  * Init Filter
 function initFilter()
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     // period
     $per = $_SESSION["news_pd_news_per"] != "" ? $_SESSION["news_pd_news_per"] : ilNewsItem::_lookupUserPDPeriod($ilUser->getId());
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $allow_shorter_periods = $news_set->get("allow_shorter_periods");
     $allow_longer_periods = $news_set->get("allow_longer_periods");
     $default_per = ilNewsItem::_lookupDefaultPDPeriod();
     $options = array(2 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_days"), 2), 3 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_days"), 3), 5 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_days"), 5), 7 => $lng->txt("news_period_1_week"), 14 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_weeks"), 2), 30 => $lng->txt("news_period_1_month"), 60 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_months"), 2), 120 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_months"), 4), 180 => sprintf($lng->txt("news_period_x_months"), 6), 366 => $lng->txt("news_period_1_year"));
     $unset = array();
     foreach ($options as $k => $opt) {
         if (!$allow_shorter_periods && $k < $default_per) {
             $unset[$k] = $k;
         if (!$allow_longer_periods && $k > $default_per) {
             $unset[$k] = $k;
     foreach ($unset as $k) {
     include_once "./Services/Form/classes/class.ilSelectInputGUI.php";
     $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("news_time_period"), "news_per");
     // related to...
     $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("context"), "news_ref_id");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get tail dependencies
  * @param		string		entity
  * @param		string		target release
  * @param		array		ids
  * @return		array		array of array with keys "component", entity", "ids"
 function getXmlExportHeadDependencies($a_entity, $a_target_release, $a_ids)
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     $mob_ids = array();
     foreach ($a_ids as $id) {
         $mob_id = ilNewsItem::_lookupMobId($id);
         if ($mob_id > 0) {
             $mob_ids[$mob_id] = $mob_id;
     return array(array("component" => "Services/MediaObjects", "entity" => "mob", "ids" => $mob_ids));
Exemplo n.º 3
 function view()
     global $ilUser, $lng, $tpl, $ilCtrl;
     $ref_ids = array();
     $obj_ids = array();
     $pd_items = $ilUser->getDesktopItems();
     foreach ($pd_items as $item) {
         $ref_ids[] = $item["ref_id"];
         $obj_ids[] = $item["obj_id"];
     $sel_ref_id = $_GET["news_ref_id"] > 0 ? $_GET["news_ref_id"] : $ilUser->getPref("news_sel_ref_id");
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     $per = $_SESSION["news_pd_news_per"] != "" ? $_SESSION["news_pd_news_per"] : ilNewsItem::_lookupUserPDPeriod($ilUser->getId());
     $news_obj_ids = ilNewsItem::filterObjIdsPerNews($obj_ids, $per);
     // related objects (contexts) of news
     $contexts[0] = $lng->txt("news_all_items");
     $conts = array();
     $sel_has_news = false;
     foreach ($ref_ids as $ref_id) {
         $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($ref_id);
         $title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id);
         $conts[$ref_id] = $title;
         if ($sel_ref_id == $ref_id) {
             $sel_has_news = true;
     $cnt = array();
     $nitem = new ilNewsItem();
     $news_items = $nitem->_getNewsItemsOfUser($ilUser->getId(), false, true, $per, $cnt);
     // reset selected news ref id, if no news are given for id
     if (!$sel_has_news) {
         $sel_ref_id = "";
     foreach ($conts as $ref_id => $title) {
         $contexts[$ref_id] = $title . " (" . (int) $cnt[$ref_id] . ")";
     if ($sel_ref_id > 0) {
         $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($sel_ref_id);
         $obj_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id);
         $news_items = $nitem->getNewsForRefId($sel_ref_id, false, false, $per, true);
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilPDNewsTableGUI.php";
     $pd_news_table = new ilPDNewsTableGUI($this, "view", $contexts, $sel_ref_id);
 function ilObjectFeedWriter($a_ref_id, $a_userid = false, $a_purpose = false)
     global $ilSetting, $lng;
     if ($a_ref_id <= 0) {
     include_once "./Services/Block/classes/class.ilBlockSetting.php";
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     if (!$news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal")) {
     $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($a_ref_id);
     $obj_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id);
     $obj_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id);
     if (!ilBlockSetting::_lookup("news", "public_feed", 0, $obj_id)) {
     if ($ilSetting->get('short_inst_name') != "") {
         $this->setChannelTitle($ilSetting->get('short_inst_name') . " - " . $this->prepareStr($loc . $obj_title));
     } else {
         $this->setChannelTitle("ILIAS" . " - " . $this->prepareStr($loc . $obj_title . ($a_purpose ? " - " . $a_purpose : "")));
     // not nice, to do: general solution
     if ($obj_type == "mcst") {
         include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php";
         if (!ilObjMediaCastAccess::_lookupOnline($obj_id)) {
             $feed_item = new ilFeedItem();
             $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"]);
     include_once "./Services/Locator/classes/class.ilLocatorGUI.php";
     $cont_loc = new ilLocatorGUI();
     $cont_loc->addContextItems($a_ref_id, true);
     $loc = $cont_loc->getTextVersion();
     if (trim($loc) != "") {
         $loc = " [" . $loc . "] ";
     $rss_period = ilNewsItem::_lookupRSSPeriod();
     $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
     $items = $news_item->getNewsForRefId($a_ref_id, true, false, $rss_period, true);
     if ($a_purpose) {
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilMediaItem.php";
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if ($a_purpose != false && $obj_type == "mcst") {
             $mob = ilMediaItem::_getMediaItemsOfMObId($item[mob_id], $a_purpose);
             if ($mob == false) {
         $obj_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($item["context_obj_id"]);
         $feed_item = new ilFeedItem();
         $title = ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle($item["context_obj_type"], $item["title"], $item["content_is_lang_var"], $item["agg_ref_id"], $item["aggregation"]);
         // path
         $cont_loc = new ilLocatorGUI();
         $cont_loc->addContextItems($item["ref_id"], true, $a_ref_id);
         $loc = $cont_loc->getHTML();
         if (trim($loc) != "") {
             $loc = "[" . $loc . "]";
         if ($news_set->get("rss_title_format") == "news_obj") {
             $sep = trim($this->prepareStr($loc)) == "" ? "" : " ";
             $feed_item->setTitle($this->prepareStr($title) . " (" . $this->prepareStr($loc) . $sep . $this->prepareStr($obj_title) . ")");
         } else {
             $feed_item->setTitle($this->prepareStr($loc) . " " . $this->prepareStr($obj_title) . ": " . $this->prepareStr($title));
         $feed_item->setDescription($this->prepareStr(nl2br(ilNewsItem::determineNewsContent($item["context_obj_type"], $item["content"], $item["content_text_is_lang_var"]))));
         // lm hack, not nice
         if (in_array($item["context_obj_type"], array("dbk", "lm")) && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "pg" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
             $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=pg_" . $item["context_sub_obj_id"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
         } else {
             if ($item["context_obj_type"] == "wiki" && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "wpg" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
                 include_once "./Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php";
                 $wptitle = ilWikiPage::lookupTitle($item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                 $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"] . "_" . $wptitle);
             } else {
                 if (in_array($item["context_obj_type"], array("frm")) && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "pos" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
                     // frm hack, not nice
                     include_once "./Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForumAccess.php";
                     $thread_id = ilObjForumAccess::_getThreadForPosting($item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                     if ($thread_id > 0) {
                         $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"] . "_" . $thread_id . "_" . $item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                     } else {
                         $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
                 } else {
                     $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
                     //echo "<br>".ILIAS_HTTP_PATH."/goto.php?client_id=".CLIENT_ID.
                     //					"&amp;target=".$item["context_obj_type"]."_".$item["ref_id"];
         $feed_item->setAbout($feed_item->getLink() . "&amp;il_about_feed=" . $item["id"]);
         // Enclosure
         if ($item["content_type"] == NEWS_AUDIO && $item["mob_id"] > 0 && ilObject::_exists($item["mob_id"])) {
             $go_on = true;
             if ($obj_type == "mcst") {
                 include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php";
                 if (!ilObjMediaCastAccess::_lookupPublicFiles($obj_id)) {
                     $go_on = false;
             if ($go_on) {
                 include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
                 $url = ilObjMediaObject::_lookupItemPath($item["mob_id"], true, true, $mob["purpose"]);
                 $file = ilObjMediaObject::_lookupItemPath($item["mob_id"], false, false, $mob["purpose"]);
                 if (is_file($file)) {
                     $size = filesize($file);
                 $feed_item->setEnclosureType(isset($mob["format"]) ? $mob["format"] : "audio/mpeg");
  * Get's the repository object ID of a parent object, if possible
 function getParentObjectIdForUsage($a_usage, $a_include_all_access_obj_ids = false)
     if (is_int(strpos($a_usage["type"], ":"))) {
         $us_arr = explode(":", $a_usage["type"]);
         $type = $us_arr[1];
         $cont_type = $us_arr[0];
     } else {
         $type = $a_usage["type"];
     $id = $a_usage["id"];
     $obj_id = false;
     switch ($type) {
         case "html":
             // "old" category pages
             if ($cont_type == "cat") {
                 $obj_id = $id;
             // Test InfoScreen Text
             if ($cont_type == "tst" || $cont_type == "svy") {
                 $obj_id = $id;
             // Question Pool *Question* Text (Test)
             if ($cont_type == "qpl") {
                 include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
                 $qinfo = assQuestion::_getQuestionInfo($id);
                 if ($qinfo["original_id"] > 0) {
                     include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
                     $obj_id = ilObjTest::_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId($id);
                     // usage in test
                 } else {
                     $obj_id = $qinfo["obj_fi"];
                     // usage in pool
             // Question Pool *Question* Text (Survey)
             if ($cont_type == "spl") {
                 include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyQuestion.php";
                 $quest = SurveyQuestion::_instanciateQuestion($id);
                 if ($quest) {
                     if ($quest->getOriginalId() > 0) {
                         $obj_id = $quest->getSurveyId();
                     } else {
                         $obj_id = $quest->getObjId();
                         // usage in pool
             // Forum
             if ($cont_type == "frm") {
                 $post_pk = $a_usage['id'];
                 include_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForumPost.php';
                 include_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForum.php';
                 $oPost = new ilForumPost($post_pk);
                 $frm_pk = $oPost->getForumId();
                 $obj_id = ilForum::_lookupObjIdForForumId($frm_pk);
             if ($cont_type == 'frm~') {
                 $obj_id = $a_usage['id'];
             if ($cont_type == "dcl") {
                 $obj_id = $id;
         case "pg":
             // Question Pool Question Pages
             if ($cont_type == "qpl") {
                 include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
                 $qinfo = assQuestion::_getQuestionInfo($id);
                 if ($qinfo["original_id"] > 0) {
                     include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
                     $obj_id = ilObjTest::_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId($id);
                     // usage in test
                 } else {
                     $obj_id = $qinfo["obj_fi"];
                     // usage in pool
             // learning modules
             if ($cont_type == "lm" || $cont_type == "dbk") {
                 include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php";
                 $obj_id = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($id);
             // glossary definition
             if ($cont_type == "gdf") {
                 include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefinition.php";
                 include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
                 $term_id = ilGlossaryDefinition::_lookupTermId($id);
                 $obj_id = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryID($term_id);
             // wiki page
             if ($cont_type == 'wpg') {
                 include_once 'Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php';
                 $obj_id = ilWikiPage::lookupObjIdByPage($id);
             // sahs page
             if ($cont_type == 'sahs') {
                 // can this implementation be used for other content types, too?
                 include_once './Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageObject.php';
                 $obj_id = ilPageObject::lookupParentId($id, 'sahs');
             // repository pages
             if (in_array($cont_type, array("crs", "grp", "cat", "fold", "root"))) {
                 $obj_id = $id;
             if ($cont_type == 'prtf') {
                 include_once "Services/Portfolio/classes/class.ilPortfolioPage.php";
                 $obj_id = ilPortfolioPage::findPortfolioForPage($id);
             if ($cont_type == 'blp') {
                 include_once './Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageObject.php';
                 $obj_id = ilPageObject::lookupParentId($id, 'blp');
             // Media Pool
         // Media Pool
         case "mep":
             $obj_id = $id;
             // News Context Object (e.g. MediaCast)
         // News Context Object (e.g. MediaCast)
         case "news":
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             $obj_id = ilNewsItem::_lookupContextObjId($id);
     return $obj_id;
  * Send news mail for 1 object and 1 user
  * @param int $a_user_id
  * @param int $a_ref_id
  * @param array $news
 public function sendMail($a_user_id, $a_ref_id, array $news)
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($a_ref_id);
     $obj_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id);
     // needed for ilNewsItem
     $lng = $this->getLanguage();
     $obj_title = $this->getLanguageText($obj_type) . " \"" . ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id) . "\"";
     $this->setSubject(sprintf($this->getLanguageText("crs_subject_course_group_notification"), $obj_title));
     $this->setBody(ilMail::getSalutation($a_user_id, $this->getLanguage()));
     $this->appendBody(sprintf($this->getLanguageText("crs_intro_course_group_notification_for"), $obj_title));
     // ilDatePresentation::setUseRelativeDates(false);
     // news summary
     $counter = 1;
     foreach ($news as $item) {
         $title = ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle($item["context_obj_type"], $item["title"], $item["content_is_lang_var"], $item["agg_ref_id"], $item["aggregation"]);
         $content = ilNewsItem::determineNewsContent($item["context_obj_type"], $item["content"], $item["content_text_is_lang_var"]);
         /* process sub-item info
         				$sub = array();
         				foreach($item["aggregation"] as $subitem)
         					$sub_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($subitem["ref_id"]);
         					$sub_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($sub_id);
         					// to include posting title
         					if($subitem["context_obj_type"] == "frm")
         						$sub_title = ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle($subitem["context_obj_type"],
         							$subitem["title"], $subitem["content_is_lang_var"]);
         					$sub[] = $sub_title;
         					$sub_content = ilNewsItem::determineNewsContent($subitem["context_obj_type"], 
         						$subitem["content"], $subitem["content_text_is_lang_var"]);								
         						$sub[] = strip_tags($sub_content);
         				$content .= "\n".implode("\n\n", $sub);
         $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($item["ref_id"]);
         $obj_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id);
         // path
         include_once './Services/Locator/classes/class.ilLocatorGUI.php';
         $cont_loc = new ilLocatorGUI();
         $cont_loc->addContextItems($item["ref_id"], true);
         // #9954/#10044
         // see ilInitialisation::requireCommonIncludes()
         @(include_once "HTML/Template/ITX.php");
         // new implementation
         if (class_exists("HTML_Template_ITX")) {
             include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplateHTMLITX.php";
         } else {
             include_once "HTML/ITX.php";
             // old implementation
             include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplateITX.php";
         require_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplate.php";
         $loc = "[" . $cont_loc->getHTML() . "]";
         $this->appendBody('#' . $counter . " - " . $loc . " " . $obj_title . "\n\n");
         if ($content) {
     // link to object
     $object_link = ilUtil::_getHttpPath();
     $object_link .= "/goto.php?target=" . $obj_type . "_" . $a_ref_id . "&client_id=" . CLIENT_ID;
     // #10044
     $mail = new ilMail($ilUser->getId());
     // #10410
     $mail->sendMail(ilObjUser::_lookupLogin($a_user_id), null, null, $this->getSubject(), $this->getBody(), null, array("system"));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Copy items
  * @param
  * @return
 function copyItems($a_new_obj)
     global $ilUser;
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
     foreach ($this->readItems(true) as $item) {
         // copy media object
         $mob_id = $item["mob_id"];
         $mob = new ilObjMediaObject($mob_id);
         $new_mob = $mob->duplicate();
         // copy news item
         // create new media cast item
         include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
         $mc_item = new ilNewsItem();
  * Get's the repository object ID of a parent object, if possible
  * see ilWebAccessChecker 
 function getParentObjectIdForUsage($a_usage, $a_include_all_access_obj_ids = false)
     if (is_int(strpos($a_usage["type"], ":"))) {
         $us_arr = explode(":", $a_usage["type"]);
         $type = $us_arr[1];
         $cont_type = $us_arr[0];
     } else {
         $type = $a_usage["type"];
     $id = $a_usage["id"];
     $obj_id = false;
     switch ($type) {
         // RTE / tiny mce
         case "html":
             switch ($cont_type) {
                 case "qpl":
                     // Question Pool *Question* Text (Test)
                     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
                     $qinfo = assQuestion::_getQuestionInfo($id);
                     if ($qinfo["original_id"] > 0) {
                         include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
                         $obj_id = ilObjTest::_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId($id);
                         // usage in test
                     } else {
                         $obj_id = $qinfo["obj_fi"];
                         // usage in pool
                 case "spl":
                     // Question Pool *Question* Text (Survey)
                     include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyQuestion.php";
                     $quest = SurveyQuestion::_instanciateQuestion($id);
                     if ($quest) {
                         if ($quest->getOriginalId() > 0) {
                             $obj_id = $quest->getSurveyId();
                         } else {
                             $obj_id = $quest->getObjId();
                             // usage in pool
                 case "exca":
                     // Exercise assignment
                     $returned_pk = $a_usage['id'];
                     // we are just checking against exercise object
                     include_once 'Modules/Exercise/classes/class.ilObjExercise.php';
                     $obj_id = ilObjExercise::lookupExerciseIdForReturnedId($returned_pk);
                 case "frm":
                     // Forum
                     $post_pk = $a_usage['id'];
                     include_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForumPost.php';
                     include_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForum.php';
                     $oPost = new ilForumPost($post_pk);
                     $frm_pk = $oPost->getForumId();
                     $obj_id = ilForum::_lookupObjIdForForumId($frm_pk);
                     // temporary items (per user)
                 // temporary items (per user)
                 case "frm~":
                 case "exca~":
                     $obj_id = $a_usage['id'];
                     // "old" category pages
                 // "old" category pages
                 case "cat":
                     // InfoScreen Text
                 // InfoScreen Text
                 case "tst":
                 case "svy":
                     // data collection
                 // data collection
                 case "dcl":
                     $obj_id = $id;
             // page editor
         // page editor
         case "pg":
             switch ($cont_type) {
                 case "qpl":
                     // Question Pool Question Pages
                     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
                     $qinfo = assQuestion::_getQuestionInfo($id);
                     if ($qinfo["original_id"] > 0) {
                         include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
                         $obj_id = ilObjTest::_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId($id);
                         // usage in test
                     } else {
                         $obj_id = $qinfo["obj_fi"];
                         // usage in pool
                 case "lm":
                 case "dbk":
                     // learning modules
                     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php";
                     $obj_id = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($id);
                 case "gdf":
                     // glossary definition
                     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefinition.php";
                     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
                     $term_id = ilGlossaryDefinition::_lookupTermId($id);
                     $obj_id = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryID($term_id);
                 case "wpg":
                     // wiki page
                     include_once 'Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php';
                     $obj_id = ilWikiPage::lookupObjIdByPage($id);
                 case "sahs":
                     // sahs page
                     // can this implementation be used for other content types, too?
                     include_once './Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageObject.php';
                     $obj_id = ilPageObject::lookupParentId($id, 'sahs');
                 case "prtf":
                     // portfolio
                     include_once "Modules/Portfolio/classes/class.ilPortfolioPage.php";
                     $obj_id = ilPortfolioPage::findPortfolioForPage($id);
                 case "prtt":
                     // portfolio template
                     include_once "Modules/Portfolio/classes/class.ilPortfolioTemplatePage.php";
                     $obj_id = ilPortfolioTemplatePage::findPortfolioForPage($id);
                 case "blp":
                     // blog
                     include_once './Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageObject.php';
                     $obj_id = ilPageObject::lookupParentId($id, 'blp');
                 case "crs":
                 case "grp":
                 case "cat":
                 case "fold":
                 case "root":
                     // repository pages
                     $obj_id = $id;
             // Media Pool
         // Media Pool
         case "mep":
             $obj_id = $id;
             // News Context Object (e.g. MediaCast)
         // News Context Object (e.g. MediaCast)
         case "news":
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             $obj_id = ilNewsItem::_lookupContextObjId($id);
     return $obj_id;
Exemplo n.º 9
     * Moves all posts within the current thread to a new forum
     * @param    integer 	$old_obj_id object id of the current forum
     * @param    integer 	$old_pk		primary key of old forum
     * @param    integer 	$new_obj_id	object id of the new forum
     * @param    integer 	$new_pk		primary key of new forum
     * @return	integer 	number of afffected rows by updating posts
     * @access	public
    public function movePosts($old_obj_id, $old_pk, $new_obj_id, $new_pk)
        global $ilDB;
        if ($this->id) {
            $nodes = $this->getAllPosts();
            if (is_array($nodes)) {
                // Move attachments
                foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                    $file_obj = new ilFileDataForum((int) $old_obj_id, (int) $node->pos_pk);
                    $file_obj->moveFilesOfPost((int) $new_obj_id);
            $this->db->lockTables(array(0 => array('name' => 'frm_user_read', 'type' => ilDB::LOCK_WRITE), 1 => array('name' => 'frm_thread_access', 'type' => ilDB::LOCK_WRITE)));
				DELETE FROM frm_user_read
				WHERE obj_id = %s AND thread_id =%s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($new_obj_id, $this->id));
				UPDATE frm_user_read
				SET obj_id = %s
				WHERE thread_id = %s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($new_obj_id, $this->id));
				DELETE FROM frm_thread_access
				WHERE obj_id = %s AND thread_id =%s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($new_obj_id, $this->id));
				UPDATE frm_thread_access
				SET obj_id = %s
				WHERE thread_id =%s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($new_obj_id, $this->id));
				UPDATE frm_posts
				SET pos_top_fk = %s
				WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($new_pk, $this->id));
            // update all related news
            $posts = $ilDB->queryf('
				SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s', array('integer'), array($this->id));
            $old_obj_id = ilForum::_lookupObjIdForForumId($old_pk);
            $new_obj_id = ilForum::_lookupObjIdForForumId($new_pk);
            while ($post = $posts->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
                $news_id = ilNewsItem::getFirstNewsIdForContext($old_obj_id, "frm", $post["pos_pk"], "pos");
                $news_item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
                //echo "<br>-".$post["pos_pk"]."-".$old_obj_id."-".$new_obj_id."-";
            return count($nodes);
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Handle player event
  * @param
  * @return
 function handlePlayerEventObject()
     if ($_GET["event"] == "play") {
         $player = explode("_", $_GET["player"]);
         $news_id = (int) $player[1];
         include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
         $item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Import record
  * @param
  * @return
 function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
     //echo $a_entity;
     switch ($a_entity) {
         case "news":
             $mob_id = null;
             if ($a_rec["MobId"] > 0) {
                 $mob_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/MediaObjects", "mob", $a_rec["MobId"]);
             $c = (int) $a_rec["ContextObjId"] . ":" . $a_rec["ContextObjType"] . ":" . (int) $a_rec["ContextSubObjId"] . ":" . $a_rec["ContextSubObjType"];
             $context = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/News", "news_context", $c);
             $context = explode(":", $context);
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             $newObj = new ilNewsItem();
             $a_mapping->addMapping("Services/News", "news", $a_rec["Id"], $newObj->getId());
Exemplo n.º 12
 function ilUserFeedWriter($a_user_id, $a_hash, $privFeed = false)
     global $ilSetting, $lng;
     if ($a_user_id == "" || $a_hash == "") {
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     if (!$news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal")) {
     include_once "Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php";
     $hash = ilObjUser::_lookupFeedHash($a_user_id);
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     $rss_period = ilNewsItem::_lookupRSSPeriod();
     if ($a_hash == $hash) {
         if ($privFeed) {
             $items = ilNewsItem::_getNewsItemsOfUser($a_user_id, false, true, $rss_period);
         } else {
             $items = ilNewsItem::_getNewsItemsOfUser($a_user_id, true, true, $rss_period);
         if ($ilSetting->get('short_inst_name') != "") {
         } else {
         //$this->setChannelDescription("ILIAS Channel Description");
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($item["ref_id"]);
             $obj_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id);
             $obj_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id);
             // not nice, to do: general solution
             if ($obj_type == "mcst") {
                 include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php";
                 if (!ilObjMediaCastAccess::_lookupOnline($obj_id)) {
             $feed_item = new ilFeedItem();
             $title = ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle($item["context_obj_type"], $item["title"], $item["content_is_lang_var"], $item["agg_ref_id"], $item["aggregation"]);
             // path
             $loc = $this->getContextPath($item["ref_id"]);
             // title
             if ($news_set->get("rss_title_format") == "news_obj") {
                 $feed_item->setTitle($this->prepareStr(str_replace("<br />", " ", $title)) . " (" . $this->prepareStr($loc) . " " . $this->prepareStr($obj_title) . ")");
             } else {
                 $feed_item->setTitle($this->prepareStr($loc) . " " . $this->prepareStr($obj_title) . ": " . $this->prepareStr(str_replace("<br />", " ", $title)));
             // description
             $content = $this->prepareStr(nl2br(ilNewsItem::determineNewsContent($item["context_obj_type"], $item["content"], $item["content_text_is_lang_var"])));
             // lm page hack, not nice
             if (in_array($item["context_obj_type"], array("dbk", "lm")) && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "pg" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
                 $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=pg_" . $item["context_sub_obj_id"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
             } else {
                 if ($item["context_obj_type"] == "wiki" && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "wpg" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
                     include_once "./Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php";
                     $wptitle = ilWikiPage::lookupTitle($item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                     $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"] . "_" . urlencode($wptitle));
                     // #14629
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($item["context_obj_type"], array("frm")) && $item["context_sub_obj_type"] == "pos" && $item["context_sub_obj_id"] > 0) {
                         // frm hack, not nice
                         include_once "./Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForumAccess.php";
                         $thread_id = ilObjForumAccess::_getThreadForPosting($item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                         if ($thread_id > 0) {
                             $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"] . "_" . $thread_id . "_" . $item["context_sub_obj_id"]);
                         } else {
                             $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
                     } else {
                         $feed_item->setLink(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "&amp;target=" . $item["context_obj_type"] . "_" . $item["ref_id"]);
             $feed_item->setAbout($feed_item->getLink() . "&amp;il_about_feed=" . $item["id"]);
Exemplo n.º 13
 function addNewsNotification($a_lang_var)
     // BEGIN WebDAV Suppress news notification for hidden files
     if ($this->isHidden()) {
     // END WebDAV Suppress news notification for hidden files
     global $ilUser;
     // Add Notification to news
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php";
     $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
     $news_item->setContext($this->getId(), $this->getType());
     if ($this->getDescription() != "") {
         $news_item->setContent("<p>" . $this->getDescription() . "</p>");
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Show settings screen.
