/** * Displays a list of project for a given repository. * * @param string $repository. Name of the repository. * @return Html page with a list of projects. */ function index() { if ($this->param('theme')) { jApp::config()->theme = $this->param('theme'); } $rep = $this->getResponse('html'); // Get lizmap services $services = lizmap::getServices(); // only maps if ($services->onlyMaps) { $repository = lizmap::getRepository($services->defaultRepository); if ($repository && jAcl2::check('lizmap.repositories.view', $repository->getKey())) { $project = lizmap::getProject($repository->getKey() . '~' . $services->defaultProject); if ($project) { // test redirection to an other controller $items = jEvent::notify('mainviewGetMaps')->getResponse(); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->parentId == $repository->getKey() && $item->id == $services->defaultProject) { $rep = $this->getResponse('redirectUrl'); $rep->url = $item->url; return $rep; } } // redirection to default controller $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect'); $rep->action = 'view~map:index'; return $rep; } } } // Get repository data $repository = $this->param('repository'); $repositoryList = array(); if ($repository) { if (!jAcl2::check('lizmap.repositories.view', $repository)) { $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect'); $rep->action = 'view~default:index'; jMessage::add(jLocale::get('view~default.repository.access.denied'), 'error'); return $rep; } } $title = jLocale::get("view~default.repository.list.title"); $rep->body->assign('repositoryLabel', $title); $rep->body->assign('isConnected', jAuth::isConnected()); $rep->body->assign('user', jAuth::getUserSession()); if ($services->allowUserAccountRequests) { $rep->body->assign('allowUserAccountRequests', True); } if ($repository) { $lrep = lizmap::getRepository($repository); $title .= ' - ' . $lrep->getData('label'); } $rep->title = $title; $rep->body->assignZone('MAIN', 'main_view', array('repository' => $repository)); $rep->addJSCode("\n \$(window).load(function() {\n \$('.liz-project-img').parent().mouseenter(function(){\n var self = \$(this);\n self.find('.liz-project-desc').slideDown();\n self.css('cursor','pointer');\n }).mouseleave(function(){\n var self = \$(this);\n self.find('.liz-project-desc').hide();\n }).click(function(){\n var self = \$(this);\n window.location = self.parent().find('a.liz-project-view').attr('href');\n return false;\n });\n });\n "); // Js hack to normalize the height of the project thumbnails to avoid line breaks with long project titles $bp = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath']; $rep->addJSLink($bp . 'js/view.js'); return $rep; }
function install() { if (self::$key === null) { self::$key = jAuth::getRandomPassword(30, true); } $authconfig = $this->config->getValue('auth', 'coordplugins'); $authconfigMaster = $this->config->getValue('auth', 'coordplugins', null, true); $forWS = in_array($this->entryPoint->type, array('json', 'jsonrpc', 'soap', 'xmlrpc')); if (!$authconfig || $forWS && $authconfig == $authconfigMaster) { if ($forWS) { $pluginIni = 'authsw.coord.ini.php'; } else { $pluginIni = 'auth.coord.ini.php'; } $authconfig = dirname($this->entryPoint->configFile) . '/' . $pluginIni; if ($this->firstExec('auth:' . $authconfig)) { // no configuration, let's install the plugin for the entry point $this->config->setValue('auth', $authconfig, 'coordplugins'); if (!file_exists(jApp::configPath($authconfig))) { $this->copyFile('var/config/' . $pluginIni, jApp::configPath($authconfig)); } } } $localConfigIni = $this->entryPoint->localConfigIni; $key = $localConfigIni->getValue('persistant_crypt_key', 'coordplugin_auth'); if ($key === 'exampleOfCryptKey' || $key == '') { $localConfigIni->getMaster()->setValue('persistant_crypt_key', self::$key, 'coordplugin_auth'); } }
/** * Send an email to the members that have subsribe to this post * @param integer $id of the subscribed post * @return void */ public static function sendMail($id) { if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { return; } $dao = jDao::get(self::$daoSub); $memberDao = jDao::get('havefnubb~member'); //get all the members that subscribe to this thread except "ME" !!! $records = $dao->findSubscribedPost($id, jAuth::getUserSession()->id); $gJConfig = jApp::config(); // then send them a mail foreach ($records as $record) { //get all the member that subscribe to the thread id $id (called by hfnupost -> savereply ) $thread = jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuposts')->getThread($id); $post = jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuposts')->getPost($thread->id_last_msg); //get the email of the member that subscribes this thread $member = $memberDao->getById($record->id_user); $subject = jLocale::get('havefnubb~post.new.comment.received') . " : " . $post->subject; $mail = new jMailer(); $mail->From = $gJConfig->mailer['webmasterEmail']; $mail->FromName = $gJConfig->mailer['webmasterName']; $mail->Sender = $gJConfig->mailer['webmasterEmail']; $mail->Subject = $subject; $tpl = new jTpl(); $tpl->assign('server', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $tpl->assign('post', $post); $tpl->assign('login', $member->login); $mail->Body = $tpl->fetch('havefnubb~new_comment_received', 'text'); $mail->AddAddress($member->email); $mail->Send(); } }
