Exemplo n.º 1
 function __construct()
     // DO Not translate - debug info only.
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     if (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 || e107::getPref('developer')) {
         $dep = debug_backtrace(false);
         foreach ($dep as $d) {
             $log->addDebug("Deprecated ArrayStorage Class called by " . str_replace(e_ROOT, "", $d['file']) . " on line " . $d['line']);
         $log->save('DEPRECATED', E_LOG_NOTICE, '', false, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Please remove references to <b>arraystorage_class.php</b> and use e107::serialize() and e107::unserialize() instead.");
Exemplo n.º 2
 function parseXmlContents()
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     foreach ($this->xmlData as $key => $value) {
     foreach ($this->counterArray as $key => $value) {
     if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) {
         $log->addDebug("No XML source specified")->save('XML', E_LOG_WARNING);
         return FALSE;
     if (!$this->xmlLegacyContents) {
         $log->addDebug("No XML source specified")->save('XML');
         return FALSE;
     $this->parser = xml_parser_create('');
     xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
     xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'startElement', 'endElement');
     xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'characterData');
     $array = explode("\n", $this->xmlLegacyContents);
     foreach ($array as $data) {
         if (strlen($data == 4096)) {
             $log->addDebug("The XML cannot be parsed as it is badly formed.")->save('XML');
             return FALSE;
         if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $data)) {
             $error = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser));
             return FALSE;
     return $this->xmlData;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function maintenanceProcess()
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $ns = e107::getRender();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $frm = e107::getForm();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     //	print_a($_POST);
     if (!empty($_POST['deleteoldadmin']) && isset($_POST['rolllog_clearadmin'])) {
         $back_count = intval($_POST['rolllog_clearadmin']);
         $_POST['backdeltype'] = 'confdel';
         $action = 'backdel';
     } elseif (!empty($_POST['deleteoldaudit']) && isset($_POST['rolllog_clearaudit'])) {
         $back_count = intval($_POST['rolllog_clearaudit']);
         $action = 'backdel';
         $_POST['backdeltype'] = 'auditdel';
     	if(($back_count >= 1) && ($back_count <= 90))
     		$temp_date = getdate();
     		$old_date = intval(mktime(0, 0, 0, $temp_date['mon'], $temp_date['mday'] - $back_count, $temp_date['year']));
     		$old_string = strftime("%d %B %Y", $old_date);
     		//	$message = "Back delete ".$back_count." days. Oldest date = ".$old_string;
     		$action = $next_action;
     		$qs[1] = $old_date;
     		$qs[2] = $back_count;
     $old_date = strtotime($back_count . ' days ago');
     // Actually delete back events - admin or user audit log
     if ($action == "backdel" && isset($_POST['backdeltype'])) {
         //	$old_date = intval($qs[1]);
         $old_string = strftime("%d %B %Y", $old_date);
         $qry = "dblog_datestamp < " . $old_date;
         // Same field for both logs
         switch ($_POST['backdeltype']) {
             case 'confdel':
                 $db_table = 'admin_log';
                 $db_name = RL_LAN_052;
                 $db_msg = "ADLOG_02";
             case 'auditdel':
                 $db_table = 'audit_log';
                 $db_name = RL_LAN_053;
                 $db_msg = "ADLOG_03";
                 // Someone fooling around!
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Back delete, oldest date = {$old_string}  Query = {$qry}");
         if ($del_count = $sql->delete($db_table, $qry)) {
             // Add in a log event
             $message = $db_name . str_replace(array('--OLD--', '--NUM--'), array($old_string, $del_count), RL_LAN_057);
             $log->log_event($db_msg, "db_Delete - earlier than {$old_string} (past {$back_count} days)[!br!]" . $message . '[!br!]' . $db_table . ' ' . $qry, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
         } else {
             $mes->addWarning(RL_LAN_054 . " : " . $sql->mySQLresult);
     // Prompt to delete back events
     			if(($action == "confdel") || ($action == "auditdel"))
     				$old_string = strftime("%d %B %Y", $qs[1]);
     				$text = "
     					<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?backdel.{$qs[1]}.{$qs[2]}'>
     						<fieldset id='core-admin-log-confirm-delete'>
     							<legend class='e-hideme'>".LAN_CONFDELETE."</legend>
     							<table class='table adminform'>
     									<td class='center'>
     										<strong>".(($action == "confdel") ? RL_LAN_047 : RL_LAN_065).$old_string."</strong>
     							<div class='buttons-bar center'>
     								<input type='hidden' name='backdeltype' value='{$action}' />
     								".$frm->admin_button('confirmdeleteold', 'no-value', 'delete', RL_LAN_049)."
     								".$frm->admin_button('confirmcancelold', 'no-value', 'delete', LAN_CANCEL)."				
     	$ns->tablerender(LAN_CONFDELETE, $text);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function submit_item($news, $smessages = false)
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $pref = e107::getPref();
     $e_event = e107::getEvent();
     $e107cache = e107::getCache();
     $emessage = e107::getMessage();
     $error = false;
     if (empty($news['news_title'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News title can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
         if (!empty($news['news_sef'])) {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($news['news_sef']);
     } else {
         // first format sef...
         if (empty($news['news_sef'])) {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($news['news_title']);
         } else {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($news['news_sef']);
     // ...then check it
     if (empty($news['news_sef'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News SEF URL value is required field and can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     } elseif ($sql->db_Count('news', '(news_id)', ($news['news_sef'] ? 'news_id<>' . intval($news['news_id']) . ' AND ' : '') . "news_sef='" . $tp->toDB($news['news_sef']) . "'")) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News SEF URL is unique field - current value already in use! Please choose another SEF URL value.', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     if (empty($news['news_category'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News category can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     $data = array();
     //DB Array
     $data['data']['news_title'] = $news['news_title'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_title'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_sef'] = $news['news_sef'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_sef'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_body'] = $news['news_body'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_body'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_extended'] = $news['news_extended'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_extended'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_datestamp'] = $news['news_datestamp'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_datestamp'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_author'] = $news['news_author'] ? $news['news_author'] : USERID;
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_author'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_category'] = $news['news_category'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_category'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_allow_comments'] = $news['news_allow_comments'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_allow_comments'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_start'] = $news['news_start'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_start'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_end'] = $news['news_end'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_end'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_class'] = $news['news_class'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_class'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_render_type'] = $news['news_render_type'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_render_type'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_summary'] = $news['news_summary'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_summary'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_thumbnail'] = $news['news_thumbnail'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_thumbnail'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_sticky'] = $news['news_sticky'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_sticky'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_meta_keywords'] = eHelper::formatMetaKeys($news['news_meta_keywords']);
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_meta_keywords'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_meta_description'] = eHelper::formatMetaDescription($news['news_meta_description']);
     //handle bbcodes
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_meta_description'] = 'todb';
     if ($error) {
         $data['error'] = true;
         return $data;
     // Calculate short strings for admin logging - no need to clog up the log with potentially long items
     $logData = $data['data'];
     if (isset($logData['news_body'])) {
         $logData['news_body'] = $tp->text_truncate($tp->toDB($logData['news_body']), 300, '...');
     if (isset($logData['news_extended'])) {
         $logData['news_extended'] = $tp->text_truncate($tp->toDB($logData['news_extended']), 300, '...');
     //XXX - Now hooks are executed only if no mysql error is found. Should it stay so? Seems sensible to me!
     if ($news['news_id']) {
         // Updating existing item
         $data['WHERE'] = 'news_id=' . intval($news['news_id']);
         //$vals = "news_datestamp = '".intval($news['news_datestamp'])."', ".$author_insert." news_title='".$news['news_title']."', news_body='".$news['news_body']."', news_extended='".$news['news_extended']."', news_category='".intval($news['cat_id'])."', news_allow_comments='".intval($news['news_allow_comments'])."', news_start='".intval($news['news_start'])."', news_end='".intval($news['news_end'])."', news_class='".$tp->toDB($news['news_class'])."', news_render_type='".intval($news['news_rendertype'])."' , news_summary='".$news['news_summary']."', news_thumbnail='".$tp->toDB($news['news_thumbnail'])."', news_sticky='".intval($news['news_sticky'])."' WHERE news_id='".intval($news['news_id'])."' ";
         if ($sql->db_Update('news', $data)) {
             e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayAll('NEWS_09', $logData);
             $data['data']['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('newsupd', $data['data']);
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_news_updated', $data['data']);
             $message = LAN_UPDATED;
             $emessage->add(LAN_UPDATED, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
             //FIXME - triggerHook should return array(message, message_type)
             $evdata = array('method' => 'update', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $news['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
             $emessage->add(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
         } else {
             if ($sql->getLastErrorNumber()) {
                 $error = true;
                 $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_5, E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
                 $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NEWS_5 . "</strong>";
             } else {
                 $data['data']['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
                 $emessage->add(LAN_NO_CHANGE, E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
                 $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NO_CHANGE . "</strong>";
                 //FIXME - triggerHook should return array(message, message_type)
                 $evdata = array('method' => 'update', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $news['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
                 $emessage->add(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
     } else {
         // Adding item
         $data['data']['news_id'] = $sql->db_Insert('news', $data);
         $news['news_id'] = $data['data']['news_id'];
         //$news['news_id'] = $sql ->db_Insert('news', "0, '".$news['news_title']."', '".$news['news_body']."', '".$news['news_extended']."', ".intval($news['news_datestamp']).", ".intval($news['news_author']).", '".intval($news['cat_id'])."', '".intval($news['news_allow_comments'])."', '".intval($news['news_start'])."', '".intval($news['news_end'])."', '".$tp->toDB($news['news_class'])."', '".intval($news['news_rendertype'])."', '0' , '".$news['news_summary']."', '".$tp->toDB($news['news_thumbnail'])."', '".intval($news['news_sticky'])."' ")
         if ($data['data']['news_id']) {
             $data['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
             $message = LAN_NEWS_6;
             $emessage->add(LAN_CREATED, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
             //moved down - prevent wrong mysql_insert_id
             e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayAll('NEWS_08', $logData);
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('newspost', $data['data']);
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_news_created', $data['data']);
             //XXX - triggerHook after trigger?
             $evdata = array('method' => 'create', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $data['data']['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
             $emessage->add($e_event->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
         } else {
             $error = true;
             $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NEWS_7 . "</strong>";
             $emessage->add(LAN_UPDATED, E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     //return $message;
     $data['message'] = $message;
     $data['error'] = $error;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Fix tables
  * FixArray eg. [core][table][field] = alter|create|index| etc. 
 function runFix($fixArray = '')
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     if (!is_array($fixArray)) {
         $fixArray = $this->fixList;
         // Fix All
     foreach ($fixArray as $j => $file) {
         foreach ($file as $table => $val) {
             $id = $this->getId($this->tables[$j]['tables'], $table);
             foreach ($val as $field => $fixes) {
                 foreach ($fixes as $mode) {
                     if (substr($mode, 0, 5) == 'index') {
                         $fdata = $this->getIndex($this->tables[$j]['data'][$id]);
                         $newval = $this->toMysql($fdata[$field], 'index');
                     } else {
                         $fdata = $this->getFields($this->tables[$j]['data'][$id]);
                         $newval = $this->toMysql($fdata[$field]);
                     switch ($mode) {
                         case 'alter':
                             $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` CHANGE `{$field}` `{$field}` {$newval}";
                         case 'insert':
                             $after = ($aft = $this->getPrevious($fdata, $field)) ? " AFTER {$aft}" : "";
                             $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` ADD `{$field}` {$newval}{$after}";
                         case 'drop':
                             $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` DROP `{$field}` ";
                         case 'index':
                             $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` ADD {$newval} ";
                         case 'indexdrop':
                             $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` DROP INDEX `{$field}`";
                         case 'create':
                             $query = "CREATE TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $table . "` (" . $this->tables[$j]['data'][$id] . ") ENGINE=MyISAM;";
                     // $mes->addDebug("Query: ".$query);
                     // continue;
                     if (e107::getDb()->gen($query) !== false) {
                         $log->addDebug(LAN_UPDATED . '  [' . $query . ']');
                     } else {
                         $log->addWarning(LAN_UPDATED_FAILED . '  [' . $query . ']');
                         // PDO compatible.
