public function execute()
     $email = @$_GET['email'];
     $screenName = @$_GET['screen_name'];
     $partner_id = $this->getP('partner_id', null);
     if ($partner_id === null) {
         header("Location: /index.php/kmc/varlogin");
     $this->me = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getP('partner_id', null));
     if (!$this->me || $this->me->getPartnerGroupType() != PartnerGroupType::VAR_GROUP) {
         die('You are not an wuthorized VAR. If you are a VAR, Please contact us at');
     $ks = kSessionUtils::crackKs($this->getP('ks'));
     $user = $ks->user;
     $res = kSessionUtils::validateKSession2(kSessionUtils::REQUIED_TICKET_ADMIN, $partner_id, $user, $this->getP('ks'), $ks);
     if ($res != ks::OK) {
         header("Location: /index.php/kmc/varlogin");
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addAnd(PartnerPeer::PARTNER_PARENT_ID, $this->me->getId());
     // add extra filtering if required
     //$c->addAnd(PartnerPeer::STATUS, 1);
     $partners = PartnerPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->partners = array();
     $partner_id_param_name = 'pid';
     $subpid_param_name = 'subpid';
     if ($this->me->getKmcVersion() == 1) {
         $partner_id_param_name = 'partner_id';
         $subpid_param_name = 'subp_id';
     $kmc2Query = '?' . $partner_id_param_name . '=' . $this->me->getId() . '&' . $subpid_param_name . '=' . $this->me->getId() * 100 . '&ks=' . $_GET['ks'] . '&email=' . $email . '&screen_name=' . $screenName;
     $this->varKmcUrl = 'http://' . kConf::get('www_host') . '/index.php/kmc/kmc' . $this->me->getKmcVersion() . $kmc2Query;
     foreach ($partners as $partner) {
         $ks = null;
         kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner->getId(), $partner->getAdminUserId(), $ks, 30 * 86400, 2, "", "*");
         $adminUser_email = $partner->getAdminEmail();
         $partner_id_param_name = 'pid';
         $subpid_param_name = 'subpid';
         if ($partner->getKmcVersion() == 1) {
             $partner_id_param_name = 'partner_id';
             $subpid_param_name = 'subp_id';
         $kmc2Query = '?' . $partner_id_param_name . '=' . $partner->getId() . '&' . $subpid_param_name . '=' . $partner->getId() * 100 . '&ks=' . $ks . '&email=' . $adminUser_email . '&screen_name=varAdmin';
         //$kmcLink = url_for('index.php/kmc/kmc2'.$kmc2Query);
         //			$kmcLink = 'http://'.kConf::get('www_host').'/index.php/kmc/kmc'.$partner->getKmcVersion().$kmc2Query;
         $kmcLink = 'http://' . kConf::get('www_host') . "/index.php/kmc/extlogin?ks={$ks}&partner_id=" . $partner->getId();
         $this->partners[$partner->getId()] = array('name' => $partner->getPartnerName(), 'kmcLink' => $kmcLink);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function execute()
     $this->ks = $this->getP("ks");
     $this->partner_id = $this->getP("partner_id");
     if (!$this->ks) {
         $ks = null;
         $this->partner_id = 0;
         kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($this->partner_id, 0, $ks, 8640000, true, "", "");
         $this->ks = $ks;
     $this->subp_id = $this->getP("subp_id");
     $this->uid = $this->getP("uid");
     $this->screen_name = $this->getP("screen_name");
     $this->email = $this->getP("email");
     $this->beta = $this->getRequestParameter("beta");
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser)
     // make sure the secret fits the one in the partner's table
     $ks_str = "";
     $expiry = $this->getP("expiry", 86400);
     $widget_id = $this->getPM("widget_id");
     $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id);
     if (!$widget) {
         $this->addError(APIErrors::INVALID_WIDGET_ID, $widget_id);
     $partner_id = $widget->getPartnerId();
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partner_id);
     // TODO - see how to decide if the partner has a URL to redirect to
     // according to the partner's policy and the widget's policy - define the privileges of the ks
     // TODO - decide !! - for now only view - any kshow
     $privileges = "view:*,widget:1";
     if ($widget->getSecurityType() == widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_FORCE_KS) {
         if (!$this->ks) {
             // the one from the defPartnerservices2Action
         $ks_str = $this->getP("ks");
         $widget_partner_id = $widget->getPartnerId();
         $res = kSessionUtils::validateKSession2(1, $widget_partner_id, $puser_id, $ks_str, $this->ks);
         if (0 >= $res) {
             // chaned this to be an exception rather than an error
             $this->addException(APIErrors::INVALID_KS, $ks_str, $res, ks::getErrorStr($res));
     } else {
         // 	the session will be for NON admins and privileges of view only
         $puser_id = 0;
