Exemplo n.º 1
 * KalturaIframe support
// Check for custom resource ps config file:
if (isset($wgKalturaPSHtml5SettingsPath) && is_file($wgKalturaPSHtml5SettingsPath)) {
    require_once $wgKalturaPSHtml5SettingsPath;
require_once 'kalturaIframeClass.php';
// Setup the kalturaIframe
$kIframe = new kalturaIframeClass();
// start gzip compression if available:
if (!ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) {
// Support Etag and 304
if ($wgEnableScriptDebug == false && @trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) == $kIframe->getIframeOutputHash()) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
// Check if we are wrapping the iframe output in a callback
if (isset($_REQUEST['callback'])) {
    // check for json output mode ( either default raw content or 'parts' for sections
    $json = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['parts']) && $_REQUEST['parts'] == '1') {
        $json = array('rawHead' => $kIframe->outputIframeHeadCss(), 'rawScripts' => $kIframe->getKalturaIframeScripts() . $kIframe->getPlayerCheckScript());
    } else {
        // For full page replace:
        $json = array('content' => utf8_encode($kIframe->getIFramePageOutput()));
    // Set the iframe header: