protected function executeImpl(kshow $kshow, entry &$entry)
     $this->res = "";
     $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId();
     if ($likuser_id != $entry->getKuserId()) {
         // ERROR - attempting to update an entry which doesnt belong to the user
         return "<xml>!</xml>";
         //$this->securityViolation( $kshow->getId() );
     $name = @$_GET["RoughcutName"];
     //myEntryUtils::createWidgetImage($entry, false);
     $this->name = $name;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Throws an error if the non-onwer session user is trying to update entitledPusersEdit or entitledPusersPublish 
  * @param KalturaBaseEntry $entry
  * @param entry $dbEntry
 protected function validateEntitledUsersUpdate(KalturaBaseEntry $entry, entry $dbEntry)
     if (!$this->getKs() || !$this->getKs()->isAdmin()) {
         //non owner cannot change entitledUsersEdit and entitledUsersPublish
         if ($this->getKuser()->getId() != $dbEntry->getKuserId()) {
             if ($entry->entitledUsersEdit !== null && strtolower($entry->entitledUsersEdit) != strtolower($dbEntry->getEntitledPusersEdit())) {
                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_KS, "", ks::INVALID_TYPE, ks::getErrorStr(ks::INVALID_TYPE));
             if ($entry->entitledUsersPublish !== null && strtolower($entry->entitledUsersPublish) != strtolower($dbEntry->getEntitledPusersPublish())) {
                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_KS, "", ks::INVALID_TYPE, ks::getErrorStr(ks::INVALID_TYPE));
  * Sets the valid user for the entry 
  * Throws an error if the session user is trying to update entry to another user and not using an admin session 
  * @param KalturaBaseEntry $entry
  * @param entry $dbEntry
 protected function checkAndSetValidUserUpdate(KalturaBaseEntry $entry, entry $dbEntry)
     KalturaLog::debug("DB puser id [" . $dbEntry->getPuserId() . "] kuser id [" . $dbEntry->getKuserId() . "]");
     // user id not being changed
     if ($entry->userId === null) {
         KalturaLog::debug("entry->userId is null, not changing user");
     if (!$this->getKs() || !$this->getKs()->isAdmin()) {
         $entryPuserId = $dbEntry->getPuserId();
         // non admin cannot change the owner of an existing entry
         if (strtolower($entry->userId) != strtolower($entryPuserId)) {
             KalturaLog::debug('API entry userId [' . $entry->userId . '], DB entry userId [' . $entryPuserId . '] - change required but KS is not admin');
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_KS, "", ks::INVALID_TYPE, ks::getErrorStr(ks::INVALID_TYPE));
     // need to create kuser if this is an admin changing the owner of the entry to a different user
     $kuser = kuserPeer::createKuserForPartner($dbEntry->getPartnerId(), $entry->userId);
     KalturaLog::debug("Set kuser id [" . $kuser->getId() . "] line [" . __LINE__ . "]");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Indicates that the KS user is the owner of the entry
  * @return bool
 protected function isKsUserOwnsEntry()
     return !$this->isKsWidget() && $this->ks && $this->entry && $this->entry->getKuserId() == $this->ks->getKuserId();
  * Executes addComment action, which returns a form enabling the insertion of a comment
  * The request may include 1 fields: entry id.
