public function testImport()
     $endpoint = ROOT_URL . 'taoQtiTest/RestQtiTests/import';
     $file = __DIR__ . '/samples/archives/QTI 2.1/basic/';
     $post_data = array('qtiPackage' => new \CURLFile($file));
     $options = array(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $post_data);
     $content = $this->curl($endpoint, CURLOPT_POST, "data", $options);
     $data = json_decode($content, true);
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($data), 'Should return json encoded array');
     $this->assertCount(1, $data['data']);
     $testData = reset($data['data']);
     $uri = $testData['testId'];
     $test = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($uri);
     $deletionCall = ROOT_URL . 'taoTests/RestTests?uri=' . urlencode($uri);
     $content = $this->curl($deletionCall, 'DELETE', "data");
     $data = json_decode($content, true);
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($data), 'Should return json encoded array');
     // should return an error, instance no longer exists
     $content = $this->curl($deletionCall, 'DELETE', "data");
     $data = json_decode($content, true);
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($data), 'Should return json encoded array');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Test user insertion with special chars
 public function testAddUtf8User()
     $tmclass = new core_kernel_classes_Class(CLASS_TAO_USER);
     $this->testUserUtf8 = $tmclass->createInstance();
     $result = $this->userService->bindProperties($this->testUserUtf8, $this->testUserUtf8Data);
     $this->assertNotEquals($result, false);
     //check inserted data
     $this->testUserUtf8 = $this->getUserByLogin($this->testUserUtf8Data[PROPERTY_USER_LOGIN]);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('core_kernel_classes_Resource', $this->testUserUtf8);
     foreach ($this->testUserUtf8Data as $prop => $value) {
         try {
             $p = new core_kernel_classes_Property($prop);
             $v = $this->testUserUtf8->getUniquePropertyValue($p);
             $v = $v instanceof core_kernel_classes_Literal ? $v->literal : $v->getUri();
             $this->assertEquals($value, $v);
         } catch (common_Exception $ce) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Will make the Global Manager include the Management Role of the extension
  * to install (if it exists).
  * @access public
  * @author Jerome Bogaerts <*****@*****.**>
  * @return void
  * @since 2.4
 public function installManagementRole()
     // Try to get a Management Role described by the extension itself.
     // (this information comes actually from the Manifest of the extension)
     $roleUri = $this->extension->getManifest()->getManagementRoleUri();
     if (!empty($roleUri)) {
         $role = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($roleUri);
         $roleService = tao_models_classes_RoleService::singleton();
         if (!$role->exists()) {
             // Management role does not exist yet, so we create it
             $roleClass = new core_kernel_classes_Class(CLASS_MANAGEMENTROLE);
             $roleLabel = $this->extension->getId() . ' Manager';
             $role = $roleClass->createInstance($roleLabel, $roleLabel . ' Role', $role->getUri());
             $roleService->includeRole($role, new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_ROLE_BACKOFFICE));
         // Take the Global Manager role and make it include
         // the Management role of the currently installed extension.
         if ($role->getUri() !== INSTANCE_ROLE_GLOBALMANAGER) {
             $globalManagerRole = new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_ROLE_GLOBALMANAGER);
             $roleService->includeRole($globalManagerRole, $role);
         common_Logger::d("Management Role " . $role->getUri() . " created for extension '" . $this->extension->getId() . "'.");
     } else {
         // There is no Management role described by the Extension Manifest.
         common_Logger::i("No management role for extension '" . $this->extension->getId() . "'.");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Test the existence of language definition resources in the knowledge base
  * regarding what we found in the tao/locales directory.
  * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**>
 public function testLanguagesExistence()
     // Check for lang.rdf in /tao locales and query the KB to see if it exists or not.
     $languageClass = new core_kernel_classes_Class(CLASS_LANGUAGES);
     $taoLocalesDir = ROOT_PATH . '/tao/locales';
     $expectedUriPrefix = '';
     if (false !== ($locales = scandir($taoLocalesDir))) {
         foreach ($locales as $l) {
             $localePath = $taoLocalesDir . '/' . $l;
             if ($l[0] !== '.' && is_dir($localePath) && is_readable($localePath)) {
                 $langPath = $localePath . '/lang.rdf';
                 if (file_exists($langPath)) {
                     $lgResource = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($expectedUriPrefix . $l);
                     $this->assertTrue($lgResource->exists(), '$lgResource Resource does not exist (' . $expectedUriPrefix . $l . ').');
                     // Check for this language in Ontology.
                     $kbLangs = $lgResource->getPropertyValues(new core_kernel_classes_Property(RDF_VALUE));
                     if (is_array($kbLangs)) {
                         $this->assertEquals(count($kbLangs), 1, "Number of languages retrieved for language '{$l}' is '" . count($kbLangs) . "'.");
                         // Check if the language has the correct URI.
                         if ($kbLangs[0] instanceof core_kernel_classes_Resource) {
                             $this->assertTrue($kbLangs[0]->getUri() == $expectedUriPrefix . $l, "Malformed URI scheme for language resource '{$l}'.");
                     } else {
                         $this->fail('the $kbLangs variable should be an array. "' . gettype($kbLangs) . '" found instead.');
  * Resolve the given TAO Item URI in the path to
  * the related QTI-XML file.
  * @param string $url The URI of the TAO Item to resolve.
  * @return string The path to the related QTI-XML file.
  * @throws ResolutionException If an error occurs during the resolution of $url.
 public function resolve($url)
     $taoItem = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($url);
     if ($taoItem->exists() === false) {
         $msg = "The QTI Item with URI '{$url}' cannot be found.";
         throw new ResolutionException($msg);
     // The item is retrieved from the database.
     // We can try to reach the QTI-XML file by detecting
     // where it is supposed to be located.
     return QtiFile::getQtiFilePath(new core_kernel_classes_Resource($url));
  * @param unknown $params
 public function __invoke($params)
     if (count($params) != 2) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('Usage: %s DELIVERY_URI OUTPUT_FILE', __CLASS__));
     $deliveryUri = array_shift($params);
     $delivery = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($deliveryUri);
     if (!$delivery->exists()) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('Delivery \'%s\' not found', $deliveryUri));
     $file = array_shift($params);
     $tmpFile = Assembler::exportCompiledDelivery($delivery);
     \tao_helpers_File::move($tmpFile, $file);
     return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Exported %1$s to %2$s', $delivery->getLabel(), $file));
  * Resolve the given TAO Item URI in the path to
  * the related QTI-XML file.
  * @param string $url The URI of the TAO Item to resolve.
  * @return string The path to the related QTI-XML file.
  * @throws ResolutionException If an error occurs during the resolution of $url.
 public function resolve($url)
     $taoItem = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($url);
     if ($taoItem->exists() === false) {
         $msg = "The QTI Item with URI '{$url}' cannot be found.";
         throw new ResolutionException($msg);
     // The item is retrieved from the database.
     // We can try to reach the QTI-XML file by detecting
     // where it is supposed to be located.
     // strip xinclude, we don't need that at the moment.
     $raw = $this->service->getXmlByRdfItem($this->getResource($url));
     $tmpfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . md5($url) . '.xml';
     $raw = preg_replace("/<xi:include(?:.*)>/u", '', $raw);
     file_put_contents($tmpfile, $raw);
     return $tmpfile;
 public function __invoke($params)
     // load constants...
     if (empty($params[0]) === true) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'Test URI not provided as parameter 1.');
     if (empty($params[1]) === true) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'AssessmentItemRefIdentifier not provided as parameter 2.');
     $testResource = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($params[0]);
     if ($testResource->exists() === false) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'No RDFS Resource found for URI ' . $params[0] . '.');
     $qtiService = \taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
     $testDoc = $qtiService->getDoc($testResource);
     $test = $testDoc->getDocumentComponent();
     $assessmentItemRef = $test->getComponentByIdentifier($params[1]);
     if (!$assessmentItemRef) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'No QTI assessmentItemRef with identifier ' . $params[1] . ' found in the QTI Test definition.');
     $input = file_get_contents('php://stdin');
     if (empty($input) === true) {
         return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'No QTI-XML input provided in stdin.');
     } else {
         $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
         if (@$dom->loadXML($input)) {
             $element = $dom->documentElement;
             $marshallerFactory = new MarshallerFactory();
             $marshaller = $marshallerFactory->createMarshaller($element);
             $component = $marshaller->unmarshall($element);
             if (!$component instanceof BranchRule) {
                 return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'No QTI branchRule component found in stdin.');
             $assessmentItemRef->setBranchRules(new BranchRuleCollection(array($component)));
         } else {
             return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid QTI-XML input provided in stdin.');
     return new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, "BranchRule found in stdin successfully appended to assessmentItemRef '" . $params[1] . "' part of QTI Test with URI '" . $params[0] . "'.");
  * Generate a delivery from test uri
  * Test uri has to be set and existing
 public function generate()
     try {
         if (!$this->hasRequestParameter(self::REST_DELIVERY_TEST_ID)) {
             throw new \common_exception_MissingParameter(self::REST_DELIVERY_TEST_ID, $this->getRequestURI());
         $test = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($this->getRequestParameter(self::REST_DELIVERY_TEST_ID));
         if (!$test->exists()) {
             throw new \common_exception_NotFound('Unable to find a test associated to the given uri.');
         $label = 'Delivery of ' . $test->getLabel();
         $deliveryClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class(CLASS_COMPILEDDELIVERY);
         /** @var \common_report_Report $report */
         $report = SimpleDeliveryFactory::create($deliveryClass, $test, $label);
         if ($report->getType() == \common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR) {
             \common_Logger::i('Unable to generate delivery execution ' . 'into taoDeliveryRdf::RestDelivery for test uri ' . $test->getUri());
             throw new \common_Exception('Unable to generate delivery execution.');
         $delivery = $report->getData();
         $this->returnSuccess(array('delivery' => $delivery->getUri()));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
  * Short description of method attachResource
  * @access public
  * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  core_kernel_classes_Property $targetProperty
  * @param  core_kernel_classes_Resource $targetResource
  * @param  string $value
  * @return mixed
 public function attachResource(core_kernel_classes_Property $targetProperty, core_kernel_classes_Resource $targetResource, $value)
     // We have to check if the resource identified by value exists in the Ontology.
     $resource = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($value);
     if ($resource->exists()) {
         // Is the range correct ?
         $targetPropertyRanges = $targetProperty->getPropertyValuesCollection(new core_kernel_classes_Property(RDFS_RANGE));
         $rangeCompliance = true;
         // If $targetPropertyRange->count = 0, we consider that the resouce
         // may be attached because $rangeCompliance = true.
         foreach ($targetPropertyRanges->getIterator() as $range) {
             // Check all classes in target property's range.
             if ($resource->hasType(new core_kernel_classes_Class($range))) {
                 $rangeCompliance = false;
         if (true == $rangeCompliance) {
             $targetResource->setPropertyValue($targetProperty, $resource->getUri());
Exemplo n.º 11
  * test deleteTest
  * @depends testInstanceCreate
  * @param \core_kernel_classes_Resource $testInstance
  * @return void
 public function testDeleteTest($testInstance)
require_once $rawStart;
if (!file_exists($csvfile)) {
    echo 'Csv file not found at "' . $csvfile . '"' . PHP_EOL;
if (is_null($groupUri)) {
    $label = 'Group ' . uniqid();
    $groupClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class(TAO_GROUP_CLASS);
    $group = $groupClass->createInstanceWithProperties(array(RDFS_LABEL => $label));
    echo 'Group "' . $label . '" created.' . PHP_EOL;
    $groupUri = $group->getUri();
} else {
    $group = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($groupUri);
    if (!$group->exists()) {
        echo 'Group "' . $groupUri . '" not found.' . PHP_EOL;
$persistence = \common_persistence_Manager::getPersistence('default');
try {
    $schemaManager = $persistence->getDriver()->getSchemaManager();
    $schema = $schemaManager->createSchema();
    if (!$schema->hastable('redis')) {
        $fromSchema = clone $schema;
        $tableResults = $schema->createtable('redis');
        $tableResults->addOption('engine', 'MyISAM');
        $tableResults->addColumn('subject', 'string', ['length' => 255]);
        $tableResults->addColumn('predicate', 'string', ['length' => 255]);
        $tableResults->addColumn('object', 'string', ['length' => 255]);
  * Test correct response
 public function testGenerate()
     $testUri = $this->initDeliveryGeneration();
     $data = $this->curlDeliveryGenerate($testUri);
     $delivery = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($data['data']['delivery']);
     $this->removeDeliveryTest($delivery, $testUri);
  * Short description of method performTransition
  * @access public
  * @author Somsack Sipasseuth, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Resource processExecution
  * @param  Resource activityExecution
  * @return mixed
 public function performTransition(core_kernel_classes_Resource $processExecution, core_kernel_classes_Resource $activityExecution)
     $returnValue = null;
     $session = PHPSession::singleton();
     $session->setAttribute("activityExecutionUri", $activityExecution->getUri());
     //check if the transition is possible, e.g. process is not finished
     if ($this->isFinished($processExecution)) {
         return false;
     //init the services
     $activityDefinitionService = wfEngine_models_classes_ActivityService::singleton();
     $connectorService = wfEngine_models_classes_ConnectorService::singleton();
     $userService = wfEngine_models_classes_UserService::singleton();
     $notificationService = wfEngine_models_classes_NotificationService::singleton();
     $currentUser = $userService->getCurrentUser();
     //set the activity execution of the current user as finished:
     if ($activityExecution->exists()) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception("cannot find the activity execution of the current activity {$activityBeforeTransition->getUri()} in perform transition");
     $activityBeforeTransition = $this->activityExecutionService->getExecutionOf($activityExecution);
     $nextConnector = $activityDefinitionService->getUniqueNextConnector($activityBeforeTransition);
     if (wfEngine_models_classes_ActivityCardinalityService::singleton()->isCardinality($nextConnector)) {
         $nextConnector = wfEngine_models_classes_ActivityCardinalityService::singleton()->getDestination($nextConnector);
     $newActivities = array();
     if (!is_null($nextConnector)) {
         $newActivities = $this->getNewActivities($processExecution, $activityExecution, $nextConnector);
     } else {
         //final activity:
         return array();
     if ($newActivities === false) {
         //means that the process must be paused before transition: transition condition not fullfilled
         return false;
     // The actual transition starts here:
     $newActivityExecutions = array();
     if (!is_null($nextConnector)) {
         //trigger the forward transition:
         $newActivityExecutions = $this->activityExecutionService->moveForward($activityExecution, $nextConnector, $newActivities, $processExecution);
         //trigger the notifications
         $notificationService->trigger($nextConnector, $activityExecution, $processExecution);
     //transition done from here: now get the following activities:
     //if the connector is not a parallel one, let the user continue in his current branch and prevent the pause:
     $uniqueNextActivityExecution = null;
     if (!is_null($nextConnector)) {
         if ($connectorService->getType($nextConnector)->getUri() != INSTANCE_TYPEOFCONNECTORS_PARALLEL) {
             if (count($newActivityExecutions) == 1) {
                 //TODO: could do a double check here: if($newActivities[0] is one of the activty found in the current tokens):
                 if ($this->activityExecutionService->checkAcl(reset($newActivityExecutions), $currentUser, $processExecution)) {
                     $uniqueNextActivityExecution = reset($newActivityExecutions);
     $setPause = true;
     $authorizedActivityExecutions = array();
     if (!count($newActivities) || $activityDefinitionService->isFinal($activityBeforeTransition)) {
         //there is no following activity so the process ends here:
         return array();
     } elseif (!is_null($uniqueNextActivityExecution)) {
         //we are certain that the next activity would be for the user so return it:
         $authorizedActivityExecutions[$uniqueNextActivityExecution->getUri()] = $uniqueNextActivityExecution;
         $setPause = false;
     } else {
         foreach ($newActivityExecutions as $activityExecutionAfterTransition) {
             //check if the current user is allowed to execute the activity
             if ($this->activityExecutionService->checkAcl($activityExecutionAfterTransition, $currentUser, $processExecution)) {
                 $authorizedActivityExecutions[$activityExecutionAfterTransition->getUri()] = $activityExecutionAfterTransition;
                 $setPause = false;
             } else {
     $returnValue = array();
     //finish actions on the authorized acitivty definitions
     foreach ($authorizedActivityExecutions as $uri => $activityExecutionAfterTransition) {
         // Last but not least ... is the next activity a machine activity ?
         // if yes, we perform the transition.
          * @todo to be tested
         $activityAfterTransition = $this->activityExecutionService->getExecutionOf($activityExecutionAfterTransition);
         if ($activityDefinitionService->isHidden($activityAfterTransition)) {
             //required to create an activity execution here with:
             $currentUser = $userService->getCurrentUser();
             if (is_null($currentUser)) {
                 throw new wfEngine_models_classes_ProcessExecutionException("No current user found!");
             $activityExecutionResource = $this->initCurrentActivityExecution($processExecution, $activityExecutionAfterTransition, $currentUser, true);
             //force execution of the ghost actiivty
             //service not executed? use curl request?
             if (!is_null($activityExecutionResource)) {
                 $followingActivityExecutions = $this->performTransition($processExecution, $activityExecutionResource);
                 if (is_array($followingActivityExecutions)) {
                     foreach ($followingActivityExecutions as $followingActivityExec) {
                         $returnValue[$followingActivityExec->getUri()] = $followingActivityExec;
             } else {
                 throw new wfEngine_models_classes_ProcessExecutionException('the activity execution cannot be created for the hidden activity');
         } else {
             $returnValue[$uri] = $activityExecutionAfterTransition;
     if ($setPause) {
     } else {
         if (!$this->isFinished($processExecution)) {
     return $returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function testUserHasRoles()
     $prefix = LOCAL_NAMESPACE . '#';
     $baseRole = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'baseRole');
     $subRole1 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole1');
     $subRole2 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole2');
     $subRole3 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole3');
     $subRole11 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole11');
     $subRole12 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole12');
     $subRole13 = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($prefix . 'subRole13');
     $allRolesOf13 = array($baseRole, $subRole1, $subRole11, $subRole12, $subRole13);
     $user = $this->service->addUser('user', 'password', $baseRole);
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $baseRole));
     $this->assertFalse($this->service->userHasRoles($user, array($baseRole, $subRole1)));
     $user = $this->service->addUser('user', 'password', $subRole1);
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $baseRole));
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $subRole1));
     $this->assertFalse($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $subRole2));
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, array($baseRole, $subRole1)));
     $this->assertFalse($this->service->userHasRoles($user, array($baseRole, $subRole1, $subRole2)));
     $user = $this->service->addUser('user', 'password', $subRole13);
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $subRole13));
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $baseRole));
     $this->assertTrue($this->service->userHasRoles($user, $allRolesOf13));
  * Short description of method setTestItems
  * @access public
  * @author Joel Bout, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param
  *            Resource test
  * @param
  *            array items
  * @return boolean
 public function setTestItems(core_kernel_classes_Resource $test, $items)
     $returnValue = (bool) false;
     $authoringService = wfAuthoring_models_classes_ProcessService::singleton();
     // get the current process:
     $process = $test->getUniquePropertyValue(new core_kernel_classes_Property(TEST_TESTCONTENT_PROP));
     // get formal param associated to the 3 required service input parameters:
     $itemUriParam = new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_FORMALPARAM_ITEMURI);
     // delete all related activities:
     $activities = $authoringService->getAllActivities($process);
     foreach ($activities as $activity) {
         if (!$authoringService->deleteActivity($activity)) {
             throw new common_exception_Error('Unable to delete Activity ' . $activity->getUri());
     // create the list of activities and interactive services and items plus their appropriate property values:
     $previousActivity = null;
     $connectorService = wfAuthoring_models_classes_ConnectorService::singleton();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if (!$item instanceof core_kernel_classes_Resource) {
             throw new common_Exception("An item provided to " . __FUNCTION__ . " is not a resource but " . gettype($item));
         // create an activity
         $activity = null;
         $activity = $authoringService->createActivity($process, "item: {$item->getLabel()}");
         // set property value visible to true
         $activity->editPropertyValues(new core_kernel_classes_Property(PROPERTY_ACTIVITIES_ISHIDDEN), GENERIS_FALSE);
         // set ACL mode to role user restricted with role=subject
         $extManager = common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton();
         $activity->editPropertyValues(new core_kernel_classes_Property(PROPERTY_ACTIVITIES_ACL_MODE), INSTANCE_ACL_ROLE_RESTRICTED_USER_DELIVERY);
         $activity->editPropertyValues(new core_kernel_classes_Property(PROPERTY_ACTIVITIES_RESTRICTED_ROLE), INSTANCE_ROLE_DELIVERY);
         // get the item runner service definition: must exists!
         $itemRunnerServiceDefinition = new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_ITEMCONTAINER_SERVICE);
         if (!$itemRunnerServiceDefinition->exists()) {
             throw new common_exception_InconsistentData('required service definition item runner does not exists');
         // create a call of service and associate the service definition to it:
         $interactiveService = $authoringService->createInteractiveService($activity);
         $interactiveService->setPropertyValue(new core_kernel_classes_Property(PROPERTY_CALLOFSERVICES_SERVICEDEFINITION), $itemRunnerServiceDefinition->getUri());
         $authoringService->setActualParameter($interactiveService, $itemUriParam, $item->getUri(), PROPERTY_CALLOFSERVICES_ACTUALPARAMETERIN);
         // constant: we know it!
         if (!is_null($previousActivity)) {
             $connectorService->createSequential($previousActivity, $activity);
         } else {
             // set the property value as initial
             $activity->editPropertyValues(new core_kernel_classes_Property(PROPERTY_ACTIVITIES_ISINITIAL), GENERIS_TRUE);
         $previousActivity = $activity;
     $returnValue = true;
     return (bool) $returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Removes a language from the Ontology and all triples with the related
  * tag. Will use command line parameters for logic.
  * @access protected
  * @author Joel Bout, <*****@*****.**>
  * @return void
 protected function removeLanguageFromOntology()
     $this->outVerbose("Removing RDF language description '" . $this->options['language'] . "' from ontology...");
     $taoNS = '';
     $expectedDescriptionUri = $taoNS . 'Lang' . $this->options['language'];
     $lgResource = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($expectedDescriptionUri);
     if (true === $lgResource->exists()) {
         $this->outVerbose("RDF language description '" . $this->options['language'] . "' successfully removed.");
     } else {
         $this->outVerbose("RDF language description '" . $this->options['language'] . "' not found but considered removed.");
  * Recompile deliveries
 private function compileAction()
     $deliveryIds = array_slice($this->params, 1);
     $deliveryClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class('');
     $this->report = new Report(Report::TYPE_INFO, 'Recompile deliveries:');
     foreach ($deliveryIds as $deliveryId) {
         $delivery = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($deliveryId);
         if (!$delivery->exists()) {
             $this->report->add(new Report(Report::TYPE_ERROR, "Delivery {$deliveryId} does not exists"));
         } else {
             if (!$delivery->isInstanceOf($deliveryClass)) {
                 $this->report->add(new Report(Report::TYPE_ERROR, "{$deliveryId} is not delivery resource"));
         try {
             $newDelivery = $this->compileDelivery($delivery);
         } catch (\common_Exception $e) {
             $this->report->add(new Report(Report::TYPE_ERROR, $e->getMessage()));
         $this->report->add(new Report(Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, "{$deliveryId} successfully compiled. New Id: {$newDelivery->getUri()}"));
  * @param array $properties
  * @return array
 protected function propertiesToArray($properties)
     $result = [];
     foreach ($properties as $uri => $item) {
         $resource = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($uri);
         if ($resource->exists() && isset($item[0])) {
             $result[$resource->getLabel()] = (string) $item[0];
     return $result;

 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
 * of the License (non-upgradable).
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * Copyright (c) 2013 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA (under the project TAO-PRODUCT);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/raw_start.php';
$dbWrapper = core_kernel_classes_DbWrapper::singleton();
$statement = $dbWrapper->query('SELECT DISTINCT "subject" FROM "statements" WHERE "predicate" in (\'' . RDFS_LABEL . '\',\'' . RDFS_COMMENT . '\')');
while ($r = $statement->fetch()) {
    $subject = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($r['subject']);
    if (!$subject->exists() && !$subject->isClass()) {
        echo $subject->getUri() . ' has corpses' . PHP_EOL;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \oat\tao\model\media\MediaBrowser::getFileInfo
 public function getFileInfo($link)
     // get the media link from the resource
     $resource = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource(\tao_helpers_Uri::decode($link));
     if ($resource->exists()) {
         $fileLink = $resource->getUniquePropertyValue(new \core_kernel_classes_Property(MEDIA_LINK));
         $fileLink = $fileLink instanceof \core_kernel_classes_Resource ? $fileLink->getUri() : (string) $fileLink;
         $file = null;
         $fileManagement = FileManager::getFileManagementModel();
         $filePath = $fileManagement->retrieveFile($fileLink);
         $mime = (string) $resource->getUniquePropertyValue(new \core_kernel_classes_Property(MEDIA_MIME_TYPE));
         if (file_exists($filePath)) {
             // add the alt text to file array
             $altArray = $resource->getPropertyValues(new \core_kernel_classes_Property(MEDIA_ALT_TEXT));
             $alt = $resource->getLabel();
             if (count($altArray) > 0) {
                 $alt = $altArray[0];
             $file = array('name' => $resource->getLabel(), 'uri' => 'taomedia://mediamanager/' . \tao_helpers_Uri::encode($link), 'mime' => $mime, 'filePath' => basename($filePath), 'size' => filesize($filePath), 'alt' => $alt);
             return $file;
         } else {
             throw new \tao_models_classes_FileNotFoundException($link);
     } else {
         throw new \tao_models_classes_FileNotFoundException($link);