  * Goes trough the directory path and removes empty directories, starting at
  * the leaf and deleting down until a non empty directory is reached.
  * If the path is not a directory, nothing will happen.
  * @param string $path
 public static function cleanupEmptyDirectories($path)
     $dirpath = eZDir::dirpath($path);
     eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '{$dirpath}' )");
     if (is_dir($dirpath)) {
  * Sets the contents of a resource.
  * This method replaces the content of the resource identified by $path
  * with the submitted $content.
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $content
 protected function setResourceContents($path, $content)
     // Attempt to get file/resource sent from client/browser.
     $tempFile = $this->storeUploadedFile($path, $content);
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry('SetResourceContents:' . $path . ';' . $tempFile);
     // If there was an actual file:
     if (!$tempFile) {
         return false;
         // @as self::FAILED_FORBIDDEN;
     // Attempt to do something with it (copy/whatever).
     $fullPath = $path;
     $target = $this->splitFirstPathElement($path, $currentSite);
     if (!$currentSite) {
         return false;
         // @as self::FAILED_FORBIDDEN;
     $result = $this->putVirtualFolderData($currentSite, $target, $tempFile);
     return $result;
        // Loop the image files and check if it is still used by a content object attribute. If not, delete it.
        foreach( $aImageFiles as $image )
            $filePath = $image->attribute( 'filepath' );
            $dirpath = dirname( $filePath );
            $contentObjectAttributeID = $image->attribute( 'contentobject_attribute_id' );
            $dbResult = eZImageFile::fetchImageAttributesByFilepath( $filePath, $contentObjectAttributeID );
            if( count( $dbResult ) == 0 )
                $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filePath );
                if ( $file->exists() ) // Delete the file physically
                    eZImageFile::removeFilepath( $contentObjectAttributeID, $filePath );
                    eZDir::cleanupEmptyDirectories( $dirpath );

                // Delete the obsolete reference in the database


        $output->outputText( 'No image file found !' );
 function processClientRequest()
     $this->appendLogEntry("WebDAV server started...", 'processClientRequest');
     $this->XMLBodyRead = false;
     // Dump some custom header/info.
     // Clear file status cache (just in case).
     // Convert the requested URI string to non-bogus format.
     $target = urldecode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     $target = $this->processURL($target);
     $this->appendLogEntry("Client says: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], 'processClientRequest');
     $this->appendLogEntry("Target: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'processClientRequest');
     $status = eZWebDAVServer::FAILED_NOT_FOUND;
     switch ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) {
         // OPTIONS  (Server ID reply.)
         case "OPTIONS":
             $this->appendLogEntry("OPTIONS was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $options = $this->options($target);
             $status = $this->outputOptions($options);
             // PROPFIND (Show dir/collection content.)
         // PROPFIND (Show dir/collection content.)
         case "PROPFIND":
             $this->appendLogEntry("PROPFIND was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $depth = $_SERVER['HTTP_DEPTH'];
             if ($depth != 0 and $depth != 1 and $depth != "infinity") {
                 $depth = "infinity";
             $this->appendLogEntry("Depth: {$depth}.", 'processClientRequest');
             $xmlBody = $this->xmlBody();
             // Find which properties were requested
             // $this->appendLogEntry( $xmlBody, 'xmlbody' );
             $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
             $ok = $dom->loadXML($xmlBody);
             $requestedProperties = array();
             if ($ok) {
                 $propfindNode = $dom->documentElement;
                 $propNode = $propfindNode->getElementsByTagName('prop')->item(0);
                 if ($propNode) {
                     $propList = $propNode->childNodes;
                     foreach ($propList as $node) {
                         $name = $node->localName;
                         $requestedProperties[] = $name;
                 } else {
                     $allpropNode = $propfindNode->getElementsByTagName('allprop')->item(0);
                     if ($allpropNode) {
                         // The server must return all possible properties
                         $requestedProperties = true;
                     } else {
                         $propnameNode = $propfindNode->getElementsByTagName('propname')->item(0);
                         if ($propnameNode) {
                             // The server must return only the names of all properties
                             $requestedProperties = false;
             $collection = $this->getCollectionContent($target, $depth, $requestedProperties);
             if (is_array($collection)) {
                 $status = $this->outputCollectionContent($collection, $requestedProperties);
             } else {
                 $status = $collection;
             // HEAD (Check if file/resource exists.)
