Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testFloats()
     $this->setLocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'deu', 'german');
     $template = new ezcTemplate();
     $file = "float.ezt";
     // The number 3.14 should not be translated to 3,14. The array size should be one, not two.
     file_put_contents($this->templatePath . "/" . $file, "{array_count(array(3.14))}");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $template->process($file), "Number 3.14 is internally translated to 3,14 when the de_DE locale is used.");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Writes the given $schema to $dir using $template.
  * Iterates through all tables in $schema, sends each of them to a {@link
  * ezcTemplate} with $template and writes the result to $dir with the file
  * name returned by the template.
  * @param ezcDbSchema $schema 
  * @param string $template
  * @param mixed $dir 
 public function write(ezcDbSchema $schema, $template, $dir)
     $tplConf = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
     $tplConf->templatePath = $this->properties['options']->templatePath;
     $tplConf->compilePath = $this->properties['options']->templateCompilePath;
     $tpl = new ezcTemplate();
     $tpl->send->classPrefix = $this->properties['options']->classPrefix;
     foreach ($schema->getSchema() as $tableName => $tableSchema) {
         $tpl->send->schema = $tableSchema;
         $tpl->send->tableName = $tableName;
         $content = $tpl->process($template);
         $fileName = $dir . '/' . $tpl->receive->fileName;
         if (!$this->properties['options']->overwrite && file_exists($fileName)) {
             throw new ezcPersistentObjectSchemaOverwriteException($fileName);
         file_put_contents($fileName, $content);
Exemplo n.º 3
    $template = new ezcTemplate();
    $dir = dirname($directory);
    $base = basename($directory);
    $template->configuration = new ezcTemplateConfiguration($dir, "/tmp/template_crap");
    if (preg_match("#^(\\w+)@(\\w+)\\..*\$#", $base, $match)) {
        $contextClass = "ezcTemplate" . ucfirst(strtolower($match[2])) . "Context";
        $template->configuration->context = new $contextClass();
    } else {
        $template->configuration->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext();
    $send = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".send";
    if (file_exists($send)) {
        $template->send = (include $send);
    $out = "";
    try {
        $out = $template->process($base);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $out = $e->getMessage();
        // Begin of the error message contains the full path. We replace this with 'mock' so that the
        // tests work on other systems as well.
        if (strncmp($out, $directory, strlen($directory)) == 0) {
            $out = "mock" . substr($out, strlen($directory));
    echo ".";

require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$t = new ezcTemplate();
$t->send->a = 2;
$t->send->b = 3;
// Process it.
// Retrieve the $answer variable from the template.
echo "Answer: " . $t->receive->answer . "\n";
// Show the output.
echo $t->output;
Exemplo n.º 5
function getBody($example, $form)
    $c = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
    $c->templatePath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/dir";
    $c->compilePath = "/tmp";
    $t = new ezcTemplate();
    $t->send->form = $form;
    $t->process($example . '.ezt');
    return $t->output;
 public function testCacheBlock()
     $t = new ezcTemplate();
     $r = $t->process("show_users_cache_block.ezt");
     $this->assertEquals("\n\n\n\n1 Raymond sunRay\n\n2 Derick Tiger\n\n3 Jan Amos\n", $r);
     // Update a single user.
     $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
     $db->exec('UPDATE user SET nickname="bla" WHERE id=1');
     // Still cached.
     $r = $t->process("show_users_cache_block.ezt");
     $this->assertEquals("\n\n\n\n1 Raymond sunRay\n\n2 Derick Tiger\n\n3 Jan Amos\n", $r);
     // Send a update signal to the configuration manager.
     ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance()->cacheManager->update("user", 1);
     $r = $t->process("show_users_cache_block.ezt");
     $this->assertEquals("\n\n\n\n1 Raymond bla\n\n2 Derick Tiger\n\n3 Jan Amos\n", $r);
Exemplo n.º 7

