public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'PasswordField';
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none', $mod->Lang('validation_regex_match') => 'regex_match', $mod->Lang('validation_regex_nomatch') => 'regex_nomatch');
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'TextField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none', $mod->Lang('validation_numeric') => 'numeric', $mod->Lang('validation_integer') => 'integer', $mod->Lang('validation_usphone') => 'usphone', $mod->Lang('validation_email_address') => 'email', $mod->Lang('validation_regex_match') => 'regex_match', $mod->Lang('validation_regex_nomatch') => 'regex_nomatch');
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'TextAreaField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'CheckboxField';
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none', $mod->Lang('validation_must_check') => 'checked');
     $this->sortable = false;
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->IsDisposition = true;
     $this->IsEmailDisposition = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
 function Load($id, &$params, $loadDeep = false)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     parent::Load($id, $params, $loadDeep);
     if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES[$mod->module_id . 'fbrp__' . $this->Id]) && $_FILES[$mod->module_id . 'fbrp__' . $this->Id]['size'] > 0) {
         // Okay, a file was uploaded
         $this->SetValue($_FILES[$mod->module_id . 'fbrp__' . $this->Id]['name']);
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'ProvincePickerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->Provinces = array("No Default" => '', "Alberta" => "AB", "British Columbia" => "BC", "Manitoba" => "MB", "New Brunswick" => "NB", "Newfoundland and Labrador" => "NL", "Northwest Territories" => "NT", "Nova Scotia" => "NS", "Nunavut" => "NU", "Ontario" => "ON", "Prince Edward Island" => "PE", "Quebec" => "QC", "Saskatchewan" => "SK", "Yukon" => "YT");
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'CountryPickerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->Countries = array($mod->Lang('no_default') => '', $mod->Lang('AF') => 'AF', $mod->Lang('AX') => 'AX', $mod->Lang('AL') => 'AL', $mod->Lang('DZ') => 'DZ', $mod->Lang('AS') => 'AS', $mod->Lang('AD') => 'AD', $mod->Lang('AO') => 'AO', $mod->Lang('AI') => 'AI', $mod->Lang('AQ') => 'AQ', $mod->Lang('AG') => 'AG', $mod->Lang('AR') => 'AR', $mod->Lang('AM') => 'AM', $mod->Lang('AW') => 'AW', $mod->Lang('AU') => 'AU', $mod->Lang('AT') => 'AT', $mod->Lang('AZ') => 'AZ', $mod->Lang('BS') => 'BS', $mod->Lang('BH') => 'BH', $mod->Lang('BB') => 'BB', $mod->Lang('BD') => 'BD', $mod->Lang('BY') => 'BY', $mod->Lang('BE') => 'BE', $mod->Lang('BZ') => 'BZ', $mod->Lang('BJ') => 'BJ', $mod->Lang('BM') => 'BM', $mod->Lang('BT') => 'BT', $mod->Lang('BW') => 'BW', $mod->Lang('BO') => 'BO', $mod->Lang('BA') => 'BA', $mod->Lang('BV') => 'BV', $mod->Lang('BR') => 'BR', $mod->Lang('IO') => 'IO', $mod->Lang('BN') => 'BN', $mod->Lang('BG') => 'BG', $mod->Lang('BF') => 'BF', $mod->Lang('BI') => 'BI', $mod->Lang('KH') => 'KH', $mod->Lang('CM') => 'CM', $mod->Lang('CA') => 'CA', $mod->Lang('CV') => 'CV', $mod->Lang('KY') => 'KY', $mod->Lang('CF') => 'CF', $mod->Lang('TD') => 'TD', $mod->Lang('CL') => 'CL', $mod->Lang('CN') => 'CN', $mod->Lang('CX') => 'CX', $mod->Lang('CC') => 'CC', $mod->Lang('CO') => 'CO', $mod->Lang('KM') => 'KM', $mod->Lang('CG') => 'CG', $mod->Lang('CD') => 'CD', $mod->Lang('CK') => 'CK', $mod->Lang('CR') => 'CR', $mod->Lang('CI') => 'CI', $mod->Lang('HR') => 'HR', $mod->Lang('CU') => 'CU', $mod->Lang('CY') => 'CY', $mod->Lang('CZ') => 'CZ', $mod->Lang('DK') => 'DK', $mod->Lang('DJ') => 'DJ', $mod->Lang('DM') => 'DM', $mod->Lang('DO') => 'DO', $mod->Lang('TP') => 'TP', $mod->Lang('EC') => 'EC', $mod->Lang('EG') => 'EG', $mod->Lang('SV') => 'SV', $mod->Lang('GQ') => 'GQ', $mod->Lang('ER') => 'ER', $mod->Lang('EE') => 