Exemplo n.º 1
// Create the jqTreeGrid instance
$tree = new jqTreeGrid($conn);
$tree->SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM adj_table";
// set the table and primary key
$tree->table = 'adj_table';
// set tree model and table configuration
$tree->setTableConfig(array('id' => 'emp_id', 'parent' => 'boss_id'));
// autoloading is disabled
$tree->autoLoadNodes = false;
// collapse all nodes (default)
$tree->expandAll = true;
// show any error (if any ) from server
$tree->showError = true;
$tree->dataType = 'json';
// Some nice setting
$tree->setColProperty('name', array("label" => "Employee", "width" => 170));
$tree->setColProperty('salary', array("label" => "Salary", "align" => "right", "width" => 90));
// hide the not needed fields
$tree->setColProperty('emp_id', array("hidden" => true));
$tree->setColProperty('boss_id', array("hidden" => true));
// and finaly set the expand column and height to auto
$tree->setGridOptions(array("ExpandColumn" => "name", "height" => 'auto', "sortname" => "emp_id", "scrollrows" => true));
// enable key navigation
$tree->callGridMethod('#tree', 'bindKeys');
$tree->navigator = true;
$tree->setNavOptions('navigator', array("add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => true, "search" => false, "excel" => false));
$tree->renderTree('#tree', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);