                         			$log->addWarning('SQL #'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error());
     $log->flushMessages("Database Table(s) Modified");
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Updates user status, primarily the user_ban field, to reflect outside events
  * @param string $start - 'ban', 'bounce'
  * @param integer $uid - internal user ID, zero if not known
  * @param string $emailAddress - email address (optional)
  * @return boolean | string - FALSE if user found, error message if not
 public function userStatusUpdate($action, $uid, $emailAddress = '')
     $db = e107::getDb('user');
     $qry = '';
     $error = FALSE;
     // Assume no error to start with
     $uid = intval($uid);
     // Precautionary - should have already been done
     switch ($action) {
         case 'ban':
             $newVal = USER_BANNED;
             $logEvent = USER_AUDIT_BANNED;
         case 'bounce':
             $newVal = USER_EMAIL_BOUNCED;
             $logEvent = USER_AUDIT_MAIL_BOUNCE;
         case 'reset':
             $newVal = USER_BOUNCED_RESET;
             $logEvent = USER_AUDIT_BOUNCE_RESET;
         case 'temp':
             $newVal = USER_TEMPORARY_ACCOUNT;
             $logEvent = USER_AUDIT_TEMP_ACCOUNT;
             return 'Invalid action: ' . $action;
     if ($uid) {
         $qry = '`user_id`=' . $uid;
     if ($emailAddress) {
         if ($qry) {
             $qry .= ' OR ';
         $qry .= "`user_email` = '{$emailAddress}'";
     if (FALSE === $db->select('user', 'user_id, user_email, user_ban, user_loginname', $qry . ' LIMIT 1')) {
         $error = 'User not found: ' . $uid . '/' . $emailAddress;
     } else {
         $row = $db->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC);
         if ($uid && $uid != $row['user_id']) {
             $error = 'UID mismatch: ' . $uid . '/' . $row['user_id'];
         } elseif ($emailAddress && $emailAddress != $row['user_email']) {
             $error = 'User email mismatch: ' . $emailAddress . '/' . $row['user_email'];
         } else {
             // Valid user!
             if ($row['user_ban'] != $newVal) {
                 // Only update if needed
                 $db->db_Update('user', '`user_ban` = ' . $newVal . ', `user_email` = \'\' WHERE `user_id` = ' . $row['user_id'] . ' LIMIT 1');
                 // Add to user audit log		TODO: Should we log to admin log as well?
                 $adminLog = e107::getAdminLog();
                 $adminLog->user_audit($logEvent, array('user_ban' => $newVal, 'user_email' => $row['user_email']), $row['user_id'], $row['user_loginname']);
     return $error;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function saveMailPrefs(&$mes)
     if (!getperms('0')) {
     //$pref = e107::getPref();
     $e107 = e107::getInstance();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $bounceOpts = array('none' => LAN_MAILOUT_232, 'auto' => LAN_MAILOUT_233, 'mail' => LAN_MAILOUT_234);
     if (!in_array($_POST['mailer'], array('smtp', 'sendmail', 'php'))) {
         $_POST['mailer'] = 'php';
     $temp['mailer'] = $_POST['mailer'];
     // Allow qmail as an option as well - works much as sendmail
     if (strpos($_POST['sendmail'], 'sendmail') !== FALSE || strpos($_POST['sendmail'], 'qmail') !== FALSE) {
         $temp['sendmail'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['sendmail']);
     } else {
         $temp['sendmail'] = '';
     $temp['smtp_server'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['smtp_server']);
     $temp['smtp_username'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['smtp_username']);
     $temp['smtp_password'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['smtp_password']);
     $smtp_opts = array();
     switch (trim($_POST['smtp_options'])) {
         case 'smtp_ssl':
             $smtp_opts[] = 'secure=SSL';
         case 'smtp_tls':
             $smtp_opts[] = 'secure=TLS';
         case 'smtp_pop3auth':
             $smtp_opts[] = 'pop3auth';
     if (vartrue($_POST['smtp_keepalive'])) {
         $smtp_opts[] = 'keepalive';
     if (vartrue($_POST['smtp_useVERP'])) {
         $smtp_opts[] = 'useVERP';
     $temp['smtp_options'] = implode(',', $smtp_opts);
     $temp['mail_sendstyle'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_sendstyle']);
     $temp['mail_pause'] = intval($_POST['mail_pause']);
     $temp['mail_pausetime'] = intval($_POST['mail_pausetime']);
     $temp['mail_workpertick'] = intval($_POST['mail_workpertick']);
     $temp['mail_workpertick'] = min($temp['mail_workpertick'], 1000);
     $temp['mail_bounce'] = isset($bounceOpts[$_POST['mail_bounce']]) ? $_POST['mail_bounce'] : 'none';
     $temp['mail_bounce_auto'] = 0;
     // Make sure this is always defined
     switch ($temp['mail_bounce']) {
         case 'none':
             $temp['mail_bounce_email'] = '';
         case 'auto':
             $temp['mail_bounce_email'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_email2']);
         case 'mail':
             $temp['mail_bounce_email'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_email']);
             $temp['mail_bounce_auto'] = intval($_POST['mail_bounce_auto']);
     $temp['mail_bounce_pop3'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_pop3']);
     $temp['mail_bounce_user'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_user']);
     $temp['mail_bounce_pass'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_pass']);
     $temp['mail_bounce_type'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['mail_bounce_type']);
     $temp['mail_bounce_delete'] = intval(varset($_POST['mail_bounce_delete'], 0));
     $temp['mailout_enabled'] = implode(',', varset($_POST['mail_mailer_enabled'], ''));
     $temp['mail_log_options'] = intval($_POST['mail_log_option']) . ',' . intval($_POST['mail_log_email']);
     foreach ($temp as &$t) {
         if ($t === NULL) {
             $t = '';
     $pref = e107::pref('core');
     // Core Prefs Array.
     if (e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayDiffs($temp, $pref, 'MAIL_03')) {
         // Only save if changes - generates its own message
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function menuPageSave()
     $temp = array();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $menu_pref = e107::getConfig('menu')->getPref('');
     $temp['banner_caption'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['banner_caption']);
     $temp['banner_amount'] = intval($_POST['banner_amount']);
     $temp['banner_rendertype'] = intval($_POST['banner_rendertype']);
     if (isset($_POST['multiaction_cat_active'])) {
         $cat = implode('|', $tp->toDB($_POST['multiaction_cat_active']));
         $temp['banner_campaign'] = $cat;
     if ($log->logArrayDiffs($temp, $menu_pref, 'BANNER_01')) {
         $menuPref = e107::getConfig('menu');
         //e107::getConfig('menu')->setPref('', $menu_pref);
         //e107::getConfig('menu')->save(false, true, false);
         foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
             $menuPref->setPref($k, $v);
         $menuPref->save(false, true, false);
         $menu_pref = e107::getConfig('menu')->getPref('');
         //banners_adminlog('01', $menu_pref['banner_caption'].'[!br!]'.$menu_pref['banner_amount'].', '.$menu_pref['banner_rendertype'].'[!br!]'.$menu_pref['banner_campaign']);
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: fpw.php Projeto: gitye/e107
        if (getperms('0')) {
            $ns->tablerender("Testing Mode", print_a($message, true));
            require_once FOOTERF;
        // Try to send the email
        if (sendemail($clean_email, "" . LAN_09 . "" . SITENAME, $message)) {
            $do_log['password_result'] = LAN_FPW20;
        } else {
            //$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>".LAN_02."</div>";
            $do_log['password_result'] = LAN_FPW19;
        // Log to user audit log
        e107::getAdminLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES, $do_log, $row['user_id'], $row['user_name']);
        $ns->tablerender(LAN_03, $text . e107::getMessage()->render());
        require_once FOOTERF;
    } else {
        //$text = LAN_213;
        //$ns->tablerender(LAN_214, "<div style='text-align:center'>".$text."</div>");
        $ns->tablerender(LAN_214, e107::getMessage()->render());
$sc = array();
// needed?
