public function newsfetch($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); // connection $cache = new cache(); $news_general = $cache->index($c, "news_general"); $data["news_general"] = json_decode($news_general, true); $news_list = $cache->index($c, "news_list"); $data["news_list"] = json_decode($news_list); /* contact_page_data */ $contact_page_data = $cache->index($c, "contact_page_data"); $data["contact_data"] = json_decode($contact_page_data, true); $news_files = $cache->index($c, "news_files"); $data['news_files'] = json_decode($news_files); $news_documents = $cache->index($c, "news_documents"); $data['news_documents'] = json_decode($news_documents); /* languages */ $languages = $cache->index($c, "languages"); $data["languages"] = json_decode($languages); /* language variables */ $language_data = $cache->index($c, "language_data"); $language_data = json_decode($language_data); $model_template_makevars = new model_template_makevars(); $data["language_data"] = $model_template_makevars->vars($language_data); /* website menu header & footer */ $menu_array = $cache->index($c, "main_menu"); $menu_array = json_decode($menu_array); $model_template_main_menu = new model_template_main_menu(); $data["main_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "header"); $data["footer_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "footer"); /* website left menu */ $left_menu = $cache->index($c, "left_menu"); $left_menu = json_decode($left_menu); $data["left_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->left($left_menu); /* breadcrups */ $breadcrups = $cache->index($c, "breadcrups"); $data["breadcrups"] = json_decode($breadcrups); /* components */ $components = $cache->index($c, "components"); $data["components"] = json_decode($components); $db_count = new db_count(); $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=2'); @(include $c[""] . "/news_inside.php"); }
public function template($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); // connection $cache = new cache(); $text_general = $cache->index($c, "text_general"); $data["text_general"] = json_decode($text_general, true); $text_files = $cache->index($c, "text_files"); $data["text_files"] = json_decode($text_files); // $text_documents = $cache->index($c,"text_documents"); // $data["text_documents"] = json_decode($text_documents); /* languages */ $languages = $cache->index($c, "languages"); $data["languages"] = json_decode($languages); /* language variables */ $language_data = $cache->index($c, "language_data"); $language_data = json_decode($language_data); $model_template_makevars = new model_template_makevars(); $data["language_data"] = $model_template_makevars->vars($language_data); /* website menu header & footer */ $menu_array = $cache->index($c, "main_menu"); $menu_array = json_decode($menu_array); $model_template_main_menu = new model_template_main_menu(); $data["main_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "header"); $data["footer_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "footer"); /* components */ $components = $cache->index($c, "components"); $data["components"] = json_decode($components); /* sector */ $sector = $cache->index($c, "sector"); $data["sector"] = json_decode($sector); /* sub sector */ $subsector = $cache->index($c, "subsector"); $data["subsector"] = json_decode($subsector); /* products */ $products = $cache->index($c, "products"); $data["products"] = json_decode($products); /* countries */ $countries = $cache->index($c, "countries"); $data["countries"] = json_decode($countries); /* certificates */ $certificates = $cache->index($c, "certificates"); $data["certificates"] = json_decode($certificates); $db_count = new db_count(); if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "companies" or empty(Input::method("GET", "view"))) { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'companies'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "desc" ? "DESC" : 'ASC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_products"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_exportmarkets"] = Input::method("GET", "exportmarkets") ? Input::method("GET", "exportmarkets") : ''; $data["get_certificate"] = Input::method("GET", "certificate") ? Input::method("GET", "certificate") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_users', ' `status`!=1 AND `user_type`="website" AND (`company_type`="manufacturer" OR `company_type`="serviceprovider")'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_users`.`id` DESC'; $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $data["get_products"] && is_numeric($data["get_products"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_products"] . ',`studio404_users`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $exportmarkets = $data["get_exportmarkets"] && is_numeric($data["get_exportmarkets"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_exportmarkets"] . ',`studio404_users`.`export_markets_id`) AND ' : ''; $certificates = $data["get_certificate"] && is_numeric($data["get_certificate"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_certificate"] . ',`studio404_users`.`certificates`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($data["get_search"]) ? '`studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $data["get_search"] . '%" AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_users`.`id` AS su_id, `studio404_users`.`username` AS su_username, `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id` AS su_sub_sector_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS su_namelname, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS su_picture, `studio404_users`.`products` AS su_products, `studio404_users`.`export_markets_id` AS su_export_markets_id, `studio404_users`.`certificates` AS su_certificates, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`user_type`=:user_type AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $exportmarkets . ' ' . $certificates . ' ' . $search . ' (`studio404_users`.`company_type`=:manufacturer OR `studio404_users`.