Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function getAudioInfo($path)
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Asked for audio info on non-existant file: "' . $path . '"');
         return FALSE;
     $id3 = new getID3();
     $info = $id3->analyze($path);
     if (!empty($info['error'])) {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Unable to analyze "' . $path . '" because ' . implode(' - ', $info['error']));
         return FALSE;
     switch ($info['audio']['dataformat']) {
         case 'wav':
             return array('type' => $info['audio']['dataformat'], 'compression' => number_format($info['audio']['compression_ratio'], 4), 'channels' => $info['audio']['channels'], 'rates' => $info['audio']['streams'][0]['sample_rate'], 'byterate' => $info['audio']['bitrate'], 'bits' => $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'], 'size' => $info['filesize'], 'length' => number_format($info['playtime_seconds'], 4));
         case 'mp1':
             return array('type' => $info['audio']['dataformat'], 'compression' => number_format($info['audio']['compression_ratio'], 4), 'channels' => $info['audio']['channels'], 'rates' => $info['audio']['streams'][0]['sample_rate'], 'byterate' => $info['audio']['bitrate'], 'bits' => $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'], 'size' => $info['filesize'], 'length' => number_format($info['playtime_seconds'], 4));
         case 'mp3':
             return array('type' => $info['audio']['dataformat'], 'compression' => number_format($info['audio']['compression_ratio'], 4), 'channels' => $info['audio']['channels'], 'rates' => $info['audio']['sample_rate'], 'byterate' => $info['audio']['bitrate'], 'bits' => NULL, 'size' => $info['filesize'], 'length' => number_format($info['playtime_seconds'], 4));
         case 'ogg':
             return array('type' => $info['audio']['dataformat'], 'compression' => number_format($info['audio']['compression_ratio'], 4), 'channels' => $info['audio']['channels'], 'rates' => $info['audio']['sample_rate'], 'byterate' => $info['audio']['bitrate'], 'bits' => NULL, 'size' => $info['filesize'], 'length' => number_format($info['playtime_seconds'], 4));
             kohana::log('error', 'Unhandled media type(' . $info['audio']['dataformat'] . ') for file ' . $path);
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function register($driver, $hook)
     $driverName = Telephony::getDriverName();
     if (!$driverName or $driverName == 'none') {
         return true;
     } elseif (!class_exists($driverName)) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'Telephony -> Unable to register the dialplan driver \'' . $driverName . '\'');
         return false;
     $hookClass = $driverName . '_' . $driver . '_Driver';
     if (!class_exists($hookClass)) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'Telephony -> Unable to register the dialplan hook \'' . $driver . '\'(' . $hookClass . ')');
         return false;
     if (empty(self::$dialplanSections)) {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Telephony -> EVAL ' . $driverName . '::getDialplanSections();');
         $sections = eval('return ' . $driverName . '::getDialplanSections();');
         if (is_array($sections)) {
             self::$dialplanSections = $sections;
     if (!in_array($hook, self::$dialplanSections)) {
         throw new Exception('The hook ' . $hook . ' is not a recognized telephony global hook. (While trying to register callback ' . $driver . ')');
     // Register event as _telephony.action with the callback array as the callback
     Event::add('_telephony.' . $hook, array($hookClass, $hook));
     Kohana::log('debug', 'Telephony -> Added hook for _telephony.' . $hook . ' to call ' . $hookClass . '::' . $hook);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function echo_test()
     $featureCode = new FeatureCode();
     $featureCode['name'] = 'Echo Test';
     $featureCode['registry'] = array('feature' => 'echo');
     try {
         $location = Doctrine::getTable('Location')->findAll();
         if (!$location->count()) {
             throw Exception('Could not find location id');
         $location_id = arr::get($location, 0, 'location_id');
         $number = new Number();
         $number['user_id'] = users::getAttr('user_id');
         $number['number'] = '9999';
         $number['location_id'] = $location_id;
         $number['registry'] = array('ignoreFWD' => '0', 'ringtype' => 'ringing', 'timeout' => 20);
         $dialplan = array('terminate' => array('transfer' => 0, 'voicemail' => 0, 'action' => 'hangup'));
         $number['dialplan'] = $dialplan;
         $number['class_type'] = 'FeatureCodeNumber';
         $number['foreign_id'] = $featureCode['feature_code_id'];
         $context = Doctrine::getTable('Context')->findOneByName('Outbound Routes');
         $number['NumberContext']->fromArray(array(0 => array('context_id' => $context['context_id'])));
         $numberType = Doctrine::getTable('NumberType')->findOneByClass('FeatureCodeNumber');
         if (empty($numberType['number_type_id'])) {
             return FALSE;
         $number['NumberPool']->fromArray(array(0 => array('number_type_id' => $numberType['number_type_id'])));
         return $number['number_id'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         kohana::log('error', 'Unable to initialize device number: ' . $e->getMessage());
         throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static function runEvents($eventName, &$data = NULL)
     kohana::log('debug', 'Running event ' . $eventName);
     // Returns of the callbacks for event specified
     $events = Event::get($eventName);
     // Loop through each event, instantiate the event object, and call the event.
