  * Parse table content
 public function parse()
     // @TODO add filter
     $users = $this->getParentObject()->object->getTrackedUsers($this->filter['lastname']);
     $attempts = $this->getParentObject()->object->getAttemptsForUsers();
     $versions = $this->getParentObject()->object->getModuleVersionForUsers();
     include_once './Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilPrivacySettings.php';
     $privacy = ilPrivacySettings::_getInstance();
     $allowExportPrivacy = $privacy->enabledExportSCORM();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp['user'] = $user['user_id'];
         if ($allowExportPrivacy == true) {
             $tmp['name'] = $user['lastname'] . ', ' . $user['firstname'];
         } else {
             $tmp['name'] = $user['user_id'];
         $dt = new ilDateTime($user['last_access'], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
         $tmp['last_access'] = $dt->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $tmp['attempts'] = (int) $attempts[$user['user_id']];
         $tmp['version'] = (int) $versions[$user['user_id']];
         $data[] = $tmp;
  * Calculates schedules.
 public function calculate()
     $events = $this->getEvents();
     // we need category type for booking handling
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $ids[] = $event->getEntryId();
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $this->schedule[$counter]['event'] = $event;
         $this->schedule[$counter]['dstart'] = $event->getStart()->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $this->schedule[$counter]['dend'] = $event->getEnd()->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $this->schedule[$counter]['fullday'] = $event->isFullday();
         if (!$event->isFullday()) {
             switch ($this->type) {
                 case self::TYPE_DAY:
                 case self::TYPE_WEEK:
                     // store date info (used for calculation of overlapping events)
                     $start_date = new ilDateTime($this->schedule[$counter]['dstart'], IL_CAL_UNIX, $this->timezone);
                     $this->schedule[$counter]['start_info'] = $start_date->get(IL_CAL_FKT_GETDATE, '', $this->timezone);
                     $end_date = new ilDateTime($this->schedule[$counter]['dend'], IL_CAL_UNIX, $this->timezone);
                     $this->schedule[$counter]['end_info'] = $end_date->get(IL_CAL_FKT_GETDATE, '', $this->timezone);
         if ($this->areEventsLimited() && $counter >= $this->getEventsLimit()) {
 public function run()
     global $ilSetting, $ilDB;
     $status = ilCronJobResult::STATUS_NO_ACTION;
     $days_before = $ilSetting->get('ch_reminder_days');
     $now = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
     $limit = clone $now;
     $limit->increment(IL_CAL_DAY, $days_before);
     $counter = 0;
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM booking_user ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ON entry_id = cal_id ' . 'WHERE notification_sent = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND starta > ' . $ilDB->quote($now->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ' ' . 'AND starta <= ' . $ilDB->quote($limit->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp');
     $res = $ilDB->query($query);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
         include_once 'Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarMailNotification.php';
         $mail = new ilCalendarMailNotification();
         // update notification
         $query = 'UPDATE booking_user ' . 'SET notification_sent = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->entry_id, 'integer');
     if ($counter) {
         $status = ilCronJobResult::STATUS_OK;
     $result = new ilCronJobResult();
     return $result;
  * Handle an event in a listener.
  * @param	string	$a_component	component, e.g. "Modules/Forum" or "Services/User"
  * @param	string	$a_event		event e.g. "createUser", "updateUser", "deleteUser", ...
  * @param	array	$a_parameter	parameter array (assoc), array("name" => ..., "phone_office" => ...)
 static function handleEvent($a_component, $a_event, $a_parameter)
     global $ilLog;
     $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': Listening to event from: ' . $a_component);
     switch ($a_component) {
         case 'Services/User':
             switch ($a_event) {
                 case 'afterCreation':
                     $user = $a_parameter['user_obj'];
         case 'Modules/Course':
             switch ($a_event) {
                 case 'addSubscriber':
                 case 'addParticipant':
                     if (ilObjUser::_lookupAuthMode($a_parameter['usr_id']) == 'ecs') {
                         if (!($user = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($a_parameter['usr_id']))) {
                             $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': No valid user found for usr_id ' . $a_parameter['usr_id']);
                             return true;
                         include_once './Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/class.ilECSImport.php';
                         $server_id = ilECSImport::lookupServerId($a_parameter['usr_id']);
                         $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Found server id: ' . $server_id);
                         include_once 'Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/class.ilECSSetting.php';
                         $settings = ilECSSetting::getInstanceByServerId($server_id);
                         $end = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
                         $end->increment(IL_CAL_MONTH, $settings->getDuration());
                         if ($user->getTimeLimitUntil() < $end->get(IL_CAL_UNIX)) {
                         self::_sendNotification($settings, $user);
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected function buildJson(ilECSSetting $a_server)
     $json = $this->getJsonCore('application/ecs-file');
     $json->version = $this->content_obj->getVersion();
     require_once "./Services/History/classes/class.ilHistory.php";
     $entries = ilHistory::_getEntriesForObject($this->content_obj->getId(), $this->content_obj->getType());
     if (count($entries)) {
         $entry = array_shift($entries);
         $entry = new ilDateTime($entry["date"], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
         $json->version_date = $entry->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
     } else {
         $json->version_date = time();
     return $json;
 public function getLuceneSearchString($a_value)
     // see ilADTDateTimeSearchBridgeRange::importFromPost();
     if ($a_value["tgl"]) {
         $start = mktime($a_value["lower"]["time"]["h"], $a_value["lower"]["time"]["m"], 1, $a_value["lower"]["date"]["m"], $a_value["lower"]["date"]["d"], $a_value["lower"]["date"]["y"]);
         $end = mktime($a_value["upper"]["time"]["h"], $a_value["upper"]["time"]["m"], 1, $a_value["upper"]["date"]["m"], $a_value["upper"]["date"]["d"], $a_value["upper"]["date"]["y"]);
         if ($start && $end && $start > $end) {
             $tmp = $start;
             $start = $end;
             $end = $tmp;
         $start = new ilDateTime($start, IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $end = new ilDateTime($end, IL_CAL_UNIX);
         return "{" . $start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME) . " TO " . $end->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME) . "}";
  * Get appointment ids by consultation hour group
  * @param type $a_user_id
  * @param type $a_ch_group_id
  * @param ilDateTime $start
 public static function getAppointmentIdsByGroup($a_user_id, $a_ch_group_id, ilDateTime $start = null)
     global $ilDB;
     // @todo check start time
     include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarCategory.php';
     $type = ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH;
     $start_limit = '';
     if ($start instanceof ilDateTime) {
         $start_limit = 'AND ce.starta >= ' . $ilDB->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp');
     $query = 'SELECT ce.cal_id FROM cal_entries ce ' . 'JOIN cal_cat_assignments ca ON ce.cal_id = ca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN cal_categories cc ON ca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'JOIN booking_entry be ON ce.context_id = be.booking_id ' . 'WHERE cc.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cc.type = ' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND be.booking_group = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ch_group_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $start_limit . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ce.starta ';
     $res = $ilDB->query($query);
     $app_ids = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
         $app_ids[] = $row->cal_id;
     return $app_ids;
  * Parse table content
 public function parse()
     // @TODO add filter
     $users = $this->getParentObject()->object->getTrackedUsers($this->filter['lastname']);
     $attempts = $this->getParentObject()->object->getAttemptsForUsers();
     $versions = $this->getParentObject()->object->getModuleVersionForUsers();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp['user'] = $user['user_id'];
         $tmp['firstname'] = $user['firstname'];
         $tmp['lastname'] = $user['lastname'];
         $dt = new ilDateTime($user['last_access'], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
         $tmp['last_access'] = $dt->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $tmp['attempts'] = (int) $attempts[$user['user_id']];
         $tmp['version'] = (int) $versions[$user['user_id']];
         $data[] = $tmp;
 function _getProgress($a_user_id, $a_obj_id)
     require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php';
     $events = ilChangeEvent::_lookupReadEvents($a_obj_id, $a_user_id);
     include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilDateTime.php';
     foreach ($events as $row) {
         $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($row['last_access'], IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $row['last_access'] = $tmp_date->get(IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP);
         if ($progress) {
             $progress['spent_seconds'] += $row['spent_seconds'];
             $progress['access_time'] = max($progress['access_time'], $row['last_access']);
         } else {
             $progress['obj_id'] = $row['obj_id'];
             $progress['user_id'] = $row['usr_id'];
             $progress['spent_seconds'] = $row['spent_seconds'];
             $progress['access_time'] = $row['last_access'];
             $progress['visits'] = $row['read_count'];
     return $progress ? $progress : array();
  * Check input, strip slashes etc. set alert, if input is not ok.