         $result = kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, $puser_id, $ks_str, $expiry, false, "", $privileges);
     if ($result >= 0) {
         $this->addMsg("ks", $ks_str);
         $this->addMsg("partner_id", $partner_id);
         $this->addMsg("subp_id", $widget->getSubpId());
         $this->addMsg("uid", "0");
     } else {
         // TODO - see that there is a good error for when the invalid login count exceed s the max
         $this->addError(APIErrors::START_WIDGET_SESSION_ERROR, $widget_id);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id 
 public function execute()
     $uv_cookie = @$_COOKIE['uv'];
     if (strlen($uv_cookie) != 35) {
         $uv_cookie = "uv_" . md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     setrawcookie('uv', $uv_cookie, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
     // check if this is a request for the kdp without a wrapper
     // in case of an application loading the kdp (e.g. kmc)
     $nowrapper = $this->getRequestParameter("nowrapper", false);
     // allow caching if either the cache start time (cache_st) parameter
     // wasn't specified or if it is past the specified time
     $cache_st = $this->getRequestParameter("cache_st");
     $allowCache = !$cache_st || $cache_st < time();
     $referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     $externalInterfaceDisabled = strstr($referer, "") === false && strstr($referer, "") === false && strstr($referer, "") === false && strstr($referer, "") === false && strstr($referer, "") === false && strstr($referer, "") === false ? "" : "&externalInterfaceDisabled=1";
     // if there is no wrapper the loader is responsible for setting extra params to the kdp
     $noncached_params = "";
     if (!$nowrapper) {
         $noncached_params = $externalInterfaceDisabled . "&referer=" . urlencode($referer);
     $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? "https" : "http";
     $requestKey = $protocol . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     // check if we cached the redirect url
     $cache = new myCache("kwidget", 10 * 60);
     // 10 minutes
     $cachedResponse = $cache->get($requestKey);
     if ($allowCache && $cachedResponse) {
         header("Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT");
         header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Location:{$cachedResponse}" . $noncached_params);
     // check if we cached the patched swf with flashvars
     $cache_swfdata = new myCache("kwidgetswf", 10 * 60);
     // 10 minutes
     $cachedResponse = $cache_swfdata->get($requestKey);
     if ($allowCache && $cachedResponse) {
         requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("swf", strlen($cachedResponse), 60 * 10);
         echo $cachedResponse;
     $widget_id = $this->getRequestParameter("wid");
     $show_version = $this->getRequestParameter("v");
     $debug_kdp = $this->getRequestParameter("debug_kdp", false);
     $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id);
     if (!$widget) {
     // because of the routing rule - the entry_id & kmedia_type WILL exist. be sure to ignore them if smaller than 0
     $kshow_id = $widget->getKshowId();
     $entry_id = $widget->getEntryId();
     $gallery_widget = !$kshow_id && !$entry_id;
     if (!$entry_id) {
         $entry_id = -1;
     if ($widget->getSecurityType() != widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_TIMEHASH) {
         // try eid - if failed entry_id
         $eid = $this->getRequestParameter("eid", $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"));
         // try kid - if failed kshow_id
         $kid = $this->getRequestParameter("kid", $this->getRequestParameter("kshow_id"));
         if ($eid != null) {
             $entry_id = $eid;
         } elseif ($kid != null) {
             $kshow_id = $kid;
     if ($widget->getSecurityType() == widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_MATCH_IP) {
         $allowCache = false;
         // here we'll attemp to match the ip of the request with that from the customData of the widget
         $custom_data = $widget->getCustomData();
         $valid_country = false;
         if ($custom_data) {
             // in this case the custom_data should be of format:
             //  valid_county_1,valid_country_2,...,valid_country_n;falback_entry_id
             $arr = explode(";", $custom_data);
             $countries_str = $arr[0];
             $fallback_entry_id = isset($arr[1]) ? $arr[1] : null;
             $fallback_kshow_id = isset($arr[2]) ? $arr[2] : null;
             $current_country = "";
             $valid_country = requestUtils::matchIpCountry($countries_str, $current_country);
             if (!$valid_country) {
                 KalturaLog::log("kwidgetAction: Attempting to access widget [{$widget_id}] and entry [{$entry_id}] from country [{$current_country}]. Retrning entry_id: [{$fallback_entry_id}] kshow_id [{$fallback_kshow_id}]");
