // Does gateway exist?
     if ($gateway) {
         $params = $gateway->getManifest();
         $manifest = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'name' => $params['name'], 'settings' => isset($params['settings']) && is_array($params['settings']) ? $params['settings'] : array(), 'values' => array(), 'active' => 0);
     return $manifest;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static function getFilePath($serviceID, $path, $name, $ext, $suffix = '')
     // Get storage service and settings
     $service = config::item('storages', 'core', $serviceID);
     $settings = config::item('storages', 'core', 'settings', $serviceID);
     if (!$service) {
         return '';
     // Load library
     loader::library('storages/' . $service, $settings, 'storage_' . $service);
     $str = codebreeder::instance()->{'storage_' . $service}->getFilePath($path, $name, $ext, $suffix);
     return $str;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function validatePayment($gatewayID)
     // Verify payment status
     if (strtolower(input::post('payment_status')) != 'completed' || strtolower(input::post('txn_type')) != 'web_accept') {
         $this->setError('Invalid payment status.');
         return false;
     // Verify receiver's email
     if (strcasecmp($this->config['email'], input::post('business')) || strcasecmp($this->config['email'], input::post('receiver_email'))) {
         $this->setError('Invalid receiver email.');
         return false;
     // Load http library
     // Set parameters
     $params = $_POST;
     $params['cmd'] = '_notify-validate';
     // Run paypal request
     $response = $this->http->run($this->config['test'] ? 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' : 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr', 'POST', $params);
     // Verify reponse
     if (strcasecmp(trim($response), 'verified')) {
         $this->setError('Invalid response: ' . $response);
         return false;
     // Get parameters
     $receiptID = input::post('txn_id');
     $invoiceID = input::post('item_number');
     $amount = input::post('mc_gross');
     $currency = input::post('mc_currency');
     // Verify duplicates
     if (!$this->transactions_model->isUniqueTransaction($gatewayID, $receiptID)) {
         $this->setError('Duplicate transaction: ' . $receiptID);
         return false;
     // Get invoice
     if (!($invoice = $this->transactions_model->getInvoice($invoiceID))) {
         $this->setError('Invalid invoice ID: ' . $invoiceID);
         return false;
     // Verify amount
     if (strcmp($invoice['amount'], $amount)) {
         $this->setError('Invalid payment amount: ' . money_helper::symbol(config::item('currency', 'billing')) . $amount);
         return false;
     $invoice['receipt_id'] = $receiptID;
     return $invoice;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function browse()
     // Parameters
     $params = array('join_columns' => array("`u`.`picture_id`!=0"), 'join_items' => array());
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params, 0);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Actions
     $actions = array(0 => __('select', 'system'), 'approve' => __('approve', 'system'), 'decline' => __('decline', 'system'), 'delete' => __('delete', 'system'));
     // Check form action
     if (input::post('do_action')) {
         // Delete selected albums
         if (input::post('action') && isset($actions[input::post('action')]) && input::post('user_id') && is_array(input::post('user_id'))) {
             foreach (input::post('user_id') as $userID) {
                 $userID = (int) $userID;
                 if ($userID && $userID > 0) {
                     $this->action(input::post('action'), $userID);
         // Success
         view::setInfo(__('action_applied', 'system'));
         router::redirect('cp/users/pictures/browse?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page']);
     // Get pictures
     $users = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $users = $this->users_model->getUsers('in_list', isset($params['values']['type']) ? $params['values']['type'] : 0, $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit']);
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('cp/users/pictures/browse?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => $this->picturesPerPage, 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('users' => $users, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'actions' => $actions));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('users_pictures_manage', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     if ($qstring['search_id']) {
         view::setTrail('cp/users/pictures/browse?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page'], __('search_results', 'system'));
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#pictures-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function manage()
     // Does user have permission to view visitors?
