Exemplo n.º 1
function get_main_grid()
    global $myconn, $customers;
    $myconn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
    //execute the query specifical to your database
    $sth = $myconn->prepare('SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Phone, City FROM customers');
    // get the data as array. Nothe the the customer array
    // is passed in the select command
    $customers = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    // end of custom code
    // create the array connection
    $conn = new jqGridArray();
    // Create the jqGrid instance
    $grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
    // Write the SQL Query
    $grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT * FROM customers';
    // Set the table to where you update the data
    $grid->table = 'customers';
    // Set output format to json
    $grid->dataType = 'json';
    // Let the grid create the model
    // Set the url from where we obtain the data
    // Set some grid options
    $grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "height" => 250, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "CustomerID"));
    $grid->setColProperty('CustomerID', array("label" => "ID", "width" => 50));
    // Enable navigator
    $grid->navigator = true;
    // Enable only editing
    $grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("excel" => false, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => false));
    // Enjoy
    $grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
Exemplo n.º 2

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, vendorid, candidateid , name, url, type FROM agreement';
$grid->table = 'agreement';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("vendorid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Vendor", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("vendorid", "select '' as id, '' as name from dual union SELECT distinct id as id, companyname as name FROM vendor order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("candidateid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Candidate Name", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("candidateid", "select '' as id , '  None' as name from dual union SELECT distinct candidateid as id, name as name FROM candidate where status = 'Placed' order by name ");
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("url", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "link", "label" => "Url"));
$grid->setColProperty("type", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Type", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("type", $agreementtype, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Agreement Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 1000, "footerrow" => true, "userDataOnFooter" => true, "shrinkToFit" => false, "sortname" => "id", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Agreement Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Agreement", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Agreement", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
Exemplo n.º 3
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT name as Mnemonic, seen as Seen, lastseen as LastSeen FROM mne where hidden='false'";
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 19, "sortname" => "LastSeen", "sortorder" => "desc", "altRows" => true, "multiselect" => true, "scrollOffset" => 25, "shrinkToFit" => true, "setGridHeight" => "100%", "rowList" => array(20, 40, 60, 75, 100, 500, 750, 1000), "loadComplete" => "js:"));
$grid->setColProperty('Seen', array('width' => '20', 'formatter' => 'js:grid_formatSeen'));
$grid->setColProperty('LastSeen', array('width' => '35', 'formatter' => 'js:easyDate'));
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => false, "search" => true));
$gridComplete = <<<ONCOMPLETE
\tfunction ()
\t setRememberedCheckboxesForDialog('mnemonics','gbox_mnegrid',12,'portlet_Mnemonics');

$grid->setGridEvent('loadComplete', $gridComplete);
$custom = <<<CUSTOM

// BEGIN: Mnemonic Select Dialog
Exemplo n.º 4
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShipName, Freight FROM orders';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "OrderID", "caption" => "PDF export with custom header"));
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("OrderDate", array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat" => "m/d/Y"), "search" => false));
$grid->setColProperty("ShipName", array("width" => "250"));
$grid->setColProperty("Freight", array("label" => "Test", "align" => "right"));
// Enable navigator
$grid->navigator = true;
// Enable pdf export on navigator
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => false, "excel" => false));
$oper = jqGridUtils::GetParam("oper");
// prevent some executions when not excel export
if ($oper == "pdf") {
    $grid->setPdfOptions(array("header" => true, "margin_top" => 27, "header_logo" => "logo.gif", "header_logo_width" => 30, "header_title" => "jqGrid pdf table", "header_string" => "by Trirand Inc - www.trirand.net"));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
Exemplo n.º 5

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'select id, site, status, crawl, crawldate from rec_crawler_site';
$grid->table = 'rec_crawler_site';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "hidden" => true, "width" => 40, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("site", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 600, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 400), "formatter" => "link", "formatoptions" => array("target" => "_blank"), "fixed" => true, "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Site"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", array("A" => "A", "N" => "N"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("crawl", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Crawl Domain", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("crawl", $yesno, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("crawldate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Crawl Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Crawler Site Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "sortname" => "id", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 500)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "viewCaption" => "Crawler Site Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Crawler", "bSubmit" => "Add Crawler Site", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Crawler", "bSubmit" => "Update Crawler Site", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
//$grid->toolbarfilter = true;
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
\$("#grid").jqGrid('bindKeys', {"onEnter":function( rowid ) { alert("You enter a row with id:"+rowid)} } );
Exemplo n.º 6
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, employeeid, recruiterid, saledate, status, DATE_FORMAT(lastmoddatetime, "%D %M %Y %h:%i %p %a") as last, notes FROM vendorsales';
$grid->table = 'vendorsales';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('saledate');
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "hidden" => true, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("recruiterid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Recruiter", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("recruiterid", "select '' as id, '' as name from dual union SELECT id, email as name FROM recruiter order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("employeeid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Employee", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("employeeid", "select '' as id, '' as name from dual union SELECT distinct id, name FROM employee where status = '0Active' order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("saledate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Sale Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", array("I" => "Initiated", "S" => "Success", "F" => "FollowUp", "R" => "Rejected"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("last", array("editable" => false, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Last Updated"));
