public function convert($fv, $fc, $tc) { using(''); $cc = new CurrencyExchange(); $tv = $cc->convert($fv, $fc, $tc); console::writeLn("%0.2f %s = %0.2f %s", $fv, $fc, $tv, $tc); }
public static function listActions() { console::writeLn("Valid actions:"); foreach (self::$_actions as $action => $data) { console::writeLn(" %s: %s", __astr('\\b{' . $action . '}'), $data['info']); } }
function __construct($start, $end) { console::writeLn("LinearAnimator: Cosntructed [%d-%d]", $start, $end); $this->_start = $start; $this->_end = $end; $this->_span = $end - $start; }
function loadCache() { console::write("Reading database ... "); $fc = file_get_contents($this->cachefile); $fco = unserialize($fc); $this->cache = $fco; console::write("(%d files, %d packages) ", count($this->cache['special:files']), count($this->cache['special:installed'])); Console::writeLn("Done"); }
/** * @brief Check if the token used for authentication is valid * * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise. */ public function isTokenValid() { if ($this->auth_backend->validateCredentials($this->username, $this->password)) { console::debugex(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, "Matched token valid for %s", $this->username); return true; } else { console::debugex(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, "Matched token not valid for %s", $this->username); return false; } }
static function start($transport, $nodename = null, $background = true) { $node = new LdwpNode(); if ($background) { $t = new Thread($node); $pid = $t->start(); console::writeLn("Forked with pid %d", $pid); } else { $node->threadmain(); } }
public function renderTimeline() { $frlast = $this->_duration; for ($fr = 0; $fr < $this->_duration; $fr++) { $frc = $fr + 1; $pc = 100 / $frlast * $frc; console::write(str_repeat(chr(8), 80) . "[%d%%] Rendering frame %d of %d (%d to go) ", $pc, $frc, $frlast, $frlast - $frc); $this->_scenes[0]->render($fr); } console::writeLn("\nDone!"); }
public function createsl($rec) { extract($rec); $excel = file_get_contents($this->getDir() . $template); if ($fileext == "xml") { // усли шаблон xml файл // заменяем в xml файле данные попадающие под шаблон _имя_ на переменную имя из $rec preg_match_all('/_([0-9a-z]+)_/', $excel, $matchesarray); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matchesarray[0]); $i++) { $excel = str_replace($matchesarray[0][$i], ${$matchesarray[1][$i]}, $excel); } } elseif ($fileext == "xls") { // а шаблон может быть и xls файлом, if (fileserver::savefile("{$filename}.txt", $rec)) { $url = "http://baza3.mpp/?level=getdata&getdata[act]=checksl&slid={$number}"; try { $barcode = new QR_Code(-1, QR_ErrorCorrectLevel::H); $barcode->addData($url); $barcode->make(); $imgbarcode = new QR_CodeImage($barcode, 150, 150, 10); $imgbarcode->draw(); $imgbarcode->store("{$filename}.jpg"); $imgbarcode->finish(); @chmod("{$filename}.jpg", 0777); } catch (Exception $ex) { console::getInstance()->out($ex->getMessage()); console::getInstance()->out($ex->getTraceAsString()); } /*$barcode = new BarcodeQR(); $barcode->url($url); $barcode->draw(150, "{$filename}.png"); */ } else { $out = "Не удалось создать файл txt"; return false; } // а сам xls запишитеся ниже } else { // вернем ошибку или в будущем как-то обработаем файл return false; } // сохранить if (fileserver::savefile($filename, $excel)) { Output::assign('sllink', fileserver::sharefilelink($filename)); Output::assign('slid', $lanch_id); $out = $this->fetch('partylink.tpl') . ($last ? '<script>reload_table();</script>' : ''); } else { $out = "Не удалось записать файл"; $out = false; } // вернуть ссылку на файл return $out; }
/** * @brief Open a mailbox store. * * @param string $identity The identity to open as a URI */ function openMailbox($identity) { $box = parse_url($identity); if (isset(self::$_handlers[$box['scheme']])) { $handler = self::$_handlers[$box['scheme']]; $this->identity = $identity; // Activate the selected backend console::debugEx(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, "Opening identity: %s", $identity); $this->mailbox = new $handler($identity); } else { throw new MailException("Bad backend: " . $box['scheme'] . " (from " . $identity . ")"); } }
