Exemplo n.º 1
function get_parent_taskIDs($taskID)
    $q = prepare("SELECT taskID,taskName,parentTaskID \n                    FROM task \n                   WHERE taskID = %d \n                     AND (taskID != parentTaskID OR parentTaskID IS NULL)", $taskID);
    $db = new db_alloc();
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $rtn[$db->f("taskName")] = $db->f("taskID");
        $arr = get_parent_taskIDs($db->f("parentTaskID"));
        if (is_array($arr)) {
            $rtn = array_merge($rtn, $arr);
    return $rtn;
Exemplo n.º 2
function show_reminder_filter($template)
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    global $TPL;
    if ($current_user->have_role("admin") || $current_user->have_role("manage")) {
        $TPL["reminderActiveOptions"] = page::select_options(array("1" => "Active", "0" => "Inactive"), $_REQUEST["filter_reminderActive"]);
        $db = new db_alloc();
        $db->query("SELECT username,personID FROM person WHERE personActive = 1 ORDER BY username");
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $recipientOptions[$db->f("personID")] = $db->f("username");
        $TPL["recipientOptions"] = page::select_options($recipientOptions, $_REQUEST["filter_recipient"]);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function set_value_role($roleHandle)
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $db->query(prepare("SELECT * FROM role WHERE roleHandle = '%s' AND roleLevel = 'project'", $roleHandle));
     $this->set_value("roleID", $db->f("roleID"));
Exemplo n.º 4
 function find_by_partial_name($name = false, $projectID = false)
     $stack1 = array();
     $people = array();
     $db = new db_alloc();
     if ($projectID) {
         $db->query("SELECT clientID FROM project WHERE projectID = %d", $projectID);
         $row = $db->qr();
         if ($row["clientID"]) {
             $extra = prepare("AND clientID = %d", $row["clientID"]);
     $q = prepare("SELECT clientContactID, clientContactName\n                    FROM clientContact\n                   WHERE 1=1\n                     AND clientContactName like '%s%%'" . $extra, $name);
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $people[$db->f("clientContactID")] = $row;
     foreach ($people as $personID => $row) {
         similar_text(strtolower($row["clientContactName"]), strtolower($name), $percent1);
         $stack1[$personID] = $percent1;
     $probable1_clientContactID = key($stack1);
     $person_percent1 = current($stack1);
     if ($probable1_clientContactID) {
         return $probable1_clientContactID;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function get_config_item_id($name = '')
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $db->query(prepare("SELECT configID FROM config WHERE name = '%s'", $name));
     return $db->f('configID');
Exemplo n.º 6
function show_items($template_name)
    global $TPL;
    global $db;
    global $db2;
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    $today = date("Y") . "-" . date("m") . "-" . date("d");
    $dbUsername = new db_alloc();
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db2 = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("select * from item order by itemName");
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $item = new item();
        $db2->query("select * from loan where itemID=" . $item->get_id() . " and dateReturned='0000-00-00'");
        $loan = new loan();
        // you need to have this repeated here for the a href bit below.
        if ($loan->get_value("dateReturned") == "0000-00-00") {
            if ($loan->have_perm(PERM_READ_WRITE)) {
                // if item is overdue
                if ($loan->get_value("dateToBeReturned") < $today) {
                    $ret = "Return Now!";
                } else {
                    $ret = "Return";
                $TPL["itemAction"] = "<td><a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_item"] . "itemID=" . $TPL["itemID"] . "&return=true\">{$ret}</a></td>";
            } else {
                // if you don't have permission to borrow or return item.
                $TPL["itemAction"] = "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
            $TPL["status"] = "Due " . $loan->get_value("dateToBeReturned");
            $dbUsername->query("select username from person where personID=" . $loan->get_value("personID"));
            $TPL["person"] = "from " . $dbUsername->f("username");
        } else {
            // if the item is available
            $TPL["status"] = "Available";
            $TPL["person"] = "";
            $TPL["itemAction"] = "<td><a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_item"] . "itemID=" . $TPL["itemID"] . "&borrow=true\">Borrow</a></td>";
            $TPL["dueBack"] = "";
Exemplo n.º 7
 function get_recipient_options()
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     $recipients = $this->get_recipients();
     $type = $this->get_value('reminderType');
     $selected = array();
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $query = "SELECT * from reminderRecipient WHERE reminderID = %d";
     $db->query($query, $this->get_id());
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         if ($db->f('metaPersonID')) {
             $selected[] = $db->f('metaPersonID');
         } else {
             $selected[] = $db->f('personID');
     if (!$selected && $_GET["personID"]) {
         $selected[] = $_GET["personID"];
     if (!$this->get_id()) {
         $selected[] = $current_user->get_id();
     return array($recipients, $selected);
Exemplo n.º 8

// UPDATE invoice.invoiceStatus from the invoiceItem.status field
$db2 = new db_alloc();
$q = prepare("SELECT invoiceID FROM invoiceItem WHERE status = 'paid'");
$db = new db_alloc();
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $q = prepare("UPDATE invoice SET invoiceStatus = 'finished' WHERE invoiceID = %d", $db->f("invoiceID"));
$q = prepare("SELECT invoiceID FROM invoiceItem WHERE status = 'allocated'");
$db = new db_alloc();
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $q = prepare("UPDATE invoice SET invoiceStatus = 'allocate' WHERE invoiceID = %d", $db->f("invoiceID"));
$q = prepare("SELECT invoiceID FROM invoiceItem WHERE status = 'pending'");
$db = new db_alloc();
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $q = prepare("UPDATE invoice SET invoiceStatus = 'edit' WHERE invoiceID = %d", $db->f("invoiceID"));
Exemplo n.º 9
function check_optional_has_line_items()
    global $expenseForm;
    if (is_object($expenseForm) && $expenseForm->get_id()) {
        $db = new db_alloc();
        $q = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) as tally FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID = %d", $expenseForm->get_id());
        return $db->f("tally");
Exemplo n.º 10
 function create_transaction($amount, $tfID, $status)
     $transaction = new transaction();
     $invoice = $this->get_foreign_object("invoice");
     $this->currency = $invoice->get_value("currencyTypeID");
     $db = new db_alloc();
     // If there already a transaction for this invoiceItem, use it instead of creating a new one
     $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE invoiceItemID = %d ORDER BY transactionCreatedTime DESC LIMIT 1", $this->get_id());
     if ($db->row()) {
     // If there already a transaction for this timeSheet, use it instead of creating a new one
     if ($this->get_value("timeSheetID")) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT * \n                      FROM transaction \n                     WHERE timeSheetID = %d \n                       AND fromTfID = %d\n                       AND tfID = %d\n                       AND amount = %d\n                       AND (invoiceItemID = %d or invoiceItemID IS NULL)\n                  ORDER BY transactionCreatedTime DESC LIMIT 1\n                         ", $this->get_value("timeSheetID"), config::get_config_item("inTfID"), $tfID, page::money($this->currency, $amount, "%mi"), $this->get_id());
         if ($db->row()) {
     $transaction->set_value("amount", $amount);
     $transaction->set_value("currencyTypeID", $this->currency);
     $transaction->set_value("fromTfID", config::get_config_item("inTfID"));
     $transaction->set_value("tfID", $tfID);
     $transaction->set_value("status", $status);
     $transaction->set_value("invoiceID", $this->get_value("invoiceID"));
     $transaction->set_value("invoiceItemID", $this->get_id());
     $transaction->set_value("transactionDate", $this->get_value("iiDate"));
     $transaction->set_value("transactionType", "invoice");
     $transaction->set_value("product", sprintf("%s", $this->get_value("iiMemo")));
     $this->get_value("timeSheetID") && $transaction->set_value("timeSheetID", $this->get_value("timeSheetID"));
Exemplo n.º 11
 if ($transactionDate == "Date" || !$transactionDate || strpos("_____", $transactionDate) !== FALSE || strpos("¯¯¯", $transactionDate) !== FALSE || stripos("total", $transactionDate) !== FALSE) {
 // If the employeeNum field is blank use the previous employeeNum
 #if (!$employeeNum) {
 # $employeeNum = $prev_employeeNum;
 #$prev_employeeNum = $employeeNum;
