Exemplo n.º 1
 static function buttons($item, $page_type)
     $elements = array("left" => array(), "center" => array(), "right" => array(), "additional" => array());
     switch ($item->type) {
         case "movie":
             $edit_title = t("Edit this movie");
             $move_title = t("Move this movie to another album");
             $cover_title = t("Choose this movie as the album cover");
             $delete_title = t("Delete this movie");
         case "album":
             $edit_title = t("Edit this album");
             $move_title = t("Move this album to another album");
             $cover_title = t("Choose this album as the album cover");
             $delete_title = t("Delete this album");
             $edit_title = t("Edit this photo");
             $move_title = t("Move this photo to another album");
             $cover_title = t("Choose this photo as the album cover");
             $delete_title = t("Delete this photo");
     $csrf = access::csrf_token();
     $elements["left"][] = (object) array("title" => $edit_title, "class" => "gDialogLink gButtonLink", "icon" => "ui-icon-pencil", "href" => url::site("quick/form_edit/{$item->id}?page_type={$page_type}"));
     if ($item->is_photo() && graphics::can("rotate")) {
         $elements["left"][] = (object) array("title" => t("Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise"), "class" => "gButtonLink", "icon" => "ui-icon-rotate-ccw", "href" => url::site("quick/rotate/{$item->id}/ccw?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}"));
         $elements["left"][] = (object) array("title" => t("Rotate 90 degrees clockwise"), "class" => "gButtonLink", "icon" => "ui-icon-rotate-cw", "href" => url::site("quick/rotate/{$item->id}/cw?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}"));
     // Don't move photos from the photo page; we don't yet have a good way of redirecting after move
     if ($page_type == "album") {
         $elements["left"][] = (object) array("title" => $move_title, "class" => "gDialogLink gButtonLink", "icon" => "ui-icon-folder-open", "href" => url::site("move/browse/{$item->id}"));
     $parent = $item->parent();
     if (access::can("edit", $parent)) {
         // We can't make this item the highlight if it's an album with no album cover, or if it's
         // already the album cover.
         if ($item->type == "album" && empty($item->album_cover_item_id) || $item->type == "album" && $parent->album_cover_item_id == $item->album_cover_item_id || $parent->album_cover_item_id == $item->id) {
             $disabledState = " ui-state-disabled";
         } else {
             $disabledState = " ";
         $elements["right"][] = (object) array("title" => $cover_title, "class" => "gButtonLink{$disabledState}", "icon" => "ui-icon-star", "href" => url::site("quick/make_album_cover/{$item->id}?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}"));
         $elements["right"][] = (object) array("title" => $delete_title, "class" => "gDialogLink gButtonLink", "icon" => "ui-icon-trash", "id" => "gQuickDelete", "href" => url::site("quick/form_delete/{$item->id}?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}"));
     if ($item->is_album()) {
         $elements["additional"][] = (object) array("title" => t("Add a photo"), "class" => "add_item gDialogLink", "href" => url::site("simple_uploader/app/{$item->id}"));
         $elements["additional"][] = (object) array("title" => t("Add an album"), "class" => "add_album gDialogLink", "href" => url::site("form/add/albums/{$item->id}?type=album"));
         $elements["additional"][] = (object) array("title" => t("Edit permissions"), "class" => "permissions gDialogLink", "href" => url::site("permissions/browse/{$item->id}"));
     return $elements;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Resize an image.  Valid options are width, height and master.  Master is one of the Image
  * master dimension constants.
  * @param string     $input_file
  * @param string     $output_file
  * @param array      $options
  * @param Item_Model $item (optional)
 static function resize($input_file, $output_file, $options, $item = null)
     module::event("graphics_resize", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item);
     if (@filesize($input_file) == 0) {
         throw new Exception("@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE");
     $dims = getimagesize($input_file);
     if (max($dims[0], $dims[1]) <= min($options["width"], $options["height"])) {
         // Image would get upscaled; do nothing
         copy($input_file, $output_file);
     } else {
         $image = Image::factory($input_file)->resize($options["width"], $options["height"], $options["master"])->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality"));
         if (graphics::can("sharpen")) {
             $image->sharpen(module::get_var("gallery", "image_sharpen"));
     module::event("graphics_resize_completed", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item);
Exemplo n.º 3
echo url::site("quick/form_edit/{$item->id}?page_type={$page_type}");
echo $title;
  <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil">
echo $title;