 function editSettings(ilPropertyFormGUI $a_private_form = null)
     global $ilUser, $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilSetting;
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
     $allow_shorter_periods = $news_set->get("allow_shorter_periods");
     $allow_longer_periods = $news_set->get("allow_longer_periods");
     $enable_private_feed = $news_set->get("enable_private_feed");
     if (!$a_private_form && ($allow_shorter_periods || $allow_longer_periods)) {
         include_once "./Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
         $form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
         include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
         $default_per = ilNewsItem::_lookupDefaultPDPeriod();
         $per = ilNewsItem::_lookupUserPDPeriod($ilUser->getId());
         $per_opts = array(2 => "2 " . $lng->txt("days"), 3 => "3 " . $lng->txt("days"), 5 => "5 " . $lng->txt("days"), 7 => "1 " . $lng->txt("week"), 14 => "2 " . $lng->txt("weeks"), 30 => "1 " . $lng->txt("month"), 60 => "2 " . $lng->txt("months"), 120 => "4 " . $lng->txt("months"), 180 => "6 " . $lng->txt("months"), 366 => "1 " . $lng->txt("year"));
         $unset = array();
         foreach ($per_opts as $k => $opt) {
             if (!$allow_shorter_periods && $k < $default_per) {
                 $unset[$k] = $k;
             if (!$allow_longer_periods && $k > $default_per) {
                 $unset[$k] = $k;
         foreach ($unset as $k) {
         $per_sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_pd_period"), "news_pd_period");
         $per_sel->setValue((int) $per);
         //$form->addCheckboxProperty($lng->txt("news_public_feed"), "notifications_public_feed",
         //	"1", $public_feed, $lng->txt("news_public_feed_info"));
         //if ($this->getProperty("public_notifications_option"))
         //	$form->addCheckboxProperty($lng->txt("news_notifications_public"), "notifications_public",
         //		"1", $public, $lng->txt("news_notifications_public_info"));
         $form->addCommandButton("saveSettings", $lng->txt("save"));
         $form->addCommandButton("cancelSettings", $lng->txt("cancel"));
         $returnForm = $form->getHTML();
     if ($enable_private_feed) {
         if (!$a_private_form) {
             $a_private_form = $this->initPrivateSettingsForm();
         $returnForm .= $returnForm == "" ? $a_private_form->getHTML() : "<br>" . $a_private_form->getHTML();
     return $returnForm;
  * @param
  * @return
 function checkAccessMobUsage($usage, $oid)
      * @var $ilObjDataCache ilObjectDataCache
     global $ilObjDataCache;
     switch ($usage['type']) {
         case 'lm:pg':
             if ($oid > 0) {
                 if ($this->checkAccessLM($oid, 'lm', $usage['id'])) {
                     return true;
         case 'news':
             // media objects in news (media casts)
             include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php";
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid, 'mcst')) {
                 return true;
             } elseif (ilObjMediaCastAccess::_lookupPublicFiles($oid) && ilNewsItem::_lookupVisibility($usage["id"]) == NEWS_PUBLIC) {
                 return true;
         case 'dcl:html':
             include_once "./Modules/DataCollection/classes/class.ilObjDataCollectionAccess.php";
             include_once "./Services/Object/classes/class.ilObject2.php";
             $ref_ids = ilObject2::_getAllReferences($oid);
             foreach ($ref_ids as $ref_id) {
                 if (ilObjDataCollectionAccess::_checkAccess("view", "read", $ref_id, $oid)) {
                     return true;
         case 'frm~:html':
             // $oid = userid
             foreach ($this->check_users as $user_id) {
                 if ($ilObjDataCache->lookupType($oid) == 'usr' && $oid == $user_id) {
                     return true;
         case 'qpl:pg':
         case 'qpl:html':
             // test questions
             if ($this->checkAccessTestQuestion($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'gdf:pg':
             // special check for glossary terms
             if ($this->checkAccessGlossaryTerm($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'sahs:pg':
             // check for scorm pages
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid, 'sahs')) {
                 return true;
         case 'prtf:pg':
             // special check for portfolio pages
             if ($this->checkAccessPortfolioPage($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'blp:pg':
             // special check for blog pages
             if ($this->checkAccessBlogPage($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
             // standard object check
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
 public function __appendChildLinks($html, $item, &$item_list_gui)
     if (!count($item['child'])) {
         return $html;
     $tpl = new ilTemplate('tpl.detail_links.html', true, true, 'Services/Search');
     switch ($item['type']) {
         case 'lm':
             $tpl->setVariable("HITS", $this->lng->txt('search_hits'));
             include_once 'Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php';
             foreach ($item['child'] as $child) {
                 switch (ilLMObject::_lookupType($child)) {
                     case 'pg':
                         $tpl->setVariable("CHAPTER_PAGE", $this->lng->txt('obj_pg'));
                     case 'st':
                         $tpl->setVariable("CHAPTER_PAGE", $this->lng->txt('obj_st'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("SEPERATOR", ' -> ');
                 $tpl->setVariable("LINK", $item_list_gui->getCommandLink('page'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TARGET", $item_list_gui->getCommandFrame('page'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilLMObject::_lookupTitle($child));
         case 'frm':
             $tpl->setVariable("HITS", $this->lng->txt('search_hits'));
             include_once './Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForum.php';
             foreach ($item['child'] as $child) {
                 $thread_post = explode('_', $child);
                 $tpl->setVariable("CHAPTER_PAGE", $this->lng->txt('thread'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("SEPERATOR", ': ');
                 $tpl->setVariable("LINK", $item_list_gui->getCommandLink('posting'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TARGET", $item_list_gui->getCommandFrame(''));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilObjForum::_lookupThreadSubject($thread_post[0]));
         case 'glo':
             $tpl->setVariable("HITS", $this->lng->txt('search_hits'));
             include_once './Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php';
             foreach ($item['child'] as $child) {
                 $tpl->setVariable("CHAPTER_PAGE", $this->lng->txt('cont_term'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("SEPERATOR", ': ');
                 $tpl->setVariable("LINK", ilLink::_getLink($item['ref_id'], 'git', array('target' => 'git_' . $child . '_' . $item['ref_id'])));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryTerm($child));
         case 'wiki':
             $tpl->setVariable("HITS", $this->lng->txt('search_hits'));
             include_once './Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php';
             include_once './Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiUtil.php';
             foreach ($item['child'] as $child) {
                 $page_title = ilWikiPage::lookupTitle($child);
                 $tpl->setVariable("CHAPTER_PAGE", $this->lng->txt('wiki_page'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("SEPERATOR", ': ');
                 $tpl->setVariable("LINK", ilLink::_getLink($item['ref_id'], 'wiki', array(), "_" . ilWikiUtil::makeUrlTitle($page_title)));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TITLE", $page_title);
         case 'mcst':
             $tpl->setVariable("HITS", $this->lng->txt('search_hits'));
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             foreach ($item['child'] as $child) {
                 //$tpl->setVariable("SEPERATOR",': ');
                 $tpl->setVariable("LINK", $item_list_gui->getCommandLink('listItems'));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TARGET", $item_list_gui->getCommandFrame(''));
                 $tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilNewsItem::_lookupTitle($child));
     return $html . $tpl->get();
Exemplo n.º 17
  * delete object or referenced object
  * (in the case of a referenced object, object data is only deleted
  * if last reference is deleted)
  * This function removes an object entirely from system!!
  * @access	public
  * @return	boolean	true if object was removed completely; false if only a references was removed
 function delete()
     global $rbacadmin, $log, $ilDB;
     $remove = false;
     // delete object_data entry
     if (!$this->referenced || $this->countReferences() == 1) {
         // check type match
         $db_type = ilObject::_lookupType($this->getId());
         if ($this->type != $db_type) {
             $message = "ilObject::delete(): Type mismatch. Object with obj_id: " . $this->id . " " . "was instantiated by type '" . $this->type . "'. DB type is: " . $db_type;
             // write log entry
             // raise error
             $this->ilias->raiseError("ilObject::delete(): Type mismatch. (" . $this->type . "/" . $this->id . ")", $this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
         // delete entry in object_data
         $q = "DELETE FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer");
         // delete long description
         $query = "DELETE FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer");
         // write log entry
         $log->write("ilObject::delete(), deleted object, obj_id: " . $this->getId() . ", type: " . $this->getType() . ", title: " . $this->getTitle());
         // remove news
         include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
         $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
         $news_item->deleteNewsOfContext($this->getId(), $this->getType());
         include_once "./Services/Block/classes/class.ilBlockSetting.php";
         ilBlockSetting::_deleteSettingsOfBlock($this->getId(), "news");
         include_once './Services/DidacticTemplate/classes/class.ilDidacticTemplateObjSettings.php';
         /* remove notes (see infoscreen gui)
         			   as they can be seen as personal data we are keeping them for now
         			foreach(array(IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, IL_NOTE_PUBLIC) as $note_type)
         				foreach(ilNote::_getNotesOfObject($this->id, 0, $this->type, $note_type) as $note)
         // BEGIN WebDAV: Delete WebDAV properties
         $query = "DELETE FROM dav_property " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), 'integer');
         $res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
         // END WebDAV: Delete WebDAV properties
         include_once './Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php';
         include_once './Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilLPCollections.php';
         include_once './Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/class.ilECSImport.php';
         $remove = true;
     } else {
         // write log entry
         $log->write("ilObject::delete(), object not deleted, number of references: " . $this->countReferences() . ", obj_id: " . $this->getId() . ", type: " . $this->getType() . ", title: " . $this->getTitle());
     // delete object_reference entry
     if ($this->referenced) {
         include_once "Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectActivation.php";
         // delete entry in object_reference
         $query = "DELETE FROM object_reference " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId(), 'integer');
         $res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
         // write log entry
         $log->write("ilObject::delete(), reference deleted, ref_id: " . $this->getRefId() . ", obj_id: " . $this->getId() . ", type: " . $this->getType() . ", title: " . $this->getTitle());
         // DONE: method overwritten in ilObjRole & ilObjUser.
         // this call only applies for objects in rbac (not usr,role,rolt)
         // TODO: Do this for role templates too
         $rbacadmin->revokePermission($this->getRefId(), 0, false);
         include_once "Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilRbacLog.php";
         // Remove applied didactic template setting
         include_once './Services/DidacticTemplate/classes/class.ilDidacticTemplateObjSettings.php';
         // Remove desktop items
     // remove conditions
     if ($this->referenced) {
         $ch =& new ilConditionHandler();
     return $remove;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Edit news settings.
 public function editSettings()
     global $ilCtrl, $lng, $ilSetting;
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $feed_set = new ilSetting("feed");
     $enable_internal_news = $ilSetting->get("block_activated_news");
     $enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
     $rss_title_format = $news_set->get("rss_title_format");
     $enable_private_feed = $news_set->get("enable_private_feed");
     $news_default_visibility = $news_set->get("default_visibility") != "" ? $news_set->get("default_visibility") : "users";
     $disable_repository_feeds = $feed_set->get("disable_rep_feeds");
     $nr_personal_desktop_feeds = $ilSetting->get("block_limit_pdfeed");
     $allow_shorter_periods = $news_set->get("allow_shorter_periods");
     $allow_longer_periods = $news_set->get("allow_longer_periods");
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     $rss_period = ilNewsItem::_lookupRSSPeriod();
     include_once "./Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
     $form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // Enable internal news
     $cb_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_enable_internal_news"), "enable_internal_news");
     // Default Visibility
     $radio_group = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("news_default_visibility"), "news_default_visibility");
     $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_users"), "users");
     $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_public"), "public");
     // Number of news items per object
     $nr_opts = array(50 => 50, 100 => 100, 200 => 200);
     $nr_sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_nr_of_items"), "news_max_items");
     // Access Cache
     $min_opts = array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 5 => 5, 10 => 10, 20 => 20, 30 => 30, 60 => 60);
     $min_sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_cache"), "news_acc_cache_mins");
     // PD News Period
     $per_opts = array(2 => "2 " . $lng->txt("days"), 3 => "3 " . $lng->txt("days"), 5 => "5 " . $lng->txt("days"), 7 => "1 " . $lng->txt("week"), 14 => "2 " . $lng->txt("weeks"), 30 => "1 " . $lng->txt("month"), 60 => "2 " . $lng->txt("months"), 120 => "4 " . $lng->txt("months"), 180 => "6 " . $lng->txt("months"), 366 => "1 " . $lng->txt("year"));
     $per_sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_pd_period"), "news_pd_period");
     $per_sel->setValue((int) ilNewsItem::_lookupDefaultPDPeriod());
     // Allow user to choose lower values
     $sp_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_allow_shorter_periods"), "allow_shorter_periods");
     // Allow user to choose higher values
     $lp_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_allow_longer_periods"), "allow_longer_periods");
     // Enable rss for internal news
     $cb_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_enable_internal_rss"), "enable_internal_rss");
     // RSS News Period
     $rssp_opts = array(2 => "2 " . $lng->txt("days"), 3 => "3 " . $lng->txt("days"), 5 => "5 " . $lng->txt("days"), 7 => "1 " . $lng->txt("week"), 14 => "2 " . $lng->txt("weeks"), 30 => "1 " . $lng->txt("month"), 60 => "2 " . $lng->txt("months"), 120 => "4 " . $lng->txt("months"), 180 => "6 " . $lng->txt("months"), 365 => "1 " . $lng->txt("year"));
     $rssp_sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_rss_period"), "news_rss_period");
     $rssp_sel->setValue((int) $rss_period);
     // Section Header: RSS
     $sh = new ilFormSectionHeaderGUI();
     // title format for rss entries
     $options = array("" => $lng->txt("news_rss_title_format_obj_news"), "news_obj" => $lng->txt("news_rss_title_format_news_obj"));
     $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("news_rss_title_format"), "rss_title_format");
     // Enable private news feed
     $cb_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_enable_private_feed"), "enable_private_feed");
     // Section Header: External Web Feeds Settings
     $sh = new ilFormSectionHeaderGUI();
     // Number of External Feeds on personal desktop
     $sel = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("feed_nr_pd_feeds"), "nr_pd_feeds");
     $sel->setOptions(array(0 => "0", 1 => "1", 2 => "2", 3 => "3", 4 => "4", 5 => "5"));
     // Disable External Web Feeds in catetegories
     $cb_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("feed_disable_rep_feeds"), "disable_repository_feeds");
     // command buttons
     $form->addCommandButton("saveSettings", $lng->txt("save"));
     $form->addCommandButton("view", $lng->txt("cancel"));
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Create
 function updateNews($a_update = false)
     global $ilUser;
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $default_visibility = $news_set->get("default_visibility") != "" ? $news_set->get("default_visibility") : "users";
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     if (!$a_update) {
         $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
         $news_item->setContext($this->getWikiId(), "wiki", $this->getId(), "wpg");
     } else {
         // get last news item of the day (if existing)
         $news_id = ilNewsItem::getLastNewsIdForContext($this->getWikiId(), "wiki", $this->getId(), "wpg", true);
         if ($news_id > 0) {
             $news_item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
         } else {
             $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
             $news_item->setContext($this->getWikiId(), "wiki", $this->getId(), "wpg");
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param
  * @return
 function checkAccessMobUsage($usage, $oid)
      * @var $ilObjDataCache ilObjectDataCache
     global $ilObjDataCache;
     switch ($usage['type']) {
         case 'lm:pg':
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid, 'lm')) {
                 return true;
             /* as $usage['id'] (== page) is not processed anymore, we can use standard
             			if ($oid > 0)
             				if ($this->checkAccessLM($oid, 'lm', $usage['id']))
             					return true;
         case 'news':
             // media objects in news (media casts)
             include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCastAccess.php";
             include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid, 'mcst')) {
                 return true;
             } elseif (ilObjMediaCastAccess::_lookupPublicFiles($oid) && ilNewsItem::_lookupVisibility($usage["id"]) == NEWS_PUBLIC) {
                 return true;
             /* see default
                         case 'dcl:html':
                             $ref_ids = ilObject2::_getAllReferences($oid);
                             foreach($ref_ids as $ref_id)
                                 if(ilObjDataCollectionAccess::_checkAccess("view", "read", $ref_id, $oid))
                                     return true;
         /* see default
                     case 'dcl:html':
                         $ref_ids = ilObject2::_getAllReferences($oid);
                         foreach($ref_ids as $ref_id)
                             if(ilObjDataCollectionAccess::_checkAccess("view", "read", $ref_id, $oid))
                                 return true;
         case 'frm~:html':
         case 'exca~:html':
             // $oid = userid
             foreach ($this->check_users as $user_id) {
                 if ($ilObjDataCache->lookupType($oid) == 'usr' && $oid == $user_id) {
                     return true;
         case 'qpl:pg':
         case 'qpl:html':
             // test questions
             if ($this->checkAccessTestQuestion($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'gdf:pg':
             // special check for glossary terms
             if ($this->checkAccessGlossaryTerm($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'sahs:pg':
             // check for scorm pages
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid, 'sahs')) {
                 return true;
         case 'prtf:pg':
             // special check for portfolio pages
             if ($this->checkAccessPortfolioPage($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'blp:pg':
             // special check for blog pages
             if ($this->checkAccessBlogPage($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'lobj:pg':
             // special check for learning objective pages
             if ($this->checkAccessLearningObjectivePage($oid, $usage['id'])) {
                 return true;
         case 'impr:pg':
             include_once 'Services/Imprint/classes/class.ilImprint.php';
             return ilImprint::isActive() || $this->checkAccessObject(SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, 'adm');
         case 'cstr:pg':
             // standard object check
             if ($this->checkAccessObject($oid)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
  * Init Settings Form
 function initSettingsForm()
     global $tpl, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     include "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
     $this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // Title
     $tit = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("title"), "title");
     // description
     $des = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($lng->txt("description"), "description");
     // Online
     $online = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("online"), "online");
     // Sorting
     $sort = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_ordering"), "order");
     $sort->addOption(new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("mcst_ordering_title"), ilObjMediaCast::ORDER_TITLE));
     $sort->addOption(new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("mcst_ordering_creation_date_asc"), ilObjMediaCast::ORDER_CREATION_DATE_ASC));
     $sort->addOption(new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("mcst_ordering_creation_date_desc"), ilObjMediaCast::ORDER_CREATION_DATE_DESC));
     $sort->addOption(new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("mcst_ordering_manual"), ilObjMediaCast::ORDER_MANUAL));
     // view mode
     $options = array(ilObjMediaCast::VIEW_LIST => $lng->txt("mcst_list"), ilObjMediaCast::VIEW_GALLERY => $lng->txt("mcst_gallery"));
     $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("mcst_viewmode"), "viewmode");
     // Downloadable
     $downloadable = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_downloadable"), "downloadable");
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
     //Default Visibility
     if ($enable_internal_rss) {
         $radio_group = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("news_default_visibility"), "defaultaccess");
         $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_users"), "0");
         $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_public"), "1");
         //Extra Feed
         include_once "./Services/Block/classes/class.ilBlockSetting.php";
         $public_feed = ilBlockSetting::_lookup("news", "public_feed", 0, $this->object->getId());
         $ch = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_public_feed"), "extra_feed");
         // keep minimal x number of items
         $ni = new ilNumberInputGUI($this->lng->txt("news_keep_minimal_x_items"), "keep_rss_min");
         $ni->setInfo($this->lng->txt("news_keep_minimal_x_items_info") . " (" . ilNewsItem::_lookupRSSPeriod() . " " . (ilNewsItem::_lookupRSSPeriod() == 1 ? $lng->txt("day") : $lng->txt("days")) . ")");
         $ni->setValue((int) ilBlockSetting::_lookup("news", "keep_rss_min", 0, $this->object->getId()));
         // Include Files in Pubic Items
         $incl_files = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_incl_files_in_rss"), "public_files");
     // Form action and save button
     $this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveSettings", $lng->txt("save"));
     $this->form_gui->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($this, "saveSettings"));
  * Send news mail for 1 object and 1 user
  * @param int $a_user_id
  * @param int $a_ref_id
  * @param array $news
 protected function sendMail($a_user_id, $a_ref_id, array $news)
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($a_ref_id);
     $obj_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id);
     include_once "./Services/Notification/classes/class.ilSystemNotification.php";
     $ntf = new ilSystemNotification();
     $ntf->setLangModules(array("crs", "news"));
     // user specific language
     $lng = $ntf->getUserLanguage($a_user_id);
     $obj_title = $lng->txt($obj_type) . " \"" . ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id) . "\"";
     $ntf->setIntroductionDirect(sprintf($lng->txt("crs_intro_course_group_notification_for"), $obj_title));
     $subject = sprintf($lng->txt("crs_subject_course_group_notification"), $obj_title);
     // news summary
     $counter = 1;
     $txt = "";
     foreach ($news as $item) {
         $title = ilNewsItem::determineNewsTitle($item["context_obj_type"], $item["title"], $item["content_is_lang_var"], $item["agg_ref_id"], $item["aggregation"]);
         $content = ilNewsItem::determineNewsContent($item["context_obj_type"], $item["content"], $item["content_text_is_lang_var"]);
         $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($item["ref_id"]);
         $obj_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($obj_id);
         // path
         include_once './Services/Locator/classes/class.ilLocatorGUI.php';
         $cont_loc = new ilLocatorGUI();
         $cont_loc->addContextItems($item["ref_id"], true);
         // #9954/#10044
         // see ilInitialisation::requireCommonIncludes()
         @(include_once "HTML/Template/ITX.php");
         // new implementation
         if (class_exists("HTML_Template_ITX")) {
             include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplateHTMLITX.php";
         } else {
             include_once "HTML/ITX.php";
             // old implementation
             include_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplateITX.php";
         require_once "./Services/UICore/classes/class.ilTemplate.php";
         $loc = "[" . $cont_loc->getHTML() . "]";
         if ($counter > 1) {
             $txt .= $ntf->getBlockBorder();
         $txt .= '#' . $counter . " - " . $loc . " " . $obj_title . "\n\n";
         $txt .= $title;
         if ($content) {
             $txt .= "\n" . $content;
         $txt .= "\n\n";
     $ntf->addAdditionalInfo("news", $txt, true);
     // #10044
     $mail = new ilMail($ilUser->getId());
     // #10410
     $mail->sendMail(ilObjUser::_lookupLogin($a_user_id), null, null, $subject, $ntf->composeAndGetMessage($a_user_id, null, "read", true), null, array("system"));
Exemplo n.º 23
 function setPrivateFeedId($a_userId)
     ilNewsItem::$privFeedId = $a_userId;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function createSettings()
     // news settings (public notifications yes/no)
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     $default_visibility = ilNewsItem::_getDefaultVisibilityForRefId($_GET["ref_id"]);
     if ($default_visibility == "public") {
         ilBlockSetting::_write("news", "public_notifications", 1, 0, $this->getId());
     return true;
  * Init setting form
 function initSettingsForm()
     global $ilUser, $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilSetting, $ilTabs;
     $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
     $enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
     $public = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "public_notifications", 0, $this->block_id);
     $public_feed = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "public_feed", 0, $this->block_id);
     $hide_block = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_block", 0, $this->block_id);