`company_type`=:serviceprovider) AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":manufacturer" => 'manufacturer', ":serviceprovider" => 'serviceprovider', ":user_type" => 'website', ":one" => 1)); $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "products") { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'companies'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "asc" ? "ASC" : 'DESC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_products"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=3'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` ' . urlencode($data["get_sort"]); $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $data["get_products"] && is_numeric($data["get_products"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_products"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($data["get_search"]) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $data["get_search"] . '%" AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=3 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "services") { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'services'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "asc" ? "ASC" : 'DESC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_services"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=4'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` ' . urlencode($data["get_sort"]); $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $services = $data["get_services"] && is_numeric($data["get_services"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_services"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($data["get_search"]) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $data["get_search"] . '%" AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS users_picture, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=4 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $services . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } @(include $c[""] . "/exportcatalog.php"); }
public function template($c, $page) { $conn = $this->conn($c); // connection $cache = new cache(); $text_general = $cache->index($c, "text_general"); $data["text_general"] = json_decode($text_general, true); /* contact_page_data */ $contact_page_data = $cache->index($c, "contact_page_data"); $data["contact_data"] = json_decode($contact_page_data, true); /* sector */ $sector = $cache->index($c, "sector"); $data["sector"] = json_decode($sector); /* languages */ $languages = $cache->index($c, "languages"); $data["languages"] = json_decode($languages); /* language variables */ $language_data = $cache->index($c, "language_data"); $language_data = json_decode($language_data); $model_template_makevars = new model_template_makevars(); $data["language_data"] = $model_template_makevars->vars($language_data); /* website menu header & footer */ $menu_array = $cache->index($c, "main_menu"); $menu_array = json_decode($menu_array); $model_template_main_menu = new model_template_main_menu(); $data["main_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "header"); $data["footer_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "footer"); /* components */ $components = $cache->index($c, "components"); $data["components"] = json_decode($components); $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : ''; $data["get_type"] = Input::method("GET", "type") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "type")) : ''; $data["get_sector"] = Input::method("GET", "sector") ? Input::method("GET", "sector") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $db_count = new db_count(); $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=5'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC'; $sector = $data["get_sector"] && is_numeric($data["get_sector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_sector"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $ctype = $data["get_type"] ? '`studio404_users`.`company_type`="' . $data["get_type"] . '" AND ' : ''; $type = $data["get_view"] ? '`studio404_module_item`.`type`="' . $data["get_view"] . '" AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($data["get_search"]) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $data["get_search"] . '%" AND ' : ''; try { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`date`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`type`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id` AND `lang`=:lang) AS sector_name FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=5 AND ' . $sector . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND ' . $ctype . ' `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; // echo $sql; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":lang" => LANG_ID, ":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } catch (Exception $e) { $redirect = new redirect(); $redirect->go(WEBSITE); die; } @(include $c[""] . "/businessportal.php"); }
public function template($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); // connection // upload function $model_template_upload_user_logo = new model_template_upload_user_logo(); $upload = $model_template_upload_user_logo->upload($c); $sectors_subsectors_products = new sectors_subsectors_products(); $data["sectors"] = $sectors_subsectors_products->sectors($c); $cache = new cache(); $text_general = $cache->index($c, "text_general"); $data["text_general"] = json_decode($text_general, true); /* contact_page_data */ $contact_page_data = $cache->index($c, "contact_page_data"); $data["contact_data"] = json_decode($contact_page_data, true); $text_documents = $cache->index($c, "text_documents"); $data["text_documents"] = json_decode($text_documents); /* languages */ $languages = $cache->index($c, "languages"); $data["languages"] = json_decode($languages); /* sector */ $sector = $cache->index($c, "sector"); $data["sector"] = json_decode($sector); /* countries */ $countries = $cache->index($c, "countries"); $data["countries"] = json_decode($countries); /* certificates */ $certificates = $cache->index($c, "certificates"); $data["certificates"] = json_decode($certificates); /* Company size */ $companysize = $cache->index($c, "companysize"); $data["companysize"] = json_decode($companysize); /* language variables */ $language_data = $cache->index($c, "language_data"); $language_data = json_decode($language_data); $model_template_makevars = new model_template_makevars(); $data["language_data"] = $model_template_makevars->vars($language_data); /* website menu header & footer */ $menu_array = $cache->index($c, "main_menu"); $menu_array = json_decode($menu_array); $model_template_main_menu = new model_template_main_menu(); $data["main_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "header"); $data["footer_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "footer"); /* components */ $components = $cache->index($c, "components"); $data["components"] = json_decode($components); if (!isset($_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"]) && isset($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"])) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `id`=:companyId AND `username`=:username AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":companyId" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $_SESSION["user_data"]["id"] = $fetch["id"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["allow"] = $fetch["allow"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["picture"] = $fetch["picture"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $fetch["namelname"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $fetch["sector_id"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["subsector"] = $fetch["sub_sector_id"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["establishedin"] = $fetch["established_in"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["productioncapasity"] = $fetch["production_capacity"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $fetch["address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $fetch["mobile"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["numemploy"] = $fetch["number_of_employes"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["certificates"] = $fetch["certificates"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactpersones"] = $fetch["contact_person"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["officephone"] = $fetch["office_phone"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companysize"] = $fetch["company_size"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $fetch["web_address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position1"] = $fetch["ad_position1"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email1"] = $fetch["ad_email1"]; //* $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_person2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_mobile2"] = $fetch["ad_mobile2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email2"] = $fetch["ad_email2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_upload_catalog"] = $fetch["ad_upload_catalog"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $fetch["email"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["about"] = $fetch["about"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["products"] = $fetch["products"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["exportmarkets"] = $fetch["export_markets_id"]; } // calculate $data["calculate"] = calculate::filled($_SESSION["user_data"]); $pre = 100 - $data["calculate"]["tocomplete"]; $calculate = new calculate(); $calculate->updatedata($c, $_SESSION["user_data"]["id"], $pre); // select products $products_sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`production_capacity`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_module_item`.`productanalisis`, `studio404_module_item`.`admin_com`, `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`, `studio404_pages`.`title` AS hs_title FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=:module_idx AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`=`studio404_pages`.`idx` AND `studio404_pages`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC LIMIT 5'; $prepare_product = $conn->prepare($products_sql); $prepare_product->execute(array(":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 3, ":one" => 1)); $data["myproducts"] = $prepare_product->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $db_count = new db_count(); $session_user_id = (int) $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `module_idx`=3 AND `insert_admin`=' . $session_user_id); @(include $c[""] . "/profileproducts.php"); }
public function template($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); // connection $cache = new cache(); $text_general = $cache->index($c, "text_general"); $data["text_general"] = json_decode($text_general, true); $text_files = $cache->index($c, "text_files"); $data["text_files"] = json_decode($text_files); /* contact_page_data */ $contact_page_data = $cache->index($c, "contact_page_data"); $data["contact_data"] = json_decode($contact_page_data, true); /* languages */ $languages = $cache->index($c, "languages"); $data["languages"] = json_decode($languages); /* language variables */ $language_data = $cache->index($c, "language_data"); $language_data = json_decode($language_data); $model_template_makevars = new model_template_makevars(); $data["language_data"] = $model_template_makevars->vars($language_data); /* website menu header & footer */ $menu_array = $cache->index($c, "main_menu"); $menu_array = json_decode($menu_array); $model_template_main_menu = new model_template_main_menu(); $data["main_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "header"); $data["footer_menu"] = $model_template_main_menu->nav($menu_array, "footer"); /* components */ $components = $cache->index($c, "components"); $data["components"] = json_decode($components); /* sector */ $sector = $cache->index($c, "sector"); $data["sector"] = json_decode($sector); /* sub sector */ $subsector = $cache->index($c, "subsector"); $data["subsector"] = json_decode($subsector); /* products */ $products = $cache->index($c, "products"); $data["products"] = json_decode($products); /* countries */ $countries = $cache->index($c, "countries"); $data["countries"] = json_decode($countries); /* certificates */ $certificates = $cache->index($c, "certificates"); $data["certificates"] = json_decode($certificates); $db_count = new db_count(); if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "companies" or empty(Input::method("GET", "view"))) { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'companies'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "desc" ? "DESC" : 'ASC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_products"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_exportmarkets"] = Input::method("GET", "exportmarkets") ? Input::method("GET", "exportmarkets") : ''; $data["get_certificate"] = Input::method("GET", "certificate") ? Input::method("GET", "certificate") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_users', ' `status`!