if ($item->is_photo() && graphics::can("rotate")) {
<a class="gButtonLink ui-corner-all ui-state-default" href="<?php 
    echo url::site("quick/rotate/{$item->id}/ccw?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}");
    echo t("Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise");
  <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-rotate-ccw">
    echo t("Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise");
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function context_menu($menu, $theme, $item, $thumb_css_selector)
     $menu->append($options_menu = Menu::factory("submenu")->id("options_menu")->label(t("Options"))->css_class("ui-icon-carat-1-n"));
     if (access::can("edit", $item)) {
         $page_type = $theme->page_type();
         switch ($item->type) {
             case "movie":
                 $edit_title = t("Edit this movie");
                 $delete_title = t("Delete this movie");
             case "album":
                 $edit_title = t("Edit this album");
                 $delete_title = t("Delete this album");
                 $edit_title = t("Edit this photo");
                 $delete_title = t("Delete this photo");
         $cover_title = t("Choose as the album cover");
         $move_title = t("Move to another album");
         $csrf = access::csrf_token();
         if ($item->is_photo() && graphics::can("rotate")) {
             $options_menu->append(Menu::factory("ajax_link")->id("rotate_ccw")->label(t("Rotate 90&deg; counter clockwise"))->css_class("ui-icon-rotate-ccw")->ajax_handler("function(data) { " . "\$.gallery_replace_image(data, \$('{$thumb_css_selector}')) }")->url(url::site("quick/rotate/{$item->id}/ccw?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}")))->append(Menu::factory("ajax_link")->id("rotate_cw")->label(t("Rotate 90&deg; clockwise"))->css_class("ui-icon-rotate-cw")->ajax_handler("function(data) { " . "\$.gallery_replace_image(data, \$('{$thumb_css_selector}')) }")->url(url::site("quick/rotate/{$item->id}/cw?csrf={$csrf}&page_type={$page_type}")));
         // Don't move photos from the photo page; we don't yet have a good way of redirecting after
         // move
         if ($page_type == "album") {
         $parent = $item->parent();
         if (access::can("edit", $parent)) {
             // We can't make this item the highlight if it's an album with no album cover, or if it's
             // already the album cover.
             if ($item->type == "album" && empty($item->album_cover_item_id) || $item->type == "album" && $parent->album_cover_item_id == $item->album_cover_item_id || $parent->album_cover_item_id == $item->id) {
                 $disabledState = " ui-state-disabled";
             } else {
                 $disabledState = " ";
             if ($item->parent()->id != 1) {
                 $options_menu->append(Menu::factory("ajax_link")->id("make_album_cover")->label($cover_title)->css_class("ui-icon-star")->ajax_handler("function(data) { window.location.reload() }")->url(url::site("quick/make_album_cover/{$item->id}?csrf={$csrf}")));
         if ($item->is_album()) {
             $options_menu->append(Menu::factory("dialog")->id("add_item")->label(t("Add a photo"))->css_class("ui-icon-plus")->url(url::site("simple_uploader/app/{$item->id}")))->append(Menu::factory("dialog")->id("add_album")->label(t("Add an album"))->css_class("ui-icon-note")->url(url::site("form/add/albums/{$item->id}?type=album")))->append(Menu::factory("dialog")->id("edit_permissions")->label(t("Edit permissions"))->css_class("ui-icon-key")->url(url::site("permissions/browse/{$item->id}")));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Resize an image.  Valid options are width, height and master.  Master is one of the Image
  * master dimension constants.
  * @param string     $input_file
  * @param string     $output_file
  * @param array      $options
  * @param Item_Model $item (optional)
 static function resize($input_file, $output_file, $options, $item = null)
     $temp_file = system::temp_filename("resize_", pathinfo($output_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     module::event("graphics_resize", $input_file, $temp_file, $options, $item);
     if (@filesize($temp_file) > 0) {
         // A graphics_resize event made an image - move it to output_file and use it.
         @rename($temp_file, $output_file);
     } else {
         // No events made an image - proceed with standard process.
         if (@filesize($input_file) == 0) {
             throw new Exception("@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE");
         list($input_width, $input_height, $input_mime, $input_extension) = photo::get_file_metadata($input_file);
         if ($input_width && $input_height && (empty($options["width"]) || empty($options["height"]) || empty($options["master"]) || max($input_width, $input_height) <= min($options["width"], $options["height"]))) {
             // Photo dimensions well-defined, but options not well-defined or would upscale the image.
             // Do not resize.  Check mimes to see if we can copy the file or if we need to convert it.
             // (checking mimes avoids needlessly converting jpg to jpeg, etc.)
             $output_mime = legal_file::get_photo_types_by_extension(pathinfo($output_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
             if ($input_mime && $output_mime && $input_mime == $output_mime) {
                 // Mimes well-defined and identical - copy input to output
                 copy($input_file, $output_file);
             } else {
                 // Mimes not well-defined or not the same - convert input to output
                 $image = Image::factory($input_file)->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality"))->save($output_file);
         } else {
             // Resize the image.  This also implicitly converts its format if needed.
             $image = Image::factory($input_file)->resize($options["width"], $options["height"], $options["master"])->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality"));
             if (graphics::can("sharpen")) {
                 $image->sharpen(module::get_var("gallery", "image_sharpen"));
     module::event("graphics_resize_completed", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item);
Exemplo n.º 6

  <a class="gButtonLink ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" href="#" ref="close"
     disabled="1" title="<?php 
echo t("Close Drawer");
" style="display: none">
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s"><?php 
echo t("Close Drawer");

if (graphics::can("rotate")) {
  <a class="gButtonLink ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" href="#" ref="rotateCcw"
     disabled="1" title="<?php 
    echo t("Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise");
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-rotate-ccw"><?php 
    echo t("Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise");

  <a class="gButtonLink ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" href="#" ref="rotateCw"
     disabled="1" title="<?php 
    echo t("Rotate 90 degrees clockwise");