$grid->setColProperty("notes", array("editable" => true, "width" => 400, "fixed" => true, "hidden" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 60), "label" => "Notes"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Sales Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "sortname" => "lastmoddatetime", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "viewCaption" => "Sales Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Sale", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'select distinct CONCAT("www.", SUBSTRING(email FROM instr(email, "@")+1)) url, email, positiondate from (select vendor1email as email, positiondate from position where vendor1email is not null union select vendor2email, positiondate from position where vendor2email is not null union select vendor3email, positiondate from position where vendor3email is not null union select client1email, null from interview where client1email is not null union select client2email, null from interview where client2email is not null union select client3email, null from interview where client3email is not null union select vendor1email, interviewdate from interview where vendor1email is not null union select vendor2email, interviewdate from interview where vendor2email is not null union select vendor3email, interviewdate from interview where vendor3email is not null) e ';
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("url", array("editable" => false, "width" => 300, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "link", "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "URL"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => true, "width" => 500, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("positiondate", array("editable" => false, "hidden" => true, "label" => "ID"));
// Set alternate background using altRows property
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "New Vendor Emails Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "shrinkToFit" => false, "sortname" => "positiondate", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 100, 500, 1000)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "New Vendor Email Management"));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
\$("#grid").jqGrid('bindKeys', {"onEnter":function( rowid ) { alert("You enter a row with id:"+rowid)} } );
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$DB = null;
Exemplo n.º 8

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id,companyname,email,phone,status,url,fax,address,city,state,country,twitter,linkedin,facebook,zip,manager1name,manager1email,manager1phone,hmname,hmemail,hmphone,hrname,hremail,hrphone,notes FROM client';
$grid->table = 'client';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('startdate');
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 40, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("companyname", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 250, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250, "style" => "text-transform: uppercase"), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Company Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => true, "width" => 200, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250, "style" => "text-transform: lowercase"), "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("phone", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", $vendorstatus, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("url", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200, "style" => "text-transform: lowercase"), "formatter" => "link", "formatoptions" => array("target" => "_blank"), "fixed" => true, "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Url"));
$grid->setColProperty("fax", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Fax"));
$grid->setColProperty("address", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Address"));
$grid->setColProperty("city", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "City"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("city", null, "select name, name from (select distinct city as name from city) p where name like ? ORDER BY name", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("state", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "State"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("state", null, "select name, name from (SELECT distinct name FROM state)p where name like ? ORDER BY name", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("country", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Country"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("country", null, "select name, name from (SELECT distinct short_name as name FROM country) p where name like ? ORDER BY name", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("zip", array("editable" => true, "width" => 120, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 250), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Zip"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("zip", null, "select name, name from (select zip as name from city) p where name like ? ORDER BY name", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("twitter", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Twitter"));
Exemplo n.º 9

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, name, version, softkey, type, status, link, notes FROM software';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "hidden" => true, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "frozen" => true, "width" => 300, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("version", array("editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 50), "frozen" => true, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Version"));
$grid->setColProperty("softkey", array("editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Key"));
$grid->setColProperty("type", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Type", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("type", $softwaretype, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", array("Active" => "Active", "Inactive" => "Inactive"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("link", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 400, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "formatter" => "link", "fixed" => true, "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Link"));
$grid->setColProperty("notes", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 80), "label" => "Notes"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Software Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "sortname" => "name", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 100, 500)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => true, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 400, "viewCaption" => "Software Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 400, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Software", "bSubmit" => "Add Software", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 400, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Software", "bSubmit" => "Update Software", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
\$("#grid").jqGrid('bindKeys', {"onEnter":function( rowid ) { alert("You enter a row with id:"+rowid)} } );
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$candidateID = $loggedInUser->candidateid;
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$q = 'select s.clientname, s.type, s.interviewdate, s.status, u.name manager from interview s, employee u where s.mmid = u.id and s.candidateid = ' . $candidateID;
$grid->SelectCommand = $q;
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("clientname", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Client"));
$grid->setColProperty("type", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Type"));
$grid->setColProperty("interviewdate", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Interview Date"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status"));
$grid->setColProperty("manager", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Manager"));
// Set alternate background using altRows property
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Interviews", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 50, "shrinkToFit" => false, "sortname" => "interviewdate", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 500)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Interviews"));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
\$("#grid").jqGrid('bindKeys', {"onEnter":function( rowid ) { alert("You enter a row with id:"+rowid)} } );
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$DB = null;
Exemplo n.º 11

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$employeeid = $_GET['employeeid'];
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, candidateid, candidateid as cid, mmid, type, status, interviewdate, interviewhour, interviewminute, interviewdivision, clientname, clientlocation, vendor1, vendor1email, vendor2, vendor2email, client1email, client2email, client3email,  vendor3email, reference, interviewers, interviewersphone, result, performance, portal, reclink,  questions, questionslink, notes FROM interview where mmid = "' . $employeeid . '" or mmid in (select id from employee where mgrid = "' . $employeeid . '")';
$grid->table = 'interview';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('interviewdate');
$grid->setUrl('../grids/rinterview.php?employeeid=' . $employeeid);
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "hidden" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("cid", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Candidate Name", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("cid", "SELECT distinct candidateid as id, name as name FROM candidate order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("candidateid", array("editable" => true, "hidden" => true, "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Candidate Name", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("candidateid", "SELECT distinct candidateid as id, name as name FROM candidate where status in ('Marketing', 'Placed', 'OnProject-Mkt') order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("mmid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Manager", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("mmid", "SELECT distinct id, name FROM employee where id = {$employeeid} or mgrid = {$employeeid}  order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("interviewdate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 80, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d", "elmprefix" => " ", "rowpos" => 5, "colpos" => 1), "editable" => true, "label" => "Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("interviewhour", array("editable" => true, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Time", "formoptions" => array("elmprefix" => " ", "rowpos" => 5, "colpos" => 1), "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("interviewhour", $interviewhour, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("interviewminute", array("editable" => true, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Time", "formoptions" => array("elmprefix" => " ", "rowpos" => 5, "colpos" => 1), "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("interviewminute", $interviewtime, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("interviewdivision", array("editable" => true, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Time", "formoptions" => array("elmprefix" => " ", "rowpos" => 5, "colpos" => 1), "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("interviewdivision", $interviewdivision, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("interviewtime", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Time"));
$grid->setColProperty("type", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Type", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("type", $interviewtype, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
Exemplo n.º 12
// MySQL specific command for the charset
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Data from this SQL is 1252 encoded, so we need to tell the grid
// Set the data source to be read from file
$grid->readFromXML = true;
// The first item is the xml file, the second is the query id
$grid->SelectCommand = 'sqlxml.getProducts';
// set the ouput format to XML
$grid->dataType = 'xml';
// Let the grid create the model
// set labels in the header
$grid->setColProperty("ProductID", array("label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("ProductName", array("label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("QuantityPerUnit", array("label" => "Unit"));
$grid->setColProperty("UnitPrice", array("label" => "Unit Price"));
// We can hide some columns
$grid->setColProperty("SupplierID", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("CategoryID", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("UnitsOnOrder", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("ReorderLevel", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("Discontinued", array("hidden" => true));
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "CategoryID"));
// Enable toolbar searching
$grid->toolbarfilter = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGrid.php";
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqAutocomplete.php";
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, startdate, name, email, phone, wrkemail, wrkphone, status, communication, notes FROM proxy';
$grid->table = 'proxy';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('startdate');
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty('startdate', array("editable" => false, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "date", "label" => "Start Date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d HH:MM:SS", "newformat" => "m/d/Y"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("name", null, "select name, name from (SELECT distinct name FROM leads union select distinct name from candidate union select distinct name from recruit) p where name like ? ORDER BY name", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("email", null, "select email, email from (SELECT distinct email FROM leads union select distinct email from candidate union select distinct email from recruit) p where email like ? ORDER BY email", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("phone", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Phone"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("phone", null, "select phone, phone from (SELECT distinct phone FROM leads union select distinct phone from candidate union select distinct phone from recruit) p where phone like ? ORDER BY phone", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("wrkemail", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Wrk Email"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("wrkemail", null, "select wrkemail, wrkemail from (SELECT distinct wrkemail FROM placement) p where wrkemail like ? ORDER BY wrkemail", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("wrkphone", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Wrk Phone"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("wrkphone", null, "select wrkphone, wrkphone from (SELECT distinct wrkphone FROM placement) p where wrkphone like ? ORDER BY wrkphone", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", $referencestatus, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("communication", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Communication", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("communication", $communication, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
Exemplo n.º 14
include_once "../ip-config.php";
require_once '../jq-config.php';
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGrid.php";
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'select id, pageid, headerid, label, sortorder from uc_header_pages t';
$grid->table = 'uc_header_pages';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("label", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Label"));
$grid->setColProperty("headerid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Header", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("headerid", "select id, TRIM(LEADING '->' FROM label) from (SELECT distinct id, concat(ifnull((select concat(ifnull((select concat(ifnull((select label from uc_header uh3 where id = uh2.parentid), ''), '->', label) as label from uc_header uh2 where id = uh1.parentid), ''), '->', label)as label from uc_header uh1 where id = uh.parentid), ''), '->', label) as label FROM uc_header uh order by label) t");
$grid->setColProperty("pageid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 250, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Page", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("pageid", "select id, concat(page, ' - ', IFNULL(label, '')) as label1 from uc_pages up order by label1");
$grid->setColProperty("sortorder", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "SortOrder"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Header Pages Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "sortname" => "headerid asc, sortorder", "sortorder" => "asc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => true, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "viewCaption" => "Header Pages Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Header Page", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 250, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Header Page", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
Exemplo n.º 15

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$employeeid = $_GET['employeeid'];
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, candidateid, candidateid as cid, mmid, positiondate, type, status, vendorcall, rate, vendor1email, vendor1, clientemail, client, vendor2email, vendor2,vendor3email, vendor3, reference, notes FROM position where mmid = "' . $employeeid . '" or mmid in (select id from employee where mgrid = "' . $employeeid . '")';
$grid->table = 'position';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('positiondate');
$grid->setUrl('../grids/rposition.php?employeeid=' . $employeeid);
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "hidden" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("cid", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Candidate Name", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("cid", "SELECT distinct candidateid as id, name as name FROM candidate order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("candidateid", array("editable" => true, "hidden" => true, "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Candidate Name", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("candidateid", "SELECT distinct candidateid as id, name as name FROM candidate where status in ('Marketing', 'Placed', 'OnProject-Mkt') order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("mmid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Manager", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("mmid", "SELECT distinct id, name FROM employee where id = {$employeeid} or mgrid = {$employeeid}  order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("positiondate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 80, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Position Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("type", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Type", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("type", $technology, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", array("Scheduled" => "Scheduled", "Candidate Cancelled" => "Candidate Cancelled", "Cancelled" => "Cancelled"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("vendorcall", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Call", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("vendorcall", $yesno, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("vendor1email", array("editable" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Vendor1 Email"));
$grid->setAutocomplete("vendor1email", "#vendor1", "select email, email, vendor1 from (select r.email, (select companyname from vendor where id = r.vendorid) vendor1 from recruiter r union select distinct vendor1email as email, vendor1 from position) p where email like ? ORDER BY email", null, true, true);
$grid->setColProperty("vendor1", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "label" => "Vendor1"));
Exemplo n.º 16
$x = $_GET['id'];
$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT svi_id, svi_tipo_viaje, svi_origen, svi_destino,  svi_medio, svi_kilometraje,  svi_horario, svi_fecha_salida, svi_noches_hospedaje, svi_monto_peaje, svi_nombre_hotel, svi_monto_hospedaje, svi_hotel  FROM sv_itinerario  where svi_solicitud={$id_Solicitud}";
//$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT t_id, t_iniciador, t_owner, t_etapa_actual, t_etiqueta, sv_motivo, sv_id FROM sv_itinerario inner join solicitud_viaje on (sv_itinerario.svi_solicitud=solicitud_viaje.sv_id)  inner join tramites  on (tramites.t_id=solicitud_viaje.sv_tramite) where t_id={$x} ";
//$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT t_id, t_iniciador, t_owner, t_etapa_actual FROM tramites where t_id={$x}";
// Set the table to where you add the data
$grid->table = 'sv_itinerario';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
$grid->setUrl('grid_travel.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&id_Solicitud=' . $id_Solicitud);
$grid->addCol(array("name" => "Acciones", "formatter" => "actions", "editable" => false, "sortable" => false, "resizable" => false, "fixed" => true, "width" => 50, "formatoptions" => array("keys" => true)), "second");
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "svi_id", "height" => 100, "width" => 900));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_id', array("editable" => false, "width" => 50, "hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_tipo_viaje', array("editable" => true, "width" => 32, "label" => "Tipo", "hidden" => false, "edittype" => "select", "editoptions" => array("value" => "Nacional:Nacional;Extranjero:Extranjero")));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_origen', array("editable" => false, "width" => 45, "label" => "Origen"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_destino', array("editable" => false, "width" => 45, "rowpos" => 4, "colpos" => 5, "label" => "Destino"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_medio', array("editable" => true, "width" => 30, "label" => "Medio", "edittype" => "select", "editoptions" => array("value" => "Terrestre:Terrestre;Aéreo:Aereo")));
//$grid->setColProperty('svi_medio', array("edittype"=>"select","editoptions"=>array("value"=>"Terrestre:Terrestre;Aéreo:Aéreo")));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_kilometraje', array("editable" => true, "width" => 30, "thousandsSeparator" => ",", "formatter" => "numeric", "label" => "Km"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_horario', array("editable" => true, "width" => 67, "label" => "Horario", "edittype" => "select", "editoptions" => array("value" => "Cualquier horario:Cualquier horario;Mañana:Mañana;Tarde:Tarde;Noche:Noche")));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_fecha_salida', array("editable" => true, "width" => 45, "label" => "Salida"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_noches_hospedaje', array("editable" => true, "width" => 35, "label" => "Noches"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_monto_peaje', array("editable" => true, "width" => 35, "label" => "Peaje"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_nombre_hotel', array("editable" => true, "width" => 60, "label" => "Hotel"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_monto_hospedaje', array("editable" => true, "width" => 40, "label" => "\$ Hotel"));
