Exemplo n.º 1
    insert($c, anchor($vars, "<<"));
insert($c, text(my_("Timestamp")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("timestamp", "action"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, block($result->UserTimeStamp($row["newdt"], "M d Y H:i:s")));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["action"]));
    if ($totcnt % MAXTABLESIZE == MAXTABLESIZE - 1) {
insert($w, block("<p>"));
$vars = "";
$printed = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
Exemplo n.º 2
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    // have zone records been modified
    if ($row["error_message"] == "E") {
        insert($c, textb($row["domain"]));
        insert($c, block(" &Dagger;"));
    } else {
        insert($c, text($row["domain"]));
    if ($row["slaveonly"] == "Y") {
        insert($c, span(my_("Slave zone"), array("class" => "textSmall")));
        $export->addCell($row["domain"] . my_(" (Slave zone)"));
    } else {
    $result1 =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT hname FROM fwddns\n                                  WHERE id=" . $row["data_id"] . "\n                                  ORDER BY horder");
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    $row1 = $result1->FetchRow();
    insert($c, text($row1["hname"]));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    $row1 = $result1->FetchRow();
    insert($c, text($row1["hname"]));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["serialdate"] . str_pad($row["serialnum"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)));
    $export->addCell($row["serialdate"] . str_pad($row["serialnum"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
Exemplo n.º 3
$i = 1;
while ($row2 = $result2->FetchRow()) {
    $hname[$row2["horder"]] = $row2["hname"];
// capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("name_server_1", "name_server_2", "name_server_3", "name_server_4", "name_server_5", "name_server_6", "name_server_7", "name_server_8", "name_server_9", "name_server_10"));
// space for 10 reverse entries
for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
    insert($con, textbr(sprintf(my_("Name server %u:"), $i)));
    insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "hname[" . $i . "]", "value" => isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : "", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "100")));
    insert($con, textbr());
    $export->addCell(isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : "");
insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
insert($legend, text(my_("Forward zone SOA header information")));
insert($con, textbr(my_("Technical contact email address")));
insert($con, span(my_("No @ allowed - replace with ."), array("class" => "textSmall")));
insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "responsiblemail", "value" => "{$responsiblemail}", "size" => "64", "maxlength" => "64")));
insert($con, textbrbr(my_("TTL")));
insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "ttl", "value" => "{$ttl}", "size" => "10", "maxlength" => "10")));
insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Refresh")));
insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "refresh", "value" => "{$refresh}", "size" => "5", "maxlength" => "10")));
insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Retry")));
insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "retry", "value" => "{$retry}", "size" => "5", "maxlength" => "10")));
insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Expire")));
Exemplo n.º 4
 // customer is 0, display all customers with customer description
 // on customer change
 if ($cust == 0 and $row["custdescrip"] != $prevrow) {
     if (REGENABLED) {
         insert($t, $c = cell(array("colspan" => "7")));
     } else {
         insert($t, $c = cell(array("colspan" => "6")));
     insert($c, generic("b"));
     insert($c, anchor($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?cust=" . $row["customer"] . "&areaindex=&rangeindex=&ipaddr={$ipaddr}&descrip=" . urlencode($descrip) . "&expr={$expr}&size={$size}", $row["custdescrip"]));
     $prevrow = $row["custdescrip"];
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, anchor("displaysubnet.php?baseindex=" . $row["baseindex"], inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"])));
 if ($row["subnetsize"] == 1) {
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text(my_("Host")));
 } else {
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["subnetsize"]));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $row["subnetsize"]) . "/" . inet_bits($row["subnetsize"])));
 $export->addCell(inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $row["subnetsize"]) . "/" . inet_bits($row["subnetsize"]));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text($row["descrip"]));
Exemplo n.º 5
     if ($showused == 2) {
 // handle beginning of range
 if ($rangeindex) {
     if ($i == 0 and $startnum != $arr[$i]["baseaddr"]) {
         // work out size from start of range
         $newsize = $arr[$i]["baseaddr"] - $startnum;
         //display only subnets with free space between from/to size
         if ($newsize >= $size_from && $newsize <= $size_to) {
             insert($t, $c = cell(array("class" => "greencell")));
             insert($c, anchor("createsubnetform.php?ipaddr=" . $start . "&cust=" . $cust, $start));
             insert($t, $c = cell());
             insert($c, text($newsize));
             insert($t, $c = cell());
             insert($t, $c = cell());
             insert($c, text(my_("Free space")));
             $export->addCell(my_("free space"));
             insert($t, $c = cell());
             insert($t, $c = cell());
             $width = 100;
             insert($c, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$width}\" src=\"../images/square_green.jpg\">"));
Exemplo n.º 6
 insert($c, text(my_("User description")));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(my_("Request date")));
 insert($t, $ck = cell());
 insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
 //capture data for the export view functionality
 $export = new exportForm();
 $export->addRow(array("customer_description", "request_description", "user", "user_description", "request_date"));
 $cnt = 0;
 while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
     setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["custdescrip"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["requestdesc"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["userinf"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["descrip"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, block($result->UserTimeStamp($row["lastmod"], "M d Y H:i:s")));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, block("<small>"));
Exemplo n.º 7
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Action")));
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("area_addr", "area_description", "range_addr", "range_size", "range_mask", "range_description"));
$cnt = 0;
$savearea = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // first record could be NULL due to left join
    if ($savearea == $row["areaaddr"] and $cnt != 0) {
        insert($t, $c = cell());
        insert($t, $c = cell());
        insert($t, $c = cell());
    } else {
        if (is_numeric($row["areaaddr"])) {
            insert($t, $c = cell());
            insert($c, anchor("displaybase.php?&cust=" . $cust . "&rangeindex=0" . "&areaindex=" . $row["areaindex"] . "&ipaddr=&descrip=&size=0", inet_ntoa($row["areaaddr"])));
            insert($t, $c = cell());
            insert($c, text($row["adescrip"]));
            insert($t, $c = cell());
            insert($c, block("<small>"));
            insert($c, anchor("deletearea.php?areaindex=" . $row["areaindex"] . "&cust=" . $cust, my_("Delete Area"), $ipplanParanoid ? array("onclick" => "return confirm('" . my_("Are you sure?") . "')") : FALSE));
            insert($c, block(" | "));
            insert($c, anchor("createarea.php?action=modify&areaindex=" . $row["areaindex"] . "&ipaddr=" . inet_ntoa($row["areaaddr"]) . "&cust=" . $cust . "&descrip=" . urlencode($row["adescrip"]), my_("Modify Area")));
            insert($c, block("</small>"));
Exemplo n.º 8
             // should be transaction here!