 // Find the TF for the wage
 $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM tf WHERE qpEmployeeNum=%d", $employeeNum);
 if (!$db->next_record()) {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Could not find TF for employee number '{$employeeNum}' {$name}</b><br>";
 $fromTfID = $db->f("tfID");
 // Convert the date to yyyy-mm-dd
 if (!preg_match("|^([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{4})\$|i", $transactionDate, $matches)) {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Could not convert date '{$transactionDate}'</b><br>";
 $transactionDate = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $matches[3], $matches[2], $matches[1]);
 // Strip $ and , from amount
 $amount = str_replace(array('$', ','), array(), $amount);
 if (!preg_match("/^[-]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?\$/", $amount)) {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Could not convert amount '{$amount}'</b><br>";
 // Negate the amount - Wages are a debit from TF's
 $amount = -$amount;
 // Check for an existing transaction for this wage - note we have to use a range or amount because it is floating point
Exemplo n.º 12
function get_projectPerson_hourly_rate($personID, $projectID)
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $q = prepare("SELECT rate,rateUnitID FROM projectPerson WHERE personID = %d AND projectID = %d", $personID, $projectID);
    $rate = $db->f("rate");
    $unitID = $db->f("rateUnitID");
    $t = new timeUnit();
    $timeUnits = $t->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitSeconds", $unitID);
    $rate && $timeUnits[$unitID] and $hourly_rate = $rate / ($timeUnits[$unitID] / 60 / 60);
    return $hourly_rate;
Exemplo n.º 13
function rebuild_cache($table)
    $cache =& singleton("cache");
    if (meta::$tables[$table]) {
        $m = new meta($table);
        $cache[$table] = $m->get_list();
    } else {
        $db = new db_alloc();
        $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $table);
        while ($row = $db->row()) {
            $cache[$table][$db->f($table . "ID")] = $row;
    // Special processing for person and config tables
    if ($table == "person") {
        $people = $cache["person"];
        foreach ($people as $id => $row) {
            if ($people[$id]["firstName"] && $people[$id]["surname"]) {
                $people[$id]["name"] = $people[$id]["firstName"] . " " . $people[$id]["surname"];
            } else {
                $people[$id]["name"] = $people[$id]["username"];
        uasort($people, "sort_by_name");
        $cache["person"] = $people;
    } else {
        if ($table == "config") {
            // Special processing for config table
            $config = $cache["config"];
            foreach ($config as $id => $row) {
                $rows_config[$row["name"]] = $row;
            $cache["config"] = $rows_config;
    singleton("cache", $cache);
Exemplo n.º 14
    $_POST["transactionType"] or alloc_error("Please select a Transaction Type");
    $_POST["transactionStartDate"] or alloc_error("You must enter the Start date in the format yyyy-mm-dd");
    $_POST["transactionFinishDate"] or alloc_error("You must enter the Finish date in the format yyyy-mm-dd");
    if (!$TPL["message"]) {
        !$transactionRepeat->get_value("status") && $transactionRepeat->set_value("status", "pending");
        $transactionRepeat->set_value("companyDetails", rtrim($transactionRepeat->get_value("companyDetails")));
        alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_transactionRepeat"] . "transactionRepeatID=" . $transactionRepeat->get_id());
$TPL["reimbursementRequired_checked"] = $transactionRepeat->get_value("reimbursementRequired") ? " checked" : "";
if ($transactionRepeat->get_value("transactionRepeatModifiedUser")) {
    $db->query("select username from person where personID=%d", $transactionRepeat->get_value("transactionRepeatModifiedUser"));
    $TPL["user"] = $db->f("username");
if (have_entity_perm("tf", PERM_READ, $current_user, false)) {
    // Person can access all TF records
    $q = prepare("SELECT tfID AS value, tfName AS label \n                  FROM tf \n                 WHERE tfActive = 1 \n                    OR tf.tfID = %d \n                    OR tf.tfID = %d \n              ORDER BY tfName", $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID"));
} else {
    if (have_entity_perm("tf", PERM_READ, $current_user, true)) {
        // Person can only read TF records that they own
        $q = prepare("SELECT tf.tfID AS value, tf.tfName AS label\n                  FROM tf, tfPerson \n                 WHERE tfPerson.personID=%d \n                   AND tf.tfID=tfPerson.tfID \n                   AND (tf.tfActive = 1 OR tf.tfID = %d OR tf.tfID = %d)\n              ORDER BY tfName", $current_user->get_id(), $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID"));
    } else {
        alloc_error("No permissions to generate TF list");
//special case for disabled TF. Include it in the list, but also add a warning message.