$grid->setColProperty('svi_hotel', array("editable" => true, "width" => 35, "label" => "Tipo Hab.", "edittype" => "select", "editoptions" => array("value" => "1:Doble;0:Sencilla")));
$grid->setColProperty("svi_fecha_salida", array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "d/m/Y"), "search" => false, "editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'dd/mm/yy'});\n                    jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'85%'});\n                },200);}")));
Exemplo n.º 17
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT candidateid, name, email, phone, secondaryemail, secondaryphone, portalid, status, workstatus, education, workexperience, workpermiturl, batchname, RIGHT(ssn, 4) as ssn FROM candidate where status in ("Active", "Mocks", "Marketing", "Placed", "Placed", "OnProject-Mkt")';
// Set the table to where we add the data
$grid->table = 'candidate';
$grid->serialKey = false;
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
//$grid->datearray = array('enrolleddate','wpexpirationdate');
// Let the grid create the model from SQL query
$grid->setColProperty("candidateid", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => false, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("phone", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => false, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status"));
$grid->setSelect("status", $candidatestatus, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("workstatus", array("editable" => false, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "US Status"));
$grid->setSelect("workstatus", $workauthtype, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("education", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Education"));
$grid->setColProperty("workexperience", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Work Experience"));
$grid->setColProperty("ssn", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "SSN"));
$grid->setColProperty("secondaryemail", array("editable" => false, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Secondary Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("secondaryphone", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Secondary Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("portalid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Portal ID", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("portalid", "select '' as id, '' as name from dual union SELECT distinct id, concat(fullname, '-', uname) as name FROM authuser order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("workpermiturl", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 400), "formatter" => "link", "fixed" => true, "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Work Permit Url"));
Exemplo n.º 18

require_once '../../../jq-config.php';
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, Freight, ShipName FROM orders';
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model from SQL query
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set alternate background using altRows property
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "sortname" => "OrderID", "rowList" => array(10, 20, 50), "height" => 'auto', "grouping" => true, "groupingView" => array("groupField" => array('CustomerID'), "groupColumnShow" => array(true), "groupText" => array('<b>{0}</b>'), "groupDataSorted" => true)));
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("OrderID", array("label" => "ID", "width" => 60));
$grid->setColProperty("OrderDate", array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat" => "m/d/Y")));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
Exemplo n.º 19
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT EmployeeID, TitleOfCourtesy, LastName, FirstName, BirthDate, City, Region FROM employees';
// Set the table to where you add the data
$grid->table = 'employees';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
//$grid->usertimeformat = "d/m/Y";
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// add a action column and instruct the formatter to create the needed butons
// for inline editing
$grid->setColProperty('EmployeeID', array("editable" => false, "width" => 50, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty('TitleOfCourtesy', array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty('LastName', array("cellattr" => "js:function( rowId, value, rowObject, colModel, arrData){ return ' colspan=2'}", "formatter" => "js:function(value, options, rData){ return rData['TitleOfCourtesy'] + ' ' + value +', '+ rData['FirstName'];}"));
$grid->setColProperty('FirstName', array("cellattr" => "js:function( rowId, value, rowObject, colModel, arrData){ return ' style=\"display:none\"'}"));
$grid->setColProperty('BirthDate', array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat" => "m/d/Y h:i A"), "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat: 'm/d/yy',timeFormat: 'hh:mm TT',separator: ' ' ,ampm: true});\n                    jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                },200);}")));
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "EmployeeID"));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
Exemplo n.º 20

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, name, email, phone, trainingmessage, companymessage, improvemessage, refer, usefeedback FROM feedback';
$grid->table = 'feedback';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => true, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("phone", array("editable" => true, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("trainingmessage", array("editable" => true, "hidden" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 80), "label" => "Training Message"));
$grid->setColProperty("companymessage", array("editable" => true, "hidden" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 80), "label" => "Company Message"));
$grid->setColProperty("improvemessage", array("editable" => true, "hidden" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editrules" => array("edithidden" => true, "required" => false), "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 80), "label" => "Improve Message"));
$grid->setColProperty("refer", array("editable" => true, "label" => "Refer", "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("refer", $yesno, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("usefeedback", array("editable" => true, "label" => "Use Feedback", "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("usefeedback", $yesno, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Feedback Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "footerrow" => true, "userDataOnFooter" => true, "shrinkToFit" => false, "sortname" => "id", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Feedback Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Feedback", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Feedback", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
Exemplo n.º 21
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT * FROM detallescliente';
// Set the table to where you add the data
$grid->table = 'detallescliente';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
/* */
$grid->setColProperty('id', array("editable" => false, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty('giro', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Giro"));
$grid->setColProperty('fechaV', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Fecha Ven"));
$grid->setColProperty('monto', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Monto"));
$grid->setColProperty('fechaP', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Fecha Pago"));
$grid->setColProperty('producto', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Product"));
$grid->setColProperty('tipo', array("editable" => true, "label" => "Tipo", "width" => 200));
/* $grid->setColProperty('fechaV', 
       "formatoptions"=>array("srcformat"=>"Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat"=>"d-m-Y"),
       )); */