public function getRangePeriod($sdate, $edate) { $ret = array(); console::getInstance()->out("{$sdate} nnn {$edate}"); $sdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($sdate, 3, 2), substr($sdate, 0, 2), substr($sdate, 6, 4))); //$dyear."-".$dmonth."-".$dday; $edate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($edate, 3, 2), substr($edate, 0, 2), substr($edate, 6, 4))); //$dyear."-".$dmonth."-".$dday; $sql = "SELECT *,sk_{$this->sklad} FROM {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_spr\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_ost ON sk_{$this->sklad}_ost.spr_id=sk_{$this->sklad}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE nazv<>''\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY nazv"; $res = sql::fetchAll($sql); foreach ($res as $rs) { $prih = 0; $rash = 0; $sql = "SELECT SUM(quant) as prihod FROM ({$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_dvizh)\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_spr ON (sk_{$this->sklad}{$this->sklad}_dvizh.spr_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ddate >= '{$sdate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ddate <= '{$edate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sk_{$this->sklad}'{$rs[id]}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND type='1'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND numd<>'9999'\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY sk_{$this->sklad}"; //echo $sql; $res1 = sql::fetchAll($sql); foreach ($res1 as $rs1) { $prih += $rs1["prihod"]; } $sql = "SELECT SUM(quant) as prihod FROM ({$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_dvizh_arc)\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_spr ON (sk_{$this->sklad}{$this->sklad}_dvizh_arc.spr_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ddate >= '{$sdate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ddate <= '{$edate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sk_{$this->sklad}'{$rs[id]}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND type='1'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND numd<>'9999'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY sk_{$this->sklad}"; $res1 = sql::fetchAll($sql); foreach ($res1 as $rs1) { $prih += $rs1["prihod"]; } $sql = "SELECT SUM(quant) as prihod FROM ({$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_dvizh)\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_spr ON (sk_{$this->sklad}{$this->sklad}_dvizh.spr_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ddate >= '{$sdate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ddate <= '{$edate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sk_{$this->sklad}'{$rs[id]}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND type='0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND numd<>'9999'\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY sk_{$this->sklad}"; $rs1 = sql::fetchOne($sql); if (!empty($rs1)) { $rash += $rs1["prihod"]; } $sql = "SELECT SUM(quant) as prihod FROM ({$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_dvizh_arc)\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$this->db}sk_{$this->sklad}_spr ON (sk_{$this->sklad}{$this->sklad}_dvizh_arc.spr_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ddate >= '{$sdate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ddate <= '{$edate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sk_{$this->sklad}'{$rs[id]}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND type='0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND numd<>'9999'\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY sk_{$this->sklad}"; $res1 = sql::fetchAll($sql); foreach ($res1 as $rs1) { $rash += $rs1["prihod"]; } if ($prih != 0 || $rash != 0 || $rs["ost"] != 0) { $cols[nazv] = $rs[nazv]; $cols[prihod] = sprintf("%10.2f", $prih); $cols[rashod] = sprintf("%10.2f", $rash); $cols[ost] = sprintf("%10.2f", $rs["ost"]); $cols[edizm] = $rs[edizm]; $ret[] = $cols; } } return $ret; }
public function render($frame) { $props = $this->_properties; foreach ($this->_animators as $prop => $anims) { foreach ($anims as $anim) { // We aren't checking the framestart and frameend properties here $fi = $frame; $fe = 1000; $animator = $anim['animator']; $val = $animator->getValue($fi, $fe); console::write(" %s=%s ", $prop, $val); $props[$prop] = $val; } } $framedata = array('width' => $this->scene->width, 'height' => $this->scene->height, 'frame' => $frame); // TODO: Pass through blender return $this->_object->render($framedata, $props); }