                 $entry_id = $fallback_entry_id;
                 $kshow_id = $fallback_kshow_id;
     } elseif ($widget->getSecurityType() == widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_FORCE_KS) {
     $kmedia_type = -1;
     // support either uiconf_id or ui_conf_id
     $uiconf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("uiconf_id");
     if (!$uiconf_id) {
         $uiconf_id = $this->getRequestParameter("ui_conf_id");
     if ($uiconf_id) {
         $widget_type = $uiconf_id;
         $uiconf_id_str = "&uiconf_id={$uiconf_id}";
     } else {
         $widget_type = $widget->getUiConfId();
         $uiconf_id_str = "";
     if (empty($widget_type)) {
         $widget_type = 3;
     $kdata = $widget->getCustomData();
     $partner_host = myPartnerUtils::getHost($widget->getPartnerId());
     $partner_cdnHost = myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($widget->getPartnerId());
     $host = $partner_host;
     if ($widget_type == 10) {
         $swf_url = $host . "/swf/weplay.swf";
     } else {
         $swf_url = $host . "/swf/kplayer.swf";
     $partner_id = $widget->getPartnerId();
     $subp_id = $widget->getSubpId();
     if (!$subp_id) {
         $subp_id = 0;
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_type);
     // new ui_confs which are deleted should stop the script
     // the check for >100000 is for supporting very old mediawiki and such players
     if (!$uiConf && $widget_type > 100000) {
     if ($uiConf) {
         $ui_conf_swf_url = $uiConf->getSwfUrl();
         if (kString::beginsWith($ui_conf_swf_url, "http")) {
             $swf_url = $ui_conf_swf_url;
             // absolute URL
         } else {
             $use_cdn = $uiConf->getUseCdn();
             $host = $use_cdn ? $partner_cdnHost : $partner_host;
             $swf_url = $host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . $ui_conf_swf_url;
         if ($debug_kdp) {
             $swf_url = str_replace("/kdp/", "/kdp_debug/", $swf_url);
     if ($show_version < 0) {
         $show_version = null;
     $ip = requestUtils::getRemoteAddress();
     // to convert back, use long2ip
     // the widget log should change to reflect the new data, but for now - i used $widget_id instead of the widgget_type
     //		WidgetLog::createWidgetLog( $referer , $ip , $kshow_id , $entry_id , $kmedia_type , $widget_id );
     if ($entry_id == -1) {
         $entry_id = null;
     $kdp3 = false;
     $base_wrapper_swf = myContentStorage::getFSFlashRootPath() . "/kdpwrapper/" . kConf::get('kdp_wrapper_version') . "/kdpwrapper.swf";
     $widgetIdStr = "widget_id={$widget_id}";
     $partnerIdStr = "partner_id={$partner_id}&subp_id={$subp_id}";
     if ($uiConf) {
         $ks_flashvars = "";
         $conf_vars = $uiConf->getConfVars();
         if ($conf_vars) {
             $conf_vars = "&" . $conf_vars;
         $wrapper_swf = $base_wrapper_swf;
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partner_id);
         if ($partner) {
             $partner_type = $partner->getType();
         if (version_compare($uiConf->getSwfUrlVersion(), "3.0", ">=")) {
             $kdp3 = true;
             // further in the code, $wrapper_swf is being used and not $base_wrapper_swf
             $wrapper_swf = $base_wrapper_swf = myContentStorage::getFSFlashRootPath() . '/kdp3wrapper/' . kConf::get('kdp3_wrapper_version') . '/kdp3wrapper.swf';
             $widgetIdStr = "widgetId={$widget_id}";
             $uiconf_id_str = "&uiConfId={$uiconf_id}";
             $partnerIdStr = "partnerId={$partner_id}&subpId={$subp_id}";
         // if we are loaded without a wrapper (directly in flex)
         // 1. dont create the ks - keep url the same for caching
         // 2. dont patch the uiconf - patching is done only to wrapper anyway
         if ($nowrapper) {
             $dynamic_date = $widgetIdStr . "&host=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $partner_host)) . "&cdnHost=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $partner_cdnHost)) . $uiconf_id_str . $conf_vars;
             $url = "{$swf_url}?{$dynamic_date}";
         } else {
             // if kdp version >= 2.5
             if (version_compare($uiConf->getSwfUrlVersion(), "2.5", ">=")) {
                 // create an anonymous session
                 $ks = "";
                 $result = kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, 0, $ks, 86400, false, "", "view:*");
                 $ks_flashvars = "&{$partnerIdStr}&uid=0&ts=" . microtime(true);
                 if ($widget->getSecurityType() != widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_FORCE_KS) {
                     $ks_flashvars = "&ks={$ks}" . $ks_flashvars;
                 // patch kdpwrapper with getwidget and getuiconf