// Set some grid options
Exemplo n.º 22
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT name, alias , description, syllabus from course ';
// Set the table to where we add the data
$grid->table = 'course';
$grid->serialKey = false;
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model from SQL query
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "width" => 250, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("alias", array("editable" => true, "label" => "Alias", "width" => 100, "fixed" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("description", array("editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "label" => "Description", "width" => 250, "fixed" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("syllabus", array("editable" => true, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "label" => "Syllabus", "width" => 500, "fixed" => true));
// Set alternate background using altRows property
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Course Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 30, "sortname" => "name", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Course Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Course", "bSubmit" => "Add Course", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Course", "bSubmit" => "Update Course", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
//$grid->toolbarfilter = true;
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
global $htmlcode;
Exemplo n.º 23

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, weeknumber, instructorid, question, categoryid, subcategoryid, priority FROM ip_assignment';
// Set the table to where we add the data
$grid->table = 'ip_assignment';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "hidden" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("weeknumber", array("editable" => true, "width" => 30, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Week"));
$grid->setColProperty("instructorid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Instructor", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("instructorid", "SELECT distinct id, name FROM employee order by id");
$grid->setColProperty("question", array("editable" => true, "width" => 450, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "editoptions" => array("rows" => 6, "cols" => 60), "label" => "Question"));
$grid->setColProperty("categoryid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 60, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Subject", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("categoryid", "SELECT distinct id, concat(id,category)  FROM ip_subjectcategory order by id");
$grid->setColProperty("subcategoryid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 60, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Category", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("subcategoryid", "SELECT distinct id, concat(categoryid,subcategory)  FROM ip_subjectsubcategory order by id");
$grid->setColProperty("priority", array("editable" => true, "width" => 30, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Priority"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 400, "caption" => "Assignment Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 1000, "shrinkToFit" => false, "sortname" => "weeknumber", "sortorder" => "asc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 100, 500, 1000, 10000, 20000)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => true, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "viewCaption" => "Assignment Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Assignment", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
Exemplo n.º 24
$rowid = jqGridUtils::GetParam('EmployeeID', 0);
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT OrderID, RequiredDate, ShipName, ShipCity, Freight, EmployeeID FROM orders WHERE EmployeeID= ?";
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
$grid->setColModel(null, array((int) $rowid));
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "footerrow" => true, "userDataOnFooter" => true, "sortname" => "OrderID", "height" => 110));
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("RequiredDate", array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat" => "m/d/Y"), "search" => false));
// on beforeshow form when add we get the customer id and set it for posting
$beforeshow = <<<BEFORE
var srow = jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
if(srow) {
\tvar gridrow = jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('getRowData',srow);
// disable the CRUD buttons when we initialy load the grid
$initgrid = <<<INIT
Exemplo n.º 25

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, (select url from clr_position cp where cp.id = positionid) url, email, applicationdate, autoapply, candidate from clr_applications';
$grid->table = 'clr_applications';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->addCol(array("name" => "Actions", "formatter" => "actions", "editable" => false, "sortable" => false, "resizable" => false, "fixed" => true, "width" => 60, "formatoptions" => array("keys" => true)), "first");
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 40, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("url", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 500, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "formatter" => "link", "formatoptions" => array("target" => "_blank"), "fixed" => true, "editrules" => array("url" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Url"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 140, "editoptions" => array("size" => 75, "maxlength" => 200), "fixed" => true, "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("applicationdate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => false, "label" => "Appl Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\r\r\n     jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\r\r\n     jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\r\r\n         },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\r\r\n     jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\r\r\n     jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\r\r\n         },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("autoapply", array("editable" => true, "label" => "Auto Apply", "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("autoapply", array("M" => "M"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("candidate", array("editable" => true, "label" => "Candidate", "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("candidate", array("Y" => "Y", "N" => "N"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 400, "caption" => "Crawler Applications", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 1000, "sortname" => "applicationdate desc, id", "sortorder" => "desc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "viewCaption" => "Crawler Applications Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Crawler Applications", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 300, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Crawler Applications", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
global $htmlcode;
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
Exemplo n.º 26
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Phone, PostalCode, Country, City FROM customers';
// Set the table to where you update the data
$grid->table = 'customers';
$grid->serialKey = false;
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "CustomerID"));
$grid->setColProperty('CustomerID', array("editoptions" => array("readonly" => true)));
$grid->setColProperty('City', array("edittype" => "select", "editoptions" => array("value" => " :Select")));
$grid->setSelect("Country", "SELECT DISTINCT Country, Country FROM customers ORDER BY Country", true, true, false);
//$grid->setSelect("City","SELECT DISTINCT City, City FROM customers ORDER BY City", true, true, false);
// This event check if we are in add or edit mode and is lunched
// every time the form opens.