             $ds->UpdateIPPoll($baseindex, $row["ipaddr"]);
             $polled = 1;
         } else {
             insert($t, $c = cell(array("class" => "redcell")));
 } else {
     insert($t, $c = cell());
 // strange! brackets must be there in php 4.0.4p1, else code wrong!
 $lnk = "modifyipform.php?ip=" . $row["ipaddr"] . "&baseindex=" . $baseindex . "&block=" . $block . "&expr={$expr}&search=" . urlencode($search);
 insert($c, anchor($lnk, $ip));
 //    insert($c,block(sprintf(' <A HREF="." ONCLICK="window.open(\'%s&close=1\', \'Name\', \'width=1000,height=600,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes\'); return false;">&rArr;</A>', $lnk)));
 insert($c, block(sprintf(' <A HREF="." ONCLICK="window.open(\'%s&close=1\', \'Name\', \'width=1000,height=600,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes\'); return false;">&#8634;</A>', $lnk)));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 // network address
 if (SHOWRESERVED and $maxcnt > 2 and $row["ipaddr"] == $baseaddr) {
     insert($c, text(my_("Reserved - network address"), array("color" => "#FF0000")));
     insert($c, textbr());
     $export->addCell(my_("Reserved - network address"));
 } else {
     if (SHOWRESERVED and $maxcnt > 2 and $row["ipaddr"] == $baseaddr + $maxcnt - 1) {
         insert($c, text(my_("Reserved - broadcast address"), array("color" => "#FF0000")));
         insert($c, textbr());
         $export->addCell(my_("Reserved - broadcast address"));
     } else {
         // add to select drop down list
         $col = $row["ipaddr"];
         $lst["{$col}"] = $ip;
Exemplo n.º 9
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // strip out customers user may not see due to not being member
    // of customers admin group. $grps array could be empty if anonymous
    // access is allowed!
    if (!$adminuser) {
        if (!empty($grps)) {
            if (!in_array($row["admingrp"], $grps)) {
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["custdescrip"]));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["crm"]));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["admingrp"]));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, block("<small>"));
    insert($c, anchor("deletecustomer.php?cust=" . $row["customer"], my_("Delete customer/AS"), $ipplanParanoid ? array("onclick" => "return confirm('" . my_("Are you sure?") . "')") : FALSE));
    insert($c, block(" | "));
    insert($c, anchor("modifycustomer.php?cust=" . $row["customer"] . "&custdescrip=" . urlencode($row["custdescrip"]) . "&crm=" . urlencode($row["crm"]) . "&grp=" . urlencode($row["admingrp"]), my_("Modify customer/AS details")));
    if (DHCPENABLED) {
        insert($c, block(" | "));
        insert($c, anchor("exportdhcp.php?cust=" . $row["customer"], my_("Export DHCP details")));
Exemplo n.º 10
 setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 if ($row["error_message"] == "E" or $ds->RevZoneChanged($cust, $row["id"])) {
     insert($c, textb($row["zone"]));
     insert($c, block(" &Dagger;"));
 } else {
     insert($c, text($row["zone"]));
 //    insert($c,text($row["zone"]));
 insert($c, textbr());
 insert($c, block("<small><i>"));
 if ($row["slaveonly"] == "Y") {
     insert($c, text(my_("Slave zone")));
     insert($c, textbr());
     $export->addCell($row["zone"] . my_(" (Slave zone)") . " " . inet_ntoa($row['zoneip']) . "/" . inet_bits($row['zonesize']));
 } else {
     $export->addCell($row["zone"] . " " . inet_ntoa($row['zoneip']) . "/" . inet_bits($row['zonesize']));
 insert($c, anchor("findfree.php?cust={$cust}&showused=1" . "&start=" . inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"]) . "&end=" . inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"] + $row["zonesize"] - 1), inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"]) . "/" . inet_bits($row["zonesize"])));
 insert($c, block("</i></small>"));
 $result1 =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT hname FROM zonedns\n            WHERE id=" . $row["id"] . "\n            ORDER BY horder");
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 $row1 = $result1->FetchRow();
 insert($c, text($row1["hname"]));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 $row1 = $result1->FetchRow();
 insert($c, text($row1["hname"]));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
Exemplo n.º 11
 setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
 $temphost = $row["host"];
 $tempiphostname = $row["ip_hostname"];
 if ($row["recordtype"]=="MX") {
     $tempiphostname=$temphost . " " . $tempiphostname;
 if ($row["recordtype"]=="@") {
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text($row["sortorder"]));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text($temphost));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text($row["recordtype"]));
 // auto created record?
 if ($row["error_message"] == "A") {
     insert($c, block(" <small><i>"));
     insert($c, textbr(my_("Auto record")));
     insert($c, block("</small></i>"));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text($tempiphostname));