     $hide_news_per_date = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_per_date", 0, $this->block_id);
     $hide_news_date = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_date", 0, $this->block_id);
     if ($hide_news_date != "") {
         $hide_news_date = explode(" ", $hide_news_date);
     include_once "./Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
     $this->settings_form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // hide news block for learners
     if ($this->getProperty("hide_news_block_option")) {
         $ch = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_hide_news_block"), "hide_news_block");
         $hnpd = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_hide_news_per_date"), "hide_news_per_date");
         $dt_prop = new ilDateTimeInputGUI($lng->txt("news_hide_news_date"), "hide_news_date");
         if ($hide_news_date != "") {
             $dt_prop->setDate(new ilDateTime($hide_news_date[0] . ' ' . $hide_news_date[1], IL_CAL_DATETIME));
     // default visibility
     if ($this->getProperty("default_visibility_option") && $enable_internal_rss) {
         $default_visibility = ilBlockSetting::_lookup($this->getBlockType(), "default_visibility", 0, $this->block_id);
         if ($default_visibility == "") {
             $default_visibility = ilNewsItem::_getDefaultVisibilityForRefId($_GET["ref_id"]);
         // Default Visibility
         $radio_group = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("news_default_visibility"), "default_visibility");
         $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_users"), "users");
         $radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_public"), "public");
     // public notifications
     if ($this->getProperty("public_notifications_option") && $enable_internal_rss) {
         $ch = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_notifications_public"), "notifications_public");
     // extra rss feed
     if ($enable_internal_rss) {
         $ch = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_public_feed"), "notifications_public_feed");
     //$this->settings_form->addCheckboxProperty($lng->txt("news_public_feed"), "notifications_public_feed",
     //	"1", $public_feed, $lng->txt("news_public_feed_info"));
     //if ($this->getProperty("public_notifications_option"))
     //	$this->settings_form->addCheckboxProperty($lng->txt("news_notifications_public"), "notifications_public",
     //		"1", $public, $lng->txt("news_notifications_public_info"));
     $this->settings_form->addCommandButton("saveSettings", $lng->txt("save"));
     $this->settings_form->addCommandButton("cancelSettings", $lng->txt("cancel"));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function savePostObject()
      * @var $ilUser ilObjUser
      * @var $ilAccess ilAccessHandler
      * @var $lng ilLanguage
     global $ilUser, $ilAccess, $lng;
     if (!isset($_POST['del_file']) || !is_array($_POST['del_file'])) {
         $_POST['del_file'] = array();
     if ($this->objCurrentTopic->isClosed()) {
         $_GET['action'] = '';
         return $this->viewThreadObject();
     $oReplyEditForm = $this->getReplyEditForm();
     if ($oReplyEditForm->checkInput()) {
         require_once 'Services/Captcha/classes/class.ilCaptchaUtil.php';
         if ($ilUser->isAnonymous() && !$ilUser->isCaptchaVerified() && ilCaptchaUtil::isActiveForForum()) {
         // init objects
         $oForumObjects = $this->getForumObjects();
          * @var $forumObj ilObjForum
         $forumObj = $oForumObjects['forumObj'];
          * @var $frm ilForum
         $frm = $oForumObjects['frm'];
         $frm->setMDB2WhereCondition(' top_frm_fk = %s ', array('integer'), array($frm->getForumId()));
         $topicData = $frm->getOneTopic();
         // Generating new posting
         if ($_GET['action'] == 'ready_showreply') {
             if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess('add_reply', '', (int) $_GET['ref_id'])) {
                 $this->ilias->raiseError($lng->txt('permission_denied'), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
             // reply: new post
             $status = 1;
             $send_activation_mail = 0;
             if ($this->objProperties->isPostActivationEnabled()) {
                 if (!$this->is_moderator) {
                     $status = 0;
                     $send_activation_mail = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->objCurrentPost->isAnyParentDeactivated()) {
                         $status = 0;
             if ($this->objProperties->isAnonymized()) {
                 if (!strlen($oReplyEditForm->getInput('alias'))) {
                     $user_alias = $this->lng->txt('forums_anonymous');
                 } else {
                     $user_alias = $oReplyEditForm->getInput('alias');
             } else {
                 $user_alias = $ilUser->getLogin();
             $newPost = $frm->generatePost($topicData['top_pk'], $this->objCurrentTopic->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), $this->objProperties->isAnonymized() ? 0 : $ilUser->getId(), ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($oReplyEditForm->getInput('message'), 0), $this->objCurrentPost->getId(), (int) $oReplyEditForm->getInput('notify'), $this->handleFormInput($oReplyEditForm->getInput('subject'), false), $user_alias, '', $status, $send_activation_mail);
             // mantis #8115: Mark parent as read
             $this->object->markPostRead($ilUser->getId(), (int) $this->objCurrentTopic->getId(), (int) $this->objCurrentPost->getId());
             // copy temporary media objects (frm~)
             include_once 'Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
             $mediaObjects = ilRTE::_getMediaObjects($oReplyEditForm->getInput('message'), 0);
             $myMediaObjects = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject('frm~:html', $ilUser->getId());
             foreach ($mediaObjects as $mob) {
                 foreach ($myMediaObjects as $myMob) {
                     if ($mob == $myMob) {
                         // change usage
                         ilObjMediaObject::_removeUsage($mob, 'frm~:html', $ilUser->getId());
                 ilObjMediaObject::_saveUsage($mob, 'frm:html', $newPost);
             $oFDForum = new ilFileDataForum($forumObj->getId(), $newPost);
             $file = $_FILES['userfile'];
             if (is_array($file) && !empty($file)) {
             // FINALLY SEND MESSAGE
             if ($this->ilias->getSetting("forum_notification") == 1 && (int) $status) {
                 $objPost = new ilForumPost((int) $newPost, $this->is_moderator);
                 $post_data = array();
                 $post_data = $objPost->getDataAsArray();
                 $titles = $this->getTitlesByRefId(array($this->object->getRefId()));
                 $post_data["top_name"] = $titles[0];
                 $post_data["ref_id"] = $this->object->getRefId();
                 $frm->__sendMessage($objPost->getParentId(), $post_data);
             $message = '';
             if (!$this->is_moderator && !$status) {
                 $message .= $lng->txt('forums_post_needs_to_be_activated');
             } else {
                 $message .= $lng->txt('forums_post_new_entry');
             $_SESSION['frm'][(int) $_GET['thr_pk']]['openTreeNodes'][] = (int) $this->objCurrentPost->getId();
             ilUtil::sendSuccess($message, true);
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'pos_pk', $newPost);
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'thr_pk', $this->objCurrentPost->getThreadId());
             $this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'viewThread');
         } else {
             if (!$this->is_moderator && !$this->objCurrentPost->isOwner($ilUser->getId()) || $this->objCurrentPost->isCensored() || $ilUser->getId() == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
                 $this->ilias->raiseError($lng->txt('permission_denied'), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
             // remove usage of deleted media objects
             include_once 'Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
             $oldMediaObjects = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject('frm:html', $this->objCurrentPost->getId());
             $curMediaObjects = ilRTE::_getMediaObjects($oReplyEditForm->getInput('message'), 0);
             foreach ($oldMediaObjects as $oldMob) {
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($curMediaObjects as $curMob) {
                     if ($oldMob == $curMob) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     if (ilObjMediaObject::_exists($oldMob)) {
                         ilObjMediaObject::_removeUsage($oldMob, 'frm:html', $this->objCurrentPost->getId());
                         $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($oldMob);
             // if post has been edited posting mus be activated again by moderator
             $status = 1;
             $send_activation_mail = 0;
             if ($this->objProperties->isPostActivationEnabled()) {
                 if (!$this->is_moderator) {
                     $status = 0;
                     $send_activation_mail = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->objCurrentPost->isAnyParentDeactivated()) {
                         $status = 0;
             $this->objCurrentPost->setSubject($this->handleFormInput($oReplyEditForm->getInput('subject'), false));
             $this->objCurrentPost->setMessage(ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($oReplyEditForm->getInput('message'), 0));
             $this->objCurrentPost->setNotification((int) $oReplyEditForm->getInput('notify'));
             $this->objCurrentPost->setChangeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             // edit: update post
             if ($this->objCurrentPost->update()) {
                 // Change news item accordingly
                 include_once 'Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php';
                 // note: $this->objCurrentPost->getForumId() does not give us the forum ID here (why?)