     // NOTE: We do this because we rely on __get/__set methods in bluebox plugins and they must be able to use $object->
     // to reference the current controller
     $return_value = TRUE;
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         // Share our current controller w/ the event system
         Event::$data =& $data;
         // Go get our plugin object
         $obj =& self::initialize($event[0]);
         if (method_exists($obj, $event[1])) {
             $return = call_user_func(array($obj, $event[1]));
             kohana::log('debug', 'Plugin hook ' . get_class($obj) . '::' . $event[1] . '() returned ' . ($return ? 'true' : 'false'));
             // If the func doesnt have a return or its not bool, assume true
             if (is_null($return) || !is_bool($return)) {
                 $return = TRUE;
             // Bitwise AND of all the returns (if any returns false, the event will return false)
             $return_value = $return_value & $return;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Tried to call plugin method ' . get_class($obj) . '::' . $event[1] . '(), but no such method exists. (Event ' . $eventName . ')');
         // Do this to prevent data from getting 'stuck'
         $clearData = '';
         Event::$data =& $clearData;
     return $return_value;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Hook into the task scheduler. When run, the system checks the cache_occurrences table for records where the data cleaner has marked
 * the record as data_cleaner_info "pass", record_status="C", the system then sets the record to verified automatically.
 * @param string $last_run_date Date last run, or null if never run
 * @param object $db Database object.
function auto_verify_scheduled_task($last_run_date, $db)
    $autoVerifyNullIdDiff = kohana::config('auto_verify.auto_accept_occurrences_with_null_id_difficulty');
    global $processOldData;
    $processOldData = kohana::config('auto_verify.process_old_data');
    if (empty($autoVerifyNullIdDiff)) {
        print_r("Unable to automatically verify occurrences when the auto_accept_occurrences_with_null_id_difficulty entry is empty.<br>");
        kohana::log('error', 'Unable to automatically verify occurrences when the auto_accept_occurrences_with_null_id_difficulty configuration entry is empty.');
        return false;
    //Do we need to consider old data (probably as a one-off run) or just newly changed data.
    $subQuery = "\n    SELECT co.id";
    if (!empty($processOldData) && $processOldData === 'true') {
        $subQuery .= "  \n      FROM cache_occurrences co";
    } else {
        $subQuery .= "  \n      FROM occdelta od\n      JOIN cache_occurrences co on co.id=od.id";
    $subQuery .= "\n    JOIN surveys s on s.id = co.survey_id AND s.auto_accept=true AND s.deleted=false\n    LEFT JOIN cache_taxon_searchterms cts on cts.taxon_meaning_id = co.taxon_meaning_id \n    WHERE co.data_cleaner_info='pass' AND co.record_status='C' AND co.record_substatus IS NULL\n        AND ((" . $autoVerifyNullIdDiff . "=false AND cts.identification_difficulty IS NOT NULL AND cts.identification_difficulty<=s.auto_accept_max_difficulty) \n        OR (" . $autoVerifyNullIdDiff . "=true AND (cts.identification_difficulty IS NULL OR cts.identification_difficulty<=s.auto_accept_max_difficulty)))";
    $verificationTime = gmdate("Y\\/m\\/d H:i:s");
    //Need to update cache_occurrences, as this table has already been built at this point.
    $query = "\n    INSERT INTO occurrence_comments (comment, generated_by, occurrence_id,record_status,record_substatus,created_by_id,updated_by_id,created_on,updated_on,auto_generated)\n    SELECT 'Accepted based on automatic checks', 'system', id,'V','2',1,1,'" . $verificationTime . "','" . $verificationTime . "',true\n    FROM occurrences\n    WHERE id in\n    (" . $subQuery . ");\n      \n    UPDATE occurrences\n    SET \n    record_status='V',\n    record_substatus='2',\n    release_status='R',\n    verified_by_id=1,\n    verified_on='" . $verificationTime . "',\n    record_decision_source='M'\n    WHERE id in\n    (" . $subQuery . ");\n      \n    UPDATE cache_occurrences\n    SET \n    record_status='V',\n    record_substatus='2',\n    release_status='R',\n    verified_on='" . $verificationTime . "',\n    verifier='admin, core'\n    WHERE id in\n    (" . $subQuery . ");";
    $results = $db->query($query)->result_array(false);
    //Query to return count of records, as I was unable to pursuade the above query to output the number of updated
    //records correctly.
    $query = "\n    SELECT count(id)\n    FROM cache_occurrences co\n    WHERE co.verified_on='" . $verificationTime . "';";
    $results = $db->query($query)->result_array(false);
    if (!empty($results[0]['count']) && $results[0]['count'] > 1) {
        echo $results[0]['count'] . ' occurrence records have been automatically verified.</br>';
    } elseif (!empty($results[0]['count']) && $results[0]['count'] === "1") {
        echo '1 occurrence record has been automatically verified.</br>';
    } else {
        echo 'No occurrence records have been auto-verified.</br>';
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Standardise the dumping of an exception message into the kohana log. E.g.