                 $root = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath();
                 $confFile_mtime = $uiConf->getUpdatedAt(null);
                 $new_swf_path = "widget_{$widget_id}_{$widget_type}_{$confFile_mtime}_" . md5($base_wrapper_swf . $swf_url) . ".swf";
                 $md5 = md5($new_swf_path);
                 $new_swf_path = "content/cacheswf/" . substr($md5, 0, 2) . "/" . substr($md5, 2, 2) . "/" . $new_swf_path;
                 $cached_swf = "{$root}/{$new_swf_path}";
                 if (!file_exists($cached_swf) || filemtime($cached_swf) < $confFile_mtime) {
                     require_once SF_ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "api_v3" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "bootstrap.php";
                     $dispatcher = KalturaDispatcher::getInstance();
                     try {
                         $widget_result = $dispatcher->dispatch("widget", "get", array("ks" => $ks, "id" => $widget_id));
                         $ui_conf_result = $dispatcher->dispatch("uiConf", "get", array("ks" => $ks, "id" => $widget_type));
                     } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     $serializer = new KalturaXmlSerializer(false);
                     $widget_xml = $serializer->getSerializedData();
                     $serializer = new KalturaXmlSerializer(false);
                     $ui_conf_xml = $serializer->getSerializedData();
                     $patcher = new kPatchSwf($root . $base_wrapper_swf);
                     $result = "<xml><result>{$widget_xml}</result><result>{$ui_conf_xml}</result></xml>";
                     $patcher->patch($result, $cached_swf);
                 if (file_exists($cached_swf)) {
                     $wrapper_swf = $new_swf_path;
             $kdp_version_2 = strpos($swf_url, "kdp/v2.") > 0;
             if ($partner_host == "" && !$kdp_version_2 && !$kdp3) {
                 $partner_host = 1;
                 // otherwise the kdp will try going to
             $track_wrapper = '';
             if (kConf::get('track_kdpwrapper') && kConf::get('kdpwrapper_track_url')) {
                 $track_wrapper = "&wrapper_tracker_url=" . urlencode(kConf::get('kdpwrapper_track_url') . "?activation_key=" . kConf::get('kaltura_activation_key') . "&package_version=" . kConf::get('kaltura_version'));
             $dynamic_date = $widgetIdStr . $track_wrapper . "&kdpUrl=" . urlencode($swf_url) . "&host=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $partner_host)) . "&cdnHost=" . str_replace("http://", "", str_replace("https://", "", $partner_cdnHost)) . ($show_version ? "&entryVersion={$show_version}" : "") . ($kshow_id ? "&kshowId={$kshow_id}" : "") . ($entry_id ? "&entryId={$entry_id}" : "") . $uiconf_id_str . $ks_flashvars . ($cache_st ? "&clientTag=cache_st:{$cache_st}" : "") . $conf_vars;
             // for now changed back to $host since kdp version prior to 1.0.15 didnt support loading by external domain kdpwrapper
             $url = $host . myPartnerUtils::getUrlForPartner($partner_id, $subp_id) . "/{$wrapper_swf}?{$dynamic_date}";
             // patch wrapper with flashvars and dump to browser
             if (version_compare($uiConf->getSwfUrlVersion(), "2.6.6", ">=")) {
                 $patcher = new kPatchSwf($root . $wrapper_swf, "KALTURA_FLASHVARS_DATA");
                 $patcher->patch($dynamic_date . "&referer=" . urlencode($referer));
                 $wrapper_data = ob_get_contents();
                 requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("swf", strlen($wrapper_data), $allowCache ? 60 * 10 : 0);
                 echo $wrapper_data;
                 if ($allowCache) {
                     $cache_swfdata->put($requestKey, $wrapper_data);
     } else {
         $dynamic_date = "kshowId={$kshow_id}" . "&host=" . requestUtils::getRequestHostId() . ($show_version ? "&entryVersion={$show_version}" : "") . ($entry_id ? "&entryId={$entry_id}" : "") . ($entry_id ? "&KmediaType={$kmedia_type}" : "");
         $dynamic_date .= "&isWidget={$widget_type}&referer=" . urlencode($referer);
         $dynamic_date .= "&kdata={$kdata}";
         $url = "{$swf_url}?{$dynamic_date}";
     // if referer has a query string an IE bug will prevent out flashvars to propagate
     // when nowrapper is true we cant use /swfparams either as there isnt a kdpwrapper
     if (!$nowrapper && $uiConf && version_compare($uiConf->getSwfUrlVersion(), "2.6.6", ">=")) {
         // apart from the /swfparam/ format, add .swf suffix to the end of the stream in case
         // a corporate firewall looks at the file suffix
         $pos = strpos($url, "?");
         $url = substr($url, 0, $pos) . "/swfparams/" . urlencode(substr($url, $pos + 1)) . ".swf";
     if ($allowCache) {
         $cache->put($requestKey, $url);
     if (strpos($url, "/swfparams/") > 0) {