         // HEAD (Check if file/resource exists.)
         case "HEAD":
             $this->appendLogEntry("HEAD was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $data = $this->get($target);
             $status = $this->outputSendDataToClient($data, true);
             // GET (Download a file/resource from server to client.)
         // GET (Download a file/resource from server to client.)
         case "GET":
             $this->appendLogEntry("GET was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $data = $this->get($target);
             $status = $this->outputSendDataToClient($data);
             // PUT (Upload a file/resource from client to server.)
         // PUT (Upload a file/resource from client to server.)
         case "PUT":
             $this->appendLogEntry("PUT was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $status = eZWebDAVServer::OK_CREATED;
             // Attempt to get file/resource sent from client/browser.
             $tempFile = $this->storeUploadedFile($target);
             // If there was an actual file:
             if ($tempFile) {
                 // Attempt to do something with it (copy/whatever).
                 $status = $this->put($target, $tempFile);
             } else {
                 $status = eZWebDAVServer::FAILED_FORBIDDEN;
             // MKCOL (Create a directory/collection.)
         // MKCOL (Create a directory/collection.)
         case "MKCOL":
             $this->appendLogEntry("MKCOL was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             if (strlen($this->xmlBody()) > 0) {
                 $this->appendLogEntry("MKCOL body error.", 'processClientRequest');
                 $status = eZWebDAVServer::FAILED_FORBIDDEN;
             } else {
                 $status = $this->mkcol($target);
             // COPY (Copy a resource/collection from one location to another.)
         // COPY (Copy a resource/collection from one location to another.)
         case "COPY":
             $this->appendLogEntry("COPY was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $source = $target;
             $url = parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_DESTINATION"]);
             $destination = urldecode($url["path"]);
             $destination = $this->processURL($destination);
             $status = $this->copy($source, $destination);
             // MOVE (Move a resource/collection from one location to another.)
         // MOVE (Move a resource/collection from one location to another.)
         case "MOVE":
             $this->appendLogEntry("MOVE was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $source = $target;
             $url = parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_DESTINATION"]);
             $destination = urldecode($url["path"]);
             $destination = $this->processURL($destination);
             $status = $this->move($source, $destination);
             // DELETE (Remove a resource/collection.)
         // DELETE (Remove a resource/collection.)
         case "DELETE":
             $this->appendLogEntry("DELETE was issued from client.", 'processClientRequest');
             $status = $this->delete($target);
             // Default case: unknown command from client.
         // Default case: unknown command from client.
             // __FIX_ME__
     // Read the XML body if it is not used yet,
     // PHP should discard it but it's a bug in some PHP versions
     if (!$this->XMLBodyRead) {
     // Handle the returned status code (post necessary/matching headers, etc.).
Exemplo n.º 5
 function updateAliasPath($dirpath, $name)
     if (!file_exists($dirpath)) {
         eZDir::mkdir($dirpath, false, true);
     $aliasList = $this->aliasList();
     foreach ($aliasList as $aliasName => $alias) {
         if ($alias['dirpath'] != $dirpath) {
             $oldDirpath = $alias['url'];
             $oldURL = $alias['url'];
             $basename = $name;
             if ($aliasName != 'original') {
                 $basename .= '_' . $aliasName;
             eZMimeType::changeFileData($alias, $dirpath, $basename);
             $alias['full_path'] = $alias['url'];
             if ($this->isImageOwner()) {
                 if ($oldURL == '') {
                 $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
                 $fileHandler->fileMove($oldURL, $alias['url']);
                 eZImageFile::moveFilepath($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'], $oldURL, $alias['url']);
             } else {
                 $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
                 $fileHandler->fileLinkCopy($oldURL, $alias['url'], false);
                 eZImageFile::appendFilepath($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'], $alias['url']);
             $this->setAliasVariation($aliasName, $alias);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Attempt to remove content object 'image' attribute image variations by content object attribute
  * @param object $contentClassImageAttribute object of objects of class eZContentObjectAttribute
  * @param array $class Array of object class identifiers to remove aliases for only these classes. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @param array $attributes Array of object image attribute identifiers to remove aliases from. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @param array $aliases Array of object image attribute image aliases to remove. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function removeByAttribute($contentObjectAttribute = false, $classes = false, $attributes = false, $aliases = false)
     if (!is_object($contentObjectAttribute)) {
         return false;
     // Test that content object class attribute identifier matches provided classes
     if ($classes != false && is_array($classes) && !in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('object')->attribute('class_identifier'), $classes)) {
         return false;
     // Test that content object class attribute identifier matches provided classes
     if ($attributes != false && is_array($attributes) && !in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('contentclass_attribute_identifier'), $attributes)) {
