Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function metaAsShortDesc($i)
     $metaAsShortDesc = iCFilterOutput::fullCleanHTML($i->metadesc);
     return $metaAsShortDesc;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Systeme de navigation **/
 function getNav($date_start, $modid)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $isSef = $app->getCfg('sef');
     // Return Current URL
     $url = JUri::getInstance()->toString() . '#tag';
     $url = preg_replace('/&iccaldate=[^&]*/', '', $url);
     $url = preg_replace('/\\?iccaldate=[^\\?]*/', '', $url);
     // Set Separator for Navigation Var
     $separator = strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?';
     // Remove fragment (hashtag could be added by a third party extension, eg. nonumber framework)
     $parsed_url = parse_url($url);
     $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : '';
     $url = str_replace($fragment, '', $url);
     // Return Current URL Filtered
     $url = htmlspecialchars($url);
     // Start Date
     $ex_date = explode('-', $date_start);
     $year = $ex_date[0];
     $month = $ex_date[1];
     $day = 1;
     if ($month != 1) {
         $backMonth = $month - 1;
         $backYear = $year;
     } elseif ($month == 1) {
         $backMonth = 12;
         $backYear = $year - 1;
     if ($month != 12) {
         $nextMonth = $month + 1;
         $nextYear = $year;
     } elseif ($month == 12) {
         $nextMonth = 1;
         $nextYear = $year + 1;
     $backYYear = $year - 1;
     $nextYYear = $year + 1;
     // Create Navigation Arrows
     $classBackYear = 'backicY icagendabtn_' . $modid;
     $urlBackYear = $url . $separator . 'iccaldate=' . $backYYear . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
     $iconBackYear = '<span class="iCicon iCicon-backicY"></span>';
     $backY = '<a class="' . $classBackYear . '" href="' . $urlBackYear . '" rel="nofollow">' . $iconBackYear . '</a>';
     $classBackMonth = 'backic icagendabtn_' . $modid;
     $urlBackMonth = $url . $separator . 'iccaldate=' . $backYear . '-' . $backMonth . '-' . $day;
     $iconBackMonth = '<span class="iCicon iCicon-backic"></span>';
     $back = '<a class="' . $classBackMonth . '" href="' . $urlBackMonth . '" rel="nofollow">' . $iconBackMonth . '</a>';
     $classNextMonth = 'nextic icagendabtn_' . $modid;
     $urlNextMonth = $url . $separator . 'iccaldate=' . $nextYear . '-' . $nextMonth . '-' . $day;
     $iconNextMonth = '<span class="iCicon iCicon-nextic"></span>';
     $next = '<a class="' . $classNextMonth . '" href="' . $urlNextMonth . '" rel="nofollow">' . $iconNextMonth . '</a>';
     $classNextYear = 'nexticY icagendabtn_' . $modid;
     $urlNextYear = $url . $separator . 'iccaldate=' . $nextYYear . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
     $iconNextYear = '<span class="iCicon iCicon-nexticY"></span>';
     $nextY = '<a class="' . $classNextYear . '" href="' . $urlNextYear . '" rel="nofollow">' . $iconNextYear . '</a>';
     if (!$this->month_nav) {
         $back = $next = '';
     if (!$this->year_nav) {
         $backY = $nextY = '';
     /** translate the month in the calendar module -- Leland Vandervort **/
     $dateFormat = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_start));
     // split out the month and year to obtain translation key for JText using joomla core translation
     $t_day = strftime("%d", strtotime("{$dateFormat}"));
     $t_month = date('F', strtotime($dateFormat));
     $t_year = strftime("%Y", strtotime("{$dateFormat}"));
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $langTag = $lang->getTag();
     $yearBeforeMonth = array('ar-AA', 'ja-JP');
     $monthBeforeYear = in_array($langTag, $yearBeforeMonth) ? 0 : 1;
      * Get prefix, suffix and separator for month and year in calendar title
     // Separator Month/Year
     $separator_month_year = JText::_('SEPARATOR_MONTH_YEAR');
     if ($separator_month_year == 'CALENDAR_SEPARATOR_MONTH_YEAR_FACULTATIVE') {
         $separator_month_year = ' ';
     } elseif ($separator_month_year == 'NO_SEPARATOR') {
         $separator_month_year = '';