         $url = substr($url, 0, -4) . urlencode($noncached_params) . ".swf";
     } else {
         $url .= $noncached_params;
  * Retrieve partner secret and admin secret
  * @action getSecrets
  * @param int $partnerId
  * @param string $adminEmail
  * @param string $cmsPassword
  * @return KalturaPartner
  * @throws APIErrors::ADMIN_KUSER_NOT_FOUND
 public function getSecretsAction($partnerId, $adminEmail, $cmsPassword)
     $adminKuser = null;
     try {
         $adminKuser = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByEmail($adminEmail, $cmsPassword, $partnerId);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(APIErrors::ADMIN_KUSER_NOT_FOUND, "The data you entered is invalid");
     if (!$adminKuser || !$adminKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(APIErrors::ADMIN_KUSER_NOT_FOUND, "The data you entered is invalid");
     KalturaLog::log("Admin Kuser found, going to validate password", KalturaLog::INFO);
     // user logged in - need to re-init kPermissionManager in order to determine current user's permissions
     $ks = null;
     kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partnerId, $adminKuser->getPuserId(), $ks, 86400, $adminKuser->getIsAdmin(), "", '*');
     $dbPartner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     $partner = new KalturaPartner();
     $partner->cmsPassword = $cmsPassword;
     return $partner;
  * Start a session for Kaltura's flash widgets
  * @action startWidgetSession
  * @param string $widgetId
  * @param int $expiry
  * @throws APIErrors::INVALID_WIDGET_ID
  * @throws APIErrors::MISSING_KS
  * @throws APIErrors::INVALID_KS
  * @return KalturaStartWidgetSessionResponse
 function startWidgetSession($widgetId, $expiry = 86400)
     // make sure the secret fits the one in the partner's table
     $ksStr = "";
     $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widgetId);
     if (!$widget) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(APIErrors::INVALID_WIDGET_ID, $widgetId);
     $partnerId = $widget->getPartnerId();
     //$partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK( $partner_id );
     // TODO - see how to decide if the partner has a URL to redirect to
     // according to the partner's policy and the widget's policy - define the privileges of the ks
     // TODO - decide !! - for now only view - any kshow
     $privileges = "view:*,widget:1";
     if (PermissionPeer::isValidForPartner(PermissionName::FEATURE_ENTITLEMENT, $partnerId) && !$widget->getEnforceEntitlement() && $widget->getEntryId()) {
         $privileges .= ',' . kSessionBase::PRIVILEGE_DISABLE_ENTITLEMENT_FOR_ENTRY . ':' . $widget->getEntryId();
     if (PermissionPeer::isValidForPartner(PermissionName::FEATURE_ENTITLEMENT, $partnerId) && !is_null($widget->getPrivacyContext()) && $widget->getPrivacyContext() != '') {
         $privileges .= ',' . kSessionBase::PRIVILEGE_PRIVACY_CONTEXT . ':' . $widget->getPrivacyContext();
     $userId = 0;
     /*if ( $widget->getSecurityType() == widget::WIDGET_SECURITY_TYPE_FORCE_KS )
     			$user = $this->getKuser();
     			if ( ! $this->getKS() )// the one from the base class
     				throw new KalturaAPIException ( APIErrors::MISSING_KS );
     			$widget_partner_id = $widget->getPartnerId();
     			$res = kSessionUtils::validateKSession2 ( 1 ,$widget_partner_id  , $user->getId() , $ks_str , $this->ks );
     			if ( 0 >= $res )
     				// chaned this to be an exception rather than an error
     				throw new KalturaAPIException ( APIErrors::INVALID_KS , $ks_str , $res , ks::getErrorStr( $res ));
     // 	the session will be for NON admins and privileges of view only
     $result = kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partnerId, $userId, $ksStr, $expiry, false, "", $privileges);
     if ($result >= 0) {
         $response = new KalturaStartWidgetSessionResponse();
         $response->partnerId = $partnerId;
         $response->ks = $ksStr;
         $response->userId = $userId;
         return $response;
     } else {
         // TODO - see that there is a good error for when the invalid login count exceed s the max
         throw new KalturaAPIException(APIErrors::START_WIDGET_SESSION_ERROR, $widgetId);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @action getAdminSession
  * @param int $partnerId
  * @param string $userId
  * @return string
 public function getAdminSessionAction($partnerId, $userId = null)
     $dbPartner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     if (!$dbPartner) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::UNKNOWN_PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     if (!$userId) {
         $userId = $dbPartner->getAdminUserId();
     $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partnerId, $userId);
     if (!$kuser) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_USER_ID, $userId);