$tf = new tf();
Exemplo n.º 15
 $amount = str_replace(array('$', ','), array(), $amount);
 if (!preg_match("/^-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?\$/", $amount)) {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Could not convert amount '{$amount}'</b><br>";
 // Ignore positive amounts
 if ($amount > 0) {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Ignored positive '{$amount}' for {$memo} on {$date}</b><br>";
 // Find the TF ID for the expense
 $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM tf WHERE tfActive = 1 AND quickenAccount='%s'", $account);
 echo $query;
 if ($db->next_record()) {
     $fromTfID = $db->f("tfID");
 } else {
     $msg .= "<b>Warning: Could not find active TF for account '{$account}'</b><br>";
 // Check for an existing transaction
 $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE transactionType='expense' AND transactionDate='%s' AND product='%s' AND amount > %0.3f and amount < %0.3f", $date, $memo, $amount - 0.004, $amount + 0.004);
 if ($db->next_record()) {
     $msg .= "Warning: Expense '{$memo}' on {$date} already exixsts.<br>";
 // Create a transaction object and then save it
 $transaction = new transaction();
 $transaction->set_value("companyDetails", $description);
 $transaction->set_value("product", $memo);
Exemplo n.º 16
 if ($_POST["field_quotes"] == "single") {
     $quotes = "'";
 if ($_POST["field_quotes"] == "double") {
     $quotes = "\"";
 while ($db->next_record()) {
     $odd_even = $odd_even == "even" ? "odd" : "even";
     $TPL["result_row"] .= sprintf($start_row_separator, $odd_even);
     foreach ($fields as $k => $field) {
         $field = end(explode(".", $field));
         if (stripos("ModifiedUser", $field) !== FALSE || stripos("personID", $field) !== FALSE) {
             $person = new person();
             $result = $person->get_name(array("format" => "nick"));
         } else {
             if (stripos("tfID", $field) !== FALSE) {
                 $result = tf::get_name($db->f($field));
             } else {
                 $result = $db->f($field);
         $TPL["result_row"] .= $start_field_separator;
         $TPL["result_row"] .= $quotes . $result . $quotes;
         if (isset($fields[$k + 1]) || !$_POST["generate_file"]) {
             $TPL["result_row"] .= $end_field_separator;
Exemplo n.º 17
        } else {
            $loan->set_value("personID", $current_user->get_id());
        $loan->set_value("dateBorrowed", $today);
        $loan->set_value("dateReturned", "0000-00-00");
if ($_POST["returnItem"]) {
    $dbTemp = new db_alloc();
    $dbTemp->query("select * from loan where itemID=%d and dateReturned='0000-00-00'", $itemID);
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("select * from loan where loan.itemID=%d and dateBorrowed>dateReturned", $itemID);
    if ($loan->select()) {
        $loan->set_value("dateReturned", $today);
        $loan->set_value("itemID", $itemID);
        // check to see if admin/manager returning someone elses item, and sent email
        if ($loan->get_value("personID") != $current_user->get_id()) {
            if ($current_user->have_role("admin") || $current_user->have_role("manage")) {
                $person = new person();
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 18
    function email_move_status_to_finished($direction, $info)
        if ($direction == "forwards") {
            //requires INVOICE_TIMESHEETS
            if (!$this->have_perm(PERM_TIME_INVOICE_TIMESHEETS)) {
                //no permission, go away
                alloc_error("You do not have permission to change this timesheet.");
            $q = prepare("SELECT DISTINCT transaction.transactionDate, transaction.product, transaction.status\n                      FROM transaction\n                      JOIN tf ON tf.tfID = transaction.tfID OR tf.tfID = transaction.fromTfID\n                RIGHT JOIN tfPerson ON tfPerson.personID = %d AND tfPerson.tfID = tf.tfID\n                     WHERE transaction.timeSheetID = %d\n                   ", $this->get_value('personID'), $this->get_id());
            $db = new db_alloc();
            //the email itself
            $email = array();
            $email["type"] = "timesheet_finished";
            $email["to"] = $info["timeSheet_personID_email"];
            $email["subject"] = commentTemplate::populate_string(config::get_config_item("emailSubject_timeSheetCompleted"), "timeSheet", $this->get_id());
            $email["body"] = <<<EOD
         To: {$info["timeSheet_personID_name"]}
 Time Sheet: {$info["url"]}
For Project: {$info["projectName"]}

Your timesheet has been completed by {$info["current_user_name"]}.