                 $news_id = ilNewsItem::getFirstNewsIdForContext($forumObj->getId(), 'frm', $this->objCurrentPost->getId(), 'pos');
                 if ($news_id > 0) {
                     $news_item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
                     $news_item->setContent(ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($frm->prepareText($this->objCurrentPost->getMessage(), 0), 1));
                 // attachments
                 $oFDForum = $oForumObjects['file_obj'];
                 $file = $_FILES['userfile'];
                 if (is_array($file) && !empty($file)) {
                 $file2delete = $oReplyEditForm->getInput('del_file');
                 if (is_array($file2delete) && count($file2delete)) {
             if (!$status && $send_activation_mail) {
                 $pos_data = $this->objCurrentPost->getDataAsArray();
                 $pos_data["top_name"] = $this->object->getTitle();
             ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt('forums_post_modified'), true);
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'pos_pk', $this->objCurrentPost->getId());
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'thr_pk', $this->objCurrentPost->getThreadId());
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'viewmode', $_SESSION['viewmode']);
             $this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'viewThread');
     } else {
         $_GET['action'] = substr($_GET['action'], 6);
     return $this->viewThreadObject();
  * TABLE NewsForContext: Get table HTML.
 public function getNewsForContextTable()
     global $lng;
     $news_item = new ilNewsItem();
     $perm_ref_id = 0;
     if (in_array($this->getContextObjType(), array("cat", "grp", "crs", "root"))) {
         $data = $news_item->getNewsForRefId($_GET["ref_id"], false, false, 0, true, false, true, true);
     } else {
         $perm_ref_id = $_GET["ref_id"];
         if ($this->getContextSubObjId() > 0) {
             $data = $news_item->queryNewsForContext(false, 0, "", true, true);
         } else {
             $data = $news_item->queryNewsForContext();
     include_once "Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsForContextTableGUI.php";
     $table_gui = new ilNewsForContextTableGUI($this, "getNewsForContextTable", $perm_ref_id);
     $table_gui->setRowTemplate("tpl.table_row_news_for_context.html", "Services/News");
     $table_gui->addMultiCommand("confirmDeletionNewsItems", $lng->txt("delete"));
     $table_gui->setTitle($lng->txt("news"), "icon_news.png", $lng->txt("news"));
     return $table_gui->getHTML();
  * @param string $change
 public function addNews($obj_id, $change = 'created')
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     $ilNewsItem = new ilNewsItem();
     $ilNewsItem->setTitle($lng->txt('news_title_' . $change));
     $ilNewsItem->setContext($obj_id, $this->getType());
Exemplo n.º 29
  * delete page object
 function delete()
     global $ilDB;
     $mobs = array();
     $files = array();
     if (!$this->page_not_found) {
         $mobs = $this->collectMediaObjects(false);
     // delete style usages
     // delete internal links
     // delete all mob usages
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
     ilObjMediaObject::_deleteAllUsages($this->getParentType() . ":pg", $this->getId());
     // delete news
     include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
     ilNewsItem::deleteNewsOfContext($this->getParentId(), $this->getParentType(), $this->getId(), "pg");
     // delete page_object entry
     $ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM page_object " . "WHERE page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer") . " AND parent_type= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentType(), "text"));
     // delete media objects
     foreach ($mobs as $mob_id) {
         if (ilObject::_lookupType($mob_id) != 'mob') {
             $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Type mismatch. Ignoring mob with id: ' . $mob_id);
         if (ilObject::_exists($mob_id)) {
             $mob_obj =& new ilObjMediaObject($mob_id);
     /* delete public and private notes (see PageObjectGUI->getNotesHTML())
     		  as they can be seen as personal data we are keeping them for now
     		foreach(array(IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, IL_NOTE_PUBLIC) as $note_type)
     			foreach(ilNote::_getNotesOfObject($this->getParentId(), $this->getId(),
     				$this->getParentType(), $note_type) as $note)
Exemplo n.º 30
     * delete post and sub-posts
     * @param	integer	$post: ID	
     * @access	public
     * @return	integer	0 or thread-ID
    public function deletePost($post)
        global $ilDB;
        include_once "./Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForum.php";
        // delete tree and get id's of all posts to delete
        $p_node = $this->getPostNode($post);
        $del_id = $this->deletePostTree($p_node);
        // Delete User read entries
        foreach ($del_id as $post_id) {
        $dead_pos = count($del_id);
        $dead_thr = 0;
        // if deletePost is thread opener ...
        if ($p_node["parent"] == 0) {
            // delete thread access data
            include_once './Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForum.php';
            // delete thread
            $dead_thr = $p_node["tree"];
            $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
				DELETE FROM frm_threads
				WHERE thr_pk = %s', array('integer'), array($p_node['tree']));
            // update num_threads
            $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
				UPDATE frm_data 
				SET top_num_threads = top_num_threads - 1 
				WHERE top_frm_fk = %s', array('integer'), array($this->id));
            // delete all related news
            $posset = $ilDB->queryf('
				SELECT * FROM frm_posts
				WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s', array('integer'), array($p_node['tree']));
            while ($posrec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($posset)) {
                include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
                $news_id = ilNewsItem::getFirstNewsIdForContext($this->id, "frm", $posrec["pos_pk"], "pos");
                if ($news_id > 0) {
                    $news_item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
                try {
                    include_once 'Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
                    $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject('frm:html', $posrec['pos_pk']);
                    foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
                        if (ilObjMediaObject::_exists($mob)) {
                            ilObjMediaObject::_removeUsage($mob, 'frm:html', $posrec['pos_pk']);
                            $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
            // delete all posts of this thread
            $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
				DELETE FROM frm_posts
				WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s', array('integer'), array($p_node['tree']));
        } else {
            // delete this post and its sub-posts
            for ($i = 0; $i < $dead_pos; $i++) {
                $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
					DELETE FROM frm_posts
					WHERE pos_pk = %s', array('integer'), array($del_id[$i]));
                // delete related news item
                include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsItem.php";
                $news_id = ilNewsItem::getFirstNewsIdForContext($this->id, "frm", $del_id[$i], "pos");
                if ($news_id > 0) {
                    $news_item = new ilNewsItem($news_id);
                try {
                    include_once 'Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
                    $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject('frm:html', $del_id[$i]);
                    foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
                        if (ilObjMediaObject::_exists($mob)) {
                            ilObjMediaObject::_removeUsage($mob, 'frm:html', $del_id[$i]);
                            $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
            // update num_posts in frm_threads
            $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
				UPDATE frm_threads
				SET thr_num_posts = thr_num_posts - %s
				WHERE thr_pk = %s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($dead_pos, $p_node['tree']));
            // get latest post of thread and update last_post
            $res1 = $ilDB->queryf('
				SELECT * FROM frm_posts 
				WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s
				ORDER BY pos_date DESC', array('integer'), array($p_node['tree']));
            if ($res1->numRows() == 0) {
                $lastPost_thr = "";
            } else {
                $z = 0;
                while ($selData = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res1)) {
                    if ($z > 0) {
                    $lastPost_thr = $selData["pos_top_fk"] . "#" . $selData["pos_thr_fk"] . "#" . $selData["pos_pk"];
            $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
				UPDATE frm_threads
				SET thr_last_post = %s
				WHERE thr_pk = %s', array('text', 'integer'), array($lastPost_thr, $p_node['tree']));
        // update num_posts in frm_data
        $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
			UPDATE frm_data
			SET top_num_posts = top_num_posts - %s
			WHERE top_frm_fk = %s', array('integer', 'integer'), array($dead_pos, $this->id));
        // get latest post of forum and update last_post
        $res2 = $ilDB->queryf('
			SELECT * FROM frm_posts, frm_data 
			WHERE pos_top_fk = top_pk 
			AND top_frm_fk = %s
			ORDER BY pos_date DESC', array('integer'), array($this->id));
        if ($res2->numRows() == 0) {
            $lastPost_top = "";
        } else {
            $z = 0;
            while ($selData = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res2)) {
                if ($z > 0) {
                $lastPost_top = $selData["pos_top_fk"] . "#" . $selData["pos_thr_fk"] . "#" . $selData["pos_pk"];
        $statement = $ilDB->manipulateF('
			UPDATE frm_data
			SET top_last_post = %s
			WHERE top_frm_fk = %s', array('text', 'integer'), array($lastPost_top, $this->id));
        return $dead_thr;