 protected function executeImpl(kshow $kshow, entry &$entry)
     $kshow_id = $kshow->getId();
     if ($this->partner_id != null) {
         // this part overhere should be in a more generic place - part of the services
         $multiple_roghcuts = Partner::allowMultipleRoughcuts($this->partner_id);
         $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId();
     } else {
         // 	is the logged-in-user is not an admin or the producer - check if show can be published
         $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId();
         $multiple_roghcuts = true;
     if (!$likuser_id) {
         return $this->securityViolation($kshow->getId());
     $isIntro = $kshow->getIntroId() == $entry->getId();
     if ($multiple_roghcuts) {
         // create a new entry in two cases:
         // 1. the user saving the roughcut isnt the owner of the entry
         // 2. the entry is an intro and the current entry is not show (probably an image or video)
         if ($entry->getKuserId() != $likuser_id || $isIntro && $entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW) {
             // TODO: add security check to whether multiple roughcuts are allowed
             // create a new roughcut entry by cloning the original entry
             $entry = myEntryUtils::deepClone($entry, $kshow_id, false);
     		$viewer_type = myKshowUtils::getViewerType($kshow, $likuser_id);
     		if ( $viewer_type != KshowKuser::KSHOWKUSER_VIEWER_PRODUCER && ( ! $kshow->getCanPublish() ) ) 
     			// ERROR - attempting to publish a non-publishable show
     			return $this->securityViolation( $kshow->getId() );
     $this->xml_content = "<xml><EntryID>" . $entry->getId() . "</EntryID></xml>";
     if ($isIntro) {
     } else {
         $has_roughcut = @$_REQUEST["HasRoughCut"];
         if ($has_roughcut === "0") {
     $content = @$_REQUEST["xml"];
     $update_kshow = false;
     if ($content != NULL) {
         list($xml_content, $this->comments, $update_kshow) = myMetadataUtils::setMetadata($content, $kshow, $entry);
         // Send an email alert to producer
         if ($kshow->getProducerId() != $likuser_id) {
             // don't send producer alerts when the producer is the editor
             alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($kshow->getProducerId(), alert::KALTURAS_PRODUCED_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId()));
         // TODO:  efficiency: see if there is a wa to search for contributors based on some other method than full entry table scan
         // Send email alerts to contributors
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(entryPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id);
         $c->add(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         // the current user knows they just edited
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $kshow->getProducerId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         // the producer knows they just edited
         $c->add(entryPeer::TYPE, entryType::MEDIA_CLIP);
         $entries = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
         $already_received_alert_array = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($entry->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_PARTOF_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId()));
             $already_received_alert_array[$entry->getKuserId()] = true;
         // send email alert to subscribers
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id);
         //only subsribers of this show
         $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         // the current user knows they just edited
         $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, KshowKuser::KSHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_NORMAL);
         // this table stores other relations too
         $subscriptions = KshowKuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) {
             if (!isset($already_received_alert_array[$subscription->getKuserId()])) {
                 // don't send emails to subscribed users who are also contributors
                 alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($subscription->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_SUBSCRIBEDTO_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId()));
         if ($this->debug) {
             return "text/html; charset=utf-8";
     } else {
         $this->comments = "";
         // if there is no xml - receive it from the user
         $this->debug = true;
         $file_name = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/" . $entry->getDataPath();
         //$this->xml_content = kFile::getFileContent( $file_name );
         return "text/html; charset=utf-8";
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param entry $dbEntry
  * @return bool if current user is admin / entyr owner / co-editor
 public static function validateUserEntitledForQuizEdit(entry $dbEntry)
     if (kCurrentContext::$is_admin_session || kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId() == $dbEntry->getKuserId()) {
         return true;
     $entitledKusers = QuizPlugin::getObjectIdsAsArray($dbEntry->getEntitledKusersEdit());
     if (in_array(kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId(), $entitledKusers)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Throws an error if the user is trying to update entry that doesn't belong to him and the session is not admin
  * @param entry $dbEntry
 protected function checkIfUserAllowedToUpdateEntry(entry $dbEntry)
     // if session is not admin, but privileges are
     // edit:* or edit:ENTRY_ID or editplaylist:PLAYLIST_ID
     // edit is allowed
     if (!$this->getKs() || !$this->getKs()->isAdmin()) {
         // check if wildcard on 'edit'
         if ($this->getKs()->verifyPrivileges(ks::PRIVILEGE_EDIT, ks::PRIVILEGE_WILDCARD)) {
         // check if entryID on 'edit'
         if ($this->getKs()->verifyPrivileges(ks::PRIVILEGE_EDIT, $dbEntry->getId())) {
         if ($this->getKs()->verifyPlaylistPrivileges(ks::PRIVILEGE_EDIT_ENTRY_OF_PLAYLIST, $dbEntry->getId(), $this->getPartnerId())) {
     // if user is not the entry owner, and the KS is user type - do not allow update
     if ($dbEntry->getKuserId() != $this->getKuser()->getId() && (!$this->getKs() || !$this->getKs()->isAdmin())) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_KS, "", ks::INVALID_TYPE, ks::getErrorStr(ks::INVALID_TYPE));
  * Returns true if kuser or current kuser is entitled to entryId
  * @param entry $entry
  * @param int $kuser
  * @return bool
 public static function isEntryEntitled(entry $entry, $kuserId = null)
     $ks = ks::fromSecureString(kCurrentContext::$ks);
     // entry is entitled when entitlement is disable
     // for actions with no ks - need to check if partner have default entitlement feature enable.