            if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
                $email["body"] .= "Transaction summary:\n";
                $status_ops = array("pending" => "Pending", "approved" => "Approved", "rejected" => "Rejected");
                while ($db->next_record()) {
                    $email["body"] .= $db->f("transactionDate") . " for " . $db->f("product") . ": " . $status_ops[$db->f("status")] . "\n";
            $msg[] = $this->shootEmail($email);
            $this->set_value("status", "finished");
            return $msg;
Exemplo n.º 19
 function get_all_parties($projectID = false, $task_exists = false)
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     if (!$projectID && is_object($this)) {
         $projectID = $this->get_id();
     if ($projectID) {
         $extra_interested_parties = config::get_config_item("defaultInterestedParties");
         foreach ((array) $extra_interested_parties as $name => $email) {
             $interestedPartyOptions[$email]["name"] = $name;
         // Get primary client contact from Project page
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $q = prepare("SELECT projectClientName,projectClientEMail FROM project WHERE projectID = %d", $projectID);
         $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("projectClientEMail")]["name"] = $db->f("projectClientName");
         $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("projectClientEMail")]["external"] = "1";
         // Get all other client contacts from the Client pages for this Project
         $q = prepare("SELECT clientID FROM project WHERE projectID = %d", $projectID);
         $clientID = $db->f("clientID");
         if ($clientID) {
             $client = new client($clientID);
             $interestedPartyOptions = array_merge((array) $interestedPartyOptions, (array) $client->get_all_parties());
         // Get all the project people for this tasks project
         $q = prepare("SELECT emailAddress, firstName, surname, person.personID, username\n                     FROM projectPerson \n                LEFT JOIN person on projectPerson.personID = person.personID \n                    WHERE projectPerson.projectID = %d AND person.personActive = 1 ", $projectID);
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $db->f("firstName") && $db->f("surname") and $name = $db->f("firstName") . " " . $db->f("surname");
             $name or $name = $db->f("username");
             $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("emailAddress")]["name"] = $name;
             $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("emailAddress")]["personID"] = $db->f("personID");
             $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("emailAddress")]["internal"] = true;
     if (is_object($current_user) && $current_user->get_id()) {
         $interestedPartyOptions[$current_user->get_value("emailAddress")]["name"] = $current_user->get_name();
         $interestedPartyOptions[$current_user->get_value("emailAddress")]["personID"] = $current_user->get_id();
     // return an aggregation of the current task/proj/client parties + the existing interested parties
     $interestedPartyOptions = interestedParty::get_interested_parties("project", $projectID, $interestedPartyOptions, $task_exists);
     return (array) $interestedPartyOptions;
Exemplo n.º 20
 function get_all_parties($clientID = false)
     if (!$clientID && is_object($this)) {
         $clientID = $this->get_id();
     if ($clientID) {
         // Get all client contacts
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $q = prepare("SELECT clientContactName, clientContactEmail, clientContactID \n                      FROM clientContact \n                     WHERE clientID = %d\n                       AND clientContactActive = 1\n                     ", $clientID);
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $interestedPartyOptions[$db->f("clientContactEmail")] = array("name" => $db->f("clientContactName"), "external" => "1", "clientContactID" => $db->f("clientContactID"));
     // return an aggregation of the current task/proj/client parties + the existing interested parties
     $interestedPartyOptions = interestedParty::get_interested_parties("client", $clientID, $interestedPartyOptions);
     return (array) $interestedPartyOptions;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static function get_interested_parties($entity, $entityID = false, $ops = array(), $dont_select = false)
     $rtn = array();
     if ($entityID) {
