Exemplo n.º 1
* @package     jelix
* @subpackage  jtpl_plugin
* @author      Loic Mathaud
* @copyright   2008 Loic Mathaud
* @link        http://www.jelix.org
* @licence     GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
function jtpl_function_html_jmessage($tpl, $type = '')
    if ($type == '') {
        $messages = jMessage::getAll();
    } else {
        $messages = jMessage::get($type);
    if (!$messages) {
    if ($type == '') {
        echo '<ul class="jelix-msg">';
        foreach ($messages as $type_msg => $all_msg) {
            foreach ($all_msg as $msg) {
                echo '<li class="jelix-msg-item-' . $type_msg . '">' . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '</li>';
    } else {
        echo '<ul class="jelix-msg-' . $type . '">';
        foreach ($messages as $msg) {
            echo '<li class="jelix-msg-item-' . $type . '">' . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    if ($type == '') {
    } else {
* function plugin :  Display messages from jMessage
function jtpl_function_html_jmessage_bootstrap($tpl, $type = '')
    // Get messages
    if ($type == '') {
        $messages = jMessage::getAll();
    } else {
        $messages = jMessage::get($type);
    // Not messages, quit
    if (!$messages) {
    // Display messages
    if ($type == '') {
        foreach ($messages as $type_msg => $all_msg) {
            if ($type_msg == 'default') {
                $type_msg = 'info';
            } elseif ($type_msg == 'ok') {
                $type_msg = 'success';
            echo '<div class="alert alert-block alert-' . $type_msg . ' fade in" data-alert="alert"><a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>';
            foreach ($all_msg as $msg) {
                echo '<p>' . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '</p>';
            echo '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-block ' . $type . ' fade in" data-alert="alert"><a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>';
        foreach ($messages as $msg) {
            echo '<p>' . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '</p>';
        echo '</div>';
    if ($type == '') {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Send an OGC service Exception
  * @param $SERVICE the OGC service
  * @return XML OGC Service Exception.
 function serviceException()
     $messages = jMessage::getAll();
     $rep = $this->getResponse('xml');
     $rep->contentTpl = 'lizmap~wms_exception';
     $rep->content->assign('messages', $messages);
     foreach ($messages as $code => $msg) {
         if ($code == 'AuthorizationRequired') {
             $rep->setHttpStatus(401, $code);
     return $rep;
  * Send an OGC service Exception
  * @param $SERVICE the OGC service
  * @return XML OGC Service Exception.
 function serviceException()
     $messages = jMessage::getAll();
     if (!$messages) {
         $messages = array();
     $rep = $this->getResponse('xml');
     $rep->contentTpl = 'lizmap~wms_exception';
     $rep->content->assign('messages', $messages);
     foreach ($messages as $code => $msg) {
         if ($code == 'AuthorizationRequired') {
             $rep->setHttpStatus(401, $code);
         } else {
             if ($code == 'ProjectNotDefined') {
                 $rep->setHttpStatus(404, 'Not Found');
             } else {
                 if ($code == 'RepositoryNotDefined') {
                     $rep->setHttpStatus(404, 'Not Found');
     return $rep;
  * Save the form controls data to the database
  * @param object $form Jelix jForm object
  * @return Boolean True if the has been saved
 public function saveFormDataToDb($form)
     // Set the form from request
     // Optionnaly query for the feature
     $cnx = jDb::getConnection($this->layerId);
     $layerName = $this->layerName;
     $capabilities = $this->project->getEditionLayers()->{$layerName}->capabilities;
     // Update or Insert
     $updateAction = false;
     $insertAction = false;
     if ($this->featureId) {
         $updateAction = true;
     } else {
         $insertAction = true;
     // Get list of fields which are not primary keys
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->dataFields as $fieldName => $prop) {
         // For update : And get only fields corresponding to edition capabilities
         if (!$prop->primary and (strtolower($capabilities->modifyAttribute) == 'true' and $fieldName != $this->geometryColumn or strtolower($capabilities->modifyGeometry) == 'true' and $fieldName == $this->geometryColumn or $insertAction)) {
             $fields[] = $fieldName;
     if (count($fields) == 0) {
         jLog::log('Not enough capabilities for this layer ! SQL cannot be constructed: no fields available !', 'error');
         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, 'An error has been raised when saving the form: Not enough capabilities for this layer !');
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('view~edition.link.error.sql'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Loop though the fields and filter the form posted values
     $update = array();
     $insert = array();
     $refs = array();
     foreach ($fields as $ref) {
         // Get and filter the posted data foreach form control
         $value = $form->getData($ref);
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = '{' . implode(',', $value) . '}';