     if (!self::getEntitlementEnforcement() && $ks) {
         KalturaLog::debug('Entry entitled: entitlement disabled');
         return true;
     $partner = $entry->getPartner();
     if (!$ks && !$partner->getDefaultEntitlementEnforcement()) {
         KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: no ks and default is with no enforcement');
         return true;
     if ($ks && $ks->isWidgetSession() && $ks->getDisableEntitlementForEntry() == $entry->getId()) {
         KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: widget session that disble entitlement for this entry');
         return true;
     $allCategoriesEntry = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveActiveAndPendingByEntryId($entry->getId());
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($allCategoriesEntry as $categoryEntry) {
         $categories[] = $categoryEntry->getCategoryId();
     //if entry doesn't belong to any category.
     $categories[] = category::CATEGORY_ID_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::ID, $categories, Criteria::IN);
     $privacy = array(PrivacyType::ALL);
     if ($ks && !$ks->isWidgetSession()) {
         $privacy[] = PrivacyType::AUTHENTICATED_USERS;
     $crit = $c->getNewCriterion(categoryPeer::PRIVACY, $privacy, Criteria::IN);
     $ksPrivacyContexts = null;
     // entry that doesn't belong to any category is public
     //when ks is not provided - the entry is still public (for example - download action)
     $categoryEntries = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveActiveByEntryId($entry->getId());
     if (!count($categoryEntries) && !$ks) {
         KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: entry does not belong to any category');
         return true;
     if ($ks) {
         $ksPrivacyContexts = $ks->getPrivacyContext();
         if (!$ksPrivacyContexts || trim($ksPrivacyContexts) == '') {
             $ksPrivacyContexts = self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $partner->getId();
             if (!count($allCategoriesEntry)) {
                 // entry that doesn't belong to any category is public
                 KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: entry does not belong to any category and privacy context on the ks is not set');
                 return true;
         $c->add(categoryPeer::PRIVACY_CONTEXTS, $ksPrivacyContexts, KalturaCriteria::IN_LIKE);
         if (!$kuserId) {
             $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
             $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partnerId, kCurrentContext::$ks_uid, true);
             if ($kuser) {
                 $kuserId = $kuser->getId();
         if ($kuserId) {
             // kuser is set on the entry as creator or uploader
             if ($kuserId != '' && $entry->getKuserId() == $kuserId) {
                 KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: ks user is the same as entry->kuserId or entry->creatorKuserId [' . $kuserId . ']');
                 return true;
             // kuser is set on the entry entitled users edit or publish
             $entitledKusers = array_merge(explode(',', $entry->getEntitledKusersEdit()), explode(',', $entry->getEntitledKusersPublish()));
             if (in_array($kuserId, $entitledKusers)) {
                 KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: ks user is the same as entry->entitledKusersEdit or entry->entitledKusersPublish');
                 return true;
         // kuser is set on the category as member
         // this ugly code is temporery - since we have a bug in sphinxCriteria::getAllCriterionFields
         if ($kuserId) {
             $membersCrit = $c->getNewCriterion(categoryPeer::MEMBERS, $kuserId, Criteria::LIKE);
             $crit = $membersCrit;
     } else {
         //no ks = set privacy context to default.