// Autoload.
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$config = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
$config->templatePath = "/usr/share/templates";
$config->compilePath = "/tmp/compiled_templates";
$config->context = new ezcTemplateXhtmlContext();
// Is already the default, though.
$t = new ezcTemplate();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function testRunRegression($directory)
     $template = new ezcTemplate();
     $dir = dirname($directory);
     $base = basename($directory);
     $template->configuration = new ezcTemplateConfiguration($dir, $this->getTempDir());
     $template->configuration->targetCharset = "Latin1";
     $template->configuration->translation = ezcTemplateTranslationConfiguration::getInstance();
     $template->configuration->translation->locale = 'en_us';
     $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend(dirname(__FILE__) . '/translations');
     $backend->setOptions(array('format' => '[LOCALE].xml'));
     $manager = new ezcTranslationManager($backend);
     $template->configuration->translation->manager = $manager;
     // $template->configuration->cachePath = $this->getTempDir() . "/cached";
     // $template->configuration->cachePath = "/tmp/cache";
         if ( !is_dir( $template->configuration->cachePath ) )
             mkdir( $template->configuration->cachePath);
     if (preg_match("#^(\\w+)@(\\w+)\\..*\$#", $base, $match)) {
         $contextClass = "ezcTemplate" . ucfirst(strtolower($match[2])) . "Context";
         $template->configuration->context = new $contextClass();
     } else {
         $template->configuration->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext();
     $send = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".send";
     if (file_exists($send)) {
         $template->send = (include $send);
     $out = "";
     $exceptionText = "";
     try {
         $out = $template->process($base);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $out = $e->getMessage();
         $exceptionText = get_class($e) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $out;
         // Begin of the error message contains the full path. We replace this with 'mock' so that the
         // tests work on other systems as well.
         if (strncmp($out, $directory, strlen($directory)) == 0) {
             $out = "mock" . substr($out, strlen($directory));
         $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
     $expected = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".out";
     if (!file_exists($expected)) {
         $help = "The out file: '{$expected}' could not be found.";
         if (!self::$skipMissingTests && $this->interactiveMode) {
             echo "\n", $help, "\n";
             self::interact($template, $directory, false, $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText);
         } else {
             throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException($help);
     $expectedText = file_get_contents($expected);
     try {
         $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $out, "In:  <{$expected}>\nOut: <{$directory}>");
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
         $help = "The evaluated template <" . $this->regressionDir . "/current.tmp> differs ";
         $help .= "from the expected output: <{$expected}>.";
         if ($this->interactiveMode) {
             // Touch the file. It will be run first, next time.
             if (isset($_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT']) && $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] == 'mtime') {
             $exceptionText = get_class($e) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $e->getMessage();
             $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
             echo "\n", $help, "\n";
             self::interact($template, $directory, file_get_contents($expected), $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText);
         // Rethrow with new and more detailed message
         throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException($help, $e->getComparisonFailure());
     // check the receive variables.
     $receive = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".receive";
     if (file_exists($receive)) {
         $expectedVar = (include $receive);
         $foundVar = $template->receive;
         $this->assertEquals($expectedVar, $foundVar, "Received variables does not match");
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected function renderViewTemplate($controller)
     $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance();
     $tplConfig = new ezcTemplateConfiguration(SITE_ROOT . "/app", SITE_ROOT . "/tmp");
     $tplConfig->disableCache = true;
     $tplConfig->checkModifiedTemplates = true;
     $tpl = new ezcTemplate();
     $tpl->configuration = $tplConfig;
     $send = new ezcTemplateVariableCollection($controller->vars);
     $tpl->send = $send;
     $receive = $tpl->receive;
     $result = $tpl->process($controller->templateFile . '.ezt');
     //echo $result;
     $merged = array_merge($send->getVariableArray(), $receive->getVariableArray(), array('result' => $result));
     $layoutTpl = new ezcTemplate();
     $layoutTpl->configuration = $tplConfig;
     $layoutTpl->send = new ezcTemplateVariableCollection($merged);
     $path = 'layouts/' . $controller->layout . '.ezt';
     echo $layoutTpl->process($path);
     //$output = $debug->generateOutput();
     //echo $output;
Exemplo n.º 10
// Create some debug information (how many miliseconds the parsing took)
$end = microtime(true);
$debug = sprintf("Execution time (without template): %.0f ms", ($end - $start) * 1000) . "\n";
// Create a template configuration object based on $options
$templateConfig = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
$templateConfig->templatePath = $options["templatePath"];
$templateConfig->compilePath = $options["compilePath"];
$templateConfig->context = new ezcTemplateXhtmlContext();
// Create a template object based on $templateConfig
$template = new ezcTemplate();
$template->configuration = $templateConfig;
// Assign the template variables with the script variables
$template->send->debug = $debug;
$template->send->mailbox = $options["mailbox"];
$template->send->mailboxes = $mailboxes;
$template->send->selected = $options["currentPage"];
$template->send->pageSize = $options["pageSize"];
$template->send->mailCount = count($messages);
$template->send->numberOfPages = $numberOfPages;
// Create an array to be passed to the template, which holds the headers the mails
// in currentPage and other useful information like mail IDs
$mailListing = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mails); $i++) {
    $mailListing[$i] = array('number' => $messages[$i], 'id' => $mailIDs[$i], 'from' => $mails[$i]->from, 'subject' => $mails[$i]->subject, 'size' => $sizes[$i], 'received' => $mails[$i]->timestamp);
$template->send->mails = $mailListing;
// Process the template
// Display the output of the template
echo $template->output;
Exemplo n.º 11

require '../include/ezc-setup.php';
require '../include/template_function_call.php';
$tpl = new ezcTemplate();
$tpl->send->listing = array(1 => 'Item 1', 2 => 'Item 2');
echo $tpl->process('oneonly.ezt');
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function testCompileOnly()
     file_put_contents($this->templatePath . "/test.ezt", '{use $myVar}{$myVar}');
     $tc = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
     $tc->executeTemplate = false;
     self::assertEquals(0, count(glob($tc->compilePath . "/compiled_templates/xhtml-*/*.php")));
     $template = new ezcTemplate();
     $out = $template->process("test.ezt");
     // Should work, because we compile the template only.
     self::assertEquals(1, count(glob($tc->compilePath . "/compiled_templates/xhtml-*/*.php")));
Exemplo n.º 13
    public function testDisableCachingWithCacheBlock()
        $t = new ezcTemplate();
        $t->send->user = new TestUser("Bernard", "Black");
        $out = $t->process("cache_block.tpl");
Before: [Bernard Black]

Cache block 0: [Bernard Black]

Between cb 0 and 1: [Bernard Black]

Cache block 1: [Bernard Black]

After: [Bernard Black]

, $out);
        $t->configuration->disableCache = true;
        $t->send->user = new TestUser("Roger", "Rabbit");
        $out = $t->process("cache_block.tpl");
Before: [Roger Rabbit]

Cache block 0: [Roger Rabbit]

Between cb 0 and 1: [Roger Rabbit]

Cache block 1: [Roger Rabbit]

After: [Roger Rabbit]

, $out);
        $t->send->user = new TestUser("Bernard", "Black");
        $out = $t->process("cache_block.tpl");
Before: [Bernard Black]

Cache block 0: [Bernard Black]

Between cb 0 and 1: [Bernard Black]

Cache block 1: [Bernard Black]

After: [Bernard Black]

, $out);
Exemplo n.º 14
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$t = new ezcTemplate();
// Set the template configuration for printer templates.
$c = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance("printer");
$c->templatePath = "printer";
// ./printer directory;
$c->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext();
// Use a context that doesn't do anything.
$c = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
$c->templatePath = "html";
// ./html directory.
// And another way to configure your template engine.
$pdfConf = new ezcTemplateConfiguration("pdf", ".", new ezcTemplateNoContext());
try {
    // Uses the default configuration.
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
try {
    // Uses the printer configuration
    $t->process("hello_world.ezt", ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance("printer"));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
try {
    // Uses the PDF configuration.
    $t->configuration = $pdfConf;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";