         return false;
     // Default datatypes to create image alias variations
     $imageDataTypeStrings = eZINI::instance('bcimagealias.ini')->variable('BCImageAliasSettings', 'ImageDataTypeStringList');
     // Check that content object attribute data type string matches allowed datatype settings
     if (!in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string'), $imageDataTypeStrings) || !$contentObjectAttribute->attribute('has_content')) {
         return false;
     $filePaths = array();
     $results = array();
     $executionOptions = self::executionOptions();
     $messageCount = 0;
     $imageHandler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     $aliasList = $imageHandler->aliasList(false);
     // Do not process the orginal image alias
     if (count($aliasList) == 0) {
         return false;
     // Optional debug output
     if ($executionOptions['troubleshoot'] && $executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 2) {
         if ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 3) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content data text field:', false);
             self::displayMessage($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_text'), "\n");
         if ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 4) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content alias list:', false);
             self::displayMessage('', "\n\n");
         } elseif ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 3) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content alias list:', false);
             self::displayMessage('', "\n");
     $contentObjectID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('contentobject_id');
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('id');
     $contentObjectAttributeVersion = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('version');
     if ($contentObjectAttributeVersion === null) {
         $files = eZImageFile::fetchForContentObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttributeID, true);
         $dirs = array();
         $count = 0;
         // Iterate over files
         foreach ($files as $filepath) {
             // Test $filepath from $files is in contains one of the $aliases items
             if ($aliases != false && is_array($aliases)) {
                 foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                     if (!stristr('_' . $alias, $filepath)) {
                         continue 1;
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 $filePaths[] = $filepath;
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $dirs[] = eZDir::dirpath($filepath);
         if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
             $dirs = array_unique($dirs);
             foreach ($dirs as $dirpath) {
             $message = "Removed datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation " . $filePaths[$messageCount] . "\n";
         } else {
             $message = "Dry run: Remove datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation " . $filePaths[$messageCount] . "\n";
         while ($messageCount < $count) {
             $result = true;
     } else {
         // We loop over each image alias, and look up the file in ezcontentobject_attribute
         // Only images referenced by one version will be removed
         foreach ($aliasList as $aliasName => $aliasListAliasItem) {
             // Test $aliasListAliasItem from $aliasList is in $aliases array
             if ($aliases != false && is_array($aliases) && !in_array($aliasListAliasItem['name'], $aliases)) {
             if ($aliasListAliasItem['is_valid'] && $aliasListAliasItem['name'] != 'original') {
                 $filepath = $aliasListAliasItem['url'];
                 // Calculate appropriate message to Alert user with
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     // Remove the alias variation image file from the attribute dom tree
                     $doc = $imageHandler->ContentObjectAttributeData['DataTypeCustom']['dom_tree'];
                     foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('alias') as $aliasNode) {
                         if ($aliasListAliasItem['name'] == $aliasNode->getAttribute('name')) {
                             // Optional debug output
                             if ($executionOptions['troubleshoot']) {
                                 self::displayMessage('Removing image alias image variation ' . "'" . $aliasNode->getAttribute('name') . "'" . ' from attribute dom document');
                     $imageHandler->ContentObjectAttributeData['DataTypeCustom']['dom_tree'] = $doc;
                     $imageHandler->storeDOMTree($doc, true, $contentObjectAttribute);
                 // Calculate appropriate message to Alert user with
                 if ($executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $message = "Dry run: Calculating removal of datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation file " . $filepath;
                 } else {
                     $message = "Removed standard datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation file " . $filepath;
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $dirpath = $aliasListAliasItem['dirpath'];
                     $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
                     if ($file->exists()) {
                         eZImageFile::removeFilepath($contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath);
                         $results[] = true;
                     } else {
                         eZDebug::writeError("Image file {$filepath} for alias {$aliasName} does not exist, could not remove from disk", __METHOD__);
                         self::displayMessage("Image file {$filepath} for alias {$aliasName} does not exist, could not remove from disk: " . __METHOD__);
                 } else {
                     $results[] = true;
     // Calculate return results based on execution options and results comparison
     if (in_array(true, $results) && count($aliasList) == count($results) && !$executionOptions['dry']) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function tearDown()