/** * */ function create() { $rep = $this->getResponse('json'); $category_id = $this->intParam('category_id', null, true); $title = $this->param('title', '', true); $url = $this->param('url', '', true); //$description=$this->param('description', '', true); //insert if (!empty($url) && !empty($title) && !empty($category_id)) { $this->msg = 'link non ajouté'; // instanciation de la factory $tb = jDao::get("link"); // creation d'un record correspondant au dao foo $record = jDao::createRecord("link"); // on remplit le record $record->title = $title; $record->url = $url; $record->category_id = $category_id; $record->user_id = jAuth::getUserSession()->id; // on le sauvegarde dans la base try { $tb->insert($record); $this->success = true; $this->msg = "Lien ajouté "; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->success = false; $this->msg = "lien non ajouté "; } } $rep->data = array('success' => $this->success, 'msg' => $this->msg); return $rep; }
/** * */ function update() { $id = $this->param('j_user_login'); $pwd = $this->param('pwd'); $pwdconf = $this->param('pwd_confirm'); $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect'); if ($this->personalView && $id != jAuth::getUserSession()->login) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('jelix~errors.acl.action.right.needed'), 'error'); $rep->action = 'master_admin~default:index'; return $rep; } if (trim($pwd) == '' || $pwd != $pwdconf) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.bad.password'), 'error'); $rep->action = 'password:index'; $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id; return $rep; } if (jAuth::changePassword($id, $pwd)) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.ok', $id), 'notice'); if ($this->personalView) { $rep->action = 'user:index'; } else { $rep->action = 'default:view'; } $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id; return $rep; } else { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.notok'), 'error'); $rep->action = 'password:index'; $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id; } return $rep; }
/** * */ function out() { jAuth::logout(); $rep = $this->getResponse('text'); $rep->content = 'LOGOUT'; return $rep; }
protected function _prepareTpl() { $config = new \Jelix\JCommunity\Config(); $this->_tpl->assign('canRegister', $config->isRegistrationEnabled()); $this->_tpl->assign('canResetPassword', $config->isResetPasswordEnabled()); if (jAuth::isConnected()) { $this->_tpl->assign('login', jAuth::getUserSession()->login); } else { $conf = jAuth::loadConfig(); $this->_tpl->assign('persistance_ok', jAuth::isPersistant()); $form = jForms::get("jcommunity~login"); if (!$form) { $form = jForms::create("jcommunity~login"); } $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form); $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', ''); if ($conf['enable_after_login_override']) { $req = jApp::coord()->request; if ($req->getParam('auth_url_return')) { $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $req->getParam('auth_url_return')); } else { if ($this->param('as_main_content')) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] != jUrl::getCurrentUrl(false, true)) { $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') { $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', jUrl::getCurrentUrl(false, true)); } } } } } }
/** * */ function out() { $rep = $this->getResponse('redirectUrl'); jAuth::logout(); $conf = jApp::coord()->getPlugin('auth')->config; if ($conf['after_logout'] == '') { throw new jException('jcommunity~login.error.no.auth_logout'); } if (jApp::coord()->execOriginalAction()) { if ($conf['enable_after_logout_override']) { $url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return'); if ($url_return) { $rep->url = $url_return; } else { $rep->url = jUrl::get($conf['after_logout']); } } } else { // we are here because of an internal redirection (authentication missing) // if we can indicate the url to go after the login, let's pass this url // to the next action (which is in most of case a login form) if ($conf['enable_after_login_override']) { $rep->url = jUrl::get($conf['after_logout'], array('auth_url_return' => jUrl::getCurrentUrl())); } else { $rep->url = jUrl::get($conf['after_logout']); } } return $rep; }