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Zip up folders and files 
  * @param array $filePaths
  * @param string $newFile
 public function zip($filePaths = null, $newFile = '', $options = array())
     if (empty($newFile)) {
         $newFile = e_BACKUP . eHelper::title2sef(SITENAME) . "_" . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . ".zip";
     if (is_null($filePaths)) {
         return "No file-paths set!";
     require_once e_HANDLER . 'pclzip.lib.php';
     $archive = new PclZip($newFile);
     $removePath = !empty($options['remove_path']) ? $options['remove_path'] : e_BASE;
     if ($archive->create($filePaths, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $removePath) == 0) {
         $error = $archive->errorInfo(true);
         e107::getAdminLog()->addError($error)->save('FILE', E_LOG_NOTICE);
         return false;
     } else {
         return $newFile;
Exemplo n.º 11
 *	Calculate 'global' maximum upload size - the maximum before extension-specific restrictions taken into account
 *	@param int $max_up - if > 0, its a global maximum permitted. If < 0, $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] is used (if set)
 *	@return int maximum allowed upload size for file
function calc_max_upload_size($max_up = -1)
    global $pref;
    $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
    // Work out maximum allowable file size
    if (UH_DEBUG) {
        $admin_log->e_log_event(10, __FILE__ . "|" . __FUNCTION__ . "@" . __LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "File size limits - user set: " . $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] . " Post_max_size: " . ini_get('post_max_size') . " upload_max_size: " . ini_get('upload_max_size'), FALSE, FALSE);
    $max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('post_max_size'));
    $max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), $max_upload_size, 'lt');
    if ($max_up > 0) {
        $max_upload_size = file_size_decode($max_up, $max_upload_size, 'lt');
    } else {
        if (varset($pref['upload_maxfilesize'], 0) > 0) {
            $max_upload_size = file_size_decode($pref['upload_maxfilesize'], $max_upload_size, 'lt');
    if (UH_DEBUG) {
        $admin_log->e_log_event(10, __FILE__ . "|" . __FUNCTION__ . "@" . __LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Final max upload size: {$max_upload_size}", FALSE, FALSE);
    return $max_upload_size;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Quick Add user submit trigger
 public function AddSubmitTrigger()
     $e107cache = e107::getCache();
     $userMethods = e107::getUserSession();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $e_event = e107::getEvent();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     if (!$_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) {
     $error = false;
     if (isset($_POST['generateloginname'])) {
         $_POST['loginname'] = $userMethods->generateUserLogin($pref['predefinedLoginName']);
     $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password'];
     // Now validate everything
     $allData = validatorClass::validateFields($_POST, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, true);
     // Fix Display and user name
     if (!check_class($pref['displayname_class'], $allData['data']['user_class'])) {
         if ($allData['data']['user_name'] != $allData['data']['user_loginname']) {
             $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname'];
             $mes->addWarning(str_replace('[x]', $allData['data']['user_loginname'], USRLAN_237));
             //$allData['errors']['user_name'] = ERR_FIELDS_DIFFERENT;
     // Do basic validation
     validatorClass::checkMandatory('user_name, user_loginname', $allData);
     // Check for missing fields (email done in userValidation() )
     validatorClass::dbValidateArray($allData, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, 'user', 0);
     // Do basic DB-related checks
     // Do user-specific DB checks
     if (!isset($allData['errors']['user_password'])) {
         // No errors in password - keep it outside the main data array
         $savePassword = $allData['data']['user_password'];
         // Delete the password value in the output array
     // Restrict the scope of this
     unset($_POST['password2'], $_POST['password1']);
     if (count($allData['errors'])) {
         $temp = validatorClass::makeErrorList($allData, 'USER_ERR_', '%n - %x - %t: %v', '<br />', $userMethods->userVettingInfo);
         $error = true;
     // Always save some of the entered data - then we can redisplay on error
     $user_data =& $allData['data'];
     if ($error) {
         $this->setParam('user_data', $user_data);
     if (varset($_POST['perms'])) {
         $allData['data']['user_admin'] = 1;
         $allData['data']['user_perms'] = implode('.', $_POST['perms']);
     $user_data['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_login']);
     $user_data['user_join'] = time();
     if ($userMethods->needEmailPassword()) {
         // Save separate password encryption for use with email address
         $user_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($user_data['user_prefs']);
         $user_prefs['email_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_email']);
         $user_data['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs);
     $userMethods->userClassUpdate($allData['data'], 'userall');
     //FIXME - (SecretR) there is a better way to fix this (missing default value, sql error in strict mode - user_realm is to be deleted from DB later)
     $allData['data']['user_realm'] = '';
     // Set any initial classes
     validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo, $allData);
     $userid = $sql->insert('user', $allData);
     if ($userid) {
         $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser(false, false);
         $user_data['user_id'] = $userid;
         // Add to admin log
         e107::getLog()->add('USET_02', "UName: {$user_data['user_name']}; Email: {$user_data['user_email']}", E_LOG_INFORMATIVE);
         // Add to user audit trail
         e107::getLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_ADD_ADMIN, $user_data, 0, $user_data['user_loginname']);
         e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $user_data);
         e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_created', $user_data);
         // send everything available for user data - bit sparse compared with user-generated signup
         if (isset($_POST['sendconfemail'])) {
             $check = false;
             // Send confirmation email to user
             switch ((int) $_POST['sendconfemail']) {
                 case 0:
                     // activate, don't notify
                     $check = -1;
                 case 1:
                     // activate and send password
                     $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array('user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187 . SITENAME, 'activation_url' => USRLAN_238));
                 case 2:
                     // require activation and send password and activation link
                     $sysuser->set('user_ban', 2)->set('user_sess', e_user_model::randomKey())->save();
                     $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array('user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187 . SITENAME, 'activation_url' => SITEURL . "signup.php?activate." . $sysuser->getId() . "." . $sysuser->getValue('sess')));
             if ($check && $check !== -1) {
             } elseif (!$check) {
         //	$message = str_replace('--NAME--', htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_name'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET), USRLAN_174);
         $message = USRLAN_172;
         $mes->addSuccess($message)->addSuccess(USRLAN_128 . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_loginname'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . '</strong>');
         $mes->addSuccess(LAN_PASSWORD . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($savePassword, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . '</strong>');
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function __get($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'tp':
             $ret = e107::getParser();
         case 'sql':
             $ret = e107::getDb();
         case 'ecache':
             $ret = e107::getCache();
         case 'arrayStorage':
             $ret = e107::getArrayStorage();
         case 'e_event':
             $ret = e107::getEvent();
         case 'ns':
             $ret = e107::getRender();
         case 'url':
             $ret = e107::getUrl();
         case 'admin_log':
             $ret = e107::getAdminLog();
         case 'override':
             $ret = e107::getSingleton('override', e_HANDLER . 'override_class.php');
         case 'notify':
             $ret = e107::getNotify();
         case 'e_online':
             $ret = e107::getOnline();
         case 'eIPHandler':
             $ret = e107::getIPHandler();
         case 'user_class':
             $ret = e107::getUserClass();
             trigger_error('$e107->$' . $name . ' not defined', E_USER_WARNING);
             return null;
     $this->{$name} = $ret;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function submit_item($news, $smessages = false)
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $pref = e107::getPref();
     $e_event = e107::getEvent();
     $e107cache = e107::getCache();
     $emessage = e107::getMessage();
     $error = false;
     if (empty($news['news_title'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News title can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
         if (!empty($news['news_sef'])) {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($news['news_sef']);
     } else {
         // first format sef...
         if (empty($news['news_sef'])) {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($news['news_title']);
         } else {
             $news['news_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($news['news_sef']);
     // ...then check it
     if (empty($news['news_sef'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News SEF URL value is required field and can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     } elseif ($sql->db_Count('news', '(news_id)', ($news['news_sef'] ? 'news_id<>' . intval($news['news_id']) . ' AND ' : '') . "news_sef='" . $tp->toDB($news['news_sef']) . "'")) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News SEF URL is unique field - current value already in use! Please choose another SEF URL value.', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     if (empty($news['news_category'])) {
         $error = true;
         $emessage->add('Validation error: News category can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     $data = array();
     //DB Array
     $data['data']['news_title'] = $news['news_title'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_title'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_sef'] = $news['news_sef'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_sef'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_body'] = $news['news_body'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_body'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_extended'] = $news['news_extended'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_extended'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_datestamp'] = $news['news_datestamp'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_datestamp'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_author'] = $news['news_author'] ? $news['news_author'] : USERID;
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_author'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_category'] = $news['news_category'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_category'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_allow_comments'] = $news['news_allow_comments'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_allow_comments'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_start'] = $news['news_start'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_start'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_end'] = $news['news_end'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_end'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_class'] = $news['news_class'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_class'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_render_type'] = $news['news_render_type'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_render_type'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_summary'] = $news['news_summary'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_summary'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_thumbnail'] = $news['news_thumbnail'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_thumbnail'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_sticky'] = $news['news_sticky'];
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_sticky'] = 'int';
     $data['data']['news_meta_keywords'] = eHelper::formatMetaKeys($news['news_meta_keywords']);
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_meta_keywords'] = 'todb';
     $data['data']['news_meta_description'] = eHelper::formatMetaDescription($news['news_meta_description']);
     //handle bbcodes
     $data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_meta_description'] = 'todb';
     if ($error) {
         $data['error'] = true;
         return $data;
     // Calculate short strings for admin logging - no need to clog up the log with potentially long items
     $logData = $data['data'];
     if (isset($logData['news_body'])) {
         $logData['news_body'] = $tp->text_truncate($tp->toDB($logData['news_body']), 300, '...');
     if (isset($logData['news_extended'])) {
         $logData['news_extended'] = $tp->text_truncate($tp->toDB($logData['news_extended']), 300, '...');
     //XXX - Now hooks are executed only if no mysql error is found. Should it stay so? Seems sensible to me!
     if ($news['news_id']) {
         // Updating existing item
         $data['WHERE'] = 'news_id=' . intval($news['news_id']);
         //$vals = "news_datestamp = '".intval($news['news_datestamp'])."', ".$author_insert." news_title='".$news['news_title']."', news_body='".$news['news_body']."', news_extended='".$news['news_extended']."', news_category='".intval($news['cat_id'])."', news_allow_comments='".intval($news['news_allow_comments'])."', news_start='".intval($news['news_start'])."', news_end='".intval($news['news_end'])."', news_class='".$tp->toDB($news['news_class'])."', news_render_type='".intval($news['news_rendertype'])."' , news_summary='".$news['news_summary']."', news_thumbnail='".$tp->toDB($news['news_thumbnail'])."', news_sticky='".intval($news['news_sticky'])."' WHERE news_id='".intval($news['news_id'])."' ";
         if ($sql->db_Update('news', $data)) {
             e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayAll('NEWS_09', $logData);
             $data['data']['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('newsupd', $data['data']);
             $message = LAN_NEWS_21;
             $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_21, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
             //FIXME - triggerHook should return array(message, message_type)
             $evdata = array('method' => 'update', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $news['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
             $emessage->add(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
         } else {
             if ($sql->getLastErrorNumber()) {
                 $error = true;
                 $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_5, E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
                 $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NEWS_5 . "</strong>";
             } else {
                 $data['data']['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
                 $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_46, E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
                 $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NEWS_46 . "</strong>";
                 //FIXME - triggerHook should return array(message, message_type)
                 $evdata = array('method' => 'update', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $news['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
                 $emessage->add(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
     } else {
         // Adding item
         $data['data']['news_id'] = $sql->db_Insert('news', $data);
         $news['news_id'] = $data['data']['news_id'];
         //$news['news_id'] = $sql ->db_Insert('news', "0, '".$news['news_title']."', '".$news['news_body']."', '".$news['news_extended']."', ".intval($news['news_datestamp']).", ".intval($news['news_author']).", '".intval($news['cat_id'])."', '".intval($news['news_allow_comments'])."', '".intval($news['news_start'])."', '".intval($news['news_end'])."', '".$tp->toDB($news['news_class'])."', '".intval($news['news_rendertype'])."', '0' , '".$news['news_summary']."', '".$tp->toDB($news['news_thumbnail'])."', '".intval($news['news_sticky'])."' ")
         if ($data['data']['news_id']) {
             $data['news_id'] = $news['news_id'];
             $message = LAN_NEWS_6;
             $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_6, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
             //moved down - prevent wrong mysql_insert_id
             e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayAll('NEWS_08', $logData);
             e107::getEvent()->trigger('newspost', $data['data']);
             //XXX - triggerHook after trigger?
