Exemplo n.º 1
 public function generateMenu()
     $menu = new ioMenu();
     if ($this->getCurrentApp() == Menu::FRONTEND_APP) {
         $routings = sfYaml::load(sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir') . '/' . Menu::FRONTEND_APP . '/config/routing.yml');
     } else {
         $routings = sfYaml::load(sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir') . '/' . Menu::BACKEND_APP . '/config/routing.yml');
     foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) {
         foreach ($routings as $key => $routing) {
             if ("@" . $key == $item->routing) {
                 if (!empty($item->section)) {
                     //Set class "active" if the item is a link to the current page
                     if ($menu->getChild($item->section, false) == null) {
                         $menu->addChild($item->section, $item->section_routing)->setLinkOptions(array('class' => 'link'));
                     $menu->getChild($item->section)->addChild($item->text, $item->routing)->setLinkOptions(array('class' => 'link large'));
                 } else {
                     //Set class "active" if the item is a link to the current page
                     $menu->addChild($item->text, $item->routing)->setLinkOptions(array('class' => 'link'));
     return $menu;
Exemplo n.º 2
function get_ioMenu($name = null)
    $ioMenus = (include sfContext::getInstance()->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('config/navigation.yml'));
    $menu = ioMenu::createFromArray($ioMenus[$name]);
    return $menu;
Exemplo n.º 3
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/functional.php';
require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php';
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/test/unitHelper.php';
// @BeforeAll
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures/project/apps/frontend/config/navigation.yml';
$ch = new ioMenuConfigHandler();
$testCount = 12;
$t = new lime_test($testCount);
// @Test general validation
$t->diag('testing cache file');
$t->is($ch->execute(array()), false, 'fast quit for no config files found');
$t->is($buffer = $ch->execute(array($file)), true, 'buffer written');
$t->is(substr($buffer, 0, 5), '<?php', 'The cache config value begins with <?php');
$buffer = substr($buffer, 5);
// remove the open <?php from the cache config
$buffer = eval($buffer);
$t->isa_ok($buffer, 'array', 'buffer is a menu array');
// @Test single level menus
$t->diag('testing single level menu');
$t->ok(isset($buffer['singleLevel']), 'single level menu correctly generated');
$menu = ioMenu::createFromArray($buffer['singleLevel']);
$t->is(get_class($menu), 'ioMenuItem', 'menu correctly instanciated');
$t->is(count($menu), 2, 'item count is correct');
// @Test single level menus
$t->diag('testing 1 cascade menu');
$t->ok(isset($buffer['multiLevel']), 'multi level menu correctly generated');
$menu = ioMenu::createFromArray($buffer['multiLevel']);
$t->is(get_class($menu), 'ioMenuItem', 'menu correctly instanciated');
$t->is(count($menu), 1, 'item count is correct');
$t->is(count($menu->getChild('level_1_1', false)), 2, 'childnodes added correctly');
$t->is(count($menu->getChild('level_1_1', false)->getChild('level_2_1', false)), 3, 'childnodes deeper inside added correctly');
Exemplo n.º 4

$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'charge_new_menu', 'class' => 'vert-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Add a new vehicle', '@vehicle_new');
echo $menu->render();
Exemplo n.º 5

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/functional.php';
require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php';
$t = new lime_test(3);
class ioMenuItemTest extends ioMenuItem
$t->info('1 - Basic checks on the ioMenu object');
$menu = new ioMenu(array('class' => 'root'), 'ioMenuItemTest');
$ch1 = $menu->addChild('ch1');
$t->is($menu->getName(), null, 'The menu item has a null name');
$t->is($menu->getRoute(), null, 'The menu item has a null route');
$t->is(get_class($ch1), 'ioMenuItemTest', 'The children are created with the class passed into the constructor.');
Exemplo n.º 6

$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'charts_menu', 'class' => 'vert-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Performance Indicators', '@chart_index');
$menu->addChild('Fuel consumption');
$menu['Costs']->addChild('Cost per km', '@chart_cost_per_km');
$menu['Costs']->addChild('Cost per year', '@chart_cost_per_year');
$menu['Costs']->addChild('Cost allocation', '@chart_cost_allocation');
$menu['Travel']->addChild('Annual travel', '@chart_trip_annual');
$menu['Travel']->addChild('Monthly travel', '@chart_trip_monthly');
$menu['Fuel consumption']->addChild('Litres per 100 km', '@chart_consumption_per_distance');
$menu['Fuel consumption']->addChild('Litres per month', '');
echo $menu->render();
Exemplo n.º 7
$t->info('  3.4 - Test ->getChild()');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('Grandchild 1'), $gc1, '->getChild(Grandchild 1) returns gc1.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('gc4')->getName(), 'gc4', '->getChild() on a non-existent menu (gc4) creates a new child');
$t->is(count($ch4), 4, 'count(ch4) now returns 4, reflecting this new child.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('nonexistent', false), null, '->getChild() on a non-existent menu passing false as the 2nd argument returns null without creating a new child.');
$t->info('  3.5 - Test ->removeChildren()');
$t->info('    a) ch4 now has 4 children (gc1, gc2, gc3, gc4). Remove gc4.');
$gc4 = $ch4['gc4'];
// so we can try to re-add it later
$t->is(count($ch4), 3, 'count(ch4) now returns only 3 children.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('Grandchild 1')->isFirst(), true, '->isFirst() on gc1 correctly returns true.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('gc3')->isLast(), true, '->isLast() on gc3 now returns true.');
$t->info('Now that gc4 has been removed, we can add it to another menu without an exception.');
$tmpMenu = new ioMenu();
try {
    $t->pass('No exception thrown.');
} catch (sfException $e) {
    $t->fail('Exception still thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
$t->info('    b) ch4 now has 3 children (gc1, gc2, gc3). Remove gc2.');
$t->is(count($ch4), 2, 'count(ch4) now returns only 2 children.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('Grandchild 1')->isFirst(), true, '->isFirst() on gc1 correctly returns true.');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('gc3')->isLast(), true, '->isLast() on gc3 now returns true');
$t->is($gc1->getNum(), 0, '->getNum() on gc1 returns 0');
$t->is($ch4->getChild('gc3')->getNum(), 1, '->getNum() on gc3 returns 1');
$t->info('    c) ch4 now has 2 children (gc1, gc3). Remove gc3.');
Exemplo n.º 8
<div class="five columns centered">
$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'bottommenu1', 'class' => 'hor-menu'));
$menu->addChild('About Otokou', '');
$menu->addChild('Contact', '');
echo $menu->render();
Exemplo n.º 9
<div class="six columns">
$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'topmenu1', 'class' => 'hor-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Homepage', '@homepage_welcome');
$menu->addChild('Charges', '@charge')->requiresAuth(true);
$menu->addChild('Charts', '@chart_index')->requiresAuth(true);
$menu->addChild('Reports', '@report_index')->requiresAuth(true);
echo $menu->render();

<div class="two columns offset-by-four">
$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'topmenu2', 'class' => 'hor-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Settings', '@user_settings_account')->requiresAuth(true);
$menu->addChild('Login', '@sf_guard_signin', array('id' => 'login'))->requiresNoAuth(true);
$menu->addChild('Logout', '@sf_guard_signout', array('id' => 'logout'))->requiresAuth(true);
echo $menu->render();
Exemplo n.º 10
$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'user_settigns_menu', 'class' => 'vert-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Account', '@user_settings_account');
$menu->addChild('Change password', '@sf_guard_forgot_password');
$menu->addChild('Manage vehicles', '@vehicle');
echo $menu->render();
Exemplo n.º 11

$menu = new ioMenu(array('id' => 'reports_menu', 'class' => 'vert-menu'));
$menu->addChild('Create a new report', '@report_new');
$menu->addChild('(Un)archive vehicles', '@vehicle');
$nr = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Report')->countNewCustomReports($sf_user->getGuardUser()->getId());
if ($nr) {
    $msg = '<span class="vehicle_reports_count">(' . $nr . ' new)</span>';
} else {
    $msg = '';
$menu->addChild('Custom reports' . $msg, '@reports_list_custom');
$menu->addChild('By Vehicle', '@report_index');
foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) {
    $class = $vehicle->getIsArchived() ? 'vehicle_archived' : 'vehicle_active';
    $nr = $vehicle->countNewOwnReports();
    if ($nr) {
        $reports = get_partial('report/new_reports', array('nr' => $nr));
    } else {
        $reports = '';
    $label = $vehicle->getName() . $reports;
    $menu['By Vehicle']->addChild($label, '@reports_list_vehicle?slug=' . $vehicle->getSlug(), array('class' => $class));
echo $menu->render();