Exemplo n.º 1
        if (!empty($cekquery[0]->password) || !empty($cekquery[0]->email)) {
            $password = $cekquery[0]->password;
            if (password_verify($pass, $password)) {
                if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
                $_SESSION['ID'] = $cekquery[0]->id;
                $_SESSION['NAMA'] = $cekquery[0]->nama;
                $_SESSION['HAK'] = $cekquery[0]->hak;
                if ($_SESSION['HAK'] >= 22) {
                    header("Location: index.php");
                } elseif ($_SESSION['HAK'] == 11) {
                    header("Location: userdashboard.php");
            } else {
                $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', ' Password Salah !! ');
                //echo 'Invalid password.';
        } else {
            $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', ' Email Tidak terdaftar  !! ');
            //echo 'Email Tidak terdaftar.';
 * If we have set the printAlert method then assign to the template variable message
if (isset($_SESSION['alertMessage'])) {
    $smarty->assign('message', $helpers->printAlert());
Exemplo n.º 2
     //rubah hak user
     $tdbases = " hak = '" . $_POST['hak'] . "'";
     $ndbases = " user ";
     $wheress = " id = " . $_POST['uid'] . " ";
     $hasil = $i->updateDB($tdbases, $ndbases, $wheress);
 #hapus user
 if (isset($_GET['l']) && isset($_GET['delid'])) {
     if ($_GET['l'] === 'profile' && !empty($_GET['delid'])) {
         $delndbase = ' user ';
         $delid = "id = " . $_GET['delid'] . " ";
         #cek apakah pernah posting
         $cquery = " WHERE user = "******"User Sudah di Hapus");
             if (!empty($cekpost)) {
                 foreach ($cekpost as $key => $value) {
                     $upquery = "  id='" . $value->id . "'";
                     $i->updateDB(" user = 1 ", " berita ", $upquery);
                 $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', "berita sudah di pindah");
             $i->delete($delndbase, $delid);
         if ($_SESSION['HAK'] >= 22) {
             if (!empty($cekpost)) {
                 foreach ($cekpost as $key => $value) {
                     $upquery = "  id='" . $value->id . "'";
                     $i->updateDB(" user = 1 ", " berita ", $upquery);
Exemplo n.º 3
    $i = new laksanakan();
    //cek jika data yang di $_POST tidak kosong
    if (!empty($_POST['nama']) || !empty($_POST['email']) || !empty($_POST['notelp']) || !empty($_POST['tgllahir']) || !empty($_POST['alamat']) || !empty($_POST['kodepos']) || !empty($_POST['jeniskelamin']) || !empty($_POST['password'])) {
        //rubah passwoar menjadi hash
        $nama = addslashes($_POST['nama']);
        $email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
        $pass = addslashes($_POST['password']);
        $password = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
        //form input masukan dalam satu array
        $inputdata = array('nama' => $nama, 'email' => $email, 'notelp' => $_POST['notelp'], 'tgllahir' => $_POST['tgllahir'], 'alamat' => $_POST['alamat'], 'kodepos' => $_POST['kodepos'], 'jeniskelamin' => $_POST['jeniskelamin'], 'password' => $password, 'tgldaftar' => date("Y-m-d"), 'hak' => '99', 'status' => '0');
        //set update=false
        $_POST['update'] = 'false';
        //simpan data user ke db
        $i->simpan($inputdata, 'user');
        //tampilkan pesan bila pendaftaran berhasil
        $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', 'Pendaftaran Berhasil');
 * Post back when delete is selected
if(isset($_GET['action']) == 'delete') {
    $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', 'Invoice Deleted!');
    $helpers->redirect_to('http://' . SITE_URL);
 *  Get any invoices we have and assign it to the invoices variable in the template
 * Tampilkan invoice hari ini,
Exemplo n.º 4
//cek jiga reset mempunyai nilai
if (isset($_GET['reset'])) {
    $inputdata = " `id`,`email`,`resetpasswd` ";
    $wheres = " `resetpasswd` = '" . $_GET['reset'] . "' limit 1 ";
    $cekquery = $i->ambilDetail($inputdata, 'user', $wheres);
    if (!empty($cekquery[0]->id)) {
        $smarty->assign('resetpass', $cekquery[0]->id);
        //jika pass di simpan
        if (isset($_POST['savepass']) && $_POST['savepass'] == 'ok' && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
            $ndbase = " user ";
            $password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
            $tdbase = " password = '******' , resetpasswd = '' ";
            $wheres = " id = " . $cekquery[0]->id . " ";
            $hasil = $i->updateDB($tdbase, $ndbase, $wheres);
            if ($hasil) {
                $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', 'Reset Password Berhasil, silakan logout dan login kembali');
            } else {
                $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', 'Ganti Password Gagal');
// cek password
if (isset($_POST['lupapassword'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['email'])) {
        $emailpost = addslashes($_POST['email']);
        $inputdata = " `nama`,`email` ";
        $wheres = " `email` = '" . $emailpost . "' limit 1 ";
        $cekquery = $i->ambilDetail($inputdata, 'user', $wheres);
        if (!empty($cekquery[0]->email)) {
            $email = $cekquery[0]->email;
Exemplo n.º 5
        $email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
        $pass = addslashes($_POST['password']);
        //cek email apakah sudah di pakai..
        $inputdata = " `email` ";
        $wheres = " `email` = '" . $email . "' limit 1 ";
        $cekquery = $i->ambilDetail($inputdata, 'user', $wheres);
        if (empty($cekquery[0]->email)) {
            $password = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
            //form input masukan dalam satu array
            $inputdata = array('nama' => $nama, 'email' => $email, 'notelp' => $_POST['notelp'], 'tgllahir' => $_POST['datepicker'], 'alamat' => $_POST['alamat'], 'kodepos' => $_POST['kodepos'], 'jeniskelamin' => $_POST['jeniskelamin'], 'password' => $password, 'tgldaftar' => date("Y-m-d"), 'hak' => '99', 'statuss' => '0');
            //set update=false
            $_POST['update'] = 'false';
            //simpan data user ke db
            $i->simpan($inputdata, 'user');
            //tampilkan pesan bila pendaftaran berhasil
            $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', 'Pendaftaran Berhasil');
        } else {
            $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', 'Email Sudah Digunakan. Bila Lupa password gunakan menu reset password pada halaman login ');
    } else {
        $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', 'Pendaftaran Gagal atau data belum di isikan');
 * If we have set the printAlert method then assign to the template variable message
if (isset($_SESSION['alertMessage'])) {
    $smarty->assign('message', $helpers->printAlert());
// Finally, display the actual page
Exemplo n.º 6
$config['date'] = ' %A, %d %B %Y jam %H:%M:%S';
//$config['time'] = '';
$smarty->assign('config', $config);
$smarty->assign('basename', BASENAME);
$smarty->assign('link', LINK_URL);
$G = new laksanakan();
$slide = $G->ambil("id, judul, konten, linkphoto ", " vslideshow ", " GROUP BY token ORDER BY id ");
$smarty->assign('slide', $slide);
#simpan komentar
if (isset($_POST['postkomen']) && isset($_SESSION['ID']) && !empty($_POST['komentar'])) {
    $komentar = htmlspecialchars(addslashes(nl2br($_POST['komentar'])));
    $inputdata = array('idberita' => $_POST['idkomen'], 'tglkomen' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'user' => $_POST['user'], 'komentar' => $komentar);
    $_POST['update'] = 'false';
    $G->simpan($inputdata, 'komentar');
    $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', "Komentar berhasil");
//tampilakan isi berita
$tdbase = " * ";
$ndbase = " vberitaapprove ";
$limitdb = 15;
if (isset($_GET['kat'])) {
    $detailpaging = " WHERE namakategori ='" . $_GET['kat'] . "'";
} else {
    $detailpaging = " ";
$rowuser = $G->ambil(' count(id) AS jmlid ', $ndbase, $detailpaging);
$jml = $rowuser[0]->jmlid;
if (isset($_GET["page"])) {
    $page = $_GET["page"];