/** * check if there is a flood * @param integer $timeInterval time between two actions * @param integer $onlySameIp true: the flood is checked only between same ip * @return boolean true if flood is detected */ public static function check($timeInterval, $onlySameIp) { // since we don't store data of anonymous user, and anonymous user // are not allowed to post, we don't check if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { return false; } // check if the user is member of Admins (groupid 0) / Moderators (groupid 3) // if so, no need to stop the action of this group of users // FIXME we should check, not the group, but the rights ! foreach (jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroupList() as $grp) { if ($grp->id_aclgrp == 'admins' or $grp->id_aclgrp == 'moderators') { return false; } } $dao = jDao::get('havefnubb~posts'); $rec = $dao->getMyLastEditedPost(jAuth::getUserSession()->id); if ($rec->member_last_post + $timeInterval > time()) { return false; } if ($onlySameIp && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $rec->poster_ip != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { return false; } return true; }
public function testAll() { if ($this->config === null) { $this->sendMessage('Ldap plugin for jauth is not tested because there isn\'t configuration.' . ' To test it, you should create and configure an auth_ldap.coord.ini.php file.'); return; } for ($i = 1; $i <= NB_USERS_LDAP; $i++) { $myUser = jAuth::createUserObject("testldap usr {$i}", "pass{$i}"); $this->assertTrue($myUser instanceof jAuthUserLDAP); jAuth::saveNewUser($myUser); $myUserLDAP = jAuth::getUser("testldap usr {$i}"); $user = "******"jAuthUserLDAP\">\n <string property=\"login\" value=\"testldap usr {$i}\" />\n <string property=\"email\" value=\"\" />\n <array property=\"cn\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <array property=\"distinguishedName\">array('CN=testldap usr {$i},{$this->config['ldap']['searchBaseDN']}')</array>\n <array property=\"name\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <string property=\"password\" value=\"\" />\n </object>\n "; $this->assertComplexIdenticalStr($myUserLDAP, $user); $myUser->email = "usr{$i}.testldap@domain.com"; jAuth::updateUser($myUser); $myUserLDAP = jAuth::getUser("testldap usr {$i}"); $user = "******"login\" value=\"testldap usr {$i}\" />\n <array property=\"email\">array('usr{$i}.testldap@domain.com')</array>\n <array property=\"cn\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <array property=\"distinguishedName\">array('CN=testldap usr {$i},{$this->config['ldap']['searchBaseDN']}')</array>\n <array property=\"name\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <string property=\"password\" value=\"\" />\n </object>\n "; $this->assertComplexIdenticalStr($myUserLDAP, $user); $this->assertTrue(jAuth::verifyPassword("testldap usr {$i}", "pass{$i}")); $this->assertTrue(jAuth::changePassword("testldap usr {$i}", "newpass{$i}")); } $myUsersLDAP = jAuth::getUserList('testldap usr*'); $users = "<array>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= NB_USERS_LDAP; $i++) { $users .= "\n <object>\n <array property=\"login\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <array property=\"email\">array('usr{$i}.testldap@domain.com')</array>\n <array property=\"cn\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <array property=\"distinguishedName\">array('CN=testldap usr {$i},{$this->config['ldap']['searchBaseDN']}')</array>\n <array property=\"name\">array('testldap usr {$i}')</array>\n <string property=\"password\" value=\"\" />\n </object>\n "; } $users .= "</array>"; $this->assertComplexIdenticalStr($myUsersLDAP, $users); for ($i = 1; $i <= NB_USERS_LDAP; $i++) { $this->assertTrue(jAuth::removeUser("testldap usr {$i}")); } $myUsersLDAP = jAuth::getUserList('testldap usr*'); $this->assertFalse(count($myUsersLDAP) > 0); }
/** * */ function update() { $id = $this->param('id'); $pwd = $this->param('pwd'); $pwdconf = $this->param('pwd_confirm'); $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect'); if (trim($pwd) == '' || $pwd != $pwdconf) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.bad.password'), 'error'); $rep->action = 'password:index'; $rep->params['id'] = $id; return $rep; } if (jAuth::changePassword($id, $pwd)) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.ok', $id), 'notice'); if ($this->personalView) { $rep->action = 'user:index'; } else { $rep->action = 'default:view'; } $rep->params['id'] = $id; return $rep; } else { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.notok'), 'error'); $rep->action = 'password:index'; $rep->params['id'] = $id; } return $rep; }