  * @return	boolean		Input ok, true/false
 function checkInput()
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     $ok = true;
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["y"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["y"]);
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["m"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["m"]);
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["d"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["date"]["d"]);
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["h"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["h"]);
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["m"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["m"]);
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["s"] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]["time"]["s"]);
     // verify date
     $dt['year'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['date']['y'];
     $dt['mon'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['date']['m'];
     $dt['mday'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['date']['d'];
     $dt['hours'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['time']['h'];
     $dt['minutes'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['time']['m'];
     $dt['seconds'] = (int) $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['time']['s'];
     if ($dt['year'] == 0 && $dt['mon'] == 0 && $dt['mday'] == 0 && $this->getRequired()) {
         $this->date = null;
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($dt['year'] == 0 && $dt['mon'] == 0 && $dt['mday'] == 0) {
             $this->date = null;
             $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['date'] = "";
             // #10413
         } else {
             if (!checkdate((int) $dt['mon'], (int) $dt['mday'], (int) $dt['year'])) {
                 $this->date = null;
                 return false;
             $date = new ilDateTime($dt, IL_CAL_FKT_GETDATE, $ilUser->getTimeZone());
             $_POST[$this->getPostVar()]['date'] = $date->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Y-m-d', $ilUser->getTimeZone());
     return true;
 public function createVmsSessionCode($a_vuser_id, $a_group_id, ilDateTime $expires)
     $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write('Creating new vms session code');
     try {
         $req = new stdClass();
         $req->sessioncode = new stdClass();
         $req->sessioncode->userid = (int) $a_vuser_id;
         $req->sessioncode->groupid = (int) $a_group_id;
         $req->sessioncode->codelength = self::CODELENGTH;
         $req->sessioncode->expirationdate = $expires->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'YmdHi', self::CONVERT_TIMZONE);
         $req->sessioncode->timezone = self::WS_TIMEZONE;
         $reps = $this->getClient()->createVmsSessionCode($req);
         ilViteroSessionStore::getInstance()->addSession($a_vuser_id, $reps->code, $expires, self::SESSION_TYPE_VMS);
         return $reps->code;
     } catch (SoapFault $e) {
         $code = $this->parseErrorCode($e);
         $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Creating vms session code failed with message: ' . $code);
         $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Last request: ' . $this->getClient()->__getLastRequest());
         $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Last request: ' . $this->getClient()->__getLastResponse());
         throw new ilViteroConnectorException($e->getMessage(), $code);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * save one entry
  * @access public
 public function save()
     global $ilDB;
     $next_id = $ilDB->nextId('cal_entries');
     $now = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
     $utc_timestamp = $now->get(IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, '', ilTimeZone::UTC);
     $query = "INSERT INTO cal_entries (cal_id,title,last_update,subtitle,description,location,fullday,starta,enda, " . "informations,auto_generated,context_id,translation_type, completion, is_milestone, notification) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle(), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($utc_timestamp, 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getSubtitle(), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription(), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocation(), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isFullday() ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getStart()->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getEnd()->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getFurtherInformations(), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isAutoGenerated(), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getContextId(), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getTranslationType(), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getCompletion(), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isMilestone() ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isNotificationEnabled() ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ' ' . ")";
     $res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
     $this->entry_id = $next_id;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * confirmation screen for export file deletion
 function confirmDeleteExportFileObject()
     global $ilTabs;
     if (!isset($_POST["file"])) {
         ilUtil::sendFailure($this->lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
         $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "export");
     $export_dir = $this->object->getExportDirectory();
     $export_files = $this->object->getExportFiles($export_dir);
     $data = array();
     if (count($_POST["file"]) > 0) {
         foreach ($_POST["file"] as $exp_file) {
             $file_arr = explode("__", $exp_file);
             $date = new ilDateTime($file_arr[0], IL_CAL_UNIX);
             array_push($data, array('file' => $exp_file, 'size' => filesize($export_dir . "/" . $exp_file), 'date' => $date->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME)));
     include_once "./Modules/Survey/classes/tables/class.ilSurveyExportTableGUI.php";
     $table_gui = new ilSurveyExportTableGUI($this, 'export', true);
     $this->tpl->setVariable('ADM_CONTENT', $table_gui->getHTML());
  * save Record
  * @param string $a_mode values: create | edit
 public function save()
     global $tpl, $ilUser, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     if ($this->form->checkInput()) {
         $record_obj = ilDataCollectionCache::getRecordCache($this->record_id);
         $date_obj = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $create_mode = false;
         if (ilObjDataCollection::_hasWriteAccess($this->parent_obj->ref_id)) {
             $all_fields = $this->table->getRecordFields();
         } else {
             $all_fields = $this->table->getEditableFields();
         $fail = "";
         //Check if we can create this record.
         foreach ($all_fields as $field) {
             try {
                 $value = $this->form->getInput("field_" . $field->getId());
                 $field->checkValidity($value, $this->record_id);
             } catch (ilDataCollectionInputException $e) {
                 $fail .= $field->getTitle() . ": " . $e . "<br>";
         if ($fail) {
             ilUtil::sendFailure($fail, true);
         if (!isset($this->record_id)) {
             if (!$this->table->hasPermissionToAddRecord($this->parent_obj->ref_id)) {
             $this->record_id = $record_obj->getId();
             $create_mode = true;
         } else {
             if (!$record_obj->hasPermissionToEdit($this->parent_obj->ref_id)) {
         //edit values, they are valid we already checked them above
         foreach ($all_fields as $field) {
             $value = $this->form->getInput("field_" . $field->getId());
             //deletion flag on MOB inputs.
