Exemplo n.º 1
 * 		1.how to send HTTP POST request(post string);
 * 		2.how to send HTTP POST request(post array)
 * @author iPHPJungle
 * @since 2015/07/01 周三(wed)
include '../iHttp.php';
$iH = new iHttp();
// $iH->enableProxy = true;
// $iH->setProxy('localhost', 7777);
$iH->ar_cookie = array('ckkdk1' => 111, 'ck_3i3i' => 2, 'ckejofwe' => '==222=222');
$base_url = 'http://www.yourdomain.com/';
# do NOT forget the end slash
# type-1:form
$formdata = array('username' => 'PHPJungle', 'password' => 'xxxx');
# type-2:form
$formdatastr = http_build_query($formdata);
$html = $iH->post($base_url, $formdata);
$html = $iH->post($base_url, $formdatastr);
echo $html;
# Raw HTTP POST Request
// POST http://www.yourdomain.com/ HTTP/1.1
// User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.89 Safari/537.36
// Host: www.yourdomain.com
// Accept: */*
// Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
// Referer:
// Connection: Keep-Alive
// Cookie: ckkdk1=111; ck_3i3i=2; ckejofwe===222=222
// Content-Length: 32
// Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// username=PHPJungle&password=xxxx
Exemplo n.º 2
$urls_post = array_fill(0, $num, $url_post);
$urls_post_data = array_fill(0, $num, $post_data);
// Demo start
// 4.1 http_get
// !important: return string or false
// 4.2 multi-http_get
//默认异步方式请求,return array (default send http request with asyn)
$iH->gets($urls_get, false);
// init OPs
$iH->reffer = 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/login?entry=mweibo&res=wel&wm=3349&r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.weibo.cn%2F';
$iH->origin = 'https://passport.weibo.cn';
// 或者下面的2选1
$iH->requestHeader = array('Origin' => 'https://passport.weibo.cn');
$back = $iH->post($url_post, $post_data);
// return string or false
echo $iH->getLastError();
// 打印错误信息(print last error msg)
// 5.2 multi-http_post
$back = $iH->posts($urls_post, $urls_post_data);
// 异步方式:return array (asyn method)
$back = $iH->posts($urls_post, $urls_post_data, false);
// 同步方式:return array (sync method)
// 6. 笔者在iHttp中添加了静态方法,方便大家查看执行相同任务时同步和异步的性能差别,调用方法:(test the time your code cost with calc_begin and calc_end )
//@todo add your codes :)
// 7. 设置连接超时时间(set_connect_timeout)
// set_connect_timeout to 10secs