function quote($args) { if (is_array($args)) { for ($n = 1; $n < count($args); $n++) { if (!is_numeric($args[$n]) || is_a($args[$n], 'sqlstr')) { console::debugEx(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, "Escaping value: %s", $args[$n]); $args[$n] = $this->conn->quote((string) $args[$n]); console::debugEx(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, " -> %s", $args[$n]); } } if (count($args) > 1) { $str = call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args); } else { $str = $args[0]; } } else { $str = $this->conn->quote($args); } return $str; }
protected static function getMessage() { $selfObj = console::getInstance(); $format = 'html'; if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || $selfObj->mode !== 'log') { $format = $selfObj->mode; } else { $response_arr = @headers_list(); if ($response_arr) { foreach ($response_arr as $header) { if (strpos($header, 'text/plain') !== false) { $format = 'plain'; } } } } $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $msg_head = $format === 'file' ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ', ' : ''; $msg_head .= 'File ' . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $backtrace[1]['file']) . ', ' . 'Line ' . $backtrace[1]['line']; switch ($format) { case 'console': case 'firebug': return $backtrace[1]['args']; break; case 'src': case 'plain': case 'file': $format_arr = array('open' => $format === 'src' ? "<!--\n" : '', 'close' => $format === 'src' ? "\n-->" : '', 'break' => "\n", 'sep' => str_repeat('-', strlen($msg_head)), 'highlight' => false); break; case 'html': $msg_head = 'File <span style="color:#669">' . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $backtrace[1]['file']) . '</span>, ' . 'Line <span style="color:#966">' . $backtrace[1]['line'] . '</span>'; $format_arr = array('open' => '<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; font: 16px \'courier new\'; border:10px solid #ccc;background:#eee;padding: 15px;position:relative"><button type=button onclick="\'none\'" style="position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; cursor:pointer" title="Close console">×</button>', 'close' => '</pre>', 'break' => '', 'sep' => '<hr style=\'border: 0;color: #ccc;background-color: #99c;height: 1px;width: 100%;\' />', 'highlight' => true); break; } $msg = $format_arr['break'] . $format_arr['open'] . $msg_head . $format_arr['break']; foreach ($backtrace[1]['args'] as $arg) { $msg .= $format_arr['sep'] . $format_arr['break'] . self::dumpAsString($arg, 15, $format_arr['highlight']) . $format_arr['break']; } $msg .= $format_arr['close']; return $msg; }
function threadmain() { // Read request block $buf = ""; while (true) { $rl = socket_read($this->sock, 4096, PHP_BINARY_READ); if (false == $rl) { socket_close($this->sock); return; } else { $buf = $buf . $rl; } if (strpos($buf, "\r\n\r\n")) { break; } else { console::writeLn('%s', $buf); } } $db = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buf); $data = $db[0]; // Put back the rest of the buffer for posts etc $buf = join('', array_slice($db, 1)); $request = new HttpRequest($data); // data $response = new HttpResponse(); // Pop the header off the buffer $status = call_user_func_array($this->handler, array(&$request, &$response)); if ($status == 0) { $status = 200; } $peer = ""; $port = 0; socket_getpeername($this->sock, $peer, $port); console::writeLn("%s %s:%d %d %s", $request->getMethod(), $peer, $port, $status, $request->getUri()); $response->writeHeaders($this->sock, 200); $response->writeContent($this->sock); socket_shutdown($this->sock, 2); usleep(50000); socket_close($this->sock); }
function __inspect_recurs($data, $head = '') { $maxlenk = 30; $maxlent = 8; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (strlen($k) > $maxlenk) { $maxlenk = strlen($k); } if (strlen(typeOf($v)) > $maxlent) { $maxlent = strlen(typeOf($v)); } } $maxlent += 2; $itemcount = count($data); $idx = 0; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $idx++; if (typeOf($v) == 'array' || typeOf($v) == 'stdClass') { $ttl = $head . $k . ' '; console::writeLn($ttl); $myend = '|_'; $nhead = $head; if ($idx++ > 0) { $nhead = substr($head, 0, strlen($head) - 1) . ' '; } self::__inspect_recurs($v, $nhead . $myend); } else { switch (typeOf($v)) { case 'boolean': $sv = $v ? 'true' : 'false'; break; default: $sv = '"' . $v . '"'; } console::writeLn('%s = %s', $head . sprintf('%s<%s>', $k, typeOf($v)), $sv); } } }
