public function render($format, $mml, $latex, $properties, $outProperties) { $servicesClass = Type::resolveClass(""); $getInstance = Reflect::field($servicesClass, "getInstance"); $publicServices = Reflect::callMethod($servicesClass, $getInstance, null); $args = new _hx_array(array()); $args->push($mml); $args->push($latex); $args->push($properties); $args->push($outProperties); try { if (_hx_index_of($format, "png", null) !== -1) { $renderPngMethod = Reflect::field($publicServices, "renderPng"); $pngObject = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $renderPngMethod, $args); $pngBytes = $pngObject; return haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($pngBytes); } else { if (_hx_index_of($format, "svg", null) !== -1) { $renderSvgMethod = Reflect::field($publicServices, "renderSvg"); $svgObject = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $renderSvgMethod, $args); $svgString = $svgObject; return haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($svgString); } else { throw new HException("Unexpected image format."); } } } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e = $_ex_; throw new HException($e->getMessage()); } }
public function storeData($digest, $service, $stream) { $formula = $this->getAndCheckFolder(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CACHE_FOLDER); $parent = $this->getFolderStore($formula, $digest); $parent->mkdirs(); $store = $this->getFileStoreWithParent($parent, $digest, $this->getExtension($service)); $store->writeBinary(haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($stream)); }
public function request($post) { $proxy = $this->getProxy(); if ($proxy !== null && $proxy->host !== null && strlen($proxy->host) > 0) { $hpa = $proxy->auth; if ($hpa->user !== null && strlen($hpa->user) > 0) { $data = _hx_deref(new com_wiris_system_Base64())->encodeBytes(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($hpa->user . ":" . $hpa->pass))->toString(); $this->setHeader("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " . $data); } } parent::request($post); }
public function readBytes($s, $p, $l) { if (feof($this->__f)) { php_io_FileInput_2($this, $l, $p, $s); } $r = fread($this->__f, $l); if ($r === false) { php_io_FileInput_3($this, $l, $p, $r, $s); } $b = haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($r); $s->blit($p, $b, 0, strlen($r)); return strlen($r); }
public function readBytes($s, $p, $l) { if (feof($this->__f)) { throw new HException(new haxe_io_Eof()); } $r = fread($this->__f, $l); if ($r === false) { throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::Custom("An error occurred")); } $b = haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($r); $s->blit($p, $b, 0, strlen($r)); return strlen($r); }
public function readBytes($s, $p, $l) { if (feof($this->__f)) { return eval("if(isset(\$this)) \$»this =& \$this;throw new HException(new haxe_io_Eof());\n\t\t\t\treturn \$»r;\n\t\t\t"); } $r = fread($this->__f, $l); if ($r === false) { return eval("if(isset(\$this)) \$»this =& \$this;throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::Custom(\"An error occurred\"));\n\t\t\t\treturn \$»r2;\n\t\t\t"); } $b = haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($r); $s->blit($p, $b, 0, strlen($r)); return strlen($r); }
public function read($nbytes) { $s = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($nbytes); $p = 0; while ($nbytes > 0) { $k = $this->readBytes($s, $p, $nbytes); if ($k === 0) { throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::$Blocked); } $p += $k; $nbytes -= $k; unset($k); } return $s; }
public function decodeBytes($bytes) { return haxe_io_Bytes::ofString(base64_decode($bytes->b)); }
static function fromBytes($s) { $bs = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($s); return $bs->toString(); }
public function getTestPage() { $random = "" . _hx_string_rec(Math::floor(Math::random() * 9999), ""); $mml = "<math xmlns=\"\"><mrow><msqrt><mn>" . $random . "</mn></msqrt></mrow></math>"; $testName = null; $reportText = null; $solutionLink = null; $condition = null; $output = ""; $output .= "<html><head>\r\n"; $output .= "<title>WIRIS plugin test page</title><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" /><style type=\"text/css\">/*<!--*/html {font-family: sans-serif;}h2 {margin-left: 1em;}h3 {margin-left: 2em;}p {margin-left: 3em;}p.concrete {margin-left: 4em;}.ok {font-weight: bold;color: #0c0;}.error {font-weight: bold;color: #f00;}/*-->*/</style><style type=\"text/css\">body{font-family: Arial;}span{font-weight: bold;}span.ok {color: #009900;}span.error {color: #dd0000;}table, th, td, tr {border: solid 1px #000000;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 5px;}th{background-color: #eeeeee;}img{border:none;}</style>\r\n"; $output .= "<script src=\"../core/WIRISplugins.js?viewer=image\" ></script>\r\n"; $output .= "</head><body><h1>WIRIS plugin test page</h1>\r\n"; $output .= "<table><tr><th>Test</th><th>Report</th><th>Status</th></tr>\r\n"; $testName = "WIRIS plugin version"; try { $s = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("VERSION")->read(); $reportText = "<b>" . $s . "</b>"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $ex = $_ex_; $reportText = "Missing version"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = false; } $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Creating and storing data"; $solutionLink = ""; $param = array(); $outp = array(); $imageUrl = $this->plugin->newRender()->createImage($mml, $param, $outp); $reportText = "<a href=\"" . $imageUrl . "\" />" . $imageUrl . "</a>"; $condition = true; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Retrieving data"; $solutionLink = ""; $reportText = "<img src=\"" . $imageUrl . "\" />"; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "JavaScript MathML filter"; $solutionLink = ""; $reportText = $mml; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Host platform"; $solutionLink = ""; $platform = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$HOST_PLATFORM, "failed"); $reportText = $platform; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Filter test"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $p = null; $p = array(); $p["savemode"] = "safeXml"; $s2 = str_replace("<", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_0($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $solutionLink, $testName), $mml); $s2 = str_replace(">", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_1($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $s2, $solutionLink, $testName), $s2); $s2 = str_replace("\"", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_2($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $s2, $solutionLink, $testName), $s2); $reportText = $this->plugin->newTextService()->filter("square root: " . $s2, $p); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Connecting to"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; try { $h = new com_wiris_plugin_impl_HttpImpl("", null); $h->request(true); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $ex2 = $_ex_; $condition = false; } $reportText = "Checking if WIRIS server is reachable"; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); if (Type::resolveClass("") !== null) { $condition = true; $testName = "Testing integrated services"; $reportText = "WIRIS Services installed"; $solutionLink = ""; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $isLicensed = $this->plugin->isEditorLicensed(); $condition = false; $testName = "WIRIS editor license"; $reportText = "Checking WIRIS editor valid license"; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $isLicensed); } else { $reportText = "WIRIS Services not installed"; } $debug = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$DEBUG, "false") === "true"; if ($debug) { $testName = "Font family"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FONT_FAMILY, ""); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Configuration file"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONFIGURATION_PATH, "") . "\\configuration.ini"; $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Cache path"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CACHE_FOLDER, ""); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Formula path"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FORMULA_FOLDER, ""); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Integration path"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$INTEGRATION_PATH, ""); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "Context path"; $solutionLink = ""; $condition = true; $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONTEXT_PATH, ""); $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "default-configuration.ini load"; $solutionLink = ""; $defaultConfiguration = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("default-configuration.ini")->read(); $condition = $defaultConfiguration !== null && strlen($defaultConfiguration) > 0; if ($condition) { $reportText = "Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($defaultConfiguration), ""); } else { $reportText = "Not found!"; } $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); $testName = "cas.png load"; $solutionLink = ""; $casPng = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("cas.png")->readBinary(); $casPngLength = 0; if ($casPng !== null) { $casPngLength = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($casPng)->length; $condition = $casPngLength > 0; } else { $condition = false; } if ($condition) { $reportText = "Length: " . _hx_string_rec($casPngLength, ""); } else { $reportText = "Not found!"; } $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition); } $output .= "<div id=\"haxe:trace\"></div>"; return $output; }
public function showImage($digest, $mml, $param) { if ($digest === null && $mml === null) { throw new HException("Missing parameters 'formula' or 'mml'."); } if ($digest !== null && $mml !== null) { throw new HException("Only one parameter 'formula' or 'mml' is valid."); } $atts = false; if ($digest === null && $mml !== null) { $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, $param); } $formula = $this->plugin->getStorageAndCache()->decodeDigest($digest); if ($formula === null) { throw new HException("Formula associated to digest not found."); } if (StringTools::startsWith($formula, "<")) { throw new HException("Not implemented."); } $iniFile = com_wiris_util_sys_IniFile::newIniFileFromString($formula); $renderParams = $iniFile->getProperties(); $i = null; $ss = $this->getEditorParametersList(); if ($param !== null) { $_g1 = 0; $_g = $ss->length; while ($_g1 < $_g) { $i1 = $_g1++; $key = $ss[$i1]; $value = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, $key, null); if ($value !== null) { $atts = true; $renderParams->set($key, $value); } unset($value, $key, $i1); } } if ($atts) { if ($mml !== null) { $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::toProperties($renderParams)); } else { $digest = $this->computeDigest($renderParams->get("mml"), com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::toProperties($renderParams)); } } $store = $this->plugin->getStorageAndCache(); $bs = null; $bs = $store->retreiveData($digest, "png"); if ($bs === null) { $_g1 = 0; $_g = $ss->length; while ($_g1 < $_g) { $i1 = $_g1++; $key = $ss[$i1]; if (!$renderParams->exists($key)) { $confKey = com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$imageConfigProperties->get($key); if ($confKey !== null) { $value = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty($confKey, null); if ($value !== null) { $renderParams->set($key, $value); } unset($value); } unset($confKey); } unset($key, $i1); } $h = new com_wiris_plugin_impl_HttpImpl($this->plugin->getImageServiceURL(null), null); $this->plugin->addReferer($h); $this->plugin->addProxy($h); $iter = $renderParams->keys(); while ($iter->hasNext()) { $key = $iter->next(); $h->setParameter($key, $renderParams->get($key)); unset($key); } $h->request(true); $b = haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($h->getData()); $store->storeData($digest, "png", $b->b); $bs = $b->b; } return $bs; }
static function getBytes($path) { return haxe_io_Bytes::ofString(sys_io_File::getContent($path)); }
public function readString($len) { $b = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($len); $this->readFullBytes($b, 0, $len); return $b->toString(); }
static function parseMultipart($onPart, $onData) { $a = $_POST; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { reset($a); while (list($k, $v) = each($a)) { $a[$k] = stripslashes((string) $v); } } $post = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray($a); if (null == $post) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $post->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($key); $key = $__hx__it->next(); call_user_func_array($onPart, array($key, "")); $v = $post->get($key); if (is_array($v)) { $map = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray($v); $first = true; if (null == $map) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it2 = $map->iterator(); while ($__hx__it2->hasNext()) { unset($val); $val = $__hx__it2->next(); if (!$first) { call_user_func_array($onPart, array($key, "")); } call_user_func_array($onData, array(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($val), 0, strlen($val))); $first = false; } unset($map, $first); } else { call_user_func_array($onData, array(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($v), 0, strlen($v))); } unset($v); } if (!isset($_FILES)) { return; } $parts = new _hx_array(array_keys($_FILES)); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $parts->length) { $part = $parts[$_g]; ++$_g; $info = $_FILES[$part]; $tmp = $info["tmp_name"]; $file = $info["name"]; $err = $info["error"]; if ($err > 0) { switch ($err) { case 1: throw new HException("The uploaded file exceeds the max size of " . _hx_string_or_null(ini_get("upload_max_filesize"))); break; case 2: throw new HException("The uploaded file exceeds the max file size directive specified in the HTML form (max is" . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_string_or_null(ini_get("post_max_size")) . ")")); break; case 3: throw new HException("The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"); break; case 4: continue 2; break; case 6: throw new HException("Missing a temporary folder"); break; case 7: throw new HException("Failed to write file to disk"); break; case 8: throw new HException("File upload stopped by extension"); break; } } call_user_func_array($onPart, array($part, $file)); if ("" !== $file) { $h = fopen($tmp, "r"); $bsize = 8192; while (!feof($h)) { $buf = fread($h, $bsize); $size = strlen($buf); call_user_func_array($onData, array(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($buf), 0, $size)); unset($size, $buf); } fclose($h); unset($h, $bsize); } unset($tmp, $part, $info, $file, $err); } }
public function writeBinary($bs) { $bytes = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($bs); $fo = sys_io_File::write($this->location, true); $fo->writeBytes($bytes, 0, $bytes->length); }
static function decodeBase64($imageParameter) { $b = new com_wiris_system_Base64(); $dataDecoded = $b->decodeBytes(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($imageParameter)); return $dataDecoded; }
public function storeData($digest, $service, $stream) { $formula = $this->getAndCheckFolder(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CACHE_FOLDER); $store = com_wiris_util_sys_Store::newStoreWithParent(com_wiris_util_sys_Store::newStore($formula), $digest . $this->getExtension($service)); $store->writeBinary(haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($stream)); }
public function writeFloat($x) { $this->write(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString(pack("f", $x))); }
public function createImage($mml, $param, &$output) { $output = $output; if ($mml === null) { throw new HException("Missing parameter 'mml'."); } $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, $param); $contextPath = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONTEXT_PATH, "/"); $showImagePath = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$SHOWIMAGE_PATH, null); $saveMode = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$SAVE_MODE, "xml"); $s = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "metrics", "false") === "true") { $s = $this->getMetrics($digest, $output); } $a = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "accessible", "false") === "true") { $lang = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "lang", "en"); $text = $this->safeMath2Accessible($mml, $lang, $param); if ($output === null) { $a = "&text=" . rawurlencode($text); } else { $output["alt"] = $text; } } $rparam = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "refererquery", null) !== null) { $refererquery = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "refererquery", null); $rparam = "&refererquery=" . $refererquery; } if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "base64", null) !== null || $saveMode === "base64") { $bs = $this->showImage($digest, null, $param); $by = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($bs); $b64 = _hx_deref(new com_wiris_system_Base64())->encodeBytes($by); return "data:image/png;base64," . $b64->toString(); } else { return com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl::concatPath($contextPath, $showImagePath) . rawurlencode($digest) . $s . $a . $rparam; } }
public function readAll($bufsize = null) { if ($bufsize === null) { $bufsize = 8192; } $buf = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($bufsize); $total = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); try { while (true) { $len = $this->readBytes($buf, 0, $bufsize); if ($len === 0) { throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::$Blocked); } if ($len < 0 || $len > $buf->length) { throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::$OutsideBounds); } $total->b .= substr($buf->b, 0, $len); unset($len); } } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; if (($e = $_ex_) instanceof haxe_io_Eof) { } else { throw $»e; } } return $total->getBytes(); }
static function string2ByteData_iso8859_1($str) { return haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($str); }
public function unserialize() { $_g = null; $p = $this->pos++; $_g = ord(substr($this->buf, $p, 1)); switch ($_g) { case 110: return null; break; case 116: return true; break; case 102: return false; break; case 122: return 0; break; case 105: return $this->readDigits(); break; case 100: $p1 = $this->pos; while (true) { $c = ord(substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 1)); if ($c >= 43 && $c < 58 || $c === 101 || $c === 69) { $this->pos++; } else { break; } unset($c); } return Std::parseFloat(_hx_substr($this->buf, $p1, $this->pos - $p1)); break; case 121: $len = $this->readDigits(); if (haxe_Unserializer_3($this, $_g, $len) !== 58 || $this->length - $this->pos < $len) { throw new HException("Invalid string length"); } $s = _hx_substr($this->buf, $this->pos, $len); $this->pos += $len; $s = urldecode($s); $this->scache->push($s); return $s; break; case 107: return Math::$NaN; break; case 109: return Math::$NEGATIVE_INFINITY; break; case 112: return Math::$POSITIVE_INFINITY; break; case 97: $buf = $this->buf; $a = new _hx_array(array()); $this->cache->push($a); while (true) { $c1 = ord(substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 1)); if ($c1 === 104) { $this->pos++; break; } if ($c1 === 117) { $this->pos++; $n = $this->readDigits(); $a[$a->length + $n - 1] = null; unset($n); } else { $a->push($this->unserialize()); } unset($c1); } return $a; break; case 111: $o = _hx_anonymous(array()); $this->cache->push($o); $this->unserializeObject($o); return $o; break; case 114: $n1 = $this->readDigits(); if ($n1 < 0 || $n1 >= $this->cache->length) { throw new HException("Invalid reference"); } return $this->cache[$n1]; break; case 82: $n2 = $this->readDigits(); if ($n2 < 0 || $n2 >= $this->scache->length) { throw new HException("Invalid string reference"); } return $this->scache[$n2]; break; case 120: throw new HException($this->unserialize()); break; case 99: $name = $this->unserialize(); $cl = $this->resolver->resolveClass($name); if ($cl === null) { throw new HException("Class not found " . _hx_string_or_null($name)); } $o1 = Type::createEmptyInstance($cl); $this->cache->push($o1); $this->unserializeObject($o1); return $o1; break; case 119: $name1 = $this->unserialize(); $edecl = $this->resolver->resolveEnum($name1); if ($edecl === null) { throw new HException("Enum not found " . _hx_string_or_null($name1)); } $e = $this->unserializeEnum($edecl, $this->unserialize()); $this->cache->push($e); return $e; break; case 106: $name2 = $this->unserialize(); $edecl1 = $this->resolver->resolveEnum($name2); if ($edecl1 === null) { throw new HException("Enum not found " . _hx_string_or_null($name2)); } $this->pos++; $index = $this->readDigits(); $tag = _hx_array_get(Type::getEnumConstructs($edecl1), $index); if ($tag === null) { throw new HException("Unknown enum index " . _hx_string_or_null($name2) . "@" . _hx_string_rec($index, "")); } $e1 = $this->unserializeEnum($edecl1, $tag); $this->cache->push($e1); return $e1; break; case 108: $l = new HList(); $this->cache->push($l); $buf1 = $this->buf; while (ord(substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 1)) !== 104) { $l->add($this->unserialize()); } $this->pos++; return $l; break; case 98: $h = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $this->cache->push($h); $buf2 = $this->buf; while (ord(substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 1)) !== 104) { $s1 = $this->unserialize(); $h->set($s1, $this->unserialize()); unset($s1); } $this->pos++; return $h; break; case 113: $h1 = new haxe_ds_IntMap(); $this->cache->push($h1); $buf3 = $this->buf; $c2 = null; $p3 = $this->pos++; $c2 = ord(substr($this->buf, $p3, 1)); while ($c2 === 58) { $i = $this->readDigits(); $h1->set($i, $this->unserialize()); $p4 = $this->pos++; $c2 = ord(substr($this->buf, $p4, 1)); unset($p4); unset($i); } if ($c2 !== 104) { throw new HException("Invalid IntMap format"); } return $h1; break; case 77: $h2 = new haxe_ds_ObjectMap(); $this->cache->push($h2); $buf4 = $this->buf; while (ord(substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 1)) !== 104) { $s2 = $this->unserialize(); $h2->set($s2, $this->unserialize()); unset($s2); } $this->pos++; return $h2; break; case 118: $d = Date::fromString(_hx_substr($this->buf, $this->pos, 19)); $this->cache->push($d); $this->pos += 19; return $d; break; case 115: $len1 = $this->readDigits(); $buf5 = $this->buf; if (haxe_Unserializer_4($this, $_g, $buf5, $len1) !== 58 || $this->length - $this->pos < $len1) { throw new HException("Invalid bytes length"); } $codes = haxe_Unserializer::$CODES; if ($codes === null) { $codes = haxe_Unserializer::initCodes(); haxe_Unserializer::$CODES = $codes; } $i1 = $this->pos; $rest = $len1 & 3; $size = null; $size = ($len1 >> 2) * 3 + haxe_Unserializer_5($this, $_g, $buf5, $codes, $i1, $len1, $rest, $size); $max = $i1 + ($len1 - $rest); $bytes = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($size); $bpos = 0; while ($i1 < $max) { $c11 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_6($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $c21 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_7($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $c11, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $pos = $bpos++; $bytes->b[$pos] = chr($c11 << 2 | $c21 >> 4); unset($pos); $c3 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_8($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $c11, $c21, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $pos1 = $bpos++; $bytes->b[$pos1] = chr($c21 << 4 | $c3 >> 2); unset($pos1); $c4 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_9($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $c11, $c21, $c3, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $pos2 = $bpos++; $bytes->b[$pos2] = chr($c3 << 6 | $c4); unset($pos2); unset($c4, $c3, $c21, $c11); } if ($rest >= 2) { $c12 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_10($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $c22 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_11($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $c12, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $pos3 = $bpos++; $bytes->b[$pos3] = chr($c12 << 2 | $c22 >> 4); if ($rest === 3) { $c31 = $codes[haxe_Unserializer_12($this, $_g, $bpos, $buf5, $bytes, $c12, $c22, $codes, $i1, $len1, $max, $rest, $size)]; $pos4 = $bpos++; $bytes->b[$pos4] = chr($c22 << 4 | $c31 >> 2); } } $this->pos += $len1; $this->cache->push($bytes); return $bytes; break; case 67: $name3 = $this->unserialize(); $cl1 = $this->resolver->resolveClass($name3); if ($cl1 === null) { throw new HException("Class not found " . _hx_string_or_null($name3)); } $o2 = Type::createEmptyInstance($cl1); $this->cache->push($o2); $o2->hxUnserialize($this); if (haxe_Unserializer_13($this, $_g, $cl1, $name3, $o2) !== 103) { throw new HException("Invalid custom data"); } return $o2; break; default: break; } $this->pos--; throw new HException("Invalid char " . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_char_at($this->buf, $this->pos)) . " at position " . _hx_string_rec($this->pos, "")); }
public function writeString($s) { $b = haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($s); $this->writeFullBytes($b, 0, $b->length); }
static function decode($s, $base) { $b = new haxe_BaseCode(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($base)); return $b->decodeString($s); }
public function customRequest($post, $api, $sock = null, $method = null) { $url_regexp = new EReg("^(https?://)?([a-zA-Z\\.0-9-]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)\$", ""); if (!$url_regexp->match($this->url)) { $this->onError("Invalid URL"); return; } $secure = $url_regexp->matched(1) === "https://"; if ($sock === null) { if ($secure) { $sock = new php_net_SslSocket(); } else { $sock = new sys_net_Socket(); } } $host = $url_regexp->matched(2); $portString = $url_regexp->matched(3); $request = $url_regexp->matched(4); if ($request === "") { $request = "/"; } $port = $portString === null || $portString === "" ? $secure ? 443 : 80 : Std::parseInt(_hx_substr($portString, 1, strlen($portString) - 1)); $data = null; $multipart = _hx_field($this, "file") !== null; $boundary = null; $uri = null; if ($multipart) { $post = true; $boundary = Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)); while (strlen($boundary) < 38) { $boundary = "-" . $boundary; } $b = new StringBuf(); if (null == $this->params) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->params->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $p = $»it->next(); $b->add("--"); $b->add($boundary); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); $b->add($p); $b->add("\""); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add($this->params->get($p)); $b->add("\r\n"); } $b->add("--"); $b->add($boundary); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); $b->add($this->file->param); $b->add("\"; filename=\""); $b->add($this->file->filename); $b->add("\""); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Type: " . "application/octet-stream" . "\r\n" . "\r\n"); $uri = $b->b; } else { if (null == $this->params) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->params->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $p = $»it->next(); if ($uri === null) { $uri = ""; } else { $uri .= "&"; } $uri .= rawurlencode($p) . "=" . rawurlencode($this->params->get($p)); } } $b = new StringBuf(); if ($method !== null) { $b->add($method); $b->add(" "); } else { if ($post) { $b->add("POST "); } else { $b->add("GET "); } } if (_hx_field(_hx_qtype("haxe.Http"), "PROXY") !== null) { $b->add("http://"); $b->add($host); if ($port !== 80) { $b->add(":"); $b->add($port); } } $b->add($request); if (!$post && $uri !== null) { if (_hx_index_of($request, "?", 0) >= 0) { $b->add("&"); } else { $b->add("?"); } $b->add($uri); } $b->add(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . $host . "\r\n"); if ($this->postData !== null) { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($this->postData), "") . "\r\n"); } else { if ($post && $uri !== null) { if ($multipart || $this->headers->get("Content-Type") === null) { $b->add("Content-Type: "); if ($multipart) { $b->add("multipart/form-data"); $b->add("; boundary="); $b->add($boundary); } else { $b->add("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } $b->add("\r\n"); } if ($multipart) { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($uri) + $this->file->size + strlen($boundary) + 6, "") . "\r\n"); } else { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($uri), "") . "\r\n"); } } } if (null == $this->headers) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->headers->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $h = $»it->next(); $b->add($h); $b->add(": "); $b->add($this->headers->get($h)); $b->add("\r\n"); } $b->add("\r\n"); if ($this->postData !== null) { $b->add($this->postData); } else { if ($post && $uri !== null) { $b->add($uri); } } try { if (_hx_field(_hx_qtype("haxe.Http"), "PROXY") !== null) { $sock->connect(new sys_net_Host(haxe_Http::$PROXY->host), haxe_Http::$PROXY->port); } else { $sock->connect(new sys_net_Host($host), $port); } $sock->write($b->b); if ($multipart) { $bufsize = 4096; $buf = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($bufsize); while ($this->file->size > 0) { $size = haxe_Http_4($this, $api, $b, $boundary, $buf, $bufsize, $data, $host, $method, $multipart, $port, $portString, $post, $request, $secure, $sock, $uri, $url_regexp); $len = 0; try { $len = $this->file->io->readBytes($buf, 0, $size); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; if (($e = $_ex_) instanceof haxe_io_Eof) { break; } else { throw $»e; } } $sock->output->writeFullBytes($buf, 0, $len); $this->file->size -= $len; unset($size, $len, $e); } $sock->write("\r\n"); $sock->write("--"); $sock->write($boundary); $sock->write("--"); } $this->readHttpResponse($api, $sock); $sock->close(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e = $_ex_; try { $sock->close(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e1 = $_ex_; } $this->onError(Std::string($e)); } }
public function readHttpResponse($api, $sock) { $b = new haxe_io_BytesBuffer(); $k = 4; $s = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc(4); $sock->setTimeout($this->cnxTimeout); while (true) { $p = $sock->input->readBytes($s, 0, $k); while ($p !== $k) { $p += $sock->input->readBytes($s, $p, $k - $p); } if ($k < 0 || $k > $s->length) { throw new HException(haxe_io_Error::$OutsideBounds); } $b->b .= _hx_string_or_null(substr($s->b, 0, $k)); switch ($k) { case 1: $c = ord($s->b[0]); if ($c === 10) { break 2; } if ($c === 13) { $k = 3; } else { $k = 4; } break; case 2: $c1 = ord($s->b[1]); if ($c1 === 10) { if (ord($s->b[0]) === 13) { break 2; } $k = 4; } else { if ($c1 === 13) { $k = 3; } else { $k = 4; } } break; case 3: $c2 = ord($s->b[2]); if ($c2 === 10) { if (ord($s->b[1]) !== 13) { $k = 4; } else { if (ord($s->b[0]) !== 10) { $k = 2; } else { break 2; } } } else { if ($c2 === 13) { if (ord($s->b[1]) !== 10 || ord($s->b[0]) !== 13) { $k = 1; } else { $k = 3; } } else { $k = 4; } } break; case 4: $c3 = ord($s->b[3]); if ($c3 === 10) { if (ord($s->b[2]) !== 13) { continue 2; } else { if (ord($s->b[1]) !== 10 || ord($s->b[0]) !== 13) { $k = 2; } else { break 2; } } } else { if ($c3 === 13) { if (ord($s->b[2]) !== 10 || ord($s->b[1]) !== 13) { $k = 3; } else { $k = 1; } } } break; } unset($p); } $headers = _hx_explode("\r\n", $b->getBytes()->toString()); $response = $headers->shift(); $rp = _hx_explode(" ", $response); $status = Std::parseInt($rp[1]); if ($status === 0 || $status === null) { throw new HException("Response status error"); } $headers->pop(); $headers->pop(); $this->responseHeaders = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $size = null; $chunked = false; $_g = 0; while ($_g < $headers->length) { $hline = $headers[$_g]; ++$_g; $a = _hx_explode(": ", $hline); $hname = $a->shift(); $hval = null; if ($a->length === 1) { $hval = $a[0]; } else { $hval = $a->join(": "); } $s1 = rtrim($hval); $hval = ltrim($s1); unset($s1); $this->responseHeaders->set($hname, $hval); $_g1 = strtolower($hname); switch ($_g1) { case "content-length": $size = Std::parseInt($hval); break; case "transfer-encoding": $chunked = strtolower($hval) === "chunked"; break; } unset($_g1); unset($hval, $hname, $hline, $a); } $this->onStatus($status); $chunk_re = new EReg("^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)[ ]*\r\n", "m"); $this->chunk_size = null; $this->chunk_buf = null; $bufsize = 1024; $buf = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($bufsize); if ($size === null) { if (!$this->noShutdown) { $sock->shutdown(false, true); } try { while (true) { $len = $sock->input->readBytes($buf, 0, $bufsize); if ($chunked) { if (!$this->readChunk($chunk_re, $api, $buf, $len)) { break; } } else { $api->writeBytes($buf, 0, $len); } unset($len); } } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; if (($e = $_ex_) instanceof haxe_io_Eof) { } else { throw $__hx__e; } } } else { $api->prepare($size); try { while ($size > 0) { $len1 = $sock->input->readBytes($buf, 0, $size > $bufsize ? $bufsize : $size); if ($chunked) { if (!$this->readChunk($chunk_re, $api, $buf, $len1)) { break; } } else { $api->writeBytes($buf, 0, $len1); } $size -= $len1; unset($len1); } } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; if (($e1 = $_ex_) instanceof haxe_io_Eof) { throw new HException("Transfer aborted"); } else { throw $__hx__e; } } } if ($chunked && ($this->chunk_size !== null || $this->chunk_buf !== null)) { throw new HException("Invalid chunk"); } if ($status < 200 || $status >= 400) { throw new HException("Http Error #" . _hx_string_rec($status, "")); } $api->close(); }