     if (!$kuser->getIsAdmin()) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_ADMIN, $userId);
     $ks = "";
     kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($dbPartner->getId(), $userId, $ks, 86400, 2, "", "*");
     return $ks;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get a session using user email and password
  * @param string $puserId
  * @param string $loginEmail
  * @param string $password
  * @param int $partnerId
  * @param int $expiry
  * @param string $privileges
  * @return string KS
  * @throws KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_FOUND
  * @thrown KalturaErrors::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED
  * @thrown KalturaErrors::LOGIN_BLOCKED
  * @thrown KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_EXPIRED
  * @thrown KalturaErrors::INVALID_PARTNER_ID
  * @thrown KalturaErrors::INTERNAL_SERVERL_ERROR
  * @throws KalturaErrors::USER_IS_BLOCKED
 protected function loginImpl($puserId, $loginEmail, $password, $partnerId = null, $expiry = 86400, $privileges = '*')
     // if a KS of a specific partner is used, don't allow logging in to a different partner
     if ($this->getPartnerId() && $partnerId && $this->getPartnerId() != $partnerId) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     if ($loginEmail && !$partnerId) {
     try {
         if ($loginEmail) {
             $user = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByEmail($loginEmail, $password, $partnerId);
         } else {
             $user = kuserPeer::userLogin($puserId, $password, $partnerId);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_FOUND);
         if ($code == kUserException::USER_NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_FOUND);
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED) {
                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED);
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_BLOCKED) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_BLOCKED);
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
                         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PASSWORD_EXPIRED);
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_WRONG_PASSWORD);
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::USER_IS_BLOCKED) {
                                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_IS_BLOCKED);
         throw new $e();
     if (!$user) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND);
     if ($partnerId && $user->getPartnerId() != $partnerId || $this->getPartnerId() && !$partnerId && $user->getPartnerId() != $this->getPartnerId()) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($user->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner || $partner->getStatus() == Partner::PARTNER_STATUS_FULL_BLOCK) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_PARTNER_ID, $user->getPartnerId());
     $ks = null;
     $admin = $user->getIsAdmin() ? KalturaSessionType::ADMIN : KalturaSessionType::USER;
     // create a ks for this admin_kuser as if entered the admin_secret using the API
     kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner->getId(), $user->getPuserId(), $ks, $expiry, $admin, "", $privileges);
     return $ks;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function execute()
     $ks = $this->getP("ks");
     if (!$ks) {
     $requestedPartnerId = $this->getP("partner_id");
     $expired = $this->getP("exp");
     $ksObj = kSessionUtils::crackKs($ks);
     $ksPartnerId = $ksObj->partner_id;
     if (!$requestedPartnerId) {
         $requestedPartnerId = $ksPartnerId;
     try {
         $adminKuser = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByKs($ks, $requestedPartnerId, true);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::USER_NOT_FOUND) {
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED) {
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_BLOCKED) {
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::USER_IS_BLOCKED) {
     if (!$adminKuser || !$adminKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
     if ($requestedPartnerId != $adminKuser->getPartnerId()) {
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($adminKuser->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner) {
     if (!$partner->validateApiAccessControl()) {
     $partner_id = $partner->getId();
     $subp_id = $partner->getSubpId();
     $admin_puser_id = $adminKuser->getPuserId();
     $exp = isset($expired) && is_numeric($expired) ? time() + $expired : 0;
     $noUserInKs = is_null($ksObj->user) || $ksObj->user === '';
     if ($ksPartnerId != $partner_id || $partner->getKmcVersion() >= 4 && $noUserInKs) {
         $ks = null;
         $sessionType = $adminKuser->getIsAdmin() ? SessionType::ADMIN : SessionType::USER;
         kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, $admin_puser_id, $ks, 30 * 86400, $sessionType, "", "*," . kSessionBase::PRIVILEGE_DISABLE_ENTITLEMENT);
     $path = "/";
     $domain = null;
     $force_ssl = PermissionPeer::isValidForPartner(PermissionName::FEATURE_KMC_ENFORCE_HTTPS, $partner_id);
     $secure = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' && $force_ssl ? true : false;
     $http_only = true;
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("pid", $partner_id, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure, $http_only);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("subpid", $subp_id, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure, $http_only);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("kmcks", $ks, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure, $http_only);
     $redirect_url = $force_ssl ? 'https' : 'http';
     $redirect_url .= '://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '/index.php/kmc/kmc2';
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser)
     $email = trim($this->getPM("email"));
     $password = trim($this->getPM("password"));
     $loginData = UserLoginDataPeer::getByEmail($email);
     // be sure to return the same error if there are no admins in the list and when there are none matched -
     // so no hint about existing admin will leak
     if (!$loginData) {
     try {
         $adminKuser = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByEmail($email, $password, $partner_id);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::USER_NOT_FOUND) {
             return null;
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
             return null;
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED) {
                 return null;
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_BLOCKED) {
                     return null;
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
                         return null;
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                             return null;
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::USER_IS_BLOCKED) {
                                 return null;
                             } else {
                                 return null;
     if (!$adminKuser || !$adminKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
         return null;
     if ($partner_id && $partner_id != $adminKuser->getPartnerId()) {
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($adminKuser->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner) {
     $partner_id = $partner->getId();
     $subp_id = $partner->getSubpId();
     $admin_puser_id = $adminKuser->getPuserId();
     // get the puser_kuser for this admin if exists, if not - creae it and return it - create a kuser too
     $puser_kuser = PuserKuserPeer::createPuserKuser($partner_id, $subp_id, $admin_puser_id, $adminKuser->getScreenName(), $adminKuser->getScreenName(), true);
     $uid = $puser_kuser->getPuserId();
     $ks = null;
     // create a ks for this admin_kuser as if entered the admin_secret using the API
     // ALLOW A KS FOR 30 DAYS
     kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, $uid, $ks, 30 * 86400, 2, "", "*");
     $this->addMsg("partner_id", $partner_id);
     $this->addMsg("subp_id", $subp_id);
     $this->addMsg("uid", $uid);
     $this->addMsg("ks", $ks);
     $this->addMsg("screenName", $adminKuser->getFullName());
     $this->addMsg("fullName", $adminKuser->getFullName());
     $this->addMsg("email", $adminKuser->getEmail());
Exemplo n.º 11
$threeMonthsAgo = $now - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 3;
$ks = null;
$distributionProfiles = DistributionProfilePeer::doSelect($criteria);
while ($distributionProfiles) {
    $lastId = 0;
    foreach ($distributionProfiles as $distributionProfile) {
        /* @var $distributionProfile YoutubeApiDistributionProfile */
        $lastId = $distributionProfile->getId();
        $currentPartnerId = $distributionProfile->getPartnerId();
        $url = $distributionProfile->getApiAuthorizeUrl();
        $authenticated = 'No';
        if (is_null($url)) {
            $authenticated = 'Yes';
            $url = '';
        } else {
            kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($currentPartnerId, null, $ks, 2592000, SessionType::ADMIN);
            $url .= "?ks={$ks}";
        $lastDistributionDate = 'Never';
        $lastDistributionDaysAgo = 'Never';
        $entryDistributionCriteria = new Criteria();
        $entryDistributionCriteria->add(EntryDistributionPeer::PARTNER_ID, $currentPartnerId);
        $entryDistributionCriteria->add(EntryDistributionPeer::STATUS, EntryDistributionStatus::READY);
        $entryDistributionCriteria->add(EntryDistributionPeer::DISTRIBUTION_PROFILE_ID, $lastId);