             if ($field->getDatatypeId() == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_MOB && $this->form->getItemByPostVar("field_" . $field->getId())->getDeletionFlag()) {
                 $value = -1;
             $record_obj->setRecordFieldValue($field->getId(), $value);
         // Do we need to set a new owner for this record?
         if (!$create_mode) {
             $owner_id = ilObjUser::_lookupId($_POST['field_owner']);
             if (!$owner_id) {
         if ($create_mode) {
             ilObjDataCollection::sendNotification("new_record", $this->table_id, $record_obj->getId());
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("msg_obj_modified"), true);
         $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "table_id", $this->table_id);
         $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "record_id", $this->record_id);
         $ilCtrl->redirectByClass("ildatacollectionrecordlistgui", "listRecords");
     } else {
         global $tpl;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Search database for all tree entries having no valid parent (=> no valid path to root node)
  * and stores result in $this->unbound_objects
  * Result also contains childs that are marked as deleted! Deleted childs has
  * a negative number in ["deleted"] otherwise NULL.
  * @access	public
  * @return	boolean	false if analyze mode disabled or nothing found
  * @see		this::getUnboundObjects()
  * @see		this::restoreUnboundObjects()
 function findDeletedObjects()
     // check mode: analyze
     if ($this->mode["scan"] !== true) {
         return false;
     // init
     $this->deleted_objects = array();
     // Delete objects, start with the oldest objects first
     $query = "SELECT object_data.*,tree.tree,tree.child,tree.parent,deleted " . "FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id=object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON tree.child=object_reference.ref_id " . " WHERE tree != 1 " . " ORDER BY deleted";
     $r = $this->db->query($query);
     include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilDateTime.php';
     while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
         $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($row->deleted, IL_CAL_DATETIME);
         $this->deleted_objects[] = array("child" => $row->child, "parent" => $row->parent, "tree" => $row->tree, "type" => $row->type, "title" => $row->title, "desc" => $row->description, "owner" => $row->owner, "deleted" => $row->deleted, "deleted_timestamp" => $tmp_date->get(IL_CAL_UNIX), "create_date" => $row->create_date, "last_update" => $row->last_update);
     if (count($this->deleted_objects) > 0) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Save settings.
 function saveSettings()
     global $ilCtrl, $ilUser;
     if ($this->settings_form->checkInput()) {
         $news_set = new ilSetting("news");
         $enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
         if ($enable_internal_rss) {
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "public_notifications", $_POST["notifications_public"], 0, $this->block_id);
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "public_feed", $_POST["notifications_public_feed"], 0, $this->block_id);
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "default_visibility", $_POST["default_visibility"], 0, $this->block_id);
         if ($this->getProperty("hide_news_block_option")) {
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_block", $_POST["hide_news_block"], 0, $this->block_id);
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_per_date", $_POST["hide_news_per_date"], 0, $this->block_id);
             // hide date
             $hd = $this->settings_form->getInput("hide_news_date");
             $hide_date = new ilDateTime($hd["date"] . " " . $hd["time"], IL_CAL_DATETIME, $ilUser->getTimeZone());
             ilBlockSetting::_write($this->getBlockType(), "hide_news_date", $hide_date->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), 0, $this->block_id);
         include_once "./Services/News/classes/class.ilNewsCache.php";
         $cache = new ilNewsCache();
         $cache->deleteEntry($ilUser->getId() . ":" . $_GET["ref_id"]);
     } else {
         return $this->settings_form->getHtml();
  * handler for end of element when in import user mode.
 function importEndTag($a_xml_parser, $a_name)
     global $ilias, $rbacadmin, $rbacreview, $ilUser, $lng, $ilSetting;
     switch ($a_name) {
         case "Role":
             $this->roles[$this->current_role_id]["name"] = $this->cdata;
             $this->roles[$this->current_role_id]["type"] = $this->current_role_type;
             $this->roles[$this->current_role_id]["action"] = $this->current_role_action;
         case "PersonalPicture":
             switch ($this->personalPicture["encoding"]) {
                 case "Base64":
                     $this->personalPicture["content"] = base64_decode($this->cdata);
                 case "UUEncode":
                     // this only works with PHP >= 5
                     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5', '>=')) {
                         $this->personalPicture["content"] = convert_uudecode($this->cdata);
         case "User":
             // Fetch the user_id from the database, if we didn't have it in xml file
             // fetch as well, if we are trying to insert -> recognize duplicates!
             if ($this->user_id == -1 || $this->action == "Insert") {
                 $user_id = ilObjUser::getUserIdByLogin($this->userObj->getLogin());
             } else {
                 $user_id = $this->user_id;
             //echo $user_id.":".$this->userObj->getLogin();
             // Handle conflicts
             switch ($this->conflict_rule) {
                 case IL_FAIL_ON_CONFLICT:
                     // do not change action
                 case IL_UPDATE_ON_CONFLICT:
                     switch ($this->action) {
                         case "Insert":
                             if ($user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_replaced"), "Insert", "Update"));
                                 $this->action = "Update";
                         case "Update":
                             if (!$user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_replaced"), "Update", "Insert"));
                                 $this->action = "Insert";
                         case "Delete":
                             if (!$user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_ignored"), "Delete"));
                                 $this->action = "Ignore";
                 case IL_IGNORE_ON_CONFLICT:
                     switch ($this->action) {
                         case "Insert":
                             if ($user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_ignored"), "Insert"));
                                 $this->action = "Ignore";
                         case "Update":
                             if (!$user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_ignored"), "Update"));
                                 $this->action = "Ignore";
                         case "Delete":
                             if (!$user_id) {
                                 $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), sprintf($lng->txt("usrimport_action_ignored"), "Delete"));
                                 $this->action = "Ignore";
             // check external account conflict (if external account is already used)
             // note: we cannot apply conflict rules in the same manner as to logins here
             // so we ignore records with already existing external accounts.
             //echo $this->userObj->getAuthMode().'h';
             $am = $this->userObj->getAuthMode() == "default" || $this->userObj->getAuthMode() == "" ? ilAuthUtils::_getAuthModeName($ilSetting->get('auth_mode')) : $this->userObj->getAuthMode();
             $loginForExternalAccount = $this->userObj->getExternalAccount() == "" ? "" : ilObjUser::_checkExternalAuthAccount($am, $this->userObj->getExternalAccount());
             switch ($this->action) {
                 case "Insert":
                     if ($loginForExternalAccount != "") {
                         $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), $lng->txt("usrimport_no_insert_ext_account_exists") . " (" . $this->userObj->getExternalAccount() . ")");
                         $this->action = "Ignore";
                 case "Update":
                     // this variable describes the ILIAS login which belongs to the given external account!!!
                     // it is NOT nescessarily the ILIAS login of the current user record !!
                     // so if we found an ILIAS login according to the authentication method
                     // check if the ILIAS login belongs to the current user record, otherwise somebody else is using it!
                     if ($loginForExternalAccount != "") {
                         // check if we changed the value!