         $c->add(categoryPeer::PRIVACY_CONTEXTS, array(self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $partner->getId()), KalturaCriteria::IN_LIKE);
     //remove default FORCED criteria since categories that has display in search = public - doesn't mean that all of their entries are public
     $category = categoryPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if ($category) {
         KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] entitled: ks user is a member of this category or category privacy is set to public of authenticated');
         return true;
     KalturaLog::debug('Entry [' . print_r($entry->getId(), true) . '] not entitled');
     return false;
 protected function executeImpl(kshow $kshow, entry &$entry)
     $this->res = "";
     $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId();
     // if we allow multiple rouchcuts - there is no reason for one suer to override someone else's thumbnail
     if ($this->allowMultipleRoughcuts()) {
         if ($likuser_id != $entry->getKuserId()) {
             // ERROR - attempting to update an entry which doesnt belong to the user
             return "<xml>!!</xml>";
             //$this->securityViolation( $kshow->getId() );
     $debug = @$_GET["debug"];
     $kshow_id = @$_GET["kshow_id"];
     $debug = @$_GET["debug"];
     $this->kshow_id = $kshow_id;
     if ( $kshow_id == NULL || $kshow_id == 0 ) return;
     $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK( $kshow_id );
     if ( ! $kshow ) 
     	$this->res = "No kshow " . $kshow_id ;
     // is the logged-in-user is not an admin or the producer - check if show can be published	
     $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId();
     $viewer_type = myKshowUtils::getViewerType($kshow, $likuser_id);
     if ( $viewer_type != KshowKuser::KSHOWKUSER_VIEWER_PRODUCER && ( ! $kshow->getCanPublish() ) ) 
     	// ERROR - attempting to publish a non-publishable show
     	return "<xml>!</xml>";//$this->securityViolation( $kshow->getId() );
     // ASSUME - the kshow & roughcut already exist
     $show_entry_id = $kshow->getShowEntryId();
     $roughcut = entryPeer::retrieveByPK( $show_entry_id );
     $roughcut = entryPeer::retrieveByPK( $entry_id );
     if ( ! $roughcut)
     	$this->res = "No roughcut for kshow " . $kshow->getId() ;
     //		echo "for entry: $show_entry_id current thumb path: " . $entry->getThumbnail() ;
     //$thumb_data = $_REQUEST["ThumbData"];
     if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
         $thumb_data = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
     } else {
         $thumb_data = file_get_contents("php://input");
     //		$thumb_data = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];
     $thumb_data_size = strlen($thumb_data);
     $bigThumbPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . $entry->getBigThumbnailPath();
     kFile::setFileContent($bigThumbPath, $thumb_data);
     $path = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . $entry->getThumbnailPath();
     myFileConverter::createImageThumbnail($bigThumbPath, $path);
     $roughcutPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . $entry->getDataPath();
     $xml_doc = new KDOMDocument();
     if (myMetadataUtils::updateThumbUrl($xml_doc, $entry->getBigThumbnailUrl())) {
     $this->res = $entry->getBigThumbnailUrl();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function deleteEntry(entry $entry)
     $kshow = $entry->getkshow();
     if ($kshow) {
         $v = $kshow->getEntries();
         $c = new Criteria();
         myCriteria::addComment($c, __METHOD__);
         $c->add(entryPeer::KSHOW_ID, $entry->getKshowId());
         $c->add(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $entry->getKuserId());
         $res = entryPeer::doCount($c);
         if ($res == 1) {
             // if $res > 1 -  this kuser contributed more than one entry, deleting this one should still leave him a contributor
             // if $res < 1 -  this kuser never contributed - strange! but no need to dec the contributors
             // kuser did contribute to this kshow - decrement
             $v = $kshow->getContributors();
         $kuser = $entry->getkuser();
         if ($kuser) {
             $v = $kuser->getEntries();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @param entry $dbEntry
  * @return bool if current user is admin / entry's owner / co-editor
 public static function isEntitledForEditEntry(entry $dbEntry)
     if (kCurrentContext::$is_admin_session || kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId() == $dbEntry->getKuserId()) {
         return true;
     return $dbEntry->isEntitledKuserEdit(kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId());