  * put your comment there...
 public function menu()
     // Setup Page.
     $pageHookId = add_submenu_page(CJTPlugin::PLUGIN_REQUEST_ID, cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT Manage - Packages'), cssJSToolbox::getText('Packages'), 'administrator', CJTPlugin::PLUGIN_REQUEST_ID . '-packages', array(&$this->controller, '_doAction'));
     // Process when its installed!!
     add_action("load-{$pageHookId}", array($this, 'getPage'));
  * put your comment there...
 public function menu()
     // Blocks Manager page! The only Wordpress menu item we've.
     $pageHookId = add_menu_page(cssJSToolbox::getText('CSS & Javascript Toolbox'), cssJSToolbox::getText('CSS & Javascript Toolbox'), 'administrator', CJTPlugin::PLUGIN_REQUEST_ID, array(&$this->controller, '_doAction'), CJTOOLBOX_VIEWS_URL . '/blocks/manager/public/images/menu.png');
     // Process request if installed!
     add_action("load-{$pageHookId}", array($this, 'getPage'));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $strings
  * @param mixed $content
  * @return CJT_Framework_Developer_Interface_Block_Shortcode_Parameters_Parameters
 public function loadString($strings, $content)
     // Get the name of the CONTENT PARAMETER -- If EXISTS!
     if ($contentParameter = $this->getContentParameter()) {
         $strings[$contentParameter->getDefinition()->getName(true)] = $content;
     // Load all parameters with shortcde parameters.
     foreach ($this->getParams() as $name => $param) {
         // Dont override default value unless parameter is passed!
         if (isset($strings[$name])) {
         // Validate type!
         if (!$param->validate()) {
             echo cssJSToolbox::getText("Invalid Shortcode parameter: {$type->getMessage()}");
         // Remove the value from the stringsValue allow validating if
         // any invalid parameter name is passed!
         // See after the loop.
     // If there is any string values still exists then invalid parameter is passed.
     if (!empty($strings)) {
         echo cssJSToolbox::getText("Invalid Shortcode parameter(s) has been passed! Please check parameters name.");
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 public function menu()
     // Extensions page.
     add_submenu_page(CJTPlugin::PLUGIN_REQUEST_ID, null, cssJSToolbox::getText('Extensions'), 'administrator', null);
     // Hack Extensions menu item to point to Plugins page!
     $GLOBALS['submenu'][CJTPlugin::PLUGIN_REQUEST_ID][self::MENU_POSITION_INDEX][2] = admin_url('plugins.php?s=' . self::PLUGINS_PAGE_SEARCH_TERM);
     // When plugins page loaded!
     add_action('load-plugins.php', array($this, 'route'), 10, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $tpl
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Get item.
     $this->item = $this->model->getItem();
     // For all items that has no value show "Not Available"
     foreach ((array) $this->item as $prop => $value) {
         if (!$this->item->{$prop}) {
             $this->item->{$prop} = cssJSToolbox::getText('N/A');
     echo $this->getTemplate($tpl);
  * put your comment there...
 protected function prepareItems()
     if (isset($this->options['result']) && $this->options['result'] == 'fullList') {
         $this->items['published']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('published');
         $this->items['draft']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('draft');
         $this->items['trash']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('trash');
     } else {
         $internalAuthorsFlag = CJTAuthorTable::FLAG_SYS_AUTHOR;
         // Query all template state exluding Internal authors.
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(state) `text` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__cjtoolbox_templates t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_authors a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  t.authorId = a.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (a.attributes & {$internalAuthorsFlag}) = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `text`";
         $this->items = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver()->select($query);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $value
 public function setValue($value)
     // Pass to child params.
     foreach ($this->params as $name => $param) {
         // Get child parameter value.
         $paramValue = isset($value[$name]) ? $value[$name] : null;
         //  Set child parameter value.
         if (!$param->validate()) {
             echo cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid structure parameter passed!');
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 protected function prepareItems()
     if (isset($this->options['result']) && $this->options['result'] == 'fullList') {
         $this->items['release']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('release');
         $this->items['beta']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('beta');
         $this->items['alpha']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('alpha');
         $this->items['release-candidate']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('release-candidate');
         $this->items['revision']['text'] = cssJSToolbox::getText('revision');
     } else {
         // Import dependencies.
         $lastVersionFlag = CJTTemplateRevisionTable::FLAG_LAST_REVISION;
         $internalAuthorsFlag = CJTAuthorTable::FLAG_SYS_AUTHOR;
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(r.state) `text` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__cjtoolbox_template_revisions r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_templates t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  r.templateId = t.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_authors a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  t.authorId = a.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (r.attributes & {$lastVersionFlag}) AND (a.attributes & {$internalAuthorsFlag}) = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `text`";
         $this->items = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver()->select($query);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $value
 public function setValue($value)
     // Start from the begining.
     // Pass to child params.
     foreach ($this->params as $param) {
         // Get child parameter value.
         $paramValue = current($value);
         //  Set child parameter value.
         if (!$param->validate()) {
             echo cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid structure parameter passed!');
         // Move forward!
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * put your comment there...
 protected function getBlockParametersFormAction()
     // Get block id.
     $blockId = (int) $_REQUEST['blockId'];
     // Get block form!
     $form = CJTxTable::getInstance('form')->setTableKey(array('blockId'))->setData(array('blockId' => $blockId))->load();
     // Set HTTP header
     $this->httpContentType = 'text/html';
     // Display form view.
     if ($form->get('blockId')) {
         // Load parameters form.
         $groups = new CJT_Models_Block_Parameters_Form_Groups($blockId);
         $params = new CJT_Models_Block_Parameters_Form_Parameters($blockId);
         $blockParams = new CJT_Framework_View_Block_Parameter_Parameters($params);
         // Return view content!
         $paramsView = CJTView::getInstance('tinymce/params', array('groups' => $groups, 'params' => $blockParams->getParams(), 'form' => $form->getData(), 'blockId' => $blockId));
         // Return paramters form content!
         $this->response = $paramsView->getTemplate('default');
     } else {
         // Error loading form!
         $this->response = cssJSToolbox::getText('The requested Block doesnt has parameters form!');
  * Get a list of columns. The format is:
  * 'internal-name' => 'Title'
  * @since 3.1.0
  * @access protected
  * @abstract
  * @return array
 public function get_columns()
     return array('_selection_' => '<input type="checkbox" class="select-all" />', 'name' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Name'), 'type' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Type'), 'version' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Version'), 'developmentState' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Release'), 'author' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Author'), 'creationDate' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Date Created'), 'lastModified' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Last Modified'), 'state' => cssJSToolbox::getText('State'));
Exemplo n.º 12
  * put your comment there...
 public function __construct()
     // Define auxiliary list.
     $this->list = array(CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_BLOG_INDEX => cssJSToolbox::getText('Blog Index'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_ALL_POSTS => cssJSToolbox::getText('All Posts'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_ALL_PAGES => cssJSToolbox::getText('All Pages'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_ALL_CATEGORIES => cssJSToolbox::getText('All Categories'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_RECENT => cssJSToolbox::getText('Recent Posts'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_FRONTEND => cssJSToolbox::getText('Entire Website'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_BACKEND => cssJSToolbox::getText('Website Backend'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_SEARCH => cssJSToolbox::getText('Search Pages'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_ARCHIVE => cssJSToolbox::getText('All Archives'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_TAG => cssJSToolbox::getText('Tag Archives'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_AUTHOR => cssJSToolbox::getText('Author Archives'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_ATTACHMENT => cssJSToolbox::getText('Attachment Pages'), CJTBlockModel::PINS_404_ERROR => cssJSToolbox::getText('404 Error'));
Exemplo n.º 13
  * put your comment there...
 public function processIncompatibles()
     // Proces only if in CJT page.
     if (!preg_match('/\\/plugins\\.php|page\\=cjtoolbox/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
     // INitialize.
     $message = cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT detects incompatible installed extensions, listed below with status message for every extension:');
     $list = '';
     // For every compatible extension add
     // an list item with details
     // if there is an update available or provide
     // a direct link to CJT website if no upgrade is available.
     // Upgrade wont be available in case no license key is activated!
     foreach ($this->incompatibilies as $class => $extension) {
         // Show details.
         $pluginInfo = get_plugin_data($extension['pluginFile']);
         // List item Markup
         $list .= "<li><a target='_blank' href='{$pluginInfo['PluginURI']}'>{$pluginInfo['Name']}</a> (Status: {$extension['incompatibleMessage']['flag']}, Message: {$extension['incompatibleMessage']['msg']})</li>\n";
     // Output full message.
     echo "<div class='cjt-incomaptible-extensions-notice updated' style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;padding-top:11px'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>{$message}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul style='list-style-type: circle;padding-left: 27px;font-size: 12px;'>{$list}</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>";

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtJQueryBlockI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('blockRevisionsDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Block revisions'), 'blockInfoTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT-Block Info'), 'confirmDelete' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure you want to delete this (%s) code block?'), 'state_activeTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Deactivate (turn off) code block'), 'state_inactiveTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Activate (turn on) code block'), 'location_headerTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Set output location hook to footer'), 'location_footerTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Set output location hook to header'), 'invalidBlockName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid block name'), 'loadingBlock' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Loading'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript  variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('activationFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT Extension License Activation Form'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript  variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('title' => cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT Extensions'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for backups.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtMetaboxI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('notifySaveChanges' => cssJSToolbox::getText('You\'ve changed CJT block content but you didn\' save this changes yet!') . "\n" . cssJSToolbox::getText('Would you really like to leave the page without saving this chnages'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript  variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('confirmactivate' => cssJSToolbox::getText("External request need to be made to to css-javascript-toolbox offical web site! The operation will take an effect once its successed! You can always deactivate license key throught this form!\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAre you sure would you like to process?"), 'confirmdeactivate' => cssJSToolbox::getText("External request need to be made to to css-javascript-toolbox offical web site! The operation will take an effect once its successed! You can always activate license key throught this form!\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAre you sure would you like to process?"), 'confirmreset' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The reset operation will clear the license fields and clear component license cache! This is really great once you need to stop using a previously entered key! This operation help your key to stay secure when you really need that! All cached data would be cleared now! You can reactivate your key anytime later!'), 'activateActionButtonCaption' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Activate'), 'deactivateActionButtonCaption' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Deactivate'), 'activateActionStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Activating Key'), 'deactivateActionStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Deactivating key'), 'checkActionStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Checking Key'), 'site_inactiveStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Key is not activated/used yet'), 'inactiveStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Key is inactive'), 'resetActionStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Reseting License Information'), 'invalidStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid'), 'validStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Valid'), 'errorStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Error'), 'activateStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Activated'), 'deactivateStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Deactivated'), 'resetStateName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Reseted'), 'readvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('License key is activate! Thank you!'), 'resetvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('License Cache has been reseted!'), 'activatevalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('License key is activated!'), 'activateinvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not activate the provided license key!'), 'activateerrorRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not activate License Key due to the server error!'), 'deactivatevalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The license key is deactivated!'), 'deactivateinvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not deactivate the provided license key!'), 'deactivateerrorRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not deactivate License Key due to the server error!'), 'checkvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The ckeck operation detects that the provided key is a valid key!'), 'checkinvalidRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The check operation detects that the provided key is an invalid key!'), 'checkerrorRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not check License Key due to the server error!'), 'checksite_inactiveRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The ckeck operation detects that the provided key is a valid key! The key is not being activated yet.'), 'checkinactiveRequestMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The ckeck operation detects that the provided key is a valid key! The license key need to be activated from the CJT Website.'), 'resetButtonCaption' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Reset'), 'invalidName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid License name!'), 'invalidKey' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid License key!'), 'componentNameIsAbsolute' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Component name is absolute!'));
Exemplo n.º 19

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for backups.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtBlocksPageI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('addNewBlockDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Create New Code Block'), 'settingsFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('General settings'), 'manageBackupsDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Backups'), 'confirmRestoreBlocks' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Restoring blocks backup will result in losing all the current blocks.') . "\n\n" . cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure, you\'d like to continue?'), 'unableToRestoreBackup' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Backup could not be restored'), 'manageTemplatesFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Templates Manager'), 'commonDeleteMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('You\'re about to delete %d code block(s).'), 'confirmDeleteAll' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure you want to delete all code blocks?'), 'confirmDeleteEmpty' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure you want to delete all the empty code blocks?'), 'confirmNotSavedChanges' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.'), 'noBlocksToDelete' => cssJSToolbox::getText('There is no blocks to delete!'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtJQueryBlockI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('confirmUnlinkAll' => cssJSToolbox::getText('This operation is permanent and cannot be reverted!') . "\n" . cssJSToolbox::getText('Would you like to UNLINK all linked templates?'), 'allTemplatesHasBeenUnlinkedSuccessful' => cssJSToolbox::getText('All Templates has been unlinked sucessfully!'), 'editTemplateFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Lookup Quick Template Edit Form'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('confirmSubmitErrorForm' => cssJSToolbox::getText("Unhandled error has been detected while processing the background request.\n\tAs the error is not handled we cannot tell if the previous operation is executed successed or not.\n\tTo help us fixing those kind of issues you can check the error details and submit it throught CJT Web site.\n\n\n\tWould you like to check the error details?"), 'confirmCloseErrorForm' => cssJSToolbox::getText("Its highly recomended to send us the error details so we can enahce CJT products.\n\tThis error is not saved anywhere and you cant reach it again.\n\n\tWould you like to close the form?"));
Exemplo n.º 22
  * put your comment there...
 public function getInput($options = null)
     $this->options = $options !== null ? $options : array();
     // Prepare items.
     if ($this->optional) {
         $this->items = array('' => (object) array($this->propText => htmlentities($this->optional), '__params__' => (object) array('className' => 'optional'))) + $this->items;
     // Build HTML select.
     $listName = isset($this->options['standard']) && $this->options['standard'] == true ? "name='{$this->name}'" : '';
     $list = "<select id='{$this->id}' {$listName} class='{$this->classesList}' {$this->moreIntoTag}>";
     foreach ($this->items as $key => $item) {
         // Standrize the use of object.
         $item = (object) $item;
         // Fetch display text.
         $text = cssJSToolbox::getText($item->{$this->propText});
         // No value prop defined then use item KEY.
         $value = $this->propValue == null ? $key : $item->{$this->propValue};
         $selected = $value == $this->value ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
         if (isset($item->__params__->className)) {
             $class = "class='{$item->__params__->className}'";
         } else {
             $class = '';
         $list .= "<option {$class} value='{$value}'{$selected}>{$text}</option>";
     $list .= '</select>';
     // If this is the first instance to be outputed for the current form output the control field.
     $fieldKey = "{$this->form}-{$this->name}";
     if (!isset($this->options['standard']) && !in_array($fieldKey, self::$instances)) {
         // Output control fields.
         $list .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$this->name}' value='{$this->value}' />";
         // Mark form as instantiated!
         self::$instances[] = $fieldKey;
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * put your comment there...
 protected function unlinkAllAction()
     // Read inputs!
     $this->model->inputs['blockId'] = $_REQUEST['blockId'];
     // Response with new state!
     $this->response['newState'] = array('action' => 'link', 'text' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Link'), 'className' => 'template-action link-template');
Exemplo n.º 24
     * put your comment there...
     * @param mixed $dbDriver
     * @param bool Is to enable Build In Queue name Generator.
     * @return CJTTemplatesTable
    public function __construct($dbDriver)
        parent::__construct($dbDriver, 'templates');
     * put your comment there...
    public function setQueueName()
        $type = $this->get('type');
        // Santiize the template name!
        $sanitizedName = strtolower(sanitize_file_name($this->get('name')));
        // Prefix all user templates so it woule be unique when added
        // to Wordpress queue!
        $queueName = "cjt-{$type}-template-{$sanitizedName}";
        $this->set('queueName', $queueName);
        return $this;
// End class.
// Initialize static's!
CJTTemplateTable::$states = array('draft' => cssJSToolbox::getText('draft'), 'published' => cssJSToolbox::getText('published'), 'trash' => cssJSToolbox::getText('trash'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for backups.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtBlocksPageI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('addNewBlockDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Create New Code Block'), 'settingsFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('General settings'), 'manageBackupsDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Backups'), 'confirmRestoreBlocks' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Restoring blocks backup will result in losing all the current blocks.') . "\n\n" . cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure, you\'d like to continue?'), 'unableToRestoreBackup' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Backup could not be restored'), 'manageTemplatesFormTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Templates Manager'), 'confirmNotSavedChanges' => cssJSToolbox::getText('The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtJQueryBlockI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('changesDetectedConfirmMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Changes has been made to the assignment objects. Switching display mode would reset all those changes as it never made. Would you like to discard those changes'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtJQueryBlockI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('confirmDelete' => cssJSToolbox::getText('{count} Code Files about to be deleted. Are you sure delete those Files?'), 'noSelection' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Nothing selected!'), 'nameIsNull' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Name cannot be null. Code File must has a unique name for each Block.'), 'nameAlreadyExists' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Code File name is currently taken. Please choose another name.'));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript $VAR$ variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('invalidName' => cssJSToolbox::getText(sprintf('The %s name cannot be left blank.  Please choose a unique name using characters: A-Z, 0-9, -, _ and space characters only', cssJSToolbox::getText('block'))), 'AlreadyInUse' => cssJSToolbox::getText(sprintf('Sorry, but the %s name you entered is already in use. Please choose another name!', cssJSToolbox::getText('code block'))));

* @version FILE_VERSION
* Localization file for jquery.block.js script.
* Localization for Javascript cjtJQueryBlockI18N variable.
* Localization text for backups script.
return array('blockRevisionsDialogTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Block revisions'), 'blockInfoTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT-Block Info'), 'confirmDelete' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Are you sure you want to delete this (%s) code block?'), 'state_activeTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Deactivate (turn off) code block'), 'state_inactiveTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Activate (turn on) code block'), 'location_headerTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Set output location hook to footer'), 'location_footerTitle' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Set output location hook to header'), 'invalidBlockName' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Invalid block name'), 'linkExternalMessage' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Please enter a list of the external URLs you want to link separated by comma!'), 'couldNotLinkExternals' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Couldn\'t link the externals URI you requested!! Reason:'), 'loadingBlock' => cssJSToolbox::getText('Loading'));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * put your comment there...
 public function getMetaboxName()
     $tip = cssJSToolbox::getText('Click to update Block name');
     return "<span class='block-name' title='{$tip}'>{$this->block->name}</span>";