Exemplo n.º 1
$save = true;
// allows to limit number of processed tokens (put 0 to process all)
$limit = 0;
// path to the XML file describing schema
$schemaPath = '../sample_data/foo/foo-schema.xml';
// path to the XML file with data
$dataPath = '../sample_data/foo/foo10000.xml';
// path to the directory where imported XMLs are stored
$saveDir = 'docStorage';
//$schemaPath = '../sample_data/testtext-schema.xml';
//$dataPath   = '../sample_data/testtext.xml';
//$schemaPath = '../sample_data/testcases-rm-toks-schema.xml';
//$dataPath   = '../sample_data/testcases-rm-toks.xml';
//$schemaPath = '../sample_data/SwissProt-schema.xml';
//$dataPath   = '../sample_data/SwissProt.xml';
//$schemaPath = '../sample_data/baffleLex_v_0.2_zmorge_20151002-schema.xml';
//$dataPath   = '../sample_data/baffleLex.xml';
$PDO = new \PDO($CONFIG['dbConn'], $CONFIG['dbUser'], $CONFIG['dbPasswd']);
$name = explode('/', $dataPath);
$name = array_pop($name);
$pb = new utils\ProgressBar(null, 10);
$doc = new import\Document($PDO);
$doc->loadFile($dataPath, $schemaPath, $name, $iterator);
$doc->save($saveDir, $limit, $pb);
if ($save) {
Exemplo n.º 2
     throw new RuntimeException('document or schema not uploaded');
 $zip = new ZipArchive();
 if ($zip->open($_FILES['document']['tmp_name']) === true) {
     $name = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
     $dir = 'tmp/' . time() . rand();
     $zip->extractTo($dir, $name);
     $file = $dir . '/' . $name;
     $_FILES['document']['tmp_name'] = $file;
 $doc = new import\Document($PDO);
 $doc->loadFile($_FILES['document']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['schema']['tmp_name'], filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'));
 $n = $doc->save($CONFIG['storageDir']);
 $query = $PDO->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE user_id = ?");
 $query->execute(array(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, $CONFIG['userid'])));
 if ($query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) == 0) {
     $query = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO users (user_id) VALUES (?)");
     $query->execute(array(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, $CONFIG['userid'])));
 $query = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO documents_users (document_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?)");
 $query->execute(array($doc->getId(), filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, $CONFIG['userid'])));
 header('Content-type: application/json');
 if ($n > 0) {
     if (1 == $PDO->query("SELECT count(*) FROM documents")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
         $PDO->query("VACUUM ANALYZE");
     echo json_encode(array('status' => 'OK', 'documentId' => $doc->getId(), 'name' => filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'), 'tokensCount' => $n));