Exemplo n.º 1
        $ret['text'] .= "<a href='{$suburl}'>" . $tp->toHTML($sub['forum_name']) . '</a>';
        $ret['threads'] += $sub['forum_threads'];
        $ret['replies'] += $sub['forum_replies'];
        $tmp = explode('.', $sub['forum_lastpost_info']);
        if ($tmp[0] > $lastpost_datestamp) {
            $ret['lastpost_info'] = $sub['forum_lastpost_info'];
            $ret['lastpost_user'] = $sub['forum_lastpost_user'];
            $ret['lastpost_user_anon'] = $sub['lastpost_user_anon'];
            $ret['user_name'] = $sub['user_name'];
            $lastpost_datestamp = $tmp[0];
    return $ret;
if (e_QUERY == 'track') {
    if ($trackedThreadList = $forum->getTrackedThreadList(USERID, 'list')) {
        $trackVars = new e_vars();
        $viewed = $forum->threadGetUserViewed();
        $qry = "\n\t\tSELECT t.*, p.* from `#forum_thread` AS t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `#forum_post` AS p ON p.post_thread = t.thread_id AND p.post_datestamp = t.thread_datestamp\n\t\tWHERE thread_id IN({$trackedThreadList})\n\t\tORDER BY thread_lastpost DESC\n\t\t";
        if ($sql->gen($qry)) {
            while ($row = $sql->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                $trackVars->NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_nonew_small;
                if ($row['thread_datestamp'] > USERLV && !in_array($row['thread_id'], $viewed)) {
                    $trackVars->NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_new_small;
                $url = $e107->url->create('forum/thread/view', $row);
                // configs will be able to map thread_* vars to the url
                $trackVars->TRACKPOSTNAME = "<a href='{$url}'>" . $tp->toHTML($row['thread_name']) . '</a>';
                $trackVars->UNTRACK = "<a href='" . e_SELF . "?untrack." . $row['thread_id'] . "'>" . LAN_FORUM_0070 . "</a>";
                $forum_trackstring .= $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_TRACK_MAIN, $trackVars);