     if (!session::permission('users_visitors_browse', 'users')) {
     // Assign user from session to variable
     $user = session::section('session');
     // Get fields
     $fields = array();
     foreach (config::item('usertypes', 'core', 'keywords') as $categoryID => $keyword) {
         $fields[$categoryID] = $this->fields_model->getFields('users', $categoryID, 'view', 'in_list');
     // Parameters
     $params = array('total' => session::permission('users_visitors_limit', 'users') && session::permission('users_visitors_limit', 'users') < $user['total_visitors'] ? session::permission('users_visitors_limit', 'users') : $user['total_visitors'], 'profiles' => true);
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring($params['total']);
     // Get visitors
     $visitors = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $visitors = $this->users_visitors_model->getVisitors(session::item('user_id'), $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit'], $params);
     } else {
         view::setInfo(__('no_visitors', 'users_visitors'));
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('users/visitors/manage?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'items_per_page' => config::item('visitors_per_page', 'users'), 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('user' => $user, 'visitors' => $visitors, 'fields' => $fields, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Dow we have new visitors?
     if (session::item('total_visitors_new')) {
         // Reset new visitors counter
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('my_visitors', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     view::setTrail(session::item('slug'), __('my_profile', 'system_navigation'));
     view::setTrail('users/visitors/manage', __('users_visitors', 'system_navigation'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function ipn()
     // Get URI vars
     $gatewayID = uri::segment(4);
     // Get gateway
     if (!$gatewayID || !($gateway = $this->gateways_model->getGateway($gatewayID)) || !$gateway['active']) {
         die(__('no_gateway', 'billing_gateways'));
     // Update gateway ID
     $gatewayID = $gateway['gateway_id'];
     // Load payment library
     $payment = loader::library('payments/' . $gateway['keyword'], $gateway['settings'], null);
     // Run IPN function
     if (!($invoice = $payment->validatePayment($gatewayID))) {
         $this->transactions_model->saveLog(0, $gatewayID, 0, $payment->getError());
     // Save transaction
     if ($transactionID = $this->transactions_model->saveTransaction(0, $gatewayID, $invoice['invoice_id'], $invoice['receipt_id'], $invoice['user_id'], $invoice['amount'])) {
         // Mark invoice as paid
         $this->transactions_model->payInvoice($invoice['invoice_id'], $invoice['user_id'], $invoice['amount']);
     // Get payment type
     if (!($type = $this->payments_model->getPaymentType($invoice['type_id']))) {
         return false;
     // Load payment type model
     $product = loader::model('billing/' . $type['keyword'], array(), null);
     // Setup product
     $product->process($invoice['user_id'], $invoice['product_id'], $invoice['params']);
     // Run complete function
     // Log transaction
     $logID = $this->transactions_model->saveLog(0, $gatewayID, 1);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function action($action, $actionID = false)
     // Check if demo mode is enabled
     if (input::demo(1, 'cp/users')) {
         return false;
     // Get URI vars
     $userID = $actionID ? $actionID : (int) uri::segment(4);
     // Get user
     if (!$userID || !($user = $this->users_model->getUser($userID))) {
         view::setError(__('no_user', 'users'));
     // Make sure we're not trying to decline ourselves
     if ($userID != session::item('user_id')) {
         switch ($action) {
             case 'approve':
             case 'approve_email':
                 if ($this->users_model->toggleUserStatus($userID, $user, 1) && $action == 'approve_email') {
                     $this->email->sendTemplate('users_account_welcome', $user['email'], $user, $user['language_id']);
                 $str = __('user_approved', 'users');
             case 'decline':
             case 'decline_email':
                 if ($this->users_model->toggleUserStatus($userID, $user, 0) && $action == 'decline_email') {
                     $this->email->sendTemplate('users_account_declined', $user['email'], $user, $user['language_id']);
                 $str = __('user_declined', 'users');
             case 'verify':
                 $this->users_model->toggleVerifiedStatus($userID, $user, 1);
                 $str = __('user_verified', 'users');
             case 'unverify':
                 $this->users_model->toggleVerifiedStatus($userID, $user, 0);
                 $str = __('user_unverified', 'users');
             case 'delete':
                 $this->users_model->deleteUser($userID, $user);
                 $str = __('user_deleted', 'users');
     } else {
         $str = '';
     // Is this an action call?
     if ($actionID) {
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring();
     // Success
     router::redirect('cp/users?' . $qstring['url'] . 'page=' . $qstring['page']);
Exemplo n.º 24
                $db->runQuery("update " . FORM . " set content2='" . $db->clearText($val) . "' where id='" . substr($set1, 2) . "' ");
        if ($_POST['type'] == 'multiple page' && $_POST['sub_id'] == '') {
            if (is_numeric(substr($set1, 1))) {
                $db->runQuery("insert into " . FORM . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(category_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsub_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tforms,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontent\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$_POST['id']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$rand}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$forms}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $db->clearText($val) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)");
    $_SESSION['succ'] = 'Update Successfully';
    echo "<script>window.location='{$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']}'</script>";
if ($act == 'images-upload') {
    $idx = $_POST['idx'];
    if ($_POST['del']) {
        @unlink($baseurl . image_folder . '/' . $_POST['del']);
        $db->runQuery("delete from " . IMG . " where img='{$_POST['del']}' ");
    } else {
        if ($_POST['name']) {
            if ($img = $load->site_function->images_upload('images', 'image', $baseurl)) {
                @unlink($baseurl . image_folder . '/' . $_POST['name']);
                $db->runQuery("UPDATE " . IMG . " SET img='{$img}' WHERE slug = '{$_POST['slug']}' ");
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function manage()
     // Is user loggedin ?
     if (!users_helper::isLoggedin()) {
     } elseif (!session::permission('albums_post', 'pictures')) {
     // Assign user from session to variable
     $user = session::section('session');
     // Parameters
     $params = array('select_users' => false, 'join_columns' => array('`a`.`user_id`=' . session::item('user_id')), 'join_items' => array(), 'total' => $user['total_albums']);
     // Process filters
     $params = $this->parseCounters($params, 'manage');
     // Process query string
     $qstring = $this->parseQuerystring(config::item('user_albums_per_page', 'pictures'), $params['max']);
     // Get albums
     $albums = array();
     if ($params['total']) {
         $albums = $this->pictures_albums_model->getAlbums('in_list', $params['join_columns'], $params['join_items'], $qstring['order'], $qstring['limit'], $params);
     // Set pagination
     $config = array('base_url' => config::siteURL('pictures/albums/manage?' . $qstring['url']), 'total_items' => $params['total'], 'max_items' => $params['max'], 'items_per_page' => config::item('user_albums_per_page', 'pictures'), 'current_page' => $qstring['page'], 'uri_segment' => 'page');
     $pagination = loader::library('pagination', $config, null);
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('user' => $user, 'albums' => $albums, 'pagination' => $pagination));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('my_albums', 'system_navigation'));
     // Set trail
     view::setTrail(session::item('slug'), __('my_profile', 'system_navigation'));
     view::setTrail('pictures/manage', __('pictures_albums', 'system_navigation'));
     // Assign actions
     view::setAction('pictures/albums/edit', __('album_new', 'pictures'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-pictures-albums-new'));
     if (session::permission('albums_search', 'pictures') && ($params['total'] || input::post_get('do_search'))) {
         view::setAction('#', __('search', 'system'), array('class' => 'icon-text icon-system-search', 'onclick' => '$(\'#albums-search\').toggle();return false;'));
     // Load view
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function uninstall($languageID, $language)
     // Delete language
     $retval = $this->db->delete('core_languages', array('language_id' => $languageID), 1);
     if ($retval) {
         // Update users with the new system language ID
         $this->db->update('users', array('language_id' => config::item('language_id', 'system')), array('language_id' => $languageID));
         // Load dbforge library
         // Languages
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_languages_data', array('value_' . $language['keyword']));
         // Email templates
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_email_templates', array('subject_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_email_templates', array('message_html_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_email_templates', array('message_text_' . $language['keyword']));
         // Meta tags
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_meta_tags', array('meta_title_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_meta_tags', array('meta_description_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_meta_tags', array('meta_keywords_' . $language['keyword']));
         // Custom fields
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields', array('name_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields', array('sname_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields', array('vname_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields', array('validate_error_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields_items', array('name_' . $language['keyword']));
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:core_fields_items', array('sname_' . $language['keyword']));
         // Geo data
         foreach (array('countries', 'states', 'cities') as $table) {
             $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:geo_' . $table, array('name_' . $language['keyword']));
         // Report subjects
         $this->dbforge->dropColumns(':prefix:reports_subjects', array('name_' . $language['keyword']));
         if ($languageID == session::item('language_id')) {
             session::set('language', config::item('language_id', 'system'));
             session::delete('', 'config');
         // Action hook
         hook::action('system/languages/uninstall', $languageID, $language['keyword']);
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function deleteFiles($fileID, $limit = 1)
     $files = $this->getFiles($fileID, $limit);
     if (!$files) {
         return true;
     $services = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         // Did we already load storage library?
         if (!isset($services[$file['service_id']])) {
             // Get storage service and settings
             $service = config::item('storages', 'core', $file['service_id']);
             $settings = config::item('storages', 'core', 'settings', $file['service_id']);
             // Load library
             loader::library('storages/' . $service, $settings, 'storage_' . $service);
             $services[$file['service_id']] = true;
         $this->{'storage_' . $service}->delete($file['path'], $file['name'], $file['extension'], $file['suffix']);
     if (is_array($fileID)) {
         $retval = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `:prefix:storage_files` WHERE `file_id` IN (?) OR `parent_id` IN (?) LIMIT ?", array($fileID, $fileID, count($files)));
     } else {
         $retval = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `:prefix:storage_files` WHERE `file_id`=? OR `parent_id`=? LIMIT ?", array($fileID, $fileID, count($files)));
     if ($retval) {
         // Action hook
         hook::action('system/storage/files/delete', $fileID, $files);
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function deleteField($plugin, $table, $fieldID, $field)
     // Is multi language enabled?
     if ($field['multilang']) {
         // Loop through languages
         foreach (config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords') as $lang) {
             // Drop table column
             $this->dbforge->dropColumn(':prefix:' . $table, 'data_' . $field['keyword'] . '_' . $lang);
     } else {
         $this->dbforge->dropColumn(':prefix:' . $table, 'data_' . $field['keyword']);
         if ($field['type'] == 'location') {
             $this->dbforge->dropColumn(':prefix:' . $table, 'data_' . $field['keyword'] . '_state');
             $this->dbforge->dropColumn(':prefix:' . $table, 'data_' . $field['keyword'] . '_city');
     // Delete field items
     $this->db->delete('core_fields_items', array('field_id' => $fieldID));
     // Delete field
     if ($retval = $this->db->delete('core_fields', array('plugin' => $plugin, 'category_id' => $field['category_id'], 'field_id' => $fieldID), 1)) {
         // Update order IDs
         $this->db->query("UPDATE `:prefix:core_fields` SET `order_id`=`order_id`-1 WHERE `plugin`=? AND `category_id`=? AND `order_id`>?", array($plugin, $field['category_id'], $field['order_id']));
     return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 29
 protected function _resendHash()
     // Create rules
     $rules = array('email' => array('label' => 'email', 'rules' => array('trim', 'required', 'max_length' => 255, 'valid_email')));
     // Assign rules
     // Validate fields
     if (!validate::run()) {
         return false;
     // Does user exist?
     if (!($user = $this->users_model->getUser(input::post('email')))) {
         validate::setFieldError('email', __('email_invalid', 'users_signup'));
         return false;
     // Is user's email already verified?
     if ($user['verified']) {
         view::setError(__('user_already_verified', 'users_signup'));
         return false;
     // Loader
     // Is this a recent request?