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $q = prepare("SELECT *\n                      FROM interestedParty\n                     WHERE entity='%s'\n                       AND entityID = %d\n                  ", $entity, $entityID);
         while ($db->row()) {
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["name"] = $db->f("fullName");
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["role"] = "interested";
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["selected"] = $db->f("interestedPartyActive") && !$dont_select ? true : false;
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["personID"] = $db->f("personID");
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["clientContactID"] = $db->f("clientContactID");
             $ops[$db->f("emailAddress")]["external"] = $db->f("external");
     if (is_array($ops)) {
         foreach ($ops as $email => $info) {
             // if there is an @ symbol in email address
             if (stristr($email, "@")) {
                 $info["email"] = $email;
                 $info["identifier"] = interestedParty::get_encoded_interested_party_identifier($info);
                 $rtn[$email] = $info;
         uasort($rtn, array("interestedParty", "sort_interested_parties"));
     return $rtn;
Exemplo n.º 22
 function get_name($tfID = false)
     if ($tfID) {
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $db->query(prepare("SELECT tfName FROM tf WHERE tfID=%d", $tfID));
         return $db->f("tfName");
Exemplo n.º 23
 function select_token_by_entity_and_action($entity, $entityID, $action)
     $q = prepare("SELECT token.*, tokenAction.*\n                    FROM token \n               LEFT JOIN tokenAction ON token.tokenActionID = tokenAction.tokenActionID \n                   WHERE tokenEntity = '%s' \n                     AND tokenEntityID = %d\n                     AND tokenAction.tokenActionMethod = '%s'\n                ", $entity, $entityID, $action);
     $db = new db_alloc();
     if ($db->next_record()) {
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 24

// Nuke additional index name_2 from config table
$db = new db_alloc();
$db->query("show keys from config");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    if ($db->f("Key_name") == "name_2") {
        $db->query("drop index name_2 on config");
Exemplo n.º 25
function show_main_list()
    global $timeSheet;
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    if (!$timeSheet->get_id()) {
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $q = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS tally FROM timeSheetItem WHERE timeSheetID = %d AND timeSheetItemID != %d", $timeSheet->get_id(), $_POST["timeSheetItem_timeSheetItemID"]);
    if ($db->f("tally")) {
Exemplo n.º 26
 function get_history_label($SCRIPT_NAME, $qs)
     // Save the history record LABEL with the most descriptive label
     // possible, using the class variable->display_field_name
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $script_name_array = explode("/", $SCRIPT_NAME);
     $file = end($script_name_array);
     $CLASS_NAME = str_replace(".php", "", $file);
     // File name without .php extension
     $dir = $script_name_array[sizeof($script_name_array) - 2];
     // Directory that file is in
     $qs = preg_replace("[^\\?]", "", $qs);
     // Nuke the leading question mark of the query string attached to end of url eg: ?tfID=23&anal=true
     // We can only get a descriptive history entry if there is a xxxID
     // on the url, that way we can get the specific records label.
     if ($qs) {
         $qs_array = explode("&", $qs);
         foreach ($qs_array as $query_pair) {
             // Break up url query string into key/value pairs.
             if (preg_match("/{$CLASS_NAME}/", $query_pair)) {
                 // Look for a key like eg: transactionID so in that case it'd
                 // use the class transaction.
                 $key_and_value = explode("=", $query_pair);
                 // Break key/value up into $KEY_FIELD and $ID
                 $ID = $key_and_value[1];
                 $KEY_FIELD = $key_and_value[0];
                 if (class_exists($CLASS_NAME) && $ID) {
                     $newClass = new $CLASS_NAME();
                     $display_field = $newClass->display_field_name;
                     if (is_object($newClass->key_field) && $newClass->key_field->get_name() == $KEY_FIELD) {
                         // The primary key for this db table is the same as
                         // our KEY_FIELD var which was extracted from url.
                         $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %d", $CLASS_NAME, $KEY_FIELD, $ID);
                         // return that particular classes _default_ display field
                         // eg: for the table project, it would be projectName
                         $rtn = $db->f($display_field);
                         // But if our search for a descriptive text label failed
                         // because the above search returned a number try again
                         // to get a description from the next table
                         // Get a new id and key field name and table name
                         // Strip the trailing 'ID' from the , to get new class name
                         $next_class_name = preg_replace("/ID\$/", "", $display_field);
                         if (is_numeric($rtn) && class_exists($next_class_name)) {
                             $next_class = new $next_class_name();
                             if ($display_field == $next_class->key_field->get_name()) {
                                 // If the display field was eg: tfID and that equals the key field of this table
                                 $rtn = $next_class->get_value($next_class->display_field_name);
                             } else {
                                 $rtn = $ID;
                         $rtn = ": " . $rtn;
                         return ucwords($CLASS_NAME) . $rtn;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 27
 function have_perm($action = 0, $person = "", $assume_owner = false)
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     global $permission_cache;
     if (defined("IS_GOD")) {
         return true;
     if (!$person) {
         if ($current_user && is_object($current_user) && method_exists($current_user, "get_id") && $current_user->get_id()) {
             $person = $current_user;
     $entity_id = 0;
     if (is_object($person) && method_exists($person, "get_id") && $person->get_id()) {
         $person_id = $person->get_id();
         $person_type = $person->classname;
         $person_id and $person_flag = $person_type . "_" . $person_id;
     $record_cache_key = $this->data_table . ":" . $entity_id . ":" . $action . ":" . $person_flag . ":" . $assume_owner;
     $table_cache_key = $this->data_table . ":T:" . $action . ":" . $person_flag . ":" . $assume_owner;
     if (isset($permission_cache[$table_cache_key])) {
         return $permission_cache[$table_cache_key];
     } else {
         if (isset($permission_cache[$record_cache_key])) {
             return $permission_cache[$record_cache_key];
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $query = prepare("SELECT * \n                        FROM permission \n                        WHERE (tableName = '%s')\n                         AND (actions & %d = %d)\n                    ORDER BY entityID DESC", $this->data_table, $action, $action);
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         // Ignore this record if it specifies a role the user doesn't have
         if ($db->f("roleName") && is_object($person) && !$person->have_role($db->f("roleName"))) {
         // Ignore this record if it specifies that the user must be the record's owner and they are not
         if ($db->f("entityID") == -1 && !$assume_owner && !$this->is_owner($person)) {
         // Cache the result in variables to prevent duplicate database lookups
         $permission_cache[$record_cache_key] = true;
         if ($db->f("entityID") == 0) {
             $permission_cache[$table_cache_key] = true;
         return true;
     // No matching records - return false
     $permission_cache[$record_cache_key] = false;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 28
 function get_time_billed($taskID = "")
     static $results;
     if (is_object($this) && !$taskID) {
         $taskID = $this->get_id();
     if ($results[$taskID]) {
         return $results[$taskID];
     if ($taskID) {
         $db = new db_alloc();
         // Get tally from timeSheetItem table
         $db->query("SELECT sum(timeSheetItemDuration*timeUnitSeconds) as sum_of_time\n                    FROM timeSheetItem \n               LEFT JOIN timeUnit ON timeSheetItemDurationUnitID = timeUnitID \n                   WHERE taskID = %d\n               GROUP BY taskID", $taskID);
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $results[$taskID] = $db->f("sum_of_time");
             return $db->f("sum_of_time");
         return "";
Exemplo n.º 29
    $info["username"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailUsername");
    $info["password"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPassword");
    $info["protocol"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailProtocol");
    if (!$info["host"]) {
        alloc_error("Email mailbox host not defined, assuming email receive function is inactive.");
    } else {
        $mail = new email_receive($info, $lockfile);
        $TPL["message_good"][] = "Connection succeeded!";
$db = new db_alloc();
$db->query("SELECT name,value,type FROM config");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $fields_to_save[] = $db->f("name");
    $types[$db->f("name")] = $db->f("type");
    if ($db->f("type") == "text") {
        $TPL[$db->f("name")] = page::htmlentities($db->f("value"));
    } else {
        if ($db->f("type") == "array") {
            $TPL[$db->f("name")] = unserialize($db->f("value"));
#echo "<pre>".print_r($_POST,1)."</pre>";
if ($_POST["update_currencyless_transactions"] && $_POST["currency"]) {
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $q = prepare("UPDATE transaction SET currencyTypeID = '%s' WHERE currencyTypeID IS NULL", $_POST["currency"]);
    $q = prepare("UPDATE transactionRepeat SET currencyTypeID = '%s' WHERE currencyTypeID IS NULL", $_POST["currency"]);
Exemplo n.º 30

// UPDATE the newly created invoiceItem.iiDate field with the date from the invoice table (used to be invoiceDate, now it's invoiceDateFrom)
$db = new db_alloc();
$db2 = new db_alloc();
$db->query("SELECT * FROM invoice");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $db2->query(prepare("UPDATE invoiceItem SET iiDate = '%s' WHERE invoiceID = %d", $db->f("invoiceDateFrom"), $db->f("invoiceID")));