             $evdata = array('method' => 'create', 'table' => 'news', 'id' => $data['data']['news_id'], 'plugin' => 'news', 'function' => 'submit_item');
             $emessage->add($e_event->triggerHook($evdata), E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
         } else {
             $error = true;
             $message = "<strong>" . LAN_NEWS_7 . "</strong>";
             $emessage->add(LAN_NEWS_7, E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
     /* FIXME - trackback should be hooked!	*/
     if ($news['news_id'] && $pref['trackbackEnabled']) {
         $excerpt = e107::getParser()->text_truncate(strip_tags(e107::getParser()->post_toHTML($news['news_body'])), 100, '...');
         //			$id=mysql_insert_id();
         $permLink = $e107->base_path . "comment.php?comment.news." . intval($news['news_id']);
         require_once e_PLUGIN . "trackback/trackbackClass.php";
         $trackback = new trackbackClass();
         if ($_POST['trackback_urls']) {
             $urlArray = explode("\n", $_POST['trackback_urls']);
             foreach ($urlArray as $pingurl) {
                 if (!($terror = $trackback->sendTrackback($permLink, $pingurl, $news['news_title'], $excerpt))) {
                     $message .= "<br />successfully pinged {$pingurl}.";
                     $emessage->add("Successfully pinged {$pingurl}.", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
                 } else {
                     $message .= "<br />was unable to ping {$pingurl}<br />[ Error message returned was : '{$terror}'. ]";
                     $emessage->add("was unable to ping {$pingurl}<br />[ Error message returned was : '{$terror}'. ]", E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
         if (isset($_POST['pingback_urls'])) {
             if ($urlArray = $trackback->getPingUrls($news['news_body'])) {
                 foreach ($urlArray as $pingurl) {
                     if ($trackback->sendTrackback($permLink, $pingurl, $news['news_title'], $excerpt)) {
                         $message .= "<br />successfully pinged {$pingurl}.";
                         $emessage->add("Successfully pinged {$pingurl}.", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, $smessages);
                     } else {
                         $message .= "Pingback to {$pingurl} failed ...";
                         $emessage->add("Pingback to {$pingurl} failed ...", E_MESSAGE_ERROR, $smessages);
             } else {
                 $message .= "<br />No pingback addresses were discovered";
                 $emessage->add("No pingback addresses were discovered", E_MESSAGE_INFO, $smessages);
     /* end trackback */
     //return $message;
     $data['message'] = $message;
     $data['error'] = $error;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 15
 function ping($xml_rpc_server, $xml_rpc_port, $xml_rpc_path, $weblog_name, $weblog_url, $changes_url, $cat_or_rss = '', $extended = false)
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $mes->addDebug("Attempting to ping: " . $xml_rpc_server, 'default', true);
     $name_param = new xmlrpcval($weblog_name, 'string');
     $url_param = new xmlrpcval($weblog_url, 'string');
     $changes_param = new xmlrpcval($changes_url, 'string');
     $cat_or_rss_param = new xmlrpcval($cat_or_rss, 'string');
     $method_name = $extended ? "weblogUpdates.extendedPing" : "weblogUpdates.ping";
     if ($cat_or_rss != "") {
         $params = array($name_param, $url_param, $changes_param, $cat_or_rss_param);
         $call_text = "{$method_name}(\"{$weblog_name}\", \"{$weblog_url}\", \"{$changes_url}\", \"{$cat_or_rss}\")";
     } else {
         if ($changes_url != "") {
             $params = array($name_param, $url_param, $changes_param);
             $call_text = "{$method_name}(\"{$weblog_name}\", \"{$weblog_url}\", \"{$changes_url}\")";
         } else {
             $params = array($name_param, $url_param);
             $call_text = "{$method_name}(\"{$weblog_name}\", \"{$weblog_url}\")";
     // create the message
     $message = new xmlrpcmsg($method_name, $params);
     $client = new xmlrpc_client($xml_rpc_path, $xml_rpc_server, $xml_rpc_port);
     $response = $client->send($message);
     $this->log_ping("Request: " . $call_text);
     $this->log_ping($message->serialize(), true);
     if ($response == 0) {
         $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $client->errno . " " . $client->errstring;
         $log->addArray(array('status' => LAN_ERROR, 'service' => $xml_rpc_server, 'url' => $changes_url, 'response' => $client->errstring))->save('PING_01');
         return false;
     if ($response->faultCode() != 0) {
         $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $response->faultCode() . " " . $response->faultString();
         $log->addArray(array('status' => LAN_ERROR, 'service' => $xml_rpc_server, 'url' => $changes_url, 'response' => $response->faultString()))->save('PING_01');
         return false;
     $response_value = $response->value();
     if ($this->debug) {
     $this->log_ping($response_value->serialize(), true);
     $fl_error = $response_value->structmem('flerror');
     $message = $response_value->structmem('message');
     // read the response
     if ($fl_error->scalarval() != false) {
         $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $message->scalarval();
         $log->addArray(array('status' => LAN_ERROR, 'service' => $xml_rpc_server, 'url' => $changes_url, 'response' => $message->scalarval()))->save('PING_01');
         //	$this->log_ping($error_text);
         return false;
     $log->addArray(array('status' => LAN_OK, 'service' => $xml_rpc_server, 'url' => $changes_url, 'response' => $message->scalarval()))->save('PING_01');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 function delete_extended($_name)
     $ue = e107::getUserExt();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     if ($ue->user_extended_remove($_name, $_name)) {
         $log->add('EUF_07', $_name, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE);
         $mes->addSuccess(LAN_DELETED . " [" . $_name . "]");
         e107::getCache()->clear_sys('user_extended_struct', true);
     } else {
         $mes->addError(LAN_ERROR . " [" . $_name . "]");
Exemplo n.º 17
 function importLink()
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $log = e107::getAdminLog();
     foreach ($_POST['importid'] as $import) {
         list($name, $url, $type) = explode("^", $import);
         $name = $tp->toDB($name);
         $url = $tp->toDB($url);
         $sql->db_Insert("gsitemap", "0, '{$name}', '{$url}', '" . time() . "', '" . $_POST['import_freq'] . "', '" . $_POST['import_priority'] . "', '{$type}', '0', '', '0' ");
     $this->message = count($_POST['importid']) . " link(s) imported.";
     $log->log_event('GSMAP_01', $this->message, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
Exemplo n.º 18
 *	Log event to admin log
 *	@param string $msg_num - exactly two numeric characters corresponding to a log message
 *	@param string $woffle - information for the body of the log entre
 *	@return none
function frontpage_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '')
    e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('FRONTPG_' . $msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
Exemplo n.º 19
            // used in standard page output and internal JS includes
        // used in standard page output and internal JS includes
        case 'empty_browsercache':
            // all
        // all
$syscache_files = glob(e_CACHE_CONTENT . 'S_*.*');
$cache_files = glob(e_CACHE_CONTENT . 'C_*.*');
$imgcache_files = glob(e_CACHE_IMAGE . '*.cache.bin');
$dbcache_files = glob(e_CACHE_DB . '*.php');
$syscache_files_num = count($syscache_files);
$cache_files_num = count($cache_files);
$imgcache_files_num = count($imgcache_files);
$dbcache_files_num = count($dbcache_files);
$syscache_label = $syscache_files_num . ' ' . ($syscache_files_num != 1 ? CACLAN_19 : CACLAN_18);
$contentcache_label = $cache_files_num . ' ' . ($cache_files_num != 1 ? CACLAN_19 : CACLAN_18);
$imgcache_label = $imgcache_files_num . ' ' . ($imgcache_files_num != 1 ? CACLAN_19 : CACLAN_18);
$dbcache_label = $dbcache_files_num . ' ' . ($dbcache_files_num != 1 ? CACLAN_19 : CACLAN_18);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param $file
  * @param array $parm  legacy|w|h
  * @return string
  * @example $tp->toImage('welcome.png', array('legacy'=>{e_IMAGE}newspost_images/','w'=>200));
 public function toImage($file, $parm = array())
     if (!vartrue($file)) {
         return '';
     $file = trim($file);
     $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     if ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'gif' && $ext != 'png') {
         return '';
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     if (!empty($parm['w'])) {
     if (!empty($parm['h'])) {
         $tp->setThumbSize(null, $parm['h']);
     if (strpos($file, 'e_MEDIA') !== false || strpos($file, 'e_THEME') !== false) {
         $path = $tp->thumbUrl($file, null, null, true);
     } elseif ($file[0] == '{') {
         $path = $tp->replaceConstants($file, 'full');
     } elseif (!empty($parm['legacy'])) {
         $legacyPath = $parm['legacy'] . $file;
         $filePath = $tp->replaceConstants($legacyPath, 'rel');
         if (is_readable($filePath)) {
             $path = $tp->replaceConstants($legacyPath, 'full');
         } else {
             $log = e107::getAdminLog();
             $log->addDebug('Broken Icon Path: ' . $legacyPath . "\n" . print_r(debug_backtrace(null, 2), true), false)->save('IMALAN_00');
     } else {
         $path = $file;
     if (empty($style)) {
         $insertStyle = '';
     } else {
         $insertStyle = "style='";
     $alt = !empty($parm['alt']) ? $tp->toAttribute($parm['alt']) : basename($path);
     return "<img class='img-responsive' src='" . $path . "' alt=\"" . $alt . "\"  {$insertStyle} />";
Exemplo n.º 21
 *	Log event to admin log
 *	@param string $msg_num - exactly two numeric characters corresponding to a log message
 *	@param string $woffle - information for the body of the log entre
 *	@return none
function banlist_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '')
    e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('BANLIST_' . $msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Login as another user account
  * @param integer $user_id
  * @return boolean success
 public final function loginAs($user_id)
     // TODO - set session data required for loadAs()
     if ($this->getParentId() || !$this->isMainAdmin() || empty($user_id) || $this->getSessionDataAs() || $user_id == $this->getId()) {
         return false;
     $key = $this->_session_key . '_as';
     if ('session' == $this->_session_type) {
         $_SESSION[$key] = $user_id;
     } elseif ('cookie' == $this->_session_type) {
         $_COOKIE[$key] = $user_id;
         cookie($key, $user_id);
     // TODO - lan
     e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('Head Admin used Login As feature', 'Head Admin [#' . $this->getId() . '] ' . $this->getName() . ' logged in user account #' . $user_id);
     //$this->loadAs(); - shouldn't be called here - loginAs should be called in Admin area only, loadAs - front-end
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
 function pluginUpgrade()
     $pref = e107::getPref();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     $plugin = e107::getPlugin();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $plug = $plugin->getinfo($this->id);
     $_path = e_PLUGIN . $plug['plugin_path'] . '/';
     if (file_exists($_path . 'plugin.xml')) {
         $plugin->install_plugin_xml($this->id, 'upgrade');
     } else {
         include e_PLUGIN . $plug['plugin_path'] . '/plugin.php';
         $func = $eplug_folder . '_upgrade';
         if (function_exists($func)) {
             $text .= call_user_func($func);
         if (is_array($upgrade_alter_tables)) {
             $result = $plugin->manage_tables('upgrade', $upgrade_alter_tables);
             if (true !== $result) {
                 //$text .= EPL_ADLAN_9.'<br />';
             } else {
                 $text .= EPL_ADLAN_7 . "<br />";
         if (is_array($upgrade_add_prefs)) {
             $plugin->manage_prefs('add', $upgrade_add_prefs);
             $text .= EPL_ADLAN_8 . '<br />';
         if (is_array($upgrade_remove_prefs)) {
             $plugin->manage_prefs('remove', $upgrade_remove_prefs);
         if (is_array($upgrade_add_array_pref)) {
             foreach ($upgrade_add_array_pref as $key => $val) {
                 $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', $key, $eplug_folder, $val);
         if (is_array($upgrade_remove_array_pref)) {
             foreach ($upgrade_remove_array_pref as $key => $val) {
                 $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', $key, $eplug_folder, $val);
         $plugin->manage_search('upgrade', $eplug_folder);
         $plugin->manage_notify('upgrade', $eplug_folder);
         $eplug_addons = $plugin->getAddons($eplug_folder);
         $info = $plugin->getinfo($this->id);
         $name = deftrue($info['plugin_name'], $info['plugin_name']) . " v" . $eplug_version . "({e_PLUGIN}" . $info['plugin_path'] . ")";
         e107::getLog()->add('PLUGMAN_02', $name, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
         $text .= isset($eplug_upgrade_done) ? '<br />' . $eplug_upgrade_done : "<br />" . LAN_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL;
         $sql->update('plugin', "plugin_version ='{$eplug_version}', plugin_addons='{$eplug_addons}' WHERE plugin_id='{$this->id}' ");
         $pref['plug_installed'][$plug['plugin_path']] = $eplug_version;
         // Update the version
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Core CSF protection, see class2.php
  * Could be adopted by plugins for their own (different) protection logic
  * @param boolean $die
  * @return boolean
 public function check($die = true)
     // define('e_TOKEN_NAME', 'e107_token_'.md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP));
     // TODO e-token required for all system forms?
     // only if not disabled and not in 'cli' mod
     if (e_SECURITY_LEVEL < e_session::SECURITY_LEVEL_BALANCED || e107::getE107('cli')) {
         return true;
     if ($this->getSessionId()) {
         if (isset($_POST['e-token']) && !$this->checkFormToken($_POST['e-token']) || isset($_GET['e-token']) && !$this->checkFormToken($_GET['e-token']) || isset($_POST['e_token']) && !$this->checkFormToken($_POST['e_token'])) {
             $details = "USER: "******"\n";
             $details = "HOST: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n";
             $details .= "REQUEST_URI: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n";
             $details .= $_POST['e-token'] ? "e-token (POST): " . $_POST['e-token'] . "\n" : "";
             $details .= $_GET['e-token'] ? "e-token (GET): " . $_GET['e-token'] . "\n" : "";
             $details .= $_POST['e_token'] ? "AJAX e_token (POST): " . $_POST['e_token'] . "\n" : "";
             $details .= "_SESSION:\n";
             $details .= print_r($_SESSION, true);
             //	$details .= "\n_POST:\n";
             //	$details .= print_r($_POST,true);
             //	$details .= "\n_GET:\n";
             //	$details .= print_r($_GET,true);
             if ($pref['plug_installed']) {
                 $details .= "\nPlugins:\n";
                 $details .= print_r($pref['plug_installed'], true);
             $details .= "die = " . ($die == true ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n\n---------------------------------\n\n";
             $log = e107::getAdminLog();
             $log->toFile('Unauthorized_access', 'Unauthorized access Log', true);
             $log->add('Unauthorized access!', $details, E_LOG_FATAL);
             // e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('Unauthorized access!', $details, E_LOG_FATAL);
             // do not redirect, prevent dead loop, save server resources
             if ($die == true) {
                 die('Unauthorized access!');
             return false;
     if (!defined('e_TOKEN')) {
         // FREEZE token regeneration if minimal, ajax or iframe (ajax and iframe not implemented yet) request
         $_toFreeze = e107::getE107('minimal') || e107::getE107('ajax') || e107::getE107('iframe');
         if (!defined('e_TOKEN_FREEZE') && $_toFreeze) {
             define('e_TOKEN_FREEZE', true);
         // __form_token_regenerate set in footer, so if footer is not called, token will be never regenerated!
         if (e_SECURITY_LEVEL == e_session::SECURITY_LEVEL_INSANE && !deftrue('e_TOKEN_FREEZE') && $this->has('__form_token_regenerate')) {
         define('e_TOKEN', $this->getFormToken());
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
function update_706_to_800($type = '')
    global $pref, $e107info;
    global $sysprefs, $eArrayStorage;
    //$mes = new messageLog;		// Combined logging and message displaying handler
    //$mes = e107::getMessage();
    $log = e107::getAdminLog();
    // Used for combined logging and message displaying
    $sql = e107::getDb();
    $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
    $tp = e107::getParser();
    $ns = e107::getRender();
    // List of unwanted $pref values which can go
    $obs_prefs = array('frontpage_type', 'rss_feeds', 'log_lvcount', 'zone', 'upload_allowedfiletype', 'real', 'forum_user_customtitle', 'utf-compatmode', 'frontpage_method', 'standards_mode', 'image_owner', 'im_quality', 'signup_option_timezone', 'modules', 'plug_sc', 'plug_bb', 'plug_status', 'plug_latest', 'subnews_hide_news', 'upload_storagetype');
    // List of DB tables not required (includes a few from 0.6xx)
    $obs_tables = array('flood', 'headlines', 'stat_info', 'stat_counter', 'stat_last', 'session', 'preset', 'tinymce');
    // List of DB tables newly required  (defined in core_sql.php) (The existing dblog table gets renamed)
    // No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php.
    //	$new_tables = array('audit_log', 'dblog', 'news_rewrite', 'core_media', 'core_media_cat','cron', 'mail_recipients', 'mail_content');
    // List of core prefs that need to be converted from serialized to e107ArrayStorage.
    $serialized_prefs = array("'emote'", "'menu_pref'", "'search_prefs'", "'emote_default'", "'pm_prefs'");
    $create_dir = array(e_MEDIA, e_SYSTEM, e_CACHE, e_CACHE_CONTENT, e_CACHE_IMAGE, e_CACHE_DB, e_LOG, e_BACKUP, e_CACHE_URL, e_TEMP, e_IMPORT);
    foreach ($create_dir as $dr) {
        if (!is_dir($dr)) {
            mkdir($dr, 0755);
    // List of changed DB tables (defined in core_sql.php)
    // No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php.
    // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster)
    // $changed_tables = array('user', 'dblog', 'admin_log', 'userclass_classes', 'banlist', 'menus',
    // 'plugin', 'news', 'news_category', 'online', 'page', 'links', 'comments');
    // List of changed DB tables from core plugins (defined in pluginname_sql.php file)
    // key = plugin directory name. Data = comma-separated list of tables to check
    // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster)
    // No Longer required. - automatically checked by db-verify
    /* $pluginChangedTables = array('linkwords' => 'linkwords',
    								'featurebox' => 'featurebox',
    								'links_page' => 'links_page',
    								'poll' => 'polls',
    								'content' => 'pcontent'
    	$setCorePrefs = array( //modified prefs during upgrade.
    		'adminstyle' 		=> 'infopanel',
    		'admintheme' 		=> 'bootstrap',
    		'admincss'			=> 'admin_style.css',
    		'resize_dimensions' => array(
    			'news-image' 	=> array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250),
    			'news-bbcode' 	=> array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250),
    			'page-bbcode' 	=> array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250)
    $do_save = TRUE;
    // List of changed menu locations.
    $changeMenuPaths = array(array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'compliance_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'counter_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'latestnews_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'compliance_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'compliance_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'powered_by_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'sitebutton_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'counter_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'counter_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'usertheme_menu', 'newpath' => 'user', 'menu' => 'usertheme_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'userlanguage_menu', 'newpath' => 'user', 'menu' => 'userlanguage_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'lastseen_menu', 'newpath' => 'online', 'menu' => 'lastseen_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'other_news_menu', 'newpath' => 'news', 'menu' => 'other_news_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'other_news_menu', 'newpath' => 'news', 'menu' => 'other_news2_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'user_menu', 'newpath' => 'user', 'menu' => 'usertheme_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'user_menu', 'newpath' => 'user', 'menu' => 'userlanguage_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'poll_menu', 'newpath' => 'poll', 'menu' => 'poll_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'banner_menu', 'newpath' => 'banner', 'menu' => 'banner_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'online_menu', 'newpath' => 'online', 'menu' => 'online_menu'));
    // List of DB tables (key) and field (value) which need changing to accommodate IPV6 addresses
    $ip_upgrade = array('download_requests' => 'download_request_ip', 'submitnews' => 'submitnews_ip', 'tmp' => 'tmp_ip', 'chatbox' => 'cb_ip');
    $db_parser = new db_table_admin();
    // Class to read table defs and process them
    $do_save = FALSE;
    // Set TRUE to update prefs when update complete
    $updateMessages = array();
    // Used to log actions for the admin log - TODO: will go once all converted to new class
    $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE;
    // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed
    //	if (!$just_check)
    //	{
    //	foreach(vartrue($setCorePrefs) as $k=>$v)
    //	{
    //		$pref[$k] = $v;
    //	}
    //	}
    if (!$just_check) {
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_14 . $e107info['e107_version'], E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY);
    $statusTexts = array(E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS => 'Success', E_MESSAGE_ERROR => 'Fail', E_MESSAGE_INFO => 'Info');
    if (isset($pref['forum_user_customtitle']) && !isset($pref['signup_option_customtitle'])) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('pref: forum_user_customtitle needs to be renamed');
        $pref['signup_option_customtitle'] = $pref['forum_user_customtitle'];
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_20 . 'customtitle', E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
        $do_save = TRUE;
    // convert all serialized core prefs to e107 ArrayStorage;
    $serialz_qry = "SUBSTRING( e107_value,1,5)!='array' AND e107_value !='' ";
    $serialz_qry .= "AND e107_name IN (" . implode(",", $serialized_prefs) . ") ";
    if (e107::getDb()->select("core", "*", $serialz_qry)) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Convert serialized core prefs');
        while ($row = e107::getDb()->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $status = e107::getDb('sql2')->update('core', "e107_value=\"" . convert_serialized($row['e107_value']) . "\" WHERE e107_name='" . $row['e107_name'] . "'") ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
            $log->addDebug(LAN_UPDATE_22 . $row['e107_name'] . ": " . $status);
    if (e107::getDb()->select("core", "*", "e107_name='pm_prefs' LIMIT 1")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Rename the pm prefs');
        e107::getDb()->update("core", "e107_name='plugin_pm' WHERE e107_name = 'pm_prefs'");
    //@TODO de-serialize the user_prefs also.
    // Banlist
    if (!$sql->field('banlist', 'banlist_id')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Banlist table requires updating.');
        $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE #banlist DROP PRIMARY KEY");
        $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#banlist` ADD `banlist_id` INT( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST");
    // Move the maximum online counts from menu prefs to a separate pref - 'history'
    $menuConfig = e107::getConfig('menu', true, true);
    if ($menuConfig->get('most_members_online') || $menuConfig->get('most_guests_online') || $menuConfig->get('most_online_datestamp')) {
        $status = E_MESSAGE_DEBUG;
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Move online counts from menupref');
        $newPrefs = e107::getConfig('history');
        foreach (array('most_members_online', 'most_guests_online', 'most_online_datestamp') as $v) {
            if (FALSE === $newPrefs->get($v, FALSE)) {
                if (FALSE !== $menuConfig->get($v, FALSE)) {
                    $newPrefs->set($v, $menuConfig->get($v));
                } else {
                    $newPrefs->set($v, 0);
        $result = $newPrefs->save(false, true, false);
        if ($result === TRUE) {
            $resultMessage = 'Historic member counts updated';
            $result = $menuConfig->save(false, true, false);
            // Only re-save if successul.
        } elseif ($result === FALSE) {
            $resultMessage = 'moving historic member counts';
            $status = E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
        } else {
            // No change
            $resultMessage = 'Historic member counts already updated';
            $status = E_MESSAGE_INFO;
        // $result = $menuConfig->save(false, true, false);	// Save updated menuprefs - without the counts - don't delete them if it fails.
        //$updateMessages[] = $statusTexts[$status].': '.$resultMessage;		// Admin log message
        $log->logMessage($resultMessage, $status);
        // User message
    // ++++++++ Modify Menu Paths +++++++.
    if (varset($changeMenuPaths)) {
        foreach ($changeMenuPaths as $val) {
            $qry = "SELECT menu_path FROM `#menus` WHERE menu_name = '" . $val['menu'] . "' AND (menu_path='" . $val['oldpath'] . "' || menu_path='" . $val['oldpath'] . "/' ) LIMIT 1";
            if ($sql->gen($qry)) {
                if ($just_check) {
                    return update_needed('Menu path changed required:  ' . $val['menu'] . ' ');
                $updqry = "menu_path='" . $val['newpath'] . "/' WHERE menu_name = '" . $val['menu'] . "' AND (menu_path='" . $val['oldpath'] . "' || menu_path='" . $val['oldpath'] . "/' ) ";
                $status = $sql->update('menus', $updqry) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23 . '<b>' . $val['menu'] . '</b> : ' . $val['oldpath'] . ' => ' . $val['newpath'], $status);
                // LAN_UPDATE_25;
                // catch_error($sql);
    // Leave this one here.. just in case..
    //delete record for online_extended_menu (now only using one online menu)
    if ($sql->db_Select('menus', '*', "menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/'")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed("The Menu table needs to have some paths corrected in its data.");
        $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
        //if online_extended is activated, we need to activate the new 'online' menu, and delete this record
        if ($row['menu_location'] != 0) {
            $status = $sql->update('menus', "menu_name='online_menu', menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' ") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
            $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23 . "<b>online_menu</b> : online/", $status);
        } else {
            //else if the menu is not active
            //we need to delete the online_extended menu row, and change the online_menu to online
            $sql->delete('menus', " menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' ");
            $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_31, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    //change menu_path for online_menu (if it still exists)
    if ($sql->db_Select('menus', 'menu_path', "menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/'")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('change menu_path for online menu');
        $status = $sql->update('menus', "menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/' ") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23 . "<b>online_menu</b> : online/", $status);
    if (!$just_check) {
        // Alert Admin to delete deprecated menu folders.
        $chgPath = array();
        foreach ($changeMenuPaths as $cgpArray) {
            if (is_dir(e_PLUGIN . $cgpArray['oldpath'])) {
                if (!in_array($cgpArray['oldpath'], $chgPath)) {
                    $chgPath[] = $cgpArray['oldpath'];
        if (count($chgPath)) {
            $log->addWarning(LAN_UPDATE_57 . ' ');
            foreach ($chgPath as $cgp) {
                $log->addWarning(e_PLUGIN_ABS . "<b>" . $cgp . "</b>");
    //			Comments - split user field
    if ($sql->db_Field('comments', 'comment_author')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Comment table author field update');
        if (!$sql->db_Field('comments', 'comment_author_id') && !$sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments`\r\n\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN comment_author_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `comment_author`,\r\n\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN comment_author_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `comment_author_id`")) {
            // Flag error
            // $commentMessage = LAN_UPDAXXTE_34;
            $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21 . "comments", E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
        } else {
            if (FALSE === $sql->update('comments', "comment_author_id=SUBSTRING_INDEX(`comment_author`,'.',1),  comment_author_name=SUBSTRING(`comment_author` FROM POSITION('.' IN `comment_author`)+1)")) {
                // Flag error
                $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21 . 'comments', E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
            } else {
                // Delete superceded field - comment_author
                if (!$sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments` DROP COLUMN `comment_author`")) {
                    // Flag error
                    $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_24 . 'comments - comment_author', E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21 . 'comments', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    //	Add index to download history
    // Deprecated by db-verify-class
    // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('download_requests', 'download_request_datestamp', $just_check, $updateMessages)))
    // {
    // if ($just_check)
    // {
    // return update_needed($temp);
    // }
    // }
    // Extra index to tmp table
    // Deprecated by db-verify-class
    // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('tmp', 'tmp_time', $just_check, $updateMessages)))
    // {
    // if ($just_check)
    // {
    // return update_needed($temp);
    // }
    // }
    // Extra index to rss table (if used)
    // Deprecated by db-verify-class
    // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('rss', 'rss_name', $just_check, $updateMessages, TRUE)))
    // {
    // if ($just_check)
    // {
    // return update_needed($temp);
    // }
    // }
    // Front page prefs (logic has changed)
    if (!isset($pref['frontpage_force'])) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Change front page prefs');
        $pref['frontpage_force'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => '');
        $fpdef = vartrue($pref['frontpage']['all']) == 'index.php' ? 'index.php' : 'news.php';
        $pref['frontpage'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => $fpdef);
        // $_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_38; //FIXME
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_20 . "frontpage", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
        $do_save = TRUE;
    // Check need for user timezone before we delete the field
    if (vartrue($pref['signup_option_timezone'])) {
        if ($sql->db_Field('user', 'user_timezone', '', TRUE) && !$sql->db_Field('user_extended', 'user_timezone', '', TRUE)) {
            if ($just_check) {
                return update_needed('Move user timezone info');
            if (!copy_user_timezone()) {
                // Error doing the transfer
                //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_42;
                $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_42, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
                return FALSE;
            //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_41;
            $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_41, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    // Tables defined in core_sql.php to be RENAMED.
    // Next bit will be needed only by the brave souls who used an early CVS - probably delete before release
    if ($sql->isTable('rl_history') && !$sql->isTable('dblog')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Rename rl_history to dblog');
        $sql->gen('ALTER TABLE `' . MPREFIX . 'rl_history` RENAME `' . MPREFIX . 'dblog`');
        //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_44;
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_44, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    if ($sql->isTable('dblog') && !$sql->isTable('admin_log')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Rename dblog to admin_log');
        $sql->gen('ALTER TABLE `' . MPREFIX . 'dblog` RENAME `' . MPREFIX . 'admin_log`');
        //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_43;
        $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_43, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    // New tables required (list at top. Definitions in core_sql.php)
    // ALL DEPRECATED by db_verify class.. see below.
    	foreach ($new_tables as $nt)
    		if (!$sql->isTable($nt))
    			if ($just_check) return update_needed('Add table: '.$nt);
    			// Get the definition
    			$defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($nt,e_ADMIN.'sql/core_sql.php');
    			if (count($defs)) // **** Add in table here
    				$status = $sql->gen('CREATE TABLE `'.MPREFIX.$defs[0][1].'` ('.$defs[0][2].') TYPE='.$defs[0][3]) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
    			//	$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_45.$defs[0][1];		
    				$log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_27.$defs[0][1], $status);
    				// catch_error($sql);
    			{  // error parsing defs file
    				$log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_46.$defs[0][1], E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
    	// Tables whose definition needs changing significantly
         $debugLevel = E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS;
    	foreach ($changed_tables as $ct)
    	  $req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,e_ADMIN."sql/core_sql.php");
    	  $req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]);					// Required definitions
    	  if ($debugLevel)
    	  	$log->logMessage("Required table structure: <br />".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);			
    	  if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs))			// Adds current default prefix
    			$log->logMessage("Couldn't get table structure: ".$ct, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);		
    //		echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs);
    		$actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]);
    		if ($debugLevel)
    			$log->logMessage("Actual table structure: <br />".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);		
    		$diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields);
    		if (count($diffs[0]))
    		{  // Changes needed
    		  	if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; table: ".$ct);
    			// Do the changes here
    		  	if ($debugLevel)
    		  		$log->logMessage("List of changes found:<br />".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);		
    			$qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]);
    			if ($debugLevel)
    				$log->logMessage("Update Query used: ".$qry, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);	
    			$status = $sql->gen($qry) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; 
    			$log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21.$ct, $status);
    	// Plugin tables whose definition needs changing significantly
    	foreach ($pluginChangedTables as $plugName => $plugList)
    		if (e107::isInstalled($plugName))
    			$ttc = explode(',',$plugList);
    			foreach ($ttc as $ct)
    				$sqlDefs = e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/'.str_replace('_menu','',$plugName).'_sql.php';		// Filename containing definitions
    //				echo "Looking at file: {$sqlDefs}, table {$ct}<br />";
    				$req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,$sqlDefs);
    				if (!is_array($req_defs))
    					echo "Couldn't get definitions from file {$sqlDefs}<br />";
    				$req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]);					// Required definitions
    				if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS)
    				  $message = "Required plugin table structure: <br />".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields);
    				  $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    				if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs))			// Adds current default prefix
    //	    			echo "Couldn't get table structure: {$ct}<br />";
    //					echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs);
    					$actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]);
    					if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS)
    						$message= "Actual table structure: <br />".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields);
    						$log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    					$diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields);
    					if (count($diffs[0]))
    					{  // Changes needed
    						if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS)
    							$message = "List of changes found:<br />".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs);
    							$log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);	
    						if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; plugin table: ".$ct);
    						// Do the changes here
    						$qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]);
    						if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS)
    							 $message = "Update Query used: ".$qry."<br />";
    							 $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);	
    						$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_51.$ct;  
    						$log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_51.$ct, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
    // Obsolete tables (list at top)
    $sql->mySQLtableList = false;
    // clear the cached table list.
    foreach ($obs_tables as $ot) {
        if ($sql->isTable($ot)) {
            if ($just_check) {
                return update_needed("Delete table: " . $ot);
            $status = $sql->gen('DROP TABLE `' . MPREFIX . $ot . '`') ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
            $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_25 . $ot, $status);
    // Tables where IP address field needs updating to accommodate IPV6
    // Set to varchar(45) - just in case something uses the IPV4 subnet (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPV6#Notation)
    foreach ($ip_upgrade as $t => $f) {
        if ($sql->isTable($t)) {
            // Check for table - might add some core plugin tables in here
            if ($field_info = $sql->db_Field($t, $f, '', TRUE)) {
                if (strtolower($field_info['Type']) != 'varchar(45)') {
                    if ($just_check) {
                        return update_needed('Update IP address field ' . $f . ' in table ' . $t);
                    $status = $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . $t . "` MODIFY `{$f}` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                    $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_26 . $t . ' - ' . $f, $status);
                    // catch_error($sql);
            } else {
                // Got a strange error here
    // Obsolete prefs (list at top)
    // Intentionally do this last - we may check some of them during the update
    $accum = array();
    foreach ($obs_prefs as $p) {
        if (isset($pref[$p])) {
            if ($just_check) {
                return update_needed('Remove obsolete prefs');
            $do_save = TRUE;
            $log->addDebug('Removed obsolete pref: ' . $p);
            //	$accum[] = $p;
    /* -------------- Upgrade Entire Table Structure - Multi-Language Supported ----------------- */
    // ONLY ever add fields, never deletes.
    require_once e_HANDLER . "db_verify_class.php";
    $dbv = new db_verify();
    if ($plugUpgradeReq = e107::getPlugin()->updateRequired()) {
        $exclude = array_keys($plugUpgradeReq);
        // search xxxxx_setup.php and check for 'upgrade_required()' == true.
    } else {
        $exclude = false;
    // core & plugins, but not plugins calling for an update with xxxxx_setup.php
    if (count($dbv->errors)) {
        if ($just_check) {
            $mes = e107::getMessage();
            $log->addDebug(print_a($dbv->errors, true));
            return update_needed("Database Tables require updating.");
        // Fix entire core database structure and plugins too.
    // print_a($dbv->results);
    // print_a($dbv->fixList);
    //TODO - send notification messages to Log.
    if ($sql->field('page', 'page_theme') && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#page` WHERE page_theme != '' AND menu_title = '' LIMIT 1")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed("Pages/Menus Table requires updating.");
        if ($sql->update('page', "menu_name = page_theme, menu_title = page_title, menu_text = page_text, menu_template='default', page_title = '', page_text = '' WHERE page_theme !='' AND menu_title = '' AND menu_text = '' ")) {
            $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#page` DROP page_theme ");
            $mes = e107::getMessage();
            $log->addDebug("Successfully updated pages/menus table to new format. ");
    if ($sql->field('plugin', 'plugin_releaseUrl')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('plugin_releaseUrl is deprecated and needs to be removed. ');
        if ($sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#plugin` DROP `plugin_releaseUrl`")) {
            $log->addDebug("Successfully removed plugin_releaseUrl. ");
    // --- Notify Prefs
    //	$notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> get('notify_prefs');
    //	$notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> ReadArray($notify_prefs);
    $notify_prefs = e107::getConfig('notify', true, true)->getPref();
    $nt_changed = 0;
    if (vartrue($notify_prefs['event'])) {
        foreach ($notify_prefs['event'] as $e => $d) {
            if (isset($d['type'])) {
                if ($just_check) {
                    return update_needed('Notify pref: ' . $e . ' outdated');
                switch ($d['type']) {
                    case 'main':
                        $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
                    case 'class':
                        // Should already have class defined
                    case 'email':
                        $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = 'email';
                    case 'off':
                        // Need to disable
                    // Need to disable
                        $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
                        // Just disable if we don't know what else to do
                $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['legacy'] = 1;
    if ($nt_changed) {
        $s_prefs = $tp->toDB($notify_prefs);
        $s_prefs = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($s_prefs);
        // Could we use $sysprefs->set($s_prefs,'notify_prefs') instead - avoids caching problems  ????
        $status = $sql->update("core", "e107_value='" . $s_prefs . "' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs'") !== FALSE ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
        $message = str_replace('--COUNT--', $nt_changed, LAN_UPDATE_20);
        $log->logMessage($message, $status);
    // ---------------  Saved emails - copy across
    if (!$just_check && $sql->db_Select('generic', '*', "gen_type='massmail'")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Copy across saved emails');
        require_once e_HANDLER . 'mail_manager_class.php';
        $mailHandler = new e107MailManager();
        $i = 0;
        while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $mailRecord = array('mail_create_date' => $row['gen_datestamp'], 'mail_creator' => $row['gen_user_id'], 'mail_title' => $row['gen_ip'], 'mail_subject' => $row['gen_ip'], 'mail_body' => $row['gen_chardata'], 'mail_content_status' => MAIL_STATUS_SAVED);
            $mailHandler->mailtoDb($mailRecord, TRUE);
            $mailHandler->saveEmail($mailRecord, TRUE);
            $sql2->delete('generic', 'gen_id=' . intval($row['gen_id']));
            // Delete as we go in case operation fails part way through
        $log->logMessage(str_replace('--COUNT--', $i, LAN_UPDATE_28));
    // -------------------  Populate Plugin Table With Changes ------------------
    if (!isset($pref['shortcode_legacy_list'])) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Legacy shortcode conversion');
        // Reset, legacy and new shortcode list will be generated in plugin update routine
        $pref['shortcode_legacy_list'] = array();
        $pref['shortcode_list'] = array();
        $ep = e107::getPlugin();
        // scan for e_xxx changes and save to plugin table.
        // generate global e_xxx_list prefs from plugin table.
    // This has to be done after the table is upgraded
    if ($sql->select('plugin', 'plugin_category', "plugin_category = ''")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Update plugin table');
        require_once e_HANDLER . 'plugin_class.php';
        $ep = new e107plugin();
        //	$_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_XX24;
        //	catch_error($sql);
    //-- Media-manger import --------------------------------------------------
    // Autogenerate filetypes.xml if not found.
    if (!is_readable(e_SYSTEM . "filetypes.xml")) {
        $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<class name="253" type="zip,gz,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,xml" maxupload="2M" />
        file_put_contents(e_SYSTEM . "filetypes.xml", $data);
    $root_media = str_replace(basename(e_MEDIA) . "/", "", e_MEDIA);
    $user_media_dirs = array("images", "avatars", "avatars/default", "avatars/upload", "files", "temp", "videos", "icons");
    // check for old paths and rename.
    if (is_dir($root_media . "images") || is_dir($root_media . "temp")) {
        foreach ($user_media_dirs as $md) {
            @rename($root_media . $md, e_MEDIA . $md);
    // create sub-directories if they do not exist.
    if (!is_dir(e_MEDIA . "images") || !is_dir(e_MEDIA . "temp") || !is_dir(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD) || !is_dir(e_AVATAR_DEFAULT)) {
        foreach ($user_media_dirs as $md) {
            if (!is_dir(e_MEDIA . $md)) {
                mkdir(e_MEDIA . $md);
    // Move Avatars to new location
    $av1 = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_FILE . 'public/avatars', '.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG');
    $av2 = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_IMAGE . 'avatars', '.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG');
    $avatar_images = array_merge($av1, $av2);
    if (count($avatar_images)) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Avatar paths require updating.');
        foreach ($avatar_images as $av) {
            $apath = strstr($av['path'], 'public/') ? e_AVATAR_UPLOAD : e_AVATAR_DEFAULT;
            @rename($av['path'] . $av['fname'], $apath . $av['fname']);
    // -------------------------------
    if (!e107::isInstalled('download') && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #links WHERE link_url LIKE 'download.php%' AND link_class != '" . e_UC_NOBODY . "' LIMIT 1")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Download Plugin needs to be installed.');
        //	e107::getSingleton('e107plugin')->install('download',array('nolinks'=>true));
    if (!e107::isInstalled('banner') && $sql->isTable('banner')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Banner Table found, but plugin not installed. Needs to be refreshed.');
    // ---------------------------------
    $med = e107::getMedia();
    // Media Category Update
    if ($sql->db_Field("core_media_cat", "media_cat_nick")) {
        $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_nick = '_common'  ");
        if ($count == 1) {
            if ($just_check) {
                return update_needed('Media-Manager Categories needs to be updated.');
            $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = media_cat_nick, media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_common|news|page|_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' ");
            $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = '_icon', media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' ");
            $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_image' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'download' ");
            $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'downloadthumb' ");
            $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'news', media_cat_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'newsthumb' ");
            $log->addDebug("core-media-cat Categories and Ownership updated");
            if ($sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "core_media_cat` DROP `media_cat_nick`")) {
                $log->addDebug("core-media-cat `media_cat_nick` field removed.");
            //		$query = "INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES
            //		(0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery 1', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0);
            ///		";
            //		if(mysql_query($query))
            //		{
            //			$log->addDebug("Added core-media-cat Gallery.");
            //		}
    // Media Update
    $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' OR media_category = 'downloadthumb'  LIMIT 1 ");
    if ($count == 1) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Media-Manager Data needs to be updated.');
        $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='download_image' WHERE media_category = 'download' ");
        $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'downloadthumb' ");
        $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' ");
        $log->addDebug("core-media Category names updated");
    // Media Update - core media and core-file.
    $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 ");
    if ($count == 1) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.');
        $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='_common_image' WHERE media_category = '_common' ");
        $log->addDebug("core-media _common Category updated");
    // Media Update - core media and core-file. CATEGORY
    $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 ");
    if ($count == 1) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.');
        $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_category='_common_image' WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' ");
        $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `" . MPREFIX . "core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Area)', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0);");
        $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `" . MPREFIX . "core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 0);");
        $log->addDebug("core-media-cat _common Category updated");
    $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE `media_cat_owner` = '_common' LIMIT 1 ");
    if ($count != 1) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Add Media-Manager Categories and Import existing images.');
        $e107_core_media_cat = array(array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => '_common', 'media_cat_category' => '_common_image', 'media_cat_title' => '(Common Images)', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => '_common', 'media_cat_category' => '_common_file', 'media_cat_title' => '(Common Files)', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'news', 'media_cat_category' => 'news', 'media_cat_title' => 'News', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => 'Will be available in the news area.', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '1'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'page', 'media_cat_category' => 'page', 'media_cat_title' => 'Custom Pages', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => 'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin.', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'download', 'media_cat_category' => 'download_image', 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Images', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => '', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'download', 'media_cat_category' => 'download_thumb', 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Thumbnails', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => '', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'download', 'media_cat_category' => 'download_file', 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Files', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => '', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '0'), array('media_cat_id' => 0, 'media_cat_owner' => 'news', 'media_cat_category' => 'news_thumb', 'media_cat_title' => 'News Thumbnails (Legacy)', 'media_cat_sef' => '', 'media_cat_diz' => 'Legacy news thumbnails.', 'media_cat_class' => '253', 'media_cat_image' => '', 'media_cat_order' => '1'));
        foreach ($e107_core_media_cat as $insert) {
            $sql->insert('core_media_cat', $insert);
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_image', '(Common Images)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 1);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Files)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 2);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news', 'News', '', 'Will be available in the news area. ', 253, '', 3);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'page', 'page', 'Custom Pages', '', 'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin. ', 253, '', 4);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_image','', 'Download Images', '', 253, '', 5);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_thumb', '', 'Download Thumbnails', '', 253, '', 6);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', '', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 7);");
        //	mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0);");
        //	$sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news_thumb', 'News Thumbnails (Legacy)', '', 'Legacy news thumbnails. ', 253, '', 8);");
        $med->import('news_thumb', e_IMAGE . 'newspost_images', "^thumb_");
        $med->import('news', e_IMAGE . 'newspost_images');
        $med->import('page', e_IMAGE . 'custom');
    } else {
        //		$log->addDebug("Media COUNT was ".$count. " LINE: ".__LINE__);
    // Check for Legacy Download Images.
    $fl = e107::getFile();
    $dl_images = $fl->get_files(e_FILE . 'downloadimages');
    if (count($dl_images) && !$sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_image' ")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Import Download Images into Media Manager');
        $med->import('download_image', e_FILE . 'downloadimages');
        $med->import('download_thumb', e_FILE . 'downloadthumbs');
    $dl_files = $fl->get_files(e_FILE . 'downloads', "", "standard", 5);
    // don't use e_DOWNLOAD or a loop may occur.