/** * return the value of the right on the given subject (and on the optional resource) * @param string $subject the key of the subject * @param string $resource the id of a resource * @return array list of values corresponding to the right */ public function getRight($subject, $resource = null) { if ($resource === null && isset(self::$acl[$subject])) { return self::$acl[$subject]; } elseif (isset(self::$aclres[$subject][$resource])) { return self::$aclres[$subject][$resource]; } if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { // not authificated = no rights return array(); } $groups = jAclDbUserGroup::getGroups(); if (count($groups) == 0) { self::$acl[$subject] = array(); self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = array(); return array(); } // recupère toutes les valeurs correspondant aux groupes auquel appartient le user, // avec le sujet et ressource indiqué $values = array(); $dao = jDao::get('jelix~jaclrights', jAclDb::getProfile()); $list = $dao->getAllGroupRights($subject, $groups); foreach ($list as $right) { $values[] = $right->value; } self::$acl[$subject] = $values; if ($resource !== null) { $list = $dao->getAllGroupRightsWithRes($subject, $groups, $resource); foreach ($list as $right) { $values[] = $right->value; } self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = $values = array_unique($values); } return $values; }
protected function _prepareTpl() { // Get the project and repository params $project = $this->param('project'); $repository = $this->param('repository'); $auth_url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return'); if (!$auth_url_return) { $auth_url_return = jUrl::get('view~map:index', array("repository" => $repository, "project" => $project)); } // Get lizmapProject class $assign = array('isConnected' => jAuth::isConnected(), 'user' => jAuth::getUserSession(), 'auth_url_return' => $auth_url_return, "externalSearch" => "", "edition" => false, "measure" => false, "locate" => false, "geolocation" => false, "timemanager" => false, "print" => false, "attributeLayers" => false); try { $lproj = lizmap::getProject($repository . '~' . $project); $configOptions = $lproj->getOptions(); if (property_exists($configOptions, 'externalSearch')) { $assign['externalSearch'] = $configOptions->externalSearch; } } catch (UnknownLizmapProjectException $e) { jLog::logEx($e, 'error'); } $this->_tpl->assign($assign); // Get lizmap services $services = lizmap::getServices(); if ($services->allowUserAccountRequests) { $this->_tpl->assign('allowUserAccountRequests', True); } }
/** * return the value of the right on the given subject (and on the optional resource) * @param string $subject the key of the subject * @param string $resource the id of a resource * @return array list of values corresponding to the right */ public function getRight($subject, $resource = null) { if ($resource === null && isset(self::$acl[$subject])) { return self::$acl[$subject]; } elseif (isset(self::$aclres[$subject][$resource])) { return self::$aclres[$subject][$resource]; } if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { // not authificated = no rights return array(); } $groups = jAclDbUserGroup::getGroups(); if (count($groups) == 0) { self::$acl[$subject] = array(); self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = array(); return array(); } // get all the values corresponding to the groups which the user has access to, // with the subject and resource indicated $values = array(); $dao = jDao::get('jacldb~jaclrights', 'jacl_profile'); $list = $dao->getAllGroupRights($subject, $groups); foreach ($list as $right) { $values[] = $right->value; } self::$acl[$subject] = $values; if ($resource !== null) { $list = $dao->getAllGroupRightsWithRes($subject, $groups, $resource); foreach ($list as $right) { $values[] = $right->value; } self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = $values = array_unique($values); } return $values; }