     // Prefix Month (Facultative)
     $prefix_month = JText::_('PREFIX_MONTH');
     if ($prefix_month == 'CALENDAR_PREFIX_MONTH_FACULTATIVE') {
         $prefix_month = '';
     // Suffix Month (Facultative)
     $suffix_month = JText::_('SUFFIX_MONTH');
     if ($suffix_month == 'CALENDAR_SUFFIX_MONTH_FACULTATIVE') {
         $suffix_month = '';
     // Prefix Year (Facultative)
     $prefix_year = JText::_('PREFIX_YEAR');
     if ($prefix_year == 'CALENDAR_PREFIX_YEAR_FACULTATIVE') {
         $prefix_year = '';
     // Suffix Year (Facultative)
     $suffix_year = JText::_('SUFFIX_YEAR');
     if ($suffix_year == 'CALENDAR_SUFFIX_YEAR_FACULTATIVE') {
         $suffix_year = '';
     $SEP = $separator_month_year;
     $PM = $prefix_month;
     $SM = $suffix_month;
     $PY = $prefix_year;
     $SY = $suffix_year;
     // Get MONTH_CAL string or if not translated, use MONTHS
     $array_months = array('JANUARY', 'FEBRUARY', 'MARCH', 'APRIL', 'MAY', 'JUNE', 'JULY', 'AUGUST', 'SEPTEMBER', 'OCTOBER', 'NOVEMBER', 'DECEMBER');
     $cal_string = $t_month . '_CAL';
     $missing_cal_string = iCFilterOutput::stringToJText($cal_string);
     if (in_array($missing_cal_string, $array_months)) {
         // if MONTHS_CAL strings not translated in current language, use MONTHS strings
         $month_J = JText::_($t_month);
     } else {
         // Use MONTHS_CAL strings when translated in current language
         $month_J = JText::_($t_month . '_CAL');
     // Set Calendar Title
     if ($monthBeforeYear == 0) {
         $title = $PY . $t_year . $SY . $SEP . $PM . $month_J . $SM;
     } else {
         $title = $PM . $month_J . $SM . $SEP . $PY . $t_year . $SY;
     // Set Nav Bar for calendar
     $html = '<div class="icnav">' . $backY . $back . $nextY . $next;
     $html .= '<div class="titleic">' . $title . '</div>';
     $html .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div>';
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Overloaded check function
  * @since	3.4.0
 public function check()
     // Import Joomla 2.5
     // If there is an ordering column and this is a new row then get the next ordering value
     if (property_exists($this, 'ordering') && $this->id == 0) {
         $this->ordering = self::getNextOrder();
     // URL alias
     if (empty($this->alias)) {
         $this->alias = $this->title;
     $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($this->alias);
     // Alias is not generated if non-latin characters, so we fix it by using created date, or title if unicode is activated, as alias
     if ($this->alias == null || empty($this->alias)) {
         if (JFactory::getConfig()->get('unicodeslugs') == 1) {
             $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($this->title);
         } else {
             $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($this->created);
     // Slug auto-create
     $slug_empty = empty($this->slug) ? true : false;
     if ($slug_empty) {
         $this->slug = $this->title;
     $this->slug = iCFilterOutput::stringToSlug($this->slug);
     // Slug is not generated if non-latin characters, so we fix it by using created date as a slug
     if ($this->slug == null) {
         $this->slug = iCFilterOutput::stringToSlug($this->created);
     // Check if Slug already exists
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('slug')->from($db->qn('#__icagenda_customfields'))->where($db->qn('slug') . ' = ' . $db->q($this->slug));
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         $query->where('id <> ' . (int) $this->id);
     $slug_exists = $db->loadResult();
     if ($slug_exists) {
         $error_slug = $slug_empty ? JText::sprintf('COM_ICAGENDA_CUSTOMFIELD_DATABASE_ERROR_AUTO_SLUG', '<strong>' . $this->title . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $this->slug . '</strong>') : '<strong>' . JText::_('COM_ICAGENDA_CUSTOMFIELD_DATABASE_ERROR_UNIQUE_SLUG') . '</strong>';
         $this->setError($error_slug . '<br /><br /><span class="iCicon-info-circle"></span> <i>' . JTEXT::_('COM_ICAGENDA_CUSTOMFIELD_SLUG_DESC') . '</i>');
         return false;
     return parent::check();