$assessments = evalcomix_assessments::fetch_all($params2); if ($assessments) { //$selfgrade = 0; $selfgrade = -1; $teachergrade = 0;
/** * Finds and returns a evalcomix_modes_time instance based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return object grade_item instance or false if none found. */ public static function fetch($params) { return evalcomix_object::fetch_helper('block_evalcomix_modes_time', 'evalcomix_modes_time', $params); }
/** * Factory method - uses the parameters to retrieve all matching instances from the DB. * @static final protected * @return mixed array of object instances or false if not found */ public static function fetch_all_helper($table, $classname, $params) { $instance = new $classname(); $classvars = (array) $instance; $params = (array) $params; $wheresql = array(); $newparams = array(); foreach ($params as $var => $value) { //echo "var:$var = $value<br>"; if (!in_array($var, $instance->required_fields) and !array_key_exists($var, $instance->optional_fields)) { continue; } if (is_null($value)) { $wheresql[] = " {$var} IS NULL "; } else { $wheresql[] = " {$var} = ? "; $newparams[] = $value; } } if (empty($wheresql)) { $wheresql = ''; } else { $wheresql = implode("AND", $wheresql); } global $DB; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select($table, $wheresql, $newparams); //returning false rather than empty array if nothing found if (!$rs->valid()) { $rs->close(); return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($rs as $data) { $instance = new $classname(); evalcomix_object::set_properties($instance, $data); $result[$instance->id] = $instance; } $rs->close(); return $result; }
/** * Finds and returns a evalcomix_allowedusers instance based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return object grade_item instance or false if none found. */ public static function fetch($params) { return evalcomix_object::fetch_helper('block_evalcomix_allowedusers', 'evalcomix_allowedusers', $params); }