                         $externalAccountHasChanged = $this->userObj->getExternalAccount() != ilObjUser::_lookupExternalAccount($this->user_id);
                         // if it has changed and the external login
                         if ($externalAccountHasChanged && trim($loginForExternalAccount) != trim($this->userObj->getLogin())) {
                             $this->logWarning($this->userObj->getLogin(), $lng->txt("usrimport_no_update_ext_account_exists") . " (" . $this->userObj->getExternalAccount() . ")");
                             $this->action = "Ignore";
             // Perform the action
             switch ($this->action) {
                 case "Insert":
                     if ($user_id) {
                         $this->logFailure($this->userObj->getLogin(), $lng->txt("usrimport_cant_insert"));
                     } else {
                         if (!strlen($this->currPassword) == 0) {
                             switch ($this->currPasswordType) {
                                 case "ILIAS2":
                                     $this->userObj->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_CRYPT);
                                 case "ILIAS3":
                                     $this->userObj->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_MD5);
                                 case "PLAIN":
                                     $this->userObj->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN);
                         } else {
                             // this does the trick for empty passwords
                             // since a MD5 string has always 32 characters,
                             // no hashed password combination will ever equal to
                             // an empty string
                             $this->userObj->setPasswd("", IL_PASSWD_MD5);
                         if (!$this->time_limit_owner_set) {
                         // default time limit settings
                         if (!$this->time_limit_set) {
                             if (!$this->approve_date_set) {
                                 $this->userObj->setApproveDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
                         $this->userObj->setActive($this->currActive == 'true' || is_null($this->currActive));
                         // Finally before saving new user.
                         // Check if profile is incomplete
                         // #8759
                         if (count($this->udf_data)) {
                         //insert user data in table user_data
                         // Set default prefs
                         $this->userObj->setPref('hits_per_page', $ilSetting->get('hits_per_page', 30));
                         $this->userObj->setPref('show_users_online', $ilSetting->get('show_users_online', 'y'));
                         if (count($this->prefs)) {
                             foreach ($this->prefs as $key => $value) {
                                 if ($key != "mail_incoming_type" && $key != "mail_signature" && $key != "mail_linebreak") {
                                     $this->userObj->setPref($key, $value);
                         // update mail preferences, to be extended
                         if (is_array($this->personalPicture)) {
                             if (strlen($this->personalPicture["content"])) {
                                 $extension = "jpg";
                                 if (preg_match("/.*(png|jpg|gif|jpeg)\$/", $this->personalPicture["imagetype"], $matches)) {
                                     $extension = $matches[1];
                                 $tmp_name = $this->saveTempImage($this->personalPicture["content"], ".{$extension}");
                                 if (strlen($tmp_name)) {
                                     ilObjUser::_uploadPersonalPicture($tmp_name, $this->userObj->getId());
                         if ($this->ilincdata["id"]) {
                             include_once 'Modules/ILinc/classes/class.ilObjiLincUser.php';
                             $ilinc_user = new ilObjiLincUser($this->userObj);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("id", $this->ilincdata["id"]);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("login", $this->ilincdata["login"]);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("passwd", $this->ilincdata["password"]);
                         //set role entries
                         foreach ($this->roles as $role_id => $role) {
                             if ($this->role_assign[$role_id]) {
                                 $this->assignToRole($this->userObj, $this->role_assign[$role_id]);
                         if (count($this->udf_data)) {
                             include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedData.php';
                             $udd = new ilUserDefinedData($this->userObj->getId());
                             foreach ($this->udf_data as $field => $value) {
                                 $udd->set("f_" . $field, $value);
                         $this->logSuccess($this->userObj->getLogin(), $this->userObj->getId(), "Insert");
                         // reset account mail object
                 case "Update":
                     if (!$user_id) {
                         $this->logFailure($this->userObj->getLogin(), $lng->txt("usrimport_cant_update"));
                     } else {
                         $updateUser = new ilObjUser($user_id);
                         if ($this->currPassword != null) {
                             switch ($this->currPasswordType) {
                                 case "ILIAS2":
                                     $updateUser->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_CRYPT);
                                 case "ILIAS3":
                                     $updateUser->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_MD5);
                                 case "PLAIN":
                                     $updateUser->setPasswd($this->currPassword, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN);
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getFirstname())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getLastname())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getUTitle())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getGender())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getEmail())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getBirthday())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstitution())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getStreet())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getCity())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getZipCode())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getCountry())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getPhoneOffice())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getPhoneHome())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getPhoneMobile())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getFax())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getHobby())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getComment())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getDepartment())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getMatriculation())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->currActive)) {
                             $updateUser->setActive($this->currActive == "true", is_object($ilUser) ? $ilUser->getId() : 0);
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getClientIP())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getTimeLimitUnlimited())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getTimeLimitFrom())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getTimeLimitUntil())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getTimeLimitMessage())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getApproveDate())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getAgreeDate())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getLanguage())) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getExternalAccount())) {
                         // Fixed: if auth_mode is not set, it was always overwritten with auth_default
                         #if (! is_null($this->userObj->getAuthMode())) $updateUser->setAuthMode($this->userObj->getAuthMode());
                         if ($this->auth_mode_set) {
