function show_invoices() { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $project; $clientID = $project->get_value("clientID"); $projectID = $project->get_id(); $_FORM["showHeader"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceNumber"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceClient"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceName"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceAmount"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceAmountPaid"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceDate"] = true; $_FORM["showInvoiceStatus"] = true; $_FORM["clientID"] = $clientID; $_FORM["projectID"] = $projectID; // Restrict non-admin users records if (!$current_user->have_role("admin")) { $_FORM["personID"] = $current_user->get_id(); } $rows = invoice::get_list($_FORM); echo invoice::get_list_html($rows, $_FORM); }
*/ require_once "../alloc.php"; $current_user->check_employee(); $defaults = array("showHeader" => true, "showInvoiceNumber" => true, "showInvoiceClient" => true, "showInvoiceName" => true, "showInvoiceAmount" => true, "showInvoiceAmountPaid" => true, "showInvoiceDate" => true, "showInvoiceStatus" => true, "url_form_action" => $TPL["url_alloc_invoiceList"], "form_name" => "invoiceList_filter"); function show_filter() { global $TPL; global $defaults; $_FORM = invoice::load_form_data($defaults); $arr = invoice::load_invoice_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); $payment_statii = invoice::get_invoice_statii_payment(); foreach ($payment_statii as $payment_status => $label) { $summary .= "\n" . $nbsp . invoice::get_invoice_statii_payment_image($payment_status) . " " . $label; $nbsp = " "; } $TPL["status_legend"] = $summary; include_template("templates/invoiceListFilterS.tpl"); } $_FORM = invoice::load_form_data($defaults); // Restrict non-admin users records if (!$current_user->have_role("admin")) { $_FORM["personID"] = $current_user->get_id(); } $TPL["invoiceListRows"] = invoice::get_list($_FORM); $TPL["_FORM"] = $_FORM; if (!$current_user->prefs["invoiceList_filter"]) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "\n\nallocPSA allows you to create Invoices for your Clients and record the\npayment status of those Invoices. This page allows you to view a list of\nInvoices.\n\n<br><br>\n\nSimply adjust the filter settings and click the <b>Filter</b> button to\ndisplay a list of previously created Invoices. \nIf you would prefer to create a new Invoice, click the <b>New Invoice</b> link\nin the top-right hand corner of the box below."; } $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Invoice List - " . APPLICATION_NAME; include_template("templates/invoiceListM.tpl");
$TPL["field_expenseFormComment"] = page::textarea("expenseFormComment", $expenseForm->get_value("expenseFormComment", DST_HTML_DISPLAY)); } } } if (is_object($expenseForm) && $expenseForm->get_id()) { $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query(prepare("SELECT SUM(amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic)) AS amount, \n transaction.currencyTypeID as currency\n FROM transaction\n LEFT JOIN currencyType on transaction.currencyTypeID = currencyType.currencyTypeID\n WHERE expenseFormID = %d\n GROUP BY transaction.currencyTypeID\n ", $expenseForm->get_id())); while ($row = $db->row()) { $rows[] = $row; } $TPL["formTotal"] = page::money_print($rows); } if (is_object($expenseForm) && $current_user->have_role("admin") && !$expenseForm->get_invoice_link() && $expenseForm->get_value("expenseFormFinalised") && $expenseForm->get_value("seekClientReimbursement")) { $ops["invoiceStatus"] = "edit"; $ops["clientID"] = $expenseForm->get_value("clientID"); $invoice_list = invoice::get_list($ops); $invoice_list = array_kv($invoice_list, "invoiceID", array("invoiceNum", "invoiceName")); $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM invoiceItem WHERE expenseFormID = %d", $expenseForm->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); $sel_invoice = $row["invoiceID"]; $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] = "<select name=\"attach_to_invoiceID\">"; $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= "<option value=\"create_new\">Create New Invoice</option>"; $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= page::select_options($invoice_list, $sel_invoice) . "</select>"; $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"attach_transactions_to_invoice\" value=\"Add to Invoice\"> "; $TPL["invoice_label"] = "Invoice:"; } if (is_object($expenseForm)) { $invoice_link = $expenseForm->get_invoice_link(); if ($invoice_link) {