    $publicFilter = array('_FT', '^thumbs\\.db$', '^Thumbs\\.db$', '.*\\._$', '^\\.htaccess$', '^\\.cvsignore$', '^\\.ftpquota$', '^index\\.html$', '^null\\.txt$', '\\.bak$', '^.tmp');
    // Default file filter (regex format)
    //	$publicFilter = array(1);
    $public_files = $fl->get_files(e_FILE . 'public', '', $publicFilter);
    if ((count($dl_files) || count($public_files)) && !$sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_file' ")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Import ' . count($dl_files) . ' Download File(s) and ' . count($public_files) . ' Public File(s) into Media Manager');
        if ($sql->gen("SELECT download_url FROM `#download` ")) {
            $allowed_types = array();
            while ($row = $sql->fetch()) {
                $ext = strrchr($row['download_url'], ".");
                $suffix = ltrim($ext, ".");
                if (!isset($allowed_types[$suffix])) {
                    $allowed_types[$suffix] = $suffix;
            $allowed_types = array_unique($allowed_types);
        } else {
            $allowed_types = array('zip', 'gz', 'pdf');
        $fmask = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+\\.(' . implode('|', $allowed_types) . ')$';
        $med->import('download_file', e_DOWNLOAD, $fmask);
        $med->import('_common_file', e_FILE . 'public', $fmask);
    $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_owner='_icon'  ");
    if (!$count) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Add icons to media-manager');
        $query = "INSERT INTO `" . MPREFIX . "core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES\r\n\t\t(0, '_icon', '_icon_16', 'Icons 16px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0),\r\n\t\t(0, '_icon', '_icon_32', 'Icons 32px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0),\r\n\t\t(0, '_icon', '_icon_48', 'Icons 48px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0),\r\n\t\t(0, '_icon', '_icon_64', 'Icons 64px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0);\r\n\t\t";
        if (!$sql->gen($query)) {
            // echo "mysyql error";
            // error or already exists.
        $med->importIcons(e_IMAGE . "icons/");
        $med->importIcons(e_THEME . $pref['sitetheme'] . "/images/");
        $log->addDebug("Icon category added");
    // Search Clean up ----------------------------------
    $searchPref = e107::getConfig('search');
    if ($searchPref->getPref('core_handlers/news')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Core search handlers need to be updated.');
        $searchPref->removePref('core_handlers/news')->save(false, true, false);
    if ($searchPref->getPref('core_handlers/downloads')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Core search handlers need to be updated.');
        $searchPref->removePref('core_handlers/downloads')->save(false, true, false);
    if ($searchPref->getPref('core_handlers/pages')) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('Core search handlers need to be updated.');
        $searchPref->removePref('core_handlers/pages')->save(false, true, false);
    // Clean up news keywords. - remove spaces between commas.
    if ($sql->select('news', 'news_id', "news_meta_keywords LIKE '%, %' LIMIT 1")) {
        if ($just_check) {
            return update_needed('News keywords contain spaces between commas and needs to be updated. ');
        $sql->update('news', "news_meta_keywords = REPLACE(news_meta_keywords, ', ', ',')");
    // Any other images should be imported manually via Media Manager batch-import.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check that custompages have been imported from current theme.php file
    if (!$just_check) {
        if (!is_array($pref['sitetheme_layouts']) || !vartrue($pref['sitetheme_deflayout'])) {
            $th = e107::getSingleton('themeHandler');
            $tmp = $th->getThemeInfo($pref['sitetheme']);
            if ($th->setTheme($pref['sitetheme'], false)) {
                $log->addDebug("Updated SiteTheme prefs");
            } else {
                $log->addDebug("Couldn't update SiteTheme prefs");
        if ($do_save) {
            //	$log->logMessage(implode(', ', $accum), E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY);
            //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_50.implode(', ',$accum); 	// Note for admin log
        // Write admin log entry, update message handler
    } else {
    //FIXME grab message-stack from $log for the log.
    //if ($just_check) return TRUE;
    //e107::getLog()->add('UPDATE_01',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode('[!br!]',$updateMessages),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,'');	// Log result of actual update
    return $just_check;
Exemplo n.º 26
$logVals .= "&ip=" . USERIP;
$logVals .= "&iphost=" . @gethostbyaddr(USERIP);
$logVals .= "&lan=" . e_LAN;
$logVals .= "&agent=" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
parse_str($logVals, $vals);
$vals['referer'] = urldecode($vals['referer']);
$vals['eself'] = urldecode($vals['eself']);
if (empty($_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages']) || !in_array($vals['eself'], $_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages'])) {
    $_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages'][] = $vals['eself'];
    $logVals .= "&unique=1";
} else {
    $logVals .= "&unique=0";
$logVals = str_replace('%3A', ':', $logVals);
// make the URLs a bit cleaner, while keeping any urlqueries encoded.
$lg = e107::getAdminLog();
$lg->addDebug(print_r($logVals, true));
$lg->toFile('SiteStats', 'Statistics Log', true);
e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_log_stats', $vals);
// ------------------------------------ ---------------------
// We MUST have a timezone set in PHP >= 5.3. This should work for PHP >= 5.1:
// @todo may be able to remove this check once minimum PHP version finalised
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
    // Just set a default - it should default to UTC if no timezone set
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, $logVals."\n"); fclose($logfp);
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, print_r($vals, TRUE)."\n"); fclose($logfp);
$colour = strip_tags(isset($vals['colour']) ? $vals['colour'] : '');
$res = strip_tags(isset($vals['res']) ? $vals['res'] : '');
$self = strip_tags(isset($vals['eself']) ? $vals['eself'] : '');
Exemplo n.º 27
 *	Log event to admin log
 *	@param string $msg_num - 2-digit event number (MUST be as a string)
 *	@param string $woffle - log detail
 *	@return none
function userclass2_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '')
    e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('UCLASS_' . $msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: auth.php Projeto: notzen/e107
         //	  list($user_id, $user_name, $userpass) = $sql->db_Fetch();
         // Calculate class membership - needed for a couple of things
         // Problem is that USERCLASS_LIST just contains 'guest' and 'everyone' at this point
         $class_list = explode(',', $row['user_class']);
         if ($row['user_admin'] && strlen($row['user_perms'])) {
             $class_list[] = e_UC_ADMIN;
             if (strpos($row['user_perms'], '0') === 0) {
                 $class_list[] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
         $class_list[] = e_UC_MEMBER;
         $class_list[] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
         $user_logging_opts = array_flip(explode(',', varset($pref['user_audit_opts'], '')));
         if (isset($user_logging_opts[USER_AUDIT_LOGIN]) && in_array(varset($pref['user_audit_class'], ''), $class_list)) {
             // Need to note in user audit trail
             e107::getAdminLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_LOGIN, '', $user_id, $user_name);
         $edata_li = array("user_id" => $row['user_id'], "user_name" => $row['user_name'], 'class_list' => implode(',', $class_list), 'user_admin' => $row['user_admin']);
         // Fix - set cookie before login trigger
         session_set(e_COOKIE, $cookieval, time() + 3600 * 24 * 30);
         e107::getEvent()->trigger("login", $edata_li);
         e107::getRedirect()->redirect(e_ADMIN_ABS . 'admin.php');
         //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.location.href='admin.php'</script>\n";
 $e_sub_cat = 'logout';
 if (ADMIN == FALSE) {
     define("e_IFRAME", TRUE);
 if (!defset('NO_HEADER')) {
     require_once e_ADMIN . "header.php";
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Check the banlist table. $query is used to determine the match.
  * If $do_return, will always return with ban status - TRUE for OK, FALSE for banned.
  * If return permitted, will never display a message for a banned user; otherwise will display any message then exit
  * @todo consider whether can be simplified
  * @param string $query - the 'WHERE' part of the DB query to be executed
  * @param boolean $show_error - if true, adds a '403 Forbidden' header for a banned user
  * @param boolean $do_return - if TRUE, returns regardless without displaying anything. if FALSE, for a banned user displays any message and exits
  * @return boolean TRUE for OK, FALSE for banned.
 public function checkBan($query, $show_error = TRUE, $do_return = FALSE)
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $pref = e107::getPref();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     //$admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","Check for Ban",$query,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
     if ($sql->select('banlist', '*', $query . ' ORDER BY `banlist_bantype` DESC')) {
         // Any whitelist entries will be first, because they are positive numbers - so we can answer based on the first DB record read
         $row = $sql->fetch();
         if ($row['banlist_bantype'] >= eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST) {
             //$admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","Whitelist hit",$query,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
             return TRUE;
             // Whitelisted entry
         // Found banlist entry in table here
         if ($row['banlist_banexpires'] > 0 && $row['banlist_banexpires'] < time()) {
             // Ban has expired - delete from DB
             $sql->delete('banlist', $query);
             return TRUE;
         // User is banned hereafter - just need to sort out the details.
         if (vartrue($pref['ban_retrigger']) && vartrue($pref['ban_durations'][$row['banlist_bantype']])) {
             // May need to retrigger ban period
             $sql->update('banlist', "`banlist_banexpires`=" . intval(time() + $pref['ban_durations'][$row['banlist_bantype']] * 60 * 60), "WHERE `banlist_ip`='{$row['banlist_ip']}'");
             //$admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","Retrigger Ban",$row['banlist_ip'],FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
         //$admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","Active Ban",$query,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
         if ($show_error) {
             header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true);
         if (isset($pref['ban_messages'])) {
             // May want to display a message
             // Ban still current here
             if ($do_return) {
                 return FALSE;
             echo $tp->toHTML(varset($pref['ban_messages'][$row['banlist_bantype']]));
             // Show message if one set
         //$admin_log->e_log_event(4, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, 'BAN_03', 'LAN_AUDIT_LOG_003', $query, FALSE, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
     //$admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","No ban found",$query,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
     return TRUE;
     // Email address OK
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Batch Delete records
  * @param mixed $ids
  * @param boolean $destroy [optional] destroy object instance after db delete
  * @param boolean $session_messages [optional]
  * @return integer deleted records number or false on DB error
 public function delete($ids, $destroy = true, $session_messages = false)
     if (!$ids) {
         return 0;
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = explode(',', $ids);
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $ids = array_map(array($tp, 'toDB'), $ids);
     $idstr = implode(', ', $ids);
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $table = $this->getModelTable();
     $sqlQry = $this->getFieldIdName() . ' IN (\'' . $idstr . '\')';
     $res = $sql->db_Delete($table, $sqlQry);
     $this->_db_errno = $sql->getLastErrorNumber();
     $this->_db_errmsg = $sql->getLastErrorText();
     $this->_db_qry = $sql->getLastQuery();
     $modelCacheCheck = $this->getParam('clearModelCache');
     if (!$res) {
         if ($sql->getLastErrorNumber()) {
             $this->addMessageError('SQL Delete Error: ' . $sql->getLastQuery(), $session_messages);
             //TODO - Lan
             $this->addMessageDebug('SQL Error #' . $sql->getLastErrorNumber() . ': ' . $sql->getLastErrorText());
     } elseif ($destroy || $modelCacheCheck) {
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             if ($this->hasNode($id)) {
                 if ($destroy) {
                     call_user_func(array($this->getNode(trim($id)), 'destroy'));
                     // first call model destroy method if any
                     $this->setNode($id, null);
     $logData = array('TABLE' => $table, 'WHERE' => $sqlQry);
     return $res;