// The purpose of thris event is to get the value of the selected
// country and to get the values of the cityes for that country when the form is open.
// Another action here is to select the city from the grid
$beforeshow = <<<BEFORESHOW
    // get the value of the country
\tvar cntryval = \$("#Country",formid).val();
\tif(cntryval) {
Exemplo n.º 27
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, name, dbsql from ip_email_group';
// Set the table to where we add the data
$grid->table = 'ip_email_group';
$grid->serialKey = false;
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model from SQL query
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "hidden" => true, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("dbsql", array("editable" => true, "edittype" => "textarea", "label" => "SQL", "width" => 750, "fixed" => true, "editoptions" => array("rows" => 10, "cols" => 80)));
// Set alternate background using altRows property
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 250, "caption" => "Email Group Management", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 30, "sortname" => "name", "sortorder" => "asc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => true, "excel" => true, "add" => true, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Email Group Management"));
$grid->setNavOptions('add', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterAdd" => true, "addCaption" => "Add Course", "bSubmit" => "Add Email Group", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "closeOnEscape" => true, "closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Course", "bSubmit" => "Update Email Group", "reloadAfterSubmit" => false));
//$grid->toolbarfilter = true;
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'setFrozenColumns');
$grid->callGridMethod('#grid', 'gridResize');
global $htmlcode;
$bindkeys = <<<KEYS
Exemplo n.º 28

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT id, name, email, phone, personalemail, personalphone, mgrid, dob, address, city, state, country, zip, skypeid FROM employee where status = "0Active"';
$grid->table = 'employee';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 25, "fixed" => true, "label" => "ID"));
$grid->setColProperty("name", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 200, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Name"));
$grid->setColProperty("email", array("editable" => false, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => true), "label" => "Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("phone", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("personalemail", array("editable" => false, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "email", "editrules" => array("email" => true, "required" => false), "label" => "Personal Email"));
$grid->setColProperty("personalphone", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Personal Phone"));
$grid->setColProperty("mgrid", array("editable" => false, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Manager", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("mgrid", "select '' as id, '' as name from dual union SELECT distinct id, name FROM employee where status = '0Active' order by name");
$grid->setColProperty("dob", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => false, "label" => "Birth Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("address", array("editable" => false, "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Address"));
$grid->setColProperty("city", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "City"));
$grid->setColProperty("state", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "State"));
$grid->setColProperty("country", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Country"));
$grid->setColProperty("zip", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Zip"));
$grid->setColProperty("skypeid", array("editable" => false, "width" => 90, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Skype"));
$grid->setGridOptions(array("sortable" => true, "width" => 1024, "height" => 400, "caption" => "Employee List", "rownumbers" => true, "rowNum" => 100, "sortname" => "type asc, name", "sortorder" => "asc", "toppager" => true, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100)));
$grid->showError = true;
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf" => false, "excel" => true, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => true));
$grid->setNavOptions('view', array("width" => 750, "dataheight" => 500, "viewCaption" => "Employee List"));
Exemplo n.º 29
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Phone, City FROM customers';
// Set the table to where you update the data
$grid->table = 'customers';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "height" => 250, "gridview" => false, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "CustomerID"));
$grid->setColProperty('CustomerID', array("label" => "ID", "width" => 50));
// Set the parameters for the subgrid
$grid->setSubGrid("subgrid.php", array('OrderID', 'RequiredDate', 'ShipName', 'ShipCity', 'Freight'), array(60, 120, 150, 100, 70), array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right'));
// Enable navigator
$grid->navigator = true;
// Enable only editing
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("excel" => false, "add" => false, "edit" => false, "del" => false, "view" => false));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