=1 AND `user_type`="website" AND (`company_type`="manufacturer" OR `company_type`="serviceprovider")'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_users`.`id` DESC'; $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $data["get_products"] && is_numeric($data["get_products"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_products"] . ',`studio404_users`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $exportmarkets = $data["get_exportmarkets"] && is_numeric($data["get_exportmarkets"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_exportmarkets"] . ',`studio404_users`.`export_markets_id`) AND ' : ''; $certificates = $data["get_certificate"] && is_numeric($data["get_certificate"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_certificate"] . ',`studio404_users`.`certificates`) AND ' : ''; if (!empty($data["get_search"])) { $searchPages = 'SELECT `idx` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `title` LIKE "%?%" AND `slug` LIKE "selectoption%" AND `status`!=1'; $prepareSearch = $conn->prepare($searchPages); // $searchQuery = urldecode($data["get_search"]); $searchQuery = str_replace(array('"', '.'), array('', ''), $data["get_search"]); $prepareSearch->execute(array($searchQuery)); $s = ''; if ($prepareSearch->rowCount() > 0) { $fetchPages = $prepareSearch->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($fetchPages as $value) { $s .= ' OR ( FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`sub_sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`products`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`export_markets_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`certificates`) ) '; } } if ($s != '') { $search = '(`studio404_users`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" ' . $s . ' OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") ' . $s . ') AND '; } else { $search = '`studio404_users`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") AND '; } } else { $search = ""; } if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_users`.`id` AS su_id, `studio404_users`.`username` AS su_username, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`) AS su_sub_sector_title, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS su_namelname, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_users`.`products`) AS su_products, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_users`.`export_markets_id`) AS su_exportmarkets, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_users`.`certificates`) AS su_certificates FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`user_type`=:user_type AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`namelname`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`picture`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`products`<>"" AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $exportmarkets . ' ' . $certificates . ' ' . $search . ' (`studio404_users`.`company_type`=:manufacturer OR `studio404_users`.`company_type`=:serviceprovider) AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ''; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_users`.`id` AS su_id, `studio404_users`.`username` AS su_username, `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id` AS su_sub_sector_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS su_namelname, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS su_picture, `studio404_users`.`products` AS su_products, `studio404_users`.`export_markets_id` AS su_export_markets_id, `studio404_users`.`certificates` AS su_certificates, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`user_type`=:user_type AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`namelname`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`picture`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`products`<>"" AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $exportmarkets . ' ' . $certificates . ' ' . $search . ' (`studio404_users`.`company_type`=:manufacturer OR `studio404_users`.`company_type`=:serviceprovider) AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; } $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":manufacturer" => 'manufacturer', ":serviceprovider" => 'serviceprovider', ":user_type" => 'website', ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { // Create array $filename = "userstable.csv"; $list = array(); // Append results to array array_push($list, array("ID", "EMAIL", "Subsector", "Company Name", "Product", "Export market", "certificate")); while ($row = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($list, array_values($row)); } // Output array into CSV file $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); foreach ($list as $ferow) { fputcsv($fp, $ferow); } exit; } $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $data["fetch"] = array(); } } if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "products") { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'companies'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "asc" ? "ASC" : 'DESC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_products"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=3'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` ' . urlencode($data["get_sort"]); $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $data["get_products"] && is_numeric($data["get_products"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_products"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; if (!empty($data["get_search"])) { $searchQuery = str_replace(array('"', '.'), array('', ''), $data["get_search"]); $searchPages = 'SELECT `idx` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `title` LIKE "%?