/** * @brief Check if the token used for authentication is valid * * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise. */ public function isTokenValid() { // only basic auth so far die("HAI!"); if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { if ($this->auth_backend->validateCredentials($this->username, $this->password)) { console::debugex(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, "Matched token valid for %s", $this->username); return true; } else { console::debugex(LOG_DEBUG2, __CLASS__, "Matched token not valid for %s", $this->username); } } header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $this->realm . '"'); if (php_sapi_name() == 'php-fcgi') { $header = 'Status:'; } else { $header = 'HTTP/1.0'; } header($header . ' 401 Unauthorized', true); // Removed by miniman (ticket #55) // Lepton::raiseError('HTTP 401: Unauthorized', 'You are not authorized to view this page. Please log in and try again.'); // throw new SecurityException('You are not authorized to view this page. Please log in and try again.'); // , SecurityException::ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED); echo '<h1>Not authorized.</h1>'; exit; }
function addgroup($group = null) { if (!$group) { console::fatal("You need to specify the group to add!"); exit(1); } }
function ppp($command = null) { $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); using('lepton.user.providers.ppp'); switch ($command) { case 'genkey': if (count($args) > 0) { $key = PppAuthentication::generateSequenceKeyFromString($args[0]); console::writeLn(__astr("Plaintext String: \\b{%s}"), $args[0]); } else { $key = PppAuthentication::generateRandomSequenceKey(); } console::writeLn(__astr("Generated key: \\b{%s}"), $key); break; case 'printcard': if (count($args) > 1) { $key = PppAuthentication::generateSequenceKeyFromString($args[1]); console::writeLn(__astr("Plaintext String: \\b{%s}"), $args[1]); } else { $key = PppAuthentication::generateRandomSequenceKey(); } console::writeLn(__astr("Generated key: \\b{%s}"), $key); if (count($args) > 0) { $card = intval($args[0]) - 1; } else { $card = 0; } PppAuthentication::printPasswordCard($key, 4, $card); break; case 'printcode': if (count($args) > 2) { $key = PppAuthentication::generateSequenceKeyFromString($args[2]); console::writeLn(__astr("Plaintext String: \\b{%s}"), $args[2]); console::writeLn(__astr("Generated key: \\b{%s}"), $key); } else { $key = PppAuthentication::generateRandomSequenceKey(); console::writeLn(__astr("Generated key: \\b{%s}"), $key); } if (count($args) > 1) { $card = $args[0]; $code = $args[1]; } else { $card = 0; $code = 1; } console::writeLn(PppAuthentication::getCode($key, $code, 4)); break; case 'getlotto': $key = PppAuthentication::generateRandomSequenceKey(); $code = rand(0, 65535); console::writeLn(PppAuthentication::getLotto($key, $code)); break; case 'tostring': if (count($args) > 0) { console::writeLn(PppAuthentication::cardIndexToString($args[0])); } else { console::writeLn("Not enough parameters."); } break; case '': console::writeLn(__astr("ppp \\b{printcard} [\\u{card} [\\u{key}]] -- Print a specific card (with specific key)")); console::writeLn(__astr("ppp \\b{printcode} [\\u{card} \\u{code} [\\u{key}]] -- Print code from card")); console::writeLn(__astr("ppp \\b{genkey} [\\u{string}] -- Generate key (from string)")); console::writeLn(__astr("ppp \\b{getlotto} -- return lotto numbers")); console::writeLn(__astr("ppp \\b{tostring} \\u{code} -- return string representation of code index")); break; default: console::writeLn("Bad command."); } }
public function __set($field, $value) { if (isset($this->_fields[$field])) { $this->_data[$field] = $value; console::debugEx(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, "Setting %s.%s to %s", $this->model, $field, $value); } else { throw new Exception("No such field in model"); } }
function __construct($filename) { $source = file_get_contents($filename); $tokens = token_get_all($source); $seg = array(); $special = null; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (!is_string($token)) { // var_dump($token); list($id, $text, $line) = $token; $tokname = token_name($id); // console::writeLn('%s: %s', $tokname, $text); switch ($tokname) { // Class flags case 'T_ABSTRACT': $seg['abstract'] = true; break; case 'T_FINAL': $seg['final'] = true; break; // Implements and Extends // Implements and Extends case 'T_IMPLEMENTS': $special = 'implements'; break; case 'T_EXTENDS': $special = 'extends'; break; // Object types // Object types case 'T_CLASS': $seg['type'] = 'class'; $special = 'class'; break; case 'T_FUNCTION': $seg['type'] = 'function'; $seg['args'] = array(); $special = 'function'; break; case 'T_INTERFACE': $seg['type'] = 'interface'; $special = 'interface'; break; case 'T_VAR': console::writeLn("VAR : %s", $text); break; case 'T_VARIABLE': //console::writeLn("VARIA: %s", $text); if ($special) { $seg['args'][] = $text; } break; case 'T_STRING': if ($special != null) { $seg[$special] = $text; } // console::writeLn("%s %s", $special, $text); if ($special != 'function') { $special = null; } break; case 'T_DOC_COMMENT': var_dump($seg); // console::writeLn("DOC : %s", $text); break; case 'T_DOUBLE_COLON': //console::writeLn('%s::', $lasttok); break; case 'T_OBJECT_OPERATOR': //console::writeLn('%s->', $lasttok); break; default: //console::writeLn("%s %s", $tokname, $text); } } else { if ($token == ')' && $special == 'function') { $special = null; } } } }
public function __construct($object) { console::writeLn("New object created: %s", typeOf($object)); }
public static function setARGV($argv) { self::$argv = $argv; }
$fileurl = self::$root_path . $filename; //Créé le fichier texte s'il n'existe pas encore et l'ouvre en mémoire $file = fopen($fileurl, "a+"); //Droits en écriture/lecture chmod($fileurl, 0777); //Ajoute le log dans le fichier fputs($file, $log . "\n"); //Ferme le fichier fclose($file); } } } //♪class console function check_args($function_name) { try { $args = new \ReflectionMethod("console", $function_name); $nb_args = $args->getNumberOfParameters(); $nb_args_need = $args->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(); //Package les données dans un tableau $ar_args = array($nb_args, $nb_args_need); return $ar_args; } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e; } } //♪check_args(1) $console = new console(); $console->Info("[[[Console - started]]]"); $console->Alert("[ ! ] Attention - La console <u>doit</u> être désactivée lors de requête Ajax."); $console->Alert("[ ! ] Attention - La console <u>doit</u> être désactivée lorsqu\\'il y a un appel à la fonction <u>header()</u> de PHP.");
echo 'console.log(v);'; } private static function scriptHead() { echo '<script language="javascript">'; } private static function scriptFoot() { echo '</script>'; } } //变量 $i = 'I am a string'; console::log($i); //数组 $arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); console::log($arr); //对象 $obj1 = array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3'); $obj2 = array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3'); $obj3 = array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3'); console::log($obj1); //对象数组 $objArr1 = array($obj1, $obj2, $obj3); $objArr2 = array(array($obj1), array($obj2), array($obj3)); // console::log($objArr1); console::log($objArr2); ?>
static function setErrorHandler($handler, $override = false) { if ($override == true || self::$__errorhandler == null) { self::$__errorhandler = $handler; console::debugEx(LOG_BASIC, __CLASS__, "Assigned error handler: %s", $handler); } else { console::debugEx(LOG_BASIC, __CLASS__, "Ignoring error handler: %s", $handler); } }
function add($name, $value = false, $options = array()) { $array = $this->fields[$name]; $errorsHtml = array(); $errorsText = array(); $errors = false; // возможно здесь следует провести проверку, и если значение установлено в реквесте — ставить всеже его if ($value) $array[value] = $value; if ($value) $array[src] = $value; if (count($this->errors)) { foreach ($this->errors as $error) { if ($this->getID($name) == $error[id]) { $errors = true; // если ID совпадают, то враппим в блок текст ошибки $errorsHtml[] = $error[html]; // для span $errorsText[] = $error[text]; // для title } } } $return = null; if (!is_array($array[options])) $array[options] = array(); $array[options] = array_merge($array[options], $options); if ($errors) { $array[options][html] .= " title='" . implode(", ", $errorsText) . "'"; } // для title switch ($array[type]) { case AJAXFORM_TYPE_CODE: $return = $this->code($array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_HIDDEN: $return = $this->hidden($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_TEXT: $return = $this->text($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_PASSWORD: $return = $this->password($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_TEXTAREA: $return = $this->textarea($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_BUTTON: $return = $this->button($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_SUBMIT: $return = $this->submit($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_RESET: $return = $this->reset($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_IMAGE: $return = $this->image($array[name], $array[src], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_CHECKBOX: $return = $this->checkbox($array[name], $array[label], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_CHECKBOXES: $return = $this->checkboxes($array[name], $array[values], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_RADIO: $return = $this->radio($array[name], $array[values], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_SELECT: $return = $this->select($array[name], $array[values], $array[value], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_FILE: $return = $this->file($array[name], $array[options]); break; case AJAXFORM_TYPE_DATE: $return = $this->date($array[name], $array[value], $array[options]); break; default: console::getInstance()->error("Поле «{$name}» не найдено в массиве или неверно задан тип ({$array[type]})."); } // если есть ошибки — выводим их под поле if ($errors) $return .= $this->errorHTML($name, implode($errorsHtml), true); return $return; }
function run() { $cases = Lunit::getCases(); $casedata = array(); // Enumerate the cases foreach ($cases as $case) { // Setup report structure $casereport = array(); // Reflect the class to find methods and metadata $r = new ReflectionClass($case); $ml = $r->getMethods(); $skip = false; $meta = LunitUtil::parseDoc($r->getDocComment()); if (!isset($meta['description'])) { $meta['description'] = $case; } $meta['casename'] = $case; if (isset($meta['extensions'])) { $extn = explode(' ', $meta['extensions']); foreach ($extn as $ext) { if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { $skip = true; $skipmsg = "Need extension: " . $ext; } } } $casereport['meta'] = $meta; // Callback if set if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onCaseBegin($case, $meta); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onCaseBegin($case, $meta); } try { if (!$skip) { $tc = new $case($this); } foreach ($ml as $method) { $methodname = $method->getName(); if ($method->isPublic() && substr($methodname, 0, 1) != '_') { $methodreport = array(); $tmeta = LunitUtil::parseDoc($method->getDocComment()); if (!isset($tmeta['description'])) { $tmeta['description'] = $methodname; } if (!isset($tmeta['repeat'])) { $tmeta['repeat'] = 1; } // Save meta to method report $methodreport['meta'] = $tmeta; // Times to repeat the test $repeat = intval($tmeta['repeat']); // Callback if set, then create timer if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onTestBegin($methodname, $tmeta); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestBegin($methodname, $meta); } $methodreport['skipped'] = false; $tavg = null; $tmax = null; $tmin = null; if (!$skip) { $tm = new Timer(); try { $telapsed = array(); $ttotal = 0; for ($n = 0; $n < $repeat; $n++) { $tm->start(); $tc->{$methodname}(); $tm->stop(); $telapsed[] = $tm->getElapsed() * 1000; $ttotal += $tm->getElapsed() * 1000; } $ttot = math::sum($telapsed); $tavg = math::average($telapsed); $tmin = math::min($telapsed); $tmax = math::max($telapsed); $tdev = math::deviation($telapsed); $methodreport['passed'] = true; $methodreport['message'] = null; if ($repeat > 1) { // console::write('%6.1fms <%6.1fms> %6.1fms ', $tmin, $tavg, $tmax); } else { // console::write('%6.1fms ', $tmax); } if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onTestEnd(true, null); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestEnd(true, null); } } catch (LunitAssertionFailure $f) { $tm->stop(); $methodreport['passed'] = false; $methodreport['message'] = $f->getMessage(); if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onTestEnd(false, $f->getMessage()); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestEnd(false, $f->getMessage()); } } catch (LunitAssertionSkip $f) { $tm->stop(); $methodreport['passed'] = false; $methodreport['skipped'] = true; $methodreport['message'] = 'Skipped'; if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onTestEnd(null, $f->getMessage()); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestEnd(null, $f->getMessage()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $tm->stop(); $methodreport['passed'] = false; $methodreport['message'] = $e->getMessage(); if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onTestEnd(false, $e->getMessage()); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestEnd(false, $f->getMessage()); } } } else { $methodreport['passed'] = false; $methodreport['skipped'] = true; $methodreport['message'] = $skipmsg; $this->statuscb->onTestEnd(null, $skipmsg); if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onTestEnd(null, $skipmsg); } } $methodreport['elapsed'][] = $tm->getElapsed(); $methodreport['average'] = $tavg; $methodreport['minmax'] = array($tmin, $tmax); // Save report $casereport['tests'][$methodname] = $methodreport; } } } catch (Exception $e) { console::writeLn("Skipped due to exception: %s", $e->getMessage()); } $casedata[$case] = $casereport; // Callback if set if ($this->statuscb) { $this->statuscb->onCaseEnd(); } if ($this->dblog) { $this->dblog->onCaseEnd($casereport); } } $this->results = $casedata; }
function compile() { $this->openDatabase(); foreach ($this->db as $key => $val) { if (string::like('lang:*', $key)) { $out = ''; $keyparts = explode(':', $key); $lang = $keyparts[1]; $out = sprintf("<?php\n// Do not edit! Automatically generated by 'lepton strings'\n\n"); $out .= sprintf("intl::registerLanguage('%s',array(\n", $lang); foreach ($val as $src => $str) { $out .= sprintf(" '%s' => '%s'", str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $src), str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $str)); if ($str != end($val)) { $out .= ','; } $out .= "\n"; } $out .= sprintf("));"); console::writeLn(__astr("\\g{Generated:} %s"), $lang); file_put_contents(base::appPath() . 'languages/' . $lang . '.php', $out); } } }
/** * @brief Run the application. Invoked by Lepton. * Will parse the arguments and make sure everything is in order. * */ function run() { global $argc, $argv; if (isset($this->arguments)) { if (is_string($this->arguments)) { $strargs = $this->arguments; $longargs = array(); } elseif (is_array($this->arguments)) { $strargs = ''; $longargs = array(); foreach ($this->arguments as $arg) { $strargs .= $arg[0]; // Scope is the : or :: $scope = substr($arg[0], 1); $longargs[] = $arg[1] . $scope; } } elseif (typeOf($this->arguments) == 'AppArgumentList') { $args = $this->arguments->getData(); $strargs = ''; $longargs = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { $strargs .= $arg[0]; // Scope is the : or :: $scope = substr($arg[0], 1); $longargs[] = $arg[1] . $scope; } } else { console::warn('Application->$arguments is set but format is not understood'); } list($args, $params) = $this->parseArguments($strargs, $longargs); foreach ($args as $arg => $val) { if (in_array($arg, $longargs)) { foreach ($args as $argsrc => $v) { if ($argsrc == $arg) { $args[$argsrc[0]] = $val; $olarg = $argsrc[0]; } } } else { foreach ($args as $argsrc => $v) { if ($argsrc == $arg) { $arg[$argsrc] = $val; $olarg = $argsrc[0]; // Do any matching we need here } } } } $this->_args = $args; $this->_params = $params; } if (isset($args['h'])) { if (method_exists($this, 'usage')) { $this->usage(); } return 1; } return $this->main($argc, $argv); }
/** * * * * */ public function alias() { $this->checkData(); console::writeLn("Generating geoalias table"); $db = new DatabaseConnection(); $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS geoalias'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE geoalias (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, geoid BIGINT, locname VARCHAR(64) CHARSET utf8, INDEX locname(locname(5))) CHARSET utf8'); $rows = $db->getRows("SELECT id,alternatenames FROM geonames WHERE alternatenames!=''"); console::write('%8d / %8d ', 0, count($rows)); foreach ($rows as $row) { $alt = explode(',', $row['alternatenames']); foreach ($alt as $altstr) { $db->insertRow("INSERT INTO geoalias (geoid,locname) VALUES (%d,%s)", $row['id'], $altstr); } $rc++; $rt++; if ($rt >= 100) { $rh++; if ($rh >= 50) { console::write("\n%8d / %8d ", $rc, count($rows)); $rh = 0; } else { console::write('.'); } $rt = 0; } } console::writeLn(' Done!'); }