'EE', $mod->Lang('ET') => 'ET', $mod->Lang('FK') => 'FK', $mod->Lang('FO') => 'FO', $mod->Lang('FJ') => 'FJ', $mod->Lang('FI') => 'FI', $mod->Lang('FR') => 'FR', $mod->Lang('FX') => 'FX', $mod->Lang('GF') => 'GF', $mod->Lang('PF') => 'PF', $mod->Lang('TF') => 'TF', $mod->Lang('MK') => 'MK', $mod->Lang('GA') => 'GA', $mod->Lang('GM') => 'GM', $mod->Lang('GE') => 'GE', $mod->Lang('DE') => 'DE', $mod->Lang('GH') => 'GH', $mod->Lang('GI') => 'GI', $mod->Lang('GB') => 'GB', $mod->Lang('GR') => 'GR', $mod->Lang('GL') => 'GL', $mod->Lang('GD') => 'GD', $mod->Lang('GP') => 'GP', $mod->Lang('GU') => 'GU', $mod->Lang('GT') => 'GT', $mod->Lang('GF') => 'GF', $mod->Lang('GN') => 'GN', $mod->Lang('GW') => 'GW', $mod->Lang('GY') => 'GY', $mod->Lang('HT') => 'HT', $mod->Lang('HM') => 'HM', $mod->Lang('HN') => 'HN', $mod->Lang('HK') => 'HK', $mod->Lang('HU') => 'HU', $mod->Lang('IS') => 'IS', $mod->Lang('IN') => 'IN', $mod->Lang('ID') => 'ID', $mod->Lang('IR') => 'IR', $mod->Lang('IQ') => 'IQ', $mod->Lang('IE') => 'IE', $mod->Lang('IL') => 'IL', $mod->Lang('IM') => 'IM', $mod->Lang('IT') => 'IT', $mod->Lang('JE') => 'JE', $mod->Lang('JM') => 'JM', $mod->Lang('JP') => 'JP', $mod->Lang('JO') => 'JO', $mod->Lang('KZ') => 'KZ', $mod->Lang('KE') => 'KE', $mod->Lang('KI') => 'KI', $mod->Lang('KP') => 'KP', $mod->Lang('KR') => 'KR', $mod->Lang('KW') => 'KW', $mod->Lang('KG') => 'KG', $mod->Lang('LA') => 'LA', $mod->Lang('LV') => 'LV', $mod->Lang('LB') => 'LB', $mod->Lang('LI') => 'LI', $mod->Lang('LR') => 'LR', $mod->Lang('LY') => 'LY', $mod->Lang('LS') => 'LS', $mod->Lang('LT') => 'LT', $mod->Lang('LU') => 'LU', $mod->Lang('MO') => 'MO', $mod->Lang('MG') => 'MG', $mod->Lang('MW') => 'MW', $mod->Lang('MY') => 'MY', $mod->Lang('MV') => 'MV', $mod->Lang('ML') => 'ML', $mod->Lang('MT') => 'MT', $mod->Lang('MH') => 'MH', $mod->Lang('MQ') => 'MQ', $mod->Lang('MR') => 'MR', $mod->Lang('MU') => 'MU', $mod->Lang('YT') => 'YT', $mod->Lang('MX') => 'MX', $mod->Lang('FM') => 'FM', $mod->Lang('MC') => 'MC', $mod->Lang('MD') => 'MD', $mod->Lang('MA') => 'MA', $mod->Lang('MN') => 'MN', $mod->Lang('MS') => 'MS', $mod->Lang('MZ') => 'MZ', $mod->Lang('MM') => 'MM', $mod->Lang('NA') => 'NA', $mod->Lang('NR') => 'NR', $mod->Lang('NP') => 'NP', $mod->Lang('NL') => 'NL', $mod->Lang('AN') => 'AN', $mod->Lang('NT') => 'NT', $mod->Lang('NC') => 'NC', $mod->Lang('NZ') => 'NZ', $mod->Lang('NI') => 'NI', $mod->Lang('NE') => 'NE', $mod->Lang('NG') => 'NG', $mod->Lang('NU') => 'NU', $mod->Lang('NF') => 'NF', $mod->Lang('MP') => 'MP', $mod->Lang('NO') => 'NO', $mod->Lang('OM') => 'OM', $mod->Lang('PK') => 'PK', $mod->Lang('PW') => 'PW', $mod->Lang('PS') => 'PS', $mod->Lang('PA') => 'PA', $mod->Lang('PG') => 'PG', $mod->Lang('PY') => 'PY', $mod->Lang('PE') => 'PE', $mod->Lang('PH') => 'PH', $mod->Lang('PN') => 'PN', $mod->Lang('PL') => 'PL', $mod->Lang('PT') => 'PT', $mod->Lang('PR') => 'PR', $mod->Lang('QA') => 'QA', $mod->Lang('RE') => 'RE', $mod->Lang('RO') => 'RO', $mod->Lang('RU') => 'RU', $mod->Lang('RW') => 'RW', $mod->Lang('GS') => 'GS', $mod->Lang('KN') => 'KN', $mod->Lang('LC') => 'LC', $mod->Lang('VC') => 'VC', $mod->Lang('WS') => 'WS', $mod->Lang('SM') => 'SM', $mod->Lang('ST') => 'ST', $mod->Lang('SA') => 'SA', $mod->Lang('SN') => 'SN', $mod->Lang('SC') => 'SC', $mod->Lang('SL') => 'SL', $mod->Lang('SG') => 'SG', $mod->Lang('SI') => 'SI', $mod->Lang('SK') => 'SK', $mod->Lang('SB') => 'SB', $mod->Lang('SO') => 'SO', $mod->Lang('ZA') => 'ZA', $mod->Lang('ES') => 'ES', $mod->Lang('LK') => 'LK', $mod->Lang('SH') => 'SH', $mod->Lang('PM') => 'PM', $mod->Lang('SD') => 'SD', $mod->Lang('SR') => 'SR', $mod->Lang('SJ') => 'SJ', $mod->Lang('SZ') => 'SZ', $mod->Lang('SE') => 'SE', $mod->Lang('CH') => 'CH', $mod->Lang('SY') => 'SY', $mod->Lang('TW') => 'TW', $mod->Lang('TJ') => 'TJ', $mod->Lang('TZ') => 'TZ', $mod->Lang('TH') => 'TH', $mod->Lang('TG') => 'TG', $mod->Lang('TK') => 'TK', $mod->Lang('TO') => 'TO', $mod->Lang('TT') => 'TT', $mod->Lang('TN') => 'TN', $mod->Lang('TR') => 'TR', $mod->Lang('TM') => 'TM', $mod->Lang('TC') => 'TC', $mod->Lang('TV') => 'TV', $mod->Lang('UG') => 'UG', $mod->Lang('UA') => 'UA', $mod->Lang('AE') => 'AE', $mod->Lang('UK') => 'UK', $mod->Lang('US') => 'US', $mod->Lang('UM') => 'UM', $mod->Lang('UY') => 'UY', $mod->Lang('UZ') => 'UZ', $mod->Lang('VU') => 'VU', $mod->Lang('VA') => 'VA', $mod->Lang('VE') => 'VE', $mod->Lang('VN') => 'VN', $mod->Lang('VG') => 'VG', $mod->Lang('VI') => 'VI', $mod->Lang('WF') => 'WF', $mod->Lang('EH') => 'EH', $mod->Lang('YE') => 'YE', $mod->Lang('YU') => 'YU', $mod->Lang('ZM') => 'ZM', $mod->Lang('ZW') => 'ZW');
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'StatePickerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->States = array("No Default" => '', "Alabama" => "AL", "Alaska" => "AK", "Arizona" => "AZ", "Arkansas" => "AR", "California" => "CA", "Colorado" => "CO", "Connecticut" => "CT", "Delaware" => "DE", "Florida" => "FL", "Georgia" => "GA", "Hawaii" => "HI", "Idaho" => "ID", "Illinois" => "IL", "Indiana" => "IN", "Iowa" => "IA", "Kansas" => "KS", "Kentucky" => "KY", "Louisiana" => "LA", "Maine" => "ME", "Maryland" => "MD", "Massachusetts" => "MA", "Michigan" => "MI", "Minnesota" => "MN", "Mississippi" => "MS", "Missouri" => "MO", "Montana" => "MT", "Nebraska" => "NE", "Nevada" => "NV", "New Hampshire" => "NH", "New Jersey" => "NJ", "New Mexico" => "NM", "New York" => "NY", "North Carolina" => "NC", "North Dakota" => "ND", "Ohio" => "OH", "Oklahoma" => "OK", "Oregon" => "OR", "Pennsylvania" => "PA", "Rhode Island" => "RI", "South Carolina" => "SC", "South Dakota" => "SD", "Tennessee" => "TN", "Texas" => "TX", "Utah" => "UT", "Vermont" => "VT", "Virginia" => "VA", "Washington" => "WA", "District of Columbia" => "DC", "West Virginia" => "WV", "Wisconsin" => "WI", "Wyoming" => "WY");
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'FromEmailNameField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->modifiesOtherFields = true;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $this->Type = 'SiteAdminField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->IsDisposition = false;
     $this->HasAddOp = false;
     $this->HasDeleteOp = false;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'DispositionForm';
     $this->IsDisposition = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->DisplayInForm = false;
     $this->sortable = false;
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'FromEmailAddressField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_email_address') => 'email');
     $this->ValidationType = 'email';
     $this->modifiesOtherFields = true;
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $this->Type = 'DispositionListItExtended';
     $this->IsDisposition = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->DisplayInForm = false;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = false;
     $this->sortable = false;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'UniqueIntegerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->sortable = false;
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'ButtonField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = false;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->sortable = false;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'StaticTextField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = false;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->HasLabel = 0;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'PulldownField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->HasAddOp = true;
     $this->HasDeleteOp = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->optionAdd = 0;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'TimePickerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none');
     $this->flag12hour = array($mod->Lang('title_before_noon') => $mod->Lang('title_before_noon'), $mod->Lang('title_after_noon') => $mod->Lang('title_after_noon'));
     $this->hasMultipleFormComponents = true;
     $this->labelSubComponents = false;
 public function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'DatePickerField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none');
     $this->months = array('' => '', $mod->Lang('date_january') => 1, $mod->Lang('date_february') => 2, $mod->Lang('date_march') => 3, $mod->Lang('date_april') => 4, $mod->Lang('date_may') => 5, $mod->Lang('date_june') => 6, $mod->Lang('date_july') => 7, $mod->Lang('date_august') => 8, $mod->Lang('date_september') => 9, $mod->Lang('date_october') => 10, $mod->Lang('date_november') => 11, $mod->Lang('date_december') => 12);
     $this->hasMultipleFormComponents = true;
     $this->labelSubComponents = false;
 function fbCheckboxExtendedField(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::fbFieldBase($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'CheckboxExtendedField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none', $mod->Lang('validation_must_check') => 'checked', $mod->Lang('validation_empty') => 'empty');
     $this->sortable = false;
     $this->hasMultipleFormComponents = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'LinkField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->Required = false;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none') => 'none');
     $this->hasMultipleFormComponents = true;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod =& $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'HiddenField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->HasLabel = 0;
     $this->NeedsDiv = 0;
     $this->sortable = false;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'PageBreakField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = false;
     $this->Required = false;
     //$this->ValidationTypes = array($mod->Lang('validation_none')=>'none');
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->sortable = false;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod =& $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'ModuleInterfaceField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->HasLabel = 0;
     $this->NeedsDiv = 0;
     $this->sortable = false;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = true;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'RadioGroupField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->HasAddOp = true;
     $this->HasDeleteOp = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = false;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->optionAdd = 0;
     $this->hasMultipleFormComponents = true;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'DispositionPageRedirector';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = false;
     $this->IsDisposition = true;
     $this->HasAddOp = true;
     $this->HasDeleteOp = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->addressAdd = 0;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'CatalogerItemsField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = false;
     $this->HasAddOp = false;
     $this->HasDeleteOp = false;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->optionAdd = 0;
     $this->sortable = false;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'ComputedField';
     $this->DisplayInForm = false;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->ValidationTypes = array();
     $this->HasLabel = 1;
     $this->NeedsDiv = 0;
     $this->sortable = false;
     $this->IsComputedOnSubmission = true;
 function __construct(&$form_ptr, &$params)
     parent::__construct($form_ptr, $params);
     $mod = $form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $this->Type = 'DispositionFormBrowser';
     $this->IsDisposition = true;
     $this->NonRequirableField = true;
     $this->DisplayInForm = false;
     $this->DisplayInSubmission = false;
     $this->HideLabel = 1;
     $this->NeedsDiv = 0;
     $this->approvedBy = '';
     $this->sortable = false;