%" AND `slug` LIKE "selectoption%" AND `status`!=1'; $prepareSearch = $conn->prepare($searchPages); $prepareSearch->execute(array($searchQuery)); $s = ''; if ($prepareSearch->rowCount() > 0) { $fetchPages = $prepareSearch->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($fetchPages as $value) { $s .= ' OR ( FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`products`) ) '; } } if ($s != '') { $search = '( `studio404_module_item`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") ' . $s . ' ) AND '; //OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("'.$data["get_search"].'") } else { $search = '( `studio404_module_item`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") ) AND '; } } else { $search = ""; } //echo $search; if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`title`, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AS su_sector, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`hscode`) AS su_hscode, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AS su_products, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=3 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one '; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=3 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; } $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { // Create array $filename = "producttable.csv"; $list = array(); // Append results to array array_push($list, array("Title", "SubSector", "HScode", "Product", "Shelf life", "Packaging", "Awards", "Username", "Users Company Type")); while ($row = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($list, array_values($row)); } // Output array into CSV file $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); foreach ($list as $ferow) { fputcsv($fp, $ferow); } exit; } $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $data["fetch"] = array(); } } if (Input::method("GET", "view") == "services") { $data["get_view"] = Input::method("GET", "view") ? Input::method("GET", "view") : 'services'; $data["get_sort"] = Input::method("GET", "sort") && Input::method("GET", "sort") == "asc" ? "ASC" : 'DESC'; $data["get_subsector"] = Input::method("GET", "subsector") ? urlencode(Input::method("GET", "subsector")) : ''; $data["get_services"] = Input::method("GET", "products") ? Input::method("GET", "products") : ''; $data["get_search"] = Input::method("GET", "search") ? Input::method("GET", "search") : ''; $data["get_pn"] = Input::method("GET", "pn") ? Input::method("GET", "pn") : 1; $data["get_token"] = Input::method("GET", "token") ? Input::method("GET", "token") : ''; $data["count"] = $db_count->retrieve($c, 'studio404_module_item', ' `status`!=1 AND `visibility`=2 AND `module_idx`=4'); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($data["get_pn"] - 1) * 10 . ', 10'; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` ' . urlencode($data["get_sort"]); $subsectors = $data["get_subsector"] && is_numeric($data["get_subsector"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_subsector"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $services = $data["get_services"] && is_numeric($data["get_services"]) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $data["get_services"] . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; if (!empty($data["get_search"])) { $searchQuery = str_replace(array('"', '.'), array('', ''), $data["get_search"]); $searchPages = 'SELECT `idx` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `title` LIKE "%?%" AND `slug` LIKE "selectoption%" AND `status`!=1'; $prepareSearch = $conn->prepare($searchPages); $prepareSearch->execute(array($searchQuery)); $s = ''; if ($prepareSearch->rowCount() > 0) { $fetchPages = $prepareSearch->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($fetchPages as $value) { $s .= ' OR ( FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) OR FIND_IN_SET("' . $value['idx'] . '",`studio404_module_item`.`products`) ) '; } } if ($s != '') { $search = '( `studio404_module_item`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") ' . $s . ' ) AND '; //$search = (!empty($data["get_search"])) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%'.$data["get_search"].'%" AND ' : ''; } else { $search = '( `studio404_module_item`.`id`="' . $searchQuery . '" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $searchQuery . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $searchQuery . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $searchQuery . '") ) AND'; } } else { $search = ""; } //echo $search; //$search = (!empty($data["get_search"])) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%'.$data["get_search"].'%" AND ' : ''; if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`title`, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AS su_sector, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`hscode`) AS su_hscode, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AS su_products, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=4 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $services . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one '; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS users_picture, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=4 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $services . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; } $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { if (Input::method("GET", "csv")) { // Create array $filename = "servicetable.csv"; $list = array(); // Append results to array array_push($list, array("Title", "SubSector", "HScode", "Product", "Shelf life", "Packaging", "Awards", "Username", "Users Company Type")); while ($row = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($list, array_values($row)); } // Output array into CSV file $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); foreach ($list as $ferow) { fputcsv($fp, $ferow); } exit; } $data["fetch"] = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $data["fetch"] = array(); } } @(include $c[""] . "/exportcatalog.php"); }