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("aim"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("aim", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("aim"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("msn"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("msn", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("msn"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("icq"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("icq", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("icq"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("yahoo"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("yahoo", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("yahoo"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("skype"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("skype", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("skype"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("jabber"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("jabber", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("jabber"));
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("voip"))) {
                             $updateUser->setInstantMessengerId("voip", $this->userObj->getInstantMessengerId("voip"));
                         // Special handlin since it defaults to 7 (USER_FOLDER_ID)
                         if ($this->time_limit_owner_set) {
                         if (count($this->prefs)) {
                             foreach ($this->prefs as $key => $value) {
                                 if ($key != "mail_incoming_type" && $key != "mail_signature" && $key != "mail_linebreak") {
                                     $updateUser->setPref($key, $value);
                         // save user preferences (skin and style)
                         if ($this->updateLookAndSkin) {
                             $updateUser->setPref("skin", $this->userObj->getPref("skin"));
                             $updateUser->setPref("style", $this->userObj->getPref("style"));
                         // update mail preferences, to be extended
                         // #8759
                         if (count($this->udf_data)) {
                         if ($this->ilincdata["id"]) {
                             include_once 'Modules/ILinc/classes/class.ilObjiLincUser.php';
                             $ilinc_user = new ilObjiLincUser($updateUser);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("id", $this->ilincdata["id"]);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("login", $this->ilincdata["login"]);
                             $ilinc_user->setVar("passwd", $this->ilincdata["password"]);
                         if (count($this->udf_data)) {
                             include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedData.php';
                             $udd = new ilUserDefinedData($updateUser->getId());
                             foreach ($this->udf_data as $field => $value) {
                                 $udd->set("f_" . $field, $value);
                         // update login
                         if (!is_null($this->userObj->getLogin()) && $this->user_id != -1) {
                             try {
                             } catch (ilUserException $e) {
                         // if language has changed
                         if (is_array($this->personalPicture)) {
                             if (strlen($this->personalPicture["content"])) {
                                 $extension = "jpg";
                                 if (preg_match("/.*(png|jpg|gif|jpeg)\$/", $this->personalPicture["imagetype"], $matches)) {
                                     $extension = $matches[1];
                                 $tmp_name = $this->saveTempImage($this->personalPicture["content"], ".{$extension}");
                                 if (strlen($tmp_name)) {
                                     ilObjUser::_uploadPersonalPicture($tmp_name, $this->userObj->getId());
                         //update role entries
                         foreach ($this->roles as $role_id => $role) {
                             if ($this->role_assign[$role_id]) {
                                 switch ($role["action"]) {
                                     case "Assign":
                                         $this->assignToRole($updateUser, $this->role_assign[$role_id]);
                                     case "AssignWithParents":
                                         $this->assignToRoleWithParents($updateUser, $this->role_assign[$role_id]);
                                     case "Detach":
                                         $this->detachFromRole($updateUser, $this->role_assign[$role_id]);
                         $this->logSuccess($updateUser->getLogin(), $user_id, "Update");
                 case "Delete":
                     if (!$user_id) {
                         $this->logFailure($this->userObj->getLogin(), $lng->txt("usrimport_cant_delete"));
                     } else {
                         $deleteUser = new ilObjUser($user_id);
                         $this->logSuccess($this->userObj->getLogin(), $user_id, "Delete");
             // init role array for next user
             $this->roles = array();
         case "Login":
         case "Password":
             $this->currPassword = $this->cdata;
         case "Firstname":
         case "Lastname":
         case "Title":
         case "Gender":
         case "Email":
         case "Birthday":
             $timestamp = strtotime($this->cdata);
             if ($timestamp !== false) {
         case "Institution":
         case "Street":
         case "City":
         case "PostalCode":
         case "Country":
         case "PhoneOffice":
         case "PhoneHome":
         case "PhoneMobile":
         case "Fax":
         case "Hobby":
         case "Comment":
         case "Department":
         case "Matriculation":
         case "Active":
             $this->currActive = $this->cdata;
         case "ClientIP":
         case "TimeLimitOwner":
             $this->time_limit_owner_set = true;
         case "TimeLimitUnlimited":
             $this->time_limit_set = true;
         case "TimeLimitFrom":
             if (is_numeric($this->cdata)) {
                 // Treat cdata as a unix timestamp
             } else {
                 // Try to convert cdata into unix timestamp, or ignore it
                 $timestamp = strtotime($this->cdata);
                 if ($timestamp !== false && trim($this->cdata) != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                 } elseif ($this->cdata == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
         case "TimeLimitUntil":
             if (is_numeric($this->cdata)) {
                 // Treat cdata as a unix timestamp
             } else {
                 // Try to convert cdata into unix timestamp, or ignore it
                 $timestamp = strtotime($this->cdata);
                 if ($timestamp !== false && trim($this->cdata) != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                 } elseif ($this->cdata == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
         case "TimeLimitMessage":
         case "ApproveDate":
             $this->approve_date_set = true;
             if (is_numeric($this->cdata)) {
                 // Treat cdata as a unix timestamp
                 $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($this->cdata, IL_CAL_UNIX);
             } else {
                 // Try to convert cdata into unix timestamp, or ignore it
                 $timestamp = strtotime($this->cdata);
                 if ($timestamp !== false && trim($this->cdata) != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                     $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($timestamp, IL_CAL_UNIX);
                 } elseif ($this->cdata == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
         case "AgreeDate":
             if (is_numeric($this->cdata)) {
                 // Treat cdata as a unix timestamp
                 $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($this->cdata, IL_CAL_UNIX);
             } else {
                 // Try to convert cdata into unix timestamp, or ignore it
                 $timestamp = strtotime($this->cdata);
                 if ($timestamp !== false && trim($this->cdata) != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                     $tmp_date = new ilDateTime($timestamp, IL_CAL_UNIX);
                 } elseif ($this->cdata == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
         case "iLincID":
             $this->ilincdata["id"] = $this->cdata;
         case "iLincLogin":
             $this->{$ilincdata}["login"] = $this->cdata;
         case "iLincPasswd":
             $this->{$ilincdata}["password"] = $this->cdata;
         case "ExternalAccount":
         case "Look":
             $this->updateLookAndSkin = false;
             if (!$this->hideSkin) {
                 // TODO: what to do with disabled skins? is it possible to change the skin via import?
                 if (strlen($this->skin) > 0 && strlen($this->style) > 0) {
                     if (is_array($this->userStyles)) {
                         if (in_array($this->skin . ":" . $this->style, $this->userStyles)) {
                             $this->userObj->setPref("skin", $this->skin);
                             $this->userObj->setPref("style", $this->style);
                             $this->updateLookAndSkin = true;
         case 'UserDefinedField':
             include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
             $udf = ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
             if ($field_id = $udf->fetchFieldIdFromImportId($this->tmp_udf_id)) {
                 $this->udf_data[$field_id] = $this->cdata;
             } elseif ($field_id = $udf->fetchFieldIdFromName($this->tmp_udf_name)) {
                 $this->udf_data[$field_id] = $this->cdata;
         case 'AccountInfo':
             if ($this->current_messenger_type == "delicious") {
             } elseif ($this->current_messenger_type == "external") {
             } else {
                 $this->userObj->setInstantMessengerId($this->current_messenger_type, $this->cdata);
         case 'Pref':
             if ($this->currentPrefKey != null && strlen(trim($this->cdata)) > 0 && ilUserXMLWriter::isPrefExportable($this->currentPrefKey)) {
                 $this->prefs[$this->currentPrefKey] = trim($this->cdata);
             $this->currentPrefKey = null;
  * Gets all bookings for a room in a time span
  * @param $room_id
  * @param $start
  * @param $end
  * @param $type
  * @return array bookings
 public function getBookingsForRoomInTimeSpan($room_id, $start, $end, $type)
     $query = 'SELECT b.id id FROM ' . dbc::BOOKINGS_TABLE . ' b';
     if ($type != 4) {
         $query .= ' WHERE ((date_from <= ' . $this->ilDB->quote($end->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ' AND date_to >= ' . $this->ilDB->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ') OR (date_from <= ' . $this->ilDB->quote($end->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ' ))';
     } else {
         $date = new ilDateTime(mktime(0, 0, 0), IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $query .= ' WHERE date_from >= ' . $this->ilDB->quote($date->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp');
     $query .= ' AND room_id = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($room_id, 'integer') . ' AND pool_id = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($this->pool_id, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY date_from';
     $res = $this->ilDB->query($query);
     $events = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
         $events[] = $row;
     return $events;
  * Import records from Excel file
  * @param      $file
  * @param bool $simulate
 private function importRecords($file, $simulate = false)
     global $ilUser, $lng;
     include_once "./Modules/DataCollection/libs/ExcelReader/excel_reader2.php";
     $warnings = array();
     try {
         $excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($file);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $warnings[] = $lng->txt("dcl_file_not_readable");
     if (count($warnings)) {
         $this->endImport(0, $warnings);
     $field_names = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $excel->colcount(); $i++) {
         $field_names[$i] = $excel->val(1, $i);
     $fields = $this->getImportFieldsFromTitles($field_names, $warnings);
     for ($i = 2; $i <= $excel->rowcount(); $i++) {
         $record = new ilDataCollectionRecord();
         $date_obj = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
         if (!$simulate) {
         foreach ($fields as $col => $field) {
             $value = $excel->val($i, $col);
             $value = utf8_encode($value);
             try {
                 if ($field->getDatatypeId() == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_REFERENCE) {
                     $old = $value;
                     $value = $this->getReferenceFromValue($field, $value);
                     if (!$value) {
                         $warnings[] = "(" . $i . ", " . $this->getExcelCharForInteger($col) . ") " . $lng->txt("dcl_no_such_reference") . " " . $old;
                 } else {
                     if ($field->getDatatypeId() == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_DATETIME) {
                         $value = array('date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)), 'time' => '00:00:00');
                 $field->checkValidity($value, $record->getId());
                 if (!$simulate) {
                     $record->setRecordFieldValue($field->getId(), $value);
             } catch (ilDataCollectionInputException $e) {
                 $warnings[] = "(" . $i . ", " . $this->getExcelCharForInteger($col) . ") " . $e;
         if (!$simulate) {
         if ($i - 1 > $this->max_imports) {
             $warnings[] = $lng->txt("dcl_max_import") . ($excel->rowcount() - 1) . " > " . $this->max_imports;
     $this->endImport($i - 2, $warnings);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static function applyAccessLimits(ilObjUser $user, $code)
     include_once './Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationCode.php';
     $code_data = ilRegistrationCode::getCodeData($code);
     if ($code_data["alimit"]) {
         switch ($code_data["alimit"]) {
             case "absolute":
                 $end = new ilDateTime($code_data['alimitdt'], IL_CAL_DATE);
             case "relative":
                 $rel = unserialize($code_data["alimitdt"]);
                 include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilDateTime.php';
                 $end = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
                 if ($rel['y'] > 0) {
                     $end->increment(IL_CAL_YEAR, $rel['y']);
                 if ($rel['m'] > 0) {
                     $end->increment(IL_CAL_MONTH, $rel['m']);
                 if ($rel['d'] > 0) {
                     $end->increment(IL_CAL_DAY, $rel['d']);
             case 'unlimited':
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Verify Token
  * @return	boolean		valid t/f
 private function verifyToken()
     global $ilDB, $ilUser;
     if (is_object($ilUser) && is_object($ilDB) && $ilUser->getId() > 0 && $ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
         if ($_GET["rtoken"] == "") {
             #echo "ilCtrl::No Request Token Given!";		// for debugging, maybe changed later
             return false;
         $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM il_request_token WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(), "integer") . " AND " . " token = " . $ilDB->quote($_GET[self::IL_RTOKEN_NAME]), "text");
         if ($ilDB->numRows($set) > 0) {
             // remove used token
             $ilDB->query("DELETE FROM il_request_token WHERE ". 		 
             	" user_id = ".$ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId())." AND ". 		 
             	" token = ".$ilDB->quote($_GET[self::IL_RTOKEN_NAME]));
             // remove tokens from older sessions
             // if we do this immediately, working with multiple windows does not work:
             // - window one: open form (with token a)
             // - window two: open form (with token b)
             // - submit window one: a is verified, but b must not be deleted immediately, otherwise
             // - window two: submit results in invalid token
             // see also bug #13551
             $dt = new ilDateTime(time(), IL_CAL_UNIX);
             $dt->increment(IL_CAL_DAY, -1);
             $dt->increment(IL_CAL_HOUR, -12);
             $ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM il_request_token WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(), "integer") . " AND " . " session_id != " . $ilDB->quote(session_id(), "text") . " AND " . " stamp < " . $ilDB->quote($dt->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), "timestamp"));
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
         if ($_SESSION["rtokens"][$_GET[self::IL_RTOKEN_NAME]] != "") {
             // remove used token
             // remove old tokens
             if (count($_SESSION["rtokens"]) > 100) {
                 $to_remove = array();
                 $sec = 7200;
                 // two hours
                 foreach ($_SESSION["rtokens"] as $tok => $time) {
                     if (time() - $time > $sec) {
                         $to_remove[] = $tok;
                 foreach ($to_remove as $tok) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
         // do not verify, if user or db object is missing
     return false;
  * update
  * @access public
  * @return
 public function update()
     global $ilErr, $ilAccess, $tpl, $ilUser;
     // #19997 - see ilObjectListGUI::insertTimingsCommand()
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess('write', '', $this->parent_ref_id) && !$ilAccess->checkAccess('write', '', $this->getItemId())) {
         $ilErr->raiseError($this->lng->txt('permission_denied'), $ilErr->MESSAGE);
     if ($this->form->checkInput()) {
         include_once "Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectActivation.php";
         $activation = new ilObjectActivation();
         $date = $this->form->getInput('timing_start');
         $date = new ilDateTime($date['date'] . ' ' . $date['time'], IL_CAL_DATETIME, $ilUser->getTimeZone());
         $date = $this->form->getInput('timing_end');
         $date = new ilDateTime($date['date'] . ' ' . $date['time'], IL_CAL_DATETIME, $ilUser->getTimeZone());
         $date = $this->form->getInput('sug_start');
         $date = new ilDate($date['date'], IL_CAL_DATE);
         $date = $this->form->getInput('sug_end');
         $date = new ilDate($date['date'], IL_CAL_DATE);
         $date = $this->form->getInput('early_start');
         $date = new ilDate($date['date'], IL_CAL_DATE);
         $date = $this->form->getInput('late_end');
         $date = new ilDate($date['date'], IL_CAL_DATE);
         $activation->toggleVisible((bool) $this->form->getInput('visible'));
         $activation->toggleChangeable((bool) $this->form->getInput('changeable'));
         if (!$activation->validateActivation()) {
             return false;
         } else {
             ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt('settings_saved'), true);
             $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "edit");
     } else {
  * Export selected user tracking data
  * @global ilDB $ilDB
  * @global ilObjUser $ilUser
  * @param bool $a_all
  * @param array $a_users
 public function exportSelected($a_all, $a_users = array())
     global $ilDB, $ilUser, $ilSetting;
     $inst_id = $ilSetting->get('inst_id', 0);
     // Get all scos
     $scos = array();
     //get all SCO's of this object
     $query = 'SELECT scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, ' . 'scorm_object.c_type, scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id scoid  ' . 'FROM scorm_object, sc_item, sc_resource ' . 'WHERE (scorm_object.slm_id = %s ' . 'AND scorm_object.obj_id = sc_item.obj_id ' . 'AND sc_item.identifierref = sc_resource.import_id ' . 'AND sc_resource.scormtype = %s) ' . 'GROUP BY scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type,  ' . 'scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id ';
     $res = $ilDB->queryF($query, array('integer', 'text'), array($this->getId(), 'sco'));
     while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
         $scos[] = $row['scoid'];
     $users = array();
     if ($a_all) {
         $query = 'SELECT user_id FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id';
         $res = $ilDB->query($query);
         while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
             $users[] = $row['user_id'];
     } else {
         $users = $a_users;
     // get all completed
     include_once './Modules/ScormAicc/classes/SCORM/class.ilObjSCORMTracking.php';
     $completed = ilObjSCORMTracking::_getCompleted($scos, $this->getId());
     $last = ilObjSCORMTracking::lookupLastAccessTimes($this->getId());
     include_once './Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilCSVWriter.php';
     $csv = new ilCSVWriter();
     foreach (array('Department', 'Login', 'Lastname', 'Firstname', 'Email', 'Date', 'Status') as $col) {
     // Read user data
     $query = 'SELECT usr_id,login,firstname,lastname,department,email ' . 'FROM usr_data ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $users, false, 'integer');
     $res = $ilDB->query($query);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
         $csv->addColumn((string) $row->department);
         $csv->addColumn((string) $row->login);
         $csv->addColumn((string) $row->lastname);
         $csv->addColumn((string) $row->firstname);
         $csv->addColumn((string) $row->email);
         if (isset($last[$row->usr_id])) {
             $dt = new ilDateTime($last[$row->usr_id], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
             $csv->addColumn((string) $dt->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'd.m.Y'));
         } else {
         $csv->addColumn(in_array($row->usr_id, $completed) ? 1 : 0);
     ilUtil::deliverData($csv->getCSVString(), 'scorm_tracking_' . $this->getRefId() . '_' . time() . '.csv');
  * Called when the a log should be exported
 public function exportLogObject()
     $from = mktime($_POST['log_from']['time']['h'], $_POST['log_from']['time']['m'], 0, $_POST['log_from']['date']['m'], $_POST['log_from']['date']['d'], $_POST['log_from']['date']['y']);
     $until = mktime($_POST['log_until']['time']['h'], $_POST['log_until']['time']['m'], 0, $_POST['log_until']['date']['m'], $_POST['log_until']['date']['d'], $_POST['log_until']['date']['y']);
     $test = $_POST['sel_test'];
     $csv = array();
     $separator = ";";
     $row = array($this->lng->txt("assessment_log_datetime"), $this->lng->txt("user"), $this->lng->txt("assessment_log_text"), $this->lng->txt("question"));
     include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
     $available_tests =& ilObjTest::_getAvailableTests(1);
     array_push($csv, ilUtil::processCSVRow($row, TRUE, $separator));
     $log_output =& $this->object->getLog($from, $until, $test);
     $users = array();
     foreach ($log_output as $key => $log) {
         if (!array_key_exists($log["user_fi"], $users)) {
             $users[$log["user_fi"]] = ilObjUser::_lookupName($log["user_fi"]);
         $title = "";
         if ($log["question_fi"] || $log["original_fi"]) {
             $title = assQuestion::_getQuestionTitle($log["question_fi"]);
             if (strlen($title) == 0) {
                 $title = assQuestion::_getQuestionTitle($log["original_fi"]);
             $title = $this->lng->txt("assessment_log_question") . ": " . $title;
         $csvrow = array();
         $date = new ilDateTime($log['tstamp'], IL_CAL_UNIX);
         array_push($csvrow, $date->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Y-m-d H:i'));
         array_push($csvrow, trim($users[$log["user_fi"]]["title"] . " " . $users[$log["user_fi"]]["firstname"] . " " . $users[$log["user_fi"]]["lastname"]));
         array_push($csvrow, trim($log["logtext"]));
         array_push($csvrow, $title);
         array_push($csv, ilUtil::processCSVRow($csvrow, TRUE, $separator));
     $csvoutput = "";
     foreach ($csv as $row) {
         $csvoutput .= join($row, $separator) . "\n";
     ilUtil::deliverData($csvoutput, str_replace(" ", "_", "log_" . $from . "_" . $until . "_" . $available_tests[$test]) . ".csv");
Exemplo n.º 25
  * get formatted date 
  * @access public
  * @param int format type
  * @param string format string
 public function get($a_format, $a_format_str = '')
     return parent::get($a_format, $a_format_str);
  * Compose a mail that tells the creator that somenone has left
 private function composeParticipationCancelMailForCreator($a_user_id, $a_creator_id)
     $lng = $this->lng;
     $user = $this->ilRoomSharingDatabase->getUserById($a_user_id);
     $this->setBody(ilMail::getSalutation($a_creator_id, $this->getLanguage()));
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_mail_participation_creator_message') . "\n");
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_user') . ": ");
     $this->appendBody($user['firstname'] . " " . $user['lastname'] . " (" . $user['login'] . ")\n");
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_booking') . ":\n");
     $booking = $this->bookings[0];
     $roomname = $this->ilRoomSharingDatabase->getRoomName($booking['room_id']);
     $datestart = new ilDateTime($booking['date_from'], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
     $dateend = new ilDateTime($booking['date_to'], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_room') . " ");
     $this->appendBody($roomname . " ");
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_from') . " ");
     $this->appendBody($datestart->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'd.m.Y H:s') . " ");
     $this->appendBody($lng->txt('rep_robj_xrs_to') . " ");
     $this->appendBody($dateend->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'd.m.Y H:s') . "\n");
Exemplo n.º 27
 function getData()
     global $ilCtrl, $lng;
     $seed = new ilDate(date('Y-m-d', time()), IL_CAL_DATE);
     include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarSchedule.php';
     $schedule = new ilCalendarSchedule($seed, ilCalendarSchedule::TYPE_PD_UPCOMING);
     // #12007
     $events = $schedule->getScheduledEvents();
     // #13809
     $data = array();
     if (sizeof($events)) {
         foreach ($events as $item) {
             $start = $item["dstart"];
             $end = $item["dend"];
             if ($item["fullday"]) {
                 $start = new ilDate($start, IL_CAL_UNIX);
                 $end = new ilDate($end, IL_CAL_UNIX);
             } else {
                 $start = new ilDateTime($start, IL_CAL_UNIX);
                 $end = new ilDateTime($end, IL_CAL_UNIX);
             $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass('ilcalendardaygui', 'seed', $start->get(IL_CAL_DATE));
             $link = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilcalendardaygui', '');
             $data[] = array("date" => ilDatePresentation::formatPeriod($start, $end), "title" => $item["event"]->getPresentationTitle(), "url" => $link);
