public function is_authonticated($enc_pass, $user_name = "") { ticket_class::clearTickets(); $out = FALSE; $conf = new conf(); $webSault = $conf->webSault != '' ? $conf->webSault : '_1'; $fpass = encrypt_class::decrypt($enc_pass) . $webSault; //echo "enc_pass = '******',dec_pass = '******'"; $mysql = new mysql_class(); //echo "select pass from `user` where `user` = '$user_name'"; $mysql->ex_sql("select pass from `user` where `user` = '{$user_name}'", $q); if (isset($q[0])) { $pass = $q[0]['pass']; $out = md5($fpass) == $pass; } return $out; }
$ghimat_kharid += $parvaz->mablagh_kharid; if ($aaaa) { var_dump($ticket); var_dump($shomare_last); } } $mysql->ex_sqlx("delete from `reserve_tmp` where `id` = " . $tmp_id[$index]); $tedad = $adl + $chd; $jam_ghimat1 += $zarib * $tedad * $parvaz->ghimat + $zarib * $inf * $parvaz->ghimat / 10; $index++; $p_i++; $customer->buyTicket($sanad_record_id, $jam_ghimat1); if ($parvaz->is_shenavar) { parvaz_det_class::sanad_shenavar_kharid($parvaz, $adl + $chd, $sanad_record_id, $user_id); } } } else { $ok = FALSE; $error = "etebar is less"; } $out = $ok ? "true|" . implode(',', $sanads) : "false|" . $error; } return $out; } function reserve_def() { return array(array('ws_user' => 'xsd:string', 'ws_pass' => 'xsd:string', 'tmp_id' => 'xsd:int', 'fnames' => 'xsd:string', 'lnames' => 'xsd:string', 'is_inf' => 'xsd:string', 'genders' => 'xsd:string', 'tell' => 'xsd:string'), array('return' => 'xsd:string'), 'test_wsdl', 'test_wsdl#reserve', 'rpc', 'encoded', 'book flight permanently ,please be aware , you should enter first names ,last names , and gender codes like this:' . "\n" . 'fnames = "ali,muhammad,zohre"; lnames = "hasani,abbasi,rezaei"; is_inf= "0,1,2"; genders = "1,1,0"; . . .'); } if ($aaaa) { var_dump(reserve('support', encrypt_class::encrypt('31048145'), '23,24', 'm1,m,a', 'm,e,m', '0,1,2', '1,0,1', '09155193104')); }