     if ($this->requests_model->isRecentRequest('signup', $user['user_id'], 0, 5)) {
         // Success
         view::setError(__('request_recent_sendhash', 'users_signup'));
         return false;
     // Save resend hash request
     $hash = $this->requests_model->saveRequest('signup', $user['user_id']);
     $user['security_hash'] = $hash;
     $user['activation_link'] = config::siteURL('users/signup/confirm/' . $user['user_id'] . '/' . $hash);
     // Send activation email
     $this->email->sendTemplate('users_account_confirm', $user['email'], $user, $user['language_id']);
     // Success
     view::setInfo(__('confirm_email', 'users_signup'));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function send()
     // Get URI vars
     $newsletterID = (int) uri::segment(5);
     $counter = (int) uri::segment(6, 0);
     $test = uri::segment(7) == 'test' ? 1 : 0;
     $step = config::item('emails_batch', 'newsletters');
     // Get newsletter
     if (!$newsletterID || !($newsletter = $this->newsletters_model->getNewsletter($newsletterID, false))) {
         view::setError(__('no_newsletter', 'newsletters'));
     // Do we have recipients?
     if (!$newsletter['total_users']) {
         router::redirect('cp/content/newsletters/recipients/' . $newsletterID);
     // Is this the first step?
     if (!$test && !$counter) {
         // Update total user count
         $searchID = $this->search_model->searchData('profile', array(), $newsletter['params']['conditions'], $newsletter['params']['values'], array('type_id' => isset($newsletter['params']['values']['type_id']) ? $newsletter['params']['values']['type_id'] : 0));
         // Do we have any search terms?
         if ($searchID == 'no_terms' || $searchID == 'no_results' || !($search = $this->search_model->getSearch($searchID))) {
             router::redirect('cp/content/newsletters/recipients/' . $newsletterID);
         // Did total user count change?
         if ($search['results'] != $newsletter['total_users']) {
             $newsletter = array('total_users' => $search['results']);
             $this->newsletters_model->saveNewsletter($newsletterID, $newsletter);
     } elseif ($test && !config::item('email_test', 'newsletters')) {
         view::setError(__('newsletters_test_none', 'newsletters', array(), array('%' => html_helper::anchor('cp/system/config/newsletters', '\\1'))));
         router::redirect('cp/content/newsletters/review/' . $newsletterID);
     // Load email library
     // Is this a test?
     if ($test) {
         $this->email->sendEmail(config::item('email_test', 'newsletters'), $newsletter['subject'], $newsletter['message_text'], $newsletter['message_html']);
         view::setInfo(__('newsletter_sent', 'newsletters'));
         router::redirect('cp/content/newsletters/review/' . $newsletterID);
     // Get users
     $users = $this->users_model->getUsers('in_view', isset($newsletter['params']['values']['type_id']) ? $newsletter['params']['values']['type_id'] : 0, $newsletter['params']['conditions']['columns'], $newsletter['params']['conditions']['items'], false, $counter . ',' . $step);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (!input::demo(0)) {
             $this->email->sendEmail($user['email'], $newsletter['subject'], $newsletter['message_text'], $newsletter['message_html'], $user);
     // Do we have any users?
     if (!$users) {
         view::setInfo(__('newsletter_sent', 'newsletters'));
         $next = '';
     } else {
         $next = $counter;
     // Update total sent
     $this->newsletters_model->saveNewsletter($newsletterID, array('total_sent' => $next ? $counter : 0));
     // Did total number of users change?
     if ($counter > $newsletter['total_users'] || !$next && $counter < $newsletter['total_users']) {
         $newsletter['total_users'] = $counter;
         $this->newsletters_model->saveNewsletter($newsletterID, array('total_users' => $counter));
     $message = __('newsletter_sending_status', 'newsletters', array('%1' => $counter, '%2' => $newsletter['total_users']));
     $message .= '<br/>' . __('newsletter_sending_redirect', 'newsletters', array(), array('%' => html_helper::anchor('cp/content/newsletters/send/' . $newsletterID . '/' . $next, '\\1')));
     // Assign vars
     view::assign(array('newsletterID' => $newsletterID, 'newsletter' => $newsletter, 'counter' => $counter, 'redirect' => $next, 'output' => $message));
     if (input::isAjaxRequest()) {
         view::ajaxResponse(array('output' => $message, 'redirect' => $next));
     // Set title
     view::setTitle(__('newsletter_sending', 'newsletters'));
     // Set trail
     view::setTrail('cp/content/newsletters/send/' . $newsletterID, __('newsletter_send', 'newsletters') . ' - ' . text_helper::entities($newsletter['subject']));
     // Load view