     } else {
         $data[] = array("date" => $lng->txt("msg_no_search_result"), "title" => "", "url" => "");
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Get all object-based tracking data for user and parent object
  * @param	int		$a_user_id
  * @param	int		$a_parent_obj_id
  * @param	int		$a_parent_ref_id
  * @param	string	$a_order_field
  * @param	string	$a_order_dir
  * @param	int		$a_offset
  * @param	int		$a_limit
  * @param	array	$a_filters
  * @param	array	$a_additional_fields
  * @param	bool	$use_collection
  * @return	array	cnt, set
 static function getObjectsDataForUser($a_user_id, $a_parent_obj_id, $a_parent_ref_id, $a_order_field = "", $a_order_dir = "", $a_offset = 0, $a_limit = 9999, array $a_filters = NULL, array $a_additional_fields = NULL, $use_collection = true)
     global $ilDB;
     $fields = array("object_data.obj_id", "title", "type");
     self::buildColumns($fields, $a_additional_fields);
     $objects = self::getObjectIds($a_parent_obj_id, $a_parent_ref_id, $use_collection, true, array($a_user_id));
     $query = " FROM object_data LEFT JOIN read_event ON (object_data.obj_id = read_event.obj_id AND" . " read_event.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" . " LEFT JOIN ut_lp_marks ON (ut_lp_marks.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND" . " ut_lp_marks.obj_id = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("object_data.obj_id", $objects["object_ids"], false, "integer") . self::buildFilters(array(), $a_filters);
     $queries = array();
     $queries[] = array("fields" => $fields, "query" => $query);
     // objectives data
     if ($objects["objectives_parent_id"]) {
         $objective_fields = array("crs_objectives.objective_id AS obj_id", "title", $ilDB->quote("lobj", "text") . " as type");
         if (is_array($a_additional_fields)) {
             foreach ($a_additional_fields as $field) {
                 if ($field != "status") {
                     $objective_fields[] = "NULL AS " . $field;
                 } else {
                     include_once "Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilLPStatus.php";
                     $objective_fields[] = "CASE WHEN status IS NOT NULL THEN " . LP_STATUS_COMPLETED_NUM . " ELSE NULL END AS status";
         $where = array();
         $where[] = "crs_objectives.crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($objects["objectives_parent_id"], "integer");
         $objectives_query = " FROM crs_objectives" . " LEFT JOIN crs_objective_status ON (crs_objectives.objective_id = crs_objective_status.objective_id" . " AND crs_objective_status.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" . self::buildFilters($where, $a_filters);
         $queries[] = array("fields" => $objective_fields, "query" => $objectives_query, "count" => "crs_objectives.objective_id");
     if (!in_array($a_order_field, $fields)) {
         $a_order_field = "title";
     $result = self::executeQueries($queries, $a_order_field, $a_order_dir, $a_offset, $a_limit);
     if ($result["cnt"]) {
         // session data
         $sessions = self::getSessionData($a_user_id, $objects["object_ids"]);
         foreach ($result["set"] as $idx => $item) {
             if ($item["type"] == "sess") {
                 $session = $sessions[$item["obj_id"]];
                 $result["set"][$idx]["title"] = $session["title"];
                 $result["set"][$idx]["sort_title"] = $session["e_start"];
                 // $result["set"][$idx]["status"] = (int)$session["status"];
             $result["set"][$idx]["ref_id"] = $objects["ref_ids"][$item["obj_id"]];
         // scos data (:TODO: will not be part of offset/limit)
         if ($objects["scorm"]) {
             include_once "./Modules/ScormAicc/classes/class.ilObjSAHSLearningModule.php";
             $subtype = ilObjSAHSLearningModule::_lookupSubType($a_parent_obj_id);
             if ($subtype == "scorm2004") {
                 include_once "./Modules/Scorm2004/classes/class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php";
                 $sobj = new ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule($a_parent_ref_id, true);
                 $scos_tracking = $sobj->getTrackingDataAgg($a_user_id, true);
             } else {
                 include_once "./Modules/ScormAicc/classes/class.ilObjSCORMLearningModule.php";
                 $sobj = new ilObjSCORMLearningModule($a_parent_ref_id, true);
                 $scos_tracking = array();
                 foreach ($sobj->getTrackingDataAgg($a_user_id) as $item) {
                     // format: hhhh:mm:ss ?!
                     if ($item["time"]) {
                         $time = explode(":", $item["time"]);
                         $item["time"] = $time[0] * 60 * 60 + $time[1] * 60 + $time[2];
                     $scos_tracking[$item["sco_id"]] = array("session_time" => $item["time"]);
             foreach ($objects["scorm"]["scos"] as $sco) {
                 $row = array("title" => $objects["scorm"]["scos_title"][$sco], "type" => "sco");
                 $status = LP_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED_NUM;
                 if (in_array($a_user_id, $objects["scorm"]["completed"][$sco])) {
                     $status = LP_STATUS_COMPLETED_NUM;
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($a_user_id, $objects["scorm"]["failed"][$sco])) {
                         $status = LP_STATUS_FAILED_NUM;
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($a_user_id, $objects["scorm"]["in_progress"][$sco])) {
                             $status = LP_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_NUM;
                 $row["status"] = $status;
                 // add available tracking data
                 if (isset($scos_tracking[$sco])) {
                     if (isset($scos_tracking[$sco]["last_access"])) {
                         $date = new ilDateTime($scos_tracking[$sco]["last_access"], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
                         $row["last_access"] = $date->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
                     $row["spent_seconds"] = $scos_tracking[$sco]["session_time"];
                 $result["set"][] = $row;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * compare two dates and check start is after end 
  * This method does not consider tz offsets.
  * So you have to take care that both dates are defined in the the same timezone
  * @access public
  * @param object ilDateTime
  * @param object ilDateTime 
  * @param string field used for comparison. E.g <code>IL_CAL_YEAR</code> checks if start is one or more years after than end 
  * @param string timezone
  * @static
 public static function _after(ilDateTime $start, ilDateTime $end, $a_compare_field = '', $a_tz = '')
     switch ($a_compare_field) {
         case IL_CAL_YEAR:
             return $start->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Y', $a_tz) > $end->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Y', $a_tz);
         case IL_CAL_MONTH:
             return (int) $start->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Ym', $a_tz) > $end->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Ym', $a_tz);
         case IL_CAL_DAY:
             return (int) $start->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Ymd', $a_tz) > $end->get(IL_CAL_FKT_DATE, 'Ymd', $a_tz);
         case '':
             return $start->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) > $end->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Import record
  * @param
  * @return
 function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
     switch ($a_entity) {
         case "sess":
             include_once "./Modules/Session/classes/class.ilObjSession.php";
             include_once "./Modules/Session/classes/class.ilSessionAppointment.php";
             if ($new_id = $a_mapping->getMapping('Services/Container', 'objs', $a_rec['Id'])) {
                 $newObj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($new_id, false);
             } else {
                 $newObj = new ilObjSession();
             $start = new ilDateTime($a_rec["EventStart"], IL_CAL_DATETIME, "UTC");
             $end = new ilDateTime($a_rec["EventEnd"], IL_CAL_DATETIME, "UTC");
             //echo "<br>".$start->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
             //echo "<br>".$start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME);
             $app = new ilSessionAppointment();
             $this->current_obj = $newObj;
             $a_mapping->addMapping("Modules/Session", "sess", $a_rec["Id"], $newObj->getId());
         case "sess_item":
             if ($obj_id = $a_mapping->getMapping('Services/Container', 'objs', $a_rec['ItemId'])) {
                 $ref_id = current(ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id));
                 include_once './Modules/Session/classes/class.ilEventItems.php';
                 $evi = new ilEventItems($this->current_obj->getId());