     * Set user's country.
     * \public
     * \static
    static function setUserCountry( $user, $country )
        $userObject = $user->attribute( 'contentobject' );
        $requireUserCountry = eZVATManager::isUserCountryRequired();
        $countryAttributeName = eZVATManager::getUserCountryAttributeName( $requireUserCountry );
        if ( $countryAttributeName === null )
            return false;

        $userDataMap = $userObject->attribute( 'data_map' );
        if ( !isset( $userDataMap[$countryAttributeName] ) )
            if ( $requireUserCountry )
                eZDebug::writeError( "Cannot set user country: there is no attribute '$countryAttributeName' in object '" .
                                       $userObject->attribute( 'name' ) .
                                       "' of class '" .
                                       $userObject->attribute( 'class_name' ) . "'.",
                                     __METHOD__ );

            return false;

        eZDebug::writeNotice( sprintf( "Saving country '%s' for user '%s'",
                                       $country, $user->attribute( 'login' ) ) );

        $countryAttribute = $userDataMap[$countryAttributeName];
        $countryAttributeContent = $countryAttribute->content();
        if ( is_array( $countryAttributeContent ) )
            $countryAttributeContent['value'] = $country;
        elseif ( is_object( $countryAttributeContent ) )
            $countryAttributeContent->setAttribute( 'value', $country );
        // not sure that this line is needed since content is returned by reference
        $countryAttribute->setContent( $countryAttributeContent );

        return true;