        $entryDistribution = EntryDistributionPeer::doSelectOne($entryDistributionCriteria);
        if ($entryDistribution) {
            $lastDistributionDate = $entryDistribution->getCreatedAt();
            $lastDistributionDaysAgo = floor(($now - $entryDistribution->getCreatedAt(null)) / 86400);
        //		if(!$partnerId)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function execute()
     $ks = $this->getP("ks");
     $requestedPartnerId = $this->getP("partner_id");
     $ksObj = kSessionUtils::crackKs($ks);
     $ksPartnerId = $ksObj->partner_id;
     if (!$requestedPartnerId) {
         $requestedPartnerId = $ksPartnerId;
     try {
         $adminKuser = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByKs($ks, $requestedPartnerId, true);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::USER_NOT_FOUND) {
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED) {
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_BLOCKED) {
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::USER_IS_BLOCKED) {
     if (!$adminKuser || !$adminKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
     if ($requestedPartnerId != $adminKuser->getPartnerId()) {
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($adminKuser->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner) {
     $partner_id = $partner->getId();
     $subp_id = $partner->getSubpId();
     $admin_puser_id = $adminKuser->getPuserId();
     $screen_name = $adminKuser->getScreenName();
     if (!$screen_name) {
         // for backward compatibility
         $screen_name = $this->getP("screen_name");
     $noUserInKs = is_null($ksObj->user) || $ksObj->user === '';
     if ($ksPartnerId != $partner_id || $partner->getKmcVersion() >= 4 && $noUserInKs) {
         $ks = null;
         $sessionType = $adminKuser->getIsAdmin() ? SessionType::ADMIN : SessionType::USER;
         kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, $admin_puser_id, $ks, 30 * 86400, $sessionType, "", "*");
     $exp = 0;
     $path = "/";
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("pid", $partner_id, $exp, $path);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("subpid", $subp_id, $exp, $path);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("uid", $admin_puser_id, $exp, $path);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("kmcks", $ks, $exp, $path);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("screen_name", $screen_name, $exp, $path);
 public function execute()
     $ks = $this->getP("ks");
     $requestedPartnerId = $this->getP("partner_id");
     $expired = $this->getP("exp");
     $ksObj = kSessionUtils::crackKs($ks);
     $ksPartnerId = $ksObj->partner_id;
     if (!$requestedPartnerId) {
         $requestedPartnerId = $ksPartnerId;
     try {
         $adminKuser = UserLoginDataPeer::userLoginByKs($ks, $requestedPartnerId, true);
     } catch (kUserException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if ($code == kUserException::USER_NOT_FOUND) {
         if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
         } else {
             if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_RETRIES_EXCEEDED) {
             } else {
                 if ($code == kUserException::LOGIN_BLOCKED) {
                 } else {
                     if ($code == kUserException::PASSWORD_EXPIRED) {
                     } else {
                         if ($code == kUserException::WRONG_PASSWORD) {
                         } else {
                             if ($code == kUserException::USER_IS_BLOCKED) {
     if (!$adminKuser || !$adminKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
     if ($requestedPartnerId != $adminKuser->getPartnerId()) {
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($adminKuser->getPartnerId());
     if (!$partner) {
     $partner_id = $partner->getId();
     $subp_id = $partner->getSubpId();
     $admin_puser_id = $adminKuser->getPuserId();
     $exp = isset($expired) && is_numeric($expired) ? time() + $expired : 0;
     $noUserInKs = is_null($ksObj->user) || $ksObj->user === '';
     if ($ksPartnerId != $partner_id || $partner->getKmcVersion() >= 4 && $noUserInKs) {
         $ks = null;
         $sessionType = $adminKuser->getIsAdmin() ? SessionType::ADMIN : SessionType::USER;
         kSessionUtils::createKSessionNoValidations($partner_id, $admin_puser_id, $ks, 30 * 86400, $sessionType, "", "*," . kSessionBase::PRIVILEGE_DISABLE_ENTITLEMENT);
     $path = "/";
     $domain = null;
     $secure = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? true : false;
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("pid", $partner_id, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("subpid", $subp_id, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure);
     $this->getResponse()->setCookie("kmcks", $ks, $exp, $path, $domain, $secure);