  * try {
  *	   ... code that throws exception ...
  * } catch (Exception $e) {
  *   error::log_error('Error occurred whilst running some code', $e);
  * }
  * @param string $msg A description of where the error occurred.
  * $param object $e The exception object.
 public static function log_error($msg, $e)
     kohana::log('error', '#' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $msg . '. ' . $e->getMessage() . ' at line ' . $e->getLine() . ' in file ' . $e->getFile());
     // Double check the log threshold to avoid unnecessary work.
     if (kohana::config('config.log_threshold') == 4) {
         $trace = $e->getTrace();
         $output = "Stack trace:\n";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($trace); $i++) {
             if (array_key_exists('file', $trace[$i])) {
                 $file = $trace[$i]['file'];
             } else {
                 $file = 'Unknown file';
             if (array_key_exists('line', $trace[$i])) {
                 $line = $trace[$i]['line'];
             } else {
                 $line = 'Unknown';
             if (array_key_exists('function', $trace[$i])) {
                 $function = $trace[$i]['function'];
             } else {
                 $function = 'Unknown function';
             $output .= "\t" . $file . ' - line ' . $line . ' - ' . $function . "\n";
         kohana::log('debug', $output);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function createExtension()
     Event::$data += array('voicemail_password' => self::generatePin(), 'voicemail_timezone' => kohana::config('locale.timezone'), 'voicemail_email_all_messages' => empty(Event::$data['user']['email_address']) ? 0 : 1, 'voicemail_delete_file' => 0, 'voicemail_attach_audio_file' => 1, 'voicemail_email_address' => empty(Event::$data['user']['email_address']) ? '' : Event::$data['user']['email_address']);
     Doctrine::getTable('Voicemail')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', TRUE);
     $name_append = '';
     if (!empty($owner_name)) {
         $name_append = ' for ' . $owner_name;
     try {
         $voicemail = new Voicemail();
         $voicemail['name'] = 'VM ' . $extension . $name_append;
         $voicemail['mailbox'] = $extension;
         $voicemail['password'] = $voicemail_password;
         $voicemail['account_id'] = $account_id;
         $voicemail['plugins'] = array('timezone' => array('timezone' => $voicemail_timezone));
         $voicemail['registry'] = array('email_all_messages' => $voicemail_email_all_messages, 'delete_file' => $voicemail_delete_file, 'attach_audio_file' => $voicemail_attach_audio_file, 'email_address' => $voicemail_email_address);
         $plugin = array('voicemail' => array('mwi_box' => $voicemail['voicemail_id']));
         $device['plugins'] = arr::merge($device['plugins'], $plugin);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Doctrine::getTable('Voicemail')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', FALSE);
         kohana::log('error', 'Unable to generate voicemail for device: ' . $e->getMessage());
         throw $e;
     Doctrine::getTable('Voicemail')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected function pre_save(&$object)
     $errors = array();
     $cleaned = array();
     foreach ($object['registry'] as $section => $xml) {
         $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
         $dom->formatOutput = FALSE;
         if (strlen(trim($xml)) == 0) {
             kohana::log('debug', 'Section: ' . $section . ' Empty XML');
         try {
             if ($dom->loadXML('<root>' . trim($xml) . '</root>')) {
                 $cleaned[$section] = trim(str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>', '', $dom->saveXML()));
                 kohana::log('debug', 'Section: ' . $section . ' Cleaned XML: ' . $dom->saveXML());
             } else {
                 $errors[] = ucfirst($section);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errors[] = ucfirst($section);
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         throw new Exception('Please correct the XML errors in these sections: ' . implode(', ', $errors));
     $object['registry'] = $cleaned;
     kohana::log('debug', 'Successfully validated XML');
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function package($path)
     Package_Message::log('debug', 'Attempting to import package ' . $path);
     $filename = basename($path);
     if (self::is_url($path)) {
         $path = Package_Import_Remote::fetch($path);
     $importPath = MODPATH . pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
         $return = FALSE;
         Package_Message::log('debug', 'Attempting to unzip with: /usr/bin/unzip ' . $path . ' -d ' . MODPATH);
         @system('/usr/bin/unzip ' . $path . ' -d ' . $importPath, $return);
         if ($return !== 0) {
             throw new Package_Import_Exception('System does not have zip archive support or could not extract ' . $path);
     } else {
         Package_Message::log('debug', 'Attempting to unzip with: ZipArchive->open(' . $path . ', ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS)');
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         if (!($error = $zip->open($path, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS))) {
             switch ($error) {
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EXISTS:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Package archive already exists: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INCONS:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Consistency check on the package archive failed: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INVAL:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Invalid argument while opening package archive: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MEMORY:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Memory allocation failure while opening package archive: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOENT:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Could not locate package archive: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOZIP:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Package archive is not a zip: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OPEN:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Cant open package archive: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_READ:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Package archive read error: ' . $error);
                 case ZIPARCHIVE::ER_SEEK:
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Package archive seek error: ' . $error);
                     throw new Package_Import_Exception('Unknown error while opening package archive: ' . $error);
         if (is_dir($importPath)) {
             throw new Package_Import_Exception('Import path `' . $importPath . '` already exists');
         if (!@$zip->extractTo($importPath)) {
             throw new Package_Import_Exception('Failed to extract package archive ' . $filename . ' or no permissions to unzip to ' . MODPATH);
     kohana::log('debug', 'Dynamically adding `' . $importPath . '` to kohana');
     $loadedModules = Kohana::config('core.modules');
     $modules = array_unique(array_merge($loadedModules, array($importPath)));
     Kohana::config_set('core.modules', $modules);
     return $importPath;
  * After submission, if we stored a pointer to a to_occurrence_id that does not yet exist,
  * then store it in a static array with the occurrence_association_id so we can fill it in at
  * the end of the submission.
 public function postSubmit($isInsert)
     if ($this->to_occurrence_id_pointer) {
         self::$to_occurrence_id_pointers[$this->id] = $this->to_occurrence_id_pointer;
         $this->to_occurrence_id_pointer = FALSE;
         kohana::log('debug', 'Pointers: ' . var_export(self::$to_occurrence_id_pointers, TRUE));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function loadFormData()
     $this->pluginData['contexts'] = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['simpleroute']['contexts'])) {
         $this->pluginData['contexts'] = $_POST['simpleroute']['contexts'];
     kohana::log('debug', print_r($this->pluginData, true));
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static function generateConfig(&$base, &$xml = NULL)
     if (empty($base['plugins']['media']['type'])) {
         kohana::log('error', 'Attempted to configure media without a type');
     $type = $base['plugins']['media']['type'];
     $data = array($base['plugins']['media'], $xml, $base);
     kohana::log('debug', 'Attempting to configure media type ' . $type);
     Event::run('bluebox.media.' . $type, $data);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function generateConfiguration()
     list($media, $xml, $base) = Event::$data;
     $media += array('tts_text' => 'Thank you for calling, your call is important to us.', 'tts_voice' => 'Flite/kal');
     @(list($engine, $speaker) = explode('/', $media['tts_voice']));
     $tts_string = 'say:' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9.,!? ]/', '', $media['tts_text']);
     kohana::log('debug', 'Configuring an auto-attendant to use ' . $engine . ' ' . $speaker . ' to ' . $tts_string);
     $xml->setAttributeValue('', 'tts-engine', strtolower($engine));
     $xml->setAttributeValue('', 'tts-voice', strtolower($speaker));
     $xml->setAttributeValue('', 'greet-long', $tts_string);
     $xml->setAttributeValue('', 'greet-short', $tts_string);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Renders all subviews passed in. Handles nested views within arrays. Uses recursion / No depth restriction.
  * @param array $subviews An array of subviews. Can contain nested arrays with additional views.
  * @return string All HTML from the subviews returned as a big string of HTML.
 public function render($subviews, $section = NULL)
     $html = '';
     if (!is_array($subviews)) {
         $subviews = array($subviews);
     if (!is_null($section) and !is_array($section)) {
         $section = array($section);
     if (is_array($section)) {
         $section = array_map('strtolower', $section);
     foreach ($subviews as $subview) {
         // Handle nested views
         if (is_array($subview)) {
             self::render($subview, $section);
         } else {
             if (!$subview instanceof View) {
                 kohana::log('error', 'Can not render a subview that is not an instance of View');
             if (isset($subview->render_conditional)) {
                 $renderConditions = $subview->render_conditional;
                 if (!is_array($renderConditions)) {
                     $renderConditions = array($renderConditions => FALSE);
                 if (Request::is_ajax()) {
                     if (isset($renderConditions['ajax']) and $renderConditions['ajax'] === FALSE) {
                         kohana::log('debug', 'Not rendering view due to ajax request');
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['qtipAjaxForm']) and $renderConditions['qtipAjaxForm'] === FALSE) {
                     kohana::log('debug', 'Not rendering view due to qtipAjaxForm request');
             if (is_null($section)) {
                 $html .= $subview->render();
             if (!isset($subview->section)) {
             $subviewSection = strtolower($subview->section);
             if (in_array($subviewSection, $section)) {
                 $html .= $subview->render();
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function testRequestReportGetJson()
     $params = array('report' => 'library/websites/species_and_occurrence_counts.xml', 'reportSource' => 'local', 'mode' => 'json', 'auth_token' => $this->auth['read']['auth_token'], 'nonce' => $this->auth['read']['nonce']);
     $url = report_helper::$base_url . 'index.php/services/report/requestReport?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&');
     $session = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
     curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     // valid json response will decode
     $response = json_decode(curl_exec($session), true);
     kohana::log('debug', 'response: ' . print_r($response, true));
     $this->assertEquals(true, isset($response[0]['title']), 'Report get JSON response not as expected');
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static function dialplan($number)
     $xml = Telephony::getDriver()->xml;
     $destination = $number['Destination'];
     if ($destination['timezone'] == '') {
         $timezone = Kohana::config('locale.timezone');
     } else {
         $timezone = $destination['timezone'];
     if (!empty($destination['time'])) {
         $parts = explode(';', $destination['time']);
         if (count($parts) != 2) {
             kohana::log('error', 'Time was not comprised of two parts');
             return FALSE;
         $time = FreeSwitch_TimeOfDay_Driver::make_range_regex(sprintf("%02d%02d", $parts[0] / 60, $parts[0] % 60), sprintf("%02d%02d", $parts[1] / 60, $parts[1] % 60));
     } else {
         kohana::log('error', 'Time of day route had no time');
         return FALSE;
     $weekDayColumns = array('mon', 'tue', 'wen', 'thur', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun');
     $wday = '';
     $comment = '';
     foreach ($weekDayColumns as $pos => $weekDayColumn) {
         if (!empty($destination[$weekDayColumn])) {
             $wday .= $pos + 1;
             $comment .= $weekDayColumn . ", ";
     // TODO: This makes no sense....
     if (empty($wday)) {
         $wday = '1-7';
         $comment = 'any day, ';
     $comment .= sprintf("%02d:%02d - %02d:%02d", $parts[0] / 60, $parts[0] % 60, $parts[1] / 60, $parts[1] % 60);
     $cond = '/condition[@field="${strftime_tz(' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $timezone) . ' %u%H%M)}"]';
     $xml->update($cond . '{@blueboxcomment="' . $comment . '"}{@expression="^[' . "{$wday}]{$time}" . '"}');
     if ($action = fs::getTransferToNumber($destination['during_number_id'])) {
         $action = str_replace('transfer ', '', $action);
         $xml->update($cond . '/action[@application="transfer"]{@data="' . $action . '"}');
     } else {
         $xml->update($cond . '/action[@application="hangup"]');
     if ($antiAction = fs::getTransferToNumber($destination['outside_number_id'])) {
         $antiAction = str_replace('transfer ', '', $antiAction);
         $xml->update($cond . '/anti-action[@application="transfer"]{@data="' . $antiAction . '"}');
     } else {
         $xml->update($cond . '/anti-action[@application="hangup"]');
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function postValidate($event)
     $invoker =& $event->getInvoker();
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $invalid = $conn->transaction->getInvalid();
     if (!empty($invalid)) {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Initializing foreign_id');
         if (!is_int($invoker['foreign_id'])) {
             $invoker['foreign_id'] = 0;
     } else {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Leaving foreign_id alone');
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function deleteFile()
     // What are we working with here?
     $base = Event::$data;
     // While the field may be defined by an app or another module, it may not be populated! Double-check
     if (!$base) {
         return FALSE;
     // Nothing to do here.
     // TODO: This needs a better hook, checking if the db entry is
     // successfully deleted;
     kohana::log('alert', 'Unlinking file ' . $base->path . $base->name);
     unlink($base->path . $base->name);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static function cleanup()
     if (users::isAuthentic('account_id')) {
     if (!users::isAuthentic('user_id')) {
     $baseController = Session::instance()->get('ajax.base_controller', '');
     if (strcasecmp($baseController, 'accountmanager')) {
         kohana::log('debug', 'Account manager is restoring the account masquerade');
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function _showStatus($null, $plugins, $location_id)
     if (empty($plugins['sip']['username']) or empty($location_id)) {
         return 'Unknown';
     try {
         $username = $plugins['sip']['username'];
         $domain = locations::getLocationDomain($location_id);
         return SofiaManager::isDeviceActive($username, $domain);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         kohana::log('error', 'Unable to determine the status of ' . $username . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
     return 'Unknown';
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @param string $url
  * @param mixed $post_fields Array or 'get' style string
  * @param array $config
  * @return string The full HTTP Response
 public function post($url, $post_fields, array $config = array())
     $this->config = array_merge(array('headers' => array(), 'return_headers' => false, 'authenticate' => null, 'cookies' => false, 'ssl_verify_peer' => true), $config);
     $authenticate = is_array($this->config['authenticate']) ? array_merge(array('username' => null, 'password' => null), $this->config['authenticate']) : null;
     $handle = curl_init();
     // initialize curl handle
     // if given an array break it apart and encode the pieces
     // if it is a string, use as is.
     $post_fields_string = is_array($post_fields) ? $this->request_fields_string($post_fields) : $post_fields;
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->config['ssl_verify_peer']);
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->config['headers']);
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, (bool) $this->config['return_headers']);
     if ($this->config['cookies']) {
         curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file);
     if ($this->config['cookies']) {
         curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file);
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     // set url to post to
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     // allow redirects
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     // return into a variable
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
     // times out after 4s
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     // set POST method
     curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fields_string);
     // add POST fields
     if ($authenticate) {
         if (!empty($authenticate['username']) && !empty($authenticate['password'])) {
             curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $authenticate['username'] . ":" . $authenticate['password']);
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Authentication Credentials Not set" . __METHOD__);
     $http_response = curl_exec($handle);
     // run the whole process
     if ($http_response === false) {
         kohana::log('error', "Curl Error Number [" . curl_errno($handle) . "] : " . curl_error($handle));
     kohana::log('debug', "Return from curl_exec:\n" . print_r($http_response, 1));
     $this->response_info = curl_getinfo($handle);
     return $http_response;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * This function will determine there is a valid user on a page the requires
  * a user.  If the user does not exist then it will redirect to the login
  * page.
  * @return bool
 public static function redirectInvalidUser()
     // If the system is installing then there is no login required
     if (Bluebox_Installer::is_installing()) {
         Kohana::config_set('core.require_login', FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     $session = Session::instance();
     // If there is no current user
     if (!self::isUserAuthentic()) {
         $controller = strtolower(Router::$controller);
         $method = strtolower(Router::$method);
         $noAuth = FALSE;
         $controllerBypass = Event::$data->getAuthBypass();
         if (!empty($controllerBypass) and is_array($controllerBypass)) {
             self::$authBypass = arr::merge(self::$authBypass, array($controller => $controllerBypass));
         if (!empty(self::$authBypass[$controller])) {
             if (in_array($method, self::$authBypass[$controller])) {
                 kohana::log('debug', 'The url `' . url::current() . '` is configured for auth bypass, allowing');
                 $noAuth = TRUE;
         if (!$noAuth) {
             // this will redirect from the login page back to this page
             kohana::log('debug', 'This user is not authorized for `' . url::current() . '`, presenting login form');
             $session->set("requested_url", "/" . url::current());
             if (request::is_ajax()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Forbidden');
             } else {
             return FALSE;
     $user_debug = self::getAttr('debug_level');
     if ($user_debug > Kohana::config('core.log_threshold')) {
     $log = sprintf('Effective user_id %s - account_id %s', self::getAttr('user_id'), self::getAttr('account_id'));
     kohana::log('debug', $log);
     $log = sprintf('Authentic user_id %s - account_id %s', self::getAuthenticAttr('user_id'), self::getAuthenticAttr('account_id'));
     kohana::log('debug', $log);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function showRoute($number_id)
     // TODO: We need to optimize this with a DQL query if possible
     $number = Doctrine::getTable('Number')->find($number_id);
     if ($number['class_type'] == '' and $number['foreign_id'] == 0) {
         return '';
     try {
         $module = Doctrine::getTable(str_replace('Number', '', $number['class_type']))->find($number['foreign_id']);
         if (!$module) {
             return '';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         kohana::log('error', $e->getMessage());
         return '';
     $base = substr($number['class_type'], 0, strlen($number['class_type']) - 6);
     switch ($base) {
         case 'Device':
             return html::anchor('devicemanager/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_device'));
         case 'Conference':
             return html::anchor('conference/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_conference'));
         case 'Voicemail':
             return html::anchor('voicemail/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_voicemail'));
         case 'AutoAttendant':
             return html::anchor('autoattendant/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_AutoAttendant'));
         case 'RingGroup':
             return html::anchor('ringgroup/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_RingGroup'));
         case 'TimeOfDay':
             return html::anchor('timeofday/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_TimeOfDay_Route'));
         case 'ExternalXfer':
             return html::anchor('externalxfer/edit/' . $number['foreign_id'], $module['name'] . ' (' . $base . ')', array('title' => 'Goto_this_ExternalXfer_Route'));
             if (isset($module->name)) {
                 return $module->name . ' (' . $base . ')';
             } else {
                 return '';
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Bootstrap our auto-loader to the system
 public static function bootstrapCore()
     // Load in the Bluebox_Core class if it is not already,
     if (!class_exists('Bluebox_Core')) {
         if ($filename = Kohana::find_file('libraries', 'Bluebox_Core')) {
             require $filename;
         } else {
             // if we cant find it then that is fatal
             kohana::log('error', 'Could not locate the core class!');
             die('Unable to locate the system core class');
     // Enable core doctrine autoloader for our models
     spl_autoload_register(array('Bluebox_Core', 'autoload'));
     spl_autoload_register(array('Bluebox_Core', 'autoloadLibraries'));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static function dialplan($number)
     $xml = Telephony::getDriver()->xml;
     $destination = $number['Destination'];
     if (!empty($destination['time'])) {
         $parts = explode(';', $destination['time']);
         if (count($parts) != 2) {
             kohana::log('error', 'Time was not comprised of two parts');
             return FALSE;
         if ($parts[0] == $parts[1]) {
             $time = $parts;
         } else {
             $time = $parts[0] . '-' . $parts[1];
     } else {
         kohana::log('error', 'Time of day route had no time');
         return FALSE;
     $weekDayColumns = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wen', 'thur', 'fri', 'sat');
     $wday = '';
     foreach ($weekDayColumns as $pos => $weekDayColumn) {
         if (!empty($destination[$weekDayColumn])) {
             $wday .= $pos + 1 . ',';
     $wday = rtrim($wday, ',');
     // TODO: This makes no sense....
     if (empty($wday)) {
         $wday = '1-7';
     $xml->update('/condition[@wday="' . $wday . '"]{@minute-of-day="' . $time . '"}');
     if ($action = fs::getTransferToNumber($destination['during_number_id'])) {
         $action = str_replace('transfer ', '', $action);
         $xml->update('/condition[@wday="' . $wday . '"]/action[@application="transfer"]{@data="' . $action . '"}');
     } else {
         $xml->update('/condition[@wday="' . $wday . '"]/action[@application="hangup"]');
     if ($antiAction = fs::getTransferToNumber($destination['outside_number_id'])) {
         $antiAction = str_replace('transfer ', '', $antiAction);
         $xml->update('/condition[@wday="' . $wday . '"]/anti-action[@application="transfer"]{@data="' . $antiAction . '"}');
     } else {
         $xml->update('/condition[@wday="' . $wday . '"]/action[@application="hangup"]');
Exemplo n.º 26
  * When a number is saved, we need to update any contexts that the number lives in
 public static function set($obj)
     // Go create the number related stuff for each context it is assigned to
     if ($obj->NumberContext) {
         $assignedContexts = array();
         foreach ($obj->NumberContext as $context) {
             // Add any "global" hooks that come before the processing of any numbers (this is per context)
             dialplan::start('context_' . $context['context_id'], $context->Number);
             // Add any "global" hooks that come after the processing of any numbers (this is per context)
             dialplan::end('context_' . $context['context_id'], $context->Number);
             $assignedContexts[] = $context['context_id'];
         // Changed the operation of setting the pools that cause existings
         // pool records to be used, where we used to unset (delete) them, so
         // we need to ensure we dont orphan numbers when changing contexts
         $contexts = Doctrine::getTable('Context')->findAll();
         $xml = Telephony::getDriver()->xml;
         $xp = new DOMXPath($xml);
         foreach ($contexts as $context) {
             if (!in_array($context['context_id'], $assignedContexts)) {
                 $search = sprintf('//document/section[@name="dialplan"]/context[@name="context_%s"]/extension[@name="%s"]', $context['context_id'], 'main_number_' . $obj['number_id']);
                 if ($xp->query($search)->length) {
                     kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> REMOVING NUMBER ' . $obj['number'] . ' (' . $obj['number_id'] . ') FROM CONTEXT ' . $context['context_id']);
         if ($obj['type'] == Number::TYPE_EXTERNAL and !empty($obj->NumberContext[0]['context_id'])) {
             kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> ADDING NUMBER ' . $obj['number'] . ' (' . $obj['number_id'] . ') TO NUMBER ROUTE');
             $xml = Freeswitch::setSection('number_route', $obj['number_id']);
             // Dialplans are a bit different - we don't want to keep anything that is currently in an extension, in the event it's totally changed
             $num = str_replace(array('*', '+'), array('\\*', '\\+'), $obj['number']);
             // Check what number they dialed
             $condition = '/condition[@field="destination_number"]{@expression="^' . $num . '$"}';
             $xml->update($condition . '/action[@application="set"][@data="vm-operator-extension=' . $obj['number'] . '"]');
             $xml->update($condition . '/action[@application="set"][@data="force_transfer_context=context_' . $obj->NumberContext[0]['context_id'] . '"]');
             $xml->update($condition . '/action[@application="transfer"]{@data="' . $obj['number'] . ' XML context_' . $obj->NumberContext[0]['context_id'] . '"}');
         } else {
             kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> REMOVING NUMBER ' . $obj['number'] . ' (' . $obj['number_id'] . ') FROM NUMBER ROUTE');
             Freeswitch::setSection('number_route', $obj['number_id'])->deleteNode();
 public static function populate_tables($db, $last_run_date)
     $lastDoneInfo = (array) variable::get('custom_cache_tables', array(), false);
     foreach (glob(MODPATH . "custom_cache_tables/definitions/*.php") as $filename) {
         require_once $filename;
         $defname = preg_replace('/\\.php$/', '', basename($filename));
         if (!function_exists("get_{$defname}_query") || !function_exists("get_{$defname}_metadata")) {
             kohana::log('error', "Skipping incomplete custom_cache_tables definition {$filename}");
             // foreach
         $metadata = call_user_func("get_{$defname}_metadata");
         if (empty($metadata['frequency'])) {
             kohana::log('error', "Definition {$filename} omits metadata frequency for custom_cache_tables");
             // foreach
         if (empty($lastDoneInfo[$defname]) || strtotime($lastDoneInfo[$defname]) < strtotime("-{$metadata['frequency']}")) {
             // for a new cache table, use now as the starting point to trigger population
             if (empty($lastDoneInfo[$defname])) {
                 $lastDoneInfo[$defname] = date(DATE_ISO8601);
             // Even if we are due an update, we might not have to do anything if there is a detect_changes_query
             // which returns nothing
             if (!empty($metadata['detect_changes_query'])) {
                 $check = $db->query(str_replace('#date#', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($lastDoneInfo[$defname])), $metadata['detect_changes_query']))->current();
                 if (!$check->count) {
                     kohana::log('debug', "Skipping {$defname} as no changes available to process");
                     // reset the time to the next check
                     $lastDoneInfo[$defname] = date(DATE_ISO8601);
                     // foreach
             // if the table already exists, delete it
             if (!empty($lastDoneInfo[$defname])) {
                 $db->query("DROP TABLE custom_cache_tables.{$defname}");
             echo "building cache table {$defname}<br/>";
             self::build_table($db, $defname);
             $lastDoneInfo[$defname] = date(DATE_ISO8601);
     variable::set('custom_cache_tables', $lastDoneInfo);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function register()
     try {
         if (!empty($_GET['user_id'])) {
             $userId = $_GET['user_id'];
         } else {
             // User was not logged in when subscribing, so use their details to find or create a warehouse user id.