Exemplo n.º 30

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/ip-includes/gridincludes.php";
$grid = new jqGridRender($DB);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT i.id, i.invoicenumber, i.startdate, i.enddate, i.invoicedate, i.quantity, i.otquantity, p.rate, p.overtimerate, i.`status`, i.emppaiddate, i.candpaymentstatus, i.reminders, ((i.quantity * p.rate) + (i.otquantity * p.overtimerate)) as amountexpected, DATE_ADD(i.invoicedate, INTERVAL p.invoicenet DAY)as expecteddate, i.amountreceived, i.receiveddate, i.releaseddate, i.checknumber, i.invoiceurl, i.checkurl, p.freqtype, p.invoicenet, v.companyname, v.fax vendorfax, v.phone vendorphone, v.email vendoremail, v.timsheetemail, v.hrname, v.hremail, v.hrphone, v.managername, v.manageremail, v.managerphone, v.secondaryname, v.secondaryemail, v.secondaryphone, c.name candidatename, c.phone candidatephone, c.email candidateemail, pl.wrkemail, pl.wrkphone, r.name recruitername, r.phone recruiterphone, r.email recruiteremail, i.poid, i.notes from invoice i, po p, placement pl, candidate c, vendor v, recruiter r where i.poid = p.id and p.placementid = pl.id and pl.candidateid = c.candidateid and pl.vendorid = v.id and pl.recruiterid = r.id and i.status <> "Delete"';
$grid->table = 'invoice';
$grid->serialKey = false;
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->datearray = array('startdate', 'enddate', 'invoicedate', 'expecteddate', 'receiveddate', 'releaseddate');
$grid->setColProperty("id", array("editable" => false, "width" => 50, "fixed" => true, "hidden" => false, "label" => "PKID"));
$grid->setColProperty("poid", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "hidden" => false, "width" => 45, "fixed" => true, "label" => "POID", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("poid", "select null as id, '' as pname from dual union select o.id, concat(c.name, '-', v.companyname, '-', cl.companyname, '-', o.id) as pname from candidate c, placement p, po o, vendor v, client cl where c.candidateid = p.candidateid and o.placementid = p.id and p.vendorid = v.id and p.clientid = cl.id order by pname");
$grid->setColProperty("invoicenumber", array("editable" => true, "frozen" => true, "width" => 100, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Invoice No."));
$grid->setColProperty("startdate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Start Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("enddate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "End Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("invoicedate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Invoice Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("quantity", array("editable" => true, "summaryType" => "sum", summaryTpl => "Q: {0}", "width" => 60, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "integer", "editrules" => array("minValue" => 0, "maxValue" => 1000), "label" => "Quantity"));
$grid->setColProperty("otquantity", array("editable" => true, "summaryType" => "sum", summaryTpl => "Q: {0}", "width" => 80, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "integer", "editrules" => array("minValue" => 0, "maxValue" => 1000), "label" => "OT Quantity"));
$grid->setColProperty("status", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Status", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("status", $invoicestatus, false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("reminders", array("editable" => true, "width" => 70, "fixed" => true, "label" => "Reminders", "edittype" => "select"));
$grid->setSelect("reminders", array("Y" => "Y", "N" => "N"), false, true, true, array("" => "All"));
$grid->setColProperty("amountexpected", array("editable" => false, "summaryType" => "sum", summaryTpl => "E: {0}", "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "currency", "formatoptions" => array("decimalPlaces" => 2, "thousandsSeparator" => ",", "prefix" => "\$"), "label" => "Expected"));
$grid->setColProperty("expecteddate", array("editable" => false, "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "hidden" => false, "label" => "Expected Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));
$grid->setColProperty("amountreceived", array("editable" => true, "summaryType" => "sum", summaryTpl => "R: {0}", "width" => 150, "fixed" => true, "formatter" => "currency", "formatoptions" => array("decimalPlaces" => 2, "thousandsSeparator" => ",", "prefix" => "\$"), "label" => "Received"));
$summaryrows = array("quantity" => array("quantity" => "SUM"), "amountreceived" => array("amountreceived" => "SUM"), "amountexpected" => array("quantity * rate" => "SUM"));
$grid->setColProperty("releaseddate", array("formatter" => "date", "width" => 120, "fixed" => true, "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d", "newformat" => "Y-m-d"), "editable" => true, "label" => "Released Date", "editoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}"), "searchoptions" => array("dataInit" => "js:function(elm){setTimeout(function(){\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery(elm).datepicker({dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd'});\n                    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t jQuery('.ui-datepicker').css({'font-size':'75%'});\n                \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t },200);}")));