/** * @param array $params plugin parameters for the current action * @return null or jSelectorAct if action should change */ public function beforeAction($params) { $notLogged = false; $badip = false; $selector = null; // Check if auth cookie exist and user isn't logged on jAuth::checkCookieToken(); //Do we check the ip ? if ($this->config['secure_with_ip']) { if (!isset($_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_SECURE_WITH_IP'])) { $_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_SECURE_WITH_IP'] = $this->_getIpForSecure(); } else { if ($_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_SECURE_WITH_IP'] != $this->_getIpForSecure()) { session_destroy(); $selector = new jSelectorAct($this->config['bad_ip_action']); $notLogged = true; $badip = true; } } } //Creating the user's object if needed if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->config['session_name']])) { $notLogged = true; $_SESSION[$this->config['session_name']] = new jAuthDummyUser(); } else { $notLogged = !jAuth::isConnected(); } if (!$notLogged && $this->config['timeout']) { if (isset($_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_LASTTIME'])) { if (time() - $_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_LASTTIME'] > $this->config['timeout'] * 60) { $notLogged = true; jAuth::logout(); unset($_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_LASTTIME']); } else { $_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_LASTTIME'] = time(); } } else { $_SESSION['JELIX_AUTH_LASTTIME'] = time(); } } $needAuth = isset($params['auth.required']) ? $params['auth.required'] == true : $this->config['auth_required']; $authok = false; if ($needAuth) { if ($notLogged) { if (jApp::coord()->request->isAjax() || $this->config['on_error'] == 1 || !jApp::coord()->request->isAllowedResponse('jResponseRedirect')) { throw new jException($this->config['error_message']); } else { if (!$badip) { $selector = new jSelectorAct($this->config['on_error_action']); } } } else { $authok = true; } } else { $authok = true; } return $selector; }
public function testGetRightDisconnect() { jAuth::logout(); jAcl::clearCache(); $this->assertEqual(jAcl::getRight('super.cms'), array()); $this->assertEqual(jAcl::getRight('admin.access'), array()); jAcl::clearCache(); }
protected function _prepareTpl() { jClasses::inc('masterAdminMenuItem'); $items = jEvent::notify('masteradminGetInfoBoxContent')->getResponse(); usort($items, "masterAdminItemSort"); $this->_tpl->assign('infoboxitems', $items); $this->_tpl->assign('user', jAuth::getUserSession()); }
protected function _prepareTpl() { $id = jAuth::getUserSession()->id; $title = jLocale::get("jmessenger~message.msg.inbox"); $dao = jDao::get($this->dao); $msg = $dao->getRecus($id); $this->_tpl->assign(compact('msg', 'id', 'title')); }
protected function _prepareTpl() { $config = new \Jelix\JCommunity\Config(); $this->_tpl->assign('canRegister', $config->isRegistrationEnabled()); $this->_tpl->assign('canResetPassword', $config->isResetPasswordEnabled()); if (jAuth::isConnected()) { $this->_tpl->assign('login', jAuth::getUserSession()->login); } }
protected function _prepareTpl() { $id = $this->getParam("id", jAuth::getUserSession()->id); $title = jLocale::get("jmessenger~message.msg.archived"); $dao = jDao::get($this->dao); $msg = $dao->getArchive($id); $send = true; $this->_tpl->assign(compact('msg', 'id', 'title', 'send')); }
protected function _prepareTpl() { $this->_tpl->assign('login', $this->param('login')); $this->_tpl->assign('failed', $this->param('failed')); $this->_tpl->assign('auth_url_return', $this->param('auth_url_return', '')); $this->_tpl->assign('user', jAuth::getUserSession()); $this->_tpl->assign('isLogged', jAuth::isConnected()); $this->_tpl->assign('showRememberMe', $this->param('showRememberMe')); }
protected function _markAsRead() { $dao = jDao::get($this->dao); $m = $dao->get($this->param("id", 0)); if ($m && $m->id_for == jAuth::getUserSession()->id) { $m->isSeen = 1; $dao->update($m); } }
protected function doAfterActions() { $this->body->assignIfNone('MAIN', '<p>no content</p>'); $this->body->assignIfNone('repositoryLabel', 'Lizmap'); $this->body->assignIfNone('isConnected', jAuth::isConnected()); $this->body->assignIfNone('user', jAuth::getUserSession()); $this->body->assignIfNone('auth_url_return', ''); $this->body->assignIfNone('googleAnalyticsID', ''); }
/** * return the value of the right on the given subject (and on the optional resource). * * The resource "-" (meaning 'all resources') has the priority over specific resources. * It means that if you give a specific resource, it will be ignored if there is a positive right * with "-". The right on the given resource will be checked if there is no rights for "-". * * @param string $subject the key of the subject * @param string $resource the id of a resource * @return boolean true if the user has the right on the given subject */ public function getRight($subject, $resource = '-') { if (empty($resource)) { $resource = '-'; } if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { return self::getAnonymousRight($subject, $resource); } $groups = null; if (self::$acl === null) { // let's load all rights for the groups on which the current user is attached $groups = jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroups(); self::$acl = array(); if (count($groups)) { $dao = jDao::get('jacl2db~jacl2rights', 'jacl2_profile'); foreach ($dao->getRightsByGroups($groups) as $rec) { // if there is already a right on a same subject on an other group // we should take care when this rights says "cancel" if (isset(self::$acl[$rec->id_aclsbj])) { if ($rec->canceled) { self::$acl[$rec->id_aclsbj] = false; } } else { self::$acl[$rec->id_aclsbj] = $rec->canceled ? false : true; } } } } if (!isset(self::$acl[$subject])) { self::$acl[$subject] = false; } // no resource given, just return the global right for the given subject if ($resource == '-') { return self::$acl[$subject]; } // if we already have loaded the corresponding right, returns it if (isset(self::$aclres[$subject][$resource])) { return self::$aclres[$subject][$resource]; } // default right for the resource is the global right self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = self::$acl[$subject]; // if the general right is not given, check the specific right for the resource if (!self::$acl[$subject]) { if ($groups === null) { $groups = jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroups(); } if (count($groups)) { $dao = jDao::get('jacl2db~jacl2rights', 'jacl2_profile'); $right = $dao->getRightWithRes($subject, $groups, $resource); self::$aclres[$subject][$resource] = $right != false ? $right->canceled ? false : true : false; } return self::$aclres[$subject][$resource]; } else { return true; } }
/** * get the private group for the current user or for the given login * @param string $login The user's login * @return string the id of the private group * @since 1.2 */ public static function getPrivateGroup($login = null) { if (!$login) { if (!jAuth::isConnected()) { return null; } $login = jAuth::getUserSession()->login; } return jDao::get('jacl2db~jacl2group', 'jacl2_profile')->getPrivateGroup($login)->id_aclgrp; }
/** * Function that updates member's datas */ private function updateMember() { $daoUser = jDao::get('havefnubb~member'); if (jAuth::isConnected()) { $id_user = jAuth::getUserSession()->id; $daoUser->updateNbMsg($id_user); } else { $id_user = 0; } $daoUser->updateLastPostedMsg($id_user, time()); }
/** * */ function index() { $resp = $this->getResponse('html'); $resp->title = jLocale::get('gui.dashboard.title'); $resp->body->assignZone('MAIN', 'dashboard'); if (jAuth::getUserSession()->login == 'admin' && jAuth::getUserSession()->password == md5('admin')) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('gui.message.admin.password'), 'error'); } $resp->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'dashboard'); return $resp; }
/** * function to manage data before assigning to the template of its zone */ protected function _prepareTpl() { $subs = array(); // get the threads the user subscribed $threads = jDao::get('havefnubb~sub')->findSubscribedPostByUser(jAuth::getUserSession()->id); foreach ($threads as $t) { // get the thread details $thread = jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuposts')->getThread($t->id_post); $subs[] = array('id_post' => $thread->id_last_msg, 'ptitle' => jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuposts')->getPost($thread->id_last_msg)->subject, 'thread_id' => $thread->id_thread, 'id_forum' => $thread->id_forum_thread, 'ftitle' => jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuforum')->getForum($thread->id_forum_thread)->forum_name); } $this->_tpl->assign('subs', $subs); }
/** * method which manages 'globales' behavior/var */ protected function doAfterActions() { // Include all process in common for all actions, like the settings of the // main template, the settings of the response etc.. $this->title .= ($this->title != '' ? ' - ' : '') . ' Administration'; $this->body->assignIfNone('selectedMenuItem', ''); $this->body->assignZone('MENU', 'master_admin~admin_menu', array('selectedMenuItem' => $this->body->get('selectedMenuItem'))); $this->body->assignZone('INFOBOX', 'master_admin~admin_infobox'); $this->body->assignIfNone('MAIN', ''); $this->body->assignIfNone('adminTitle', ''); $this->body->assign('user', jAuth::getUserSession()); }
/** * */ function index() { $resp = $this->getResponse('html'); $resp->title = jLocale::get('gui.dashboard.title'); $resp->body->assignZone('MAIN', 'dashboard'); $user = jAuth::getUserSession(); $driver = jAuth::getDriver(); if (method_exists($driver, 'checkPassword') && $user->login == 'admin' && $driver->checkPassword('admin', $user->password)) { jMessage::add(jLocale::get('gui.message.admin.password'), 'error'); } $resp->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'dashboard'); return $resp; }