             $emailIdentifierObject = new stdClass();
             $emailIdentifierObject->type = "email";
             $emailIdentifierObject->identifier = $_GET["email"];
             $userIdentificationData['identifiers'] = json_encode(array($emailIdentifierObject));
             //Also pass through these fields so if a new user is required then the system can fill in the database details
             $userIdentificationData['surname'] = $_GET["surname"];
             $userIdentificationData['first_name'] = $_GET["first_name"];
             //Call existing user identifier code that will either fetch an existing user for that email, or create a new one.
             $userDetails = user_identifier::get_user_id($userIdentificationData, $_GET["website_id"]);
             if (!empty($userDetails['userId'])) {
                 $userId = $userDetails['userId'];
             } else {
                 $userId = $userDetails['possibleMatches'][0]['user_id'];
         //Store the species alert for the user (which is either a new or existing user as determined by get_user_id)
         //Automatically register the user to receive email notifications if they have never had any settings at all
         try {
             $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth(0 - $userId, kohana::config('indicia.private_key'));
             $freqSettingsData = data_entry_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/user_email_notification_settings/user_email_notification_settings_inc_deleted', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => array('user_id' => $userId)));
             if (empty($freqSettingsData)) {
         } catch (exception $e) {
             kohana::log('debug', "Unable to register user " . $userId . " for email notifications, perhaps that module is not installed?.");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function index()
     $messages = array('error' => NULL, 'warning' => NULL, 'notice' => NULL, 'ok' => NULL);
     $this->view->displayParameters = $this->displayParameters;
     $this->view->messages = $messages;
     $this->view->catalog = Package_Manager::getDisplayList();
     $messages = Package_Message::get();
     if (is_array($messages)) {
         $this->view->messages = $messages;
     } else {
         $this->view->messages = array();
     foreach (Package_Catalog::getCatalog() as $identifier => $package) {
         kohana::log('debug', $identifier . ' => ' . $package['packageName'] . ' version ' . $package['version']);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * When an image file is uploaded, the indicia configuration file is used to determine what resized
  * versions of the file must also be created. This method creates those files and applies the relevant
  * image manipulations.
  * @param string $uploadpath Path to the upload directory.
  * @param string $filename The file name of the original uploaded file.
  * @param string $subdir The subdirectory to save the image into
  * @param int $website_id The website's ID, which allows custom sizing for saved images on a per-website basis.
 public static function create_image_files($uploadpath, $filename, $subdir = "", $website_id = null)
     // First check that the configured graphics library is available.
     // @todo Consider implementing checks if the driver is set to ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick.
     if (kohana::config('image.driver') != 'GD' || function_exists('gd_info')) {
         // tolerate path with or withoug trailing slash
         if (substr($uploadpath, -1) != '\\' && substr($uploadpath, -1) != '/') {
             $uploadpath = $uploadpath . '/';
         if ($subdir != "" && substr($subdir, -1) != '\\' && substr($subdir, -1) != '/') {
             $subdir = $subdir . '/';
         $fileParts = explode('.', $filename);
         $ext = strtolower(array_pop($fileParts));
         if (in_array($ext, Image::$allowed_types)) {
             // website specific config available?
             $config = $website_id ? kohana::config('indicia.image_handling_website_' . $website_id) : false;
             // if not, is there a default config setting
             if (!$config) {
                 $config = kohana::config('indicia.image_handling');
             // If no file based settings at all, then we just use a hard coded default.
             if (!$config) {
                 $config = array('thumb' => array('width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'crop' => true), 'med' => array('width' => 500), 'default' => array('width' => 1024, 'upscale' => false));
             foreach ($config as $imageName => $settings) {
                 $img = new Image($uploadpath . $subdir . $filename);
                 self::do_img_resize($img, $settings);
                 // Create the correct image path as image name + '-' + destination file name. Default image setting
                 // however is used to overwrite the original image.
                 if ($imageName == 'default') {
                     $imagePath = $uploadpath . $subdir . $filename;
                 } else {
                     if ($subdir != "" && !is_dir($uploadpath . $imageName . '-' . $subdir)) {
                         kohana::log('debug', 'Creating Directory ' . $uploadpath . $imageName . '-' . $subdir);
                         mkdir($uploadpath . $imageName . '-' . $subdir, 0755, true);
                     $imagePath = $uploadpath . $imageName . '-' . $subdir . $filename;