function getRSSContent() { // this function is very general and will most of the time need to be overwritten and customized global $db; // setup the where clause for looking up records. $where = $this->aggregateWhereClause(); //$items = $db->selectObjects($this->model_table, $where.' ORDER BY created_at'); $fd = new filedownload(); $items = $fd->find('all', $where); //Convert the items to rss items $rssitems = array(); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { $rss_item = new FeedItem(); $rss_item->title = $item->title; $rss_item->description = $item->body; $rss_item->date = isset($item->publish_date) ? date('r', $item->publish_date) : date('r', $item->created_at); $rss_item->link = makeLink(array('controller' => $this->classname, 'action' => 'show', 'title' => $item->sef_url)); $rss_item->enclosure = new Enclosure(); //$rss_item->enclosure->url = URL_FULL.'index.php?module=resourcesmodule&action=download_resource&id='.$item->id; $rss_item->enclosure->url = $item->expFile['downloadable'][0]->url; $rss_item->enclosure->length = $item->expFile['downloadable'][0]->filesize; $rss_item->enclosure->type = $item->expFile['downloadable'][0]->mimetype; if ($rss_item->enclosure->type == 'audio/mpeg') { $rss_item->enclosure->type = 'audio/mpg'; } // Add the item to the array. $rssitems[$key] = $rss_item; } return $rssitems; }
/** * main routine to convert old school module data into new controller format * @global db the exponent database object * @param $iloc * @param $module * @param int $hc * @return */ private function convert($iloc, $module, $hc = 0) { if (!array_key_exists($iloc->mod, $this->params['migrate'])) { return $module; } global $db; $old_db = $this->connect(); $linked = false; $loc = null; switch ($iloc->mod) { case 'textmodule': @($module->view = 'showall'); //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'textmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'textmodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('textitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'rotatormodule': $module->action = 'showRandom'; $module->view = 'showRandom'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'rotatormodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'rotatormodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('rotator_item', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'snippetmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "snippet"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'snippetmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'snippetmodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('textitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new snippet(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "snippet"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; // if the item exists in the current db, we won't save it $te = $text->find('first', "location_data='" . $text->location_data . "'"); if (empty($te)) { $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } } break; case 'linklistmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'Quick Links': @($module->view = "showall_quicklinks"); break; default: @($module->view = 'showall'); break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "links"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'linklistmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'linklistmodule'; $links = $old_db->selectArrays('linklist_link', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { $lnk = new links(); $loc = expUnserialize($link['location_data']); $loc->mod = "links"; $lnk->title = !empty($link['name']) ? $link['name'] : 'Untitled'; $lnk->body = $link['description']; $lnk->new_window = $link['opennew']; $lnk->url = !empty($link['url']) ? $link['url'] : '#'; $lnk->rank = $link['rank']; $lnk->poster = 1; $lnk->editor = 1; $lnk->location_data = serialize($loc); $lnk->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'linkmodule': // user mod, not widely distributed switch ($module->view) { case 'Summary': @($module->view = "showall_quicklinks"); break; default: @($module->view = 'showall'); break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "links"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'linkmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'linkmodule'; $links = $old_db->selectArrays('link', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('linkmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { $lnk = new links(); $loc = expUnserialize($link['location_data']); $loc->mod = "links"; $lnk->title = !empty($link['name']) ? $link['name'] : 'Untitled'; $lnk->body = $link['description']; $lnk->new_window = $link['opennew']; $lnk->url = !empty($link['url']) ? $link['url'] : '#'; $lnk->rank = $link['rank']; $lnk->poster = 1; $lnk->editor = 1; $lnk->location_data = serialize($loc); $lnk->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } } break; case 'swfmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'swfmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'swfmodule'; $swfitems = $old_db->selectObjects('swfitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($swfitems) { foreach ($swfitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $file = new expFile($ti->swf_id); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->title = $ti->name; $swfcode = ' <p> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" height="' . $ti->height . '" width="' . $ti->width . '"> <param name="bgcolor" value="' . $ti->bgcolor . '" /> ' . ($ti->transparentbg ? "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />" : "") . ' <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="movie" value="' . $file->path_relative . '" /> <embed bgcolor= "' . $ti->bgcolor . '" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="' . $file->path_relative . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="' . $ti->height . '" width="' . $ti->width . '"' . ($ti->transparentbg ? " wmode=\"transparent\"" : "") . '> </embed> </object> </p> '; $text->body = $swfcode; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'newsmodule': if ($module->view == 'Featured News') { $only_featured = true; } switch ($module->view) { case 'Headlines': $module->view = 'showall_headlines'; break; case 'Summary': $module->view = 'showall_summary'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "news"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'newsmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'newsmodule'; $newsitems = $old_db->selectArrays('newsitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('newsmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($newsitems) { $files_attached = false; foreach ($newsitems as $ni) { unset($ni['id']); $news = new news($ni); $loc = expUnserialize($ni['location_data']); $loc->mod = "news"; $news->location_data = serialize($loc); $news->title = !empty($ni['title']) ? $ni['title'] : gt('Untitled'); $news->body = !empty($ni['body']) ? $ni['body'] : gt('(empty)'); $news->save(); // default is to create with current time $news->created_at = $ni['posted']; $news->edited_at = $ni['edited']; $news->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); if (!empty($ni['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($ni['file_id']); $news->attachitem($file, ''); $files_attached = true; } } $newconfig = new expConfig(); if ($files_attached) { // fudge a config to get attached files to appear $newconfig->config = 'a:14:{s:9:"feedmaker";s:0:"";s:11:"filedisplay";s:7:"Gallery";s:6:"ffloat";s:4:"Left";s:6:"fwidth";s:3:"120";s:7:"fmargin";s:1:"5";s:7:"piwidth";s:3:"100";s:5:"thumb";s:3:"100";s:7:"spacing";s:2:"10";s:10:"floatthumb";s:8:"No Float";s:6:"tclass";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:0:"";s:9:"pagelinks";s:14:"Top and Bottom";s:10:"feed_title";s:0:"";s:9:"feed_desc";s:0:"";}'; } if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { if ($newconfig->config != null) { $config = expUnserialize($newconfig->config); } $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig->config = $config; $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } if ($only_featured) { $newconfig->config['only_featured'] = true; } if ($newconfig != null) { $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); } } break; case 'resourcesmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'One Click Download - Descriptive': $module->view = 'showall_quick_download_with_description'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "filedownload"; if ($db->countObjects('filedownloads', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'resourcesmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'resourcesmodule'; $resourceitems = $old_db->selectArrays('resourceitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('resourcesmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($resourceitems) { foreach ($resourceitems as $ri) { unset($ri['id']); $filedownload = new filedownload($ri); $loc = expUnserialize($ri['location_data']); $loc->mod = "filedownload"; $filedownload->title = !empty($ri['name']) ? $ri['name'] : 'Untitled'; $filedownload->body = $ri['description']; $filedownload->downloads = $ri['num_downloads']; $filedownload->location_data = serialize($loc); if (!empty($ri['file_id'])) { $filedownload->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($ri['file_id']); $filedownload->attachitem($file, 'downloadable'); // default is to create with current time $filedownload->created_at = $ri['posted']; $filedownload->edited_at = $ri['edited']; $filedownload->update(); } } if (isset($oldconfig->enable_rss)) { $dorss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; } elseif (isset($oldconfig->enable_podcasting)) { $dorss = $oldconfig->enable_podcasting; } else { $dorss = false; } if ($dorss) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; // $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->enable_rss = true; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } } break; case 'imagegallerymodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'Slideshow': $module->action = 'slideshow'; $module->view = 'showall'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "photos"; if ($db->countObjects('photo', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'imagegallerymodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'imagegallerymodule'; $galleries = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_gallery', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($galleries) { foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $gis = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_image', "gallery_id='" . $gallery['id'] . "'"); foreach ($gis as $gi) { $photo = new photo(); $loc = expUnserialize($gallery['location_data']); $loc->mod = "photos"; $photo->title = !empty($gi['name']) ? $gi['name'] : 'Untitled'; $photo->body = $gi['description']; $photo->alt = $gi['alt']; $photo->location_data = serialize($loc); if (!empty($gi['file_id'])) { $photo->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($gi['file_id']); $photo->attachitem($file, ''); $photo->created_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->edited_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->update(array("validate" => false)); } } } } break; case 'slideshowmodule': $module->action = 'slideshow'; $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "photos"; if ($db->countObjects('photo', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'slideshowmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'slideshowmodule'; $galleries = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_gallery', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($galleries) { foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $gis = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_image', "gallery_id='" . $gallery['id'] . "'"); foreach ($gis as $gi) { $photo = new photo(); $loc = expUnserialize($gallery['location_data']); $loc->mod = "photos"; $photo->title = !empty($gi['name']) ? $gi['name'] : 'Untitled'; $photo->body = $gi['description']; $photo->alt = $gi['alt']; $photo->location_data = serialize($loc); $te = $photo->find('first', "location_data='" . $photo->location_data . "'"); if (empty($te)) { if (!empty($gi['file_id'])) { $photo->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($gi['file_id']); $photo->attachitem($file, ''); $photo->created_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->edited_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->update(); } } } } } break; case 'headlinemodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'headlinemodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'headlinemodule'; $headlines = $old_db->selectObjects('headline', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($headlines) { foreach ($headlines as $hl) { $headline = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($hl->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $headline->location_data = serialize($loc); $headline->title = $hl->headline; $headline->poster = 1; // $headline->created_at = time(); // $headline->edited_at = time(); $headline->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'weblogmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'By Author': $module->action = 'authors'; $module->view = 'authors'; break; case 'By Tag': $module->action = 'tags'; $module->view = 'tags_list'; break; case 'Monthly': $module->action = 'dates'; $module->view = 'dates'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "blog"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'weblogmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'weblogmodule'; $blogitems = $old_db->selectArrays('weblog_post', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('weblogmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($blogitems) { foreach ($blogitems as $bi) { unset($bi['id']); $post = new blog($bi); $loc = expUnserialize($bi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "blog"; $post->location_data = serialize($loc); $post->title = !empty($bi['title']) ? $bi['title'] : gt('Untitled'); $post->body = !empty($bi['body']) ? $bi['body'] : gt('(empty)'); $post->save(); // default is to create with current time $post->created_at = $bi['posted']; $post->edited_at = $bi['edited']; $post->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); // this next section is moot since there are no attachments to blogs // if (!empty($bi['file_id'])) { // $file = new expFile($bi['file_id']); // $post->attachitem($file,'downloadable'); // } if (isset($oldconfig->enable_tags) && ($oldconfig->enable_tags = true)) { $params = null; $oldtags = expUnserialize($bi['tags']); foreach ($oldtags as $oldtag) { $tagtitle = strtolower(trim($old_db->selectValue('tags', 'name', 'id = ' . $oldtag))); $tag = new expTag($tagtitle); // $tag->title = $old_db->selectValue('tags','name','id = '.$oldtag); if (empty($tag->id)) { $tag->update(array('title' => $tagtitle)); } $params['expTag'][] = $tag->id; } $post->update($params); } $comments = $old_db->selectArrays('weblog_comment', "parent_id='" . $post->id . "'"); foreach ($comments as $comment) { unset($comment['id']); $newcomment = new expComment($comment); $newcomment->created_at = $comment['posted']; $newcomment->edited_at = $comment['edited']; $newcomment->update(); // attach the comment to the blog post it belongs to $obj->content_type = 'blog'; $obj->content_id = $post->id; $obj->expcomments_id = $newcomment->id; if (isset($this->params['subtype'])) { $obj->subtype = $this->params['subtype']; } $db->insertObject($obj, $newcomment->attachable_table); } } $newconfig = new expConfig(); $config['add_source'] = '1'; if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); } break; case 'faqmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "faq"; if ($db->countObjects('faqs', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'faqmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'faqmodule'; $faqs = $old_db->selectArrays('faq', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($faqs) { foreach ($faqs as $fqi) { unset($fqi['id']); $faq = new faq($fqi); $loc = expUnserialize($fqi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "faq"; $faq->location_data = serialize($loc); $faq->question = !empty($fqi['question']) ? $fqi['question'] : 'Untitled?'; $faq->answer = $fqi['answer']; $faq->rank = $fqi['rank']; $faq->include_in_faq = 1; $faq->submitter_name = 'Unknown'; $faq->submitter_email = '*****@*****.**'; $faq->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'listingmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "portfolio"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'listingmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'listingmodule'; $listingitems = $old_db->selectArrays('listing', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($listingitems) { $files_attached = false; foreach ($listingitems as $li) { unset($li['id']); $listing = new portfolio($li); $listing->title = !empty($li['name']) ? $li['name'] : 'Untitled?'; $loc = expUnserialize($li['location_data']); $loc->mod = "portfolio"; $listing->location_data = serialize($loc); $listing->featured = true; $listing->poster = 1; $listing->body = "<p>" . $li['summary'] . "</p>" . $li['body']; $listing->save(); // default is to create with current time $listing->created_at = time(); $listing->edited_at = time(); $listing->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); if (!empty($li['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($li['file_id']); $listing->attachitem($file, ''); $files_attached = true; } } if ($files_attached) { // fudge a config to get attached files to appear $config = new expConfig(); $config->location_data = $loc; $config->config = 'a:11:{s:11:"filedisplay";s:7:"Gallery";s:6:"ffloat";s:4:"Left";s:6:"fwidth";s:3:"120";s:7:"fmargin";s:1:"5";s:7:"piwidth";s:3:"100";s:5:"thumb";s:3:"100";s:7:"spacing";s:2:"10";s:10:"floatthumb";s:8:"No Float";s:6:"tclass";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:0:"";s:9:"pagelinks";s:14:"Top and Bottom";}'; $config->save(); } } break; case 'contactmodule': // convert to an old school form $module->view == "Default"; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "formmodule"; if ($db->countObjects('formbuilder_form', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'contactmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'contactmodule'; $contactform = $old_db->selectObject('contactmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($contactform) { $loc = expUnserialize($contactform->location_data); $loc->mod = 'formmodule'; $contactform->location_data = serialize($loc); // $replyto_address = $contactform->replyto_address; unset($contactform->replyto_address); // $from_address = $contactform->from_address; unset($contactform->from_address); // $from_name = $contactform->from_name; unset($contactform->from_name); unset($contactform->use_captcha); $contactform->name = 'Send us an e-mail'; $contactform->description = ''; $contactform->response = $contactform->final_message; unset($contactform->final_message); $contactform->table_name = ''; $contactform->is_email = true; $contactform->is_saved = false; $contactform->submitbtn = 'Send Message'; $contactform->resetbtn = 'Reset'; unset($contactform->id); $contactform->id = $db->insertObject($contactform, 'formbuilder_form'); $addresses = $old_db->selectObjects('contact_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); foreach ($addresses as $address) { unset($address->addressbook_contact_id); unset($address->contact_info); unset($address->location_data); $address->form_id = $contactform->id; $db->insertObject($address, 'formbuilder_address'); } $report = null; $report->name = $contactform->subject; $report->location_data = $contactform->location_data; $report->form_id = $contactform->id; $db->insertObject($report, 'formbuilder_report'); // now add the controls to the form $control = null; $control->name = 'name'; $control->caption = 'Your Name'; $control->form_id = $contactform->id; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:9:"Your Name";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:4:"name";}'; $control->rank = 0; $control->is_readonly = 0; $control->is_static = 0; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'email'; $control->caption = 'Your Email'; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:18:"Your Email Address";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:5:"email";}'; $control->rank = 1; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'subject'; $control->caption = 'Subject'; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:7:"Subject";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:7:"subject";}'; $control->rank = 2; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'message'; $control->caption = 'Message'; $control->data = 'O:17:"texteditorcontrol":12:{s:4:"cols";i:60;s:4:"rows";i:8;s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:0;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:8:"maxchars";i:0;s:10:"identifier";s:7:"message";s:7:"caption";s:7:"Message";}'; $control->rank = 3; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } break; case 'youtubemodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "youtube"; if ($db->countObjects('youtube', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'youtubemodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'youtubemodule'; $videos = $old_db->selectArrays('youtube', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($videos) { foreach ($videos as $vi) { unset($vi['id']); $video = new youtube($vi); $loc = expUnserialize($vi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "youtube"; $video->title = $vi['name']; if (empty($video->title)) { $video->title = 'Untitled'; } $video->location_data = serialize($loc); $yt = explode("watch?v=", $vi['url']); if (empty($yt[1])) { break; } else { $ytid = $yt[1]; } unset($video->url); $video->embed_code = '<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="' . $vi['width'] . '" height="' . $vi['height'] . '" src="' . $ytid . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; $video->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'mediaplayermodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "flowplayer"; if ($db->countObjects('flowplayer', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'mediaplayermodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'mediaplayermodule'; $movies = $old_db->selectArrays('mediaitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($movies) { foreach ($movies as $mi) { unset($mi['id']); $movie = new flowplayer($mi); $loc = expUnserialize($mi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "flowplayer"; $movie->title = $mi['name']; if (empty($movie->title)) { $movie->title = 'Untitled'; } unset($mi['bgcolor']); unset($mi['alignment']); unset($mi['loop_media']); unset($mi['auto_rewind']); unset($mi['autoplay']); unset($mi['hide_controls']); $movie->location_data = serialize($loc); $movie->poster = 1; $movie->rank = 1; if (!empty($mi['media_id'])) { $movie->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($mi['media_id']); $movie->attachitem($file, 'video'); if (!empty($mi['alt_image_id'])) { $file = new expFile($mi['alt_image_id']); $movie->attachitem($file, 'splash'); } } } } break; case 'bannermodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "banner"; if ($db->countObjects('banner', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'bannermodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'bannermodule'; $banners = $old_db->selectArrays('banner_ad', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($banners) { foreach ($banners as $bi) { $oldclicks = $old_db->selectObjects('banner_click', "ad_id='" . $bi['id'] . "'"); $oldcompany = $old_db->selectObject('banner_affiliate', "id='" . $bi['affiliate_id'] . "'"); unset($bi['id']); $banner = new banner($bi); $loc = expUnserialize($bi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "banner"; $banner->title = $bi['name']; $banner->url = !empty($bi['url']) ? $bi['url'] : '#'; if (empty($banner->title)) { $banner->title = 'Untitled'; } $banner->location_data = serialize($loc); $newcompany = $db->selectObject('companies', "title='" . $oldcompany->name . "'"); if ($newcompany == null) { $newcompany = new company(); $newcompany->title = !empty($oldcompany->name) ? $oldcompany->name : 'Untitled'; $newcompany->body = $oldcompany->contact_info; $newcompany->location_data = $banner->location_data; $newcompany->save(); } $banner->companies_id = $newcompany->id; $banner->clicks = 0; foreach ($oldclicks as $click) { $banner->clicks += $click->clicks; } if (!empty($bi['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($bi['file_id']); $banner->attachitem($file, ''); } $banner->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'addressbookmodule': // user mod, not widely distributed @($module->view = 'myaddressbook'); @($module->action = 'myaddressbook'); //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) // $ploc = $iloc; // $ploc->mod = "addresses"; // if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='".serialize($ploc)."'")) { // $iloc->mod = 'addressbookmodule'; // $linked = true; // break; // } // $iloc->mod = 'addressbookmodule'; $addresses = $old_db->selectArrays('addressbook_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($addresses) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { // unset($address['id']); $addr = new address(); $addr->user_id = 1; $addr->is_default = 1; $addr->is_billing = 1; $addr->is_shipping = 1; $addr->firstname = !empty($address['firstname']) ? $address['firstname'] : 'blank'; $addr->lastname = !empty($address['lastname']) ? $address['lastname'] : 'blank'; $addr->address1 = !empty($address['address1']) ? $address['address1'] : 'blank'; $addr->city = !empty($address['city']) ? $address['city'] : 'blank'; $address['state'] = !empty($address['state']) ? $address['state'] : 'CA'; $state = $db->selectObject('geo_region', 'code="' . strtoupper($address['state']) . '"'); $addr->state = $state->id; $addr->zip = !empty($address['zip']) ? $address['zip'] : '99999'; $addr->phone = !empty($address['phone']) ? $address['phone'] : '800-555-1212'; $addr->email = !empty($address['email']) ? $address['email'] : '*****@*****.**'; $addr->organization = $address['business']; $addr->phone2 = $address['cell']; $addr->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'feedlistmodule': @($module->view = 'showall'); $iloc->mod = 'feedlistmodule'; $feedlist = $old_db->selectObject('feedlistmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($feedlist->enable_rss == 1) { $loc = expUnserialize($feedlist->location_data); $loc->mod = "rssController"; $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $feedlist->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $feedlist->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($feedlist->rss_limit) ? $feedlist->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($feedlist->rss_cachetime) ? $feedlist->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $feedlist->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $feedlist->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $feedlist->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($feedlist->rss_limit) ? $feedlist->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($feedlist->rss_cachetime) ? $feedlist->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } break; default: @$this->msg['noconverter'][$iloc->mod]++; break; } // quick check for non hard coded modules // We add a container if they're not hard coded. !$hc ? $this->add_container($iloc, $module, $linked) : ""; return $module; }