         switch ($this->formControls[$ref]->fieldDataType) {
             case 'geometry':
                 $value = "ST_GeomFromText('" . filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES) . "', " . $this->srid . ")";
                 $rs = $cnx->query('SELECT GeometryType(' . $value . ') as geomtype');
                 $rs = $rs->fetch();
                 if (!preg_match('/' . $this->geometryType . '/', strtolower($rs->geomtype))) {
                     if (preg_match('/' . str_replace('multi', '', $this->geometryType) . '/', strtolower($rs->geomtype))) {
                         $value = 'ST_Multi(' . $value . ')';
                     } else {
                         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, "The geometry type doen't match!");
                         return false;
             case 'date':
             case 'datetime':
                 $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     $value = $cnx->quote($value);
             case 'integer':
                 $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
             case 'float':
                 $value = (double) $value;
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 $value = $cnx->quote(filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
         if ($form->hasUpload() && array_key_exists($ref, $form->getUploads())) {
             $value = $form->getData($ref);
             $choiceValue = $form->getData($ref . '_choice');
             $hiddenValue = $form->getData($ref . '_hidden');
             $repPath = $this->repository->getPath();
             if ($choiceValue == 'update') {
                 $refPath = realpath($repPath . '/media') . '/upload/' . $this->project->getKey() . '/' . $this->tableName . '/' . $ref;
                 $form->saveFile($ref, $refPath);
                 $value = 'media' . '/upload/' . $this->project->getKey() . '/' . $this->tableName . '/' . $ref . '/' . $value;
                 if ($hiddenValue && file_exists(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue)) {
                     unlink(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue);
             } else {
                 if ($choiceValue == 'delete') {
                     if ($hiddenValue && file_exists(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue)) {
                         unlink(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue);
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     $value = $hiddenValue;
             if (!$value) {
                 $value = 'NULL';
             } else {
                 if ($value != 'NULL') {
                     $value = $cnx->quote(filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
         // Build the SQL insert and update query
         $insert[] = $value;
         $refs[] = '"' . $ref . '"';
         $update[] = '"' . $ref . '"=' . $value;
     $sql = '';
     // update
     if ($updateAction) {
         if (ctype_digit($this->featureId)) {
             $featureId = array($this->featureId);
         // featureId is set
         // SQL for updating on line in the edition table
         $sql = " UPDATE " . $this->table . " SET ";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $update);
         $v = '';
         $i = 0;
         $sql .= ' WHERE';
         foreach ($this->primaryKeys as $key) {
             $sql .= "{$v} {$key} = " . $featureId[$i];
             $v = " AND ";
         // Add login filter if needed
         if (!$this->loginFilteredOveride) {
             if (is_array($this->loginFilteredLayers)) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->loginFilteredLayers['where'];
     // insert
     if ($insertAction) {
         // SQL for insertion into the edition this->table
         function dquote($n)
             return '"' . $n . '"';
         $dfields = array_map("dquote", $fields);
         $sql = " INSERT INTO " . $this->table . " (";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $refs);
         $sql .= " ) VALUES (";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $insert);
         $sql .= " );";
     try {
         $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
         //~ jLog::log($sql);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, 'An error has been raised when saving the form');
         jLog::log("SQL = " . $sql);
         jLog::log("An error has been raised when saving form data edition to db : " . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
         return false;
     return true;
 function getGeoBookmarks($repository = Null, $project = Null)
     $rep = $this->getResponse('htmlfragment');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     // Get user
     $juser = jAuth::getUserSession();
     $usr_login = $juser->login;
     if (!$repository) {
         $repository = $this->param('repository');
     if (!$project) {
         $project = $this->param('project');
     // Get user geobookmarks
     $daogb = jDao::get('lizmap~geobookmark');
     $conditions = jDao::createConditions();
     $conditions->addCondition('login', '=', $usr_login);
     $conditions->addCondition('map', '=', $repository . ':' . $project);
     $gbList = $daogb->findBy($conditions);
     $gbCount = $daogb->countBy($conditions);
     // Get html content
     $tpl->assign('gbCount', $gbCount);
     $tpl->assign('gbList', $gbList);
     $html = $tpl->fetch('view~map_geobookmark');
     return $rep;